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Seetion Pronerties for Ubean and Comnosito Beam and SInb Sections

Ror Meam Oak

Seclion Hi am Ab (m2) rb (m)lZbb (m9) lZb (m)llb (mJ
U1 800 0.466 03S5 0.094 0.067 0.030
D3 900 0.499 0.402 Q.103 0.084 0.041
DS 1000 0.532 0.449 0175 0.102 0.056
07 1100l0.565 0.497 0.147 0.121 0073
0. 1200 0.39% 0544 0.171 0.142 0.093
1300l0.631 0592 0.19S 0.1637 D.11S
U1O 400 0.664 0.641 0.221 0.185 0.142
Ull 1500 0.697 0.689 0248 0211 0.171
1600 0.130 0.733 0.236

Ror comporiletection Rorcamposlle rfelion

Slab Ihickness (mm) 200 Slab fhickness (mm) 180
Dlstance behucen bcams mm) 2000 Dislance beleen beams (mm)_ 2000
Seclion Ho mm)Ac (m2) ycm) (mo l zbe (m3)l Zic (m3) Secllon 1Hb (am)Ac (m2)lyc (m)
D1 10000.866 0.636 0.096 0.IS1 058S ⑦ %80 0.876 0588 0.089 0.420
U3 1100 0.899 0.663 OPE 0.183 0.526 U3 1080 0.859 0.61g O.TIS
Ds 1200• 0.9920.723 0.1S4 0.212 0.S67 DS
1180 ‘ 0.892 0.703 0.45 0205 0497
①7 1300 0.9651 0.788 0.190 0.241 0.610 U7 1250 O.9ns 0167 0S39
0. 1400 0.9% 0.847 0.221 0.73 0.654 0. 1380 0.958 0.824 0219 0269
D9 1S00 1.031 0.90S件 0.27) 0306 0.701 09 1480 0.991 0208
U10 1600 1.064 0.964 0.327 0339 0.750 010 1580 0.675
UIl 1700 1.097 0383 0.375 ).800 ui 1.057 0365
U12 800 1.130 0R50 012 1780 1.090 D1407

Ror comnorile tcellon Ror comporileas on

Slab thickness (mm) 200 Slab Jhlckncs (mm) 130
Dicance belween beams (am) 1800 Distaace behreen beans (mm) 1800
Section Hb (mm) Ac (m?) imlcie (md2bc (a3 2ic m3)l Section Hb (am)Ac (m2)yc(m) lc mgZbc (mg)Zic m3)
Ol 1000 0826 0.592 0.091 0.154 0.440 DT 980 0.790 0 S74 0.035 0.149 0379
⑦3 1100 0859 0.652 0.117/ 0.180 0474 D3 1080 0.823 0.633 0.110 0.174 0413
US 1200 0892 0712 0148 0.203+ 0S14 US 11800.855 0.591 0140 0.202 0453
U7 1300 097S 0.770 0.1% 0.237 1 0.SSS U7
1280 0.889 0.749.0.173 0.2310 0493
U 1400 098 0.823 0.2m2 0759 0.S98 U8 1380 0.922 0.806 0.2111 0261 OS3SE
U9 1S00 0.991 0.885 0266 0301 0.643 U9 14800.9351 0.8630.253 0.293 0$78
U10 1600 1.024 0.943 0315 0334 0.689 U10 1580 0.938 0.919 0299 0.326 0.623
DI1 1700 1.097 0.999 0369 03690.737 UI1 16801.o21 0.975 0351 0360 0.669
U12 S00 1.090 1.05S 0427 040S 0.785 1780 1054 1.030 0.407 0395 0.715

Eorcomposile zeclion Bor.composilecction

Slab thickness (mm) 200 Slab fhickness (mm) 180
Dlslance behucen beams (mm) 1750 Dislance befwcen beams (mm) 1750
Section I Hb (mm) Ac (n2) ye ca) ic (md 2be (m)l Zic (m3) Seclion Hb (mm) Ac (m2) y(m) Ie (m-ylZbe (m) Zie (m 3)
DT 1000 0.816 O.S89 0.090 0.154 0428 V1 980 0.781 0.571 0.035 0.148 0369
U3 1100 0.849 0.643 0.116 0.1790.462 U3 1030 0.814 0.629 0.109 0.173 0.403
US 1200 0$82 0.707 0.147 0.207 0.501 US 1180 0.847 0.687 0.138 0.201 0442
1300 0.915 0.766 0181 0.226 0542 1280 0880 0.745 0.171 0220
1400 2.948 0.823 020 0.267 0S8A 380 0.9)3 0.80】 0.208 0.760
U9 1500 0.%1 0.830 0264 0300 0.678 U9 1480 0.946 0.853 0.250 0.292 0.565
010 600 1014 0.987 0312 0333 0.674 01o 1580 0.979 0.914 02%6 0324 0.610
0nE 1700 1047 0.9$3 036S 0368 0.721 o1 1680 1.012 0.969 0.348 0359 0.65S
U12 1800 1.080 1.019 0423 0A03 0.768 U12 1780 1.04S 1.024 0.403 0.394 0.701

Bor.comnorlle srcllon Bor camporile sec(lon

Slab Jhickneis (oum) 200 Slab thickaes (mm) 180
Distance Bclwcen beams (mm) 1600 Distance beheeen beams (oim) 1600
Secllon Hb (mum) Ac (m?) yc (m) :(mgZe (ns) Ze (m3) Section Hb (mm) Ac (m2) yc (m) I (md Zbe (m3) Zle (m3)
UI 1000 0,786 0.S77 0.087 0.$1 0391 UI 980 0754 0.559 0.032 0.146 0339
3 1100 0819 0.635 0.112 0.177 0A24 Ua 1030 0.787 0.617 0.10s 0.171 0.372
US 200 08$2 0.693 0.142 0.205 0462 TS 1180 0.820 0.614 0134 0.193 0410
07 1300 0885 0.751 0.175 0.733 0.507 U7 1280 08S2 0.731 2.16S 0.226 0448
1400 0.915 0.80) 0.213 1380 0257
U9 1500 0.951 0,864 095 0535 1480 0.919 0.842 0.242 08 0529
U10 coo 0,984 0.920 0302 0373 0630 U1O 1580 0.952 D8% 0.287 0≤70 0.572
Un 1700 1.017 096 03¾ *0363 0.67S u! 1680 0.985 0.952 0337 0354 0.61S
U12 1.050 .031 0.410 03% ①12 0391 0.6S9

Borsomporlerection Bor comperilexedlion

Slab thickness (mm) 200 Slab thickness (mm) 180
Distance belwcen beamis mum) 1500 Distance befeen beoms (mm) IS00
Seclion Hb (mm) Ac (m2) yGm) Ic (mdl Zbc (a yZic (m3 Sedtion Hb (mm) (n2)xsm) c (m l Zbe (my Zc (ms)
UI 1000 0.766 0.568 0.085 0.150 0.367 980 0.736 0SS1 Q.030 0.144 0.320
⑦3 -100 0.799 0.626 0.109 0.17S 0.A00 D3 1080l 0.769 0.608 0.103 0.169 0352
DS 1200 0.832 0.634 0.138 0.202 0.437 US 1180 0.802 0.633 0.130 0.196 0389
•U7 1300 0.865 0.741件 0.171 0.231 0.476 D7 1280 083S 0.721 D.162 0274 0.426
U8 400 0.898 0796 0.208 0.251 0.S15 U8 1380 0.868 0716 0.197 0254 046ST
U9 1500 0.931 0.852 0219 0.292 0597 U9 1480l 0.901 0.831 0.237 0.28S 0S0S
U1o 1600 0.964 0.903 0.795 0325 0600 U10 1580 0.934 0.886 0781 0317呎 0$46
UII 1700 0.997 0.963 0346 0359 0644 UI1 1680 0.967 0.940 0330 0350 0.589
U12 1800 1.030 1.018 0AOI 0394 0688 D12 1780 1.000 0.995 0382 0384 0.632

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