Sing! Shout! Jump! - Series 1 - Sample Lesson

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The book of Psalms is often referred to as the Bible’s songbook. In the Psalms we see a full range of emotions
from the Psalmists as they worship the LORD through singing, shouting, weeping, rejoicing and more. In “Sing!
Shout! Jump!” children will get a bigger picture of who God is and what it means to worship Him. Plus, they’ll see
how they can worship the LORD in a myriad of ways.

“Sing! Shout! Jump!” will have multiple 6-lesson units released over time. These 6-week units are perfect to use as
filler between longer series, or individual lessons can be used on their own as lessons don’t really build on each

In this first series of “Sing! Shout! Jump!” kids will be introduced to the book of Psalms and look at the first six

• Psalm 1 – Walk in His Ways

• Psalm 2 – Run to God
• Psalm 3 – Cry Out to God
• Psalm 4 – Lie Down and Trust God
• Psalm 5 – Ask God to Deliver
• Psalm 6 – Plead for Mercy

“Sing! Shout! Jump!” is designed to be used in a self-contained class with a wide range of age groups. The lessons
do not include separate activities for various age groups, but you (as teacher) know your group best and will be
able to determine how best to use the activities with your class. For example, if your class is mainly grades K-2,
you will probably want to read the Psalm to them and highlight a few of the verses, while if your group is mostly
grades 3-5 you’ll want to have them read and discuss more. If you have a small group/ large group format, you
can easily adapt the materials to do the ‘worship through singing’ and ‘story time’ sections together in a large
group and then divide into smaller groups for the activities.

“Sing! Shout! Jump!” is based on a popular series on, with multiple additions and
improvements. In this version, you’ll find memory verses with learning activities, suggested worship songs, more
discussion/ commentary on the Psalm being taught, application activities, memory verse posters, and printables,
including weekly worksheets and coloring pages that can be bound together to form a workbook.

Sample Weekly Schedule

10:00 Introduction Activity

10:10 Worship through Singing & Story Time

10:30 Cross Connection, Activity, Memory Verse

10:45 Book Work

10:55 Prayer, Bible Skills Games

11:00 Extra Time activities / Dismiss

Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the
character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 1 we see the distinction between
the righteous and the wicked. Through this study, children will see that it’s only because of the blood of Jesus that
anyone is made righteous.
Passage: Psalm 1
Target Audience: Kindergarten-5th Grade
Teaching Time: 1 hour
Materials Needed: Bibles, worksheets/ kid’s books, markers/ pencils, memory verse poster, a large die, beanbag,


Have kids all sit in a circle around the table or on the floor. Play a couple of different name games.

(1) Have kids say their name and the name of a food or an animal or a country that starts with the same
letter. To add interest, kids can toss a bean bag around the circle saying their animal and the animal of
the kid they’re tossing it to.
(2) Play a concentration game where kids clap their hands and say their name, clap again and say someone
else’s name. Then the kid whose name was said says their name and someone else’s name
(3) Sing the name song using names of different kids in the group… “Micah, Micah, Bo-bicah, banana, fana,
fo-ficah, me my mo-icah, micah.” The song can be sung using any name.


• Delight – Seeds Family Worship

• Walk in His Ways – Seeds Family Worship


Explain that in this series you’ll be working through the book of Psalms and seeing God through the Psalms.
Explain that each week you’ll look at a different Psalm and see what that Psalm teaches us about God and that
you’ll have an opportunity to praise God based on what you see in the Psalm.

Introduce the book of Psalms as the Bible’s songbook and talk briefly about how in the Bible we see lots of
different emotions as the writers, or Psalmists, pray to God through these songs.

Define words that will be key for these lessons:

• Psalm – a song/ poem of worship found in the book of Psalms

• Psalmist – a person who writes a Psalm
• Worship – everything we do to show God how great He is. The word worship comes from the same word
as worth, so when we worship God, we are telling Him that He is worthy of all our love and adoration

Have one of the kids in the group read Psalm 1, or have the whole group read it together from their worksheet/

Play the song “Delight” again. Encourage the kids in the group to listen to the words and see what they think the
words of the Psalm are telling us about the character of God, or who God is.

Discuss the Passage-

After reading the Psalm and hearing it sung, talk through the Psalm. Talk about the differences between those
who are blessed and the wicked. Have kids tell you the things that they see in this passage that describe the
differences between God’s people and other people in the world.

Compare this passage to the story of the wise and foolish builders from Matthew 7:24-27. Have one of the kids
read the passage for you. Help the kids see that the rock, the foundation that the wise builder built on is Jesus’
teaching (hearing and doing them). Help kids see this truth, by pointing out that Jesus says these words at the end
of the ‘sermon on the mount,’ where for 3 chapters He has been talking about how to live as a follower of Jesus.

Talk about how someone could build their lives on the truth of God and how this idea is similar to what the
Psalmist says in Psalm 1 that God’s people should walk, sit or stand with the wicked, but instead should be
planted firmly in God’s Word.


Reread Psalm 1:5-6. Ask kids who the sinners/ wicked are and who the righteous are. Read Romans 3:10-12 as a
reminder that we are all sinners, and we are all wicked. Remind kids that the only way to be counted as one of the
righteous is through the blood of Jesus (Romans 3:22, Romans 4:5 & Romans 5:18). Make sure the kids in the
group are clear that this righteous man that is referred to is not righteous because of anything He has done but
only because of faith in Jesus.


Explain that you’re going to play a game to illustrate what it means to be firmly planted.

Have all the kids stand up with space between them where they can’t touch one another. Then on the count of 3,
have them all stand on 1 leg. Walk around between the kids and without touching them, say things like, ‘I hope
you don’t lose your balance, you’re getting wobbly, etc.’ One by one, the kids will start to wobble and touch their
other foot to the ground. As they do, they need to sit down. Once everyone is sitting, talk about how although
some people stood up longer, that eventually they all lost their footing and stumbled. Talk about how this
happens in our lives when we aren’t firmly planted in God’s Word, we get swayed by things people around us say
or do and eventually we all stumble.

Then, have them all stand up and stand on both feet, feet hip distance apart. Walk through the room again talking
about them getting wobbly and even gently touch a few of them on the shoulders, noticing that they are so much
stronger this time with their feet firmly planted on the ground.

OPTIONAL: with older kids (especially boys), you can also illustrate this point with a game of dodgeball. Have them
notice how much harder it is to dodge the ball by standing on just 1 foot and when they are firmly planted on 2
feet, they can dodge the ball (compare this to dodging the things of the world that are opposed to God’s Word).


Psalm 1:2 - but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Display the memory verse poster and ask one of the students to read it to you. Talk briefly about how this verse
explains what life is like for someone who walks in God’s ways. Ask kids to tell you what the verse says that
someone who is following God should be doing. Define meditate as ‘think carefully about,’ and explain that the
‘law’ refers to the first 5 books of the Bible. Talk about how this doesn’t mean that someone just sits and thinks
about the Bible all day and night without doing anything else, but that they know God’s Word well enough to be
able to think about it whenever and wherever they are. Talk about how if they have memorized a Bible verse they
can think about it in bed, in the shower, on the soccer field, anywhere. Have kids name places and times where
they could meditate on God’s Word.

Work together to make up motions to help you learn the verse. Have the group say the verse with motions
together 2-3 times.

Hand out books (or worksheet pages) and help kids find this week’s pages in their books. Hand out pencils,
markers, crayons, etc.

Explain that each week they’ll put 3 things they’ll put in their books:
(1) a verse from the passage that they want to remember,
(2) a reason to praise God that they see in the Psalm and
(3) a drawing of something from the passage that they think is important.

Give kids time to work on their books and then have them share what they have drawn or written on the books.


Ask the kids in the group to share the truths that they see about God from this passage.

Sing “Praise Him Praise Him all you little children…God is…” including the truths that they saw.

Close the prayer time by praising God for the truths that you see about Him in this Psalm and praying for the kids
in the group that they would really get to know the character of God through this study.


Play the game “Old Testament / New Testament” to review the books of the Bible.

Have all the kids stand up in the middle of the room. Call out a book of the Bible. If it’s in the Old Testament they
must go to your left side and if it’s New Testament they must go to your right side.

To make it even more challenging, you could call out names that aren’t books of the Bible and have them freeze
for those.


Take turns rolling a die and naming as many books of the Bible as the number shown on the top of the die. Older
kids and teachers can challenge themselves by naming the books in order.

sing! shout! jump!
Bible book cards

Genesis Joshua

Exodus Judges

Leviticus Ruth

Numbers 1 & 2 Samuel

Deuteronomy 1 & 2 Kings

Bible book cards

Chronicles Psalms

Ezra Proverbs

Nehemiah Ecclesiastes

Esther Song of Solomon

Job Isaiah
Bible book cards

Jeremiah Joel

Lamentations Amos

Ezekiel Obadiah

Daniel Jonah

Hosea Micah
Bible book cards

Nahum Malachi

Habakkuk Zephaniah

Haggai Zechariah

Matthew Mark

Luke John
Bible book cards

Acts Romans

Corinthians Galatians

Ephesians Philippians

Colossians Thessalonians

1 & 2 Timothy Titus

Bible book cards

Philemon Hebrews

James 1 & 2 Peter

1, 2, 3 John Jude

but his delight
is in the law of
the LORD, and
on his law he
meditates day
and night.

1. Blessed is the man who walks not in the
counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way
of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
a verse to remember: 2. but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and
on his law he meditates day and night.
3. He is like a tree planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf
does not wither. In all that he does, he
4. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that
the wind drives away.
5. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the
judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of
the righteous;
6. for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.


Praise God because He is:

but his delight is in the
law of the Lord,
and on his law he
meditates day and
Psalm 1:2
But his
IS in the
the LORD.
Psalm 1:2a

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