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2yr6i22, 203M ‘You Have Recenly Been Hired As The Human Resource... = Chegg Home studytools ~ Mycoures v Mybooks My fold Find solutions for your homework Search Career Life Question: You have recently been hired as the human resources director. ‘Yu have recently been hired as ho human rasources actor of rela operating across Canada, Ono of your fst pris Istodetermine wheber taining isan issue n some sloas thal ee not mosng expeciatons a sales. 8. How will you catrmin I har is # nae fr aig those stores? Give an example a usta you answer. Melani desrbe the ve sep he nny and devlpmen procs, ean example oat your naw. Expert Answer seorran was ticsronernban? [a |[ De newer: 12) Employeesin today’s workplace must be capable of doing complicated dutesin an ein, cost ‘tec, and sxfe manner, When poopie are nat performing to 2 given standard or at an expecta level of performance, targa performance mproverent technique) requed, When te actual evel fe performance fers rom the projected level of ob perfomance it shows need for Yairing, The ist step Ina consistent stucsona sig technique Is deny waning needs ‘effective traning equremensanaiysls wientity both the people who need aning andthe types of ‘earing hat are needed,’ neectve to giv varing to those whe dant need itor to ge the wrong kindof traning. Aarang Nes Analy can hla you make the most of your taining budget. rayser of Various Nees Needs assessvers come na vty of shapes an sns, and they can be use ina varity fettings. “The resources bes beloe might hep you Seide wien needs analysis br or your scenario. Examine the companys ctr. ook a the business needs or her mations forthe inna, _Ariyze the guration: An examination ofthe business dernands or ther reatons fot the training. An ‘@amnaton fhe organizations satel, oblecves, and goa What isthe goal of re ergansaton 352 ‘whole? Who decfed tht taining should be undertalon, why a traning programe considered asthe ‘Suggested soln ta busnessprobiem, and what the organizations Mistry swith regard te employee traning and other management inerventons ae a relevant questions answered by ths anaes, -Aralyze the person: Analy of prtcpants and instrctors who may be partpaing inthe process Who wll eceive he waning aa thelr eve! of plo enowiecge on the subject whats the earn sje an “she wll arene he tiring ae allen qunsions that this study answers Do the personnel poseost the necessay sil? Ve thee any poly, procedure solare of equ medealons thal demand ot requie waining? “analyze the tase that are bsing cari out This a brakconin ofthe job andthe pevequstes or “completing Ths anys, offen know as task o job anal aso define the aor esporabites ‘and se levels equved Ths makes more ley tat the airing provided wil nice meaningful ineages tothe ab content. ‘Analyze perormance: Is the employee’ perfomance up o par with the company's expectations? Can ‘waning helo to enhance performance ft fals shot af expectations? s There a Gap n Performance? rayne the content Documents nw, and procedures employed on the jb aro examined This analy provides answers te inqures concerning the wedge and nermatin tat re appledto ths wok. Nanunis,pubesons, na equations prowde ths iformaton It eral that the taining content os not cash wth a contac ab requerens. As subject mallet expert an experenced worker can assist Inidentiying the stable mate, analyze the salty of training: An examination ofwnethertsining ithe nest option. Tirng is one of the astons for tesoving wore ues 1 ay, hone no! avays Be he best option, ti bate ‘estabisn wnether raining will oe besefa inf application. ‘Arvest cost-benefit: An exarinaton of he taining return on investment RON, fective ‘eanng generates a retum on investment forthe company that lager han the cost of producing or delverig the waning, Post a question Enter question Cont ue to post My Textbook Solutions, hitps:stww.chegg.comvhomework-helpiquestions-and-answersirecenty-hred-human-resources-drectoretalle-operating-across-canada-one-tr.. 18 2yr6i22, 203M ‘You Have Recenly Been Hired As The Human Resource... Home Studytools ¥ Myccourses v Mybooks My fold I RAINING NEEDS ANALYDSI> Career Lite Sway Pack] @ Dysaaeltcr W ZATIONAL GOALS Pyaar JOB BEHAVIORS Coa DEFINE REQUIRED Pareto eae) ‘A assertiveness traning programme tata age county hospital was trying to purchase fem a eputale ‘yenoor san earl hat ve come across. The sue was that rurses Were not peakong out whch ‘ested na inceaee in harasamentepodes and mecca ror The organisation wanted ta teach hese nurses how oe force uring the intake proces, the trainer escovered thatthe corporate cute was qute hierarchical and hat itwas not uncemmen forthe who spoke up tobe disse or olhorwise punishes The ainer decir taparicate statng tha the hoeptal needed frst establah a cufurein which vas safeto spank up bette instructing is employees todo so » ‘The Yaining Process in Sages Erect raring begins long befor a aner provide a inal traning session and cominues ong ater ‘hat season has ended: sessment, mobvaton,desgh, delivery ana evaluation ae he processes activities tar go rte makng a vaning programme. This ene hancbook prowges acts that have te potential to imorove varng efor, ways fr implementing those strategies, and references ‘0 Svpporeng tratral for each of thea ve exlegares Each component ofthe book bus on the preceding one, ‘demonstrating how trainers progress through the shases of planing, delivering, ne assessing raining, Examine the ftowing Fie sages othe training procedure AssesssMotvatelsDesign DelversEvauate Iitpsslwwn.chegg.comhomework-helpiquestions-and-answersirecenty-hired-human-resources-drector-etaller-operating-across-canada-one-tr... 2/4 2yr6i22, 203M ‘You Have Recenly Been Hired As The Human Resource... = Chegg Home studytools ¥ Mycourses v Mybooks My fold 5. Evaluation of tana || hig Need i en ings Need 2. determine 4 implementing What Type of "raining Training Needed 3. Adentiving ‘Goals and < Objectives “ ‘Stop tdentiying traning requiterents isthe Fat step in he eining process. The ascssment phases ‘overall goals to decd whether trainings necessary and, so, to give the cata needed to construct the traning programme. ‘One or mare of he following causes neces raining By legslation order, regulation, an eganisaton must be drven te increase werk abiltis or shitinso 2 “erent faction in order remain competitive an profiabie. employees ae performing thers propery, waning is commeny thought to beng them up to speed, fs probable that tha ar tein every eumatanc, ‘Step 2 Figure out what hind of taining i required Employee can eve uel nforation abou! te taning they requ They ate ave of what they require/oesrenorderto prove her parormance st work Simply ngre of hem! Regulatory equtemensin space basinesses ander job dassiations may also necessate specie wanna. Is just as erat Figure out what kno taining you dent need once youve igued ot what Kn of traning you do. Taning shoul concontate onthe stops whee better performance is required This aves ime and allows ‘he traning tobe taioted tothe neeas ofthe personnal ‘Step Sldentying Objectives and Goals Employers can pan fortainng once the taining nee of the staff have been ceterined Employers would be beter able o express wha they want ther employees to perform better or git dong hey had early estaolsed vaing objectives. Learning abjectves do not have tobe witen down, but they shouldbe ea’ and wel-consiered belore the tiring begs tenure tat the traning i ax elective as posse, Steo 4 Tairing Implementaton Profersonalshaving rowledge and ail inthe relevant area should conduct aning Nothing s mare fusing han beng na classoom wth teacher wn has no ea what theyre teaching! The best option isto use inute, exprianced st or an outed specs Employees shouldbe able to understand how the traning is organised ar what means. Employees can patcipate the raining process and practise the sks andar kxowledge with an effectve raining programme, ‘Step 5 austin of the Talning Program “The evaluation ofthe raring by Both he tainoes an the nstrctorsis one way tense thatthe ‘waning pogramme meeting is objectives. One ofthe mest aorta aspecs a ain should bea technique for assessing ts effectiveness “The folowing ae some exarles ofthis typ of raining ane development Tiaring for equal employment opportunity Diversty education Iitpsstwwn.chegg.comhomework-helpiquestions-and-answersirecenty-hired-human-resources-drector-etaller-operating-across-canada-one-tr... 3/4 2yr6i22, 203M ‘You Have Recenly Been Hired As The Human Resource... Career Life = Chegg Home studytools ¥ Mycourses v Mybooks My fold Teams are being educated on comoary-related challenges (e.g, new systems or poly changes) Employees wllnot be requted o pay for thes arings, nor wil they be requred to take me of posible tat ttrsance recor wl be requree ne pa the proces. comment Questions viewed by other students 1: Soe answer 6; You have recently een hed asthe human resources drector ofa retaller operating arots Canada. One of your at ‘vainng isan sve nsome stoves that are not meeting expecatons for sales How wil you determine te 8 ‘need or vainng at hese sores? Two major poms to Cover here Give examples and exam your answer! COMPANY GAL 8 POLICIES CHEGG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CHEGG NETWORK, CUSTOMER SERVICEY 2 Raea) hitps:twwu.chegg.convhomework-helpiquestions-and-answersirecenty-hred-human-resources-irector-etaller-operating-across-canada-one-fr. 48

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