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Broad of Examiner

Name______________________ Date_________ Signature_________
Name______________________ Date__________ Signature_________
Department head:
Name_____________________ Date ___________ Signature ____________
l thanks and acknowledgement goes to the Almighty God for his Sustained guidance and
protection throughout my life. I am particularly very grateful to my supervisor, MA who’s
critical and rigorous supervision and genuine sense of understanding helped me in numerous
ways and enhanced the completion of this research. He demonstrated an unalloyed sense of
commitment towards this work. At every stage he offered necessary comments and corrections
that made the work easier for me. I will forever remain grateful to him and pray for God’s
continual blessings upon him.
I acknowledge the contributions of my families and members, especially my brother who made
significant sacrifices to make sure I completed these programs.
Finally, I acknowledge the contributions of my classmate and friends like, Befikir Atumo and
other friends All say “Thanks” because you all demonstrated tremendous love, understanding,
may The God Lord blesses the above mentioned exceedingly. Asire Awotsare Department of

Table content page

Table content -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II
List of table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IIl
1 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------..---------------------------------1
1.1 Background of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2 Statement of the problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.2.1 Basic Research question-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.3 Objectives of the study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.3.1 General Objectives of the study----------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.3.2 Specific Objective the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.4 Significance of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.5 Scope of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.6 Limitation of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.7 Operational Definition--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2 REVIW OF RELATED LITERTURE---------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1 Definition of watching movies and movies----------------------------------------------------------5
2.1.1 History of movies---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1.2 Types of movies----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2 The major Negative consequence of watching movies on students’ academic performance,
behavior and psychological life-----------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.2.1 Negative consequence of watching movies on academic performance-------------------------7
2.2.2 Negative consequence of watching movies on students’ behavior------------------------------8
2.2.3 Negative consequence of watching movies on psychological life--------------------------…-9

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-----------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.1 Research design -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.2 Area of the study----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.3 Target Population of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique---------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.5 Data Collection Instrument----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.6 Data Collection Procedure-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12
3.7 Methods of Data analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. RESULT AND DISCUTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------13
4.1 RESULT AND INTERPRETATION----------------------------------------------------------------13
4.1.1 Demographic characteristics of Respondent's-----------------------------------------------------13
4.1.2 Types of movies and how frequently watched by students'-------------------------------------14
4.1.3 The Negative consequence of watching movies on academic performance, behavior and
psychological life----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
4.2 Discussion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
5.1 Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
5.2 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
5.3 Recommendation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
Table 1 its shows the demographic characteristics of Respondents----------------------------------14
Table 2 Respondents Response weather they watch movies frequently---------------------------- 15
Table 3 the type of movies watched by Respondents frequently-------------------------------- 16
Table 4 shows The Respondents' Response weather watching movies has negative consequences
on their Academic Performance------------------------------------ 17
Table 5 shows The Respondents' Response the major Negative consequence of watching
movies frequently on academic performance.---------------------------------------------------- -- 18

Table 6 shows the Respondents response weather watching movies frequently has negative
consequence frequently on behavior ---------------------------------------------------------------------18

Table 7 shows the respondents' response watching movies frequently has negative consequence
on behavior-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Table 8 shows The Respondent's response weather watching movies has negative consequence
on psychological life---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Table 9 shows The Respondent's response watching movies frequently has negative consequence
on psychological life------------------------------------------------------19
List of Acronyms/Abbreviations
 SNN&P_ South Nation Nationalities and peoples
 CDMA_ (Electronics) Code division multiple Access, a wireless transmission technology
 UNESCO _ United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The study was focus on the consequence of watching movies on students’ academic
performance and behavior in the case of Bonga University College of Social Science and
Humanities. The study was guided by the following research questions; what types of movies
have been watched by students frequently what are the major negative consequences of watching
movies frequently on students’ academic performance, what are major negative consequences of
watching movies frequently on students behavioral and psychological life. The researcher will
employ the descriptive survey design and the researcher will also use questionnaire to collect
data from participants. And data analysis quantitative method was used.to select sample size
purposive sampling technique was employed. And in this researcher used questionnaire which
was prepared in Amharic and English finally translated To improve this problem, the following
recommendation are forwarded by researcher; teachers or lectures were give awareness of
spending time with social media example movies ,video games violence movies .
Disarray behavior









March 2023


Table of contents


List of

1. Back Ground of the Study 3

1.2 The statement of the Problem 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study 7

1.3.1 General Objectives of the Study 7

Specific Objectives of the Study 7

1.4 Significance of the Study 7

1.5 Scope of the Study 7

1.6 Limitations of the Study 7

1.7 Operational Definitions 7



2.2. Definition of Watching Movies and Movies 8

2.2.1 History of Movies 8

2.2.2 Types of Movies 9

2.2.3 The major Negative consequence of watching movies frequently on

students’ academic performance and behavior and psychological life 10

2.2.4 The major consequence of watching movies frequently on academic

performance. 10

2.2.5 Negative consequences of watching movies frequently on students

Behavior 11

2.2.6 Major Negative consequence of frequently watching movies on

psychological life 12



3.1.1 Research Design 14

3.1.2 Area of the study 14

3.1.3 Target population of the study 14

3.1.4 Sampling techniques 14

3.1.5 Sample size 14

3.1.6 Data collection Instrument 15

3.1.7 Data collection Procedure 15

3.1.8 Methods of data analysis 16

3.1.9 Ethical considerations 16


Reference 18


1. Back Ground of the Study

Movies or films are recorded documentaries which are viewed by peoples so, as to source of
entertainment and information media. The movies are social media act as transmitting
information and marital from diversity on natural and international source Ami .don, David
[2013-07-01] .

According to Dennis Cole(200)he say today the peoples view in the world home video is the
norm and so many people have come to believed that movies program are united contributed to
academic weakens and behavioral affects.

In developing countries, like Ethiopia there is high prevalence of watching movies which
are western media. Some media are Hollywood movies, game movies, violent media has multi
factor influence on students’ academic performance, behavior, attitude, feeling, perception, and
some other aspects of their life .(Awake,2007). Western movies as Hollywood extravaganzas has
been criticized several for its negative influence on cognation and affective development of
students .The students developing nonchalant and lack of lackadaisical attitude towards their
academic and prefacer to exercises their psychological or psycho note domain by imitating the
action of and carious characters as well as unconventional behavior patterns provided by movies
actors and actresses The movies contain a lot of phonograph scan; phonograph inflames
improper sexual desires and makes able rent behaviors papers to be appealing. (Awake, 2007).

Titus, Podolsk and Eron, 2003 typified in violence in students any violence movies or video
viewing aggressive and violent behavior persist in to adult motherhood students who spent much
time in watching movies, video shows glamorized violence. Positive influence of watching
movies on students these movies programs with positive role model can influence viewers to
make positive life style changes, to reduce anxiety, depression. Certain the reveres can be the
true pro social behavior which includes things as helping, sharing, confronting, friendliness and
self-control. (Eisen berge, 1991).

Hussmann (1994) reveled that using educational video as means of learning resulted in higher
student academic achievement in school science project. According him many students learned
about environment as by viewing in movies or television documentaries such as environment
could be rain forest, Savannah, waterfalls and scientific exploits etc. on the discovery of
geography on television channels.

Movies and mass-media exerts great persuasive effects on the thought, culture and behavior by
encouraging people to new life style, patterns of fashion dressing etc. among media film or
movies play major role in affecting the thinking of the students especially who are teenagers
(Evra 1990).

The watching movies are also important for inspiration. Biopic movies in to the historical figures
often give the peoples glimpse in to the simple truths of life. Thereon observation of his eyes the
transformation of ordinary men or women into hero in times of needs and some where it
motivates life in different preparative. Movies or television beret, sophisticated, diver’s
information and educationists aided the exploration of different movies in the country. Hence
motion pictures should definite sign for an exploration in the member of film goers.

It was recorded that over the past 20 years USA students have been participant in what is called
''mass-media exploration''. In 200, 97% of American home with students had television sets. Also
97% had video game cape equipment (Naigles and Mayeau, 2001). As result of the students
spend much time consuming all forms of media more than half of this time spent watching
movies or video(Robert,1991). Thus movies were seen as distraction during teaching or learn
processes which have become common. Television has been variously criticized for negative
influence on academic performance of students.

There for the main issue of the researcher should be to investigate the influence or consequence
of watching movies frequently on students’ academic performance and behavior also
psychological life.

The African Population is estimated to be more than 1 billion people of which 60% are
youth. Demographic sector has an estimated median age of 17.6. Members of African Union
agreed to invest on the youth and make “deliberate efforts to accelerate social development that
gives high priority to youth empowerment and development.” (AU: 2010). Union (AU: 2006) ,
in its Youth Charter, has specifically stipulated that every young person shall have the freedom
to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas of all kinds, either orally, in writing, in
print, in the form of art or through any media of the young person’s choice subject to the
restrictions as are prescribed by laws. This freedom plays a significant role in the media lives of
the youth. This freedom coupled with the ever increasing movement of media producers
targeting the youth kindles the fire for the needs of these youth grip the media products and their
pertinent effects.

Due to the western cultural influences, Africans are losing their identities. Mangwere et al (2013)
complains that Africans have become less distinctive and the media have led to the African
culture. They have also emphasized that electronic media are potential threats to the value set by
parents, educators, and other agents of social control and that the media have also moved Africa
from its original platform diluting the African culture. Thus influence of electronic media in the
lives of African youth cannot be underestimated.

Ethiopia is one of the developing countries which have opened a number of doors for the
ever number and multi-faceted types of electronic media. To enhance the quality of education at
secondary level, the Ethiopian Government has laid out a strategy to provide ICT infrastructures
to schools, especially at secondary levels, to receive satellite education transmission. (MOE:
2010). Apart from the possible opportunities provided at secondary schools, students have quite
a number of possibilities to get the access to and spend a time on the various electronic media,
such as TV, varied channel radio
Programs, mobile sets, social media like Facebook, Skype, blogs, movies, etc. The flourishing
number of internet cafes has increased the number of internet user students. It is noted that the
rise in the number of subscribers in major cities throughout the country is mainly due to the
increasing popularity of Internet cafés and CDMA technologies. However, the types and
frequency of these media students spend their time, the contribution of these media to the
academic achievement, their influence on their social relations and individual behavior of the
students all need to gain the desired momentum and a critical attention and the issues question
require all concerned to be well examined and followed up by the various stakeholders relating
to these youth achievement, their influence on their social relations and individual behavior of
the students all need to gain the desired momentum and a critical attention and the issues in
require all concerned to be well examined and followed up by the various stakeholders relating
to these youth.

1.2 The statement of the Problem

Movies are variable tools of mass communication, which cuts across national and cultural
boundaries with wide and fast distributing networks internationally. Movies are source of
entertainment and source of education. But they influence the people’s attitude about the world if
they are watching violent movies for frequently they become aggressive in behavior and are
become violent.

Now a day’s watching western and Ethiopian films is become common ways of entertainment
beside students search and form the entertainment by asking and observing. The children's,
vinegars, adolescents, and students are more susceptible to media than elders (UNESCO 1991).
research review finding suggest majority of the people is negatively affected by media
especially movies or films which are violence but the effect is beside on individual cognitive
appraisal and social environment and males are decent-sized to interpersonal conflict after
exposure to media violent than females.

To spent much time with different western and Ethiopian movies or films the students decrees
the amount of time available for pursuing other more healthy activities, such as studding
academic or learning, and increase psychological and behavioral effects (Minni ray
2010).however the effects of watching home movies on students includes exposure to media
violence, depressed, loss of weight and etc.

In Ethiopia the influence of watching movies on students’ academic performance and

behavioral especially in primary students have not studied for this limitation the students have
not get enough awareness of watching movies frequently on their academic performance and
behaviors of primary students in the case of Assosa Enzi primary school students.

The researcher is attempted to answer the following research questions.

1. What type of movies has been watched by students frequently?

2. What are the major Negative consequences of watching movies frequently on students’
academic performance?

3. What are major Negative consequences of watching movies frequently on student’s behavioral
and psychological life?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives of the Study

•A general objective of this study was to investigate the consequence of watching movies
frequently on students’ academic performance and behavior.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study

•To identify the influence of watching movies frequently on academic performance

• To identify the influence of watching movies frequently on students behavioral effects and
psychological life.
•To assess which type of movies frequently watched by students in Enzi primary school

1.4 Significance of the Study

Studding the perceived influence of movies on student’s behavior and academic performance is
hoped to the participants and teachers to understand the influence of watching movies frequently
on students’ academic performance and behavior. To create awareness of students experience in
movies and ways of life and also it can insight for further research.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This study was dominated to the influence of watching movies frequently on academic
performance and behavior which are frequently watching movies in Enzi primary school

1.6 Limitations of the Study

In this study the researcher faced different problems such as income, availability of time,
responsibility of respondents and etc.

1.7 Operational Definitions

Watching movies; viewing of rerecorded documentaries of film or movies

Behavior: away of behaving or response to the action

Academic performance: the student is required to maintain satisfaction on academic performance

or obligation for your courses to meet goal.



2.2. Definition of Watching Movies and Movies

Movies or films are recorded documentaries which are viewed by peoples so, as to get the source
of entertainment and information through different media.(Ami don, David, 2013-03-01) many
people’s watches movies to get laugh and fun they are the perfect form of entertainment,
blending visual ,storytelling ,music and sound together. it really bring the whole world idea of
entertainment to next level and it's still around the history of movies (Anderson,2003).

The most prominent examination put forth about the impacts of frequent movies viewing comes
from western movies(Gender,G,1994).over 25 years has conducted extensive research on topic
and has conclude that the major consequence of extensive exposure to violent film programming
is ''mean world syndrome''. He suggests that a stead visual diet of intense situations especially
when they are promoted as real. Can instill in avid media viewers sense of danger, threat and
fear. Although movies viewers are not all that gullible, pointed out their learning with regard to
issues shown in the media is always in direct proportional to emphasized place on the issue by
the mass media. Today movies are primary source of information and entertainment for countless
students shaping their attitude, opinions, their value and patterns of the behavior.

2.2.1 History of Movies

The origin of movies and motion pictures began in the late 1800 with the innovation toy design
to trick the eye in to seeing illusion of motions from display of still frames nick secession such as
Thaumatrope and zoetrope (Eastman and William Walker, 1885)

According to industry of myth the first movies made is Hollywood was Cecile. Many genres
have built in audience and cross-pounding publication that support them such as magazines and
web exampled horror magazines in to genres also often less successful such movies genres are
also use full in the area of marketing film criticized and the analysis of consumption (Jone
Trudy,1980). By the end of 1929 Hollywood was also most tasks with several computing sound
systems to be standardized. Sound saved the Hollywood studio system in the face of great
depression (Parkinson, 1995).

2.2.2 Types of Movies

Action Movies; action movies or genres involves with fight and stunts and it is film genres in
which the protagonist or protagonists end up in series of challenging that typically include
violence, extended fighting, physical feats and frantic chases. It is hero struggling against
incredible odds.

Adventure Movies; it involves movies with excitement, danger and risk mostly scripted in
fictional stories. They often use their action scenes preferable to display and exploit exotic
locations in energetic way. They are also non humanistic involvement are produced by people or
film produced by animation

Documentary Movies; movies show casing facts and reality about situations, events, or person
and historical recorded events. Are also non fictional motion pictures intended to document some
aspects of reality; primly for the purpose of instruction, education or maintaining historical
records? Such as film was originally shot on film stock are more source of information and more
it can influence positively.

Comedy Movies; is a film or genre in which the main emphasis is on humor. These films are
designed to make the audience laugh through amusement and most often work by exaggerating
characteristic for humors effects. it is puts much more focus on individual stars. Include the
James Bond 'fantasy' spy/espionage series, martial arts films, so-called 'exploitation' films, and
some superhero films.

Crime Movies; movies based on any types of crime. They stylistic approach to a crime film
varies from realistic portrayals of criminal figures. To far-thatched evil doing of imaginary ant
malarial. It is more violent movies and aggressiveness and any type of individual behaviors
mostly affected Horror movies; movies based on ghost, spirits, and block magic to scare you.
Are movies that seek to elicit a physiological reaction Horror films are designed to frighten and
to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and
entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films feature a wide range of
styles, from the earliest silent Nosferatu classic, to today's CGI monsters and deranged humans.
They are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a
corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens. There are many sub-genres of
horror: slashed, teen terror, serial killers, zombies, Satanic, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. site's
Scariest Film Moments and Scenes collection – illustrated

Romantic movies; is types of movies place their primary focus on the relationship and romantic
love between two people and must have an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. Walker
Scott defined the literary fiction form of romantic as’ ‘fictitious narrative in prose or verse that
interest of which turns upon marvelous and uncommon incident.

Dance or music movies; the main target of dance is to elaborate shown in this kind of genres. It
is music genres.
2.2.3 The major Negative consequence of watching movies frequently on

students’ academic performance and behavior and psychological life

The social media especially western and Ethiopian movies are the most dominant influence on
students’ academic performance, behavior and psychological life.

2.2.4 The major consequence of watching movies frequently on academic


According to Manni Ray, 2010 time spent with media decreases the amount of time available for
pursuing other more healthy activities such as sports, physical activities, community service,
cultural pursuits and family time. Disarray behavior. Furthermore, Ray & Jat (2010) further
noted that most students who are exposed to violence through media had poorer school
performance and its impact on their psychological adjustment was detrimental. Other words,
Hopt, et al., (2008) noted that association between TV viewing and suicidal behavior has also
been reported inter-related. Both content exposure and screen time of media had independent
detrimental associations with school performance in students and adolescents.

The student’s exposure to related movies and preference for action, adventure are associated
with lower academic achievement (Aluja-febregat-1980).

The effects of movies haven founded be far reaching and potentially harmful in influencing the
health related behaviors. Multiple studies have explored association of between television and
movies viewing and academic outcomes of performance in studentship studies focused on
watching televised movies have generally founded negative associations with academic
achievement. Example; decreasing of grade point of school performance. However homework
compilation, time spent and studying their task.

Studies also indicate that playing home video games and watching Television has a negative
effect on student’s academic performance. When student's watch Home video, they are typically
not reinforcing school activities or doing homework. In a survey of 4,500 conducted by Sharif
(2006) frequency and times students spent time with watching movies frequently determine any
negative effects, when compared with their academic progress. He stressed further that watching
videos during the week was harmful to a student's academic progress, but playing during the
weekend did not adversely affect a student’s performance. According falter, 2004 reported that
lower achievement students are spent much time with watching video more than six hours par a
day as camper to those who are good achievers and as result they are influenced by media violent
exposure. The students with high source of movies are more aggressive then don't frequently
watching movies (Albert bandura, 1977).

2.2.5 Negative consequences of watching movies frequently on students


The media can influence people’s behavior, attitude, culture, health and way of life in variety of
ways. Watching movies frequently have an influence on body image, alcohol, tobacco, drug use,
sexual abuse and potential violent behavior.

The fact that most researchers on the impacts of movies on students become aggressive in
behavior, usage of alcohol or drug, unsafe sex exposure, coping of different countries culture,
attitude for something is real or not, dressing patterns of fashion and etc.

Today watching different movies has become a leading sex educator in Canada. Between 1976
and 1996, there has been a 270% increase in sexual interactions during the family hour of 2000
hours to 2100 hours. Movies exposes students to adult sexual behaviors in ways that portray
these actions as normal and risk-free, sending the message that because these behaviors are
frequent, ‘everybody does it’. Sex between unmarried partners is shown more sex between
spouses. While sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy are rarely mentioned
(Brown et Al, 1996) Researchers have found that viewing violent media primes aggression

(Bushman, 1998).increases hostile feelings, dressing patterns, fashioning, and hairstyle,

aggressive in behavior (Anderson 1997, Bushman, 1995) .possibly leading to desensitization
(Griffiths & Shuck ford, 1989). Males Malaysia reveals that Adolescents who preferred “violent”
movies were significantly more supportive of the attitude that aggression is

acceptable and warranted, as compared to those who prefer movies with little or

no violence (Hassan et al., 2009).

The students spent much time with watching movies which are western movies influence
students for portrayal of alcoholism. the students depicted alcohol usage through modeling film
actors (Everett et al,1998).
2.2.6 Major Negative consequence of frequently watching movies on
psychological life

According to (Gerbner:1994) a steady visual diet of intense situations, especially when they are
promoted as real, can instill in avid television viewers, a sense of threat, and fear. He goes on to
say that: All movies involve visual illusion, with the viewer’s mind misinterpreting a succession
of still images as real, continuous movement... the horror movies play on our natural biases and
reactions and actually increase our psychological sensations. The exaggerations are speculative...
The viewer’s adapt to the movie, its language, losing themselves in the story. This type of
adaptation and focus is natural. A darkened thereat aids this focus... We know the rules of the
game: movie pacing, dialogue, the presence of music, and other conceits. Horror movies both
follow and break our expectations... The human can’t focus on many things at once. The human
mind doesn’t have the capacity. This explains why the viewer can lose himself in a movie,
literally forgetting where he is, for a period think the projection is real... Movies play on our
imaginative nature.

Watching different types of movies can causes wide side effects on their psychological life of the
students. According to different researchers horror movies are more dominant causes on
psychological life. According to different researchers the movies are affects the student’s
psychological effects or side effects.

Sleeplessness; the students may have trowel sleeping or loss fully all night due to the residual
fear and anxiety from watching a scary movies, especially if there is something in movies that
could ''trigger past trauma''.

Anxiety; the severity and longevity of anxiety entirely depend on the individual. However,
According to research study done at university of Wisconsin, the child under age 14 who
watched horror movies end up having increasable chance of developing anxiety condition later in
adulthood. There for the students at this stage are anxieties but not reach saver this because fear
experienced when watching is stored in Myrdal.

According to Hopt et AL, 2008 noted that the students spent much time in watching home
movies he or she become depressant, isolated from members because of they are pass time on
watching movies rather than doing any healthy activities includes sport activities, studying of
tasks and etc.

Another most significant psychological consequence of globalization is that transforms once

identity in terms of how people think about themselves in relation to social environment. Related
to identity confuse due to the activities of actress.

According mood management theory suggests that entertainment is used to enhance positive
states and avoid negative once in this frame students spent much time so as to reduce tension but
indirectly they were influenced by western media. Includes horror movies, action movies, and
other scared movies increases anxiety, fear and dispersion (Zillmann, 2003)

3.1.1 Research Design
In this study the researcher used descriptive survey design. Descriptive research was research
designed to provide a snapshot of the current state of affairs and it describe to depict the
participants in accurate ways and it involve collecting data to answer questions concerning
current status which conducts through question.

3.1.2 Area of the study

According to the data collected from Enzi Primary School in Assosa town which found in
Benishangul Gumuz Regional state in Assosa Zone Assosa town. Located from north west from
Assosa town and From 657 km away from main capital city of Addis Ababa and 5minute away
from Assosa University by tax.

3.1.3 Target population of the study

The target population of the study was Assosa Enzi Primary school Students who frequently
watch movies. The total population of the study is 1030. From those 491 are males and 539 are

3.1.4 Sampling techniques

The researcher selected the total 400 students as sample size for this the study. In order to select
the sample size, stratified sampling technique was employed. Because the population selected for
this study comes from different grade and populations which can be partitioned in to sub
populations. So, the study would classify the students in to grade 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.

3.1.5 Sample size

The total participant of this study was from total population that 400 students out of this 84
respondents were from grade 5th, 91 respondents were from grade 6th, 103 respondents were
from grade 7th and 122 students were from grade 8th. From those 180 respondents were males
and 220 respondents were females. So the researcher was believe that those respondent can give
detail information about the consequence of watching movies on students’ academic
performance and behavior and the researcher was generalizing to all population. Finally to
determine the sample size the researcher used the Yamane (1967) sample size determination

n=N/1+N (e)2

Where; n is sample size

N is total population

E is marginal error= 0.05 n=1030/1+1030(0.05)2




3.1.6 Data collection Instrument

In this study the researcher used questionnaire which was prepared in Amharic and finally
translated in to English for analysis. The questionnaire consists two parts. The first parts were
about personal information and second part was the major consequence of watching movies on
students' academic performance, behavior and psychological life.

3.1.7 Data collection Procedure

To collect data from respondents the researcher follows the following procedure.

First the researcher communicated with Assosa Enzi primary school Director.

Secondly the researcher introduced himself and the purpose of the study for research

Thirdly asked the willingness of the respondents

Fourthly the researcher distributed the questionnaires and informed the respondents about how to
fill the questionnaire.

Finally the researchers collected the questionnaires from the respondents carefully. Then check
weather all the respondents the questionnaires back.

3.1.8 Methods of data analysis

The quantitative method was used. Hence, simple tables, frequencies and percentage would use
in the analysis of data and interpretation of the information collected in the study.

3.1.9 Ethical considerations.

It is not recommended to violet the right of individuals for the reasons of searching knowledge.
So the researcher in the first place needs to establish an informed consent to ask the respondents
to respond willingly and without being force. Then, since it is not possible to estimate the danger
the respondents may experience the researcher has to change the name by giving them codes and
protect them for any harm or embarrassment from those superiors. In this study the respondent’s
names will be hidden and the respondents will be asked to participate willingly and anyone who
will not interest will be allowed to withdraw at any time during research processes.


4.1 Results and Interpretation

The data for this study was collected from Bonga University college of social science and
humanities students which are frequently watching movies in by using questioner and all the
collected data were presented, analyzed and interpreted by using frequency and parentage. This
chapter provides description of the study. Especially the details of the finding of questionnaires
that in involved final sample 31 university students which are watching movies in frequently in
college of social science and humanities. The result of questionnaires is presented quantitative
for close ended questions.

The background of Respondents her sex, age, religious affiliation and educational level of
Respondent is presented.
4.1.1 Backgrounds of respondents

Table 1 Its shows the demographic characteristics of Respondents

No Item Respondent frequency Percentage (%)

1 Sex Male 22 71%
Female 9 29
Total 31 100%
2 Age 18-20 10 32.2%
21-24 19 62%
Above 25 2 6%
Total 31 100%
3 Religious affiliation Orthodox 10 32.2%
Muslim 10 32.2%
protestant 11 35.6%

Total 31 100%
4 Educational level

Second year 11 35%

Third year 20 65%

Total 31 100%

The above table 1 shows that out of 31 respondents 23(71) were males and 9(29%) were females.
This clearly shows that the majority of respondents were males.

In the concerning above table item 2 indicated that out of 31respondents 10(32.2%)were age of
18-20,20(62%) were age of 21-24 and 6(6%) were age of above 25. this Clearly shows that age
of 21-24 were watching movies frequently.

As concerning to above table item 31 watching at respondents according to religious affiliation

10(32.2%) were orthodox, 10(32.2%) were protestant and 22(,35.6%) were Muslims and (-) were
others. This indicate that majority of orthodox students were watch movies. Similarly also above
table. shows that according to educational level of respondents 3(11.1%) were second
year,11(35%) and were third year,20(65%) This show that third year students are watch movies

4.1.2 Types of movies and how frequently they were watched by students
Table 2 Respondents Response weather they watch movies frequently

No Item Response Frequency percentage

1 Do you watch movies Yes 21 68%
No 10 32.2%
Total 31 100
2 If your answer for No Daily 6 19.3%
1 yes, how often you Weekly 10 32.2

watch movies? Once a week 6 19.3%

Twice a week 5 16.1%
Three times a week 4 13%
Total 31 100

As above table 2 in item 1 majority of respondents 21(68%) watch movies frequently, while
10(32.2%) were not watch movies frequently. This show that the respondents are watches
movies frequently.

Similarly above table item 2 indicated that out of 31 respondents which are watch movies
frequently according to frequency of catching movies by respondents response 6(19.3%)were
watch movies daily,10(32.2%)were watch movies weekly,6(19.3%)were watch movies once a
week and 4(13%) is watches movies three times a week. This clearly shows that the majority of
respondents were watch movies daily.

Table 3 the type of movies watched by Respondents frequently

Items Response Frequency Percentage

If your answer for No 1 Action 6 19.3
yes, which type of Romantic 7 23

movies you frequently Horror 3 9.6

watch? Crime 5 16.1

Adventure 4 13
Documentary 6 19.3
31 100
As above table 3 shows that respondents which type of movies watch in frequently in video
house according to respondents types of movies are put by Rankly 6(19.3) were watch action
movies, 7(23%) were Romantic movies,3(9.6)were watch Horror movies 5(16.1%)were watch
Crime movies,4(13%)were Adventure movies and 6(19.3%)were watch Documentary movies.
This indicated that the majority of respondents watch action movies.

4.1.3 The major consequence of watching movies on students’ academic performance,

behavior and psychological life

Table 4 shows The Respondents' Response weather watching movies has negative
consequences on their Academic Performance.

Items Response Frequency Percentage

Do you think that watching Yes 18 58. 0%
movies frequently has 13 42
negative consequences on
your academic Total 31 100%


As above table 4 shows that the majority of respondents 18(58.0) response yes watching movies
frequently has negative consequences on academic performance while 13(4%) were response not
watching movies have not negative effect on academic performance. This indicated that majority
of respondents watching movies frequently has negative consequences on academic
Table 5 shows The Respondents' Response the major Negative consequence of watching movies
frequently on academic performance.

Items Response frequency Percentage

If your answer for No 4 Done to decreasing my result on academic 16 51.6%
yes In which Negative performance
consequences you faced, It creates obstacle to do academic 6 19.3%
when watching movies assignment properly which are given by
frequently? teacher's
Obstacle for studying properly 5 16.1%
It losses my educational time 4 13%
31 100

As above table shows that the respondents 16(51.6%)were done to decreasing my result on
academic performance,6(19.3%)were teachers led to an obstacle done properly chores and
related activities,5(16.1%)were obstacle for studying my education properly and 4(13) were to be
wastage educational time. This indicated that majority of watching movies frequently has
negative consequence on the done to decreasing on result of academic performance, secondly on
the wastage of educational time.

Table 6 shows the Respondents response weather watching movies frequently has negative
consequence frequently on behavior

Item Response Frequency Percentage

Do you think that Yes 22 71%
watching movies
frequently has negative
consequence on your
behavior? No 9 29

Total 31 100%
Table 6 shows that the majority of respondents 22(71%) were response yes it has negative
consequence on behavior, while 9(29%) were response that not watching movies has not
negative consequence on behavior. Regarding to the majority response shows that the watching
movies frequently have negative consequence on the behavior.
Table 7 shows the respondents' response watching movies frequently has negative consequence
on behavior.
Item Response Frequency Percentage
If your answer To perform various crime 5 16.1%
for No 6 yes in example robbery, rape, harm
which negative others and etc.
consequence you To be aggressive, anger 10 32.2%
faced on your
behavior, when To perform unprotected, 3 9.6%
watching movies unwanted or unsafe sex
frequently? To perform other countries 9 29%
culture example hairstyle,
dressing, speaking, and etc.
To be drug and alcohol user 4 13%
31 100

Above table shows as regarding to the negative consequence of watching movies frequently on
behavior. The respondent's 5(16.1%)were watching movies has negative consequence to perform
various crime,10(32.2%)were movies has negative consequence to be aggressive and
anger,3(9.6%)were watching movies has negative consequence to perform other countries
cultures includes hairstyle, dressing, speaking and etc. ,while 9(29)were watching movies has
negative consequences to be drug and alcohol user. This clearly shows that majority of
respondent's response watching movies frequently has negative consequence on the behavior.
therefore according the majority of respondents response watching movies has negative
consequence on to 4(13%) perform other countries culture example dressing, hairstyle, speaking
and etc. and also to be drug and alcohol user and so on.

Table 8 shows The Respondent's response weather watching movies has negative consequence
on psychological life.

Item Response frequency Percentage

Do you think that Yes 20 65%
watching movies has No 11 35.4%
negative consequence on Total 31 100%
your psychological life?
Above table 8 shows that the respondent's 20(65%) were yes and 11(35. 4%)were not. This
shows that the majority of respondents response the watching movies frequently has negative
consequence on psychological life.

Table 9 shows The Respondent's response watching movies frequently has negative
consequence on psychological life

Item Response frequency percentage

If your answer for No 8 Unintended sign in the sense of 10 32.3%
yes In which Negative depression
consequence you faced Lack of sleeplessness 10 32.2%
on psychological life, I feeling to sense of suicidal 1 3.7%
when watching movies I feel sense of frustration 5 16.1%
frequently I feeling sense of anxiety 5 16.1
31 100

As indicates above table shows that regarding to Negative consequence of watching movies
10(32.2)were unintended sign of depression,10(32.2)were lack of sleeplessness,1(3.7%)were I
feeling to sense of suicidal,5(16.1%)were I feel sense of frustration, while 5(16.1)were I feeling
sense of anxiety. This shows that the majority of respondent's response watching movies has
Negative consequences on lack of sleeplessness, feeling to sense of anxiety and etc. Therefore
watching movies has Negative consequences on psychological life.


This discussion was made based on the finding of the study review literature

4.2.1 Types of movies watched by students' frequently

The finding the study had related that movies which are frequently watched by respondents. For
this Finding the respondents the majority of movies watched by those respondents Action,
romantic, horror, crime, adventure and documentary movies are put in respectively.

Consistently, according to www.types of movies.com,wikipedia,html the movies which are

viewed according to individual feelings and can't put them rankly.

4.2.2 Negative consequence of watching movies on academic performance of students'.

The finding of the study related it creates obstacle to do academic assignment properly which
given are given by teacher’s, it losses my educational time, it influence me do not to study
properly and done to decreasing my result on academic performance.

Similarly according to omojuwa et al , 2008 stated that the watching movies either
documentaries, music, sport(football matches),comedies and etc. are deliberated programs for
student negative consequence of watching movies frequently on the academic performance were
they decrease on academic performance, school performance and achievement.

4.2.3 Negative consequence of watching movies on the behavior

The finding of the study has related that to perform various crime example robbery, rape, harm
others etc., to be aggressive and anger, to perform other countries culture example hairstyle,
speaking, unprotected or unsafe sex and dressing patterns are some Negative consequence of
watching movies frequently.

Similarly, Brown et AL, 2002, stated that young people are heavenly consumers of sexual related
movies or media thus leads exposure to unsafe sexual content, transmitted disease.

According to Addresser, CA, 2002 the students which spent time with violent video as visual
portrayals of acts of physical aggression by on human. And he stated that students spent with
watching movies are influenced on their culture which modeling those film actors.

4.2.4 The Negative consequence of watching movies on psychological life

The finding of the study related that sense of feeling to frustration, anxiety, depression, lack of
sleeplessness are Negative consequence of watching movies

Similarly Hopt et al, 2008, stated that students spent much time in watching home movies either
violent, video game, stories related movies influence the students to depressant, isolated with
5.1. Summary
The general objective of this study was to investigate the Negative consequence of watching
movies on academic performance, behavior and psychological life. To achieve this objective
descriptive survey design was employed 31 university students which are watching movies
frequently were selected in college of social science and humanities as sample by using
purposive sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondent's
and quantitative data analysis was employed to analyze the data.
The researcher has raised the following basic questions;
 What types of movies are watched by students frequently?
 What are the Negative consequence of watching movies on academic performance, behavior
and psychological life?
The collected data through instrument concerning the research question were analyzed by
quantitative that is frequency and percentage. Based on the analysis of study of the following
were obtained;
 types of movies frequently watched by respondent's
 academicals consequence
 psychological consequences
 behavioral consequences
5.2 Conclusion
After data analyzed and interpreted the researcher has come up the following conclusion;
types of movies watched by the students were analyzed so, according to the finding the
researcher has conclude that Action movies are widely watched by students frequently and
second Romantic movies also Morley watched by students frequently, Horror movies,
Crime ,Adventure and also Documentary movies respectively watched by students frequently.
When watching movies frequently has Negative consequence on their academic performance,
behavior and psychological life as according to current researchers finding.
In Academic performance Negative consequence of watching movies were obstacle to study, it
creates obstacle to do academic assignment properly which are given by lecture, they lose more
time instead of studying and etc. and also when come to psychological the Negative
consequence of watching movies frequently were isolation, depression, anxiety, frustration, lack
of sleeplessness and etc. .and regarding to behavioral Negative consequence of watching movies
were to be aggressive, hostile, anger and to be drug and alcohol user, to perform various crime
example robbery, rape, harm others and to perform unprotected sexual context and to perform or
coping of other countries culture example hairstyle, dressing, speaking and etc. .
Therefore watching movies has Negative consequence on behavior, academic performance and
psychological life so movies are influence the students directly or indirectly according to current
researcher finding indicated that most of students are affected by media especially western
movies on their ways of life.

5.3 Recommendation
As the finding of study indicated that most of the university students are affected by global film.

 To improve this problem, the following recommendation are forwarded by researcher;

 The teachers or lectures were give awareness of spending time with social media example
movies ,video games violence movies
 Improve awareness of video owners make use of established rating system shows movies to
video in appropriate content such as violence movies, explicitly sexual content or glorified
tobacco, alcohol and drug user movies.

 For further research must take micro approach and look at the several major thematic issues
individually in order to provide deeper insight in to the influence of watching movies on
students’ academic performance, behavior and psychological life. This finding focused
mainly on western movies like action, horror, romantic, crime, and adventure and
documentary movies Negative consequence on academic performance, behavior and
psychological life. but it did not give adulate attention to present kana televised movies, for
those movies students are averagely lose two hours par a day. thus, I recommended that
future researcher should considered this issue.
Addresser,CA, 2002, Violent viedio
Albert Bandura 1977 frequently watching movies
(Ami-don,David (2013-07-01):https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watching_Movies
Adesanya A. (1997).from film to video. Nigeria video film.(pp.13-20)..Ibadan, kraft,
Anderson,c and Bueshmann,2003. Media violence and American public revisted by the
American psychologist.
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[AU;2010] Union[Au;2006] in its youth cha rter
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Dennis Cole [2000] he say the people view in the world home viedio
Evra V, 1990. Television and people’s development, Hilldate Njj lawrence Erlbaum association
Film history of the 1920, Hammond,Paule 1974,marvelous mealies
Gebner, G, 1994 The kill screens:media and culture violence. Northampton,MA:media education
Griffth and ShuckFord, 1989 males Malayisias reveals that Adolesents.

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Mann Ray 2010] Times spent medias .
Mannerwere et al [2013] African culture
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Sharif, I., Wills, T.A., Sargent, J.D. (2010). Effect of Visual Media Use on School Performance:
A Prospective Study. J Adolesc Health46(1): 52.http:// www. ncbi. nlm.nih.
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The purpose of these questionnaires to gather information for the study of the consequence of
watching movies on academic performance, behavior and psychological life. I will like to assure
you give response to use only this study and will be confidential

PART ONE background of respondents

Demographic characteristics of respondent
1 Age A, 18-20 B, 21-24 C, Above 25

2 Sex A, Male B Female

3 Educational level A, second year B , third year

4 Religious status A, Orthodox B Protestant C, Muslim D, Other

PART TWO Types of movies and how frequently they were watched by students

1 Do you watch movies frequently? A yes B No

2 How often do you watch movies frequently?

A , Daily B, Weakly C Once a weak D Twice a weak E Three times a weak

3 Which types of movies do you watch frequently? (If it possible you can choice more the one)

A Action movies B Romantic movies C Horror movies D Crime movies E Adventure

movies F Documentary movies

PARET THREE The Negative consequence of watching movies on academic performance,

behavior and psychological life

4 Do you think that watching movies frequently has Negative consequence on Academic

A yes B no

5 If your answer is yes, In which Negative consequence has you faced,when watching movies
frequently?( if it possible you can choice more the one)

A done to decreasing my result of academic performance

B it creates obstacle to do academic assignment properly which are given by teacher's

C obstacle to studying properly

D it lose my educational time

6 Do you think that watching movies frequently has Negative consequence on behavior? A yes
B No

7 If your answer is yes, In which Negative consequence has you faced; When watching movies
frequently? (If it possible you can choice more the one)

A To perform various crimes example Robbery,Rape,harm others and etc

B To be aggressive
C To perform other countries culture example hairstyle,dressing,speaking and etc

D To perform unprotected or unsafe sexual content

E To be drug and alcohol user

8 Do you think that watching movies frequently has Negative consequences on psychological
life ? A yes B No

9 If your answer is yes In which Negative consequences has you faced;when watching movies
frequently ?( if it possible you can choice more the one)

A unintended sign in the sense of depression

B I feeling to sense of suicidal

C I feel sense of frustration D Lack of sleeplessness E I feel sense of anxiety

ቦንጋ ዩኒቨርስቲ
የሥነ ትምህርትና ሥነ ባህሪ ተቋም
የሥነ ልቦና ትምህርት ክፍል
ለተማሪዎች የተዘጋጀ የፅሁፍ መጠይቅ
የመጠይቁ ዓላማ፡-
በቅድሚያ ይህንን መጠየቅ ለመሙላት ፍቃደኛ ስለሆናችሁ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡
የዚህ መጠይቅ ዋና ዓላማ ፊልም ማየት በተማሪዎች ትምህርት፣ባህሪና ስነ ልቦና ላይ የሚያመጣውን

አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ በተመለከተ መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ ነው፡፡ በመጠይቁ የሚሰበሰበው መረጃ ለታቀደው ጥናት ብቻ

የሚውልና በሚስጥር የሚያዝ ነው፡፡ ስለሆነም ለጥናቱ ስኬታማነት የእናንተ ትክክለኛ እና እውነተኛ ምላሾች

ትልቅ ድርሻ ስላላቸው በታማኝነት እና በሀቀንነት መጠየቁን እንድትሞሉልኝ ስል በአክብሮት እጠይቅሁ፡፡

ክፍል አንድ፡- የግል መረጃ
ትክክለኛውን መልስ ፊደሉን በማክበብ መልስ ስጡ፡፡

ፆታ ሀ. ወንድ ለ. ሴት

እድሜ ሀ. ከ 18-20 ለ. ከ 21-24 ሐ. ከ 25 በላይ

የትምህርት ደረጃ A. . 2 ኛ አመት B .3 ኛ አመት

ሀይማኖት ሀ. ኦርቶዶክስ ለ. ፕሮቴስታንት መ. ሙስሌም ሐ ሌላ----

ክፍል ሁለት ፡ ይህ ክፍል ፊልሞችን አዘውትራዉ የሚያዩ ተማሪዎች ፊልም በማየታቸው በትምህርታቸው እና

በባህሪያቸው ላይ ያስከተለባቸው አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖዎችን በተመለከተ መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ የቀረቡ

ጥያቄዎችን ይዧል፡፡ ስለሆነም እንደ ጥያቄዎች አቀራረብ ትክክለኛ መልስ ይሆናል ብለህ/ሽ

የወሰንከውን/ሽውን ፊደል በማክበብ መልስ ስጥ/ጪ፡፡

1 ፊልሞችን አዘውትህ/ሽ ታያለሽ/ህ? ሀ. አዎ ለ. የለም

2 ለጥያቄ ተ.ቁ 1 መልስሽ/ህ አዎ ከሆነ ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ የትኛውን ፊልም አዘውትረህ /ሽ ታያለህ

/ሽ?(ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥ ይቻላል)

ሀ. አክሽን (Action) መ. ዶክመንትሪ (Documentary)

ለ. ሆረር (Horror) ሠ. ሮማንቲክ (Romantic)

ሐ. አድቤንቸር (Adventure) ረ. ወንጀልነከ (Crime)

3 ፊልሞችን በየስንት ጊዜ ታያለህ /ሽ? ከአንድ በላይ መምረጥ ይቻላል::

ሀ. በየቀኑ መ. በሳምንት ሁለት ጊዜ

ለ. በየሳምንቱ ሠ.በየሳምንት ሶስት ጊዜ

ሐ. በሳምንት አንድ ጊዜ

4 ፊልም በማየትህ/ሽ በትምህርትህ/ሽ ላይ ያደረሰብህ /ሽ አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ አለ?

ሀ. አዎ ለ. የለም

5 ለጥያቄ ተ.ቁ 4 መልስህ/ሽ አዎ ከሆነ ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ የትኞቹን ተፅዕኖዎች አድርሶብሀል/ሻል?(

ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥ ይቻላል)

ሀ. የትምህርት ጊዜየን አባክኖብኛል

ለ. ትምህርቴን በአግባቡ እንዳላጠና አድርጎኛል

ሐ. መምህራን የሚሰጡኝን ትምህርት ነክ ስራዎች በአግባቡ እንዳልሰራ እንቅፋት ፈጥሮብኛል

መ. ውጤቴ እንዲቀንስ አድርጎብኛል

6 ፊልሞችን አዘውትረህ /ሽ በማየትህ/ሽ በባህሪሽ /ህ ላይ ያደረሰብህ/ሽ አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ አለ? ሀ. አዎ

ለ. የለም

7 ለጥያቄ ተ.ቁ 6 መልስህ /ሽ አዎ ከሆነ ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ የትኖቹን ተፅዕኖዎች አድርሶብሻል/ሃል?(

ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥ ይቻላል)

ሀ. የተለያዩ ወንጀሎችን (ለምሳሌ ፡- ስርቆት ፣አስገድዶ መድፈር ፣ሰውን መጉዳት ፣ወ.ዘ.ተ)

እንድፈፅም አድጎኛል
ለ. በባህሪዬ ቁጡ እንድሆን አድርጎናል

ሐ የዕፅ ተጠቃሚ እንድሆን አድርጎኛል

መ. አላስፈላጊና ጥንቃቄ የጎደለው ወሲብ እንድፈጽም አድጎኛል

ሠ. ከባህልችን የወጣ የፀጉር አቆራረጥ ፤ አለባበስና አነጋገር እንኮርጅ አድርጎኛል

8 ፊልሞችን አዘውትረህ/ሽ/ በማትህ/ሽ/ በስነ ልቦናህ/ሽ/ ላይ የፈጠረብህ/ሽ አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖዎች

አሉ? ሀ/ አዎ ለ/ የለም

9 ለጥያቄ ተራ ቁጥር 8 መልስህ/ሽ አዎ ከሆነ ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ የትኞቹን ተፅዕኖዎች

አድርሶብሃል/ሻል? (ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥ ይቻላል)

ሀ/ ለእረጅም ግዜ የድብርት ስሜት ውስጥ መግባት

ለ/ የእንቅልፍ ማጣት ወይም የመረበሽ ችግር

ሐ/ የመጨነቅ ችግር

መ/ ራስን የማጥፋት ስሜት

ሠ/ የፍርሃት ስሜ

አመሰግናለሁ !!

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