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Fill in:

hope expectation suspense anticipation

1. Rescuers have not yet abandoned ............................................................ that more survivors will be found.
2. However, the company revealed little about the new product in order to " maintain
the .............................................................. " .
3. Skiers look forward to the first snow of winter with eager .................................................................... .
4. History records who won, but if you happen not to know the book still offers a story of
real .......................................................................... .
5. Fortunately, for youngsters who like their stories with a bit of ............................................................ and
terror involved, there's no shortage of scary read alouds for children.
6. The king extended the period of the trial ............................................................... of objections from the
Harrisons' enemies.
7. You know, the men go to tea houses with the ...................................................................... that they will have
a nice quiet evening and not read about it the next morning in the newspaper.
8. The party, however, prospered, and grew in strength beyond all .................................................................. .
9. At this point their only .............................................................. is that someone will offer to buy the company.
10. This result means, contrary to prior ................................................................. , that the number of variants
does not affect the processing speed.
11. But here I took pity on my visitor's .................................................................. , and some perhaps on my own
growing curiosity.
12. A lie said to avoid hurting someone's feelings and ............................................................ is called a "white lie."
13. The new budget did offer more ..................................................................... to unemployed disabled people.
14. It would be unkind to keep him .......................................................................... for too long.
15. She arrived in London, young and full of ................................................................................. .
16. The decision was made ............................................................. of certain retirements in applied maths around
that time.
17. Don't raise your ........................................................................ too high, or you may be disappointed.
18. They live up to this ................................................................. by providing quality customer service 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week
19. Through following this crowd through these events, we're made to feel their
growing .............................................................................. .
20. They were kept ............................................................ about their possibility of joining the expedition for
several weeks.
1. Rescuers have not yet abandoned hope that more survivors will be found.
2. However, the company revealed little about the new product in order to " maintain the suspense " .
3. Skiers look forward to the first snow of winter with eager anticipation.
4. History records who won, but if you happen not to know the book still offers a story of real suspense.
5. Fortunately, for youngsters who like their stories with a bit of suspense and terror involved, there's no
shortage of scary read alouds for children.
6. The king extended the period of the trial in anticipation of objections from the Harrisons' enemies.
7. You know, the men go to tea houses with the expectation that they will have a nice quiet evening and not
read about it the next morning in the newspaper.
8. The party, however, prospered, and grew in strength beyond all anticipation.
9. At this point their only hope is that someone will offer to buy the company.
10. This result means, contrary to prior expectations, that the number of variants does not affect the processing
11. But here I took pity on my visitor's suspense, and some perhaps on my own growing curiosity.
12. A lie said to avoid hurting someone's feelings and expectations is called a "white lie."
13. The new budget did offer more hope to unemployed disabled people.
14. It would be unkind to keep him in suspense for too long.
15. She arrived in London, young and full of hope.
16. The decision was made in anticipation of certain retirements in applied maths around that time.
17. Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed.
18. They live up to this expectation by providing quality customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
19. Through following this crowd through these events, we're made to feel their growing anticipation.
20. They were kept in suspense about their possibility of joining the expedition for several weeks.

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