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Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

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Transportation Geotechnics
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Evaluation of the structural performance of the geocell-stabilized

flexible pavement
Ashrafuzzaman Khan a, Anand J. Puppala b, *, Nripojyoti Biswas c,
Surya Sarat Chandra Congress d
Associate Transportation Researcher, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 1111 RELLIS Parkway Bryan, TX 77807, United States
A.P. & Florence Wiley Chair Professor, Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University, Dwight Look Engineering Building, College
Station, TX 77840, United States
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), Texas A&M University, Dwight Look Engineering Building, College Station, TX 77840, United States
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, Room 3566 Engineering Building, 428 S Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, United


Keywords: Geocell can provide sustainable solutions for the pavement infrastructure as it allows the utilization of reclaimed
Flexible pavements and inferior quality base aggregate materials as infill materials. The benefits of using geocell have been well
Geocell established in the literature; however, lack of knowledge regarding the field performance hinders transportation
Reclaimed asphalt pavement
agencies from designing flexible pavement with such products. This study aims to determine the contribution of
geocell towards pavement system performance based on non-destructive field testing. The existing road section
IRI of a Farm to Market Road was replaced with different thicknesses of geocell-reinforced base layer filled with
reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material. The performance of the reinforced sections was verified with the
profiler test and rutting measurements. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests were conducted on different
test sections to capture the pavement responses. Field data showed that geocell allowed the maximum usage of
RAP material and enhanced its performance. The back-calculated in-situ modulus showed that the additional
confinement provided by the geocell ranged between 8 and 20 psi. The increase in confinement indicated an
increase in resilient modulus, which was further calculated for each geocell-reinforced section. Geocell also
helped to restrict the differential movement of the subgrade by providing uniform support, which resulted in a
smoother road structure with less rutting and longitudinal cracking.

Introduction and background (HDPE) and Novel Polymeric Alloy (NPA) are commercially available
for reinforcing inferior quality materials, i.e., reclaimed asphalt pave­
Geocell is a three-dimensional honeycomb structure primarily made ment (RAP), quarry dust, and other reclaimed aggregates [6].
from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheets that can enhance load- The repeated load testing on geocell reinforced reclaimed-asphalt-
bearing capacity and improve the stiffness of the infill material. The pavement base (GRRB) layers showed that it could increase the layer
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope obtained from the large-scale triaxial moduli by 3 to 4 times; however, few studies have been conducted on
compression tests showed that the infill material would gain some the performance of the GRRB layer in the field [7,8]. Several of the field
apparent cohesion due to the additional confinement offered by geocell studies that are currently available investigated the performance of
reinforcement [1]. Several researchers used geogrids to form the shape geocell-reinforced unpaved roads in terms of rutting or plate load testing
of geocells with different aspect ratios by varying the size of pockets and [9,10]; others focused on its performance during non-destructive field
height of reinforcements [2–4]. Low-cost material, i.e., bamboo, was testing, i.e., profiler and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests [11].
used as a geocell to study the behavior of different infill materials under Geocell reinforcement could provide a better road structure than the
static loading [5]. The geocells made of High-density polyethylene other base treatment methods, as the three-dimensional confinement

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: m-khan@tti.tamu.edu (A. Khan), anandp@tamu.edu (A.J. Puppala), nripojyoti.biswas@tamu.edu (N. Biswas), surya@msu.edu (S. Sarat
Chandra Congress).

Received 3 August 2022; Received in revised form 29 April 2023; Accepted 7 May 2023
Available online 26 May 2023
2214-3912/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

offered by the geocell can restrict the development of tensile stresses from the flexible pavement sections built on expansive subgrades. The
within the base layer. It can be an ideal candidate for farm-to-market permanent deformation of the RAP can be higher when compared to the
roads where the applied stress on the base layer is higher due to a flex base material due to its viscous properties; however, the RAP was
thinner surface layer. used in this project to demonstrate the improvement of the marginal
The farm-to-market (FM) road system is the largest secondary RAP base material with the additional confinement coming from the
highway system that connects rural and agricultural areas to towns and geocell layer. The use of RAP materials will be a major boon to the
cities in the state of Texas [12]. Farm-to-market roads constructed over transportation agencies as large stockpiles of RAP aggregates are
expansive subgrades suffer from rutting, cracking, and shoulder de­ available throughout USA. The field study was conducted using the
pressions that lead to an increase in transportation agencies’ mainte­ following methods: FWD tests for determining base layer modulus,
nance budget [13–17]; therefore, state and federal agencies are looking profiler tests for determining riding quality, and field surveys for
for a sustainable solution that utilizes reclaimed materials and can measuring rutting.
ensure the performance of these roads [18–20]. One of the most readily
available materials is reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP); however, the Experimental study area
maximum utilization limit of untreated RAP in the base layer is less than
50%, as its permanent deformation is 1.7 to 3.0 times higher than the The study area was located in the southwestern region of the Dallas-
traditional flex base material [21,22]. Researchers are trying to maxi­ Fort-Worth (DFW) metropolitan area, where most of the road sections
mize the utilization of RAP by blending it with virgin aggregate, have been constructed over expansive soil formation. A farm-to-market
applying chemicals, or confining it with geocells [5,23,24]. Several field road, FM 1807, was chosen as an ideal candidate for the construction of
studies are currently available, where plate load tests were conducted to the test section, as this road suffered from the presence of an expansive
determine the enhancement of elastic modulus of pavement layer with subgrade and its movements from seasonal changes. This road may be
the application of geocell; however, the reinforcement mechanism of classified as a medium to low volume road as the average annual daily
geocell in the field is still under investigation. traffic is less than 1500. This is a two-lane-two-way road, having a paved
The structural condition and layer properties of in-service pavement shoulder of at least 2 ft on either side. Visual rutting, shoulder de­
can be assessed with FWD testing. The deflection parameters, i.e., pressions, and longitudinal cracking were common problems in this
maximum deflection, base layer index (BLI), and AREA, can be deter­ study area. The local transportation agency tried various approaches,
mined from the complete deflection bowls. The BLI, determined from including the stabilization of the base and adding overlays on top of the
the deflection data, provides a general idea about the condition of the existing road surface; however, the longitudinal cracks reappeared on
existing base layer [25]. The in situ equivalent elastic moduli of the top of the rehabilitated sections after just one season of rainfall.
pavement layers can be estimated with ASTM D5858 [26]. The linear A new method of base stabilization was adopted in this study with
regression approach can be used to correlate the deflection parameters the use of HDPE geocells to provide uniform support and restrain uneven
with the pavement layer properties [27]. Constant moduli are recom­ movements of the base layer due to the seasonal fluctuation of moisture.
mended for back-calculating the upper thin surface layer [26]. The field Due to the strong cellular structure of geocells, it is hypothesized to
responses recorded from the FWD studies are used for the calibration of utilize an inferior quality of aggregate to be used as infill material. A
the material model based on the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement huge volume of reclaimed pavement asphalt (RAP) material was avail­
Design Guide (MEPDG) [28]. The back-calculated properties of the able in a nearby stockpile; thus, the application of RAP was considered
pavement layers can be further used to calibrate the material stiffness as the infill material with geocell as this material has the potential to
models [29]. The material parameters of the geocell-reinforced base provide economical and sustainable solutions.
layer can be determined from the back-calculation approach [30].
There are several criteria that can be used to evaluate the perfor­ Test sections and material properties
mance of reinforced and unreinforced flexible pavement structures.
These include rutting, cracking, riding quality, and in-situ stiffness of The geocell-reinforced base has the potential to decrease the vertical
pavement layers. Rutting is one of the critical criteria that is used to stresses transmitted to underlying soil layers, which will allow the
evaluate the design life of a flexible pavement. It can be predicted based reduction of the thickness of the surface layer. On the other hand, the
on the calibrated material parameters from the laboratory; however, the reduction in surface layer thickness will increase the lateral stresses
performance of the in-service pavements may deviate from the predicted acting on the geocell. Higher lateral stress will offer higher confinement,
values. Field measurements of the rutting can provide very good insights eventually increasing the pavement foundation’s overall bearing ca­
into the performance of the pavement base layers. In the case of asphalt pacity; hence, all the reinforced test sections can be constructed with a
pavement, the rutting develops quite precipitously during the first few thin asphalt layer.
years and then levels off at a considerably gentler rate (20). According to The existing roadway section had a 4-inch asphalt layer atop a 15-
the Asphalt Institute’s design method, the expected maximum rutting inch base layer. However, the reinforced test sections were con­
for flexible pavement should be less than 0.5 in.. The riding quality of structed with a 2-inch thin asphalt pavement layer and different heights
the flexible pavement is also an important performance indicator to of geocell-reinforced RAP base layers (GRRBs). The existing road section
determine future maintenance and rehabilitation needs. The structural was used as the control section (CS) for this study. The initial asphalt
performance parameters, such as base layer stiffness and base layer layer design thickness of the control section was 2 in. Due to the reap­
indices observed from the FWD test, can be further verified with the pearance of longitudinal cracks and pavement surface depressions, an
measured rutting and roughness of the road surface. additional 2-inch overlay was placed as a remedial measure. This
This study also aims to estimate the additional confinement provided resulted in a total of 4-inch-thick asphalt layer for the control section.
by the geocell layers based on field observations, and this information While designing for the geocell-reinforced section, it was assumed that
will be valuable in the future implementation of GRRB layers to support the uniform support provided by the geocell would help in preventing
pavement infrastructure in problematic soil conditions. the longitudinal cracks on top of the flexible pavement and hence, the
thickness of the asphalt layers for the reinforced and unreinforced sec­
Objective and scope of work tions were not the same. The layer thicknesses of the reinforced and
control sections are presented in Table 1.
The major objective of this research study was to gain insights into Apart from the pavement sections mentioned in Table 1, three un­
the performance of geocell-reinforced reclaimed asphalt pavement base reinforced (1′ x 15′ ) sections: UR1, UR2, and UR3, were also constructed
(GRRB) layers based on the deflections and deformations data collected within the eastbound lane of the road, which had material properties

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

Table 1 respectively. One dimension swell test (ASTM D4546-14e1) results

Test section details. showed the maximum swelling strain of 8.5%, which characterized it as
Layer information Existing Reinforced Sections expansive soil. The maximum dry density of the untreated RAP material
Road (CS) was 122 pcf, and the optimum moisture content was 4.5%. The geocell
used in this study were made from HDPE with two different heights of 4-
Asphalt Thickness (inch) 4 2 2 2 inch and 6-inch. The nominal expanded cell size was 12.6 in. × 11.3 in.,
Base Base-1 Top cover – 2 2 2
Geocell layer – 01 – 4 6 4
and seam peel strength was 320 lbf. The secant elastic modulus of the
Intermediate cover – – – 2 geocell was 51.5 ksi at 2% strain with a tensile strength of 1370 lb/ft.
Geocell layer – 02 – – – 4
Base-2 Existing base 15 11 9 5 Field Studies
Total base thickness (inch) 15 17 17 17
Subgrade Thickness (inch) – – – –
Field studies were conducted during the monitoring period of the
Note: The thickness of GRRB for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 are 6, 8, and 12 in., first three years. The deflection data obtained from the FWD studies
respectively. The thicknesses of the pavement sections were taken during the were used for the determination of the structural performance of the
time of construction The cover thicknesses were considered as per FWD test
geocell-reinforced base layer. Additional field surveys, i.e., profiler test,
locations (the cover thickness varied from 1 to 2 in.) The top and intermediate
crack monitoring survey, and rutting surveys, were conducted to study
covers are the same RAP material used for the construction of geocell layers.
and verify the structural performance evaluated from geocell layers.
FWD studies have provided additional data for validating reinforced
and layer thicknesses analogous to RS1, RS2, and RS3, respectively. A
geocell layers.
series of laboratory tests were conducted to characterize the material
used for the current study. The subgrade soil was classified as high
plasticity clay (CH), according to the Unified Soil Classification System.
The liquid limit and plasticity index of the soil were 58% and 31%,

Fig. 1. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing: a) test locations, b) pavement geometry and loading conditions.

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

FWD studies to determine the base layer stiffness deflection and layer moduli had the best performance in terms of cor­
relation coefficient and standard errors, considering a 5% significant
The primary purpose of non-destructive FWD testing is to assess the level. The correlation coefficients (R2) obtained from the linear regres­
structural performance of existing pavement layers and predict future sion analyses are presented in Table 4.
load-carrying capacity. FWD tests were conducted after 21 months from The correlation coefficients presented in Table 4 were used to
the end of construction. A total of 40 test locations were selected for the develop the following mathematical expressions for existing base and
reinforced sections (RS1, RS2, and RS3) and control sections (CS), as GRRB bases (Eq. (1) & Eq. (2)):
shown in Fig. 1a. A 9000 lb. mass was used to apply a vertical load with a
12-inch diameter loading plate that recorded the field deflections (Do, Ebase(WB) = 610.6–7.2(Esg) − 381.1(log Do) (1)
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6) with seven deflection sensors, as shown in Ebase(EB) = 473.6–4.4(Esg) − 274.7(log Do) (2)
Fig. 1b. One of the deflection sensors was placed just under the loading
plate to record the maximum deflection (Do). The center-to-center The modulus of the subgrade layer and the maximum deflection
spacing of the deflection sensors was 12 in., which can produce a values are required to determine the base layer modulus. The moduli
deflection bowl with a radius of 72 in.. The field responses collected estimated from Eqs. (1) and (2) were used to perform additional
from the current study were used to determine the following parameters: pavement analyses to determine the AREA for the present test sections.
Base Layer Index (BLI), base layer modulus, and GRRB layer modulus. The AREA values predicted from this approach were also compared with
The deflection data collected from the field were normalized with the AREA values measured from the field deflection data.
respect to the reference load of 9000 lb. The collected data were cate­ Four-layered analyses were conducted to estimate the moduli of
gorized into four major section groups: Reinforced Section 1 (RS1), geocell-reinforced RAP base layers (GRRB). The thickness of the total
Reinforced Section 2 (RS2), Reinforced Section 3 (RS3), and the Control base layer was the same (17 in.) for all the reinforced sections; however,
Section (CS). The characteristics of the collected data from different the thickness of the GRRBs for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 sections were 6 in.,
sections are summarized in Table 2. 8 in., and 12 in., respectively. The top and intermediate cover thick­
In this study, the equivalent elastic moduli of the pavement base nesses for different test sections are listed in Table 1.
layers were back calculated from the recorded field responses during the
FWD tests. The modulus back-calculation approach adopted in this study Roughness and rutting measurements
is shown in Fig. 2.
The thickness of the top surface layer was less than one-third of the The international roughness index (IRI) was defined as a mathe­
loading plate diameter; hence a fixed modulus of the asphalt layer was matical property of a two-dimensional road profile. It is an important
used for this study. The air temperature during the FWD test is an statistic parameter that will relate to the ride quality of the existing road
important parameter for back-calculation analysis, as the elastic sections. In this study, a high-speed profiler was used to collect the
modulus of the asphalt layer is temperature dependent. The average longitudinal profile of the road surface, including on both wheel paths,
recorded temperature during the tests was 75◦ F, and corresponding and the data was used to determine the IRI for different test sections. The
elastic moduli of 600 ksi was used for the pavement analyses. A three- IRI data was further correlated with the Pavement Serviceability Rating
layered pavement system was considered with asphalt, base, and sub­ (PSR). In addition to roughness, the permanent deformations along the
grade layers as a part of the pavement system to simulate the FWD critical wheel paths were also determined. Surface depressions along the
testing condition with a multi-layer linear elastic approach (MLEA). The wheel path of a flexible pavement are defined as rutting and can be
layer properties used for the MLEA are presented in Table 3. Different categorized into two major types: mix rutting and subgrade rutting.
scenarios considering all combinations of the layer properties were Subgrade rutting was the predominant type of failure on the test sections
analyzed for this study. constructed on the farm-to-market road test sections. The rutting on the
The 112 scenarios that were considered in this research study can be wheel paths was measured for all the test sections on a regular basis. It
categorized into two major groups: existing road or westbound (WB) and was expected that the inclusion of geocells could minimize the rutting by
test section or eastbound (EB). The deflection bowl data obtained from distributing the traffic load over a wider area.
the multi-layered linear elastic approach were used to determine the
deflection parameters Do, AREA, F1, and F2 for each scenario. The cor­ Analysis of field results
relations between the deflection parameters and the pavement layers
moduli were developed based on linear regression analysis. It was This section discusses the structural performance of different test
observed that the mathematical expression with the maximum sections in terms of IRI, Rutting, base layer index, and base layer
modulus. The performance of the test sections was addressed with
respect to these measurements.
Table 2
Summary of FWD Data Collected from the Test Sections.
Base layer index (BLI)
Section Type of geocell Range of Range of Range Range
ID reinforcement maximum AREA of F1 of F2
used in the base deflection (inch) The BLI is measured by the difference between the deflections
layer under loading measured at the center and 12 in. away from the center of the FWD
plate, Do loading. It is generally reported in μm and can vary between 100 and
(10-3 in.)
400. A BLI value lower than 200 indicates a very sound granular base
RS1 4-inch geocell 16.7–22.3 16.6 – 0.89 – 1.22 – material, and a value greater than 400 indicates a deteriorating base
18.3 1.22 1.41
layer that requires some rehabilitation [25]. The BLI indices estimated
RS2 6-inch geocell 16.8 – 18.5 16.2 – 1.02 – 1.23 –
17.6 1.22 1.36
from the field deflection data are presented in Fig. 3. The estimated
RS3 #2–4-inch 16.2 – 18.6 17.6 – 1.05 – 1.23 – average BLI was less than 200 for all the test sections, indicating a sound
geocell 18.8 1.21 1.37 granular base layer.
CS No geocell 11.5–15.8 18.1–20.7 1.17 – 1.22 – The difference between the minimum and maximum values was
0.87 0.95
higher for RS1 and lower for RS3. The increase in the thickness of the
Note: AREA = 6(1 + 2D1/Do + 2D2/Do + 2D3/Do); F1 = (Do - D2)/D1 ; F2 geocell height helped enhance the performance of the base layer by
=(D1 - D3)/D2. reducing the non-uniformity. The average BLI for the CS section was less
than 200; however, the fluctuation was much higher than RS2 and RS3

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

Fig. 2. Flowchart for the estimation of base layer modulus from field FWD studies.

in Fig. 4a. The layer moduli obtained for four different sections during
Table 3
field data collection are shown in Fig. 4b.
Pavement Layer Properties Used for Multi-Layer Linear Elastic Analysis (MLEA).
The average predicted moduli for the overall base layer within the
Existing road (WB) Test sections (EB) reinforced test sections varied between 58 and 63 ksi. The inclusion of
Asphalt thickness 4 2 geocells helped to distribute the load uniformly over a wider area and
(inch) maintain uniformity within the test sections, which resulted in a lower
Asphalt modulus 600 600 standard deviation of the base layer moduli within the reinforced test
Asphalt Poisson’s 0.35 0.35
sections. The average base layer modulus within the control section was
ratio around 50 ksi; however, the range is greater than 45 ksi. The maximum
Base thickness 15 17 range of base layer moduli observed within the reinforced sections was
(inch) at least four times lower than the base layer moduli of the control sec­
Base modulus (ksi) 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
tion. The geocell-reinforced layers within the RS1, RS2, and RS3 acted as
100 100
Base Poisson’s ratio 0.30 0.30 rigid layers and eliminated the possibility of uneven support conditions.
Subgrade modulus 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0,
(ksi) 17.5, 20.0 17.5, 20.0
Contribution of geocell layer to improve pavement system performance
Subgrade Poisson’s 0.35 0.35
The additional confinement provided by a geocell contributes to an
increase in the effective bulk stress acting within the confined layer. As
sections. The fluctuation within the CS section indicated an uneven the stiffness of the unbound base material is stress-dependent, the
pavement support system. The minimum required height of the geocell additional confinement from the geocell leads to a notable change in the
was 6 in. to provide a consistent support system, as minor fluctuations of base layer modulus.
BLI values were observed for RS2 and RS3.
Estimation of field modulus of the geocell-reinforced base layer
Base layer modulus The base modulus reported in the previous section was derived from
a three-layer analysis. Four-layer analyses were performed to predict the
A three-layer analysis was performed to determine the stiffness of the moduli of the GRRB layers. A comparison of the three-layer and four-
15-inch and 17-inch base layers for the existing and reinforced sections, layer analyses are shown in Table 5. The value of the elastic modulus
respectively. The layer moduli predicted from the proposed regression of the existing base layer (Base-2) was taken as the minimum elastic
method were used to simulate the FWD loading condition with MLEA. modulus observed within the control section (CS) base layer. The ratio of
The deflection bowl parameter, AREA, computed with the predicted the predicted and measured values of the deflection bowl parameters
moduli, was verified with the AREA calculated from the field de­ (Do/Dof and AREA/AREAf) were used as the performance indicator of the
flections. A comparison of the AREA of MLEA and the field is presented predicted moduli values. It was observed that the four-layer analyses

Table 4
Linear Regression Analysis.
ID Asphalt Air R2a σ Constant Esg Ebase
Thickness (inch) Temp. (◦ F) (%) c p q

WB 4 75 95.4 0.025 1.6022 − 0.0189 − 0.0026

EB 2 75 94.8 0.028 1.7237 − 0.0161 − 0.0036

Note: Equation of the following form, logDo = c + p × Esg + q × Ebase. a Significant at 5% level, σ = standard error. Ebase = elastic modulus of the base Esg =
elastic modulus of the subgrade.

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

θ = σv + 2(σr + Δσ) + γz(1 + 2K0) (5)

Eq. (5) can be rearranged and combined with Eq. (3) to get the
following form
logMr − log4.41
10( )
− σv − 2σ r − γz(1 + 2K0 )
Δσ =
Where Mr is the back-calculated in-situ elastic modulus obtained
from the FWD test. The following section will discuss the estimation
procedure of additional confining stress offered by the geocell.

Estimation of additional confining pressures with geocell

The applied vertical and radial stresses acting within the base ma­
terial are required to estimate the Δσ. The magnitude of these stresses
also depends on the asphalt layer thickness (tasph) as well as the elastic
modulus of the pavement layers. Fig. 5 represents the normalized ver­
Fig. 3. Base Layer Index (BLI) based on FWD deflections data. tical stress profile due to the application of vertical stress at the top of the
pavement surface. The actual vertical stress (σv) was normalized with
provided a better fit with the field measurements. The predicted moduli the applied vertical stress (q), and the depth was normalized with the
of the GRRB layers located at RS1, RS2, and RS3 were 65.0, 72.0, and loading plate radius (a). The normalized depth is the ratio of the actual
58.0 ksi, respectively, thus providing stable and uniform pavement depth (z) and the radius of the loading plate (a). Three different modular
support. Monitoring is continuing, and these will add more to the un­ ratios (E1/E2): 20, 10, and 5, were considered, where E1 represents the
derstanding of geocell layers and their utilization in thin, flexible modulus of the asphalt layer and E2 represents the modulus of the base
pavement systems on expansive soils. layer. The elastic modulus ratio between the base and subgrade (E2/E3)
The estimated moduli for the GRRB layers presented in Table 5 were
used to back-calculate the confining pressure offered by the geocell from
Eq. (3). Khan et al. (2020) conducted the repeated load triaxial tests on Table 5
unreinforced RAP material and presented the two-parameter material Comparison Between 3-Layer and 4-Layer Analyses.
model, which can be expressed with the following equation. RS1 RS2 RS3

Mr(RAP) = 4.41θ0.6125 (3) 3 4 3 4 3 4

Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer
Where Mr(RAP) is the resilient modulus of the unreinforced RAP
Asphalt 2 2 2 2 2 2
material, and θ is the bulk stress. The following equation (Eq. (4) con­ thickness
siders the pavement layer weights to determine the bulk stress. (inch)
Asphalt modulus 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0
θ = σv + 2σr + γz(1 + 2K0 ) (4) (ksi)
Base-1 thickness 17 6 17 8 17 12
Where σv and σr are the vertical and radial stress increase at depth z; γ (inch)
and Ko are the average unit weight and earth pressure coefficient at rest, Base-1 modulus 60.9 65.0 62.3 72.0 56.9 58.0
respectively. For simplicity, the over consolidation ratio, OCR = 1 was (ksi)
considered for the infill material. The radial stresses acting on the base Base-2 thickness 11 9 5
layer is close to negative, and the aggregate particle within the base
Base-2 modulus 30.0 30.0 30.0
layer tends to move away from each other due to the tensile force. The (ksi)
base materials are not good at tension, and hence the additional Subgrade 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0
confinement (Δσ ) provided by the geocell can play a significant role in modulus (ksi)
enhancing the overall bulk stress, which will eventually increase the Do/Dof 0.87 0.99 0.94 1.00 0.97 1.00
AREA/AREAf 0.94 0.93 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.97
resilient modulus of the base layer. The additional confinement can be
added with Eq.4 to determine the bulk stress for the geocell-reinforced Notes: Do, Dof - predicted and measured maximum deflections AREA, AREAf -
base layer, as presented in Eq. (5). predicted and measured deflection parameters.

Fig. 4. Back-calculation of base layer modulus: a) verification of predicted values with field measurements, b) predicted base layer moduli.

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

Fig. 5. Vertical stress distribution for pavement with different asphalt layer thickness and material stiffness ratio based on multi-layer linear elastic approach.

was considered as 5. Similarly, the radial stress distribution is presented Pavement condition surveys
in Fig. 6.
For all the reinforced test sections, the radius of the loading plate, a The increase in base layer stiffness with Geocell also enhances the
= 6 in.; thickness of the asphalt layer, tasp = a/3; E1/E2 ≈ 10. The mid- overall pavement structural performance. The following section will
depth of the base layer for RS1, RS2, and RS3 are 6 in., 7 in., and 9 in., discuss the results obtained from the profiler test and field measure­
respectively. The corresponding normalized depths are 1.00, 1.17, and ments of the rutting along the critical wheel paths.
1.50; the magnitudes of normalized vertical stresses are 0.75, 0.65, and
0.54; the magnitudes of normalized radial stresses can be taken equal to Roughness measurement
zero. The angle of internal friction of the RAP material, ϕ = 35◦ , can be Ride quality is one of the fundamental concerns of road users, as it is
used to estimate the Ko = 0.271. The average unit weight of the pave­ directly related to the pavement’s safety and riding comfort condition.
ment material can be assumed, γ = 120 pcf. Since the average applied Longitudinal profiles provide some understanding of the overall
vertical stress during the FWD test was 84 psi, the vertical stress increase smoothness of the road surface. The smoothness of the road is measured
for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 sections will be 63, 54.6, and 45.4 psi, in terms of bumps throughout the profile of the road and the Interna­
respectively. All these values can be used to determine the additional tional roughness index (IRI). The longitudinal profile of the test sections
confining pressures based on Eq. (6). and corresponding IRI values can provide an overall indication of
The estimated additional confinements offered by the geocells for pavement performance. The longitudinal profiles of RS1, RS2, and RS3
RS1, RS2, and RS3 were approximately 8.6, 20.1, and 10.4 psi, respec­ are presented in Fig. 7. It was observed that the RS2 and RS3 sections
tively. The estimated bulk stress acting at the mid-depth of the RS1, RS2, had smoother surfaces as compared to the RS1 section. The maximum
and RS3 are 80.9, 95.6, and 67.1 psi, respectively, whereas the calcu­ bumps recorded for RS2 and RS3 were less than 0.2 in..
lated bulk stresses without the geocell confinement will be 63.6, 55.3, Longitudinal profiles for RS1, RS2, and RS3 sections were separated
and 46.3 psi, respectively. The increase in bulk stresses with the geocell for a single profiler test on the eastbound lane of the road; each test
confinement helped to increase the base layer stiffness. It should be section was 130 ft. The IRI values for different test sections are presented
noted that the moduli for RS1, RS2, and RS3 without the confinement in Fig. 8. It was observed that the IRI value for RS1 was significantly
would be 56.1, 51.5, and 46.2 ksi, respectively. These values indicate higher than that of RS2 and RS3, which was also supported by the nature
that the inclusion of geocells in the GRRBs for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 of the longitudinal profiles of the corresponding sections. The maximum
sections increased the base layer moduli by 15.9%, 39.8%, and 25.5%, estimated IRI for RS1 was 219.8 in./mile.
respectively, thus providing stable and uniform pavement support. RS2 and RS3 sections exhibited better performance than RS1, as the
maximum IRI values recorded in these test sections were less than 123.2

Fig. 6. Radial stress distribution for pavement with different asphalt layer thickness and material stiffness ratio based on multi-layer linear elastic approach.

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

was lower than other test sections. In addition to the reinforced section,
rutting was also measured within the unreinforced sections UR1, UR2,
and UR3. It was observed that the percentage of reduction of rutting
depends on the thickness of the GRRB layer, as the percentage reduction
for RS1, RS2, and RS3 were 36%, 42%, and 48%, respectively, as shown
in Fig. 9. It should be noted that the average elastic modulus of the RS3
was lower than RS1 and RS2; however, the observed rutting was also
lower for the RS3 section. This happened due to the restriction of lateral
movement of the base material at a larger depth. The depth of the bot­
tom of the geocell reinforcement for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 are 6, 8, and
12 in., respectively.
Field results collected after the completion of the project clearly
showed the superior performance of the pavements built with GRRB
layers. Based on the field observation, the rutting of the reinforced GRRB
sections was lower than the terminal value of 0.50 in.. These results also
indicate that the GRRB can be used with inferior base materials for
supporting pavement systems, promoting the reuse of reclaimed
aggregate layers.

Fig. 7. Longitudinal profile of different test sections. Summary and conclusions

A three-dimensional cellular confinement system can potentially

enhance the performance of unbound base materials. This study presents
the field performance of geocell-reinforced test sections based on field
surveys and non-destructive field tests. The relationships between the
deflection parameters and the pavement layer moduli were developed to
predict the base layer modulus. The moduli of the GRRBs were also
determined from the four-layer analyses based on an iterative approach.
The outcomes of the current study are summarized below.

• The base layer indices (BLI) for all the reinforced test sections were
less than 200, which indicates a sound base condition. The average
predicted moduli for the 17-inch base layer of RS1, RS2, and RS3
were 60.9, 62.3, and 56.9 ksi, respectively. Back-calculated moduli
for the GRRBs in RS1, RS2, and RS3 were 65.0, 72.0, and 58.0 ksi,
respectively. The estimated confining pressure offered by the geocell
in RS1, RS2, and RS3 were 8.6, 20.1, and 10.4 psi, respectively,
Fig. 8. IRI of test sections. which also helped to increase the moduli of the RAP layer by 1.16 to
1.40 times.
in./mile. The restriction of the lateral movement of the base material • The longitudinal profiles obtained from the profiler tests showed that
due to geocell helped to provide uniform support and decreased the the reinforced sections’ performance was enhanced with the increase
permanent deformation. The reduction of permanent deformation hel­ in the height of the geocell. The maximum IRI of 219.2 in./mile was
ped enhance the reinforced sections’ performance. The IRI values were recorded for RS1, whereas the IRI for RS2 and RS3 was less than
also used to determine the Pavement Serviceability Rating (PSR) based 123.2 in./mile. Similarly, the PSR values for RS1, RS2, and RS3 were
on the Paterson method. 2.7, 3.7, and 3.5, respectively.
The PSR values for the RS1, RS2, and RS3 sections were 2.7, 3.7, and • The inclusion of geocell reduced the permanent deformations. The
3.5, respectively. The PSR value for the RS1 section was 2.7, indicating a reduction of percentages in rutting with geocell for 6-, 8-, and 12-
fair condition. RS2 and RS3 were comparable to the existing road sec­
tion, with the PSR values ranging between 3 and 4, showing good con­
dition with minimum rutting and cracking. The terminal life of a flexible
pavement can be predicted from the rate of change of the PSR values
with time.

Rutting measurements
Rutting is defined as permanent vertical deformation along the
wheel paths of flexible pavement. In this study, rutting was measured
along the test sections’ left and right wheel paths. The rut in the left
wheel paths was significantly deeper than in the right wheel paths. This
might have happened due to the variation in the extended length of
reinforcement. The extended portion of the geocell panels under the left-
wheel path was less than 2 feet (near crown), whereas the extended
length under the right wheel paths was more than 3 feet (near shoulder).
Fig. 8 presents the maximum rutting observed in the left wheel paths of
the different test sections. The roughness of RS1 was higher than RS2
and RS3; however, the maximum rutting recorded along the wheel paths
Fig. 9. Rutting measurements for the test sections over 30 months.

A. Khan et al. Transportation Geotechnics 41 (2023) 101021

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