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1. Who specialises in the study of psychological effect of words?

– Psychologist
2. Who specialises in the study of earth and its composition? – Geologist
3. What emergency service is usually called when someone is in trouble at sea? –
4. The medical graduate serving as an apprentice in a hospital taking medical
training is an? – Intern
5. What crime has someone stealing items from a shop committed? – Shop Lifting
6. Treatment of diseases by drugs whose effect on the body is the opposite of the
disease. – Allopathic
7. The doctor who specialises in the treatment of children’s diseases? – Paediatrician
8. What is piece of paper with official information written on it? – Document
9. What do we call the last game in a sporting competition, which decide the
champion?- Finals
10. What is a series of events that happen in your mind while you are sleeping? –
11. What do you call the number of people living in a specific area? – Population
12. What is the most important document you would have to show if you wanted to
hire a car?Drivers Licence
13. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? – War
14. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to each other? –
15. What is a person belongs to an organization called? – Member
16. What piece of equipment shows a person what direction they are traveling? –
17. What piece of equipment would you use for floating on the sea? – Aquaplane
18. What organ controls your speech, feelings, body movement and thoughts? –
19. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries? – Baker
20. What do we call a picture that a doctor takes to see inside your body? – X-ray
21. What is the name of a system of government in which the people elect their
leaders? – Democracy
22. What kind of punishment is less severe, an imprisonment or community
service ? – Community service
23. Where would you most likely go to buy some flour; a bakery, a florist or a
supermarket? – Supermarket
24. In the animal kingdom, the purpose of camouflage to attract a mate, to find food
or to hide? – to hide
25. What do we call it when the Moon completely blocks out the light from the Sun?
– Solar Eclipse
26. What do you call an apartment that is below ground level? – Basement
27. What word describes moving a program or other material from a website to
your computer?- Downloading
28. What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in the sea, an aqualung or
an aquaplane? – Aqualung
29. A disease or accident which ends in death? – Fatal
30. A person who does not believe in the existence of god. – Atheist
31. Animals that eat flesh. – Carnivorous
32. A tank where fish or water plants are kept. – Aquarium
33. Person who believes in the existence of God – Theist
34. Two children born at same time ? – Twins
35. That which is subject to death ? – Mortal
36. An assembly of listeners: – Audience
37. A person who is unable to pay his debts – Insolvent
38. A person coming to a foreign land to settle there – Immigrant
39. Building in which dead bodies are kept for a time – Mortuary
40. A person who wishes to throw his establishment – Anarchist
41. Which hospital department would you go to for an x-ray: radiology or
cardiology? – Radiology
42. Which Animal is not a mammal? Butterfly, cow or Goat? – Butterfly
43. Would you measure the volume of bottle water in litres or Kilos ? – Litres
44. What do you call a system of government in which people vote for the people
who will represent them? – Democracy
45. What do you call tax on goods produced and used in a country? – Excise tax
46. Whenever a person goes to an interview, would he be in an enthusiastic mood
or sad mood? – Enthusiastic mood
47. A government where the power is concentrated in the hands of one person. –
48. A country ruled by two countries. – Condominium
49. Name the device of computer having named same to that of an animal. – Mouse
50. What do you call the document that gives details about your qualification and
work experience? – Curriculum Vitae or Resume
51. A long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river is
called? – Valley
52. Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculpture? – Art gallery or Museum
53. At what ceremony, the students receive their degree or diploma at end of their
study? – Graduation day/Convocation
54. If you forget the way what will you buy to find your destination? – A map
55. What’s the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm? – Wrist
56. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance. – Telescope
57. What is the study of stars and planets is called? – Astronomy
58. A person who wishes to throw his establishment. – Anarchist
59. What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book, which tells you
where to find specific information? – Index/Appendix
60. Which Animal is not a mammal? Butterfly, cow or Goat? – Butterfly
61. In business and advertising what does PR stand for? – Public Relations
62. Which section of Newspapers gives the editor’s opinion? – Editorial
63. What do we call the piece of paper that proves you have bought the item? –
64. How would you describe an economy based largely on farming? – Agricultural or
65. How many years are in a decade? – 10 Years
66. A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others. – Extrovert
67. What special document do most people carry during international travels? –
68. What is the name of ground military forces? – Army
69. What is someone that can’t see called? – Blind
70. What do you call the middle of something? – Center
71. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an injury at a hospital? – Doctor
72. What is the process of teaching and learning called? – Education
73. What kind of book is written by a person about their own life? – Autobiography
74. What is the red liquid that flows through a body? – Blood
75. What is the payment of a student’s education by an organization called? –
76. Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air, water and soil; essential
to life but may cause disease? – Bacteria
77. Literary theft or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own – Plagiarism
78. One who attends to sick people and prescribe medicines – Physician
79. Anything written in a letter after it is signed? – Postscript
80. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? – War
81. A list of books representing some scholarly work for reference – Bibliography
82. The art of cultivating and managing gardens – Horticulture
83. An event that occurs suddenly causing a great damage or suffering –
84. The property which a new wife brings to her husband – Dowry
85. What are the people that plant food, raise crop are commonly known as? –
86. A place where people may obtain food and refreshment – Restaurant
87. If a button has come off a shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it
back on? – A needle and thread
88. Where do you pay for your purchases at the super market? – (at) checkout
89. On what geographical location would someone be living if their country is
surrounded by water on all side? – An island
90. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work – Creche
91. The person in-charge of library – Librarian
92. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to each other? –
93. A list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting – Agenda
94. What appliance do people use to keep their food cool and preventing from
spoiling? – Fridge
95. One who plans and draws the design of buildings and superintends their
erection – Architect
96. The chemical breakdown of a substance by yeasts or some bacteria, etc –
97. Extreme fear from strangers – Xenophobia
98. One who studies the past through objects left behind – Archaeologist
99. To crossover from one side of the wide river to another without using boat, what
is usually required? – A bridge
100. A fishes where fishes are kept – Aquarium
101. What general part of the day is known as dawn? – A sunrise
102. What is a painting of a person’s head is called? – A portrait
103. Where do we find urban area in a city or country side? – In a city
104. What we call it, when moon completely blocks out the light from the sun? – A
solar eclipse / an eclipse
105. What point of the compass is directly opposite east? – West
106. Who cuts men’s hair? – Barber
107. What plan shows how much money is available and how it will be spent? –
108. A plant or animal growing on another – Parasite
109. What is the name of ground military forces? – Army
110. What is someone that can’t see called? – Blind
111. What do you call the middle of something? – Centre
112. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an injury at a hospital? –
113. What is the process of teaching and learning called? – Education
114. What kind of book is written by a person about their own life? – Autobiography
115. What is the red liquid that flows through a body? – Blood
116. What is the payment of a student’s education by an organization called? –
117. What is piece of paper with official information written on it? – document
118. What is the name of a building where you can borrow books? – library
119. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries? – baker
120. What organ controls your speech, feelings, body movement and thoughts? –
121. What piece of equipment shows a person what direction they are traveling? –
122. What is a series of events that happen in your mind while you are sleeping? –
123. What is a person belongs to an organization called? – Member
124. Who cuts men’s hair? – barber
125. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to each other? –
126. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? – war
127. What do you call the number of people living in a specific area? – population
128. What do you call a person that can’t hear? – deaf
129. What is the day that someone is born? – birthday
130. What plan shows how much money is available and how it will be spent? –
131. What is the name of a system of government in which the people elect their
leaders? – Democracy
132. What planet do we live on? – earth
133. What is the job of someone that looks after your teeth and gums? – dentist
134. What is the time period before noon is called? – ante meridian
135. What is the time after noon called? – Post meridian
136. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? – Heart
137. What is a painting of a person’s head is called? – a portrait
138. Where do we find urban area in a city or country side? – In a city
139. What we call it, when moon completely blocks out the light from the sun? – a
solar eclipse / an eclipse
140. What point of the compass is directly opposite east? – West
141. Where do you pay for your purchases at the super market? – (at the) till /
142. What do you call an apartment that is beyond ground level (a basement
apartment or a penthouse apartment)? – a basement apartment
143. What features do pianos and computers have in common? – a keyboard
144. If you are feeling ‘fed up’ it is positive or negative feeling? – a negative feeling
145. What we call a period of ten years? – a decade
146. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a ___? Plumber
147. A famous canal links the Mediterian Sea with the Indian Ocean, is it the Curran
or Suez Canal? – The Suez Canal
148. Where would you keep the meat you wish to keep frozen at home? – in a
149. What is the most imp doc you would have to show if you would to hire a car? –
a driving license
150. Where would you go to work out on a trade mill? – a gym / gymnasium
151. What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in a see, an
aquaplane or an aqualung? – An aqualung
152. Where would you most likely go to buy some flowers (a bakery, a florist or a
super market)? – a supermarket
153. Which hospital dept. you go for x-ray (radiology or cardio) – a radiology
154. Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculptures? – To an art gallery / to a
155. Would you measure volume of water in litres or kilos? – Litres
156. What’s the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm? – The (or
your) wrist
157. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? – (the) heart / hearts
158. If telescopes are used to locate distant objects, what instrument is employed to
magnify miniscule objects? – (electron) microscope / microscopes
159. Which kind of punishment for a crime is the less severe, an imprisonment or
community service? – Community service
160. How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement? – Two
161. Which is the longest: a decade, a millennium or a century? – A millennium
162. A manufacturing process releases noxious gases. What is the most important
safety measure for workers at this plant – ensuring good
ventilation, or appropriate footwear? – (ensuring good) ventilation
163. A list of events placed in time order is usually described as what? – A
chronology / a timeline
164. If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does it have? – Six
165. What key mineral makes sea water different from fresh water? – Salt
166. In the animal kingdom, is the purpose of camouflage to attract a mate,
to find food or to hide? – (it’s) (the purpose is) (to) hide
167. Which section of newspaper gives the editor an opinion? – Editorial
168. What instrument used to examine very small thing – microscope
169. What is the destructive program that spread from comp to comp – a virus
170. What term used for animals that give birth to – mammals
171. System of Govt. where people vote for people – democracy
172. Piece of paper that you bought an item – a receipt
177. What you call the document that tells your qualification and work exp?
– CV, curriculum vitae, resumes
178. How would you describe economy largely based on farming? – Agricultural,
179. What is the study of stars and planet called? – Astronomy
180. In business and adv. what is PR stand for? – Public relations
181. What emergency service called at sea? – Coastguard
182. Name a month fall bet April and June? – May
183. What word describe moving a website from internet to your comp –
downloading / download
184. What is called a picture doctor take to see inside body? – An X-ray
185. What crime has someone stealing from shop committed? – shoplifting
186. If someone feeling ill they will say ‘they are feeling under the ___’ what? –
187. Who is person in-charge of a football match? – The referee
188. Last game in sporting competition that decide champ? – The final
189. What is the general term for painting at country side or natural view? –
190. Found in office (a printer and other two options)? – A printer
191. There are two types of sporting contests: one is amateur; and other is ___? –
192. Where would you find the whale (tropical forest, ocean)? – Ocean
193. Coat had a stain on it where would they take? – A dry cleaner’s
194. What are the things that ‘hens lay’ called? – Eggs
195. The people who use ___ to obey the rules and protect the public from criminals
are called? – The police
196. On what geographical location would someone be living if their country is
surrounded by water on all side? – An island
197. What general part of the day is known as dawn? – A sunrise (Part of the Day:
“Dawn–Twilight–Sunrise, Morning, Daylight / midday-afternoon, Evening, Sunset–
Twilight–Dusk, Night”)
198. What are the people that plant food, raise crop are commonly known as? –
199. If a button has come off a shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it
back on? – A needle and thread
200. What appliance do people use to keep their food cool and preventing from
spoiling? – Fridge
201. To crossover from one side of the wide river to another without using boat,
what is usually required? – A bridge
1. What does ice become when you heat it?


2. What adjective is opposite to Plural?


3. What is the antonym of predecessor?


4. On a computer, what is Times New Roman an example of?


5. What is three quarters expressed as a percentage?


6. Which field of study uses the periodic table?


7. Paper manufacturing results in the destruction of what natural resource?


8. What is the name of the punctuation mark that shows the end of a sentence?

Period / Full stop

9. What is the term for two siblings who are born from one mother at the same time?


10. Is plastic or paper easier to recycle?


11. What is the name of the story you write about yourself?


12. From where in the universe do we get solar energy?

The Sun
13. Kilograms, ounces, tons and stones are types of units to measure what?


14. What do you call a university student who has not yet attained a degree?


15. In what household appliance do you store perishables?


16. If something is irreparable, what could no one to do it?


17. If the temperature is falling, is it increasing or decreasing?


18. A new lecture is arriving later this week on Wednesday. If today is Tuesday, when will they
arrive? Today, Tomorrow or Next week?


19. What is the term for the political line that separates two nations?


20. Which of the following represents a strong economy? High unemployment or Low

Low unemployment

21. What do people use to see distant stars and planets?


22. Which part of the body controls your thoughts?


23. In a job interview, would nice candidates try to appear enthusiastic, lazy, or confused?

24. which potentially hazardous activity involving the inhalation of tobacco products is widely
discouraged by doctors?


25. What type of coastal building warns sailors of dangerous coasts?


26. How many years is equivalent to the passage of a decade?

10 years

27. What is the term for the money people pay to the government to support public services?


28. What is the name of the title of the main article in a newspaper, often in large letters and
bold print?


29. Is money that you owe an asset or a debt?


30. What building on campus can you borrow books from?


31. Which reference book would you use if you need to know the definition of a word?


32. Do anthologists study people, birds, clocks, or poetry?


33. Is a greater choice available in a supermarket or a corner store?


34. What is the name for a set of instructions on how to prepare and cook particular food?

35. Which of the following is not a real form of transportation, high speed train, art car, or

Art /ɑːt/ car /kɑːr/

36. Do you store liquid in a bottle or a safe?

Bottle /ˈbɒt.əl/

37. How many sides does a pentagon have?

38. Is the journal more like a printer or a book?

Book /bʊk/

39. What’s a suitable snack for a vegetarian? A roast beef sandwich or some fruit salad?

Fruit /fruːt/ salad /ˈsæl.əd/

40. Is the term Fisher or Fracture more likely to be used to describe a broken bone?

Fracture /ˈfræk.tʃər/

41. What material is normally used to make windows and light bulbs?

Glass /ɡlɑːs/

42. What do we call a specialist medical doctor who performs operations?

Surgeon /ˈsɜː.dʒən/

43. Is solar energy or oil a renewable energy source?

Solar energy /ˌsəʊ.lər ˈen.ə.dʒi/

44. What is the name for the remains of an animal or plant preserved in rock?

Fossil /ˈfɒs.əl/

45. If you have a toothache, would you visit a surgeon or a dentist?

Dentist /ˈden.tɪst/

46. Which kind of printed paper is published on a daily basis that is used to tell people about
current events?
Newspaper /ˈnjuːzˌpeɪ.pər/

47. What do we call the vehicle taking injured people to hospital in emergencies?

Ambulance /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/

48. Which of our senses do these words relate to: hairy, smooth, rough?

Touch /tʌtʃ/

49. Where is a water-skiing school most likely to be located? In an outlying village or a coastal

Coastal /ˈkəʊ.stəl/ Town /taʊn/

50. Is cycling, horse riding or driving a human powered form of transport?

Cycling /ˈsaɪ.klɪŋ/

51. What household electronic devices used to wake someone up in the morning?

Alarm clock /əˈlɑːm ˌklɒk/

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