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Many people are of the opinion that adolescent must do volunteer work to help

the community. I am completely in disagree with this viewpoint because of

several reasons.
The first fundamental reason that teenagers should participate in volunteerism is
about the exploitation of children. At this age, they are developing their physical
and mental health. However, not all of the volunteer work is light jobs, so these
jobs might be too much for the young age people. For example, I used to
volunteer in my highschool once. The activity was to ride around the city to give
out the food to homeless on Christmas Day. It took me 3 hours to package the
gift and 4 more hours to finish the job. I felt exhausted after that day, so I do not
want to volunteer anymore.
Another reason why teens shoud not be demanded to do unpaid work that it can
have negative impacts on their study and personal life. The age from 13 to 17
years old is in the age of studying and playing. If the juveniles join
volunteerism, they could have less time for studying. This leads to they cannot
follow their friends in school, or might have low scores. What will affect their
personal life is their peers spend their spare time to play sports or go travelling
in the summer, while they waste their time to do unpaid jobs.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that adolescents should not do unpaid jobs
to help the community, since this is not an appropriate time for students to work,
especially job without payment. They have the right to do what they like.
 Do you live alone or with your family?
I live in a nuclear family, with my parents and a older brother. My dad was
retired whereas my mom is a housewives. My brother is currently working as a
railway engineer in australia
 Could you please decribe the place you live in?
Well, my hometown is hcm city, which is the biggest city in vietnam. In
my opinion, it is a perfect city to live in thanks to its fine climate and
there is absolutely no rubbish on the street.
 Can you describe the room you live in
Ah, this is a nice question. I spend most of time in my bedroom, it is
because this is a room that I can relax. After a exhausting day of studying
at school, I usually play my online video game on my computer, watch
netflix on tv, take potato chips and some snacks. Then I sleep here.
 Is there anything which needs to improve in your flat
Well, I would say no. I think everything in my house is okay and I don’t
have any plan to improve my house
 What can you see when you look out the window of your room
Our house is a two-story building, so it's not very tall. The first thing that I
could see from my window is the landmark 81 buidling which is the
highest one in VN. This is also the only view where i can watch the
fireworks show from that building where fireworks are set off on public
holidays or the new year’s eve.
 Whats the weather like in your hometown
 Has your hometown change much these year
 Would you say your hometown is a big city or a small town
As I just mentioned, hcm city is not only the big city with its dense
population, but also the largest economic region in vietnam
 Benefit
Is having a chance to approach the advance technology and science. In big
city such as hanoi or saigon we have well known schools with better
education system, and having more chance to get well-paid jobs. Also,
there are a lot of music shows, various festivals and other nightlife
 Future
Definitely never. The only reason why I say for this is about my home
country passport that could not travel to any particular country like
america, the uk, japan with visa free. So in the future, I will decide move
to australia or new zealand to get my dream powerful passport that I can
go anywhere without a visa requirement
The 2 given maps show the changes of Poulton town between 1900 and 35 years
The maps show the town significant changed over the time. The two biggest
changes were the improvement of residential areas and the exploitation of
wasteland to make room for new facilities. The main change were that
residential area was located with industrial area were transform into a friendly
residential area without factory and wasteland.
At the first stage, there were some big changes on bayley street. A factory was
demolished to build the baylay mansion, and wasteland was also replaced for
café and laundry. Next to the baylay street is Trent street, which terraced house
was removed for flat.
Looking at the bottom of bayley street on the map, Bayley Street park and a
small children play area were used to be a land for wasteland, railway workers
cottages, café and railway. Moreover, a new street was called New Land along
with shops which was opposite to the children’s play area.
The given maps show the changes in Poulton town between 1900 and 35 years
The maps show the town's significant changes over time. The two biggest
changes were the improvement of residential areas and the exploitation of
wasteland to make room for new facilities. The main change was that residential
area was located with industrial areas which were transformed into a friendly
residential area without factory and wasteland.
In the first stage, there were some big changes on Bayley Street. A factory was
demolished to build the Bayley mansion, and the wasteland was also replaced
with a café and laundry. Next to Bayley street is Trent Street, which was a
terraced house that was removed for a flat.
Looking at the bottom of Bayley Street on the map, Bayley Street Park and the
small children's play area used to be a land for wasteland, railway workers'
cottages, café, and railway. Moreover, a new street was called New Land along
with shops which were opposite the children’s play area.

Question 1
The given map illustrates the differences of a park in 1980 and in the present
Overall, the park underwent complete transformation with the addition and
replacement of various places
In the 1980,on the west side of the park, there was an entrace gate for visitors to
come in. On the south, a bigger gate was located to exit. The upright corner of
the park was a huge space for trees. In the right bottom corner, there used to be a
garden of flowers. Opposite the garden there were a pond, 3 benches and a small
flowers garden.
At the present, the path is widely open into crossroads to enter and exit. The
gates were eliminated. The tree area has been greatly expanded but half of the
space is for bbq. The large garden has been replaced by a kids playground. In
the botter left hand corner of the park, there is a bush instead of the small
flowers garden and one more new bench is added.

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