STS - Activity 3

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Name: Micah Elaine M. Maaba

Course, Year, and Section: BSTMOUMN 1-C
Activity name and number: Activity 3 - Module 2A & 2B

Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Darwin 

A. Complete a table like the one below by writing five arguments that anti-evolutionist
say about evolution, and what evidence/science say about evolution. An italicized
example is given below. (10 points)

What Anti-evolutionists Say What does science/evidence say

E.g. Evolution is just a theory. Theory and hypothesis are not the same.
Theory is a corroborated explanation of an
aspect of the natural world. It has been
repeatedly confirmed and accepted as ‘true’.

1. Discovering species can’t be A species is a group of organisms that can

explained. reproduce with one another to produce fertile
offspring and are reproductively isolated from
other organisms. These are organisms with
similar individuals capable of exchanging genes
or interbreeding and that are related through a
distant ancestor.

2. It can’t show the transition of The Archaeopteryx is a half-bird, half-reptile

fossils via evolution since creature. It’s said to be a fossil that bridges the
creatures are half reptile and half gap between dinosaurs and modern birds.

3. If a monkey’s development is This study concluded that humans and monkeys

human, why is there still a have a common ancestor. Nevertheless, it does
monkey? not imply that we are the result of that

4. Many scientists are skeptical They no longer have any doubts regarding
about evolution’s claims. evolution. They believe in and accept evolution
research, treating it as a basic principle.

5. The physical appearance of a The DNA in cells contains the genetic

baby is caused by lihi. information for each individual, including the
physical features that we associate with how
someone looks, such as hair color, eye color,
freckles, and dimples. Children inherit physical
traits from their parents when parents pass
copies of their genes to their children.

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please
do not forget to COPY the question you have chosen. (5 points)

a. How does the notion that evolution is a continuous process, happening all around us
all the time, rather than some remote process that happened long ago, influence the
way you think about life on Earth?

- Evolution is one of the major contributions of science. It sets out to explain life,
specifically how the first simple life gave rise to all the huge diversity we see
today. Many scientists have proved that the theory of evolution is true. We know
that life evolved with the same certainty that we know the earth is roughly
Through time, these changes mount up and lead to the appearance of new
species and new types of organisms, one small change at a time. One visible
example is that you are not identical to your parents; perhaps your hair is a
different color, you are taller, or you have a more cheerful nature.

Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Freud

A. Complete a table like the one below by choosing 5 out of several defense
mechanisms and their respective examples. An italicized example is provided
below. (10 points)

Ancient beliefs and practices in Modern-day theory or explanation


E.g. Projection  Momo dislikes Dodo. Momo accuses

Dodo of snubbing her even when Dodo is
not really doing anything.

1. Repression A boss has a temper tantrum when an

employee makes a mistake.

2. Denial A student refuses to believe that he has

failed the course.

3. Displacement Someone who is frustrated by his or her

superiors may go home and kick the dog,
beat up a family member, or engage in

4. Projection You might hate someone, but your

superego tells you that such hatred is
unacceptable. You can ‘solve’ the problem
by believing that they hate you.

5. Rationalization When a person finds a situation difficult to

accept, they will make up a logical reason
why it has happened. For example, a
person may explain a natural disaster as
“God’s will”.

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please
do not forget to COPY the question you have chosen. (5 points) 
c. How does Freud's ideas help you understand yourself?

- Sigmund Freud’s idea insists that if you have a strong sense of self (ego), you
will better understand your own needs and intuit the limits that society puts on
you. Ego will also help you move freely through life by recognizing your internal
repression and being satisfied and fulfilled in your day-to-day life.
He believed that one of the key goals of any psychoanalyst should be to work on
the patient’s sense of self, or ego. The psychoanalyst must convert this mental
force into a healthy individual and heal any conflict that gets in the way of their
freedom and well-being.

Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Information Age 

A. Demonstrate how the events of the Information Age unfolded by creating a

fishbone timeline like the one provided. Pick only five major events from the
timeline discussed, just make sure you appropriately labeled them, and that they
are chronological. Note that the years in the example provided is only to provide
you a guide and NOT MANDATORY years to accomplish. Feel free to change the
years according to the timeline you have created. (15pts) 
(Image from page 51)
The World Wide The first smartphone, Google began in Facebook is a
Manny Fernandez, Web (WWW) is an created by IBM, January 1996 as a social networking
who started Gavilian information space was invented in research project by service launched
Computer, promoted where documents 1992 and released Larry Page and on February 4, 2004.
His machines as the first and other web for purchase in Sergey Brin when It was founded by
“laptop” computers in May resources are 1994. It was called they were both PhD Mark Zuckerberg with
1983. identified by Uniform the Simon students at Stanford his colleague Through the years,
Resource Locators Personal Univ. in Stanford, Eduardo Saverin.
(URLs). Communicator California.
information age has
(SPC). become more powerful
and powerful. The use of
social media, as part of
the information age, has
become a necessary daily
Interlinked by It had a calendar, The domain name Facebook can be
activity as a virtual society
hypertext links, and address book, and of Google was in communication, and
Many historians can be accessed accessed from
a native appointment registered on Sept. devices with internet sharing news and
consider the via the internet.
scheduler. It even 15, 1997, and the connectivity, such as
gavilian as the first English scientist Tim featured standard
company was
information around the
fully functional Berners-Lee invented personal computers,
and predictive stylus incorporated on tablets, and world.
laptop computer. the World Wide Web
In 1989. input screen September 4, 1998. smartphones.

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please
do not forget to COPY the question you have chosen. (5 points)

3. What is the future of our technology? Do you think that it will continue to develop
endlessly or will it eventually reach a certain point and stop? 

- With what we have in the world right now, the future of technology is even more
interesting to envision. Needless to say, we are just at the beginning of a
revolution that creates a society that can be accessed with just a tap—a virtual
society without borders and limitations.
Like Heraclitus said, "There is nothing permanent except change". The future of
technology still remains unclear, but one thing is for sure: it will constantly evolve
over time. While many argue and envision both exciting and downright
opportunity, it is a challenge for us, living in the present, to help in developing
technologies that could contribute in the future.

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