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Touch On-Off Sensor Switch Circuit

Using 555 Timer IC

Components Needed:
 555 Timer IC
 1 or 2 LED’s (You can also connect buzzers etc.)
 Resistors 2 x 10M, 2 x (The series resistor for LED’s)
 Breadboard
 Few Breadboard Connectors
 (5-12)V Power Supply

Two sensing pins and one output pin make up the 555
timer IC. The output pin is Pin 3, while the sensing pins
are Pins 2 and 6 (also known as Trigger Pin and Threshold
Pin). The 555 timer IC's internal architecture is set up so
that the output goes ON anytime Pin-2 (the trigger pin)
detects a voltage that is less than 1/3rds of the supply
voltage. The output is also turned off when Pin-6 (the
threshold pin) detects a voltage larger than two thirds of
the supply voltage.
After adding a relay to its output, this touch ON touch
OFF switch circuit can be utilized to replace the actual
ON-OFF switches that we use in our homes.
Narrative Report

I started to do this activity yesterday afternoon, our

adviser said that tomorrow will be the last submission for
our project in our elective subject Robotics, which is
I have no idea how I'm going to participate in this
activity, but my friend send me a link of examples of
Electronics Project in Robotics, so I immediately open the
link to have an idea what I’m going to do in this activity.
Due to the link I saw the project entitled Touch On-Off
Sensor Switch Circuit Using 555 Timer IC. Before I decide
what to do, I first look at the materials and procedures. I
saw that, I had the materials and I could do the
procedures, so I decided to perform this project
immediately for our activity in Robotics.
I watched YouTube tutorials to do this project, after
deciding this was what I would do. Due to YouTube
tutorials, I made what I expected. I did well.

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