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wp_benefits bus or hardwired rN

2014-01-23 08:43:00

Bus or Hardwire
The Future is Digital
This comparison table summarizes how fieldbus brings value. Initially FOUNDATION fieldbus
was only about wiring savings and diagnostics, but over the past decade many other benefits of a
digital architecture, down to the field level, have been discovered. A digital bus infrastructure for
sensors and actuators provides capabilities not possible with hardwired analog and discrete (on/off)
devices. Some, but not all capabilities may partially possible with hybrids of discrete on/off and
hybrids of 4-20 mA analog and digital (HART, Brain, FoxCom, and DE etc.). Depending on the
mix of devices, the architecture may require more than one bus technology. This white paper is not
about FF vs. HART. Such a comparison cannot be made because HART is not used for control or
alarm monitoring. Hardwired control and alarm monitoring is done with 4-20 mA and on/off

Fieldbus advantages over hardwired signals include:

• Project Benefits
o Reduce I/O Cards and Wiring
o Smaller System Footprint
o Reduced Device Count
o Eliminate Proprietary Protocols
o Faster Commissioning
• Operations & Maintenance Benefits
o High Signal Integrity
o High Signal Fidelity
o Tighter Control
o Signal Status in Real-Time
o More Powerful Devices
o More Device Diagnostics
o Online Upgrades

For details refer to the Fieldbus Foundation brochure “FOUNDATION Fieldbus the Power of
Digital for your Process Devices”

Quick Comparison Table

There is no "HART control system" because HART (as well as Brain, FoxCom, and DE protocols)
are not used for control and alarm monitoring; they are used by Intelligent Device Management
(IDM) software part of asset management system. Therefore a comparison between Fieldbus and
HART (Brain, FoxCom, or DE) would be incomplete.

Hardwired Fieldbus
(4-20 mA [with HART, Brain,
FoxCom, or DE], pulse, and
Real-time control Analog Digital
Real-time logic On/Off Digital
Diagnostics reporting Slow (polling) Fast (report by exception)

Hardwired Fieldbus
(4-20 mA [with HART, Brain,
FoxCom, or DE], pulse, and
Configuration and diagnostics Slow Fast, 31.25 kbit/s
reading (HART 1.2 kbit/s)
(Brain 1.2 kbit/s)
(DE 0.2 kbit/s)
(FoxCom 0.6 kbit/s)
Two-wire power constrained Yes (4 mA) No
Signal balance Grounded Isolated
Digital signal amplitude +/- 0.5 mA +/- 10 mA
Intelligent discrete devices No Yes
(On/off valves, electric
actuators etc.)
Device per pair of wires 1 10-16
Real-time signals per wire 1 Lots
(Electric actuators, two-wire
multi-input transmitters, gas
chromatographs etc.)
Types of I/O cards required Many 1 (FF interface card)
Types of barriers required Many 1
Signal marshalling cabinet Hardwired Virtual
Adding devices Hardwired Easy
Adding signals to devices Hardwired Easy
Change device type Hardwired Easy
Time synchronized control No (multiple aggregate scan Yes
Control response period Slow (non-synchronized) Fast (Synchronized)
4-20 mA range skew Yes No
4-20 mA current calibration Yes No
Signal distortion detection No Yes
Full sensor limit measurement No Yes
4-20 mA five point loop test Required Not required
PV validity indication No Yes
(Device failure distinguished (Trip)
from process problem)
Valve position feedback Rarely provided Yes
Multi-channel devices No Yes
Device diagnostics Advanced Very advanced
Firmware upgrade Circuit board replacement Centralized download
Binding Early (detail planning required) Late (easy changes)

This table summarizes how bus technology brings value.

Project Benefits Operation & Maintenance Benefits

Lower Cost Faster Increased Output Reduced Cost

Completion Higher Greater Increased Operations &
Quality Throughput Availability Maintenance
Multidrop X X
Multi- X
Complex X
Real X X
Signal X
Closed X X
Diagnostics X X
Firmware X
Real-Time X
Powerful X X

Cable reduction is only one of the benefits achieved with fieldbus

Remote  Reduction

More  Digital Signal 
Diagnostics Fidelity

Real Number 
High‐Density  Closed Loop 
Devices Digital Control
The future is digital, don't built the plant old.

Further Reading
See separate technical white papers:
• FF Control-In-the-Field (CIF)
• FF differentiation from other bus technologies
• FF compared to remote-I/O
• FF discrete signal solutions
• FF diagnostics
• FF control is better
• FF status instead of burnout
• FF compared to proprietary protocols (for MOV)

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