21 PSC Design (Eurocode) - Completed Model

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Element Number 16

Position Information J

1.Design Condition
1.1 Design Parameters
- Partial factors for ultimate limit states (EN 1992-1-1:2004,
Design Situations γc for concrete γs for reinforcing steel γs for prestressing steel
Persistent & Transient 1.500 1.150 1.150
Accidental 1.200 1.000 1.000

- factor αcc , αct : Coefficient for long term effects on Compression and Tensile Strength.
αcc = 0.850 (for the Compressive strength)
αct = 1.000 (for the Tensile strength)

1.2 Sectional Information

bw 8500.0 mm Iy 7.8668E+12 mm4 Asl 5969.040 mm2
h 3000.0 mm Iz 2.9574E+13 mm4 Asc 10995.600 mm2
dc 60.0 mm Cy 4250.0 mm Asw 1548.400 mm2
dt 2950.0 mm Cz 1790.6 mm Awt 387.100 mm2
A 6208720.000 mm2 Alt 7855.400 mm2

1.3 Material Information

- Concrete Material Information
fck = 40.000 MPa , Ec = 35220.000 MPa

- Reinforcement Material Information

fyk = 400.000 MPa , Es = 200000.000 MPa

1.4 Tendon Profile Information

Location Area Strength (MPa) Ep
Type Tendon Name
(mm) (mm2 ) fpk fp0.1k (MPa)
1 A2 500.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
2 A3 700.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
3 A1 300.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
4 A4 900.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000

2.Ultimate Moment Resistance

■ Positive Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS3
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FX-MIN
MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm
- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)
λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
Neutral depth (kN) (kN) Ratio
(mm) (C/T)
Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1500.0 80874.667 3824.557 2076.188 6061.988 10.40764
2 750.0 68090.667 3824.557 2076.188 11965.060 5.12171
3 375.0 52403.009 3824.557 2076.188 22160.653 2.31992
4 187.5 28900.000 3824.557 2076.188 27903.118 1.09157
5 93.8 14450.000 2770.878 2076.188 29332.035 0.54829
6 140.6 21675.000 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 0.81188
7 164.1 25287.500 3824.557 2076.188 28746.414 0.94450
8 175.8 27093.750 3824.557 2076.188 28296.656 1.01796
9 169.9 26190.625 3824.557 2076.188 28513.780 0.98121
10 172.9 26642.188 3824.557 2076.188 28403.378 0.99958

- Calculate Fc , Fs , Fp
x = 172.9 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 26642.188 kN
Fs'= fs'ㆍAs' = 3824.557 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 2076.188 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 28403.378 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num. △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
A2 705.55450 0.00662 0.00353 0.01015 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
A3 707.52642 0.01067 0.00354 0.01421 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
A1 700.19346 0.00257 0.00350 0.00608 1215.109 5270.600 6404.352
A4 716.87700 0.01472 0.00358 0.01831 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 21371.630 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm OK
where, ac , as , ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

■ Negative Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : MY-MIN
MEd = -53937.346 kNㆍm

- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)

λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
Neutral depth (kN) (kN) Ratio
(mm) (C/T)
Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1500.0 48758.267 2076.188 3824.557 23771.204 1.84211
2 750.0 37660.667 2076.188 3824.557 29332.035 1.19846
3 375.0 29072.267 2076.188 3824.557 29332.035 0.93943
4 562.5 34886.267 2076.188 3824.557 29332.035 1.11478
5 468.8 32739.167 2076.188 3824.557 29332.035 1.05003
6 421.9 31095.692 2076.188 3824.557 29332.035 1.00046

- Calculate Fc , Fs , Fp
x = 421.9 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 31095.692 kN
Fs' = fs'ㆍAs' = 2076.188 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 3824.557 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 29332.035 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num. △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
A2 705.55450 0.01724 0.00353 0.02077 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
A3 707.52642 0.01558 0.00354 0.01912 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
A1 700.19346 0.01890 0.00350 0.02240 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
A4 716.87700 0.01392 0.00358 0.01751 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 76763.576 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = -53937.346 kNㆍm OK
where, ac , as , ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

3.Shear Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, V_Rd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MAX
NEd = -12999.851 kN
VEd = 9297.999 kN
MEd = -49206.477 kNㆍm
Vp = -66.116 kN

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.847 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1505.291 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp
= 2121.035 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 2121.035 kN < VEd = 9297.999 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is required
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.261
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.013
Asl = 32078.000 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2940.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 12999.851 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V_Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 90.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2646.0 mm
Asw = 1548.400 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00126
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw,min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
VRd,max = αcwㆍbwㆍzㆍν1ㆍfcd / (cotθ + tanθ) = 13472.228 kN
VRd,s = (Asw / s)ㆍzㆍfywdㆍcotθ ≤ VRd,max
= 9500.443 kN ≥ VEd = 9297.999 kN OK
where, ν1 = ν = 0.504
αcw = 1 + σcp / fcd = 1.092 ( for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 12999.851 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
ν = 0.6ㆍ(1 - fck/250)
ν1 is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
αcw is a coefficient taking account of the state of the stress in the compression chord

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.013 ≥ ρw, min = 0.001 OK

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2205.0 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Sl,max = 2205.0 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups
■ Minimum Shear Force
1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, V_Rd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS3
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FX-MIN
NEd = -13002.467 kN
VEd = 5614.402 kN
MEd = -8512.558 kNㆍm
Vp = -66.116 kN

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = -3.729 MPa < fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is uncracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd)2 + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd )
= 4937.445 kN < VEd = 5614.402 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is required
where, I = 7.8668E+12 mm4
bw = 816.0 mm
S = 3213825045.025 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13002.467 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm 2

νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313

k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.261
dp = 2940.0 mm
k1 = 0.150

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V_Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 90.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2646.0 mm
Asw = 1548.400 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00126
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw,min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
VRd,max = αcwㆍbwㆍzㆍν1ㆍfcd / (cotθ + tanθ) = 13472.458 kN
VRd,s = (Asw / s)ㆍzㆍfywdㆍcotθ ≤ VRd,max
= 9500.443 kN ≥ VEd = 5614.402 kN OK
where, ν1 = ν = 0.504
αcw = 1 + σcp / fcd = 1.092 ( for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13002.467 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
ν = 0.6ㆍ(1 - fck/250)
ν1 is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
αcw is a coefficient taking account of the state of the stress in the compression chord

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.013 ≥ ρw, min = 0.001 OK

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2205.0 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Sl,max = 2205.0 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

4.Torsional Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MAX
NEd = -12999.851 kN
VEd = 9297.999 kN
TEd = 2101.376 kNㆍm
MEd = -49206.477 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa
- Design strength of Reinforcement
fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
tcover,i = 0.0 mm
tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
dp = 2940.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.847 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 4821.143 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2646.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1505.291 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp / NWeb
= 2121.035 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 1060.518 kN
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.261
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.013
Asl = 32078 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2940.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 12999.851 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm2
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 1060.518 kN
V*Ed = 4821.143 kN
VRd,c ≤ V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is required.

- Check transverse reinforcement for shear

Awv/sv (Required) = VEd / (zㆍfydㆍ(cotθ + cotα)ㆍsinα ) = 10.103 mm2/mm
Awv/sv (Applied) = 10.323 mm /mm ≥ Awv/sv (Required) =
10.103 mm2/mm OK
where, Awv is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Check transverse reinforcement for torsion

Awt/st (Required) = TEd / ( 2ㆍAkㆍfydㆍcotθ ) = 0.187 mm2/mm
Awt/st (Applied) = 2.581 mm2/mm ≥ Awt/st (Required) = 0.187 mm2/mm OK
where, Awt is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,max (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(9))
VRd,max = αcwㆍbwㆍzㆍν1ㆍfcd / (cotθ + tanθ) / NWeb
= 6736.114 kN ≥ V*Ed = 4821.143 kN OK
where, ν1 = ν = 0.504
αcw = 1 + σcp / fcd = 1.092 ( for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 12999.851 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
ν = 0.6ㆍ(1 - fck/250)
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2
ν1 is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
αcw is a coefficient taking account of the state of the stress in the compression chord

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 4037.691 mm 2

Asl = 7855.400 mm 2
≥ ∑Aslreq = 4037.691 mm2 OK
where, Asl is the applied area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.
∑Aslreq is the requierd area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = u/8 = 2698.4 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2205.0 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 2205.0 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Smax = 2205.0 mm OK

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS3
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MIN
NEd = -13002.467 kN
VEd = 5614.402 kN
TEd = 0.000 kNㆍm
MEd = -8512.558 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
tcover,i = 0.0 mm
tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
dp = 2940.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = -3.729 MPa < fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is uncracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 2807.201 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2646.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd)2 + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd ) / NWeb = 2468.723 kN
where, I = 7.8668E+12 mm4
bw = 816.0 mm
S = 3213825045.025 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13002.467 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm2
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.261
dp = 2940.0 mm
k1 = 0.150
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 2468.723 kN
V*Ed = 2807.201 kN
VRd,c ≤ V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is required.

- Check transverse reinforcement for shear

Awv/sv (Required) = VEd / (zㆍfydㆍ(cotθ + cotα)ㆍsinα ) = 6.100 mm2/mm
Awv/sv (Applied) = 10.323 mm2/mm ≥ Awv/sv (Required) = 6.100 mm2/mm OK
where, Awv is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Check transverse reinforcement for torsion

Awt/st (Required) = TEd / ( 2ㆍAkㆍfydㆍcotθ ) = 0.000 mm2/mm
Awt/st (Applied) = 2.581 mm2/mm ≥ Awt/st (Required) = 0.000 mm2/mm OK
where, Awt is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,max (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(9))
VRd,max = αcwㆍbwㆍzㆍν1ㆍfcd / (cotθ + tanθ) / NWeb
= 6736.229 kN ≥ V*Ed = 2807.201 kN OK
where, ν1 = ν = 0.504
αcw = 1 + σcp / fcd = 1.092 ( for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13002.467 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm 2

ν = 0.6ㆍ(1 - fck/250)
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2
ν1 is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
αcw is a coefficient taking account of the state of the stress in the compression chord

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 0.000 mm 2

Asl = 7855.400 mm ≥ ∑Aslreq =

0.000 mm2 OK
where, Asl is the applied area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.
∑Aslreq is the requierd area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = u/8 = 2698.4 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2205.0 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 2205.0 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Smax = 2205.0 mm OK

■ Maximum Torsion Moment

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS2
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : MX-MIN
NEd = -13000.993 kN
VEd = 7333.377 kN
TEd = -3506.770 kNㆍm
MEd = -24297.561 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
tcover,i = 0.0 mm
tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
dp = 2940.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 0.139 MPa < fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is uncracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 3953.961 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2646.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd)2 + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd ) / NWeb = 2468.644 kN
where, I = 7.8668E+12 mm 4

bw = 816.0 mm
S = 3213825045.025 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13000.993 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm 2

νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313

k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.261
dp = 2940.0 mm
k1 = 0.150
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 2468.644 kN
V*Ed = 3953.961 kN
VRd,c ≤ V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is required.

- Check transverse reinforcement for shear

Awv/sv (Required) = VEd / (zㆍfydㆍ(cotθ + cotα)ㆍsinα ) = 7.968 mm2/mm
Awv/sv (Applied) = 10.323 mm2/mm ≥ Awv/sv (Required) = 7.968 mm2/mm OK
where, Awv is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Check transverse reinforcement for torsion

Awt/st (Required) = TEd / ( 2ㆍAkㆍfydㆍcotθ ) = 0.312 mm2/mm
Awt/st (Applied) = 2.581 mm2/mm ≥ Awt/st (Required) = 0.312 mm2/mm OK
where, Awt is the area of transverse reinforcement for shear.
sv is the spacing of the shear reinforcement.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,max (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(9))
VRd,max = αcwㆍbwㆍzㆍν1ㆍfcd / (cotθ + tanθ) / NWeb
= 6736.164 kN ≥ V*Ed = 3953.961 kN OK
where, ν1 = ν = 0.504
αcw = 1 + σcp / fcd = 1.092 ( for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 2.094 MPa
NEd = 13000.993 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
ν = 0.6ㆍ(1 - fck/250)
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2
ν1 is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
αcw is a coefficient taking account of the state of the stress in the compression chord

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 6738.086 mm2
Asl = 7855.400 mm2 ≥ ∑Aslreq = 6738.086 mm2 OK
where, Asl is the applied area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.
∑Aslreq is the requierd area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = u/8 = 2698.4 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2205.0 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 2205.0 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Smax = 2205.0 mm OK

5.Crack Width
■ Top
1 Calculate crack width, wk (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 7.3.4)
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : SLS_F1
Serviceability Load Type : Frequent
Load Combination Type : FX-MIN
Long/Short Term : Short-term
NEd = -13498.711 kN
MEd = 2132.419 kNㆍm

- Stress at top surface

σtop = -4.091 MPa (For compressive stresses, the crack check is skipped.)

■ Bottom
1 Calculate crack width, wk (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 7.3.4)
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : SLS_F1
Serviceability Load Type : Frequent
Load Combination Type : FX-MAX
Long/Short Term : Short-term
NEd = -13497.154 kN
MEd = -16648.088 kNㆍm

- Stress at bottom surface

σbottom = -6.495 MPa (For compressive stresses, the crack check is skipped.)

6.Stress check at transfer and during construction

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Critical Stage Name :" CS1
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
3.55 1.89 3.55 1.89 3.55 1.89 3.55 15.67 OK
For post-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'ci
f'ci = 26.11008 (MPa)

7.Stress check for service load combination

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Load Combination Name : SLS_C2
- Load Combination Type : MY-MIN
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
-2.00 8.48 -1.68 8.65 -2.31 8.32 8.65 24.00 OK
k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'c
f'c = 40 (MPa)
stressing steel







nt is required
shear force.
ular to the shear force.

04, 6.2.3(3)~(4))

04, 9.2.2(5))
nt is required
shear force.
ular to the shear force.

04, 6.2.3(3)~(4))

04, 9.2.2(5))
2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas

≥ VRd,min


04, 6.2.3(9))

(cl.6.3.2 (103))
2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas


04, 6.2.3(9))
(cl.6.3.2 (103))

2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas


04, 6.2.3(9))

(cl.6.3.2 (103))
Element Number 26
Position Information J

1.Design Condition
1.1 Design Parameters
- Partial factors for ultimate limit states (EN 1992-1-1:2004,
Design Situations γc for concrete γs for reinforcing steel γs for prestressing steel
Persistent & Transient 1.500 1.150 1.150
Accidental 1.200 1.000 1.000

- factor αcc , αct : Coefficient for long term effects on Compression and Tensile Strength.
αcc = 0.850 (for the Compressive strength)
αct = 1.000 (for the Tensile strength)

1.2 Sectional Information

bw 8500.0 mm Iy 7.8668E+12 mm4 Asl 5969.040 mm2
h 3000.0 mm Iz 2.9574E+13 mm4 Asc 10995.600 mm2
dc 60.0 mm Cy 4250.0 mm Asw 1548.400 mm2
dt 2950.0 mm Cz 1790.6 mm Awt 387.100 mm2
A 6208720.000 mm2 Alt 7855.400 mm2

1.3 Material Information

- Concrete Material Information
fck = 40.000 MPa , Ec = 35220.000 MPa

- Reinforcement Material Information

fyk = 400.000 MPa , Es = 200000.000 MPa

1.4 Tendon Profile Information

Location Area Strength (MPa) Ep
Type Tendon Name
(mm) (mm2 ) fpk fp0.1k (MPa)
1 B4 2850.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
2 B3 2650.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
3 B2 2450.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000
4 B1 2250.0 5270.600 1900.000 1600.000 200000.000

2.Ultimate Moment Resistance

■ Positive Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS2
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : MY-MAX
MEd = 63238.203 kNㆍm
- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)
λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
Neutral depth (kN) (kN) Ratio
(mm) (C/T)
Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1500.0 80874.667 3824.557 2076.188 28416.519 2.77769
2 750.0 68090.667 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 2.28969
3 375.0 52403.009 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.79022
4 187.5 28900.000 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.04191
5 93.8 14450.000 2770.878 2076.188 29332.035 0.54829
6 140.6 21675.000 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 0.81188
7 164.1 25287.500 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 0.92689
8 175.8 27093.750 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 0.98440
9 181.6 27996.875 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.01316
10 178.7 27545.313 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 0.99878
11 180.2 27771.094 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.00597
12 179.4 27658.203 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.00237
13 179.1 27601.758 3824.557 2076.188 29332.035 1.00058

- Calculate Fc , Fs , Fp
x = 179.1 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 27601.758 kN
Fs' = fs'ㆍAs' = 3824.557 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 2076.188 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 29332.035 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num. △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
B4 932.88893 0.05220 0.00466 0.05687 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
B3 918.23939 0.04829 0.00459 0.05288 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
B2 898.64705 0.04438 0.00449 0.04888 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
B1 916.94548 0.04048 0.00458 0.04506 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 78717.490 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = 63238.203 kNㆍm OK
where, ac , as , ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

■ Negative Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : MY-MIN
MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm

- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)

λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
Neutral depth (kN) (kN) Ratio
(mm) (C/T)
Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1500.0 48758.267 2076.188 3824.557 8995.638 3.96519
2 750.0 37660.667 2076.188 3824.557 13423.137 2.30389
3 375.0 29072.267 2076.188 3824.557 21088.814 1.25027
4 187.5 15402.000 2076.188 3824.557 26178.408 0.58255
5 281.3 23179.500 2076.188 3824.557 23603.195 0.92081
6 328.1 26668.892 2076.188 3824.557 22564.685 1.08927
7 304.7 25131.844 2076.188 3824.557 23098.622 1.01058
8 293.0 24155.273 2076.188 3824.557 23340.817 0.96562
9 298.8 24643.459 2076.188 3824.557 23217.345 0.98808
10 301.8 24887.626 2076.188 3824.557 23157.407 0.99933

- Calculate Fc , Fs , Fp
x = 301.8 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 24887.626 kN
Fs' = fs'ㆍAs' = 2076.188 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 3824.557 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 23157.407 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num. △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
B4 932.88893 -0.00176 0.00466 0.00290 580.895 5270.600 3061.666
B3 918.23939 0.00056 0.00459 0.00515 1030.191 5270.600 5429.724
B2 898.64705 0.00288 0.00449 0.00737 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009
B1 916.94548 0.00520 0.00458 0.00978 1391.304 5270.600 7333.009

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 20942.439 kNㆍm
≥ EdM = 0.000 kNㆍm OK
where, ac , as , ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

3.Shear Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, V_Rd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MAX
NEd = -17209.592 kN
VEd = 1627.998 kN
MEd = 53150.944 kNㆍm
Vp = -0.895 kN

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.147 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1754.840 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp
= 2295.371 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 2295.371 kN ≥ VEd = 1627.998 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk ㆍfck
(3/2) (1/2)
= 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.260
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.011
Asl = 27051.440 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.772 MPa
NEd = 17209.592 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V_Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 90.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2655.0 mm
Asw = 1548.400 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00126
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw,min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.013 ≥ ρw, min = 0.001 OK

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2212.5 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Sl,max = 2212.5 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, V_Rd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS2
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MIN
NEd = -17209.592 kN
VEd = -1484.155 kN
MEd = 53144.585 kNㆍm
Vp = -0.895 kN

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.146 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1754.840 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp
= 2295.371 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 2295.371 kN ≥ VEd = -1484.155 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.260
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.011
Asl = 27051.440 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.772 MPa
NEd = 17209.592 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V_Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 90.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2655.0 mm
Asw = 1548.400 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00126
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw,min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.013 ≥ ρw, min = 0.001 OK

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 2212.5 mm
s = 150.0 mm ≤ Sl,max = 2212.5 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

4.Torsional Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MAX
NEd = -17209.592 kN
VEd = 1627.998 kN
TEd = 188.171 kNㆍm
MEd = 53150.944 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
tcover,i = 0.0 mm
tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.147 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 829.466 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2655.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1754.840 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck)(1/3) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp / NWeb = 2295.371 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 1147.686 kN
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.260
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.011
Asl = 27051 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.772 MPa
NEd = 17209.592 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm2
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 1147.686 kN
V*Ed = 829.466 kN
VRd,c > V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is not required. OK

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS2
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : FZ-MIN
NEd = -17209.592 kN
VEd = -1484.155 kN
TEd = -824.093 kNㆍm
MEd = 53144.585 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
= 0.0 mm
= 400.1 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.146 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 809.817 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2655.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1754.840 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck)(1/3) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp / NWeb = 2295.371 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 1147.686 kN
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.260
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.011
Asl = 27051 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.772 MPa
NEd = 17209.592 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm2
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 1147.686 kN
V*Ed = 809.817 kN
VRd,c > V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is not required. OK

■ Maximum Torsion Moment

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : ULS1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : MX-MIN
NEd = -17209.592 kN
VEd = -16.566 kN
TEd = -1777.352 kNㆍm
MEd = 53157.025 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 347.826 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 748.1 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2
uk = 21587.1 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
tcover,i = 0.0 mm
tsect,lim = 400.1 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
α = 90.0 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.0 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Check whether the section is cracked in bending.

fb = 3.148 MPa > fctd = 1.637 MPa
(The section is cracked.)
where, fb : Flexural tensile stress (Tension is taken as positive.)
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc : Design tensile strength of concrete.

- Design value for the shear stress per web V*Ed

V*Ed = Ved / Number of Webs + Ted ㆍ z / ( 2 ㆍ Ak )
= 154.378 kN
where, Number of Webs = 2
z = 2655.000 mm
Ak = 16150000 mm2

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 1754.840 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,cㆍkㆍ(100ㆍρ1ㆍfck) + k1ㆍσcp]ㆍbwㆍdp / NWeb
= 2295.371 kN ≥ VRd,min
= 1147.686 kN
where, CRd,c = 0.18 / γc = 0.120
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.313
k1 = 0.15
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.260
ρ1 = Asl / (bwㆍdp) ≤ 0.02 = 0.011
Asl = 27051 mm2
bw = 816.0 mm
dp = 2950.0 mm
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 2.772 MPa
NEd = 17209.592 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = 6208720 mm2
NWeb : Number of Webs = 2

- Check whether designed reinforcement is necessary.

VRd,c = 1147.686 kN
V*Ed = 154.378 kN
VRd,c > V*Ed
∴ Transverse reinforcement is not required. OK

5.Crack Width
■ Top
1 Calculate crack width, wk (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 7.3.4)
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : SLS_F1
Serviceability Load Type : Frequent
Load Combination Type : FX-MAX
Long/Short Term : Short-term
NEd = -17758.243 kN
MEd = 9789.273 kNㆍm

- Stress at top surface

σtop = -5.925 MPa (For compressive stresses, the crack check is skipped.)

6.Stress check at transfer and during construction

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Critical Stage Name :" CS4
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.40 2.28 4.40 2.28 4.40 2.28 4.40 24.00 OK
For post-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'ci
f'ci = 40 (MPa)

7.Stress check for service load combination

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Load Combination Name : SLS_C3
- Load Combination Type : MY-MAX
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
9.43 -0.89 9.43 -0.89 9.43 -0.89 9.43 24.00 OK
k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'c
f'c = 40 (MPa)
stressing steel







nt is not required

shear force.
ular to the shear force.

04, 6.2.3(3)~(4))

04, 9.2.2(5))
nt is not required

shear force.
ular to the shear force.

04, 6.2.3(3)~(4))

04, 9.2.2(5))

2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas

≥ VRd,min
2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas
≥ VRd,min

2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))

er hollow areas

≥ VRd,min
Positive MEd
Elem. Part / Lcom Name Situation Type Check
Negative (kNㆍm)
16 J Positive ULS3 Persistent & Transient FX-MIN OK 0.000
16 J Negative ULS1 Persistent & Transient MY-MIN OK -53937.346
26 J Positive ULS2 Persistent & Transient MY-MAX OK 63238.203
26 J Negative ULS1 Persistent & Transient MY-MIN OK 0.000
(kNㆍm) (kNㆍm)
0.000 21371.630 0.000
-53937.346 76763.576 0.703
63238.203 78717.490 0.803
0.000 20942.439 0.000
Positive VEd
Elem. Part / Lcom Name Situation Type Check
Negative (kN)
16 J MAX ULS1 Persistent & Transient FZ-MAX OK 9297.999
16 J MIN ULS3 Persistent & Transient FX-MIN OK 5614.402
26 J MAX ULS1 Persistent & Transient FZ-MAX OK 1627.998
26 J MIN ULS2 Persistent & Transient FZ-MIN OK -1484.155
VEd VRd VRd,c VRd,s VRd,max
VEd/VRd Asw,req / s ρw,min Sl,max
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
9297.999 9500.443 2121.035 9500.443 13472.228 0.979 10.103 0.001 2205.0
5614.402 9500.443 4937.445 9500.443 13472.458 0.591 6.100 0.001 2205.0
1627.998 2295.371 2295.371 9532.759 13888.230 0.709 1.763 0.001 2212.5
-1484.155 2295.371 2295.371 9532.759 13888.230 0.647 1.607 0.001 2212.5
Positive TEd
Elem. Part / Lcom Name Situation Type Check
Negative (kNㆍm)
16 J V-MAX ULS1 Persistent & Transient FZ-MAX OK 2101.376
16 J V-MIN ULS3 Persistent & Transient FZ-MIN OK 0.000
16 J T-MAX ULS2 Persistent & Transient MX-MIN OK -3506.770
26 J V-MAX ULS1 Persistent & Transient FZ-MAX OK 188.171
26 J V-MIN ULS2 Persistent & Transient FZ-MIN OK -824.093
26 J T-MAX ULS1 Persistent & Transient MX-MIN OK -1777.352
TEd TRd,s VEd VRd,s TRd,c VRd,c TRd,max
Ratio Ratio Ratio
(kNㆍm) (kNㆍm) (kNㆍm) (kNㆍm) (kN) (kN) (kNㆍm)
2101.376 28993.229 0.072 9297.999 9500.443 0.979 21159.921 2121.035 4.483 80631.637
0.000 28993.229 0.000 5614.402 9500.443 0.591 21159.921 4937.445 1.137 80633.009
-3506.770 28993.229 0.121 7333.377 9500.443 0.772 21159.921 4937.288 1.651 80632.236
188.171 - - 1627.998 - - 21159.921 2295.371 0.718 -
-824.093 - - -1484.155 - - 21159.921 2295.371 0.686 -
-1777.352 - - -16.566 - - 21159.921 2295.371 0.091 -
TRd,max VRd,max
(kNㆍm) (kN)
80631.637 13472.228 0.716
80633.009 13472.458 0.417
80632.236 13472.328 0.588
- - -
- - -
- - -
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Stage Check
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
16 I Compression CS1 OK 4.433 0.938 4.433 0.938
16 I Tension CS4 OK 2.235 2.363 2.235 2.363
16 J Compression CS1 OK 3.553 1.887 3.553 1.887
16 J Tension CS1 OK 3.553 1.887 3.553 1.887
26 I Compression CS4 OK 4.298 2.564 4.298 2.564
26 I Tension CS2 OK 3.963 3.757 3.963 3.757
26 J Compression CS4 OK 4.403 2.278 4.403 2.278
26 J Tension CS2 OK 4.032 3.491 4.032 3.491
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.433 0.938 4.433 15.666
2.235 2.363 2.235 2.389
3.553 1.887 3.553 15.666
3.553 1.887 1.887 1.440
4.298 2.564 4.298 24.000
3.963 3.757 3.757 2.135
4.403 2.278 4.403 24.000
4.032 3.491 3.491 2.135
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Type Check
Name (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
16 I Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 7.226 0.795 7.226
16 I Tension SLS_C4 MY-MIN OK -1.671 3.428 -1.671
16 J Compression SLS_C2 MY-MIN OK -1.998 8.483 -1.684
16 J Tension SLS_C4 MY-MIN NG -3.170 5.453 -3.170
26 I Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 9.328 -0.639 9.328
26 I Tension SLS_C4 MY-MAX OK 3.129 -2.096 3.129
26 J Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 9.435 -0.894 9.435
26 J Tension SLS_C4 MY-MAX NG 3.236 -2.352 3.237
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
7.226 0.795 7.226 0.795 7.226 24.000
-1.671 3.428 -1.671 3.428 -1.671 2.105
-1.684 8.649 -2.311 8.317 8.649 24.000
-3.170 5.453 -3.171 5.453 -3.171 2.105
9.328 -0.639 9.327 -0.639 9.328 24.000
3.129 -2.096 3.129 -2.096 -2.096 2.105
9.435 -0.894 9.435 -0.895 9.435 24.000
3.237 -2.352 3.236 -2.352 -2.352 2.105
Sig_P1 Sig_P2 Sig_P3 Sig_P4
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Stage Check
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
16 I Compression CS4 OK 2.235 2.235 2.363 2.363
16 I Tension CS4 OK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 J Compression CS4 OK 0.996 0.996 3.987 3.987
16 J Tension CS4 OK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
26 I Compression CS4 OK 3.789 3.789 1.627 1.627
26 I Tension CS4 OK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
26 J Compression CS4 OK 3.876 3.876 1.401 1.401
26 J Tension CS4 OK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sig_P5 Sig_P6 Sig_P7 Sig_P8 Sig_P9 Sig_P10 Sig_MAX Sig_AP
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
2.368 2.368 2.511 2.511 2.479 2.479 2.511 40.000
-0.111 -0.111 -0.224 -0.224 -0.135 -0.135 -0.224 3.981
2.409 2.409 3.527 3.527 4.206 4.207 4.207 40.000
-0.914 -0.914 -1.336 -1.336 -0.668 -0.668 -1.336 3.981
3.435 3.435 2.920 2.920 1.966 1.966 3.789 40.000
-0.006 -0.006 -0.016 -0.016 -0.014 -0.014 -0.016 3.981
3.463 3.463 2.863 2.863 1.772 1.772 3.876 40.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.981
Lcom Sig_P1 Sig_P2 Sig_P3
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Type Check
Name (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
16 I Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 7.225 7.225 0.795
16 I Tension SLS_C4 MY-MIN OK -1.670 -1.670 0.000
16 J Compression SLS_C1 MY-MIN OK 0.003 0.004 8.650
16 J Tension SLS_C4 MY-MIN OK -3.168 -3.169 0.000
26 I Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 9.327 9.327 0.001
26 I Tension SLS_C4 MY-MAX OK 0.000 0.000 -2.090
26 J Compression SLS_C3 MY-MAX OK 9.434 9.434 0.001
26 J Tension SLS_C4 MY-MAX OK 0.000 0.000 -2.346
Sig_P3 Sig_P4 Sig_P5 Sig_P6 Sig_P7 Sig_P8 Sig_P9 Sig_P10 Sig_MAX
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.795 0.795 2.377 2.384 2.021 2.035 0.928 0.946 7.225
0.000 0.000 -0.228 -0.242 -0.325 -0.344 -0.126 -0.136 -1.670
8.650 8.319 1.884 2.231 4.234 4.689 7.478 7.914 8.650
0.000 0.000 -1.380 -1.430 -1.612 -1.674 -0.610 -0.648 -3.169
0.001 0.001 3.715 3.712 2.220 2.212 0.074 0.053 9.327
-2.090 -2.090 -0.007 -0.005 -0.021 -0.016 -0.043 -0.030 -2.090
0.001 0.001 3.755 3.758 2.156 2.167 0.017 0.040 9.434
-2.346 -2.346 -0.002 -0.005 -0.007 -0.014 -0.015 -0.036 -2.346
Sig_MAX Sig_AP
(MPa) (MPa)
7.225 40.000
-1.670 3.509
8.650 40.000
-3.169 3.509
9.327 40.000
-2.090 3.509
9.434 40.000
-2.346 3.509
Elem. Part Top/Bottom Lcom Name Lcom-Type Type Long/Short Check

16 J Top SLS_F1 Frequent FX-MIN Short-term OK

16 J Bottom SLS_F1 Frequent FX-MAX Short-term OK
26 J Top SLS_F1 Frequent FX-MAX Short-term OK
NEd MEd Sr,max
εsm-εcm wk wmax
(kN) (kNㆍm) (mm)
-13498.711 2132.419 0.0 0.0000E+00 0.0 0.2
-13497.154 -16648.088 0.0 0.0000E+00 0.0 0.2
-17758.243 9789.273 0.0 0.0000E+00 0.0 0.2
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
1 1094.566 1209.052 956.784 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
2 1094.566 1209.052 956.784 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
3 1102.400 1213.784 959.586 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
4 1102.400 1213.784 959.586 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
5 1109.821 1219.194 963.457 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
6 1109.821 1219.194 963.457 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
7 1118.674 1224.199 967.486 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
8 1118.674 1224.199 967.486 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
9 1051.522 1187.510 945.966 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
10 1051.522 1187.510 945.966 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
11 970.324 1149.450 923.640 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
12 970.324 1149.450 923.640 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
13 1087.829 1206.467 955.159 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
14 1087.829 1206.467 955.159 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
15 1104.676 1214.577 961.137 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
16 1104.676 1214.577 961.137 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
17 1051.890 1186.871 945.667 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
18 1051.890 1186.871 945.667 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
19 970.742 1149.226 923.038 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
20 970.742 1149.226 923.038 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
21 1087.904 1206.310 954.976 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
22 1087.904 1206.310 954.976 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
23 1104.732 1214.467 960.863 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000
24 1104.732 1214.467 960.863 1440.000 1360.000 1425.000

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