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Ch#7: Jahangir and Shah Jahan

• 1605-27 Jahangir's rule

• 1605 Akbar dies and Jahangir ascends to the throne
• 1611 Jahangir marries Nur Jahan
• 1615 Ambassador of King James came to get trade sanctions
• 1622 Health decline of Jahangir
• 1627 Jahangir’s death
• 1627-1658 Shah Jahan's rule
• 1630 Khan Jahan Lodhi revolts and dies
• 1631 Mumtaz Mahal's death
• 1636 Shah Jahan conquered Ahmednagar, Golconda and Bijapur
• 1653-1657 Aurangzeb introduced many reforms in the Deccan
• 1653 Shah Jahan's attempts to reconquer Kandahar failed
• 1658 War of Succession
• 1658-66 Shah Jahan was imprisoned in Agra Fort
• 1659 Aurangzeb ascended to the throne
• 1666 Shah Jahan’s death
• 1739 Nadir Shah took away the Peacock throne

Ch#8: Aurangzeb

• 1658-1707 Aurangzeb’s rule

• 1679 Jizya was re-imposed on Hindus
• 1668 Charles 2 got the island of Bombay
• 1688 British vacated their factories in subcontinent
• 1690 British returned to subcontinent
• 1691 Job Charnock laid foundations of Fort William
• 1682-1707 Deccan Wars
• 1686 Aurangzeb conquered Bijapur
• 1687 Aurangzeb conquered Golconda
• 1659 Ruler of Bijapur conflicts with Shivaji
• 1666 Shivaji escapes prison
• 1680 Death of Shivaji
• 1687 Aurangzeb fought with the Marathas
• 1707 Aurangzeb’s death

Ch#9: Decline of the Mughal Empire

• 1707- War of Succession 2

• 1707-1712 Bahadur Shah 1’s rule
• 1708 Guru Govind’s death; Banda Bahadur declared as Sikh leader
• 1712 War of Succession 3
• 1712-1713 Jahandar’s rule
• 1713-19 Farrukhsiyar’s rule
• 1715 Banda Bahadur’s death
• 1719 Farrukhsiyar’s death
• 1719-48 Muhammad Shah’s rule
• 1722 Nizam-ul-mulk came to Delhi
• 1724 Deccan ruled by Nizam-ul-mulk
• 1739 Nadir Shah invaded Delhi
• 1748 Ahmed Durrani’s invasion
• 1748-54 Ahmad Shah’s rule
• 1759-1806 Shah Alam 2’s rule
• 1757 British took over Bengal
• 1758 Marathas took over Lahore
• 1757 Ahmad Durrani’s third invasion
• 1761 Third Battle of Panipat
• 1794 Madhu Rao captured Delhi
• 1806-37 Akbar Shah II’s rule
• 1837-57 Bahadur Shah II’s rule
• 1803 British captured Delhi
• 1862 Bahadur Shah II’s death

Ch#10: Legacy of the Mughals

• 1835 English replaced Persian

• 1674 Badshahi Masjid was built

Ch#11: Muslim Revival in 18th and 19th Centuries

• 1564-1624 Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani

• 1703-62 Shah Waliullah
• 1786-1831 Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareilvi
• 1781-1840 Haji Sahriatullah

Ch#12: Industrial Revolution

• 1825- First Railway line was laid

Ch#13: A New Power Emerges- Europeans in South Asia

• 1756 Siraj up Daula attacked the British

• 1764 Battle of Buxar
• 1762-99 Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan
• 1780 Arcot was captured by Haidar Ali
• 1782 Haidar Ali’s death
• 1789 British, Nizam and Marathas attacked Tipu Sultan
• 1799 Tipu Sultan’s death
• 1798-1805 Marquis of Wellesley
• 1848-56 Lord Dalhousie
• 1843 Sindh was captured by British
• 1849 Punjab was captured by British
• 1857 War of Independence

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