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Chicken farming - In 2014, global chicken numbers at 23 billion

- the farming of chickens is the most common form of poultry farming. It involves raising chicken commercially in
battery cages, grow-out houses or free-range farms, usually for eggs or food.
- meat from chicken is chicken; chickens are the most killed land animal for food , more chickens are killed for food
every year than all other land animals put together.
- the most importat chicken species used in chicken farming are: White Leghorn (eggs), Cornish Cross (meat)
- producing countries: China, Indonesia, the USA, Brazil, Iran, ..........

c) Aquaculture / Aquafarming
- is the agricultural technique concerned with the production of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants and algae.
- types of aquaculture: fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, mariculture, algaculture, .....

Fish farming / pisciculture

- the farming of fish is the most common form of aquaculture. It involves raising fish commercially in tanks, fish ponds,
or ocean enclosures, usually for food.
- the most importat fish species used in fish farming are: carp, salmon, cod, catfish, tilapia, .....
- producing countries: China, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Norway, Japan, ..........

Task 2: Translate to Slovak, the most important fish species used in fish farming:

1) Carp -__________________________ 2) Salmon - _______________________ 3) Cod - ____________________

4) Catfish - ________________________ 5) Tilapia - _______________________ 6) Trout - ___________________

7) Tuna - _________________________ 8) Turbot - ________________________ 9) Sea Bass - _________________

d) Apiculture / Bee farming

- is the agricultural technique concerned with the production of honey, wax, propolis and others.
- the most importat apiculture animals are: bees in the genus Apis
- producing countries: China, Argentina, Turkey, the USA, Ukraine, ..........

Task 3: Write the correct terms:

a) ANIMAL - COW: Male - ____________________; Female - ____________________; Baby - __________________

b) ANIMAL - DUCK: Male - ____________________; Female - ___________________; Baby - __________________

c) ANIMAL - GOOSE: Male - ____________________; Female - __________________; Baby - __________________

d) ANIMAL - HORSE: Male - ____________________; Female - __________________; Baby - __________________

e) ANIMAL - CHICKEN: Male - __________________; Female - _________________; Baby - __________________

f)ANIMAL - SHEEP: Male - ______________________; Female - __________________; Baby - _________________

g) ANIMAL - PIG: Male - ________________________; Female - __________________; Baby - _________________

h) ANIMAL - RABBIT: Male - ____________________; Female - __________________; Baby - _________________

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