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Slide 2: Collective Bargaining GR: The duty to bargain collectively shall also mean that

neither party shall terminate nor modify such agreement

-Collective bargaining is a process where both parties, during its lifetime. [Art. 264]
labor and management, agree to fix and administer terms
and conditions of employment which must not be below Slide 3: 1st Kind of Collective Bargaining
the minimum standards fixed by law. This also sets a
mechanism for resolving the parties' grievances (Art 263 A Single Enterprise Bargaining  involves a CBA
[252, LC). negotiation between one certified SEBA and one
employer only
-Collective Bargaining is a right duly guaranteed under -It is one where any voluntarily recognized or certified
the Constitution. Section 3, Article XIII provides that the labor union may demand negotiations with its employer
State shall guarantee the rights of all workers to for terms and conditions of work covering employees in
collective bargaining and negotiations (Chan, Labor the bargaining unit concerned.
Law, 2019).
Any certified SEBA may demand negotiations with the
-In the absence of an agreement or other voluntary employer regarding the terms and conditions of
arrangement providing for a more expeditious manner of employment of the employees in the bargaining unit it
collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of the employer represents.
and representatives of the employees to bargain
collectively (Article 262 [251], Labor Code). The SEBA should submit such intention in writing to the
employer together with its proposals for collective
- Collective bargaining is defined as a negotiation bargaining. The SEBA and the employer may adopt
towards a collective agreement, it is a process, a right procedures and processes they may deem appropriate
and a duty (Me). and necessary for the early termination and conclusion
of their negotiations.
-It is a mutual responsibility of the employer and the
union and this is characterized us a legal obligation They should name their respective representatives to the
negotiations, schedule the number and frequency of the
-It is not equivalent to an adversarial litigation where meetings, and agree on the wages, benefits and other
rights and obligations are delineated, and remedies terms and conditions of employment for all the
applied but it is simply a process of finding a reasonable employees covered in the bargaining unit.
solution to a conflict and harmonizing opposite positions
into a fair and reasonable compromise [Caltex Refinery While there can be two or more unions in the enterprise,
Employees Assoc v Brillantes (1997)]. only one union is able to gain recognition as the
collective bargaining agent to represent the workers in
Distinction Between “Collective Bargaining” and an ‘appropriate bargaining unit’. The representation
“Dealing with Employer” status of the collective bargaining agent is for five years,
-To bargain collectively is a right that may be acquired which is the maximum duration of a CBA.
by a labor organization after registering itself with the
Department of Labor and Employment and after being Slide 4: 2nd Kind of Collective Bargaining
recognized or certified by DOLE as the exclusive
bargaining representative (EBR) of the employees. The second kind of Collective Bargaining is the Multiple
Dealing with employer, on the other hand, is a generic Employer Bargaining. It is one where a legitimate labor
description of interaction between employer and union or unions and employers may agree in writing to
employees concerning grievances, wages, work hours come together for the purpose of collective bargaining,
and other terms and conditions of employment, even if provided that i) only legitimate labor unions which are
the employee’s group is not registered with the incumbent exclusive bargaining agents may participate
Department of Labor and Employment and negotiate in multi-employer bargaining; (ii) only
employers with counterpart legitimate labor unions
which are incumbent SEBAs may participate and
Who has the duty? Both the Employer and the
negotiate in multi-employer bargaining; and (iii) only
representatives of the employees.
those legitimate labor unions who pertain to an employer
unit who consent to multi-employer bargaining may
participate in multi-employer bargaining.

Structural conditions for multi-employer bargaining bargain collectively. (Oriental Tin Can Labor Union
exists when there are two or more employers negotiating v SOLE [1998])
with one or more unions. Multiple employer bargaining  
refers to all situations in which two or more employers Slide 7: Duty to bargain
bargain or negotiate jointly, through a committee or
association, with one or more labor organizations -When there is a collective bargaining agreement already
representing employees (or workers) of the counterpart in place, the duty to bargain collectively shall also mean
employers party, with respect to wages, working that neither party shall terminate nor modify such
conditions and other terms and conditions of agreement during its lifetime.
employment (ILO, 2015).
However, either party can serve a written notice to
Although multi-employer bargaining has a legal basis, terminate or modify the agreement at least sixty (60)
due to limitations, it is not practiced in the Philippines. days prior to its expiration date.
Likewise, there are opportunities that were identified
which can still be strengthen through policy issuance and It shall be the duty of both parties to keep the status quo
hopefully could pave the way for its practice. Hence, and to continue in full force and effect the terms and
there is a need to create an enabling environment that conditions of the existing agreement during the 60-day
requires collective approach both from the government period and/or until a new agreement is reached by the
and social partners. . To implement multi- employer parties.  (Art 264 [253], Labor Code).
bargaining, there is a need to review DOLE Department
Order No. 40-03, specifically on union membership This duty extends to discussing proposals for adjusting
coverage, workers representation, and provisions on any grievances or questions arising under such
multi-employer bargaining. agreement, or executing a contract incorporating such
agreements if requested by either party.
Collective bargaining is enterprise-based. There is no
tradition of industry-based bargaining in the Philippines. Duty to Bargain does NOT include:

Slide 5: Legal Bases Any legal duty on the employer to initiate contract
negotiation [Kiok Loy v. NLRC, G.R. No. L-54334
The Constitutional mandate is implemented through (1986)]
Articles 261 to 264 and Article 259 of the Labor Code.
These were formerly Articles 250 to 253 and Article And it also does not include:
248. the obligation to reach an agreement. -The laws invite
These articles provide unions with the right to collective and contemplate a collective bargaining contract, but
bargaining and negotiations on behalf of employees at they do not compel one. [Tabangao Shell Refinery
the enterprise. Employees Association v. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum
Corporation, G.R. No. 170007 (2014)]
Slide 6: Duty to bargain
This is because, while the law makes it an obligation for
-The duty to bargain collectively is the performance of a the employer and the employees to bargain collectively
mutual obligation to meet and convene promptly and with each other, such compulsion does not include the
expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of negotiating commitment to precipitately accept or agree to the
an agreement with respect to wages, hours of work and proposals of the other. All it contemplates is that both
all other terms and conditions of employment including parties should approach the negotiation with an open
proposals for adjusting any grievances or questions mind and make reasonable effort to reach a common
arising under such agreement and executing a contract ground of agreement. [Union of Filipro Employees v.
incorporating such agreements if requested by either Nestle, GR 158930-31 (2008)
party but such duty does not compel any party to agree
to a proposal or to make any concession (Art 263 [252], - The failure to reach an agreement after negotiations
Labor Code). continued for a reasonable period does not establish a
lack of good faith.
-The Labor Code imposes upon both the employer
and the representative of the employees the duty to
Slide 8: Employer’s Duty
-The employer has no duty to bargain when the majority respected by the employer. A PCE challenging the
status of the employees’ representative is not majority status of the existing SEBA should be filed
established. (Philippine Diamond Hotel and Resort v within the 60-day period, and not before or after such
Philippine Diamond Hotel Employees Union, GR period. Upon the expiration of the said CBA the
158075) employer is duty bound to continue its recognition of the
majority status of the incumbent as SEBA until a new
-A violation to bargain collectively by an employer one is drafted.
constitutes ULP (Art 259 [g], LC)
Slide 9: Purpose of Collective Bargaining
-The employer cannot discontinue the grant of the
benefits embodied in the CBA which just expired as it is *The ultimate purpose of collective bargaining is to
duty-bound to maintain the status quo by continuing to reach an agreement resulting in a contract binding on the
give the same benefits until a renewed or a new CBA is parties.
reached by the parties.
Mandatory Subjects of Bargaining:
Note: The employer is not under any legal obligation to 1.Wages
initiate collective bargaining negotiations. 2. Hours of work
3. and all other terms and conditions of employment
1st bullet: a natural consequence of this is that the including:
employer has the right to demand of the asserted a. proposals for adjusting any grievances and procedure
bargaining agent proof of its representation of its for such, or
employees. b. questions arising under such agreement, and
c. executing a contract incorporating such agreements,
-Under the philosophy or principle of collective d. if requested by either party, but such duty does not
responsibility, an employer who bargains in good faith compel any party to agree to a proposal or to make any
should be entitled to rely upon the promises and concession. [Art. 263]
agreements of the union representatives with whom he
must deal under the compulsion of law and contract. The Examples of these Mandatory subject for bargaining are:
collective bargaining process should be carried on
between parties who can mutually respect and rely upon The refusal to negotiate a mandatory subject of
the authority of each other. bargaining is an unfair labor practice, although either
party has every desire to reach an agreement and
Where, however, collective bargaining process is not earnestly and in all good faith bargains to that end.
involved, and what is at stake are back wages already [Azucena]
earned by the individual workers by way of overtime,
premium and differential pay, and final judgment has The duty to bargain is limited to mandatory bargaining
been rendered in their favor, the real parties in interest subjects; as to other matters, he is free to bargain or not
with direct material interest, as against the union which to bargain.
has only served as a vehicle for collective action to
enforce their just claims, are the individual workers Over mandatory subjects, a party may insist on
themselves. Authority of the union to waive or quitclaim bargaining, even to the point of deadlock, and his
all or part of the judgment award in favor of the insistence will not be construed as bargaining in bad
individual workers cannot be lightly presumed but must faith.
be expressly granted, and the employer, as judgment
debtor, must deal in all good faith with the union as the
Over a non-mandatory subject, on the other hand, a party
agent of the individual workers. The Court in turn should
may not insist on bargaining to the point of impasse,
certainly verify and assure itself of the fact and extent of
otherwise his insistence can be construed as bargaining
the authority of the union leadership to execute any
in bad faith.
compromise or settlement of the judgment on behalf of
the individual.
The CBA should not provide for benefits below the
standard prescribed by law, award or order(sub-
If the SEBA is unchallenged during the 60-day freedom
minimum CBA)
period, the majority status of the existing SEBA is
deemed uninterrupted and continuing and thus should be

The grievance procedure is part of the continuous bargaining depends not on its form, but on its practical
process of collective bargaining. It is intended to effect. [Azucena]
promote a friendly dialogue between labor and
management as a means of maintaining industrial peace. NEGOTIATIONS BAR RULE. Under this rule, no
(Republic Savings Bank v CIR, 21 SCRA 226 [1967] petition for certification election should be entertained
while the sole and exclusive bargaining agent and the
As in all other contracts, the parties in a CBA may employer have commenced and sustained negotiations in
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions good faith within the period of one (1) year from the date
as they may deem convenient provided they are not of a valid certification, consent, run-off or re-run
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or election or from the date of voluntary recognition.
public policy. [Manila Fashions v. NLRC, G.R. No.
117878 (1996)] Once the CBA negotiations have commenced and while
the parties are in the process of negotiating the terms and
Determining the Character of the Bargaining Issue is conditions of the CBA, no challenging union is allowed
important. The question as to what are mandatory and to file a petition for certification election that would
what are merely permissive subjects of collective disturb the process and unduly forestall the early
bargaining is of significance on the right of a party to conclusion of the agreement.
insist on his position to the point of stalemate.

A party may refuse to enter into a collective bargaining Slide 10: Collective Bargaining Requisites
contract unless it includes a desired provision as to a
matter which is a mandatory subject of collective 1. Employer-employee relationship
bargaining. 2. Majority status of the SEBA
3. The bargaining unit being sought to be
[But] a refusal to contract is in substance a refusal to represented by the SEBA should be validly
bargain about matters which are mandatory subjects of constituted and established in accordance with
collective bargaining unless the agreement covers a law.
matter which is not a mandatory subject. 4. Lawful written demand to bargain and a clear
statement of CBA proposals by one party to
It is no answer to the charge of refusal to bargain in good negotiate an agreement and the equivalent
faith that the insistence on the disputed clause was not counter-proposals by the other party 
the sole cause of the failure to agree or that agreement
was not reached with respect to other disputed clauses. In order to exercise the right to collective bargaining,
Such refusal will not be deemed as an unfair labor employer-employee relationship must first be
practice. established.

There are jurisdictional preconditions on the duty to

However, if a party refuses to contract based on an issue
bargain such as the (1) possession of the status of
which is not a mandatory bargainable issue, the party
majority representation of the employees’ representative
will be guilty of ULP. [Samahang Manggagawa sa Top
in accordance with any of the means of selection or
Form v. NLRC, G.R. No. 113856 (1998)]
designation provided for by the Labor Code; also (2)
There must be actual proof of majority representation;
There is a Test for Mandatory Bargainable Issues. For and lastly there must be lawful written demand to
“other terms and conditions of employment” to become bargain as provided in Art. 261(a) and a clear statement
a mandatory bargainable issue, they must have a of CBA proposals by one party to negotiate an
connection between the proposal and the nature of the agreement and the equivalent counter-proposals by the
work. The nexus between the Nature of Employment and other party 
the Nature of the Demand must be established.
Only the labor organization designated or selected by the
In order for a matter to be subject to mandatory majority of the employees in an appropriate collective
collective bargaining, it must materially or significantly bargaining unit is the exclusive representative of the
affect the terms and conditions of employment. Whether employees in such unit for the purpose of collective
the agreement concerns a mandatory subject of bargaining. [Phil. Diamond Hotel and Resort Inc v.

Manila Diamond Hotel and Employees Union, G.R. No. the same benefits until a renewed CBA is reached by the
158075 (2006); Art. 267] parties. On the part of the union, it has to observe and
continue to abide by its undertakings and commitments
under the expired CBA until the same is renewed.
Slide 11: When Duty to Bargain Exists/Begins Otherwise, there would be a gap during which no
agreement would govern from the time the old
There are 2 possible situations when the duty begins. agreement expired to the time a new agreement is
There can be a situation where there is no CBA at all and concluded by the parties.
there can also be a situation wherein there is an existing
CBA Substitutionary Doctrine

Slide 12: Duty to Bargain Collectively When a CBA Even during the effectivity of a collective bargaining
Exists agreement executed between employer and employees
[through] their agent, the employees can change said
-When there is a CBA, neither party shall terminate nor agent but the contract continues to bind them up to its
modify such agreement during its lifetime. However, expiration date. They may bargain, however, for the
either party can serve a written notice to terminate or shortening of said expiration date. [Elisco-Elirol Labor
modify the agreement at least 60-days prior to the Union v. Noriel, G.R. No. L-41955 (1977)].
expiration date. It shall be the duty of both parties to
keep the status quo and to continue in full force and When employees (as in the case of Picop Resources v
effect the terms and conditions of the existing agreement Deqilla [2011]) were fired because they allegedly
during the 60-day period (freedom period) or until a new committed acts of disloyalty to the union by signing an
agreement is reached by the parties. authorization letter to file a PCE by another union prior
to the 60-day freedom period which was outside the 60-
So in this situation the general rule is that the duty to day freedom, the petition filed for certification election
bargain collectively shall also mean that neither party was actually within the freedom period. The termination
shall terminate nor modify such agreement during its was illegal because the mere signing an authorization in
lifetime. [Art. 264]. The only time the parties are support of a new union is not sufficient ground to
allowed to terminate or modify the agreement is within terminate the employment of respondents. Nothing in the
the period of at least 60 days prior to its expiration date records showed that the respondents failed to maintain
by serving a notice to that effect. The last 60-day period their membership in good standing in the current union.
of the five year lifetime of the CBA immediately They did not resign or withdraw their membership from
preceding its expiration is called the freedom period. the union and they continued to pay their union dues and
never joined the new union. The filing of the PCE was
It is denominated as such because it is the only time well within the 60 day period. What is prohibited is the
when the law allows the parties to freely serve a notice filing of the PCE outside the 60 day freedom period.
to terminate alter or modify the existing CBA. It also is
the time when the majority status of the SEBA may be Slide 13: Duty to Bargain Collectively Absent a CBA
challenged by another union by filing the appropriate
petition for certification election (PCR). Absent a CBA, the general rule is, the bargaining
procedure shall be governed by [the parties’] agreement
The automatic renewal clause is deemed incorporated in or other voluntary arrangement providing for a more
all CBAs. All the terms and conditions of the CBA are expeditious manner of collective bargaining [Art. 262].
deemed automatically renewed. The law does not This is because it is the policy of the state to promote
provide for any exception or qualification on which and emphasize the primacy of free collective bargaining
economic provisions of the existing CBA are to retain and negotiations [Art. 218-A(a)]
their continuing force and effect. Therefore, the
automatic renewal of the CBAs provisions must be The law gives utmost premium and extends due respect
understood as encompassing all the terms and conditions to the voluntary arrangement between the parties on how
thereof. they will discharge their respective duties to bargain
collectively before resort to the procedure laid down in
An employer cannot discontinue the grant of the benefits the Labor Code.
embodied in the CBA which just expired as it is duty
bound to maintain the status quo by continuing to give
It is only when there is no such voluntary agreement that duty to bargain collectively making it liable for ULP
the procedure laid down in Article 261 of the Labor (General Milling case)
Code should be followed. The mandatory steps can be
seen on the next slide. It can be deemed ULP based on circumstantial evidence.
The determination of such bad faith is on a case to case
Slide 14: Collective Bargaining Process basis. Anyway, a deeper discussion on bad faith and
good faith will be discussed in the latter part of this
Mandatory Steps: report.

1. Preliminary process The Negotiation involves the process of meeting, not

2. Negotiation later than 10 calendar days from the date of request for
3. Signing and Execution conference, of the representatives of the employer and
4. Publication the SEBA, for the purpose of discussing and adjusting
5. Ratification their differences, if any, with the end in view of
6. Joint Administration conducting an agreement on the terms and conditions of
7. Interpretation and Application their employment relationship
Once a Labor Union or organization is certified as
During negotiations, it is but natural for both
SEBA, it must engage in collective bargaining with the
management and labor to adopt positions or make
employer since it is the very reason of the right to self-
demands and offer proposals and counter-proposals.
organization which is to enable workers to bargain in a
However, nothing is considered final until the parties
collective fashion with their employer. And under the
have reached an agreement. [Samahang Manggagawa sa
certification year bar rule, it has one year from being
Top Form v. NLRC, G.R. No. 113856 (1998)]
certified as SEBA to initiate and comment the CBA
negotiation with the employer.
Upon the receipt of the union’s request for audited
financial statements, including the balance sheet and the
As to the collective bargaining process these are the
profit and loss statement, the employer must provide
mandatory steps as provided in Art 261 and 262 absent
such within 30 calendar days.
an existing private agreement.
The Minutes of Negotiation only reflects the proceedings
During the preliminary process the first step in the
and discussions undertaken in the process of bargaining
bargaining process involves the act of a party desiring to
for worker benefits in the same way that the minutes of
negotiate an agreement and serving a written notice upon
court proceedings show what transpired therein.
the other party with a statement of its proposals.
Where a proposal raised by a contracting party
The other party must make a reply not later than 10
eventually does not find print in the CBA, it is not a part
calendar days from the receipt of such notice. Although,
thereof and the proponent has no claim whatsoever to its
it must be noted that in almost all cases, the negotiation
process is initiated by the SEBA. Article 261 does not
foreclose the right of the employer to initiate it. The
provision uses the word party which may refer either to There can be a suspension of the Bargaining
the employer or the SEBA. negotiations. In order to allow the employer to validly
suspend the bargaining process there must be a valid
petition for certification election raising a legitimate
Failure to Reply is Indicia of Bad Faith. Although the
representation issue.
period to reply is merely procedural, and non-
compliance cannot be automatically deemed to be an act
But, the mere filing of a petition for certification election
of unfair labor practice. [National Union of Restaurant
does not ipso facto justify the suspension of negotiation
Workers v. CIR, G.R. No. L-20044 (1964)]
by the employer as discussed in the case of Colegio de
San Juan de Letran which will be discussed later.
[The employer’s] refusal to make a counter- proposal is
an indication of its bad faith, where the employer did not
Negotiation may be conducted with the intervention of
even bother to submit an answer to the bargaining
the government through the conciliators- mediators of
proposals of the union, there is a clear evasion of the
the NCMB, in case any dispute arising therefrom is not

settled by the parties among themselves. The Board shall administration of the Voluntary Arbitration Program
have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the must be paid. Any amount collected under this provision
attendance of the parties to such meetings. It shall be the shall accrue to the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund.
duty of the parties to participate fully and promptly in
the conciliation meetings that the Board may call; (d) The Bureau shall also maintain a file and shall undertake
During the conciliation proceedings in the Board, the or assist in the publication of all final decisions, orders
parties are prohibited from doing any act which may and awards of the Secretary of Labor and Employment,
disrupt or impede the early settlement of the disputes; Regional Directors and the Commission. (As amended
and (e) The Board shall exert all efforts to settle disputes by Section 15, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
amicably and encourage the parties to submit their case
to a voluntary arbitrator.
Slide 15: Effect of Refusal to Bargain
The Signing and Execution: this involves the signing and
execution of a written document, ordinarily denominated -The CBA proposed by the SEBA may be adopted as the
as CBA or simply as agreement by the management and new CBA if the employer unjustifiably and in bad faith
the SEBA’s negotiating panels after a series of refused to counter-propose and negotiate its terms and
negotiations. The document embodies all the agreements conditions.
reached by them on each and every issue raised and
resolved during the negotiation process. -Adoption of the proposed CBA by the SEBA may be
imposed by the Supreme Court on the employer because
After the signing of the CBA by the panel of its refusal to counter-propose to the SEBA’s proposal
representatives of the management and the SEBA and (General Milling Corp v CA, GR 146728 [2004])
the notarization of such agreement, it CANNOT yet be
considered as having taken effect since there are still -Article 259(g) [248(g], LC provides that a violation of
certain mandatory legal processes that need to be the duty to bargain collectively as prescribed by this
complied with, such as the publication, ratification and Code constitutes unfair labor practice.
registration processes.
Where an employer refused to bargain without valid and
The publication of the newly concluded CBA must be sufficient cause, the Secretary of Labor may, in the
made in at least 2 conspicuous places in the workplace, exercise of his powers under article 263(i) of the Labor
at least 5 days prior to the ratification Code to decide and resolve labor disputes, properly grant
wage increases. (San Pedro Hospital of Digos, Inc v Sec
The ratification must be made by at least the majority of of Labor, 263 SCRA 587 [2000].)
the employees covered by and included in the entire
bargaining unit (not just of the SEBA) A refusal to contract is in substance a refusal to bargain
about matters which are mandatory subjects of collective
It must then be submitted directly to the BLR or the bargaining unless the agreement covers a matter which is
DOLE Regional Office to be registered with within not a mandatory subject. If a disputed clause was not the
thirty (30) days from the execution of the Collective sole cause of the failure to agree or that agreement was
Bargaining Agreement. The submission must include not reached with respect to other disputed clauses. Such
verified proof of its posting in two conspicuous places in refusal will not be deemed as an unfair labor practice.
the place of work and ratification by the majority of all
the workers in the bargaining unit. On the part of the SEBA, Paragraph c of Article 260
[249] provides that it is ULP for a SEBA to violate the
The Bureau or Regional Offices shall act upon the duty to bargain collectively with the employer provided
application for registration of such CBA within five (5) it is the representative of the employees. This is the
calendar days from receipt thereof. And the Regional counterpart provision of Art 259 G in regard to the
Offices shall furnish the Bureau with a copy of the CBA violation by the employer to its duty to bargain
within five (5) days from its submission. collectively. The purpose of this law in imposing a duty
on the part of the SEBA to bargain collectively is to
A registration fee of not less than one thousand pesos ensure that it will negotiate with the management in
(P1,000.00) or in any other amount as may be deemed good faith in order for them to conclude a mutually
appropriate and necessary by the Secretary of Labor and beneficial agreement on the terms and conditions of their
Employment for the effective and efficient employment relationship.

Before a union may be held liable for ULP, (1) the union the consent of both parties is indispensable is devoid of
must be a duly certified as SEBA; (2) and it commits merit.
either a (1) violation of the duty to bargain collectively;
or (2) it refuses to bargain collectively with the The decision in Kiok Loy v NLRC is applicable in the
employer. instant case considering that the facts therein have also
been indubitably established in this case. These factors
*a non-SEBA cannot commit ULP. Under paragraph c are: a) the union is the Julie certified bargaining agent;
of Article 260, a non-SEBA has no duty to collectively b) it made a definite request to bargain and submitted its
bargain with the employer; only a SEBA has that duty. collective bargaining proposals, and c) the University
made no counterproposal whatsoever.

Slide 16: Case: Kiok Loy vs NLRC The University may not validly assert that its consent
should be a primordial consideration in the bargaining
A classic case of negotiating in bad faith consisting of process. By its act, no less than its inaction which
the employer’s refusal to bargain with the SEBA by bespeak it's in sincerity, it has forfeited whatever rights it
ignoring all notices for negotiations and requests for could have asserted as an employer.
counter proposals made to the former by the latter. Such
refusal to send its counter-proposals to the SEBA’s Slide 18: Case: Collegio de San Juan de Letran vs
proposals and to bargain on the economic terms of the AEFL
CBA constitutes ULP under Art 259(g) [248(g)], LC.
Petitioner school was declared to have violated Art 261
In this case the company's refusal to make any [250] and to have acted in bad faith because of its failure
counterproposal to the union's proposed CBA was to make a timely reply to the proposals presented by the
declared as an indication of bad faith. Where the union. More than a month had elapsed after the
employer did not even bother to submit an answer to the proposals were submitted by the union and yet petitioner
bargaining proposals of the union, there is a clear still had not made any counter-proposals. This inaction
evasion of the duty to bargain collectively. on the part of petitioner prompted the union to file its
second notice of strike. Petitioner could only offer a
Slide 17: Case: Divine Word Univ. vs NLRC feeble explanation that its Board of Trustees had not yet
convened to discuss the matter as its excuse for failing to
The university’s refusal to bargain the employer is guilty file its reply. Its refusal to make a counter-proposal
of violating the duty to bargain collectively in good shows a lack of sincere desire to negotiate rendering it
faith. Hence, the union's draft CBA proposal may guilty of ULP.
unilaterally be imposed upon the employer as the
collective bargaining agreement to govern the In this case the union initiated a renegotiation of the
relationship. union’s Collective Bargaining Agreement with petitioner
Colegio de San Juan de Letran for the last two (2) years
-In this case, after its affiliation with the ALU, the union, of the CBA's five (5) year lifetime from 1989-1994. The
through the ALU Director for Operations, requested an union claimed that the CBA was already prepared for
“initial conference” for the purpose of collective signing by the parties. The parties submitted the disputed
bargaining. A conference was held which led to the CBA to a referendum by the union members, who
conclusion of an agreement between the University and eventually rejected the said CBA.
DWUEU-ALU. However, it turned out that an hour
before the agreement was concluded, the University had Petitioner Colegio de San Juan de Letran accused the
filed a petition for certification election. union officers of bargaining in bad faith before the
NLRC. So the parties agreed to disregard the unsigned
-On the other hand, consonant with the agreement, the CBA and to start negotiation on a new five-year CBA
union (DWUEU-ALU) submitted its collective starting 1994-1999. Due to petitioner's inaction, the
bargaining proposals. These were ignored by the union filed a notice of strike. Petitioner Colegio de San
University. Juan de Letran stopped the negotiations after it
purportedly received information that a new group of
The university's contention that the union's proposals employees had filed a petition for certification election.
may not be unilaterally imposed on it on the ground that
a collective bargaining agreement is a contract wherein

The issue in this case is whether petitioner is guilty of by ACEC, allegedly a legitimate labor organization, was
unfair labor practice by refusing to bargain with the filed with the Department of Labor and Employment
union when it unilaterally suspended the ongoing (DOLE) outside the sixty-day freedom period. Hence,
negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement the filing thereof was barred by the existence of a valid
(CBA) upon mere information that a petition for and existing collective bargaining agreement.
certification has been filed by another legitimate labor -Consequently, there is no legitimate representation issue
organization? and, as such, the filing of the petition for certification
election did not constitute a bar to the ongoing
The Court ruled in the affirmative. It held that and negotiation.
employers utter lack of interest in bargaining with the
union is a clear violation of Article 261 formerly Art 250
of the Labor Code governing the procedure in collective Slide 19: When Duty to Bargain Ceases
bargaining. A company's refusal to make counter
proposal to the union's proposed CBA is an indication of -The duty to bargain extends to discussing proposals for
its bad faith. And an employer who sternly refused to adjusting any grievances or questions arising under such
bargain in good faith with the union is guilty of unfair agreement, or executing a contract incorporating such
labor practice. agreements if requested by either party.

As to the contention that petitioner received information -The duty to bargain collectively shall also mean that
that a new group of employees had filed a petition for neither party shall terminate or modify such agreement,
certification election which prompted it to suspend the unless it has served a written notice upon the other party
proceeding, In order to allow the employer to validly of the proposed termination or modification at least 60-
suspend the bargaining process there must be a valid days prior to the expiration date.
petition for certification election raising a legitimate
representation issue. Hence, the mere filing of a petition Once an agreement has already been reached or an old
for certification election does not ipso facto justify the one renewed the duty to bargain collectively does NOT
suspension of negotiation by the employer. The petition necessarily cease. Because the duty to collectively
must first comply with the provisions of the Labor Code bargain shall also mean that neither party shall terminate
and its Implementing Rules. Foremost is that a petition or modify such agreement, unless it has served a written
for certification election must be filed during the sixty- notice upon the other party of the proposed termination
day freedom period. The "Contract Bar Rule" under or modification at least 60-days prior to the expiration
Section 3, Rule XI, Book V, of the Omnibus Rules date.
Implementing the Labor Code, provides that: " .… If a
collective bargaining agreement has been duly registered So it does NOT really end. Collective bargaining is
in accordance with Article 231 of the Code, a petition for continuous.
certification election or a motion for intervention can
only be entertained within sixty (60) days prior to the There can still be amendments to the CBA, and such
expiry date of such agreement." The rule is based on amendments are done in the exercise of the right to
Article 232,8 in relation to Articles 253, 253-A and 256 collectively bargain. The proposals for such are
of the Labor Code. No petition for certification election submitted during the freedom period but the status quo
for any representation issue may be filed after the lapse or the provisions of the CBA must still be maintained
of the sixty-day freedom period. The old CBA is and observed even during the CBA.
extended until a new one is signed. The rule is that
despite the lapse of the formal effectivity of the CBA the The grievance procedure is part of the continuous
law still considers the same as continuing in force and process of collective bargaining. It is intended to
effect until a new CBA shall have been validly promote a friendly dialogue between labor and
executed.9 Hence, the contract bar rule still applies.1The management as a means of maintaining industrial peace .
purpose is to ensure stability in the relationship of the
workers and the company by preventing frequent Reference:
modifications of any CBA earlier entered into by them in
good faith and for the stipulated original period. Abad, Antonio Jr., Abad, Anna Maria. (2015).
In the case at bar, the lifetime of the previous CBA was Philippines: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
from 1989-1994. The petition for certification election

Azucena, Cesario Alvero Jr. (2007). THE LABOR
Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.


IN THE PHILIPPINES (Rep.). Subregional Office for
East Asia United Nations Building Rajdamnern Nok
Avenue P.O. Box 2-349 Rajdamnern Bangkok,
Thailand: © ILO- Japan Multi-Lateral Project.


LAW (4th ed., Revised Edition). Pasig City, Metro
Manila, Philippines: Chan Robles Publishing Company.

Salao, Ernesto C., LlB. (2020). THE LABOR CODE OF

THE PHILIPPINES Presidential Decree No 442 (as
amended and numbered per DOLE Dept Advisory No. 1
Seriies of 2015): and Omnibus Implementing Rules.
Quezon City, Metropolitan Manila, Philippines: Rex
Printing Company, Inc.

*the rest of the topics and cases under Collective

Bargaining (Letters E and F in the syllabus) are under
the report of Mr Tanhueco


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