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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering July 2022

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Academic Term

Course Outline for the Students

PART A: General Information

1. Course Number: EEE 101
Course Title: Electrical Circuit 1
Credit (Contact) Hours: 3.0
2. Level and Term: Level-1, Term-I (July 2022 academic term)
3. Type of Course: Core Course offered to EEE students
4. Pre-requisite Courses: -
5. Course Website: Designated Microsoft Teams for each section

6. Lecture Schedule: Sec A: Sunday 10am, Monday 10am, Tuesday 9am

7. Important Dates: For important dates and examination schedules and latest
please follow the course website.

8. Course Teachers:
Dr. Md. Ziaur Rahman Khan, Professor
Office: EEE 427, ECE Building
https: //

PART B: Course Details

9. Course Content (As approved by the Academic Council)

Basic Concepts, Charge, Current and Voltage, Power and Energy, Circuit Elements, Applications; Basic
Laws, Ohm’s Law, Nodes, Branches, and Loops, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Series Resistors and Voltage Division,
Parallel Resistors and Current Division, Solution of simple circuits with both dependent and independent
sources, Wye-Delta Transformations, Applications; Nodal and Mesh Analysis, Applications; Linearity
Property, Superposition, Source Transformation, Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power
Transfer Theorem.

Properties of Inductances and capacitances. Series-parallel combinations of inductances and capacitances;

Concepts of transient and First-Order Circuits, The Source-Free RL and RC Circuit, Step Response of an RL
and RC Circuit, Second-Order Circuits, Finding Initial and Final Values, The Source-Free Series and Parallel
RLC Circuit, Step Response of a Series and Parallel RLC Circuit, Duality, Applications of DC transients.

Basic Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic quantities and variables: Field, Flux, Flux Density, Magnetomotive Force,
Magnetic Field Strength, permeability and B-H Curve, reluctance, magnetic field strength. Laws in magnetic
circuits: Ohm‟s law and Ampere‟s circuital law. Magnetic circuits: Composite series magnetic circuit,
parallel and series-parallel circuits. Comparison between electrical and magnetic quantities, Hysteresis and
hysteresis loss. Magnetic materials.

10. Course Objectives

• The main objective of this course is to introduce basic concepts, laws and a variety of analysis
techniques to solve and design basic electrical systems

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• The course aims to design and analyze circuits using superposition principle, source conversion
technique, Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem and maximum power transfer theorem.

• The course aims to give students the necessary background to derive the natural, forced and complete
response of simple electrical networks.

• Students will become familiar with the analogy between the analysis of magnetic circuits and that of
electrical circuits.

11. Knowledge required: Basics of physics, equation solver, calculus and differential equation
12. Course Outcomes (COs) and mapping of COs with POs:

Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to-

COs CO Statements Corresponding Learning Delivery Assessment

POs Domain Methods and Tools
and Activities

1 Understand circuit elements, PO1 C1, C2 Lectures, Assignment,

circuit, circuit variables, direct Tutorials, Class test,
current, voltage, dependent and Homeworks Final exam
independent sources, circuit laws,
analysis methods, theorems.

2 Employ circuit laws, analysis PO1 C1, C2, C3, Lectures, Assignment,
methods, theorems to solve C4 Tutorials, Class test,
various circuits. Homeworks Final exam

3 Use differential equations to PO1 C1, C2, C3, Lectures, Assignment,

solve for first and second order C4 Tutorials, Class test,
transient circuits, sequential Homeworks Final exam
switching circuits and recognize
natural, forced and complete
response of the solution.

4 Recognize analogy in PO1 C1, C2, C3, Lectures, Assignment,

engineering applications such as C4 Tutorials, Class test,
that exists between electrical and Homeworks Final exam
magnetic circuits and solve
series/parallel magnetic circuits.
Cognitive Domain Taxonomy Levels: C1 – Knowledge, C2 – Comprehension, C3 – Application, C4 – Analysis, C5 – Synthesis, C6 – Evaluation,
Affective Domain Taxonomy Levels: A1: Receive; A2: Respond; A3: Value (demonstrate); A4: Organize; A5: Characterize; Psychomotor
Domain Taxonomy Levels: P1: Perception; P2: Set; P3: Guided Response; P4: Mechanism; P5: Complex Overt Response; P6: Adaptation; P7:

Program Outcomes (PO): PO1 Engineering Knowledge, PO2 Problem Analysis, PO3 Design/development Solution, PO4 Investigation,
PO5 Modern tool usage, PO6 The Engineer and Society, PO7 Environment and sustainability, PO8 Ethics, PO9 Individual work and team work,
PO10. Communication, PO11 Project management and finance, PO12 Life-long Learning

* For details of program outcome (PO) statements, please see the departmental website or course curriculum

13. Assessment Strategy:

a. Class participation and attendance will be recorded in every class. Participation and attendance for the
students may be considered in case the student could not attend the class due to a valid reason (power
failure, internet problem, device problem, health problem, etc.). The student has to inform the teacher
over email in case of such occurrences. A maximum of three (03) such missed classes can be
considered for this course

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b. Four nos. of tests (Quiz, Assignment, Viva and Presentation) will be taken and best 3 nos. will be
c. A comprehensive term final examination will be held at the end of the Term following the guideline of
academic Council.

14. Distribution of Marks:

a. Class Participation 10%
b. Homework Assignment and Quizzes (continuous assessment) 20%
c. Final Examination (3 hours) 70%
Total 100%

15. Evaluation Policy (Grading System):

As per policy approved by the University (please see the Academic Calendar)

16. Learning Resources

(a) Text Book:
• Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Edition)- Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku
(b) Reference Books:
• Introduction to Electric Circuits- Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda
• Electric Circuits- James William Nilsson
• Basic Electric Circuit Analysis - David E. Johnson, John L. Hilburn
• Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis” - J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms
• Introductory Circuit Analysis-(8th Edition)- Robert L Boylestad

(c) Other Resources (Online Resources or Others, if any): -

17. Lecture Plan:

Lectures Weeks Topics (According to syllabus) Mapping with


1-6 1-2 Circuit variables: voltage, current, power and energy, Voltage CO1
and current independent and dependent sources, Circuit
elements: resistance. Modeling of practical circuits, Ohm‟s CO2
law and Kirchhoff‟s laws, Solution of simple circuits with
both dependent and independent sources, Series-parallel
resistance circuits and their equivalents, Voltage and current
divider circuits

7-12 3-4 Delta-Wye equivalent circuits, Techniques of general DC CO1

circuit analysis (containing both independent and dependent
sources): Node-voltage method, Mesh-current method. CO2
Solution of various circuits.

13-18 5-6 Linearity Property, Superposition, Source Transformation, CO1

Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer
Theorem. CO2

19-24 7-8 Properties of Inductances and capacitances. Series-parallel CO1

combinations of inductances and capacitances; Concepts of
transient and First-Order Circuits, The Source-Free RL and RC CO3
Circuit, Step Response of an RL and RC Circuit

25-30 9-10 Second-Order Circuits, Finding Initial and Final Values, The CO1
Source-Free Series and Parallel RLC Circuit, Step Response of
a Series and Parallel RLC Circuit, Duality, Applications of DC CO3

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Lectures Weeks Topics (According to syllabus) Mapping with

31-36 11-12 Basic Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic quantities and variables: CO4
Field, Flux, Flux Density, Magnetomotive Force, Magnetic
Field Strength, permeability and B-H Curve, reluctance,
magnetic field strength. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm‟s law
and Ampere‟s circuital law. Magnetic circuits: Composite
series magnetic circuit, parallel and series-parallel circuits.
Comparison between electrical and magnetic quantities,
Hysteresis and hysteresis loss. Magnetic materials.

37-42 13-14 Review CO1




1. Mapping of Knowledge Profile (K), Complex Engineering Problem Solving (CP) and Complex
Engineering Activities (CA)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

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18. Important University Policies:

• Rules and regulations for the undergraduate programmes:

19. Important Departmental/Course Policies

• Program Outcomes: Link to program outcomes
• Learning Domains: Link to learning domains document

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