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High fidelity Ep.

1 Vocabulary eng/rus
To be on the other side of the rock - to be in expired or unhappy relationship.
A dick move - any action that requires an outstanding amount of courage and
remarkable lack of forethought. дерзкий ход.
Bonkers - crazy.
To go bonkers - to go crazy.
To black out - потерять сознание.
To give somebody a ride - to drive, to take, to give somebody a lift.
To ditch - to leave behind without warning.
In retrospect - оглядываясь назад.
To opt out of - to leave or to quit doing something or to commit suicide.
Cocky - someone who thinks they're better than everyone and always talk shit.
To be out of somebody's depth - to be in a situation that is much too difficult for them to
be able to cope with it.
To tow - буксировать.
Tow truck - эвакуатор.
To act as a dick - to act like a self-centered narcissist whose only can concern is himself
and what he/she wants.
To mess up - to make a mistake. Облажаться.

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