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Chapter 3


Phan Thi Lan Huong

(Hanoi Law University)

1. The influence factors of the legal system in Vietnam

The legal system differs from country to country because of differences in

history, socio-political, and economic conditions. In other words, the nature of
the legal system of a country depends on the nature of its social system estab-
lished in law. Vietnam is a socialist country under the leadership of the Commu-
nist Party; therefore, the current legal system of Vietnam has its own history and
In general, Vietnamese legal ideologies were influenced by various legal ide-
ologies and can be divided into four periods such as: feudal legal system, French
colonialist, Soviet Union traditional legal system, and the legal system in the pe-
riod of integration and globalization. However, this article only focuses on the le-
gal system from 1975 to present because the current legal system of Vietnam has
significantly changed since the introduction of Doi Moi (renovation) in 1986.1

For more information, see: Dao Tri Uc, “Doing Legal Research in Asian Countries- Viet-
nam: Basic Information for Legal Research: A Case Study of Vietnam” (Institute of Devel-
oping Economies, 2003),


a) Political Influence–socialist ideology These principles shape the nature of legislation in Vietnam. Although the
The current legal system of Vietnam is based on the ideologies of the former National Assembly is with vested legislative power, executive organs have
Soviet Union. The Soviet’s legal system is based on the civil law system com- played an important role in legislation. Hence, sources of law and interpretation
bined with modifications from Marxist-Leninist ideology. Vietnam relied deeply are different from rule of law in the state. “The legal ideologies that provide the
on the support of the Soviet Union during the war and after reunification in 1975; foundation for the establishment and operation of Vietnamese legal institutions
therefore, the 1980 Constitution was drafted based on the constitution of the So- significantly differ from those of rule-of-law systems.”4 Under the democratic
viet Union as a significant example for reference. central principle, there is no separation of state power. All three state branches
are involved in legislation. Hence, the concept of law refers to various types of
The 1980 Constitution was a mirror image of a Soviet Union style constitu- legislation issued by competent agencies in written forms.
tion. It explicitly stated, “The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a state of pro- In addition, the Communist Party has played a leading role in all aspects;
letarian dictatorship” (Art. 2). Further, it speaks of the “collective mastery” therefore, the legal system is under the influence of the Party’s policies. There-
of the working class, the collective peasantry and the socialist intelligentsia fore, the law cannot conflict with the Party’s policies. It becomes a condition of
(Art. 3). For the first time the Constitution contained a provision on the role legal validity in Vietnam that is also different from other countries. Constitution
of the Communist Party of Vietnam as the only political party (Art. 4). The 2013, article 4 defines the leading role of the Communist Party as follows: “The
party was only limited insofar as “its organizations [were to] operate within Communist Party of Vietnam - the Vanguard of the working class, concurrently
the framework of the Constitution” (Art. 4, Par. 3). 2
the vanguard of the laboring people and Vietnamese nation, faithfully repre-
senting the interests of the working class, laboring people and entire nation,
“Most of the lawmakers and senior state officials in Vietnam were trained and acting upon the Marxist-Leninist doctrine and Ho Chi Minh Thought, is the
in the Soviet Union and Eastern European nations. The legal system and the force leading the State and society.” The Communist Party takes a leading role
role of law were used in the flexible way in order to maintain the autonomous in policy making on important national issues such as administrative reform and
role of the Communist Party.” 3
judicial reform.
The National Assembly is the highest representative body of the people and
The legal system of Vietnam was formed gradually under the leadership of the highest state power body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The National
the Communist Party and the democratic centralism principle. The legal system Assembly shall exercise constitutional and legislative powers, decide on impor-
is formed under the principle of socialist legality (phap che xa hoi chu nghia) tant issues for the country, and conduct the supreme oversight over the activities
and democratic centralism (tap trung dan chu). of the State (Article 69, Constitution 2013). The government is the highest state
administrative body and shall exercise the executive power. The government is
Constitutionalism in Southeast Asia (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2008), 337.
Thi Lan Anh Tran, “Vietnam’s Membership of the WTO: An Analysis of the Transforma-
tion of a Socialist Economy into an Open Economy with Special Reference to the TRIPS 4
Bui Thi Bich Lien, “Legal Interpretation and the Vietnamese Version of the Rule of Law,”
Regime and the Patent Law” (The University of Leeds, 2009), 153, http://etheses.whiterose. National Taiwan University Law Review 6 (2009): 323, view/articles/6-1/11-Article-Bui%20Thi%20Bich%20Lien_p321–337.pdf.

-2- -3-

responsible to the National Assembly and shall report on its work to the National decided to give Vietnamese farmers more rights on land and for the first time,
Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, and the President the right to decide what to produce on their own. As a result, the agricultural
(Article 94, Constitution 2013). In addition, the Chief Justice of the Supreme output increased so much that within two years, Vietnam was transformed
People’s Court is responsible and shall report on his or her work to the National from a rice-importing to a rice-exporting nation.
Assembly (Article 105, Constitution 2013). Table 1.1 shows the structure of Viet- 2) 1990/91 Recognition of private ownership: For the first time, Vietnam
namese government system. officially recognized the lawful existence of non-state economic sectors by
issuing the Company Law and the Private Enterprise Law.
Political Influences: structure 3) 1995/96 Liberalization of foreign trade: The re-establishment of for-
National Assembly mal diplomatic relations with the USA constituted the starting point for an
Supreme People's
Court opening of international economic relations, allowing private enterprises to
engage in import/export activities.
High courts
4) 1999 Right of business freedom: Clarification of entrepreneurs’ basic
Communist Party

People’s Council People’s rights to operate in all business areas as not explicitly forbidden by law.5
committee Provincial court

The 1992 Constitution replaced the 1980 Constitution with the focus mainly on
District PCl District PCe District court
an open market under a socialist oriented economy. The rule of law and the clear

Commune PCl Commune PCe

distribution of state functions (legislative, executive, and judicial functions) were
mentioned as the target of legal reform in Vietnam.
– Globalization: Vietnam became a member of the WTO in 2007: In 1995,
b) Socio-Economic Conditions Vietnam aimed at bringing the national legal system up to the level required
Socio-economic conditions have significantly affected the legal system. The by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in order to become a member.
legal system must respond to the changes in socio-economic conditions. The Therefore, all legal sectors have been reformed based on the international
remarkable changes in socio-economic conditions in Vietnam have called for the trade rules. For example, Vietnam established the Administrative Court in
following significant changes in the legal system: 1996 and adopted the Law on Administrative Complaints and Denunciation
– Introducing the Doi Moi (renovation) policy in 1986: shifting from a cen- in 1998 to meet a requirement of the WTO.
trally-planned economy to a market economy with a socialist orientation. – Achieving success as a Middle- Income Country:6 Master reforming pro-
The legal system was considered an instrument for defining the role of the
state and the market. Related to the Doi Moi policy, some significant changes 5
“Vietnamese Economic Reforms, Socialist versus Social Orientation - a Policy Debate”
(German Development Cooperation, n.d.), 3,
in the legal system are summarized such as:
Reforms have transformed Vietnam from one of the world’s poorest countries 25 years ago
1) 1986 Land reform: Directly after introducing Doi Moi, the government to a lower middle-income country (MIC) (2011 per capita income of US$1,260). The poverty

-4- -5-

gram “Vietnamese culture is said to be a rich fabric of Confucianism and Bud-

The Communist Party issued Resolution No 48: Strategy for the Develop- dhism. Most notably, Confucian values brought in from China exerted a
ment and Improvement of Vietnam’s Legal System to the Year 2010 and Di- profound influence on the way of thinking and practices of a large pop-
rection for the Period up to 2020. This strategy calls for a modern transition ulation. They advocated traditional moral principles (such as virtue and
to the rule of law and a market-based economy and lays out a strategy to sentiment versus rule and reason) and hierarchical practices. Legal rules
develop Vietnam’s laws as well as improve their application and execution by were subordinated to moral and pragmatic expediencies.”8
In the process of building the state rule of law and democratic society, espe- – “Village customary regulations” still exist in parallel to the “law of state.” To
cially since it became a middle-income country, Vietnam introduced a Mas- some extent, village customary regulations have affected law enforcement in
ter Plan on Administrative Reform period 2011–2013 with the aim of building Vietnam.
an effective, efficient, transparent, and strong administrative system from the
central to the local level. Hence, the 1992 Constitution was amended in 2013 “A well-known saying goes, ‘the laws of the emperor give way to the cus-
as a significant effort in the reform process. toms of the village’. The saying implies a sense of attitude and perception
Currently, Vietnam has carried out a review of all legal documents and has of the people toward (central) formal laws, and broadly a degree of hesi-
planned to promulgate new laws to ensure that legal documents comply with tation and resistance to obedience of, and compliance with, law and use
the 2013 Constitution. of formal dispute settlement (e.g., the court) in general. The “laws of the
emperor,” associated with the legal rules by foreign domination, over two
c) Traditional Culture, Beliefs, and Religions thousand years have shaped attitudes, even in modern days.”9
– Vietnam includes 54 ethnic groups which have different traditional cultures,
beliefs, and religions. Buddhism is identified as the main religion in Vietnam Many ethnic groups living in mountainous or remote areas still follow their
and is influenced by Confucianism. The law making and law enforcement village’s rules, including child marriages or forcing marriages which are still
systems at present are crucially influenced by Confucianism and Buddhism.7 acceptable in some villages. It is also a sizeable challenge for law enforcement in

headcount fell from 58 percent in the early 1990s to around 10 percent by 2010. According
d) International cooperation in legal reform
to a new poverty line, which is more appropriate for Vietnam’s status as a middle-income
In the period of integration and globalization, Vietnam has received support
country, this rate was just about 20% in 2010. Five of Vietnam’s ten Millennium Develop-
ment Goal (MDG) targets have been attained, with two more likely to be met by 2015 (see: from advanced countries such as the US, Japan, Denmark, Canada, and Ger-
Tran, “Vietnam’s Membership in the WTO: An Analysis of the Transformation of a Social- 8
“Legal and Judicial Systems” (World Bank, n.d.), 87,
ist Economy into an Open Economy with Special Reference to the TRIPS Regime and the INTVIETNAM/Resources/chuong5.pdf.
Patent Law,” 151. 9

-6- -7-

many in implementing legal reforms. For example, JICA (Japan International cantly by the donor countries. The legal system is gradually changing and has
Cooperation Agency) has assisted Vietnam in implementing legal reform by sup- some new features that are different from the period of a centrally-planned econ-
porting the drafting of legal documents in civil and commercial areas as well as omy. The reforms of Vietnam in the new century relate more to the state of the
with human resource development ; USAID’s STAR project helped Vietnam to
rule of law than socialist legality (phap che xa hoi chu nghia).13 The problem is
rewrite or adopt 93 legal documents related to trade agreement11. how Vietnam uses legal models and reforming solutions of different legal tradi-
tions (civil law, common law, socialist law) to create a coherent legal system.14
“More recently, donors and entrepreneurs have advocated reforms to sup-
port the marketization of the economy, producing a diverse set of civil and
common law influences from various sources including Sweden, the United 2. Sources of law
States of America, Canada, Japan and Australia to name a few.”12
It is essential to answer the question: what is law in Vietnam? Law refers to
Consequently, the current legal system in Vietnam has been impacted signifi- legal normative documents issued by competent agencies as prescribed by laws.
Article 2, Law on Promulgation of legal normative documents (hereinafter Law
“Technical Assistance Project for Legal and Judicial System Reform | Vietnam | Countries on Laws 2015) defines the concept of legislative documents as documents that
& Regions | JICA,” accessed May 12, 2014,
contain legal regulations and the promulgation of which complies with regu-
“USAID STAR Project Helped Propel Vietnam into the Global Economy | DAI Online lations of law on authority, manner, and procedures provided for in this Law.
Publications,” accessed May 12, 2014, In addition, Article 3, section 1 states that: “Normative regulations are general
rules of conduct, commonly binding, and applied repeatedly to agencies, organ-
Penelope Nicholson and Nguyen Hung Quang, “The Vietnamese Judiciary: The Politics
of Appointment and Promotion,” Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal Association, 2005,
izations, and individuals nationwide or within a certain administrative division,
5, promulgated by the regulatory agencies and competent persons in this Law, and
PolyJ001.pdf?sequence=1.2005, 5, the implementation of which is ensured by the State.”
handle/1773.1/659/14PacRimLPolyJ001.pdf ?sequence=1.}”,”plainCitation”:”Penelope
The legal system includes many types of legal normative documents; there-
Nicholson and Nguyen Hung Quang, “The Vietnamese Judiciary: The Politics of Appoint-
ment and Promotion,” Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal Association, 2005, 5, http:// fore, it also forms a hierarchical legal validity. The Constitution is the highest legal authority. Law on Laws 2015, Article 5 defines principles in development
pdf ?sequence=1.”},”citationItems”:[{“id”:1592,”uris”:[“
and promulgation of legal documents as follows:
Data”:{“id”:1592,”type”:”article-journal”,”title”:”The Vietnamese Judiciary: The Pol-
itics of Appointment and Promotion”,”container-title”:”Pacific Rim Law and Policy 1. Ensure the constitutionality, legitimacy, and uniformity of legislative
Journal Association”,”URL”:”
handle/1773.1/659/14PacRimLPolyJ001.pdf?sequence=1”,”author”:[{“family”:”Penelope 13
Albert Chen, Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century (Cambridge
Nicholson and Nguyen Hung Quang”,”given”:””}],”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2005”]]}},”loca- University Press, 2014), 202.
tor”:”5”,”label”:”page”}],”schema”:” 14
Per Sevastik, Legal Assistance to Developing Countries: Swedish Perspectives on the Rule
master/csl-citation.json”} of Law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1997), 115.

-8- -9-

documents in the legal system. principles, the written legal documents, international treaties, customary regu-
2. Comply with regulations of law on authority, manner, and procedures for lations, and judicial decisions (nguon hon hop) are fundamental elements for the
formulating and promulgating legislative documents. interpretation and application of laws in practice (refers to statutory sources of
3. Ensure transparency of legislative documents. law).16
4. Ensure the feasibility, frugality, effectiveness, promptness, accessibility,
and practicality of legislative documents; integrate gender equality issues Legal documents are the main sources of law:
in legislative documents; ensure simplification of administrative proce- Vietnam has a civil law system; therefore, sources of law include mainly
dures. written laws. Law refers to various types of legislation as prescribed by Law on
5. Ensure national defense and security, and environmental protection Laws 2015. The sources of law include the following documents (Article 4, Law
without obstruction of implementation of the international agreements to on Laws 2015):
which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.
6. Ensure publicity and democracy in receipt of and response to opinions, 1. The Constitution.
complaints of agencies, organizations, and individuals during the process 2. Codes and Laws (hereinafter referred to as Laws), Resolutions of the Na-
of formulating and promulgating legislative documents. tional Assembly.
3. Ordinances, Resolutions of Standing Committee of the National Assem-
Legal normative documents include many types of documents with different le- bly; Joint Resolutions between the Standing Committee of the National
gal variations. Assembly and the Management Board of the Central Committee of the
According to these regulations, a court’s precedent is not defined as laws be- Vietnamese Fatherland Front.
cause it is not a legal document. It is essential to note that the concept of a legal 4. Orders and Decisions of the President.
document defined as laws differs from the concept of a legal document that is 5. Decrees of the Government; Joint Resolutions between the Government
applied to a specific case (such as a judgment of the court or an administrative and the Management Board of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese
decision). Fatherland Front.
Sources of law in Vietnam are defined as all fundamental/basic elements 6. Decisions of the Prime Minister.
used by authorized entities for developing, promulgating, and interpreting laws 7. Resolutions of the Judge Council of the People’s Supreme Court.
as well as for application in dealing with specific case in practices.15 Sources of 8. Circulars of the executive judge of the People’s Supreme Court; Circulars
law are divided into two major types: 1) The party’s Policy, Economic Policies, of the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy; Circulars
and Legal Philosophy (nguon noi dung) are fundamental elements that shape of Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies; Joint Circulars between the
the nature of the legal system (refers to natural sources of law); 2) General legal executive judge of the People’s Supreme Court and the Chief Procurator

TS. Nguyễn Thị Hồi, Về khái niệm nguồn của pháp luật, Tạp chí Luật học, số 2/2008, 29, 16
Nguyen Thi Hoi, “Các Loại Nguồn Của Pháp Luật Việt Nam Hiện Nay,” Thông Tin Pháp
30. Luật Dấn Sự, 2008,

- 10 - - 11 -

of the Supreme People’s Procuracy; Joint Circulars between Ministers,

Hierarchy of the legal normative documents
Heads of ministerial agencies and the executive judge of the People’s
Supreme Court, the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy;
Decisions of the State Auditor General. Constitution

9. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of central-affiliated cities and prov-

Legal validity

inces (hereinafter referred to as provinces).
10. Decisions of the People’s Committees of provinces. Decrees/Dicisions/Resolutions

11. Legislative documents of local governments in administrative - economic

12. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of districts, towns and cities within Resolutions/Dicisions

provinces (hereinafter referred to as districts).

13. Decisions of the People’s Committees of districts.
14. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of communes, wards and towns and applied in the resolution of civil cases after being selected by the Council of
within districts (hereinafter referred to as communes). Judges of the Supreme People’s Court and announced by the Chief Justice of the
15. Decisions of the People’s Committees of communes. Supreme People’s Court.”
In addition, Resolution No. 03/2015/NQ-HDTP on the process for selecting,
The sources of law include legal documents which are formed with hierarchical publishing, and adopting precedents states:17 “Precedents are arguments and rul-
legal validity in principle. The Constitution has the highest legal validity in the ings written on effective judgments or decisions (hereinafter referred to as judg-
national legal system. All legal documents must be consistent with the Constitu- ment) of the courts that are selected by the Council of Justices of the Supreme
tion and legal documents issued by the higher state organs. If a legal document People’s Court and published by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court
issued by the lower state organ is inconsistent with the Constitution and legal in order for other courts to study and adopt them when deciding later cases.”
document issued by the higher state organs, the higher state organ will hold the (Article 1, Resolution No. 03/2015). Decision No. 220/QĐ-CA dated April 06,
power to suspend it. 2016 issued by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court published the first
It is crucial to note that Vietnam is still struggling to develop a comprehen- 10 precedents. In 2017, 6 precedents were selected and published by Decision
sive and consistent legal system. The main issue of the legal system is its consist- No. 299/QĐ-CA dated December 28, 2017. In 2018, there were 11 precedents
ency. published under Decision No. 199/QĐ-CA dated 17/10/2018. Up until now, there
have been 27 precedents in total that have been selected, published, and adopted
Judicial precedents by the Council of Justices of the Supreme People’s Court (CJSPC).
Judicial precedents were not defined as a source of law prior to 2016. How-
ever, the precedents have been recognized as a source of law since 2016. The 17
Resolution No.03/2015/NQ-HDTP on Process for Selecting, publishing and adopting prec-
Civil Procedure Code 2015 (Article 45) states that: “Precedents shall be studied edents, dated October 28, 2015

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Notably, it is different from the common law in other countries in that only 1. Practices mean rules of conduct necessary to define rights and obligations
the precedents selected by the CJSPC are the source of the laws in Vietnam. Res- of persons in specific civil relations, formed and repeated over a long
olution No. 03/2015/NQ-HDTP also defines the criteria for selecting precedents, time, recognized and applied generally in a region, race or a community
including: 1) Containing arguments to clarify the provisions of the law which or a civil field.
have differing interpretations as well as analyze and explain legal issues or 2. In cases where it is neither provided for by law nor agreed upon by the
events and legal principles and guidelines to be followed in a specific situation, 2) parties, practices may apply but they must not contravene the principles
Having normative value, 3) Ensuring the consistency of law in adjudication and provided for in Article 3 of this Code.
the same settlement results from the two cases having the same facts or events
(Article 2). In brief, sources of law in Vietnam mainly include legal documents issued by
The precedents will be used to handle similar cases to ensure that the two competent agencies as prescribed by the Law on Laws 2015. However, the legal
cases have similar facts to one another and shall have the same settlement re- system still has many problems such as its contradictory nature, loopholes, and
sults. “If a precedent is used, all judgments of courts having precedential value, overlaps due to the lack of an effective channel for constitutional review. The
all similar facts specified in the precedent and all similar facts in the case to be Government and Ministries hold the power to interpret laws adopted by the
solved and the legal opinion mentioned in the precedent must be cited, analyzed National Assembly and have played an important role in legislation. This mecha-
and specified in the judgment or the decision of the court; if the precedent is not nism ensures that the legal system responds quickly to socio-economic changes,
adopted, they must provide an explanation in the judgment” (Article 8, section 2). but it also raises many challenges to the process of reforming the legal system in
International treaties/Conventions
To be a source of law, international treaties/conventions must be ratified by
Vietnam. International treaties/conventions become sources of law if they are 3. The court system
applied directly or indirectly in dealing with a specific case in Vietnam. In gen-
eral, Vietnam often interprets international treaties as domestic laws as a way The court system of Vietnam is hierarchical including the Supreme People’s
of implementing international treaties in Vietnam. For example, the law on the Court, High Courts, Provincial People’s Courts and District People’s Courts.
anti-corruption of Vietnam in 2009 interprets the regulations of UNCAC. Constitution 2013, Article 102 provides that:

Customary regulations 1. The people’s courts are the judicial organ of the Socialist Republic of Vi-
In principle, a customary regulation is not a source of law. However, custom- etnam, exercising the judicial power.
ary regulations will be adopted as a source of law if they are used to deal with a 2. The people’s courts comprise the Supreme People’s Court and other
specific case. Vietnam defines customary regulations as a source of law in some courts established by law.
legal documents. Article 5 of the Civil Code 2015 defines the application of prac- 3. The people’s courts are responsible for the protection of justice, human
tices as follows: rights, citizen’s rights, the socialist regime, interests of the State, and le-

- 14 - - 15 -

gal rights and interests of organizations and individuals.


– The Supreme People’s Court is the highest judicial organ of the Socialist Re-
public of Vietnam. The term of the President of the Supreme People’s Court
is consistent with the term of the National Assembly (5 years). The President
of the Supreme People’s Court is responsible for presenting his reports to COURT
the National Assembly and, when the latter is not in session, to its Standing
Committee and to the State President. Vietnam has six types of courts name- COURTS
ly the Administrative, Labor, Civil, Criminal, and Economic Courts; the
Military Court is established for dealing with military crimes. The Supreme DISTRICT COURTS

People’s Court holds the power to re-adjudicate appealed cases that have
been sent from the Provincial Court. Vietnam has adopted a system of two-instance trials. If a party does not
– The High Court is established in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh. agree with the judgment of the first-instance court, she/he may appeal to the sec-
The High Court conducts appellate trials of cases in which first-instance ond-instance court for another trial. The decision of the second-instance court
judgments or decisions of people’s courts of provinces within their ter- is the final decision and must be enforced. The jurisdiction of the court is deter-
ritorial jurisdiction which have not yet taken legal effect are appealed or mined by the territory, the level of the trial, and the nature of the case in ques-
protested against in accordance with the procedural law and conducts tion.
trial according to cassation or a reopening procedure of cases in which The Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court exercises the power to sub-
judgments or decisions of people’s courts of provinces, centrally run cit- mit to the National Assembly for approval of the appointment, relief from duty
ies, rural districts, urban districts, towns, provincial cities or the equiva- and dismissal of judges of the Supreme People’s Court, and to propose that the
lent within their territorial jurisdiction which have taken legal effect are President appoint, relieve from duty or dismiss Deputy Chief Justices of the Su-
protested against in accordance with the procedural law (Article 29, Law preme People’s Court and judges of other courts (Article 27, Section 7, Law on
on organization of people’s court, 2014). Organization of People’s Court).
– The Provincial Courts are established in each province of Vietnam (cur-
rently Vietnam has 63 provincial courts). The provincial courts deal with
appeals for District cases and other cases as prescribed by law. 4. Legal professionals
– The District Courts are established in every virtually every district. The
District Courts deal with civil, economic, labor, administrative, and Laws on organization of the Court, Ordinance on Judges and Jurors, and the
criminal cases (first-instance cases). District Courts include one Chief Law on Lawyers provide clear criteria for becoming judges, public prosecutors,
Justice, one or two deputy Chief Justices, judges, jurors, and clerks. and attorneys.

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Judges time to become a judge. Hence, lawyers or the other legal practitioners are not
Article 67, Law on the organization of the Court 2014, defines the criteria for transferred or nominated to become a judge if they do not take the examination
becoming a judge as follows. to be public officials.
In 2017, the total number of staff members working for the court system in
1. Being a Vietnamese citizen who is loyal to the Fatherland and the Con- Vietnam was 14,725 people. There were 1870 judges who were appointed and
stitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, has good ethical qualities, reappointed in 2017 (1,131 newly appointed and 739 reappointed judges).18
a firm political stance, courage and resolve to safeguard justice, and is
incorrupt and honest. Public prosecutors
2. Possessing a bachelor or higher degree in law. Constitution of Vietnam, Article 107 defines that: The people’s procuracies
3. Having been professionally trained in adjudication. shall exercise the power to prosecution and control judicial activities. Procurators
4. Having been engaged in practical legal work for a certain period of time. are persons who are appointed in accordance with the law to perform the func-
5. Being physically fit to fulfill assigned duties. tion of exercising the power to prosecute and supervise judicial activities (Article
74, Law on Organization of People’s Procuracies, 2014).
In general, judges of people’s courts include: Judges of the Supreme People’s General criteria for procurators are defined under Article 75 as follows:
Court, High-level judges, Intermediate-level judges, and Primary-level judges.
The National Assembly Standing Committee will decide the number of judges in 1. Being Vietnamese citizens who are loyal to the Fatherland and the Con-
the Supreme People’s Court and the number of middle and lower-ranking judges stitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, have good ethical quali-
according to the proposals made by the Supreme People’s Court’s Chief Judge. ties, are incorrupt and honest, have a firm political stance and resolve to
Article 68 defines conditions for the appointment of primary-level, interme- safeguard the socialist legislation.
diate-level, and high-level judges as follows: 2. Possessing a bachelor’s or higher degree in law.
3. Having been professionally trained in prosecution.
1. Having been engaged in legal work for at least 5 years; 4. Having been engaged in practical work for a certain period of time in ac-
2. Being capable of adjudicating cases and settling other matters under the cordance with this Law.
jurisdiction of his/her court prescribed by the procedural law; 5. Being physically fit to fulfill assigned duties.
3. Having passed a primary-level judge selection examination.
Ranks of procurators of the people’s procuracies include: Procurators of the
The initial term of office of judges is 5 years. For judges who are reappointed or Supreme People’s Procuracy, high-level procurators, intermediate-level procura-
appointed to another judge rank, the subsequent term of office is 10 years (Article tors, and primary-level procurators.
In general, a judge is a type of public official in Vietnam, so he/she has to 18
Report of Supreme People’s Court on assessment of work implementation in 2017 and the
work for a court from the beginning as the court’s staff member and it may take main tasks of the courts in 2018 (draft), page 12.

- 18 - - 19 -

Similar to the judges, a prosecutor often works for the Procuracy office as a – A lawyer training course lasting 12 months which is certificated by the
staff member and he/she will be appointed as a prosecutor when they fully meet Vietnam Judicial Academy;
the criteria prescribed under Article 74. – A 12 month practical training at any law firm;
The term of office of procurators is 5 years. For procurators who are reap- – They must pass the national exams and get the lawyer practicing certifi-
pointed or entitled to rank promotion, the subsequent term of office is 10 years cate issued by the Ministry of Justice;
(Article 82). – The Bar Association of the area in which the lawyer practices issues a
Currently, there are around 15,860 people who are working for procuracies license to the member.
from the central to the local level. The number of prosecutors at all levels is The Vietnamese Lawyers Association (Vietnamese Lawyers Federation) was
around 9,418 people.19 established in 2009 as the National Bar Association which includes the Local
Bar Association established at each province. Provincial Bar Associations are
Lawyers established after consideration from the Ministry of Justice and a decision by
The Law on Lawyers of Vietnam defines that: “Lawyers are persons who ful- the People’s Committee. The Ministry of Justice holds the power to regulate the
ly meet the criteria and conditions for professional practice under the provisions legal profession of lawyers in Vietnam. The Ministry of Justice has a specialized
of this Law and provide legal services at the request of individuals, agencies or department for the administration of Bar Associations.
organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as clients)” (Article 2). The number of licensed lawyers in 2014 was around 6000–7000 and Vietnam
The Law on Lawyers was adopted in 2006, which provided working condi- aims to reach 15,000 lawyers by 2020. The ratio of lawyers to the population
tions of lawyers in Vietnam. This law was revised in 2012. Criteria of lawyers in Vietnam is just around 1/14,000 which is considered lower than other Asian
are defined by Article 10 (Law on Lawyers 2006) as follows: countries.20 In 2017, the number of lawyers had increased up to around 12,000
– Vietnamese citizens; lawyers from 7,000 in 2014.21 However, in reality, Vietnam still lacks lawyers
– Demonstrate loyalty to the motherland and the Constitution of the Social- who have the capacity to practice law in an international environment.
ist Republic of Vietnam; Since Vietnam became a member of the WTO, foreign law firms have been
– Observe the Constitution and law;
– Have good moral qualities; 20
The ratio is 1/1,000 in Singapore, 1/1,526 in Thailand and 1/1,546 in Japan. Furthermore,
– Possess a law bachelor’s degree; lawyers in Vietnam are mainly stationed in Hanoi (1,630 lawyers) and in HCMC (2,880
lawyers) while other provinces and cities only have three to five lawyers each. See: “Viet-
– Have been trained in the legal profession;
nam’s Lawyer-to-Population Ratio the Region’s Lowest - Vietnam’s Lawyer-to-Population
– Have gone through the probation of the legal profession;
Ratio the Region’s Lowest - SaiGon Times Daily,” accessed May 16, 2014, http://english.
– Have good health for law practice.
In general, to practice law, lawyers must be licensed by the Bar Association if he/ gion%E2%80%99s-lowest.html.
Hoạt động hành nghề luật sư: Nâng cao tiêu chuẩn, siết chặt quản lý,
she meets the following conditions:
quan-ly(lawyers practicing in Vietnam: improving the standards and tightening manage-
Information shared by the staff of Statistic Division of the Supreme People’s Procuracy ment) accessed 26 October 2018.

- 20 - - 21 -
established in Vietnam which provide advice on Vietnamese legislation and reg-
ulations. Foreign law firms can operate in Vietnam as a branch of a foreign law-
yers’ organization, a subsidiary of a foreign lawyers’ organization, a foreign law
firm, or a partnership between a foreign lawyers’ organization and a Vietnamese
law partnership.
It is a known fact that judges, public prosecutors, and lawyers are provided
only legal training in the beginning. Therefore, the Bachelor of Law degree is
the most important criteria for a person who wants to become a judge, a prose-
cutor or a lawyer. Professional skill training has been a significant condition for
appointment as a judge or prosecutor since 1998. 22
Consequently, a person who
wants to become a judge, prosecutor or lawyer must study at the Vietnam Judi-
cial Academy, the Court Academy, and the University of Procuracy.
In brief, the legal system of a country includes many elements. Studying
the key factors of the legal system such as the legal ideology and its influencing
factors, sources of laws, judicial system, and legal professionals is important for
identifying the differences between the legal systems in each country./.

Decision No 34/1998 issued by Prime Minister dated February 10, 1998 on the establish-
ment of the Vietnam Judicial Academy.

- 22 -

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