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 daily routines;
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
 repeated actions;
 habits; present form.
 reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic 1. A: What ……… (you/do)?
narrative; B: I ……… (taste) the soup to see if it’s OK.
 timetables/programmes (future meaning); 2. A: A: The room ……… (smell) awful.
 exclamatory sentences; B: Why ……… (not/you/open) the window?
 permanent states.
3. A: ……… (you/like) tennis?
Time expressions: every hour/ day/ week/
B: Yes, I ……… (be) a member of the local club
month/ summer/ year, every morning/evening,
etc. for years.
4. A: The weather ……… ( get) colder since last
PRESENT CONTINUOUS (am/is/are Ving) B: I ……… (know). It ………. (get) colder and colder
 actions happening now, at the moment of as the days go by.
5. A: What ……… (you/do) for your holidays this
 actions happening around the time of
 fixed arrangements in the near future, B: We ……… (think) of going to Spain for a week.
especially when we know the time and 6. A: Why are you in such a hurry?
the place; B: Because the film ……… (start) at 7 o’clock.
 temporary situations; 7. A: ……… (you/read) the new Harry Potter book
 changing or developing situations; yet?
 frequently repeated actions with
B: I ………. (read) it now actually.
always, constantly, continually
8. A: My friend ……… (forget) to buy me something
expressing annoyance or criticism.
Time expressions: now, at the moment, at for my birthday.
present, nowadays, these days, today, B: Never mind.
tomorrow, next month, etc. 9. A: How long ……… (he/know) Mary?
B: Since they met at university.
10. A: ……… (you/do) anything interesting this
PRESENT PERFECT (have/has Ved/3)
 actions which started in the past and
continue up to the present usually with 11. B: No, I ……… (not/think) so. I ………. (stay) in.
the verbs know, be, have, possess, own; ……… (you/go) out?
 to talk about a past action which has a 12. A: When ……… (the parade/start)?
visible result in the present; B: It ……… (start) at 10 o’clock so we …….. (meet)
 actions which happened at an unstated at 10:30.
time in the past. The action is more 13. A: Tom ……… (look) tired. ……… (he/have) a tough
important than the time;
 recently completed actions;
B: Yes, and he ……… (think) of taking a week off.
 personal experiences/changes which have
happened. 14. A: ……… (you/ever/attend) a music festival?
Time expressions: just, already, yet, for, B: Actually, I ……… (go) to the U2 concert this
since, ever, never, etc. Saturday.
15. A: You look exhausted. What ……… (you/do)?
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (have/has B: I ……… (dig) in the garden since morning.
been Ving) 16. A: Why ……… (you/smell) the candy floss?
 to emphasise the duration of an action which B: It ……… (smell) nice and it ……… (remind) me of
started in the past and continues up to the when I was young.
Time expressions: since, for, how long.

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