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1. Adore
2. Agree
3. Appear
4. Apply
5. Astonish
6. Be
7. Believe
8. Belong to
9. Concern
10. Consist of
11. Contain
12. Cost
13. Depend on
14. Deserve
15. Desire
16. Detest
17. Dislike
18. Doubt
19. Equal
20. Feel
21. Fit
22. Forget
23. Forgive
24. Guess
25. Hate
26. Have
27. Hear
28. Hope
29. Imagine
30. Impress
31. Include
32. Intent
33. Involve
34. Know
35. Lack
36. Like
37. Love
38. Matter
39. Mean
40. Measure
41. Mind
42. Need
43. Notice
44. Owe
45. Own
46. Perceive
47. Please
48. Possess
49. Prefer
50. Pre-suppose
51. Realize
52. Recall
53. Recognize
54. Regard
55. Remain
56. Remember
57. Require
58. Resemble
59. Satisfy
60. See
61. Seem
62. Smell
63. Sound
64. Suffice
65. Suit
66. Suppose
67. Surprise
68. Taste
69. Tend
70. Think
71. Understand
72. Value
73. Want
74. Weigh
75. Wish

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