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Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietiganli.

cont su'ii tnm oâ tieii sogn

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+ Trich : THPT Ngñ Gia Tq - Vinh Phuc

According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may be recognized as
the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer
leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more
persons may gradually (l} as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In
larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.

(2J of the common belief that leaders are people with unusual personal ability, decades of
research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders”. It
seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have (3) common; rather,
virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of
that particular group.

Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research
suggests that there are (4J two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals.
Instrumental leadership emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look
to instrumental leaders to “get things done”. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership
l5J emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group’s members.

Question 1: A. happen B. show C. emerge D. occur

Question 2: A. Whereas B. Although C. In spite D. Despite

Question 3: A. on B. in D. at

Question 4: A. typically B. typified C. types D. typical

Question 5: A. which B. who C. what D. those

+ Tiich : THPT Oong Oau — Vinh Phuc

Never say anything negafive about past experiences, employers, or courses or professors. Always
think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (6) .
If you are genuinely interested (7) the job, let the interviewer know that.

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TIiicliTi‹’iigAnhf Thai i dia ///1011/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//« .faceboo»flgra/U S/E›/zlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
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fan yage: littvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTienqAiili -P/

One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the
organization prior to the interview. You can also (8) interest by asking questions about the job,
the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask
questions that build your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (9) close
attention to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful
comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (10) of the
interview, it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear from the employer.

Question 6: A. enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthusiastically D. enthusiasm

Question 7: A. on B. for C. in D. with

Question 8: A. cover B. appear C. show D. conceal

Question 9: A. choose B. spend C. pay D. make

Question 10: A. finish B. final C. end D. close

+ Trich : THPT Xuin Hfia — Vinh Phuc

Someone once has said that there are three kinds of people who are interested in sport: People who
(11) part, people who watch, and people who watch (12) television. It’s very easy to
make fun of stay-at-home sports fans but on the other hand, television does enable us to enjoy all
kinds of (13) events. We can watch a racing car overtake another, see a cyclist cross the
finishing line, or enjoy the goals of ourfavorite football (14) The first time I watched a tenrñs
match Was on television, and I found it unexpectedly interesting. It’s notalways easy to travel long
distance to football grounds and television is a good solution. Of course, you can (15) used to
sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous. We should all try to keep fit, and have other
interests and pastimes

Question 11: A. have B. make C. take D. get

Question 12: A. with B. on C. by D. from

Question 13: A. future B. the C. athlete D. sports

Question 14: A. group B. band C. class D. team

Question 15: A. or B. is C. which D. get

+ Trich : THPT Yen Lac 2 — Vinh Phuc

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Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl
oupshfiioin TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: htt ps.//«
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Researchers in communication show that more feelings and intentions are (16) and received
nonverbally than verbally. Mehrabian and Wienerfollowing have stated that only 7% of message is
sent through words, with remaining 93% sent nonverbal (17)

Humans use nonverbal communication because:

1. Words have limitations: There are (18) areas where nonverbal communication is more
(19) than verbal, especially when we explain the shape, directions, personalities which are
expressed nonverbally.

2. Nonverbal signal are powerful: Nonverbal cues primarily express inner feelings while verbal
messages deal basically with outside world.

3. Nonverbal message are likely to be more genuine: because nonverbal behaviors cannot be
controlled as easily as spoken words.

4. Nonverbal signals can express feelings inappropriate to state: Social etiquette limits what can
be Sald, but nonverbal cues can communicate

5. A separate communication channel is necessary to (20) send complex messages: A

speaker can add enormously to the complexity of the verbal message through simple nonverbal

Question 16: A. thrown B. mailed C. posted D. sent

Question 17: A. postures B. expressions C. thought D. gestures

Question 18: A. numerous B. sum C. amount D. great deal

Question 19: A. effectiveness B. effect C. effectively D. effective

Question 20: A. get B.make C. have D. help

+ Tiich : THPT Yen Ldc 1 — Vinh Phuc

In European and North American cultures, body language behaviors can be divided into 2 groups:
open or closed and forward or backward.

Open/closed postures are the easiest to (21) . People are open to messages when they show
open hands, face you fully, and have both feet on the ground. This indicates that they are
(22) to listen to what you are saying, even if they are disagreeing with you. When people
ale closed to messages, they have their arms folded or their legs crossed, and they may turn their
bodies away. This body language usually means that people are rejecting your mesSage.

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oupshfiioin TIiicliTi‹’iigAnhf Thai i dia ///1011/ hoc Titnd Aims: htt ps.//«
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Forward or backward behavior reveals an active or a passive (23) to what is being said. lf
people lean forward with their bodies toward you, they are actively engaged in your message. They
may be accepting or rejecfing it, buttheir minds are on (24) you are saying. On the other
hand, if people lean back in their chairs or look away from you, or perform activities such as drawing
or cleaning their eyeglasses, you know that they are either passively taking in your message or that
they are ignoring it. In (25) case, they are not very much engaged in the conversafion.

Question 21: A indicate B: D:fC'CO ñC'


Question 22: A likely B: reluctant C: able D: willing

Question 23: A reaction B:opinion C: behavior D: knowledge

Question 24: A who B: what C: that D: things

Question 25: A other B: both C: either D: another

+ Trich : THPT Quâng Xuong — Thanh Hoa

Children (26) this and other Finnish public schools are given not only basic subject instruction
in math, language and science, but learning-through-play-based preschools and kindergartens,
training in second languages, arts, crafts, music, physical education, ethics, and, amazingly, as many
as four outdoor free-play breaks per day, each (27) 15 minutes between classes, no matter
how cold or wet the weather is. Educators and parents here believe that these breaks are a powerful
engine of learning that improves almost all the “metrics” that (28) most for children in
— executive function, concentration and cognitive focus, behaVior, will-being, attendance, physical
health, and yes, test scores, too.

The homework load for children in Finland varies by teacher, but is lighter overall than most other
developed countries. This insight is supported by research, (29) has found little academic
benefit in childhood for any (30) than brief sessions of homework until around high school.

Question 26: A. for B. at /. On Din

Question 27: A. spending B. taking C. lasting D. continuing
Question 28: A. mean B. relate C. D. happen
Question 29: A. what B. who D. which
C. that
Question 30: A. more B. sooner D. rather
C. other
+ Trich : THPT Quo Hip 1 — Nghe An

Website lion Tieii Atill iniei1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ti

Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietiganli.cont su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn fanyage: li Itvs://nuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTieiiqAiili
Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnhf Thai i dia ///1011/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//« .faceboo»flgra/U S/E›/zlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
Thicli Tiéiig Aiili — tliiclitietiganlncoin su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn Fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.

Any change in one part of an ecosystem can cause changes in other parts. DroughtS, storms and fires
can change ecosystems. Some changes 31 ecosystems. If there is too little rainfall, plants will
not have enough water to live. If a kind of plant dies off, the animals 32 feed on it may also die
or move away. Some changes are good for ecosystems. Some pine forests need fires for the pine trees
to reproduce. The seeds are sealed inside pinecones. Heat from a forest fire melts the seal and lets the
seeds 33 . Polluting the air, soil, and water can harm ecosystems. Building dams on rivers for
electric power and irrigation can harm ecosystems 34 the rivers. Bulldozing wetlands and
cutting down forests destroy ecosystems. Ecologists are working with companies and governments to
find better ways of 35 fish, cutting down trees, and building dams. They are looking for ways
to get food, lumber, and other products for people without causing harm to ecosystems.

Question 31: A harms B: harmful C: harmless D: harm

Question 32: A who B: where C: that D:when

Question 33: A out B: in C: go D: fly

Question 34: A on B: around C: over D: under

Question 35: A Catching B: holding C: carrying D: taking

+ Trich : THPT Ba Dinh - Ha Noi

Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and parting. Using both hands shows respect as
does a (36) bow of the head. In rural areas, elderly people who do not extend their hand are
greeted with a slight bow. Women are more likely to bow the head than to shake hands. Vietnamese
names begin with the family name and are (37) by a given name. People address one another
by their given names, but add a title that indicates their perceived relationship to the other person.
These titles are family related rather than professional. Among colleagues, for example, the
younger of the two might combine the given name with the title of “Anh” (Older Brother). A/n (38)

greeting combined with the given name and title is “Xin chao” (Hello). Classifiers for gender and
familiarity are also combined with the greeting. In formal meetings, business cards are sometimes
exchanged on greefing.
Vietnamese have a strong (39) of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they cannot show their
guests full respect by preparing for their arrival. Therefore, it is (40) to visit someone without
having been invited. Gifts are not required, but are appreciated. Flowers, incense, or tea may be
appropriate gifts for the hosts. Hosts also appreciate a small gift for their children or elderly parents

Question 36: A. light B. slight C. lightly D. lighted

Website lion Tieii Atill miei1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.cotii

Tlium Liu nhotn ‹IN nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia /t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims:
Thicli Tiéiig Aiili — tliiclitietiganlncoin su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn Fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.

Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietiganli.coin su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.

Question 37: A. continued B. chased C. followed D. forwarded

Question 38: A. easy B. basic C. fundamental D. elementary

Question 39: A. sense B. sensitivity C. sensation D. sensibility

Question 40: A. inactive B. inaccurate C. inappropriate D. inexact

+ Trich : THPT Thoai Ngoc Hfiu — An Giang

Parents and teachers are always making (41) between the time when they were children and
the present generation . They say everything was better than it is today, especially in education. (42)
, they say they used to work much harder in school, and that nowadays, we aren't very
interested. I disagree, because we spend hours every day doing homework after our lessons or (43)
for exammination. I wonder (44) our parents really had to study so much after
school every day. In my opinion, it is no exaggeration to say we have forgotten how to play. I think
one reason why kids (45) in class is because they need to get rid of stress.

Question 41: A. comparison B. comparative C. compare D. comparatively

Question 42: A. As a result B. Therefore C. For example D. Nevertheless

Question 43: A. relearning B. revising C. resitting D. redoing

Question 44: A. why B. if C. that D. what

Question 45: A. misunderstand B. misdirect C. miscarry D. misbehave

+ Tiich : THPT Quñc Oai — Ha Noi

Everyone needs a home where they feel sheltered and safe. Today we live in modern flats and
houses, (46) have air-conditioning to keep us cool, and heating to keep us warm. There
is electricity for lighting and supplies of gas or oil for the heating. Hot and cold water (47)
from the taps and dirty water disappears (48) the drains. Many of our
homes have balconies or gardens. In the past, people made their homes from materials that they found
nearby. When we look at different houses we can tell how old they are from the materials used and
the way they were built. It was different long (49) people did not have water in their
homes and there were no electric lights. To keep warm, they sometimes made (50) inside
their homes. With a fire started they could cook their food and heat water

Question 46: A. where B. which C. D. who

whose Question 47: A. floats B. find C. flies D.ROWS
Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietiganli.coin su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.

Question 48: A. up B. C. down D.on

Question 49: A. ago C. back
B. then D. fires
Question 50: A. flames C. furnaces
B. food
+ Tiich : THPT Nong Cong 1 — Thanh Hoa


Kindergarten is a fun place (51) young children learn. In some special kindergartens,
children learn outside most of the day!
Some kindergartens are (52) the forest. In these ”forest kindergartens," children play freely.
They're outside in all kinds of weather. At forest kindergartens, children learn by climbing trees and
picking fruit. They also learn about and (53) animals. For example, they collect chicken
eggs and feed baby mice.
Little Flower Kindergarten is in Dong Nai, Vietnam. At this school, children learn about farming.
They also learn that it is important (54) healthy food. They grow vegetables in gardens - on
the roof! They eat the vegetables they grow in their lunches.
At Fuji Kindergarten in Tokyo, Japan, trees grow inside the building! The classroom windows
and sliding doors (55) open to the outside most of the year. The roof is a big, wooden circle.
Children love to play and run on it.

tsource: Discorer/es magazine April 2016)

Question 51: A. B.when C. where D. which

why Question 52: B.m C. on D. by
A. at
Question 53: A. take care of B. take C. take on D. take after

Question 54: A. to eat B. eating C. D. eaten

Question 55: A. make B. stay D. be
+ Trich : THPT Tfin Trao — Tuyén Quang

We can communicate not only through words (56) through body language. Body language
includes our posture, facial expressions, and gestures. Because body language is so important, you’ll
want (57) what yours is saying and how to interpret other people’s, too. Here are some
examples of body language and its meaning. If your posture is slumped and your head is down, this
could mean that you are sad or you lack (58) . If your posture is straight but relaxed, you are
expressing confidence and friendliness. A smile is a sign of friendliness and interest. But people
Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietiganli.coin su'ii tnm oâ tieii
sogn fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.

sometimes smile just to be polite. Friendliness and interest are expressed when a person’s eyes meet
yours and then look away and meet yours again. A person (59) doesn’t look away is
expressing a challenge. Hand gestures can mean a person is (60) in the conversation.

Question 56: A. but also B. and also C. but so D. and so

Question 57: A. know B.knowing C. to knowing D. to know

Question 58: A. confidence B. confide C. confiding D. confident

Question 59: A. whom B. who C. whose D. which

Question 60: A. interest B. interested C. interestingly D. interesting

+ Trich : THPT Tir Ki — Hai Dirong

The Internet has truly transformed how students do their homework. (61) homework today still
means spending time in the library, it’s for a different reason. Rather than using books for research,
students today are (62) to the Internet to download enormous amounts of data available
online. In the past, students were limited to their school’s (63) of books. In many cases,
they got to the school library and found out that someone had already taken the books they needed.
Nowadays, such inconvenience can be avoided since the Internet never runs out of information.
Students, however, do have to (64) sure that the information they find online is true. Teachers
have also benefited from the homework which is done on the Internet. They do not need to carry
students' papers around with them any more. This is because online (65) allow students to
electronically upload their homework for their teachers to read and TI1a£k. Of course, this also means
that students can no longer use the excuse that the dog ate their homework!

Question 61: A. For B. But C. While D. Because

Question 62: A. connecting B. looking C. searching D. linking

Question 63: A. select B. selection C. selectlVe D.

Question 64: A. do B. make C. get Dcome
Question 65: A. systems B. materials C. sources D. structures

+ Trich : THPT Loc Phat — Lâm Dong

School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of tests we take. They find out (66) much
knowledge we have gained. But do they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isn’t it a fact
that some people who are very successful academically don't have any common sense?
Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin sum tnm râ tieii

Intelligence is the speed at which we can understand and react to new situations and it is usually
tested by logic puzzles. (67) scientists are now preparing advanced computer technology that
will be able to “read” our brains, for the present tests are still the most popular ways of measuring

A person’s IQ is his intelligence (68) it is measured by a special test. The most common IQ tests
are run by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in 1946. By 1976 it had 1,300 members
in Britain. Today there are 44,000 in Britain and 100,000 worldwide, (69) in the US.

People taking the tests are judged in relation to an average score of 100, and those (70) score
over 148 are entitled to join Mensa. This works out at 2% of the population.

Question 66: A. what B. how C. which D. why

Question 67: A. Although B. Until C. Despite D. Because

Question 68: A. how B. as C. that D. SO

Question 69: A. enormously B. highly C. considerably D. mainly

Question 70: A. which B.whom C. why D.who


1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10.C
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.D 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.D
21.D 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.C 29.D 30.A
31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.C
41.A 42.C 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.D
51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.B 56.A 57.D 58.A 59.B 60.B
61.A 62.A 63.B 64.B 65.A 66.B 67.A 68.B 69.C 70.D

Website lion Tieiiy Atill tnien plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.cotii

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Q1: Dap ân C

A. happen: xay ra

B. show: tfi ra

C. emerge: nñi bat lén

D. occur: xay dén

Dich nghia: Trong cac tritfig hop khac, chñng han nhu trong cac nhom ban, mot hoñc nhieu ngitñi co thé dfin
dan nñi bat lén nhit nhiirig ngtrñi lânh dao, mac du khñng co qua trinh lcra chon chinh thirc.

Q2: Dap an C

A. Whereas: trong khi.

B. Although: mac du. San “although” cling la mot mérih dé

D. Despite: bat chap, mac du. San “in spite of” vñ “despite” la danh tii hoac cum danh tit

Chi co “in spite” di voi “of” nén d3p ân C ding.

In spite of = Despite: bfit chap, mac du. Di sau “in spite of” va “despite” lñ danh M, cum danh M hoac danh
dong fi.

Oi sau “whereas” vñ “although” la mot menh de. => Dap an A vñ B sai Dich nghia: Mac du lñnh dao thuñrig
duoc cho la nhiing nguñi co kha nâng dac biet, cac nghién cpu trong nhieu thap ky qua dñ khñng tim ra dttoc
bñng chimg phti hop chug minh rang liéu co hay khfing cac “nhñ lñnh dao thién barn”.

Q3: Dap an B

A. on: trén

C. by: bñng

D. at: tai

Cum “in common” nghia la “giñng nhau”

Dich nghia: Co ve nhu khfing co mfit hé thfing phfim chfit ca nhan ma tfit ca cac nhñ lñnh dao déu co.

Q4: Oap an A

A. typically (adv): blah thirérng, dien hinh

Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm oâ tieii sogn
fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTieiiqAiili -P/

B. typified (v): lam mfiu cho

C. types (n): loai

D. typical (adj): dién hinh

Dich nghia: Hon nña, mac du ngirñi ta tin râng cac whom xñ hoi chi co mfit nha lñnh dao dtiy riliat, nghien
ct cho thay co hai val tro lñnh dao dién hinh khac nhau ditoc nñm giir bdi cac ca nhfin khac nhau.

Q5: Oap an A

CJ dfiy ta cân mot dai tñ' quan hé thay thé’ cho danh tit “ leadership” dñ dooc khac dénñ truoc => Chon dap an
A. which

Q6: Oap an B

B.enthusiastic(adj): rihiet tinh. Do vi tri nay cân 1 tinh to“ (sau tobe)

Cac dap ân con lai:

A. enthusiast (n): ngtroi nhiet tinh

C. enthusiastically (adv): mang tinh rihiet tinh

D. enthusiasm (n): nhiet tinh, h3ng hâi

Q7: Oap an C

tobe interested in smt: co hug thu voi

Q8: Dap ân C

show interest: thé hién sq quan tñm ,hiirtg thu

Q9: Oap an C

pay attenhon to smt: chu y tñi cai gi

Q10: Dap ân C

At the end of smt: Cuñi bring, kéi thuc cua cai gi

Ql1: Oap an C

take part (in smt): tham gia

Q12: Dap ân B

on television: trén TV, vfi

tuyén Ql3: Oap an D

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//«»flgra/U S/EnzlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tieii soon
fan yage: littvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTienqAiili -P/

sports events: cac sq kién thé thao

Ql4: Oap an D

football team: dfii

bong Q15: Dap ân D

get used to doing smt: tap quen voi dieu gi o hién tai

Q16: Oap an D

posted: dtroc thñng bao,

mailed: dtroc gist qua bini dién,

thrown: duoc ném.

Chi co dap an D phu hop vñi nghia cua cfiu

Dich: Cac nha nghién vé giao tiép cho thay râng cam xuc va y dinh ditoc vñ nhân mot cach phi
ngfin ngñ nhiéu hon thfing qua ngfin ngu.

Q17: Dap ân B

posture: ttr thé, dâng dieu.

expression: sit blkU dat,

thought: suy nghi,

gesture: diéu bo ,cit chi,

Chi co dap an B phu hop vñi nghia ciia can.

Dtch: Mehrabian vñ Wienerfollowing dñ chi ra rang chi co 7% cua thfing diep duoc giri thfing qua tir ngñ,
con lai 93*ñ diroc qtia nhirng biéu hien phi ngfin ngir.

Ql8: Oap an A

sum: tñng sfi— loai vi khfing phti hop voi nghia eta cfiu;

great deal va amount + of + N—rloai.

Vay chung ta chon dap ân A numerous(adj):rihieu, dong d5o

Ql9: Oap an D

ta can chpn mot tinh M sau dong tir tobe (is)

Thich Tié“ng Anh — stun tâm uâ bién
soon T-anpage: https:lfwww.

effectiveness (n): sq hieu qua

effect (n) sq ânh hiring

effectively (adv): hieu qua

effective (adj): hieu qua

Dich: Ter ngñ co nhiing gidi han: co rat nhieu not ma giao tiép phi ngfin ngñ hieu qua hon giao tiep bing ngfin

Q20: Oap ân D

get: nhau

make: tao ra

have: co

help: giup dñ

chi co help (giup dñ) la phir hpp vñi nghia eta cau, do do chñng ta chpn dap ân D

Dich: Mot kénh giao tiep riéng biet la cân thiet dé giup grit di nhimg thfing diep phuc tap: mot nguoi dién
thuyet co the thém rat nhiiu su phñ'c tap eta thong diep bong lcu noi thong qua nhimg tin hieu phi ngon ngii

Q21: Oap ân D

Indicate: ngii y

Refer: nhñc den

Recognize: nhân ra

Dqa vao nghia ta ch9n duos recognize: car chi dong/mo la dé nhan ra nhat.

Q22: Oap ân B

Likely: co kha

nâng Reluctant:

lir0ng lii Able: co

thé Willing: san


lVehsife hoc Tié’ng Ash mién phi: Tham gia nhom dé’nhân thém tâi liéu: htt
’acebook.cotl s/ahom77ttchTten
77tam gia nhom hoc Tieng Anh:
Thicli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien soon
fan yage: littvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTienqAiili -P/

Dqa vao nghia ta chon dtroc willing: Nhñng dieu nay cho biet ho san long log nghe nhFmg gi ban noi, du ho
co khfing dong y voi

Q23: Dap ân A

Reaction to: phan kg vñi diéu gi

Opinion about: y kién vé vfin dé gi

Behavior: hanh vi

Knowledge: kién thitc

Dqa vao nghia ta chon dtroc reaction: Viec tien hay lui cho thfiy phân kg chu dfing hay bi dfing dñi voi
nhirng gi duoc noi ra.

Q24: Dap ân B

What you are saying: nh rug dieu ban dang noi

Oiiy khfing phñi menh dé quan he nén khfing dung who, that; ma ban chat no la cum danh tñ voi tir dé hoi

Other: khac

Both: ca hat

Either: mot trong hai

Another: mfit cai


Ta dua theo nghia cua cac can phia triroc dé chon dap ân, vñ mm y “case”ñ sñ it nén khfing thé dung “both”,
du nghia cua ftr“ “both” wring phu hop dé dién vao. Mat khac, néu ngtrñi ta dua ve phia sau ghé’hoac khong
rihin vé phia ban, hoac thuc hien rihirng hanh dfing nlltr la vé hoac lau kinh, ban biét râng ho dang bi dfing
nhân lay nhirng lii noi cua ban hoac phot lñ ban. Trong mot trong hai trtrñng hip do, ho déu khfing tham gia
liim vao cufic lioi thoai.

Q26: Dap an B

At school: d tru rig

Trén thyc té, diing in hay at school déu ditoc.

At school ditoc dting khi chu thé dang d ngay tai tritñng.

In school mang nghia rong hon, co nghia la dang theo hpc tai tritñrig, khong cân co mñt o do ngay tai thai
diém noi.
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tieii

Q27: Dap ân C

(to) last (v): kéo dai (khoang thñi

gian) Cac dap an con lai:

A. (to) spend (v): dârih ra (bao rihiéu thñi gian)

B. (to) take (v): chiém, tñn (bao nhiéu thñi gian)

D. (to) continue (v): tiép

tuc Gio nghi kéo dai 15


Q28: Dap ân C

(to) matter (v): tae dong den, co y nghia quan trong

(to) matter for someone: quan trpng voi ai

Cac dap an con lai:

A. (to) mean: co y nghia (di vñi giñi tñ to)

B. (to) relate: lién quan dén

D. (to) happen: xñy ra

Which — thay thé’ cho vat hoax dai dien cho ca ve’ can, o dfiy no thay the cho research

Cac dap an con lai:

A. what — car gi, noi dén sq vat su viec chira ditnc khac den truñc do

B. who — dat dién cho chu ngñ' la ngitñi

C. that — dai dien cho chu ngét chi ng oi, vat, d}ac biét trong menh dé quan hé xac dinh.

Q30: Dap ân A

Anymore than: khñng hon gi, chug nhit

Cac dap ân cñn lai:

B. sooner than: som hon

C. other than: ngoai

D. rather than: hnn la

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tieii

TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//«»flgra/U
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien

Cho can dién thiéu mot dong tit lam vi ngñ cho cfiu, chu ngir lñ “some changes” — sfi nhiéu nén dong M ta dé
nguyén man.

Harm (v, n) gay hai, mfii nguy hai

Harmful (adj) co hai

Harmless (adj) vñ hai

Q32: Dap ân C

Dai ttr“ quan hé thay thé’ cho danh tit “the animals” nén ta dung that.

Who dting cho ngu'ñi.

Where dung cho not chfin.

When dung cho thoi gian.

That dung dune cho ca nguñi, dong vat, sq viéc, not chfin va thai gian; tuy nhién, khñng dung trong ménh de
khong xac dinh (menh dé co dan phay

Q33: Dap ân A

Let something out: cho cai gi roi ra, tung ra.

Can tritoc co noi seeds o trong pinecore, nén khi b| dot chay thi seeds sé roi ra ngoai vñ moc thanh cñy.


Harm something: gay hat dén câi gi

CJ dfiy ta diing around dé khi khu vqc xung quanh dong sfing bi ñnh huong, tranh nhfim lan voi cum dfing tir.


Catch fish: dânh bat ca

Q36: Oap an B

Can ttnh tir nén loai B, xét nghia cac tñ con lai:
A. light (adj): she (ve trong ltrong)
B. slight (adj): rthg nhang (chi tan suat, mdc dñ)
D. lighted (adj):
chay Chi co B hop

Q37: Dap ân C
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien

(to) be followed by: dune theo sau bñi

Cac dap an con lai khñng hop nghia:
A. tiep tuc
B. dufii theo
D. chuyen tiep

Q38: Oap an B

A basic greeting: cñu chao co ban

Cac dap an con lai khñng hop nghia:
A. dé dang
C. thiet yen
D. so cfip
Q39: Dap ân A

(to) have a sense of something: kha nang, cam gi3c ve dieu gi

do Q40: Oap an C

A. bi dong
B. khfing dung hoan toan
C. khfing phu hop
D. khong chink xac
Dua trén nghia lua chon, chi co C phu hop.

Q4l: Dap ân A

D vi tri nay ta cân mot danh => Chon dap ân A. coiiipurisoii (ii): s x so san/i
(to) make cont yarison: so snii/t
Cac dap an con lai:
B. comparative (adj): chi sq so sânh
C. compare (v): so sanh
D. comparatively (adv): ttrong doi
Dtch nghia: Cha mg va giao vién lufin so sanh giua thñi hp con la nhirrig dira tre voi thé’he hién tai.

Q42: Oap an C

Can hot ter vimg

for example: or d z
Cac d5p ân con lai:
A. As a result: két qua la
B. Therefore: vi vay
D. Nevertheless: Tuy nhién

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//« .faceboo»flgra/U S/EnzlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien

Dich nghia: Ho noi rang moi thir déu tfit how hién nay, dac biet lñ trong giao due. Vi du, ho noi râng ho
thtrñrig hoc hñnh chñm chi hon o tritñrig hpc, vñ hién nay, chung tfi1 khfing hé quan tfim dén viéc do.

Q43: Dap ân B

Can hoi ttr’ vimg

Cac dap an con lai:

A. (to) releam: hoc lai
C. (to) resist: khang cit
D. (to) redo: lam lai
Dich nghia: Tñi khñng dong y, bñi vi chñng tfii danh hang gif moi ngay lam bai tap ve riha sau nbirng bar hoc
cua chung tñi hoac fin trap cho nhirng bai kiém tra.

Q44: Dap ân B

wonder if: bin klioâil 1ion

Dich nghia: Tfii ban khoan biet liéu bñ mg chung ta co thitc sit phai hpc rihieii sau gio hoc khfing.

Q45: Dap ân D

(to) mishelic we: harsh lân g kllâng dimg

Can hoi tir vimg
A. (to) misunderstand: hiéu lam
B. (to) misdirect: nhâm IN
C. (to) miscarry: sai lam
Dich nghia: Tñi nghi râng mot trong nhitng ly do tai sao tré em hânh dfing khfing dig trong lip hoc la bñi
vi chung cân phai thoat khñi nhirng câng thâng.

Q46: Oap an B

Which- Dat quan he chi vat, dong chirc nâng via lam chu ngu, viia lam tân ngir.
“which” o dfiy thay thé’ cho “modern flats and houses”
Cac dap ân con lai.
A. where- DTQH chi noi chfin.
C. whose- OTQH chi sq sd hiiu, di bring voi danh M.
D. who- OTQH chi nguoi, dong chic nñng lam chu ng .
Dich: Ngay nay, hau het chung ta déu dang sfing trong nhiirig cñn nhñ hién dai, co diéu hoa dé lñm mat vñ
may sudi dé lam ñm khi cñn

Q47: Oap an D

flow from (v): chay ttr, bat nguñn tit.

Cac dap an con lai:

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//«»flgra/U
Thich Tié“ng Anh — son tâm uâ bién sole
T-anpage: https:lfwww.{acebook.comfThichTiengAnhYPf

A. Roats(v): noi.
B. find (v): finn ra.
C. flies (v): bay.
Dich: Niidc nong va lanh chay tir cac ong dan bfin thin nay dñ mai bién

mat Q48: Oap ân C

down the drains (thânh ngii): do song do bién, bién mat mâi mai.
Dich: Niidc nong va lanh chay tir cac ong dan bfin thiu nay di mai bién mat.

Q49: Oap ân A

long ago: rat Ian vé truñc, thoi xa xira.

Dich: Ngay xita, con ngiroi khfing co san nirdc trong sinh hoat, khong co ca den dien

QS0: Oap ân D

make fire= dst lira

Cac dap ân con lai:
A. flames (n+v): ngon 1tra,chay bring lén. (Khñng di vñi ”make”)
B. food (n): thirc ân.
C. furnaces (n): 1o sirñi.
Dich: Dé’ suñi am, ho dñ phâi dfit lua ngay bén trong ngñi nha.

QS1: Oap ân C

lVhere la trang tir quan he chi not trñn.

by la tr g tir quan he chi li do, ding sau tiin ngii the reason.
When la trang tir quan he chi thoi gran.
lVhich la d@ ttr quan he thay the cho danh tu chi vat.
O day ta diing where chs khñng ditng which vi trong menh dé quan he khong co giñi tit.
Dich ngliia: Miu giao la met not thu vi ma â do tré nhd hoc dirpc nhieu dieu.

QS2: Oap ân B

Cfiu hfii gift tii.

in the/orest: trong r’eng
Dich nghia: Mot so trir g mam non nñm trong rimg.

Q53: Oap an A

(to) take care of: cham soc

Cac dap an con lai:
B. (to) take over: chiem quyen
C. (to) take on: chién dan vdi

lVehsite hoc Tiéng Ash mién phi:

Tham gia nhom dé’nhau thém tâi liéu: htt '‹ sfnhomThichTien
77tam gia nhom hgc Tieng Anh:
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien
fan yage: littvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTienqAiili -P/

D. (to) take after: giñng

Dich nghia: Chung ciing duoc tim hiéu vñ chñm soc cac loai dong vat.

Q54: Dap ân A

It + be ink portant + to V: qu an trong 1e’lain gi

Dtch nghia: Tai tritñng hpc nay, tre em hpc vé nfing nghiép. Chung cung biét rang an thyc pham lanh manh la
diéu quan trong.

Q55: Oap an B

Can hoi tir vimg.

(to) stay open: luñn mo
cira Cac dap an con lai:
A. (to) make: lam cho
C. (to) do: lñm
D. (to) be: thi, la, o => O dfiy khfing the dung be vi ngay sau chu ngii ta dung dong tir to he cu thé rihit is/are.
Dich nghia: Cac cita so lñp hpc va cita tr ot déu lufin md ra bén ngoñi hñu nhit ca nñm

Q56: Dap ân A

Cau trite Not only... but also... (khfing nhirng... ma con...)

Q57: Oap an D

(to) want + to V-ird: mufin lam @

Q58: Dap ân A

Sau dong M lack ta can mot danh tñ. Chi co confidence thoa man.


Kién thñc ménh dé quan hé

A. whom — thay thé’ cho danh tu’ chi ngtrñi, dong vai tro la tan ngir

B. who — thay thé’ cho danh M chi nguñi, dong vai tro la chu ngit

C. whose — thay thé’ cho dai M sd h£ru

D. which — thay thé’ cho danh tir chi vat

O dfiy ta can dai tit quan he thay thé’ cho chu ng A person, chi ngirñi nén dung who.

(to) be interested in: thich thu vñi dieu gi

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//«»flgra/U S/EnzlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm oâ tien
fanyage: li Itvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTieiiqAiili -P/

Q6l: Dap ân A

“ while” thé hien sit titong phan giira 2 menh dé trong cfiu.
Cac dap ân con lai:
A. For = D. because: boi vi
B. But: Nhtmg.
Dich: Intemer dñ thay dñi thitc sq cach thuc hpc sinh lñm bñi tfip ve nhñ. Trong khi viéc lñm bñi tap ngay
nay vfi co nghia la dânh the gian o that vien.

Q62: Oap an A

connect to the Internet: két nfii voi mang

Internet. Cac dap an con lai:
B. looking: trñng, nhin
C. searching (+for): tim kiem.
D. linking (between A and B): két nfii ( A voi B).
Dich: Thay vi dung sach dé tim kiem thfing tin thi nhñrig hoc sinh ngay nay lai lén mang dé tai vé nhirng tai
lieu tritc tuyén dñ co san

Q63: Dap ân B

a selection of books: sq lqa chon s3ch.

Sau sd hitu cach ta can 1 danh tir.
Dich: Trong qua khir, hoc sinh b| giñi han trong viec lua chon sach trén trttérng.

Q64: Dap ân B

make sure: dam bao.

Dich: Mac du vay thi hoc sinh v phâi dam bfio rang thfing tin ho tim thfiy la dig sq that.

Q65: Oap an A

online system: he thñng trqc tuyén.

Cac dap ân cñn lai:
B. materials: chat lieu.
C. sources: nguon.
D. structures: cfiu

Q66: Dap ân B

How much: chug nao, bao nhiéu

Q67: Oap an A

Although: MMac du, tuy

Website lion Tieii Atill iniet1 plIi: li ttps:fftliicli tictigatiIi.co1ii

Tlium Liu nhom ‹te’nhnti them tui liéu: li ttys:lfi‹nuiu.(ncehook.coinl oupshfiioin
TIiicliTi‹’iigAnh/ Thai i dia ›t/10l1/ hoc Titnd Aims: mil ks.//« .faceboo
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm oâ tien»flgra/U S/EnzlisI/Len/vierCrot‹ys/
Th icli Tiéiig Atili — tliiclitietigaiili.coin su'ii tnm râ tien soon
fan yage: littvs://uuun›.(acehook.coitilTliichTienqAiili -P/

Phan tich qua, ta thay Until khñng dung voi menh dé o thi hien tai tié dién, Despite dimg trttoc danh tit nén
loai B, C. Dita vño nghia can ta thit Although vñ Because.

- Vi cac nha khoa hoc dang tien den cfing nghe tien tién doc ditnc nño ngirñi, nén hien tai c3c bai kiem tra van
rat phñ bién.. . (khfing phu hop)

- Tuy cac nha khoa hpc dang tién dén cfing nghé tién tién dpc duoc nño ngtrñi, nhimg hien tai cac bai kiém tra
van con rfit phfi bien.. . (phu hop)

Q68: Oap an B

Thit cac dap an vñ chpn dooc dap an phu hpp theo nghia. O day, cfiu vñn co y: IQ cua mot nguñi la do thfing
minh la ngirñi do khi dtroc danh gia boi mfit bar kiém tra dñc biet.

Vay diing tir as voi nghia la: khi, theo phitong phap, bñng cach nao do.

Considerbaly (adv): dâng ke, phân lñn

Cac dap ân con lai:

A. enormously (adv): to Ion, vfi cung

B. highly (adv): het sic,ñ mire do cao

D. mainly (adv): chinh, chu

yeu Q70: Oapan D

Kien thñc ménh de quan hé.

Which — thay the cho danh ttr clii vat

Whom — thay thé’ cho danh ttr chi ngtrñi, lam tan rigid trong can

Why — dai tñ quan he chi ly do

Who — thay thé’ cho danh tii chi nguñi, lam chs ngii trong can

Dai tu“ quan hé trong cfiu chi nbirng ngiiñi dat IQ 148, la chu nJ nen ta dting in/to.

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