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Received: 5 June 2020 Revised: 9 September 2020 Accepted: 23 October 2020

DOI: 10.1002/cmm4.1134


Existence and uniqueness of fixed point for Meir-Keeler

type contractive condition in Menger spaces

Vishal Gupta1 Mohammad S. Khan2 Balbir Singh3 Sanjay Kumar4

Department of Mathematics, Maharishi
Markandeshwar (Deemed to be Abstract
University), Mullana, India In this paper, we prove some general common fixed point theorems using
Department of Mathematics and generalized contractive condition of Meir-Keeler type for two pairs of weakly
Statistics, Sultan Qaboos University,
compatible self-mappings in Menger spaces. Some suitable examples are also
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
School of Physical Sciences, Starex
given to support our theorems.
University, Gurugram, India
Department of Mathematics, D.C.R.
University of Science and Technology, common property (E.A), compatible mappings, JCLRST property, Menger spaces, weakly compatible
Sonipat, India

Vishal Gupta, Department of
Mathematics, Maharishi Markandeshwar
(Deemed to be University) Mullana
133207, Haryana, India.


Menger1 introduced the notion of probabilistic metric spaces as a generalization of metric space. The notion of Proba-
bilistic Metric space in the Menger theory refers to situations where we know the probabilities of possible values of the
distance, but we do not know precisely the distance between two points. Menger explained in his note how the numerical
distance between two points 𝓍 and 𝓎 could be replaced by a function  (𝓍, 𝓎, 𝓉), whose value  (𝓍, 𝓎, 𝓉) is interpreted at
the real number 𝓉 as the probability that the distance between 𝓍 and 𝓎 is less than 𝓉. In fact the analysis of these spaces
got an impetus with Schweizer and Sklar’s pioneering work.2 In probabilistic functional analysis the theory of probabilis-
tic metric space is of paramount importance particularly due to its extensive applications in random differential as well
as random integral equations.
Definition 1. (2) A distribution function  ∶ R+ → R+ is a left continuous and non-decreasing function with
inf{ (𝓊) ∶ 𝓊 ∈ R+ } = 0 and{sup{ (𝓊) ∶ 𝓊 ∈ R+ } = 1. 𝔗 is the set of all distribution functions and  be the Heaviside
1, 𝓉 > 0
function defined by (𝓉) = 0, 𝓉 ≤ 0.

Definition 2. (1) A pair (𝔇,  ) is a PM-space, where 𝔇 is a nonempty set and ∶ 𝔇 × 𝔇 × [0, 1] → 𝔗 is a mapping
satisfying the following propertied for all 𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓌 ∈ 𝔇 and 𝓉, 𝓈 ≥ 0,
(p1 )  (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) = 1 iff𝓊 = 𝓋;
(p2 )  (𝓊, 𝓋, 0) = 0;
(p3 )  (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) =  (𝓋, 𝓊, 𝓉);
(p4 )  (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) = 1 and  (𝓋, 𝓌, 𝓈) = 1, then  (𝓊, 𝓌, (𝓉 + 𝓈)) = 1.

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Every metric space (𝔇, d) can always be realized as a PM-space by  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = (𝓉 − d (𝓅, 𝓆)), ∀ 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, and 
be the Heaviside function defined by
1, 𝓉 > 0
(𝓉) = and  ∶𝔇 × 𝔇 → 𝔗.
0, 𝓉 ≤ 0

Probabilistic Metric space has a broader context than the metric space, which encompasses much broader statistical
Definition 3. (2) A mapping Δ : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → [0, 1] is called a 𝓉-norm if for all a, b, c ∈ [0, 1],

(1) Δ(a, 1) = a, Δ(0, 0) = 0;

(2) Δ(a, b) = Δ(b, a);
(3) Δ(c, d) ≥ Δ(a, b) for c ≥ a, d ≥ b;
(4) Δ(Δ(a, b), c) = Δ(a, Δ(b, c)).

Example 1. The four basic 𝓉-norms are minimum 𝓉-norm, product 𝓉-norm, Lukasiewicz 𝓉-norm and weakest 𝓉-norm,
the drastic product.
Definition 4. (1) A Menger space is a triplet (𝔇,  , Δ), where (𝔇,  ) is a PM-space and Δ is a 𝓉-norm satisfying the
(p5 )  (𝓊, 𝓌, (𝓉 + 𝓈)) ≥ Δ(  (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉),  (𝓋, 𝓌, 𝓈)), ∀𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓌 ∈ 𝔇 and 𝓉, 𝓈 ≥ 0,
Example 2. Let 𝔇 = R, Δ (a, b) = min (a, b), ∀ a, b ∈ [0, 1] and
{ {
(t), 𝓊 ≠ 𝓋 0, 𝓉 ≤ 0
 (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) = ; where (𝓉) =
1, 𝓊=𝓋 1, 𝓉 > 0.
Then (𝔇,  , Δ)is a Menger space.
Definition 5. (3) A sequence {𝓍n } in Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) is said to be:

(i) convergent at a point 𝓊 ∈ 𝔇 if for every 𝜖 > 0 and 𝜆 > 0, there exists a positive integer N 𝜖, 𝜆 s.t  (𝓍n , 𝓊, 𝜖) > 1 − λ,
for all n ≥ N 𝜖,𝜆 .
(ii) a Cauchy sequence in 𝔇 if for every 𝜖 > 0 and 𝜆 > 0, there exists a positive integer N 𝜖, 𝜆 s.t  (𝓍n , 𝓍m , 𝜖) > 1 − λ, for
all n, m ≥ N 𝜖,𝜆 .
(iii) complete if every Cauchy sequence in 𝔇 is convergent in 𝔇.

Weakly commuting mappings were introduced by Jungck in 1996.

Definition 6. (4) Two self-mappings 𝒻 and ℊ in a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are weakly commuting if  (𝒻ℊ𝓍, ℊ𝒻𝓍, 𝓉) ≥
 (𝒻𝓍, ℊ𝓍, 𝓉), for all 𝓍 ∈ 𝔇 and 𝓉 > 0.
Jungck5 extended the Definition 6 to compatible mappings. In 1991, Mishra3 introduced the notion of compatible
mappings in the setting of PM-space.
Definition 7. (3) Two self-mappings 𝒻 and ℊ in a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are said to be compatible if
limn→∞  (𝒻ℊ𝓍n , ℊ𝒻𝓍n , 𝓉) = 1, whenever {𝓍n } is a sequence in 𝔇 such that limn→∞ 𝒻𝓍n = limn→∞ ℊ𝓍n = 𝓌 for some
𝓌 ∈ 𝔇 and for all 𝓉 > 0.
Definition 8. Two self-mappings 𝒻 and ℊ in a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are said to be non-compatible if either
limn→∞  (𝒻ℊ𝓍n , ℊ𝒻𝓍n , 𝓉) is non-existent or not equal to one, whenever {𝓍n } is a sequence in 𝔇 such that limn→∞ 𝒻𝓍n =
limn→∞ ℊ𝓍n = 𝓌 for some 𝓌 ∈ 𝔇 and for all 𝓉 > 0.
Definition 9. (6) Self maps 𝒻 and ℊ of a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are said to be weakly compatible (or coincidentally com-
muting) if they commute at their coincidence points, that is, if 𝒻𝓍 = ℊ𝓍 for some 𝓍 ∈ 𝔇 then 𝒻ℊ𝓍 = ℊ𝒻𝓍. The concept
of commuting mappings, weakly commuting mappings, weakly compatible mappings, compatible and non-compatible
mappings in different other spaces has been introduced by the researchers [see, 7–12]. With the help of E.A, CLRg and
GUPTA et al. 3 of 9

JCLR property many authors have proved common fixed point theorems in different spaces [see 13–15]. Also, by using
Meir Keeler type contractions and φ-ψ type conditions various fixed point results are proved [see, 16–19].
Definition 10. (20) A pair of self-mappings (𝒻, ℊ) on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) is said to satisfy the property (E.A) if
there exists a sequence {𝓊n } in 𝔇 such that lim  (𝒻𝓊n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  (ℊ𝓊n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = 1, for some 𝓊 ∈ 𝔇 and ∀ 𝓉 > 0.
n→∞ n→∞

Definition 11. The pairs (, ) and (,  ) on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are said to satisfy the common property (E.A) if
there exist two sequences {𝓅n } and {𝓆n } in 𝔇 s.t.

lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓆n = lim  𝓆n = 𝓇, for some 𝓇 ∈ 𝔇.

n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

Imdad21 presented the JCLRST property in 2012.

Definition 12. (21) The pairs (, ) and (,  ) on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) are said to satisfy the JCLRST property if
there exist two sequences {𝓅n } and {𝓆n } in 𝔇 s.t.

lim  (𝓅n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  (𝓅n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  (𝓆n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  ( 𝓆n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = 1, where 𝓊 = 𝓏 =  𝓏,

n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

for some 𝓏 ∈ 𝔇.
Example 3. Let (𝔇,  , Δ) be a Menger space with 𝔇 = [−1, 1] and  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = 𝓉+|𝓅−𝓆|
for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, 𝓉 > 0 and
 (𝓅, 𝓆, 0) = 0, where Δ(a, b) = min {a, b} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1]. Define , ,  and  self maps on 𝔇 as 𝓅 = 𝓅5 , 𝓅 = −𝓅 ,
{ } { } 5
1 −1
𝓅 = 𝓅,  𝓅 = −𝓅 for all 𝓅 ∈ 𝔇. Then with sequences {𝓅n } = 3n and {𝓆n } = 3n in 𝔇, all are equal to 0, that is,
lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓆n = lim  𝓆n = 0 =  0 = 0.
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

Clearly, the pairs (, ) and (,  ) satisfy JCLRST property.


Theorem 1. Let , ,  and  are four self maps on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) with Δ(a, b) = min{a, b} for
all a, b ∈ [0, 1] satisfying the following conditions,
(i) (𝔇) ⊆  (𝔇), (𝔇) ⊆ (𝔇);
(ii) for 𝜖 > 0 and for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, there exists a 𝛿 ∈ (0, 𝜖) s.t
𝜖 − 𝛿 < m(𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) ≤ 𝜖 implies  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) > 𝜖,
where m(𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = min{ (𝓅,  𝓆, 𝓉),  (𝓅, 𝓅, 𝓉),  (𝓆,  𝓆, 𝓉)};
(iii) one of 𝔇, 𝔇, 𝔇 or  𝔇 is a complete subspace of 𝔇.
Then 𝓋 = 𝓏 = 𝓋 and 𝓌 = 𝓏 =  𝓋. Also, if the pair (, ) as well as (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓏 =
𝓏 = 𝓏 =  𝓏 = 𝓏, and 𝓏 is unique in 𝔇.

Proof. Since (𝔇) ⊆  (𝔇). Consider a point 𝓅0 ∈ 𝔇, then there exists 𝓅1 ∈ 𝔇 s.t 𝓅0 =  𝓅1 = 𝓆0 . For the point 𝓅1 ,
there exists 𝓅2 ∈ 𝔇 such that 𝓅1 = 𝓅2 = 𝓆1 . Continuing in this way, we have {{𝓅n } and 𝓆n } in 𝔇 s.t

𝓆2n = 𝓅2n = 𝓅2n−1 ; =  𝓅2n−1 = 𝓅2n−2

We claim that {𝓆n } is a Cauchy sequence in 𝔇.
Let n =  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉) and 𝒢n =  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉), where 𝓉 > 0.
The two cases arise, suppose that n = 1 for some n = 2k − 1, then  (𝓆2k−1 , 𝓆2k , 𝓉) = 1. Then 𝓆2k−1 = 𝓆2k gives
 𝓅2k−1 = 𝓅2k−2 = 𝓅2k = 𝓅2k−1 , so  and  have a coincidence point. Again if n = 1 for some n = 2k, then
 (𝓆2k , 𝓆2k+1 , 𝓉) = 1. Then 𝓆2k = 𝓆2k+1 gives  𝓅2k+1 = 𝓅2k = 𝓅2k = 𝓅2k−1 , so  and  have a coincidence point.
Next assume that n ≠ 1 for all n. If some 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, m(𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = 1,then we get 𝓅 = 𝓅 and  𝓆 = 𝓆. This proves
the result.
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If m(𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) < 1, for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, then, by,

 (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) > m(𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) (1)

We have,

2n−1 =  (𝓆2n−1 , 𝓆2n , 𝓉) =  (𝓅2n−2 , 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉)

> m(𝓅2n−2 , 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉)
= min{ (𝓅2n−2 ,  𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉),  (𝓅2n−2 , 𝓅2n−2 , 𝓉),  (𝓅2n−1 ,  𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉)}
= min{ (𝓆2n−2 , 𝓆2n−1 , 𝓉),  (𝓆2n−1 , 𝓆2n−2 , 𝓉),  (𝓆2n , 𝓆2n−1 , 𝓉)}
= min{2n−2 , 2n−1 } = 2n−2 . (2)

So, 2n−1 > 2n−2

Similarly, 2n > 2n−1 .
Therefore one can find that n > n−1 for all n.
Thus in [0, 1], {n }a sequence of positive real numbers is a strictly increasing.

Hence {n } → some limit say s. (3)

Next we prove that s = 1. If s ≠ 1, then by (3), ∃ a 𝛿 > 0 and m ∈ N s.t ∀ n ≥ m,

s − 𝛿 <  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉) = n ≤ s (4)

In particular, m(𝓅2n−2 , 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉) = min {2n , 2n−1 }= 2n−1 ,

we get s − 𝛿 < 2n−1 ≤ p. Therefore, by using (ii),

 (𝓅2n , 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉) =  (𝓆2n+1 , 𝓆2n , 𝓉) = 2n > s,

This is a contradiction. Hence s = 1, that is, lim n = lim  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉) = 1.

n→∞ n→∞
Now, for k ∈ Z + , ( ) ( ) ( )
 (𝓆n , 𝓆n+k ,𝓉) ≥  𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉k Δ  𝓆n+1 , 𝓆n+2 , 𝓉k Δ … Δ  𝓆n+k−1 , 𝓆n+k , 𝓉k .
Since lim  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉) = 1 for 𝓉 > 0, it follows

lim  (𝓆n , 𝓆n+1 , 𝓉) ≥ 1Δ1Δ … Δ = 1,


Then {𝓆n } is a Cauchy sequence in 𝔇.

Now by (iii) assume that S𝔇is a complete subspace in 𝔇, then the subsequence 𝓆2n = 𝓅2n must have a limit 𝓏 in
S 𝔇 and 𝓋 ∈  −1 (𝓏), so that 𝓋 = 𝓏. As the sequence {𝓆2n } is contained in {𝓆n } , and {𝓆n } is a Cauchy sequence then
the sequence {𝓆n } also converges to 𝓏. First we prove that 𝓋 = 𝓏. If 𝓋 ≠ 𝓏. Then, on setting 𝓅 = 𝓋and 𝓆 = 𝓅2n−1 in
(ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,
 (𝓋, 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉) > m(𝓋, 𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓋,  𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉),  (𝓋, 𝓋, 𝓉),  (𝓅2n−1 ,  𝓅2n−1 , 𝓉)}.

Taking the limit as n → ∞ ,

 (𝓋, 𝓏, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓋, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)} =  (𝓋, 𝓏, 𝓉),

this gives a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓋 = 𝓏 = 𝓋.

As (𝔇) ⊆  (𝔇), 𝓋 = 𝓏 ⇒ 𝓏 ∈  (𝔇). Let 𝓌 ∈  −1 (𝓏), then  𝓌 = 𝓏.
GUPTA et al. 5 of 9

Next we claim that 𝓌 = 𝓏. If 𝓌 ≠ 𝓏, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓆2n and 𝓆 = 𝓌 in (ii), we get for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓆2n , 𝓌, 𝓉) =  (𝓆2n+1 , 𝓌, 𝓉) > m(𝓆2n , 𝓌, 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓆2n ,  𝓌, 𝓉),  (𝓆2n , 𝓆2n , 𝓉),  (𝓌,  𝓌, 𝓉)},

Taking the limit as n → ∞ ,

 (𝓏, 𝓌, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓌, 𝓏, 𝓉)} =  (𝓌, 𝓏, 𝓉),

is a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓌 = 𝓏 =  𝓌.
Hence we have shown that 𝓏 = 𝓋 = 𝓋 = 𝓌 =  𝓌.
If we assume  (𝔇) is complete, we get the same. If (𝔇) is complete, then 𝓏 ∈ (𝔇) ⊆  (𝔇) and if (𝔇) is complete,
then 𝓏 ∈ (𝔇) ⊆ (𝔇). As (, ) and (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓏 = 𝓋 = 𝓋 = 𝓏 and 𝓏 =  𝓌 =
 𝓌 =  𝓏.
Finally we claim that 𝓏 = 𝓏. If 𝓏 ≠ 𝓏, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓏 and 𝓆 = 𝓌 in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓏, 𝓌, 𝓉) =  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉) > m(𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓏,  𝓌, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓌,  𝓌, 𝓉)}

= min{ (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)} =  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)

this gives a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓏 = 𝓏.

Similarly, we prove 𝓏 = 𝓏 and the proof of uniqueness can be found from (ii).
Thus 𝓏 = 𝓏 = 𝓏 =  𝓏 = 𝓏, and 𝓏 is unique in 𝔇.
Example 4. Let (𝔇,  , Δ) be a Menger space with 𝔇 = [2, 20] and  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = 𝓉+|𝓅−𝓆| for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, 𝓉 > 0 and
 (𝓅, 𝓆, 0) = 0, where Δ(a, b) = min{a, b} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1]. Define , ,  and  self maps on 𝔇 by
{ {
2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = , 𝓅 =
𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 𝓅 + 2 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5
⎧2 if 𝓅 = 2 {
⎪ 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = ⎨ 8 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 𝓅= .
⎪ 𝓅+1 𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5
⎩ 3 if 𝓅 > 5,
Then , ,  and  satisfies all the axioms of Theorem 1 and 2 = 2 = 2 =  2 = 2, and 2 is unique in 𝔇. Also,
all are discontinuous at 𝓅 = 2 and (𝔇) be complete subspace in 𝔇.
Now we are looking to prove Theorem 1 by using common property (E.A), as it relaxes, (𝔇) ⊆  (𝔇) or (𝔇) ⊆

Theorem 2. Let , ,  and  are four self maps on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) with Δ(a, b) = min{a, b}, ∀a, b ∈ [0, 1]
satisfying (ii) and the following conditions,

(iv) pairs(, ) and (,  ) holds (E.A) common property.

(v) 𝔇 or  𝔇 are closed in 𝔇.
Then 𝓊 = 𝓇 = 𝓊 and 𝓋 = 𝓇. =  𝓋. Also, if the pair (, ) as well as (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓇 =
𝓇 = 𝓇 =  𝓇 = 𝓇, and 𝓇 is unique in 𝔇.

Proof. . From (iv), there exist two sequences {𝓅n } and {𝓆n } in 𝔇s.t

lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓆n = lim  𝓆n = 𝓇 for some 𝓇 ∈ 𝔇.

n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

Now S(𝔇) is closed in 𝔇, there exists a point 𝓊 ∈ 𝔇 such that 𝓇 = 𝓊. ▪

6 of 9 GUPTA et al.

First we claim 𝓊 = 𝓇. If 𝓊 ≠ 𝓇, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓊 and 𝓆 = 𝓆n in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓊, 𝓆n , 𝓉) > m(𝓊, 𝓆n , 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓊,  𝓆n , 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉),  (𝓆n ,  𝓆n , 𝓉)}

Taking the limit as n → ∞ ,

 (𝓊, 𝓇, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉)} =  (𝓊, 𝓇, 𝓉),

this is a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓊 = 𝓇 = 𝓊.

Now  (𝔇) is closed in 𝔇, lim  𝓆n = 𝓇 ∈  (𝔇), so there exists a point 𝓋 ∈ 𝔇 s.t  𝓋 = 𝓇 = 𝓊 = 𝓊.
Now we claim that that 𝓋 = 𝓇. If 𝓋 ≠ 𝓇, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓊 and 𝓆 = 𝓋 in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) > m(𝓊, 𝓋, 𝓉) = min{ (𝓊,  𝓋, 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉),  (𝓋,  𝓋, 𝓉)}

 (𝓇, 𝓋, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓋, 𝓇, 𝓉)} =  (𝓋, 𝓇, 𝓉)

this is a contradiction. Thus, 𝓋 = 𝓇 and therefore 𝓋 = 𝓇 =  𝓋.

As (, ) and (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓊 = 𝓊, 𝓋 =  𝓋, 𝓇 = 𝓊 = 𝓊 = 𝓇 and 𝓇 =  𝓋 =
 𝓋 =  𝓇.
Now we claim that 𝓇 = 𝓇. If 𝓇 ≠ 𝓇, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓇 and 𝓆 = 𝓋 in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓇, 𝓋, 𝓉) =  (𝓇, 𝓋, 𝓉) > m(𝓇, 𝓋, 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓇,  𝓋, 𝓉),  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓋,  𝓋, 𝓉)}

= min{ (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉)} =  (𝓇, 𝓇, 𝓉),

gives a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓇 = 𝓇.

Similarly, one can prove 𝓇 = 𝓇 and the uniqueness can be taken out from (ii).
Thus 𝓇 = 𝓇 = 𝓇 =  𝓇 = 𝓇, and 𝓇 is unique in 𝔇.
Example 5. Let (𝔇,  , Δ) be a Menger space with 𝔇 = [2, 20] and  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = 𝓉+|𝓅−𝓆| for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, 𝓉 > 0and
 (𝓅, 𝓆, 0) = 0 where Δ(a, b) = min{a, b} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1]. Define , ,  and  self maps on 𝔇 by
{ {
2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = , 𝓅 =
𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 𝓅 + 2 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5

{ {
2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = 𝓅= .
𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 9 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5
{ } { }
Take 𝓅n = 5 + n1 and 𝓆n = 5 + n1 . Then lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓆n = lim  𝓆n = 2 ∈ 𝔇. Then , , 
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
and  satisfy all the axioms of Theorem 2 and 2 = 2 = 2 =  2 = 2, and 2 is unique in 𝔇. All are discontin-
uous at 𝓅 = 2 and (𝔇) be complete subspace in 𝔇. Here 𝔇 and  𝔇 are closed in 𝔇. Also, (𝔇) ⊈ (𝔇) or
(𝔇) ⊈  (𝔇).
Next, an effort was made to eliminate the closeness of the subspaces from Theorem 2 by using the JCLRST property.
Theorem 3. Let , ,  and  are four self maps on a Menger space (𝔇,  , Δ) with Δ(a, b) = min{a, b}, ∀a, b ∈ [0, 1]
satisfying (ii) and the property,
(vi) pairs(, ) and(,  ) holds JCLRST property.
Then 𝓏 = 𝓏 and 𝓏 =  𝓏. Also, if the pair (, ) as well as (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓊 = 𝓊 =
𝓊 =  𝓊 = 𝓊, and 𝓊 is unique in 𝔇.
GUPTA et al. 7 of 9

Proof. As (, ) and (,  ) holds JCLRST property, there exist two sequences {𝓅n } and {𝓆n } in 𝔇 s.t

lim  (𝓅n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  (𝓅n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  (𝓆n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = lim  ( 𝓆n , 𝓊, 𝓉) = 1,

n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

where 𝓊 = 𝓏 =  𝓏, for some 𝓏 ∈ 𝔇. ▪

First we claim that 𝓏 = 𝓏. If 𝓏 ≠ 𝓏, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓏and 𝓆 = 𝓆n in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓏, 𝓆n , 𝓉) > m(𝓏, 𝓆n , 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓏,  𝓆n , 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓆n ,  𝓆n , 𝓉)}.

Taking the limit as n → ∞,

 (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)} =  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉)

this is a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓏 = 𝓏.

Now we claim that that 𝓏 =  𝓏. If 𝓏 ≠  𝓏, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓏and 𝓆 = 𝓏 in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉) > m(𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉) = min{ (𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉)}

 ( 𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉) > min{ (𝓏, 𝓏, 𝓉),  ( 𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉)} =  (𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉),

is a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓏 =  𝓏.
Now 𝓊 = 𝓏 =  𝓏 = 𝓏 =  𝓏. As (, ) and (,  ) are weakly compatible, then 𝓏 = 𝓏, 𝓏 =  𝓏, 𝓊 =
𝒜 𝒮 𝓏 = 𝒮 𝒜 𝓏 = 𝓊 and 𝓊 = ℬ𝒯 𝓏 = 𝒯ℬ𝓏 =  𝓊.
Now we claim that 𝓊 = 𝓊. If 𝓊 ≠ 𝓊, then on setting 𝓅 = 𝓊and 𝓆 = 𝓏 in (ii), we have for 𝓉 > 0,

 (𝓊, 𝓏, 𝓉) =  (𝓊, 𝓏, 𝓉) > m(𝓊, 𝓏, 𝓉)

= min{ (𝓊,  𝓏, 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉),  (𝓏,  𝓏, 𝓉)}

= min{ (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉),  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉)} =  (𝓊, 𝓊, 𝓉)

is a contradiction. Therefore, 𝓊 = 𝓊.
Similarly, one can prove 𝓊 = 𝓊 and the uniqueness can be proved from (ii).
Thus 𝓊 = 𝓊 = 𝓊 =  𝓊 = 𝓊, and 𝓊 is unique in 𝔇.
Example 6. Let (𝔇,  , Δ) be a Menger space with 𝔇 = [2, 20] and  (𝓅, 𝓆, 𝓉) = 𝓉+|𝓅−𝓆| for all 𝓅, 𝓆 ∈ 𝔇, 𝓉 >
0 and  (𝓅, 𝓆, 0) = 0, where Δ(a, b) = min{a, b} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1]. Define , ,  and  self maps
on 𝔇 by
{ {
2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = , 𝓅 =
𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 𝓅 + 2 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5

{ {
2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5 2 if 𝓅 = 2 or 𝓅 > 5
𝓅 = 𝓅= .
𝓅 + 1 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5 𝓅 + 9 if 2 < 𝓅 ≤ 5
{ } { }
Take 𝓅n = 5 + n1 and 𝓆n = 5 + n1 . Then lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓅n = lim 𝓆n = lim  𝓆n = 2 ∈ 𝔇. Thus , , 
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
and  satisfy all axioms of Theorem 3 and 2 = 2 = 2 =  2 = 2, and 2 is unique in 𝔇. Also, all are
discontinuous at 𝓅 = 2 and (𝔇) be complete subspace in 𝔇. Here 𝔇 and  𝔇 are closed in 𝔇. Also, (𝔇) ⊈ (𝔇) or
(𝔇) ⊈  (𝔇).
8 of 9 GUPTA et al.


We have proved some common fixed point theorems for self-maps in Menger spaces with minimum t-norm satisfying
some Meir-Keeler type contractive condition in which two pairs of mappings are weakly compatible and have coincidence
point. We have also proved the results with E.A property and JCLRST property.

The authors wish to thank the editor and whole team of the journal for this submission.

All the authors declare that they have no competing interests regarding this manuscript.

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version

Vishal Gupta

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GUPTA et al. 9 of 9


Vishal Gupta, having more than 11 years of teaching experience, is currently working as pro-
fessor in Department of Mathematics, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University),
Mullana, India. He received his PhD degree in Mathematics in 2010. Also, he earned the degree
of MPhil in Mathematics and MEd. He has published one research book with international pub-
lisher and his immense contribution in journals of national and international repute is more than
70. He has presented more than 50 research papers in national and international conferences.
His research interests are fixed point theory, operator theory, aggregation function, fuzzy set the-
ory and fuzzy mappings, topology, applications of fixed point theory in medical science, in graph
theory and differential and integral equations.
Mohammad S. Khan, obtained MSc degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1970
and then from 1971 to 1978 he has worked as a Lecturer at Aligarh Muslim University, India.
In 1979, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia awarded him a PhD scholarship to work
under the able guidance of well-known mathematician Professor Sidney Allen Morris. In 1985, he
joined King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia and stayed there until 1990. From August 1990
until today, he has worked as Professor, Department of Mathematics Statistics, Sultan Qaboos
University, P. O. Box 36, Al-Khoud 123, Muscat Sultanate of Oman (Oman). His research inter-
ests are fixed point theory, operator theory, functional Analysis and fuzzy mathematics and his
enormous contribution in journals of national and international repute is more than 225.
Balbir Singh, presently working as an Associate Professor in the School of Physical Sciences
(Department of Mathematics), Starex University, Gurugram Haryana. He has published 21
National and international papers in Scopus and UGC listed journals and three books on Engi-
neering Mathematics and has 12 years teaching experience to teach the PG and UG classes. Dr
Balbir Singh has completed his PhD degree from Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana
(Haryana), under the joint supervision of Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. Vishal Gupta.

Sanjay Kumar, working as an Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Deenbhandu

Chhotu Ram University, Murthal, Sonipat Haryana (INDIA). He had also worked in NCERT
from 2004 to 2009 as an Assistant Professor in Central Institute of Educational Technology and
Department of Educational Mathematics and Sciences. He is members of Mathematics devel-
opment committee of NCERT, Mathematics Text Books and Exemplar books. He has published
more than 160 research papers in various national international journal of repute. He has guided
10 PhD students in area of Fixed Point Theory.

How to cite this article: Gupta V, Khan MS, Singh B, Kumar S. Existence and uniqueness of fixed point for
Meir-Keeler type contractive condition in Menger spaces. Comp and Math Methods. 2021;3:e1134.

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