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How will you promote your community and how will you contribute?

Environment is everything that is surround us and affects our ability to live on the

earth and it gives life to people. Living and nonliving things that adapts themselves in

our surrounding. Cleanliness, calmness, fresh air, mountains, animals, plants and

peoples that helps in nourishing nature’s life on earth.

A simple discipline and unity will always promote a better and safer local

environment. As a student if I will be given the chance to promote my community and

contribute something, by campaigning my advocacy to protect our environment and I will

start promoting ecological and environmental ethics. To be able to promote my local

community I will show a cleaner and greener environment . But As a daughter of miner, I

know that there is a lot of negative effect that we can get in a mining environment . Small

scale mining is our bread and butter; it has been the job of our parents . Undeniably our

mountains are rich with minerals. Because of mining our parents has been able to

support our needs and send us to school. Other people also become professionals

working as teacher, policeman, doctor, firefighter, businessman, nurses and others

locally and internationally because of mining livelihood . It is no doubt that small scale

mining helped us financially. But as a concern citizen we also need to see the negative

and bad effect of irresponsible mining . Our mountains are bald, our rivers are useless

and we have been struck by landslides that cause the death of our family and friends that
happened years ago during the typhoon moping . We need to be aware of the effects that

can destroy our health and also our place because of our irresponsible ways . Our small

rivers are useless because of the chemicals from these gold plantations . We cannot

grow crops and trees, and release wild animals in our mountains . Chemicals used for

processing gold such as, cyanide, zinc dust, lime really devastated our eco system

including the usage of dynamite bombs. Mining will never be prohibited because it has

been the job of our parents but a simple discipline action of people can reduce such bad

effects that can affect our health . I can say that there are many people who doesn’t know

discipline and manners and keep on throwing chemical waste in Liang and Ampagjan

River. Our environment is a safer place for people if we know how to protect the

biodiversity of our environment from the harmful effects of carbon and chemicals .This

also includes the rehabilitation of our mountains that has been destroyed due to mining .

The catastrophe that we are facing today such as climate change is the result of how we

mistreat our green world. We should prioritize the importance of giving back to our

nature the protection and restoration it needs before it’s too late . My goal is to encourage

my fellow youth to help me promote my campaign and advocacy the ecological and

environmental ethics. I will use my voice not literally my voice but the power of wisdom

and knowledge to teach them to do the things that will make our local community

cleaner, better and hospitable. We should plant more trees and let our nature bloom and

breath. It will help our nature to revive and be protected from the damages caused by

chemicals. Everybody should unite and support each other by conserving and
preserving the protection and restoration it needs . I will start it by being a good example

and continuing what I’m doing good for the wellness of my local community , that

could inspire my fellow youth as well as to join in community activities, seminars and

programs to lead the youth in uniting ,socializing and participating with each and every

one. Not only to promote but to lead them and teach them on how to apply in their daily

lives because if they learned to do so then everything goods will follow . Sometimes we

humans are the one who’s doing the major source of environment issues because of our

irresponsible way. Doing work without applying discipline is the major reason that the

level of harmful gases and pollutants have increased in our environment . My dear

friends, brothers and sisters we are living under the same sun and we breathe the same

air, let us not wait for the time where we can be poisoned by the same air that is helping

us to live. Come and join me, let us spread awareness and help me protect and

rehabilitate our environment. We should speak as one so our voices can be heard let

unity be the voice of humanity . We need to understand the value of natural resources

and learn how to prevent issues and contributing something in the community such as

engaging in community services, volunteering energy and skills, and conduct recycle

drive in neighborhood.

To sum up everything that has been stated so far we should practice proper waste

management to be able to be surrounded by nature’s life . All of us must take action to

save our health and place so that the next generation can live a healthy and peaceful life

in the future. Maintaining a clean and green environment is for the health of humans,
animals, and our planet too. To be able to promote and contribute in our community we

should look after the land and the land will look after us.

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