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Lo 3 Regents Park De NSW 2143 gn AE Reference: Australian Government Deprientetifamen Servet Pad 27 May 2014 ‘This Income Satement shows iefoation we hol svt you on you Cenelkrecrd you {ace fo show hs nicmalin a anyone ese for any reson, you cen choose fo she al ho ‘termaton orf bok cre normoton ou, Income Statement 208 28.4 1969 Customer Partnered Y Maxima ReleDisabty Support Pension Y Number Caden Assosced ° Provioue regula enftements and payments Payment Type ‘Amount _DatePakd ate of Grant Disabil Suppor Pansion 357740 16.fay 2014 7 yo'z008, Goan Energy Supple! $1050 76itay 2014 72008 Perslon Supplemere $8780 T6:kay 2074 792008 Previous irregular payments “There are no previous iegular payment report one fom your payment Payment Typ0 Deduction Amount Disabiy Stppor Penson Cerrepay Deductions $40.00 10 May 2014 Continued on the back (eed tyne ay quedo tt is teres eg Yor tc ante ex 492747 on a 18-1202 orutins Series Monday —Fity 880m — 5.099 one Hu (Pe qotererree rer Monday Fey 08m — apm - vm cetetnk gov. au Bo Not Post Test Run Continued fom previous page ture regular enitements and payments Payment Type ‘Amount Datetobe pald Date of Grant Cisaty Suppor Pasion $9740 30 May 2016 7 Ju 2008 ‘lean Energy Supplement ‘$1050 30/oy 2014 72008 Pension Supplement 4740 S0May 2044 72000 ature regular payments Paymant Type Amount Dateto be pal ‘Aurore Diaby SuppetPendion $10263 2942014 ‘Deals of your income [Not including Centrelink payments) Income Type ‘Amount Frequency Dale of Elect Financial vesiment Income ‘5200 Annual "a Now 2048 Details of your Assets Asset Type Value Date of East (CanvinvesimenstSavrgs ‘380.00 3Aug2012 Household and Persoral ects 375000) Aug 2007 olor Veh, Boa ne Caravan 5000.00 3Aug2012 ‘any ofthe above dtals ae incorrect plese contact ue se s00n as possible Your reference numbers

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