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TRANSMITTAL ProjectNo, _: 177214-CJ Ref. No. | FeNe 14.4200 Date: 21 January 2019 To: Sumitomo Corporation CJ Office Attention: Yuki Iwata Ce: Ryuji Mukuno We are sending the following information: (Shop Drawings 0 Notices © Plans | 1 copyorLetters 1 Records T_ Reports 1 Catalog cuts 1 Provecures BJ Others No. | Document or Drawing No. | Rev. | Qty Description 4 0 4 Final Document For 500kV Relay Protection Setting se From NARI ‘These are transmitted as checked below: Da For Approval Exceptions Noted (For Review and Comment OD Foruse No Exceptions Noted (1 Returned for Correction OAs Requested For information Remarks: Issued by: - RE sy Hee talon Site Coordi Black & Veatch International company « PT Satyamitra Surya Perkasa 500kV RELAY SETTING OF CENTRAL JAVA PROJECT LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR SO0kV RELAY SETTING OF CENTRAL JAVA PROJECT 1. BAY LINE 1 AND LINE2 (75187) 11 PAGES 2. SOOKV LINE 1 AND LINE 2 (PCS-931) 17 PAGES 3. SOOKV BUSBAR (PCS-915) 9 PAGES 4. CIRCUIT BREAKER (PCS-921 AUTO RECLOSE) 9 PAGES 5. CIRCUIT BREAKER AND SHORT LEG (PCS-921(8FP), PCS-924(CCP)) 13 PAGES 6. ATTACHMENT-1_SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATION 2 PAGES 7. ATTACHMENT-2_SETTING LIST FOR SOOKV LINE 18.2 (75187) 6 PAGES 8. ATTACHMENT-2_SETTING LIST FOR SOOKV LINE 182 (PCS-931) 11 PAGES. 9. ATTACHMENT-2_SETTING LIST FOR SOOKV BUSBAR (PCS-915) 5 PAGES 10, ATTACHMENT-2_SETTING LIST FOR SOOKV CIRCUIT BREAKER(PCS-921 AUTO RECLOSE} 5 PAGES 111, ATTACHMENT-2_SETTING LIST FOR SOOKV CIRCUIT BREAKER AND SHORT LEG (PCS-921(8FP), PCS-924(CCP) 8 PAGES BAY LINE 1 AND LINE 2 (7SL87) TOTAL 11 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE NX Setting Calculation Project CENTRAL JAVA BOP BAY SOOKV linet and Line2 Relay Type 7SL87 Document Version R101 SUBQ Code 8UBQ00471992 Date 2019-01-17 NR Electric Co., Ltd. NK setting Cateuaion Table of Contents Table of Contents.. 1 System Parameters.. 1.1 Generator Parameters ... 1.2 Main Transformer Parameters 1.3 500kV Line Parameters... 1.4 Line Basic Parameters .. 1.5 Operating Parameters 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation .. 2 Settings Calculation... 2.4 Relay data... 2.2 Line’s characteristics 2.3 CTs and VTs characteristic ... 2.4 Calculation of setting .... 2.5 Earth Fault Protection ... 2.6 Distance Protection Characteristic & Elements 3 Settings List ... 4 Manual Version History ... NR Electric Co., Ltd. i NK ‘Setting Calculation 1 System Parameters 1.1 Generator Parameters G1-G2 Rated capacity 1182 NVA, Rated power 1004.7MW Rated Power factor 0.85 Rated voltage 2TKV parameters | Rated current 25275 CTratio. ‘generator neutral point VT VT ratio Direct axis subtransiont reactance (non-saturated value X"wlsaturated value X's) 27.8% Direct axis transient reactance (non-saturated value X's/saturated value X's) Direct axis synchronous reactance (non-saturated value XaJsaturated value Xs) Vertical sub-transient reactance(non-saturated value X"aulsaturated value X's.) Vertical transient reactance(non-saturated value Xulsaturated value Xu) Vertical synchronous reactance(non-saturated value XaJsaturated value Xe.) Negative-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xau/saturated value Xe) Zero-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xoulsaturated value Xs) 1.2 Main Transformer Parameters T1-T2 567/851/1134MVA, Capacity Connection method (ONAN/ONAF/ODAF) Yn01 Rated current HV 1247A/LV 242498 | Impedance voltage (short-circuit at rated tap voltage) 8% at 567MVA (16% at 1134MVA) Rated voltage 525/27 Frequency 50 CTraiioof HV side | 3000/1 CT ratio of LV side 3800075 Bushing CT of HV Inrush Current (le) approx 40008(From HV side) Neutral point of HV__| 500/5 Neutral point of LV NA sooky , 200 va T Reto of Hvside ay a w Zero-sequence impedanc (Oiphase) 38.90(From HV side) NR Electric Co., Ltd. Setting Catetation NR 1.3 500kV Line Parameters Line name SOOKV Line No.1 andNo.2 | Length (km) 4am VT ratio (kV) OON3/O.1N3 CT ratio (A) 4000/1 Line type OHL Maximum load current | 4000 @ Positive sequence. | 0.01686+j0.2453, Zero sequence 0.164854)1.1042 impedance (21k) impedance (Q/KM) 1.4 Line Basic Parameters 1) Positive-sequence impedance: 71 =0.0693 + 1,0082i = 1.0106 286.07°0 Secondary value: K 21 =21 x F = 0.0554 + 0.8065 = 0.8084286.07°0 2) Zero-sequence impedance: 20 =0.6775 + 4.5383i0 = 4.5886281.51°0 ‘Secondary value: Z0' =20x Ker ke = 0.542 + j3.6306 = 3.6708281.51°0 3) Capacitive charging current The 1¢ is short, not considering capacitive charging current. 1.5 Operating Parameters Maximum load current: Imaxl = 2 x 1247 = 24944, the maximum load current of the main transformer is. 1247A, in this substation, we have two transformers, Minimum operating voltage: Upin = 0.85 x Ue = 425kV Minimum power factor: cos = 0.85 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation Refer to 2 NR Electric Co,, Lid. Rae Seting Cateutaton 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Relay data Rated Current: In = 14 2.2 Line’s characteristics Rated Voltage: Ur = 500kV Rated Current of the protected line: Ir = 40004 Maximum fault current at bus: If = 70004 Fault 'standing duration: sec Frequency: f = S0Hz Length of OHL: 1 = 4.11kM Steady state line charging current: Ic = 0.444/km 2.3 CTs and VTs characteristic Rated secondary current: In = 14, CT's ratio: Ki = Ir/In Rated secondary voltage: Un = 100V,VT's ratio: Ku = Ur/Un Secondary/Primary impendance factor: F = “= 0.8 2.4 Calculation of setting © Current differential setting CT error change-over CTe = 11.5 CT errorA CTeA = 3.0% CT error B CTeB = 15% Differential protection configuration (I DIFF CONFIG): Scheme set-up: 2 terminal The relay has a dual slope percentage bias characteristic defined by the following settings: 1) The current setting should be larger than 4 times of capacitive current. NR Electric Co,, Ltd. 1 Setting Caeulation NR set = Kr x e/Ket = 4x 0.44/4000 = 0.0014 The reliability coefficient, takes 4 ~The primary positive-sequence capacitive current, Ic = 0.444 The line is short, not considering capacitive charging current. 2) It should be larger than maximum unbalance load differential current Lset = Kr x Ker x Imaxl/Ket = 1.5 x 0.1 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 Kr ~The reliability coefficient, takes 1.5 Ker —-Unbalance error coefficient, takes 0.1 Imaxl The maximum load current 3) It should make the protection sensitive enough for an internal minimum fault. L set = Ipmin/Kct/Ksen = 1265/4000/2 = 0.164 Ipmin —-The minimum phase current of the faulty point for an internal fault, Ipmi 12654 Ksen —The sensitivity coefficient, takes 2 4) It should be the same with the opposite side, so we take it as 0.2A. © = Diff fast-2 Result: 0.20A 1) It should be larger than maximum load current, here we take it as 2In, i.e.: 2A 2.5 Earth Fault Protection Result: 0. 15A/2s 1) Itshould be larger than the maximum load unbalance current. Lset = Kfh x Imaxl/Kct = 0.1 x 2494/4000 = 0.06 ~The maximum load current unbalance coefficient, takes 0.1 Kfh Imaxl —The maximum load current of the line. 2) It'should make the protection sensitive enough for a metallic grounding fault at the remote end of the line. Lset = l0min/Ket/Ksen = 1828 /4000/3 = 0.154 10min. —-The minimum residual current for a metallic grounding fault at the remote end of the line Ksen —-The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 2 NR Electric Co., Ltd. RG Sottng caeuavon 2.6 tance Protection Characteristic & Elements © Zero-sequence compensation factor Result: 1.18-{0.12 Takes the actual measured value, if the actual measured value could not be gotten, calculate it according to following equation Zr Bas _ K = 118 ~ jo12 . 3x Zi a 4 © Current setting for power swing detecting Result: 0.754 It should be larger than the maximum load current, the reliability coefficient takes 1.2 I_PSBR = Kr x Imaxl/Ket = 2 x 2494/4000 = .75A © Zone 1 of distance protection (21_Xreach) Result: 0.650/0s 1) It should be set to avoid a grounding fault at the remote end of the line, 21_Xreach = Kr x ZL = 0.8 x 0.808 = 0.652 Kr Reliability coefficient, takes 0.8 ZL Line positive-sequence impedance ZAR = 28 x 0.65 = 1.620 © Zone 2 of dis fance protection (22_Xreach) 1) It should make the protection sensitive enough for a grounding fault at the remote end of the line. 22_Xreach = Ksen x ZL = 1.6 x 0,808 = 1.290 Ksen --The sensitivity coefficient, takes 1.6 (the line length 0 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 5 Setting Calculation 4 Manual Version History NRK In the latest version of the setting calculation, several descriptions on existing values have been modified. Setting calculation version and modification history records Setting Calculation Version Date Description of change Source New R100 2018-08-08 | Form the original manual 1.00 Riot 2019-117 __ | Revise some protection settings: 85,21,516. NR Electric Co, Ltd. 500KV LINE 1 AND LINE 2 (PCS-931) TOTAL 17 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE Nx Setting Calculation Project CENTRAL JAVA BOP BAY SOOKV linet and Line2 Relay Type PCS-931 Document Version R102 SUBQ Code SUBQ00471992 Date 2019-01-17 NR Electric Co., Ltd. NX setting Cateutation Table of Contents Table of Contents .. 1 System Parameters... 1.1 Generator Parameters ... 4.2 Main Transformer Parameters 1.3 500KV Line Parameters. 1.4 Line Basic Parameters .. 1.5 Operating Parameters ... 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation ... 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Protection Configuration... 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD) 2.3 Current Differential Protection (87L).. 2.4 Earth Fault Protection (50/51G.310_Set) 2.5 Broken Conductor Protection (46BC) ... 2.6 Load Encroachment .. 2.7 Pilot Protection (85) 2.8 Distance Protection (21) 2.9 Current Direction .. 3 Settings List... 4 Manual Version History ... NR Electric Co,, Ltd, i 1 System Parameters 1.1 Generator Parameters Gi~G2 Setting Calculation Rated capacity 1182 MVA Rated powor 1004.7MW Rated Power factor 085) Rated voltage 2TkV parameters | Rated current 25275 A CT ratio generator neutral point VT VT ratio Direct axis subtransient reactance (non-saturated value X'ss/saturated value X's) 27.8% Direct axis transient reactance (non-saturated value X/saturated value X's) Direct axis synchronous reactance (non-saturated value Xsu/saturated value Xe) \Vertical sub-transient reactance(non-saturated value X'sulsaturated value X's.) Vertical transient reactance(non-saturated value Xu/saturated value Xa) Vertical synchronous reactance{non-saturated value Xqdsaturated value Xow) Negative-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xzu/saturated value Xe) Zero-sequence reactance (non-salurated value Xoulsaturated value Xo) 1.2 Main Transformer Parameters 11-72 567/851/1134MVA, Capacity (ONAN/ONAF/ODA | Connection method F) Yo-Dt Rated current HV 1247A1LV) Impedance voltage (short-circuit 24249A at rated tap _| voltage) 8% at S67MVA (16% at 1134MVA) Rated voltage 525/27KV Frequency 50 CTratioofHVside | 3000/1 CT ratio of LV side 350005 approx 4000A(From HV Bushing CT of HV Inrush Current (le) side) Neutral point of HV | 50018 Neutral point of LV NA NR Electric Co., Ltd. Setting Caeuaion NK S00Ky , 00¥ cal Zero-sequence impedance (Giphase) | 38.904From HV side) VE VE sequence impec (Qipt ) NF ) | VT Ratio of HVside 1.3 500kV Line Parameters Line name SOOKV Line No.t andNo2 | Length (km) an Vr ratio (kV) 00/0143 CTratio (A) ‘4000/1 Line type Ont ‘Maximum load curent | 4000 “ Postive sequence. | 0.01685+)0.2453 Zero sequence 0.16485)1.1042 impedance (QikM) impedance (Q/KM) 1.4 Line Basic Parameters 1) Positive-sequenc: ipedance: a 0693 + 1.0082i = 1.0106 286.07°0 Secondary value * at x Ker aan x ge 0554 + 0.8065 = 0.8084286.07°0 2) Zero-sequence impedance: 20 =0.6775 + 4.538310 58862815190 ‘Secondary value: Ker 20! =20 x F = 0.542 + 3.6306 = 3.6708281.51°0 3) Capacitive charging current The line is short, not considering capacitive charging current, 1.5 Operating Parameters Maximum load current: Imax! = 2 x 1247 = 24944, the maximum load current of the main transformer is 1247A, in this substation, we have two transformers. Minimum operating voltage: Umin = 0.85 x Ue = 425kV Minimum power factor: cos@ = 0.85 2 NR Electric Co,, Ltd. NX Seting Caleulaion 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation Refer to NR Electric Co,, Ltd. RK Settng tenon 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Protection Configuration Type: Quantity Funetion PCS.931 1__ | 871.210.24,50/51P.501516.46BC,SOTF SOPVT,SOGVT Note: 87: Current differential protection 240: DPFC distance protection 24 Distance protection S0/S1P: Phase overcurrent protection 50/516 Earth fault protection 46BC: Broken conductor protection SOTF: ‘Switch onto fault SOPVT: Overcurrent protection when VT circuit failure S0GVT: Zero sequence overcurrent protection when VT circuit failure 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD) © DPFC current fault detector element (FD.DPFC.I_Set) Result: 0.104 1) It should be larger than the maximum variation of load current. We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 10% of the maximum load. Lset = Kr x 0.1 x Imaxl/Ket = 15 x 0.1 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 Ky ~The reliability coefficient, takes 1.5 Imaxl —the maximum current value of the line. Imax! = 24944 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum fault current at the remote end of the line. set = Ipmin/Ket/Ksen = 1265/4000/3 = 0.114 Ipmin —-The minimum phase current for a fault at the remote end of the line, Ipmin = 12654. Ksen ~The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 NR Electric Co., Ltd, 1 Sting Coettin NR Ket —-Line CT ratio 3) Itrecommends to take 0.1~0.2In © Residual current fault detector element (FD.ROC.310_Set) Result: 0.10 A 1) It shall be greater than maximum unbalance load current. set = Kr x lunb/Ket = 1.5 x 249.4/4000 = 0.094 Junb -~-The maximum load unbalance current, Iunb = 10% x 2494 = 249.44 Kr —-The reliably coefficient, takes 1.5 2) It should make the protection sensitive enough for a grounding fault at the remote end of the line. Lset = l0min/Kct/Ksen = 1828/4000/3 = 0.154 10min the minimum residual current for a grounding fault at the remote end of the line, TOmin = 18284 Ksen —~The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 3) _Itrecommends to take 0.1-0.2In © Negative-sequence current fault detector element (FD.NOC.I2_Set) sul 410A 1) It should be larger than the maximum variation of load current. We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 15% of the maximum load. Lset = 0.15 x Imaxl/Ket = 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 0,094 Imax! —The maximum load current. 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum two-phase fault current at the remote end of the line. 1 set = [2min/Ksen/Ket = 730/4000/2 = 0.094 [2min -—-The minimum phase current for a fault at the remote end of the line, [2min = 730A Ksen ~The sensitivity coefficient, takes 2 Ket-Line CT ratio 3) Itrecommends to take 0.1~ 0.2in. 2.3 Current Differential Protection (87L) © Current differential protection (87L) 2 NR Electric Co., Ltd. RG Seting Ctettion 0A Resul 1) The current setting should be larger than 4 times of capacitive current. set = Kr x Ic/Ket = 4 x 0.44/4000 = 0.0014 Kr The reliability coefficient, takes 4 Ic ~The primary positive-sequence capacitive current, Ic = 0.444 The line is short, not considering capacitive charging current. 2) It should be larger than maximum unbalance load differential current Lset = Kr x Ker x Imaxl/Ket = 1.5 x 0.1 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 Kr —The reliability coefficient, takes 1.5 Ker —-Unbalance error coefficient, takes 0.1 Imaxl —-The maximum load current 3) _It'should make the protection sensitive enough for an internal minimum fault. Lset = Ipmin/Kct/Ksen = 1265/4000/2 = 0.164 Ipmin ——-The minimum phase current of the faulty point for an internal fault, ipmin = 12654 Ksen ~The sens vity coefficient, takes 2 4) It should be the same with the opposite side, so we take it as 0.2A. © Current ratio factor of CT (87L.K_Cr_CT) Result: 1 The current ratio factor of CT of the side, which the primary value is bigger, takes 1. The current ratio factor of CT of the other side takes the ratio between the CT primary value of local side and the remote side. CT ratio of local side: 4000/1 CT ratio of remote side: 4000/1 Current ratio factor of CT of two sides all take 1 © Current setting of differential protection when CT circuit failure (87L.I_Pkp_CTS) Result: 0.24 1) The same as 871.|_Pkp, and block dif. 2.4 Earth Fault Protection (50/51G.310_Set) Result: 0.15A/2s 4) It should be larger than the maximum load unbalance current. AR Electric Co, Ltd. * Setting Catelation NK 064 Lset = Kfh x Imaxl/Kct = 0.1 x 2494/4000 = Kfh —The maximum load current unbalance coefficient, takes 0.1 Imaxl ——-The maximum load current of the line. 2) It should make the protection sensitive enough for a metallic grounding fault at the remote end of the line. Lset = IOmin/Ket/Ksen = 1828 /4000/3 = 0.154 10min -—The minimum residual current for 2 metallic grounding fault at the remote end of the line Ksen —The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3, 2.5 Broken Conductor Protection (46BC) The ratio of I2/I1 takes 0.25, time delay takes 10s. It is used for alarm. 2.6 Load Encroachment ult: 57.850 Rld_min = Kr x Zld_min = 0.7 x 82.64 = 57.850 Kr —The reliability coefficient, takes 0.6 2ld_min —The minimum load impedance Ker Zld_mnin = Umin/(1.732 x Imaxl) = 446250/(1.732 x 2494) x = 82.640 The mini 1um load impedance angle, cos# = 0.85 o~~The line positive-sequence impedance angle, @=86.07° Imazxl-—-The Maximum load current. 2.7 Pilot Protection (85) © Impedance setting of pilot distance (21@.Pilot.Z_Set) ult: 1.62.0 1) The impedance setting should make the protection sensitive enough for a fault at the remote end of the line Pilot.Z = Ksen x ZL = 2 x 0.808 = 1.620 Ksen~—-The sensitivity coefficient, (50. 10 NR Electric Co., Ltd. RK Soting Clelation 4 Manual Version History In the latest version of the setting calculation, several descriptions on existing values have been modified, Setting calculation version and modification history records Setting Calculation Version Date Description of change Source New m R00 2018-06-08 | Form the orignal manual R00 R01 2019-1-17 | Revise some protection soings:85,21,516 NR Electric Co., Ltd. " 500KV BUSBAR (PCS-915) TOTAL 9 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE NX Setting Calculation Project CENTRAL JAVA BOP BAY 500kV Busbar Relay Type PCS.915 Document Version R100 SUBQ Code sUBQ00471992 Date 2018-08-08 NR Electric Co., Ltd. NK Setting Calculation Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 System Parameters. 1.1 Power System Short Ci jit Fault levels RIA TE MABE. 1.2 Generator Parameters .. 1.3 Main Transformer Parameters .. 1.4 500kV Line Parameters. 1.5 Operating Parameters .. 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation 2 Settings Calculation. 2.1 Protection Configuration 2.2 Reference CT Ratio 2.3 Busbar Differential Protection (87B) 3 Settings List 4 Manual Version History .. NR Electric Co., Ltd. NK 1 System Parameters 1.1 Generator Parameters Gi-G2 Setting Calculation Rated capacity 1182 VA Rated power 71004.7MW Rated Power factor 0.85 Rated vollage 27kV parameters | Rated current 252758 CTratio ‘generator neutral point VT VT ratio Direct axis subtransiont reactance (non-saturated value X"au/saturated value X's) 27.6% Direct axis transient reactance (non-saturated value X's/saturated value X's) Direct axis synchronous reactance (non-saturated value Xadsaturated value Xs) Vertical sub-transiant reactance(non-saturated value X"zulsaturated value X's) Vertical transient reactance(non-saturated value Xeq/saturated value X') Vertical synchronous reactance(non-saturated value Xeulsaturated value Xo.) Negative-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xaulsaturated value Xo) Zero-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xaulsaturated value Xs) 1.2 Main Transformer Parameters T1-T2 ‘367/851/1134MVA Capacity (ONAN/ONAF/ODA | Connection method F) Yo-D1 Rated current HV 1247ALV Impedance voltage (short-circuit 24249A at rated tap | voltage) 8% at S67MVA (18% at 1134MVA) Rated voltage S25/27KV Frequency 50 CTratioof HV side | 3000/1 CT ratio of LV side 350005 Bushing CT of HV Inrush Current (le) ‘approx 4000A(From HV side) Neutral point of KV | 50015 Neutral point of LV NA NR Electric Co,, Ltd. Setting Cateulation NR SooRV , 100v VT Ratio of HVside — sequence impedanc (Qiphase) | 38.90(From HV side] io ae Zero-seq pedanc (Ciphase) \ ) 1.3 500kV Line Parameters Line name SOOKV Line No.1 andNo.2 | Length (km) ant Vi ratio kV) S00NS/0.1/3 CT ratio (A) 4000/1 Line type Ont Maximum load current | 4000 oO Positive sequence. | 0.01685sj0.2453, Zero sequence 0.164854)1.1042 impedance (OlkM) Jmpodance (CIKM) 1.4 Operating Parameters ‘Maximum load current of branches: Imaxl = 12472. 2474, the maximum load current of the main transformer is Minimum operating voltage: Uain = 0.85 x Ue = 446.25kV Minimum power factor: cos = 0.85 1.5 Short-circuit Current Calculation Refer to 2 NR Electric Co., Ltd. RK SattingCaeuaton 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Protection Configuration Type Quantity Function PCS-91516 A 78 Note: 878: Current differential protection 2.2 Reference CT Ratio It is used in case that the rated CT primary currents of each feeder connected to busbar are different. Among all the CTs, the most used CT ratio is taken as the reference rato, if the maximum CT ratio is two times larger than the referenced CT ratio, the referenced CT ratio shall be half of the maximal CT ratio. Maximum summation of corrected secondary currents (product of actual secondary current of individual CT and its correction coefficient) of various CT during short Circuit condition shall not exceed 80In. Ket-ref = 4000/1 2.3 Busbar Differential Protection (87B) © Phase current setting(87B) Result: 0.32A 1) Itshould be larger than the maximal load current of all connected bays of the bus-bar. Toot = Krel x Imaxl/Kct = 1.3 x 1247/4000 = 0.414 Krel reliability coefficient, Krel = 3~1.8, takes 1.3 Imaxl Maximum load current of all connected bays of bus-bar under normal operation condition, Imax! = 12474 2) It should ensure sufficient sensitivity for bus-bar minimum fault. In case avoiding of maximal load current could not meet the sensitivity requirement, sensitivity requirements shall be obeyed firstly. Ieee $ Imin]Ksen] Ket = 2542/2/4000 = 0.324 Ksen ---Sensitivity coefficient, Ksen22, takes 2 NR Electric Co., Led. 1 Seting Cateuation NR inimum phase current for bus-ber fault, Imin = 25424 (AB fault at SOOKV Bus) Imin © 878 Slop(878) 1) 87B.SlopeH_CZ It should make check zone differential element sensitivity enough to operate for a bus-bar fault under minimum operation mode (BC breaker is closed). According to the recommendation, we sel 100.5, 2) 87B.Slopel_CZ It should make check zone differential element sensitivity enough to operate for a bus-bar fault of the weak-source side under minimum operation mode (BC breaker is open). According to the recommendation, we set it to 0.3. 3) 87B.SlopeH_DZ It should make discriminative zone differential element sensitivity enough to operate for a bus-bar fault under minimum operation mode (BC breaker is open). According to the recommendation, we set itto 0.6. 4) 87B.Slopel_DZ It should make discriminative zone differential element sensitivity enough to operate for a bus-bar fault under minimum operation mode (BC breaker is closed). According to the recommendation, we set it to 0.5. © Current setting of CT circuit failure 1) _Itshould be larger than the maximum unbalance current flows through the bus-bar under normal operation mode. The maximum unbalance current takes the sum of the maximum load error of all connected feeders. It can take 0.1In. LAlmH = 0.1 = 0.14 © Current setting of CT circuit abnormality 1) Itcan take 0.8 times of current setting of CT circuit failure. LAlml, = 0.8 x _AlmH = 0.08A 2 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 3 Settings List Setting Calculation Refer to attachment 2 NR Electric Co,, Ltd. 3 Setting Calculation 4 Manual Version History NR In the latest version of the setting calculation, several descriptions on existing values have been modified. Setting calculation version and modification history records Setting Calculation Version ‘Source Date Description of change R100 2018-08-08 Form the original manual NR Electric Co., Ltd. CIRCUIT BREAKER (PCS-921 AUTO RECLOSE) TOTAL 9 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE NX Setting Calculation Project CENTRAL JAVA BOP BAY Circuit breaker Relay Type PCS-921 auto reciose Document Version R100 SUBQ Code sU8Q0047 1992 Date 2018-08-08, NR Electric Co., Ltd. NK : Suiting Calulation Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 System Parameters. 1.4 Power System Short Circuit Fault levels 1.2 Generator Parameters ... 1.3 Main transformer. 1.4 500kV Line Parameters. 1.5 Operating Parameters ... 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation .. 2 Settings Calculation. 2.1 Protection Configuration... 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD). 2.3 Synchro-checking Protection (25) 2.4 Auto-reclosing(79) ... 3 Settings List .... 4 Manual Version History ... NR Electric Co., Ltd. i Setting Calculation 1 System Parameters 1.1 Power System Short Circuit Fault levels Busname — | Voltage | Maximum operation mode short circuit level kv) [ 3PH (a) | sPHimva) | 1PH(A) | 1PH(wvA) | Xs (pu) X80 (pu) Bus name. Votage | Minimum operation mode shor circuit level (kv) | 3PH(A) | SPH(uvA) | 1PH(A) 4PH (MA) | Xs (pu) _| X30 (pu) 1.2 Generator Parameters Gi~G2 Rated capacity 1182 MVA Rated power 1004.70 Rated Power factor 088. Rated voltage 27k parameters. | Rated current 25275 CT ratio generator neutral point VT Vi ratio Direct axis subiransient reactance (non-saturated 27.6% value X"au/saturated value X's) Direct axis transient reactance (non-saturated value X'aJ/saturated value X's) Direct axis synchronous reactance (non-saturated value Xs,/saturated value Xi) Vertical sub-transient reactance(non-salurated value X"qu/saturated value X',y) Vertical transient reactance(non-saturated value Xeusaturated value Xa) Vertical synchronous reactance(non-saturated value Xulsaturated value Xx.) Negative-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xau/saturated value Xe) Zero-sequence reactance (non-salurated value Xwu/saturated value X.) NR Electric Co., Ltd. Setting Calculation transformer T1172 S67/851/1134MVA Capacity (ONANIONAFIOD | Connection method Yn-01 AF) HV (247A Impedance voltage (short-circuit | 8% at S67MVA Rated current 242490 at rated voltage) (16% at 1134MVA) tap Rated voltage 525/27K Frequency 50 CT ratio of HV side | 2000/1 CTratio of LV side 3500015 ‘approx 4000A(From HV Bushing CT of HV Inrush Current (le) side) Neutral point of HV Neutral point of LV NA VT Ratio of Hvside = Zero-sequence impedanc (Aiphase) | 38.99(From HV side) 1.4 500kV Line Parameters Line name ‘SOOKV Line No.1 andNo.2 __| Length (km) an VT ratio (kV) S00N/310.113 CT ratio (A) ‘4000/1 Line type OHL Maximum load current | 4000 a Positive sequence. | 0,01685+j0.2453 Zero sequence 0.16485+)1.1042 Impedance (kM) impedance (C/kM) 1.5 Operating Parameters Maximum load current: Imaxl = 2 x 1247 = 24944, the maximum load current of the main transformer is 1247A, in this substation, we have two transformers, Minimum operating voltage: Umin = 0.85 x Ue = 446,25kV Minimum power factor: cos@ = 0.85 1.6 Short-circuit Current Calculation Refer to NR Electric Co,, Ltd. Suiting Catelation RR 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Protection Configuration Type Quantity Function PCS-821 1 [25,79 Note: 25 Synchronism-checking 78: Auto-reclosing 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD) © DPFC current fault detector element (FD.DPFC.I_Set) Result: 0.14 1) Itshould be larger than the maximum variation of load current. We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 15% of the maximum load. Lset = 0.15 x Imaxl/Kct = 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 094 Imaxl -—the maximum load current value, Imax = 24944, 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum fault current at the end of the line. L set = Ipmin/Kct/Ksen = 1265/4000/3 = 0.11A Ipmin ~The minimum phase current for a fault at the end of the line, Ipmin = 12654 Ksen —The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 Ket —CT ratio 3) When al of the above condition can be met, the current setting can take 0.1~0.2In. © Residual current fault detector element (FD.ROC.310_Set) Result: 0.104 1) It shall be greater than maximum unbalance load current. |Lset = Krel x I_unb/Ket = 1.5 x 249.4/4000 = 0.094 Lunb—--The maximum load unbalance current, |_unb=10%x2494=249.44, 4 NR Electric Co,, Ltd. LK Seting Cleltion Krel---The reliability coefficient, takes 1.5 2) It'should make the protection sensitive enough for a grounding fault at the end of the line, L set = l0min/Ket/Ksen = 828/4000/3 = 0.154 10min 18280 —the minimum residual current for a grounding fault at the end of the line, J0min = Ksen —~The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 3) When all of the above condition can be met, it recommends to take 0.1~0.2In © Negative-sequence current fault detector element (FD.NOC.I2_Set) Result: 0.10A 1) It'should be larger than the maximum variation of load current. We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 15% of the maximum load. I set = 0.15 x Imaxl/Ket = 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum two-phase fault current at the end of the line Lset = I2min/Ket/Ksen = 730/4000/2 = 0.094 12min-—-The minimum phase current. Ksen ‘The sensitivity coefticient, takes 2 3) When all of the above condition can be met, it recommends to take 0.1~0.2In 2.3 Synchro-checking Protection (25) 1) Voltage threshold of dead check, should be set as 40% of the normal operating voltage, 25.U_Dd=0.4*57.74=23V 2) Voltage threshold of live check, should be set as 40% of the normal operating voltage. 25.U_Lv=0.7%57.74=40V 3) Compensation coefficient, the voltage of both side are the same US, 26. K_Usyn=1 4) Phase difference limit of synchronism check for AR 25.phi_Diff=30" 5) Compensation for phase difference between two synchronism voltages 25.phi_Comp=0° 6) Frequency difference limit of synchronism check for AR NR Electric Co., Ltd. 5 Setting Caeuation NR 25.4_Diff=0.5Hz 7) Voltage difference limit of synchronism check for AR. 25.U_Diff=10V 8) Time delay to confirm dead charge check condition. 25.4_DdChk=0.1s 9) Time delay to confirm synchronism check condition, 25.1 SynChk=0.1s 10) Enable frequency difference check. 25.En_$DIfIChk=1 11) Enable synchronism check 25.En_SynChk=1 2.4 Auto-reclosing(79) 1) Maximum number of reclosing attempts. 79.N_Rels=1 2) Dead time of first shot 1-pole reclosing, 79 Dd_1PS1=0.8s 3) Dead time of first shot 3-pole reclosing, 79.1_Dd_3PS1=1.0s 4) Time delay of circuit breaker in closed position before reclosing. 79:1_CBCIsd=5s 5) Time delay to wait for CB healthy. 79:1_CBReady=5s 6) Maximum wait ime for synchronism check. 79.4 Wait_Chk=60s 7) Time delay allow for CB status change to conform reclosing successful 79. Fall=0.25s 8) Pulse width of AR closing signal 79.1. PW_AR=0.128, 9) Reclaim time of AR 6 NR Eloctric Co, Ltd. Rt tng Caelaton 794 Reclaim=18s 10) Time delay of excessive trip signal to block auto-reclosing. 79. PersistT1p=0.2s 11) Drop-off time delay of blocking AR. 79:t_DDO_BIKAR=5s 12) Additional time delay for auto-reclosing 78.t_AddDiy=0.5s 13) Maximum wait time for reclosing permissive signal from master AR. 79.4 WaitMaster=3s, 14) Time delay of discriminating another fault. 79. SecFault=0.3s 3 Settings List Refer to attachment 2 4 Manual Version History In the latest version of the setting calculation, several descriptions on existing values have been modified Setting calculation version and modification history records Setting Calculation Version ‘Source New R100 2018.08.08 | Form the orginal manual. Date Description of change NR Electric Co,, Ltd. 7 CIRCUIT BREAKER AND SHORT LEG (PCS-921(BFP), PCS-924(CCP)) TOTAL 13 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE NX Setting Calculation Project CENTRAL JAVA BOP BAY Circuit breaker and short leg Relay Type PCS-921(BFP), PCS-924(CCP) Document Version R101 SUBQ Code SUBQ00471992 Date 2019-01-17 NR Electric Co., Ltd. NR SetingCateulation Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 System Parameters... 1.1 Generator Parameters .. 1.2 Main transformer. 1.3 500kV Line Parameters. 1.4 Operating Parameters .. 1.5 Short-circuit Current Calculation 2 Settings Calculation 2.4 Protection Configuration. 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD)... 2.3 Breaker Failure Protection (50BF) .. 2.4 Dead zone protection (50DZ) 2.5 Overvoltage protection (59P) 3 Settings Calculation of Short Leg 3.1 Stub Differential protection (87S)... 4 Settings List... 5 Manual Version History .. NR Electric Co., Ltd. i RR Setting Calculation 1 System Parameters 1.1 Generator Parameters Gi-G2 Rated capacity 1182 VA Rated power *1004.7MW Rated Power factor 085 Rated voltage 27k parameters [ Rated current 252758 CT ratio ‘generator neutral point VT VT ratio Direct axis subtransient reactance (non-saturated value X'.ulsaturated value X's) 27.6% Direct axis transient reactance (non-saturated value X'aJsaturated value X's) Direct axis synchronous reactance (non-saturated value XwJsaturated value Xe) Vertical sub-transient reactance(non-saturated value X"au/saturated value X'su) Vertical transient reactance(non-saturated value Xeq/saturated value X'.) Vertical synchronous reactance(non-saturated value Xulsaturated value Xa) Negative-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xou/saturated value Xs) Zero-sequence reactance (non-saturated value Xaulsaturated value Xs) 1.2 Main transformer 11-12 567/851/1134MVA, Capacity (ONAN/ONAF/ODA | Connection method F) Yo-Dt Rated current HV 1247AILV) Impedance voltage (short-circuit 24249A at rated tap_| voltage) 8% at S67MVA_ (16% at 1134MVA) Rated volage 5257271 Frequency 50 CTraio of V side | 3000/1 CT rato of LV side 3500015 prox 4000(From HV Bushing CT of HV Inrush Current (le) Bi side) NR Electric Co., Ltd. Setting Calculation N& Neutral pointof HV | S005 Neutral point of LV NA 100 500kV Ba ‘VT Ratio of HVside a Zero-sequence impedanc (A/phase) 38.99(From HV side) 1.3 500kV Line Parameters Trnava E00KV Line No and No? | Length km 7 | rato a) sean tna eto ay 700 | the bpe OL Mexia oad covet | 400 | A) Peale sequence | OOTGR5H0453 Zar sspianer| | oteepaior 1.4 Operating Parameters Maximum load current: Imaxl = 2 x 1247 = 24944, the maximum load current of the main transformer is. 1247A, in this substation, we have two transformers. Minimum operating voltage: Uri = 0.85 x Ue = 446.25kV Minimum power factor: cos# = 0.85 1.5 Short-circuit Current Calculation Refer to NR Electric Co., Ltd. Ls seting cateaton 2 Settings Calculation 2.1 Protection Configuration Type Quantity Funetion PCS-921(8FP) 1 S0BF POS-924(6CP) 1 ‘878,50P Note: S0BF: Breaker failure protection 87S: Current differential protection SOP: Phase overcurrent protection 2.2 Fault Detector Element (FD) © DPFC current fault detector element (FD.DPFC.|_Set) Result: 0.14 1) It should be larger than the maximum variation of load current, We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 15% of the maximum load. Lset = 0.15 x Imaxl/Ket = 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 0.09A Imaxl -—the maximum load current value, Imax = 2494A 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum fault current at the end of the line. Lset ipmin/Kct/Ksen = 1265/4000/3 = 0.114 Ipmin —-The minimum phase current for a fault at the end of the line, /pmin = 1265A Ksen —The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 Ket —-CT ratio 3) When all of the above condition can be met, the current seiting can take 0.1~0.2In, © Residual current fault detector element (FD.ROC.310_Set) Result: 0.104 1) Itshall be greater than maximum unbalance load current. 094 set = Krel x L_unb/Ket = 15 x 249.4/4000 = Lunb ~The maximum load unbalance current, Iyny = 10% x 2494 = 249.40 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 3 Soting Caeuation NR Krel —Ther coefficient, takes 1.5 2) _It'should make the protection sensitive enough for a grounding fault at the end of the line, L set = l0min/Kct/Ksen = 1828/4000/3 = 0.154 lOmin 18280 the minimum residual current for a grounding fault at the end of the line, 10min = Ksen -—The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 3) When all of the above condition can be met, it recommends to take 0.1~0.2In © Negative-sequence current fault detector element (FD.NOC.I2_Set) Result: 0.10A 1) _It should be larger than the maximum variation of load current. We assume that the maximum variation of load current is 15% of the maximum load. Lset = .15 x Imaxl/Ket = 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 2) It should make the protection sensitivity enough for minimum two-phase fault current at the end of the line. L_set = I2min/Kct/Ksen = 730/4000/2 = 0.094 12min-—The minimum phase current. Ksen ~The sensitivity coefficient, takes 2 3) When all of the above condition can be met, it recommends to take 0.1~0.2In 2.3 Breaker Failure Protection (50BF) © Phase current setting of BFP (50BF.|_Set) ult: 0.16 A 1) It should be greater than maximum load current under maximum operation mode. L_set = Krel x Imaxl/Ket = 1.2 x 2494/4000 = 0.75A Krel ~The reliability coefficient, takes 1.2 Imaxl —the maximum load current value. 2) It should make BFP sensitivity enough for a minimum fault current at the end of the line. L set = Ipmin/Kct/Ksen = 1265/4000/2 = 0.164 Ipmin —The minimum phase current. Ksen —The sensitivity coefficient, takes 1.5 © Residual Current setting of BFP (S0BF.310_Set) 4 NR Electric Co,, Ltd. RK Satting Caeuaton Result: 0.154 1) Itshall be greater than maximum unbalance load current. set = Krel x I_unb/Ket = 1.5 x 2494/4000 = 0.094 1_unb-—-The maximum load unbalance current, linn = 10% x 2494 = 249.4 Krel ~The reliability coofficient, takes 1.5 2) It should make BFP sensitivity enough for a minimum grounding fault current at the end of the line. Lset = 10min/Ket/Ksen = 1828/4000/3 = 0.15A Jomin ~ ‘The minimum phase current. Ksen ‘The sensitivity coefficient, takes 3 © Negative-sequence current setting of BFP (50BF.12_Set) 3) It should make BFP sensitive enough for a minimum fault current at the end of the line. Lset = I2min/Ket/Ksen = 730/4000/1.5 = 0.12A min - ‘The minimum negative current. [2min = 730A Ksen ‘ensitivity coefficient, takes 1.5 © Time Delay of BFP (50BF.t1_OP, 50BF.t2_OP) Normally, the interrupting time of CB is around 50ms, consider certain margin, we take 50BF.1_op as 110ms, and take 50BF.t2 as 190ms. 2.4 Dead zone protection (50DZ) © Current setting ‘Take it the same as Phase current setting of BFP, Le. 50DZ.|_Set=0.16A. © Delay time Normally, the interrupting time of CB is around 50ms, Consider the circuit breaker auxiliary node operating time and certain margin, we take S0DZ.{_op as 150ms. 2.5 Overvoltage protection (59P) This protection is used for line bus side CB. © Stage 1 of overvoltage protection Result: 75.06V/0.8s (secondary value) NR Electric Co., Ltd. 5 Setting Caleuation NRK 1) Phase voltage setting takes 130% of rate phase voltage. It operates to trip CB and send DTT. 59P1.Usey = 130% x 100/V/3 = 75.06V @ = Stage 2 of overvoltage protection Result: 66.40V/3s (secondary value) 1) Phase voltage setting takes 115% of rate phase voltage. It operates to alarm. 59P2.Usee 15% x 100/V3 = 66.40V 6 NR Electric Co,, Ltd. RK Soting Catelation 3 Settings Calculation of Short Leg 3.1 Stub Differential protection (87S) © Biased current differential protection (87S.1_Pkp) osu 2A 1) It should make the protection sensitive enough for an internal fault set = Imin/Ket/Ksen = 2542/4000/2 = 0.324 Ksen ——-sensitivily coefficient, takes 2 Imin —the minimum phase current for a fault at stub section among two circuit breakers and line disconnector. 2) Itshould be greater than maximum load current under maximum operation mode Lset = Krel x Imaxl/Ket = 1.2 x 2494/4000 = 0.754 Krel —-rellability coefficient, takes 1.2 Imaxl maximum load current © Unrestrained instantaneous current differe Result: 0.664 1) Itshould be greater than maximum unbalance load current under maximum operation mode. protection(87S.\_Inst) set = Krel x (Kap x Kee x Ker +4 m) x Imax/Ket = 15 x (2x 1 x 0.1 + 0.05) x 7035/4000 664 -reliability coefficient, Krel=1.3~1.5, takes 1.5; Kap-—-- aperiodic component coefficient, Kap=1.5~2, takes 2; Kee. homotype coefficient of CT, takes 1; Ker--—the ratio error of CT, takes 10%; Imax -—~ The maximum total phase current for a fault at stub section among two circuit breakers and line disconnector, Imax=7035A ‘Am-—the error caused by the difference between ratios of CT at all side, takes 0.05. © Slope of current differential protection(87S.Slop) should make sure that biased current differential protection doesn't trip for extemal fault. Lunb 05% (@x Ima Ittakes: 875.Slope = 0.60 75 x Imay XIN __ 9.4615 875.Slope = 375) x Imax NR Electric Co., Ltd. 7 Sting Cateutton NR LLunb—the maximum unbalance current for a external fault, Lunb = Krel x (Kap x Kee x Ker + Am)Imax = 1.5 x (2 x 1 x 0.1 + 0.05)Imax = 0.37SImax ‘the maximum phase current for an external fault under maximum operation mode; Imax- © Current differential CT alarm element(87S.|_Alm) Result: 0.114 1) It should be greater than the maximum unbalance load current. L set = Krel x Ker x Imaxl/Kct = 1.2 x 0.15 x 2494/4000 = 0.114 Krel-—reliability coefficient, takes 1.2 Ker—the ratio error of CT, takes 15%; Imaxl —-maximum load current a NR Electric Co., Ltd. RK Suing Catelaton 4 Settings List Refer to attachment 2 NR Electric Co, Ltd, 9 Setting Calculation 5 Manual Version History In the latest version of the setting calculation, several descriptions on existing values have been modified, Setting calculation ve ion and modification history records Setting Calculation Version Date Description of change Source New - : 1.00 20%8-08.08 | Form the orginal manval Mid OB protection adds dead zone settings, ine R100 R1.01 2019-1-17 e . bus si CB adds overvoltage settings 10 NR Electric Co., Ltd. ATTACHMENT-1 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATION TOTAL 2 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE RR Short circult current calculation Note: his document is only used for settings calculation of NR, it cannot be used for other purpose. Attachment 1: Short circuit current calculation Project No, Gw1400150 Date: 2018-06-29] ‘S00kV SWITCHYARD calculation condition: l2 generators are running, only S00kV line NO." Is runing Fault | Fault positive | negative | zero curentpostion | unt | sequence |asauance| sequence} | is fr point | te eat bara bale im owvine non a [2005 | 250s | 7005 | vos | 0 [0 the end | BCN |5O0kV line NO.1 A 4,385 1,373 9,038 0 6,773 6,773 pr onny ne NO [260K ie NO a [| 20re | 207 | 0 | 0 | soer | aaer 726 onvine NO. CS TaN [rv A [sa | 12s | aves | avs | 0 |e ow Sertcx [ BON [TH sie A [2005 | oo | soa | 0 | asm | ser jaro [oc fr eve a | swor[ var | 0 | 0 | asa | a5e2 50 [reve a | 2005 [0 | © | anes | anes | 200s calculation condition: JOnly 1 generators is runing, two S00kV line are running positive | negative | zero rest [Eau Current position Unit | sequence | sequence | sequence IR Is IT point | type 1 2 310 [AN _[00kV tine NO.1 a_| 609 ia2e | 1028 ° ° ine end acu Ienok tne No.4 a | asa 2a83 ° a7e1_ | _a786 or sooKy line No.1] BC [500K ine NO.1 a | _ 720 0 0 1265 | 1.268 ‘ABC |500KV tne NO.A a] 1460 ° 0 waco | 1400 | 1460 AN. [500KV tine NO-2 a | _o8 coo | 102s | 1028 0 0 the end ecw [500K tine NO2 a | sar | 32 | 2400 0 a7er_| 1765 Jor suoKy line No.2| 8C [600K line No.2 a | 720 730 0 0 1205 | 1268 ‘ABC [60040 line NO2 A_|_1460 ° 0 xo | 1400 | 1460 an [THHV side a_|_ 1235 | 1235 | 3705 | 3705 0 ° lsookv fswircn | BCN [Tt HV sie a_| 2305 | 630 | 5028 0 3era_| _3s73 eee BC [TIHVside A 1,487 1.467 0 0 2,542 2,542 ABC [M1 HV side a | 2035 ° ° 2008 | 2998 | 2005 NR Electric Co,, Ltd 1 ATTACHMENT-2 SETTING LIST FOR 500KV LINE 1&2 (7SL87) TOTAL 6 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE Nt Attachment 2: Settings List v4.01 Project: CENTRAL JAVA BOP Bay: 500kV Linet and Line2 Relay Type: 7SL87 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 2019-01-17 NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) ‘The setting list is calculated according to the parameters provided by users. ARE (LAE PRN SAGE FATE | The setting ist is only suitable for current system operation mode, it should be rechecked if the system operation mode changes in the future. ACMAPRENTRA ATA, WRPRET ARE, MNT MLR EARS. The setting ist only lists the setting that need to be set according to the designer or actual contitions. For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the ‘actual condition on site. Ifa protection function is not used, the corresponding over-value protection setting can be set as its maximum value, the corresponding under-value protection setting can be set as its minimum value, and the corresponding protection function enablingidisabling logic setting can be set as “disabled”. ARE GTUR SURAT PPR AUR HRSA EME HE IT, ALARA REET, IRSA AL. UR RT TNR ATT, LALOR (A RICH, SCRAP ite fo the concrete settings item and sequence will change when the concrete protection configuration changes, 60 itis not considered whether the settings are in a different order FC AOL A RPC OREN, DL OLAS FAS In order to make sure the settings are consistent withthe actual conditions, please check the bay name, CT ratio, VT rato, and tripping output matrix etc. parameters during the setting configuring process. Set iO Heid, WREKIN. CT. VT. ICTIBRES SEH, ae RANRIRT. ‘Any doubt please contact us (Relays setting calculation group of NR). (THEATRE MURAI NAL. Contacts: Dong Huibo( rsus7 [Name of Substation: ‘CENTRAL JAVA BOP IName of Bay: ‘SOOKV Linet and Line2 Note 1) The setting is only suitable for current system wiring mode, it should be rechecked ifthe system wiring mode changes in the future, 2)_ For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the actual (Change group_Settings ‘Addr [Parameter Unit ‘See Setting 113, [General:Number seilings groups 1 114 [General:Actvat. Of settings group ‘Selings group 1 Power System_Seltings Addr [Parameter Tait ‘See. Setting 2311107 [Phase Sequence ‘ABC Meas,Point -3 phi '3857.101 [Rated Primary Current x 4000 881.102 [Rated Secondary Current A 4 Meas. Point V.3 pht 8911.101 [Rated Primary Voltage WwW 300, e911 102, [Rated Secondary Voliags. Vv 100 Fault Recorder 2761.13 [Fault Recording With pickup 2764131 [Storage ‘Always. 2re1114 laximum record time = 5 Bret Ate [Pre-trigger time. s Os 2761113 ost-trigger time s 05) 2761116 lanual record ime s 05 2764-128 [Scaling COMTRADE ‘Secondary values Tine 1 ; General ‘9007:101 [Rated curent x 000 '9001:102 jaled voltage v 500, [Kine data 9001149 [Neutral point ‘rounded ‘9001-112 ICt periength unt DET 0.07 900-148 [CO per length unit uF km 0.01 900411 per length unit ‘Orkmn. 0.196. ‘9001-114 Line length. km, 4A 9001-108 Line angle ea 86 '9001:104 ke 2.95 8001-105 kx a7 9001:118 ko. 118 9001150 gle (KO) 6 900.119 ICT saturation detection No ‘9001111 [Series compensation no lg7Line Stage Diff 345131 [-DIFF Mode. ‘on 3451.2 I-DIFE Operate & frac blocked no 34515 I-DIFF-Threshow x 02 3451:107 I-DIFF-Thresh, Switch onto fault A Oz 3451.8. |-DIFE Operate delay s 0 Ebi fast2 48211 de on 382112 [Operate & fires blocked no 182113 [Theshod z 2 a211-104 DIFF. Thesh switch oni fault, A 2 [Zi Distance protection Settings ‘Addr [Parameter nit SecSetting — [General 231110 fone timer stant ‘on dist Pickup 2311-107 st. Characteristic angle ce 86 2311:105 [Ground fault detection 310 or 300, 2311:103 [s10>Threshold Value. A ‘Ot 2314.102, /O>Threshold Value Vv 5 2311104, [s10 Pickup Stabilization of 2314:108, ‘oop Select with Ph-Ph-G. Block Leading Ph Zi Seri [Mods on 3571.2 [Operate & fi-rec blocked 7 NR Electric Co, Lid. 78.87 RK rss? [Name of Substatior CENTRAL JAVA BOP IName of Bay: ‘SOOKV Linet and Line2 Serta [Blocked aif provactive es 3571.11 Ht -pole operate allowed yes 3574101 [Function mode, Dhzand and phph 3571-114 fone-spec residu comp ‘no 3571:108 [Directional mode. Toward 3571102, IX reach a 0.65 3571-103 IRIPn-G) a 1.62 3571104 IR(Ph-Ph) a 1.62 3571110 [Operate delay (i-phase) s 0. 3571112 [Operate delay (multiph,) s 0. 357241 lode. on 3572.2 [Operate & Mrecblocked RO 3572-127 Blocked i dif. prot active no 3572.11 H-pole operate allowed nO 3572107 [Function mode. hand and ph-ph 3572114 one-spec residu comp, no 3572:108 Directional mode Toward 3572-102 reach a 1.29 3572:103 IRiPh-G) 2 323 3572:104 IR(Ph-Php o 3.23 3572110, [Operate delay (-phas6) : 04 3572112, [Operate delay (muliph.) s 04 a 3573.4 [Mode on 3573.2 [Operate & frec blocked no 3573:127 locked if diff protactive RO 3573.11 [pole operate allowed no 3573.107 [Function mode phan and phon, 3573.114 IZone-spec residu.comp. no 3573:108 Directional mode, Toward 3573102, reach a 11.57 3573103, IR(Ph-G) o 28.95 '3573:104 PhP} o 28.93 3573:110) lOperate delay (1-phass) S 16 3573:112, [Operate delay (muliph, s 16 Za Disabled [Directional Earth Fault fode ON irectional Option Directional Fwd [Threshold / Pick - up x 0.15 [Operate Delay s 2 [g5-21 Permundorr 5671.141 [Operated with 2 Distance prot Za 567114 [Send with 21 Distance prot 121 ‘S671 Mode On [Switch Onto Fault 5941102, [Configuration Distance Prot Zi, 22,23 5944.1 Mode: ‘On 5941.6 [Operate delay = 0.025 lWiFailDetec. 26714 Mode. ‘Om 267115, ‘Asym-al-DO, No. 2671113 ‘Asym fal ime delay = 40, 267.102, [3ph Jai-pis.curr release A 0.08 2671-103, [3ph fal-phs.currjump A 0.08. 2671.101 [3ph fal VA.VB,VC. v 5 267.107, [Switch-on 3ph failure Or 2671106, [SO Soh fal — time delay = 3 [SB P-Swing Block 311,102, [Zones to be blocked Distance 27, 22 53114 IMode On 5311 105, [Max blocking Gime s 2 [Fault Locator 8671.7 Mode: on 367.107 [Start With operated 78.87 NR Electric Co., Lid. [rsia7 [Namo of Substation: CENTRAL JAVA BOP IName of Bay: ‘SOOKV Line? and Linea Beri. T08 NR Electric Co,, Lt. [Coad compensation I No 7si87 ATTACHMENT-2 SETTING LIST FOR 500KV LINE 1&2 (PCS-931) TOTAL 11 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE nt Attachment 2: Settings List v1.01 Project: CENTRAL JAVA BOP: Bay: 500kV Line1 and Line2 Relay Type: PCS-931 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 2019-01-17 NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The setting list is calculated according to the parameters provided by users. ARENA A UR BM 7 Be. The setting lst is only suitable for current system operation mode, it should be rechecked if the system operation mode changes in the future. ALAA ENTRANT, MRT ARS, MLE RRS. The setting list only lists the setting that need to be set according to the designer or actual conditions. For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the actual condition on site. if a protection function is not used, the corresponding over- value protection setting can be set as its maximum value, the corresponding under-value protection setting can be set as its minimum value, and the corresponding protection function enabling/disabling logic setting can be set as “disabled” AER UROT RFRA EA RR, AINA RP EE TH, HURRIED, ROEM RCL, BLP EOE ARMA, RP RTE RE WIE Due to the concrete settings item and sequence will change when the concrete protection configuration changes, so it is not considered whether the settings are in a different order. A RE ROI Ss AA RE ET AE ELL, FLL ATL AN IU A HE mi. In order to make sure the settings are consistent with the actual conditions, please check the bay name, CT ratio, VT ratio, and tripping output matrix etc. parameters during the setting configuring process. EMEA, BKMMLAK, CT, VT, HONE SSM, SSRIS. ‘Any doubt please contact us (Relays setting calculation group of NR). FE AREER ANSE RSE LNA. Contacts: Dong Huibo( RR Pcs-o31 ‘Substation: ICENTRAL JAVA BOP Name of Bay: [S00kV Linet and Line2 Nate: changes in the futur. 8) FO.LociD and FO.RmtiD 1 41) The setting is only suitable for current system wiring mode, it should be rechecked ifthe system wiring made 2) For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the actual conaition on site, For SO0kV Line Not,SWITCHTARD side:FO LociD is 11, FO.RmtID is 12,opposite side:FO.LoclD is 12, FO,RmtlD is For S00KV Line No2,SWITCHTARD side:FO LociD is 13, FO.RmtID is 14,opposite side:FO.LoclD is 14, FO.RmtlD is 13 No. tem Value [Unit Remark 1 [Active Grp 1 [Active sating group 2 [opt sysFreq 50] Hz [System frequency 3. |Primaryequip Name PMLNG [The name of primary equipment 4 [otn 500___| RV [Primary rated value of VT (phase lo phase) 5 [van 100 | _V_ [Secondary rated value of VT (phase to phase) 6 [cern 4000 | A. [Primary rated value of CT corresponding to cireuit breaker No.1 Pimary calculation base rated current of CT. and generally set 7 jin 4000 A las same as [CB1.l1n] 3 lian 7 ‘A_[Secondary calculation base rated current of CT [Frequency upper imit setting The device wil issue an alarm 9 |t High Froqam 51.5 _| He [Aim Freq], when system frequency is higher than the setting [Frequency lower limit setting The device wil Issue an alarm 10 |ttow_Frecaim 485 | Hz |[Aim_Freq], when system frequency is loner than the setting Line Parameters No. tem Value [Unit Remark 081 + baw a Positve-sequence reactance ofthe whole line (secondary value) 2 frie oe. a. |Positive-sequence resistance of the whole line (secondary value) 3 hot. 363 [2 [zero-sequence reactance of the whole line (secondary value) Rou. (O54 | zero-sequence resistance of the whole line (secondary value) 5_kkow o 1 [Zero-sequence mutual reactance (secondary value) 0 6 |rom 0. [Zero-sequence mutual resistance ofthe whole line (secondary value) 7 [tinetengih 4.17 [ iam [Tota length ofthe whole tine Fault Detector Settings No. Item Value _|Unit Remark 4_|FD.DPFC.1_Set on A_|Current setting of DPFC current fault detector element 2_|FD.ROC.3I0_Set 04 A__|Current setting of residual current fault detector element, 3 01 | a [Current setting of negative-sequence current faut detector element [Enabiing/disabing negative-sequence current Taull Geleclor 4 |FD.NOC.En 1 ones 0: disable, 1: enable Direction_Settings No. Tem Value | Unit Remark 4i leon 04! 75 | dog [fhe characersic ancl of dreconal pase overourent letement 2 [RCA ROC 75 | deg [The characteristic angle of drectional earth fault element NR Electric Co., Ltd RK REA Heese 76__ [xg [a arate ag fecal ngaive-soqence [z0_Comp 0 | A |The compensated zero-sequence impedance [z2_Gomp 02 | 2 [The compensated negative-sequence impedance Pilot Scheme. Settings No. item Value [Unit Description 1 [85.0pt PilotMode POTT lOption of plot scheme: [Option of phase-segregated signal scheme or three-phase 2 |85.0pt_ch_Phseg ° sional scheme.0: three-phase signal scheme;1: phase- |secregated signal scheme 3 [esx wt ° [Enable weak infeed scheme 4 [e5.u_uv wi 50 |_V_|Undervotiage setting of weak infeed logic 5 [e5zen 1 [Enable pilot distance protection 6_[85.En_Unblockingt ° [Enable unblocking soneme [Time delay for Blocking scheme of plot distance protection 7 [652_DPU_Biockingt 04 Ser " : 2 8 [est DPU_cRI 0.03 | “s_Time delay pickup for curent reversal fogio 8 [est 000_cRt 0.025 | _s_|Time delay dropoft for curent reversal iogie 10 [a5.2xEn 0 [Enable zone extension protection 11 [a5t_DPUZX ° [Pickup time delay for zane extension protection operation 72 [a50EF.En 1 [Enable piot directional eartn-ault protection [Enable piot directional eartTaul protection operate To Blosk AR 13 [a5.DEF.En BkAR ° 0: selective phase tripping and not blocking AR 1: three-phase trioging and blocking AR [Enable independent pilot channe! for plot drectional earth-fault tection 14 [25.DEFEn_Indepch 1 pt crectonal carta protection sharing same chanel ith pilot cistance protection : pilot directional earth-fauit adopting independent pilot channel 16 [@5En_Unblocking? 2 [Enable unbiocking scheme for plot DEF via pilot channel 2 16 |85.0EF.310_ Set 0.15 | A [Current setting of pilot directional earth-aul protection “Tr |a5.06F 1 OPU. o 's__[Time detay of pilot directional earth-ault protection [Time delay pickup for current reversal logic when plot dvectonal 48 [p51.DPU_cRe eri ea aut acacon aos independent ok hema? [Time dela for current reversal logie when pilot 10 fs.000_0r@ 04 __| + |gretiona earhsaut protecton adie ndepende pot DIFF Settings No. item Value [Unit| Remark + [e7L Pp 02 [A _[Winimam pickup curent setting of curent differential protection 2|e71.K Cort CT 1 [Current ratio factor of CT 3fe7u_oTs 02 _[_A_|Current setting of citferental protection when CT orcul failure 4671.1 Op_ Neutral 0.04 |S Time delay or neutral current differential element Ble7LxciL 16000__[ ohm [Positive-sequence capacitive impedance ofthe line a7 xcoL 16000 | ohm |Zero-sequence capacitive impedance of the line 7]s7LZ_LocReae 16000 [ohm impedance setting of reactor of local lino 3)B7L.Z_LocGndReae 6000 [ohm impedance setting of ground reactor of local Ine 9le71.z_RmiReas 6000 [ohm impedance setting of reacior of remote lino 10|87L.2_RmiGndReae 6000 | ohm impedance setting of ground reactor of remote line 1i[e7L.En 1 [Enable differential protection “2|87L.En_DPFCT 1 [Enable stage 1 of DPFC current differential element 1a[e7L.En_DPFC2 1 [Enable stage 2 of DPFC current differential element 14[e7L.En_Biasedt a [Enable stage 1 of steady-state current ciferential element 15]87L.En Biased2 7 [Enable stage 2 of steady-state current ciferential element 16 |87L.En_Neutral 1 [Enable neutral curent differential element “7 )B71..En_toterTep 1 [Enable intertripping element NR Electric Co., Ltd RK [Enabie local independent current differential protection independent current differential protection means local current 18)67L.En_LocDift 2 [differential protection can operate without permissive signal from lremote end) 13|87LEn CapCurComp 2 [Enable capactive current compensation alr EeR oR ; erate curent ferential rotectonbocked ding CT et Rimt_Commch_Settings No. item Value [Unit Remark 1 |FoLeaD indeniiy code ofthe device at local end 2|FO.RmID lindentiy code of the device at remote end 3|FO.BaudRate os Baus rate of optical plot channel 4)FO-Protocot 703 itis used to select protocol type, G 703 or G37 94 [The seting forthe times of O4KbIa/s, which is an NOAKDISTS SIFO1Nx64K_C97.94 2 [standard defined by IEEE c37.94 standard @|FOTEN_ntCock 7 [Option of internal clock or external clock 7[FOX.En 1 [Enable channel 1 DPFC distance protection Settings No. item Value — [unit Remark + [e1Z Set 0 10 [impedance setng of DPFG distance protection [Enabing/aieabing DPFC distance protection Zien 2 10: disable, 1: enable ead encroachment Settings No. Tem Value [Unit Remark [Anglo ceting of oad Wapazoid charactoratie, hahould be sot 1+ Jtoadénen phi 37 | deg according to the maximum load area angle (pLoad_Max), @ oad Maxis? Resistance seting of load trapezoid characteris, Wshoud be 2 |loadéneh.R set 57.85 | 0 [set according tothe minimum toad resistance, 70%~20% rine 3. |LoadEnch.En 1 [Enabling/disabiing load trapezoid characteristic lo: disable, 1: enable Distance protection (Quad) Settings Ne. Tem Value | Unit Remark 1 Gang Ana 15 | dea [The angle of Sectional ne PBeined kt ae Real component of zero-sequencs campensalion coaffcient for Sy ae [nesnry sport cere seavence comparsaon = [right Reach 5 | deg [Phase angio of posiive-sequenc impedance forzone 7 [Downward offset angle ofthe reactance line for zane 1 of phase-| aca nee: 7 seg lto-qround distance protection @ bioisaeea 6s | a |podanca sting of zane 1 afphasete around dtanco a iaizanee ta2__| a Ressane selng ozone afprave sound dance OT ZGI Op 7 = Itime delay of one 1 of phase-1e-ground distance protecion aia 7 [Enabiing/disabing zone 1 of phase-l-ground distance protect IEnablinld'sabing phase-o-ground zone 1 of distance 10 Pa1.z6.en_BKAR ° protection operation to block AR [Dc us Df the line for 1 of phe ‘og [Downward offset angie ofthe reactance line Tor zane 7 of phase i PIGiZP RGA 929 | phase distance protection my a 265 | a |paance sting of zane 1 ofphaseiophave dtance is kieizeR BA ts __| a Peselanoe sting ofzneTofpaseiopese dance 7a [TOTZPL Op. z [Time delay of zone 7 of phase-to-phase distance protection [Enablingldsabling zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protection if |EIS (ren i‘ 10: disable, 1: enable [Enabing/disabling phaso-To-phase zone 1 of distance protection 16 [2101.2.En_ BkAR ° loperation to block AR NR Electric Co., Ltd 19: disable. 1: enable RK [Direction option for zone 2 of distance protection 17 [21-20imode Forward ee is saat ie Fest coponontser-aavenc conparstan cose mamaria ae megnary component of zsequence compensation 20 fez pn Reach 136 [dag [Pnase angle of postive-sequencs mpadance for zone 2 [Downward ofset angle ofthe reactance line for zone 2 of phase-| 21 fer eaeeecnee 1 | #9 lo-cround sistance protection 2 brazer sa 120 | a fineedanee sting ot zane 2 of phsero-ground aiance ms leaner at aa_| a. [Resslanoe sing ozone Zo praseie ground dance Zi [AOZZST Op oa [lime delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance protection 25 [2122Gt ShowD) 04 's__[Short time delay of zone 2 of distance Sa iees i nebingtebing one 2 of pasero-gounddtance [Enabling(isabing phaso-to-ground zone 2 of distance 27 2102.26. En_BIkAR 1 lpotection operation to block AR 4 [Downward offset angle of tho reactance Ine for zone 2 of phase-| 2 B [eae ne 1 | *° fo-chase distance protection 2 braapz set 129 | a |imeedaneeseting of zoe 2 paso Topraseaiance 20 etGa zr set aze_| a [Resslnc® sing ozone Zo prasotophase dance ST eTOzZPT Op oa S_|Time delev of zone 2 of ohase-to-phase distance pratecion ee bpesze ey a = [Shortie dla of one 2 of pase-oground stance eae 7 [nabing/sabing zone ZT praseo-phase dance preecton JEnabiing/disabiing phase-lo-phase zone 2 of distance protection 24 f2102.2P-£n BkAR 1 loperation to block AR ‘enable A Sha [Enabling/disabiing fixed accelerate zone 2 of distance protection 36 |2102.£n ShorDly ° Gene dee = aaa Direction option for zone 3 of dstance protection 36 [21-3.0irMode Forward See Sabie ie Real cemenent of ero-soquonc componsationsooiclet To an Imaginary component of zero-Sequence compansalion 38 Pts.ineg 0 a lcooficiont for zone 3 3a Pi-Spht Reach 36 dag [Phase angle of posiive-soavence impedance fer zone 3 a0 bicazenca 12 | deg [Downwerd offset angle ofthe reactance ine fr zane 3 of phase lo-around distance protection 4 biaszoz set 1167 _[ a [impedance soting of zone 3 of phasoro-ground dance Resistance sating of zone 6 of phase-o-ground distance 42 |210326.R sot 203 | a = protection [03261 Op Ts = [Time detay of zone 3 of phase-o-around distance proteciion 44 [2103262 SnorDh 16 [Short time delay of zone 3 of phase-lo-around distance: We easeee z Esaingsabing zone 3 ef phao-o-goundatace [Enablinglcisabing phase-to-ground zone 3 of distance 46 |21032G.En BIKAR 1 lprotection operation to block AR lo: disable, 4: enable ‘ [Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 3 of phase- Ri 0 47 [2103.2P.R0A 12 | ceo Penee dates oo "as ica zealot 1157_| a [imbeancesetng of zone 3 of phase o-phase dance @ piaszPR sa 2090 |. [ReRstanos cong of zone of phase pase dolace SO [2OSZPI Op. is [Time detay of zone 5 of phase-o-phaso dislance prateclion 5 5 [Shor time delay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance 1 f2103.2P. Shortly 18 [precio ealeoserey Fj [Enabiing/disabing zone 3 of phase-to-phase distance protection lo: disablo, 1: enable NR Electric Co., Ltd. [Enabiing/disabiing phase-to-phase zane 3 of distance protection 5 fo1as 2 en_pnan 1 lperaton to lock AR 4 aes i Fisting Sasi nao aanaa re SOTA FOTN hao ena | Jokedton ptn fercone © of duance proveobon ss fra Dinos Ri ecton son fore a h@aaie as es conse of eoaaaites pa OORT w braiman xo an fe SBS EST OREO Sr praan Rea 36 [dag [se ste o pol ve- sequence pedance lr rone S aceas 12 [ce Power ater seas nore 4 e7E wo broazaz sa one [a tan eta ote paOTONT AT mi aoaen oa | a eens eta Ta pas goon ans SE IGEZST Op 13 [= ie dla of sone ot phase otzanddsance ntecon. BE IGE ZG 1 Sho i$" [shor tine delay of zone-4 of ehaesouround dares aa radseey ; Erstingtsang roof pav-o.youn lane rabingtasabing phase-o-ground ze 4 of dtance 65 fp1asze.en ska ‘ pretecton operant lock AR ie. anata elaine 72 [ons Peper sane a SES TTT ar cae ou ae) a fiesenn ete te to aioe oe allo nteal oa | a Penns Sag eT pseu Taare G5 PIGEZEL Gp Ts Thine dtey of sone “of phaso ohana Galas piscina aibcadeany ie Prattma ter tage ol sictoseireasore Aineee, i Ere Sabig ne Tears HTS FOTN pratingtSeabingphassvo-prave Zane of Glance patecTon 72 franzp.en onan 1 operation lock AR 10: disable. 1- enable 7 Iowen nono ; ssn hen aoe re To aaa POET Real coment of eo Sunn Corpersalon cooRTON To 74: PL Piot Reel_Ko) ie lot distance protection 75 Br Potties. Ko ae Listen irmctdsincepsden alsieeasifeas os [soa ise at von scans POTS TH 7 brapinz sw sala neces ara OPI ance peToton aad aliaeenies 306 Joon [cnet oR TS SR oO a anaae? 122 fom [tose eng oT TERE ETH eo fraPioiR Rov 3.05 [ohm [Resslnes setng opt cance protection reverse Eabingtasabing zane 1 of detancopoToion Comedy 81 [2101.En_PSBR 1 |PSBR (Quad characteristic) }0. disable, 1. enabi nabingtdeabing one ZT delanc proTeion GomrTed by «2 frazen pser : PSOR (Gund characters) 10. disable, 1, enable. rating bing sone of dance roTatan corTaTed By es fr1asen psa 0 SBR (Gund characters) 10. disable, 1. enable natn iabing sone of dance woe corWaTed By 84 /21Q4.En PSBR 0 |PSBR (Quad characteristic) lo: disable, 1: enable NR Electric Co., Ltd RK [Enabing/aisabling pict distance zone controlled by PSBR (Quad| 85 [21a Piloten_PsBR 1 Jcharacteristic) 4 enable 6 [21G1 PSBR 075 | A [Current setting for power swing blocking (Guad characteristio) Earth fault protection Settings Now tem Vaiue [Unit Remark at eeiakinae oe [Seti of second Parone componeior basing er aut 2 [05161 310 Set 075 [A [Current setting for stage 1 of earh fault protection ‘3 [505161 Op 2 [Time delay for stage 1 of earth fault protection [Enablingidisabling stage 1 of earth fault protection eee “ lo disable, 1: enabi [Enabing/Disabling auto-reciosing blocked when slage 1 of earth 5 [5051G1.En_BKAR 1 laut protection operates lo disable, 1 enable © [S0S1GT. Opt Dr Foward [Direction opin for stage 1 of earh fault protection JEnabiing/disabling second harmonic blocking for stage 1 of earn 7 [s0151G1.€n_Hm2_eik ° fault protection ‘enable [enabiinglisabiing Docking for stage T of earn Tau proteation 8 |5015161.En_Abnor Bik 1 Junder abnormal conditions lo: cisabie, 1: enable [Enabiingidisabling brocking for stage 1 of earth Tault protection 9 |50151G1.En_CTS_Bik 1 lunder CT failure conditions 4: enable To /SOBIGT Opt Cane Define [Option of characteristic curve for stage 1 of earth fault protection as 7 [ime mutbier sting for sage tf invere-me eath aut fo leu raaie 2 [Minimum operating tme Tor siage 1 of nverse-time earth fault protection ig leieieiapie a [Fonsint 5 fr sage Tot estomzadinvesetine [Constant “C" for stage 1 of customized inverse-time 14 [s0st61.c ° Gracie enh ful aiucion ae leuieiaie aaa Gonsiant "for stage 1 of cutomizadimveseaine [characteristic earth fault protection Distance SOTF protection Settings No. item Value [Unit Romark 1 [S0GSOTF 310 Set 0.18 —|_A_[Gurrent seting of residual current SOTF protection 2 [50GSOTF En 1 [Enable residual curront SOTF protection JEnabiing/disabling distance SOTF protection l2tSoTF.En 1 sah canals JEnablingldisabiing zone 2 of distance SOTF protection for 4 21SOTF.22.En Mancls 1 Jranual closing a [Enablinglisabiing zone 3 of distance SOTF protection for 5 [21SOTF23.En_Mancls 1 manual closing 7 5 [Enabling/cisabing zone 4 of distance SOTF protection for 6 [21SOTF.Z4.En_Mancis 1 Imanual closing li enable, 0: disable [Enabling/disabing zone 2 of distance SOTF protection for S-pole| 7 21S0TF Z2En SPAR 1 reclosing 1: enable, 0: disabl lEnabling/cisabiing zone 3 of distance SOTF protection for 3-pole| 8 21SOTF Z3.En_sPAR 1 rociosing 1 enable, 0: disable lEnabling/aisabling zone 4 of distance SOTF protection for -pole| 9 ptSOTF.Z4.En_3PAR 1 rectosing nae [Enabling/aisabling zone 2 controled by PSB of distance SOTF 10 |2soTFz2.en PSBR ° protection for 3-pole reclosing hen Enabling/aisabling zone 8 controled by PSB of distance SOTF 11 fptsoTF.23.En_PSBR ° protection for 3-polerectosing 1 enable. 0: disable Jenabiing/disabiing zone 4 controlled by PSB of distance SOTF 12 e1soTF.24.6n_PsBR ° protection for 3-polerectosing i:enable, 0: disable NR Electric Co., Ltd, Re 8 l21SOTF.En_POF [Enabing/disabing distance SOTF protection under pole |siscrepancy conditions LH “ l21soTF.1_POF 0.12 6 [Time delay of distance protection operating under pole 5 ISOTFU_Dal = v [Undervottage setting of deadline detection 18 [SOTF.t Dal 5 s [Time delay of deadiine detection 17 ISOTF.Opt Mode Mancis Al Broken conductor protection Settings tion of manual SOTF made JManCisB!: intiated by input signal of manual closing |CBPos: intiated by CB position IManCisB\JCBPes: initiated by either input signal of manual closing or CB position Autolnit: initiated by no voltage detection Value | Unit Remark |468c.12111_Set 0.25 [Ratio sating (negative-sequence current to postive-saquance current) of broken conductor protection \F6BC.t Op 7 Time delay of broken conductor protection 1468C.1 Min Or A [Minimum operation current of broken conductor protection l4eac.en_Tp 1 [Enabiing/cisabling broken conductor protection 1o operate To ip lb: disabie, 1: enable [468C.En_Aim Enabinglsabling broven Conducta protacion wo operate To alarm o- disable, 1: enable vis TS settings item Value [Unit Remark Vist DPU 1.25 s Pickup time delay of VT crcult superdision DDO. 40 s Dropoff time delay of VT circuit supervision No voltage used for protection calculation 1: enable, 0: disable in general, when VT is not connected to the davice, this logic ould be sel as “1" Voltage selection for protection calculation from busbar VT or line VT tine VT. busbar VT [Alarm function of VT circuit supervision 1: enable, 0: disable Trpl ic Settings | Hem ‘Value | Unit Remark lEn_MPF_Bik_AR |Enabling/disabiing aulo-reclosing blocked when muli-phase fiat happens. D. disable, 1. enabi len_3PF_Bik_AR [Enabiina/disabiing aule-reclosing blocked when tireo-phass fault happens. 0: disable, 1: enabie lEn_PhsF_sik_AR [Enabiingldisabiing aulo-reclosing blocked when Taully phase selection fails 0: disable, 1: enabie IcB1.En_treP [Enabling/disabiing three-phase inpping mode for any fault lconditions lo. disable. 1: enable t_Dwell_trp 04 s [Tho dwell ime of tipping command, empirical value is 0.04 The ripping contact shall drop off under conditions of no current or NR Electric Co., Ltd otection tring element drop-off, RX NR Electric Co., Ltd ATTACHMENT-2 SETTING LIST FOR 500KV BUSBAR (PCS-915) TOTAL 5 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE NX Attachment 2: Settings List v1.00 Project: CENTRAL JAVA BOP Bay: 500kV Busbar Relay Type: PCS-915 NR Electric Co., Ltd. 2018-08-08 NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The setting lst is calculated according to the parameters provided by users. ARE (IRAE PR ORM BLE THE. ‘The setting list is only suitable for current system operation mode, it should be rechecked if the system operation mode changes in the future. ACMAPRERTRAMETAR, MRT ARES, HEART, The setting list only lists the setting that need to be set according to the designer or actual conditions. For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the actual condition on site. if a protection function is not used, the corresponding over-value protection setting can be set as its maximum value, the corresponding under-value protection seiting can be set as its minimum value, and the corresponding protection function enabling/disabling logic setting can be set as “disabled” AREER T PPAR AUB Dit RS Oe SE MO, AU A OR, TRRESCRH RRL. IRR THRE ARE, SRAM EERE ROC, SCRE E E EE Dus to the conerete settings item and sequence will change when the concrete protection configuration changes, 0 itis not considered whether the settings are in a different order. FAP ELA AOI AURA RPM TTR, AULT GRRE A In order to make sure the settings are consistent with the actual conditions, please check the bay name, CT ratio, VT ratio, and tripping output matrix etc. parameters during the setting configuring process. SELLA, AEESLMIB AR, CT, VT, SERESS, SokERHENTM. Any doubt please contact us (Relays setting calculation group of NR). ‘GE OTS LR MOM ORE LIL. Contacts: Dong Huibo ( Rt Pcs-9161c [Name of Substation: [CENTRAL JAVA BOP Name of Bay: [500K Busbar Note 1) The setting is only suitable for current system wiring mode, it should be rechecked i the system wiring mode changes in the futur. 2) For ather settings that not listed inthis section, please set them according to the actual condition on site. ‘System Settings No. item Value ]U Remark 1 |Active Gip 1 [The number of active setting group 2 |PrimaryEquip_Name Busbar Name of the protected primary equioment 3 [in 30, 4 |uin PP 500 IKV_|Rated primary phase-to-phase voliage of VT. S_|U2n FP 4100 V_[Rated secondary phase-to-phase voltage of VT. 6 [Bayn ttn rN [lin Ref 000 ‘A [Rated primary current of reference CT. 10 ian _Ref 1 ‘A__|Rated secondary current of reference CT. 11 Opt UnearthedSys_Mode Disable or enable unearthed system Busbar Differential Protection Settings No. item Value | Unit Remark 1 [878 Pip 0.32 ‘A [Pickup value of diflerental current igh restraint coefficient for steady-slale check zone, 08 | 2 [78.SlopeH_CZ a ;ecommended, less than 0.3 is not recommended. JLow restraint’ coeficient for steady-state check zone, 0.3 | S Alero Sineliee os. recommended, less than 0.3 is nol recommended. IHigh restraint coefficient for steady-state discriminative zone, 06 i] 4 [878 SlopeH_DZ ae. ommended, les than 0.3 is not recommended. lLow restraint coeficient for steady-state discriminative zone, 05 18 Paleie Sepeb De oe lecommended, less than 0.3 is not recommenced. &_|LAimH_ CTS OA A |Current setting of CT circuit failure 7_|LAimL CTS 0.08 ‘A |Current setting of CT circuit abnormality 8 _[87B.VCEU Set 40 \V_|Under voltage setting of VCE for BBP 9_[878.VCE.3U0 Set 6 V_|Residval voltage selting of VCE for BBP 0 |87B.VCE.U2 Set 4 V|Negative-sequonco voltage setting of VCE for BBP. ailaiaEA Enabling busbar differential protection o: Disabling busbar diferential protection Alarm signal wil be issued if BBP is cisabled fe Pre EAlm Of i o: Alarm signal will not be issued if BBP is disabled 1: two stages of backup busbar diferential protection fs enabled AS: 7B En_Dy_Picod 1 o: two stages of backup busbar differential protection is disabled = breaker failure protection is initiated if busbar ciferential protecton| loperates to trip 21/678 En InkSOEr t 0: breaker failure protection can not be initiated by busber cifferential protection i: BBP is controled by the Binary input (87B.BLEMBIK], once] 16 |878.En_BI_ExtBik 0 [678.B1_Ext8ik| is energized, BBP will be blocked 0: BBP will not bo controlled by the binaryinout [878,81 ExtBik lEn_AutoRecov_AimH_CT wo lg Hi: the CT circu failure alarm signal can be reset aufomatically ator the CT circuit returns to normal condition Jo: the CT circuit failure alarm signal cannot be reset automaticall i 17 |En_AutoRecov_AimL_CTS| i: the CT circuit abnormality alarm signal can be reset automalical lafter the CT circuit tums to normal condition jo: the CT circuit abnormality alarm signal can not be reset] lautomatically since the CT circut retuns to normal condition 18 |En_AutoRecov_DS f= If any disconnector position alarm is issued, once the abnormality lsisconnector position disappears , the alarm will be resel jautomaticelly lo: If any disconnector position alarm is issued, the alarm can not be| ‘ihe disconnector position confirm binary NR Electric Co., Li. PCS-9151C a RAR 1878.En_DSAIm_Bik [Enabling busbar dferental protection being Dlocked by GSconTecton| position abnormality 1: if current is detected in a feeder but the feeder has no disconnecter| positions for any busbars, buster differential protection will be blocked| Jo: busbar differential protection will not be blocked for the| ldisconnector position abnormality condition. "0" is recommended. I it 20 \87B.En_CTS_Bk "busbar differential protection s blocked #f CT orcult Tals; lo: busbar differential protection is not controlled by CT circult faire 2 1878.VCE.En 1: BBP is controled by VCE; lo: BP will not be controlled by VCE PCs-a15iC. NR Electric Co., Ltd. ATTACHMENT-2 SETTING LIST FOR 500KV CIRCUIT BREAKER(PCS-921 AUTO RECLOSE) TOTAL 5 PAGES INCLUDED THIS PAGE N« Attachment Settings List v1.00 Project: CENTRAL JAVA BOP Bay: S00KV Circuit Breaker Relay Type: PCS-921 atuo reclose NR Electric Co., Ltd. 2018-08-08 NOTES: 1) 2 3) 4 5) 6) The setting lst is calculated according to the parameters provided by users. ARSE LAE RGIS ETRE. The setting lst is only suitable for current system operation mode, it should be rechecked if the system operation mode changes in the future. ACMABRELT MAMET AN, WRT ARO, MOE MT. The setting list only lists the setting that need to be set according to the designer or actual conditions. For other settings that not listed in this section, please set them according to the actual condition on site. If@ protection function is not used, the corresponding over-value protection setting can be set as its maximum value, the corresponding under-value protection setting can be set as its minimum value, and the corresponding protection function enabling/disabling logic setting can be sot as ‘disabled’. ARSE (I UR T GPA ALIA ERR AREA OE TL, AURORA HO, AA SEEMS. UREA A IRA, GALORE Mee RIA, RUPEE RUM, OR SPONGE EME iB, Dus to the concrete settings item and sequence will change when the concrete protection configuration changes, so it is not considered whether the settings are in a different order. FS LP Se AON AA PN RE RE AL, FL LARA OI AR. In order to make sure the settings are consistent with the actual conditions, please check the bay name, CT ratio, VT ratio, and tripping output matrix etc. parameters during the setting configuring process. JERR, ESRB AK, CT, VT, Hi CNSR SR, SSR HTT Any doubt please contact us (Relays setting calculation group of NR). AE PIA Me RE HI. Contacts: Dong Huibo( Rit Setting List Name of IPcs-921 atuo reclose epee ICENTRAL JAVA BOP Name of Ba [S00kV Circuit Breaker Nove: 1) The setting is only suitable for current system wit inthe future. ring mode, it should be rechecked if the system wiring mode is changed 2) For other settings that not liste in this section, please set ther according to the actual condition on site. ‘System Settings No. Tem: Value —[ Unit Description 1 Acive GD. 1 [Active setting croup 2 Opt SysFreq 50 | He [System frequen 3 | PrimaryEquip Name ca [Tho description ofthe primary equipment 4 Uin 500 -KV_ [Primary rated value of VT (phase-to-phase) 5 U2n 100 |v _[Secondary rated valuo of VT (phase-to- phase) 6 in 4000] “A|Primary rated value of CT z Tan 1 ‘A [Secondary rated value of CT am [Frequency upper limit setting The device wil issue an alarm [Alm_Freq], 8 | t High Freqlm £3 _| ¥2 Iwhen system irequency is higher than the setting 7" [Frequency iower mit seling The device wil issue an alarm [Alm_Freq], e Low Freak 47] = Jnnen system frequency is lower than the setting. FD_Settings No. tem Value [Uni Description 1 FDDPFCI Sat 0.1 | A _[Current selling of DPFC current fault detector element 2 | FD.ROO3I0 Set (0.1 | -A [Current setting of residual current faut detector element 3 FO.NOG.I2 Set 0.1 {A [Current setting of negative-sequence curren feu detector slement : fEnabing/aisabling negalive-sequence current fault detector element : ee ‘ Jo: disable ; 1: enable ‘ArlSyn_ Settings No. item Vaiue [Unit Description + | 25 Opt Soures ULt Us [Voltage selecting mode for UL1.VR; VS; VI; VRSST: VIR. 2 [25 Opt Source UBI Us [Voltage seleciing mode for UBI.VR: VS. VT: VRS.VST. TR '3_[-25.0pt Source UL2 Us Noltage solocting mode for UL2.VR; VS; VT; VRS.VST. VIR. 4-[ 25.01 Source UB2 Us Noltage selecting mode for UB2 VR: VS. VT; VRS.VST; VIR [Configuration mode of 6 Pome debt reaker NoVoitSel,DbIBusOneCB:3/28usCB:3/2TIeCB. 6 25.U_Dé 23 |v Voltage threshold of dead check 7 25.U_Lv 40 | V_ Voltage threshold of live check z 25K Usyn i [Compensation cosficient for synchronism voltage e 25.ph1 Diff '30__['deq [Phase diference limit of synchronism check for AR 0 25 phi_ Comp ‘0 | deg [Compensation for phase aitforonce between two synchronism vollages 1 25. Dit 0.2 | Hz [Frequency difference limit of synchronism check for AR 12 25.U_bitt 10 | v_ |Vottage diffrence limit of synchronism check for AR 3 251 DaGhk or [Time delgy to contim dead charge check condllion 74 251 Synchk ot [Time delay to confirm synchronism check condition. 15 | 25.En ifchk 1 [Enabiing/aisabling frequency difference check 0: disable 7: enable [Synchrocheck mode selection 0: determined by external signal ae eon $ letermined by corresponding logic sotting aT | 25 En Synthk i [Enabling/disabling synchronism check 0: disable Tenable . [Enabling/isabiing dead reference voltage and dead synchronism Brel) eel eerie, ° hotage check.0: disable,t: enable aa [Enabling/isabling dead reference vollage and ive synchronism volage Hei eee eres e chock 0: disable: enable [Enabling/isabiing live reference voltage and dead synchronism voRage ea eeiieete tier 2 check 0: disable 1: enable zi 25n_NOOnK, 0 [Enablingldisabiing AR without any check 0: disable 1: enable 22 | 25.6n_SPLVChk 0 [Enablingldisabiing live three-phase check of line 0: disable.1: enable 23 TON Rois 1 Maximum number of reclosing attempts 26 794 Dd 1PSI 0.8 [5 [Dead time of fist shot t-pole reclosing 25 7a Da SPST 1 [Dead time of fist shot 3-pole reclosing 26 791-Dd aPS2 1 's_[Dead time of second shot 3-pole reclosing 2 Tat Dd SPSS 1 [Dead time of third shot 3-pole reclosing INR Electic Co., Ltd Pos.s21 3 Setting List of PCS.921 RK A 731 Da SPS4 7 ©_[Bead ime of fourth shat &-pore reclosing 29 791 CBCisd z [Time delay of circuit breaker in closed postion before reclosing [Time celay to wait for CB healthy, and begin to timing when the mput signal “ Pa GeReedy 5 ® |[79.c8_Healthy) is de-energized and if its not energized within this ime deiey. AR wil be blocked 3 Tat Wait Chk 30s _]Maximum wait time for synchronism check 32 7a Fail 0.25 | s_ [Time delay allow for CB status change to conform reclosing successful a Tat PW AR Diz |< [Puke width of AR dosing signal 3 791 Reclaim 18 | s [Reclaim time of AR 35| 79 PersistTrp (0.2 | -s |Time celay of excestive Ip signal fo Block auto-reciosing [Drop-off ime delay of blocking AR, when diocking signal for AR Sao = _|cisappears, AR blocking condition drops off ater this time delay a 791 AGGDH TS [7s [Additional ime delay for auto-reclosing 38 | 78.1 WailMaster 3 's__ [Maximum wait me for reclosing permissive signal rom master AR [Time delay of discriminating another fault, and begin to times after 7 pole AR 39 79 SecFault 03 | 5 |intiated, 3-pole AR wil be initiated if another fault happens during this hime Idclay. AR will be blocked i another fault happens after that [Enabiing/disabling auto-reclosing blocked when a faut occurs under 40| — 79.En_POF_Bik 1 Jooie Icisagreement condition 0: diseble 1: enable - [Enabiingicisabling auto-reciosing with an adGllional dead time Gelay - BELAY £ lo: disable 1: enable a | ye cartice 4 tabingteabing aa te engi ofrecoara pcos deabloy [Enabling/isabing confirm whether ARs successful by checking CB 43] 79.En_FailCheck 1 state lo: disable 1: enable ry 7aEA 7 [Enabling/disabiing auto~redlosing 0: dsable,t: enable [Enabiing/isabiing AR by external input signal Besides Togio seling 45 72En_Excw 1 I79.en) lo: only logic seting 1: ogic seting and external input signal [Enablinglcisabiing AR be initiated by open state of circuit breaker O: 6 79.En_CBinit 1 disabie 1: enable lOption of AR priority None: single-breaker arrangement Figh: master 47] 79.0p1 Prirty None JAR of mult-breaker arrangement Low: slave AR of mult-breakor Jarrangement,None, High or Low e [Control option of AR mode 1: select AR made by infernal logie selings Ee ad ° 0: select AR mode by external inout signals 6 7SEn_IPAR © [Enabingicisabing 1-pole AR mode 0: cisable 1: enable 50 70.En SPAR © [Enablingcisabing $-pole AR mode 0: disable 1: enable St] 78.6 {PPAR © [Enabiing/cisabing 1/3-pole AR mode 0: disable 1: enable 4 Pcs.921 INR Electric Co., Ltd

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