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Looking good LESSONS 1A-1G 4-12
Unit vocabulary practice 13
Self-assessment 14
Self-check 15

The digital mind LESSONS 2A-2G 16-24

Unit vocabulary practice 25
Self-assessment 26
Self-check 27
OS Active and healthy LESSONS 3A-3G 28-36
Unit vocabulary practice 37
Self-assessment 38
Self-check 39

Time to move LESSONS 4A-4G 40-48

Unit vocabulary practice 49
Self-assessment 50
Self-check 51

The next step LESSONS 5A-5G 52-60

Unit vocabulary practice 61
Self-assessment 62
Self-check 63

Do the right thing LESSONS 6A-6G 64-72

Unit vocabulary practice 73
Self-assessment 74
Self-check 75

In the spotlight LESSONS 7A-7G 76-84

Unit vocabulary practice 85
Self-assessment 86
Self-check 87

Consumers'world LESSONS 8A-8G 88-96

Unit vocabulary practice 97
Self-assessment 98
Self-check 99

The power of nature LESSONS 9A-9G 100-108

Unit vocabulary practice 109
Self-assessment 110
Self-check 111

Justice for all LESSONS 10A-10G 112-120

Unit vocabulary practice 121
Self-assessment 122
Self-check 123
Looking good


Present Simple and Present Continuous 4 ★★choose the correct answers.
1 Whattime forworknowthathe'sgota new
1 ★Complete the mini conversations with the verbs
from the box.
a isyourdad leaving
feel have is enjoying is getting need wear
b does your dad leave
1 AI always wear jeans when I'm not at school. c your dad leaves
В Me too. I much more relaxed in casual 2 My sister dressed in the mornings until my
clothes. mum calls herforthe third time!
2 A I really hope Jack his new school. a doesn't get
В I'm not sure. They a uniform and I don't b isn't getting
think he likes it! c get
3 A Come shopping with me. I to buy some 3 hereto meet Danny? I think he's still in class,
new T-shirts and shorts.
a Do you wait
В Yeah, the weather hotter and I haven't got
b Are you waiting
any light clothes either.
c Does he wait
2 ★Match the beginnings 1-8 with the endings a-h. U They an enormous newshopping centre on
the edge of town.
1 □ I'm working for a fashion a very interesting
a 're building
designerfor ь going to the
2 □ 1 change clothes as soon as Clothes Show b building
3 □ Our English classes are this year. c build
getting c a few weeks. 5 I think everyone a good time at the party.
4 □ Myfriendthinksthecolour d really suits me. It's a big success!
^ue e when 1 wear a has
5 □ 1 won't be long! I'm getting brown clothes. b is having
ready f every year. c are having
6 □ Clothes prices go up g rightnow. 6 Helen good in that smart dress.
7 □ My eyes look very green h icomehome a always is looking
8 □ We're thinking about from college. b always looks
c looks always
3 ★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
conversation. 7 My mum with her current job and wants to
Ellie Hi Anna! 11 'm loving / love your dress! Where
2 are you going I do you go? Is there a party a get bored
11 'm not knowing / don't know about? b is getting bored
Anna No! It's my aunt's birthday. Every year we c gets bored
11 are going / go for a meal at Duke's in the High 8 Which car while hers is in the garage?
Street. 15'm walking I walk there because my car
a do Rose drive
6 isn't running / doesn't run at the moment.
b does Rose drive
Ellie Oh, they7 're serving / serve brilliant meals at
Duke's. But it8 's getting /gets quite expensive c is Rose driving
these days. 9 My brother watches DVDs. He prefers
Anna I’'m knowing / know, but it's not a problem! Dad reading books.
10 is always paying / always pays for everyone! a always
Ellie Cool! Have a great time.11 Are you wanting / b hardly
Do you want a lift? You12 're wearing / wear c hardly ever
high-heeled shoes and they're not very good
for walking.
Anna You're a star! Thanks.
5 ★★Complete the voice mail message with the correct 8 ★★★Complete each pair of sentences with the
Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous forms
verbs in brackets. of the verb given.
1 have
a I am having dinner with Mark and Lucas at the
Hi, it's me. I'm at the party,
moment. Can I call you later?
but where are you? I know
b I sometimes problems buying clothes
you 1 ali/i/ai/s arrive (always/
from this site.
arrive) late, but this is very late
2 think
and 12(get) bored!
a you we should go home
13(not recognise)
now? It's getting late.
anyone here. And I 4
b The college of starting a fashion
(wear) the wrong clothes! design course.
Everyone else is in jeans and 3 look
tops and 15(be)
a The coat in the advert great, but I'm
in a dress! 16(not not sure ifthat colour suits me.
usually/wear) dresses but b you at the correct exercise?
this is a new one. Anyway, It's the one at the top of page three.
17(sit) down к see
and8(listen) to rock a I any difference between the two
music. 19(hate) rock styles of shoes - they're exactly the same!
music and it10(get) b Kyle someone at the moment.
very loud. Hurry up!
9 ★★★Complete the conversation with the correct
forms of the verbs and phrases from the box.

6 ★★ Read the answers and use the prompts to write get go hardly ever wear have improve love
questions using the Present Simple orthe Present make need not fit not know not look forward
Continuous. Ret seem want
1 A What / want / do / when you leave school?
Tom 1 don't seem very happy.2
Hi! You *
What do you want to do when you leave school?
(you) any problems at school?
В I'm hoping to study to be a fashion designer. Jaz No, it's not that. Everything3 well
2 A you / often / make / your own clothes? at school at the moment. 14 a lot
of progress in Maths and my English marks
В Yes, it's fun! 5 too. 16 some extra lessons
in French,so IthinktheexamswillbeOK. No,
3 A you / look for/ anything special in this shop?
it's just that 17 to the school prom.
Tom Why not? You always 8 parties!
В Yes, a winter jumper.
Jaz Yes, I do. But for this you9 to dress up.
к A your brother/still play / in a band at school?
Tom And you enjoy dressing up!
В Yes, they're really good. Jaz OK, OK! But I'm taller than I was, and my smart
dresses10 me now. 111 what
5 A the teachers/ have/the same holidays as us?
to wear!
Tom My sister Katy is about your size. She's got a lot
В No, they're shorter.
of fantastic dresses and she12 them.
7 ★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the 13(you) me to ask her to lend you
sentences. one?
Jaz Tom-you're a star!
1 I'm imagining I imagine it's difficult to get shoes to fit
your brother.
10 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about
2 Are you preferring / Do you preferto go to town orfor what you are wearing at the moment and what
a walkthrough the park? you usually wear to parties.
5 We 're staying/stay with my grandparents while my
grandad is ill.
к I have to admit that I'm having / have a problem
deciding what to wear for the wedding.
5 It is appearing /appears that Tom is doing really well in
his new role as a manager.
6 Is this coat belonging / Does this coat belong to
someone in this class?


IB VOCABULARY | Appearance

★★Complete the sentences with the words from the


broad clean full heavily tanned thin wavy

1 I'd love to have wavy hair, but mine's completely

2 My dad needsto ordera specialsizejacket because
he’s got very shoulders.
З I don't buy fashion magazines because the models
they use are too.
ft My family say that I have a figure but I think
they're being polite.
5 The advantage of holidaying in Spain is that I'll come
back with naturally skin.
6 The man I saw at the bus stop was shaven
and quite-built.

★★Complete the commentary with one word in each



ARA Music Awards

1 bow t/e 7 c
All the stars are out this evening for the music awards
2 s 8 s
ceremony and the fashions reflect a whole range of
3 v 9 h styles!
ft b 10 t Pamela Shaw looks very1 glamorous as usual. She's
5 t 11 h-s wearing a stunning2 f-I blue
6 s b 12 w dress with shiny3 h-h shoes. The
dress shows off her4 p skin to perfection.
2 ★Find the odd one out in each group. Her5 h, really attractive husband is with
1 linen/ripped /fur her. He's always well-dressed and tonight he's wearing
2 baggy/tight/denim a grey suit and a black6 b-t.
His dark,7 c hair is cut short, and the new
3 high-heeled / plain/striped
8m suits his face much better than the
ft narrow/casual/wide
beard last year!
5 faded/shiny/silk
Behind them comes young Parker Barnes,
6 matching / nylon/wool
the teenage star of the film. He certainly hasn't
dressed up for the occasion and is wearing his
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
trademark T-shirt with the film ’ I on it,
1 I love nylon/rippedjeans, but my motherthinksthey 10 f jeans with red trainers and big, dark
Look terrible. sunglasses.
2 Atthe weekend I bought new brown leather boots
Beside him is his girlfriend, Kelly, who has a small
and a tight / matching handbag.
part in the film. She's very slim and11 m
3 When it's cold I usually wear my gorgeous fake fur / which is understandable as she's also a top-class
bowjacket. athlete. She's wearing a very expensive red
ft I don't like wearing tight clothes when it's hot, so 12 s dress with13 m shoes. Her
I usually go for a faded / loose-fitting dress. 14 m-I hair is blonde today with
5 When I was at a gig in the summer, I got a T-shirt with a streak of red. The older15 b man in the
my favourite band's logo / designer on it. loose-fitting,16 b black-and-white striped
6 My brother's got baggy /shiny newshoes, but I really trousers following them is the director.
don't like them. I prefer casual clothes.
7 I like to carry a shoulder/matching bag because then 6 ON A HIGH NOTE Find a photograph of yourself and
I have both my hands free. your family and/or friends. Write a short description
8 My mother has still got a beautiful loose-fitting / wide of the photograph, describing everyone's physical
leather belt from when she was a teenager. appearance and the clothes they are wearing.


1 © 2 You're going to listen to an interview about Pronunciation
a man's job as a 'super recogniser'. What do you think
he can do? Listen and check your answer.
6 ©3 Read the sentences from the recording in Exercises
1 and 2. Underline one word in each sentence which has
a A super recogniser can describe in detail faces he’s seen. a silent consonant. Listen and check.
b A super recogniser can remember people he saw once
1 And please tell our Listeners what your specific job is.
a long time ago.
2 ... super recognisers tend to look at the whole face
c A super recogniser can recognise every face he's ever
and not separate features.
3 They're notfocusing on whether someone has narrow
2 © 2 Listen again and complete the sentences with eyes, full lips, a big nose ....
one or two words in each gap. 4 Have you always known that you had this ability?
1 Rob started working with the police five years ago.
2 He and his team study pictures and CCTV ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION | Silent letters
and photos to help the police find criminals.
Silent letters appear in words, but are not heard when
5 Rob says that super recognisers look at
those words are spoken, e.g.
a person's face.
• silentb: bomb
4 According to Rob, people without this ability can
• silentt: Listen
usually recognise about percent of the
• silent h: rhythm
faces they've seen.
• silent k: knit
5 Rob discovered he had this ability when he was • silent w: wrinkle
watching a news report about a.
6 Rob adds that a small percentage of people suffer
© 4 Listen and complete the sentences with the
from and have difficulty recognising
people that they know well. words from the box. Each missing word includes
a silent letter. Practise saying the sentences.
3 Decide if statements 1-6 are true (T) or false (F).
comb honour knowledge subtle
1 □ Rob works with the police on his own.
2 □ People can learn the skills of a super recogniser. 1 You need to comb your hair.

3 □ Super recognisers are not clevererthan normal 2 There's a difference between the words.
people. 3 This is a great.
4 □ Rob found he had the ability when he was a child. 4 I don't have much of this subject.
5 □ People with problems recognising others use
different clues to help them. 8 © 5 Listen and underline the silent letters in the box
in Exercise 7. What are the silent letters?
6 □ The presenter is surprised by what Rob tells her.

9 Each list contains three words with a silent consonant.

Vocabulary extension Underline one word in each group which does not
contain the silent consonant.
4 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases
1 /ь/ climb debt stable plumber
from the box which you heard in the recording in
Exercises 1 and 2. 2 /t/ castle noticed often butcher
3 /w/ two wonder answer sword
crack down on down to have a clue home in on
4 /h/ hour honest ghost honey
moke up for pick out to some degree track down
5 /к/ killer knife knee knock
1 Sally is going to make up for spilling coffee down my
shirt by buying me a new shirt. 10© 6 Listen and check. Then practise saying the words.
2 Can you yourfriend in this photograph?
З I hadn't seen Evan for ten years, but I managed
11© 7 Listen and write the sentences. Which words
contain silent letters? Practise saying the sentences.
to his brother on social media.
4 Being a good teacher is all being patient.
5 I didn't what to revise for the test, so I just
read through everything.
6 Everyone's an artist- it'sjust that some
people have a better eye than others.
7 My teachers always spelling mistakes in my
essay. I'm a terrible speller.
8 There aren't enough police officers to this

5 ONA HIGH NOTE Would you be a good 'super

recogniser'? Write a short paragraph, giving reasons.


1 Look at the photos and quickly read the first paragraph
of the article. What do you think would be the best
title for the article? Some adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to a noun.
a Does it suit you? We can add -ical to a noun to form an adjective, e.g.
b Why that jacket? psychology - psychological..

c Can you afford it? Be careful! Sometimes we need to make other changes to
the spelling, too.
2 Read the article and choose the correct answers.

1 The writer thinks that some older people's clothes 4 Write the adjective forms of these nouns.
a reflect modern fashion.
noun adjective
b make them lookyounger.
1 practice practical
c remind them of theiryouth.
2 theory
d have been kept a long time.
2 Our parents can influence our choice of clothes 3 geography
because 4 critic
a they dressed us in a certain way. 5 history
b they wore clothes that we remember. 6 politics
c they advised us what to wear.
7 economy
d they liked expensive materials.
8 logic
3 The writer thinks that people feel the need to belong
9 biology
a theirownfamiliesdon'thelpthem. 10 electricity

b they like joining clubs.

c they get lonely when they're alone.
5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from
Exercise ft.
d they like the security of a group.
1 The castle over there has great historical importance.
ft The writer gives 'hippies' as an example to show how You can read about it in your guide books.
a fashion changes. 2 The map will show us the exact location of
b clothes can connect people. the lake.
c they influenced othersub-cultures. 3 I'm trying to be and adapt these old jeans
d important the movement was. into shorts!

5 Whydosomepeoplewearclothesthatdon'tsuitthem? ft Unfortunately my new boots aren't very

as they let in water!
a because they have to
5 Our teacher was extremely of my essay and
b because their friends tell them to
told me that I hadn't checked it carefully.
c because they want to look like other people
6 I'm afraid I'm not interested in
d because they want to look different programmes - I get bored listening to ministers and
journalists talking about the economy or education.
Vocabulary extension 7 While Jeremy doesn't have much experience in
the field, his knowledge of Geology is
3 Complete the sentences with the highlighted extensive.
adjectives in the text.
8 Kristie was adopted but when she grew up she was
1 We often make decisions using our subconscious mind reunited with her parents.
and we aren't really aware of it!
9 People who are good at thinking usually
2 My friends are very and buy the latest like Maths and Science.
10 It's common nowto use windmillsto
3 My parents were when I failed myfashion produce energy.
design exams at college.
ft It was no accident that Jane spilled orange juice on my 6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about
new top, it was because she was jealous! a sub-culture that you know about and mention the
5 The design is certainly not simple - it’s very. clothes and/or appearance of the people who belong
to it and what they believe in.
6 I'm sure there are deep,reasons why some
people refuse to wear certain colours.
7 My gran wears sandals which look terrible,
but she says they're comfortable.
8 Young people are often and wear unusual
clothes, justto annoy their parents.


ou're in a shop and you see a jacket.

You think, 'Yes, I'll buy that!'. But
have you ever thought about why you
want that particular jacket? You may
not be aware of it, but the choices you
make when buying clothes are quite
complicated, and often have their origin
in your subconscious mind.

Experts believe that there are many reasons why Have you ever seen pictures of the hippies from
we choose certain clothes or a particular ’look' the 1960s?The girls were long-haired, they wore
and, like most psychological matters, they say that full-length, cotton, flowery skirts and loose­
it all goes back to our childhood! Apparently one fitting tops. They put flowers in their hair. It was
reason we go for baggy T-shirts or tight jeans, is their way of identifying with a sub-culture that
that they remind us of a time in our lives when we believed in peace and love. And think about the
were happy and secure. We try to recreate that as hipsters. Lots of men wear checked shirts, skinny
we grow older. When you see a middle-aged man jeans and have a particular style of beard. It's
orwoman, you may be able to guess theirage almost like a uniform and it's a way of showing
because of the style of clothes they're wearing. that you belong.
Another influence from our childhood is the Undoubtedly advertising and clothes worn
memory of the clothes we saw around us. It may by celebrities and friends we admire can also
give us a liking or a preference for a certain type of influence our choices. Some of us dress in
material - cotton as opposed to nylon, for example. a particular way, often choosing clothes that don't
If a fatherwore silk ties, his son may develop really suit us, because we want to be like people
a taste for silk ties when he's older too. we admire. Sometimes, it's simply because we
don't want to be different-we don’t want to
At other times, of course, our clothes decisions
stand out from the crowd. This is also a type of
are not subconscious, but very deliberate, but the
belonging, even though there is perhaps no
reasons still go back a long way. As children, we
special group that we want to be linked to. Our
may belong to a family which is supportive and
desire is for people to think we are trendy and not
approves of what we think and do - it makes us
feel safe. As we get older, we look for other groups
to belong to - it might be a peer group at school or So, next time you go clothes shopping, stop and
a rebellious sub-culture like hipsters or Goths. And thinkfora moment about why you're choosing
how do we show that we belong to this group? By that jacket, that shirt, those shoes. The answer
wearing a similar style of clothes or changing our may tell you something interesting about
appearance in orderto fit in with the group. yourself!
Articles 4 ★★Complete the blog post with о (no article),
a/an or the.
1 ★Complete the rules with о (no article), a/an or the.
1 We use the to talk about a specific thing or person,
because it isthe only one orwhen it's clearwhich
thing or person we mean.
2 We use with plurals and uncountable
nouns to talk about something/someone in general.
3 We use when we mention something/
someone for the first time and when we
mention it again.
it \Ne use with continents, most countries
and cities.
5 We use to talk about a singular countable
thing/person when it is one of many or one of
a group; not the only one.
6 We use with superlatives, ordinal numbers,
periods of time and some countries.
7 We use with occupations.

2 ★ Match the examples a-g with the rules 1-7 from

Exercise 1.
a □ Manywomen like to wearahatto weddings.
b □ My cousin is a fashion designer.
c □ I tried these jeans on in the changing room.
I’m really interested in 1 о fashion from2
d □ I boughtthis handbag in Milan.
past. Most of my friends follow ’latest
e □ Plain, white shirts are always fashionable. trends and they all wear*same type of
f □ I'm going to take you to the best shoe shop in 5________ jeans, shoes, tops, etc. But my style is
London. different. My gran was young in6 1960s
g □ I wore a pale silk top to Andy's party. I spilled and she’s kept ’clothes from back then.
some orange juice down the top and it's ruined! Last week she brought down8 box
from9 attic in her house and I had
3 ★Choose the correct options to complete the a great time looking through10 skirts
and dresses in it. I found 11 beautiful
1 There's a / о new sports shop in a / the shopping long skirt and 12 elegant pair of shoes.
centre. An / The old one closed down a month ago. I wore ”outfit to Paul’s party and
2 Unfortunately, the I о high-heeled shoes don't look 14 people there loved it!
good on me.
3 My friend usually buys the / о designer clothes online. Be the first to Q П ft next story »
4 A/The most expensive coffee I've ever bought was in
the / p Venice! 5 ★★ Underline the in the sentences when it is
pronounced /di:/.
5 I'd love to be a/ the costume designerfora/c theatre
company. 1 There was a short fashion show as part of the opening
6 The assistant/Assistant advised me to try on а/с of the new shopping centre.
white, linen suit. 2 The appearance of a famous modelfrom the USA was
7 Sometimes it's a / the problem for my brother to find really unexpected.
the / о shoes that fit. 3 Unfortunately one of the models nearly fell off the
edge of the stage!
it I had to leave before the end of the show.
5 I really liked one of the experts who talked about the
show on TV later.
6 As always, I preferred the expensive suits and shoes'

6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about

a favourite outfit you remember from your past. Write
• a description of the outfit.
• whetheryou or someone else chose it.
• the reason why you remember it.
• whetheryou still have the outfit.

1 C Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
them in your language? 1 □ Let me put it a make sense?
2 □ Just a second, b 1 say something?
SPEAKING I Participating in conversations 3 □ Excuse me, can c another way.
4 □ Do you see d what you mean.
5 □ I'm not sure e 1 haven'tfinished
6 □ Does that f what 1 mean?
What I mean is better quality clothes last longer.
The thing is, there are some good value clothes online. Put the words in order to make sentences that are
Let me put it another way. useful for participating in discussions.
1 that / you / again / say / could / ?
Could you say that again?
Just a second, I haven'tfinished.
2 I / it / now / get
Hold on! Let me finish!

CHECK OTHERS UNDERSTAND 3 us / you / tell / think/ what

Do you know/see what I mean?
Does that make sense?
4 missed / I'm /that /1 / sorry
Do you get it?

GET OTHERS TO SPEAK 5 I've /that/ got/ right

What do you think?
Tell us what youthink.
What’s your opinion? 4 0 9 Complete the conversation with the correct
phrases from the Speaking box. Then listen and check.
WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS SPEAKING Jess In my opinion, it's much betterto spend more
money and buy better quality clothes.
Eleni Are 'you saving that people should have fewer
Excuse me, can I say something?
That's true/а good point, but you don't get the variety.
Jess What2-better quality clothes last
Sorry to interrupt, but these clothes don't look cheap
longer, they look better and you don’t have to
at all!
replacethem so often.
56 mean. But if you dothat, you
Sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again? don't get the variety. Let me *. If you
haven't got much money and you spend it all on
I'm sorry, I missed that.
just one ortwo items, then you don't have a lot of
ASK FOR EXPLANATION OR CLARIFICATION choice about what you wear.

Do you mean we should buy more expensive clothes? Jess I knowthatbutsurely...

I’m not sure what you mean. Eleni Hold on! Let5! If you buy cheaper
Are you saying that people should have fewer clothes? clothes, you can get a lot of different outfits
for the same price as just one ortwo. What
Right, I've got that. Jess That's a7, but I think people always
Yes, I know/see what you mean. know when you're wearing something cheap.
Ah right! Now I get it. Eleni Sorry8, but the thing is -there are
some really good value clothes online and they
don't look cheap at all!
1G WRITING I An informal email

Start with a friendly greeting. 1 Liz,

How's it going? 2! At least three weeks!34 5

Mention your last contact with the
about the holiday. Are you looking forward to it? I can’t
other person. wait! It’s going to be a lot of fun.

At the moment, I’m thinking about packing, but I really

Mention the message you are don't know what to take. Have you decided yet? They say
replying to. it’s very hot in Italy right now. So, *? T-shirts,
shorts, sandals? But it's only May so perhaps the evenings
are cold. Jumpers, jeans, boots? Oh, I don’t know! Help!

Give a reason for ending your Btw, I want to get some books to take with me.
message. 5 with me before we go? And I need sun cream
- not coming back from Italy with sunburn! Lol!

Anyway, 6, dinner’s ready. It’s pizza. Can’t wait

Send greetings or referto future
contact. for the real thing! 7 your mum and dad and
8 about the shopping trip.

Bye 4 now,
Finish with a friendly goodbye.

1 Complete Amy's email with the phrases a-h. 3 WRITING TASK Write a reply to Amy's email from
a Long time no see e what do you reckon Exercise 1.

b give me a call f got to go

c Hi there 9 Thanks foryour
ACTIVE WRITING | An informal email
d Fancy coming message 1 Plan your reply. Use the ideas below.
shopping h Love to • Thank Amy for her email.
• Think about whatyou wanttosay aboutthe holiday.
2 Read the email again and tick sentences which
describe what you do in an informal email. • Respond to Amy's packing suggestions and offer some
1 □ Write in a chatty style, similar to the way you advice.
speak. • Make some suggestions about whatyou both need to
2 □ Use long, complex sentences. buy before the holiday.
5 □ Write the full forms ofverbs. • Suggestan arrangementforthe shopping trip.
4 □ Use exclamation marks, emojis and abbreviations. 2 Write the email.
5 □ Use formal language and difficult vocabulary. • Start with a friendly greeting and finish with a friendly
6 □ Leave out pronouns and the verb to be where goodbye.
possible. • Use a chatty style including short sentences, informal
language and punctuation, contractions, emojis and
3 Check your email. Check that:
• all the relevant information is there.
• there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation
• there is interesting and relevant topic vocabulary.

words to complete the sentences. sentences with the words from the box.
1 That good-1 well- dressed woman is the new manager.
bags double eyelashes fell shaped smooth
2 Do you think I'm overdressed / underdressed? I could wrinkles
change and put on something smarter.
3 My sister hates getting dressed over / up for family 1 I'd like to have full lips - mine are very thin.
occasions - she prefers jeans and T-shirts. 2 My grandmother is very old and her skin has lots
it Don't worry! You don't need to get undressed I of.
underdressed for the medical examination. 3 My baby brother's skin is very.
5 I always wear/get dressed before I have breakfast. 4 Denny's really tired - look at the under his
6 I feel a bit overdressed / casual in this suit and tie.
7 It's Paul's party on Friday and everyone's getting 5 The model has eyebrows and her face is
dressed up as / for animals because they're vets! very pretty.

8 I usually dress casually / casual at the weekend. 6 Don't look down so much or you'll get a
2 IB VOCABULARY Which word cannot be used with each 7 Her eyes are really beautiful - look at these
noun? Find the odd one out in each group. long.
1 gold / baggy / high-heeled shoes
5 ID READING AND VOCABULARY Choose the correct
2 ripped / denim/wooljeans words to complete the sentences.
3 bow/silk/tighttie
1 My dad is a very kind, clever and caring man and
4 narrow/full-length/leather belt I definitely look on / up to him.
5 fake fur/plain / bow jacket 2 I have an aunt who thinks she’s very intelligent and
looks down / off on people who aren't.
3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
З I sometimes try to guess people's nationality from
their accents, but I usually get it bad / wrong1
4 My dad always tries to join at/in when we play
football, but he's getting really slow.
5 It isn't a good time to set off / up a new business
because the economy isn't doing well at the moment.

6 Rewrite the underlined phrases using compound

adjectives. Make any other changes necessary.
1 My favourite summer dress has short sleeves.
is short-sleeved
2 People with pale skin shouldn't sit in the sun for long.

3 My football coach is muscularand has broad shoulders.

4 We have a new teacher. She's in her middle age.

Hey Emma,
We're having a great time on holiday. Here's a photo of 5 My brother met a girl with blue eves and dark hair on
my family at the beach. Do you remember everyone? holiday.
My mum Is standing behind us. She's got 1lonq, straight
hair. She's always very 2g with perfect make-up 6 When I'm an old granny with grey hair, I shall live
and stays ss whatever she eats! Next to her is somewhere warm and peaceful.
my dad. As you can see, he's a bit differentfrom the rest
of the family because he's got dark uc hair.
He's sc shaven now, but last year he had 7 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph describing
a 6m- it looked terrible! The boy standing a friend you have known for a long time. Mention how
in front of Dad is my brother, Tom. His skin is really the clothes he/she likes to wear have changed over
7p because he hates going out in the sun. time.
The girl in the middle is my sister, Tara. And of course,
the sh boy on the end with short, blonde hair
is me, but you know that!
CU soon

1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.
1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident I am (1-5)

1A 1 can use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Student's Book pp. 4-5
to talk about habits and temporary situations.

IB 1 can talk about physical appearance and clothes. Student's Book p. 6

1C 1 can listen effectively and talk about physical appearance. Student's Book p. 7

ID 1 can understand the main idea and identify specific details Student's Book pp. 8-9
in an article and talk about appearance and stereotypes.

IE 1 can use articles to talk about general and specific things. Student's Book p. 10

IF 1 can participate in and maintain a discussion effectively. Student's Book p. 11

1G 1 can write an informal email giving news or opinions. Student's Book pp. 12-15

2 Which of the skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember

Self-check Г
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 5 Choose the correct answers.

broad-shouldered elegant faded underdressed


1 The actress looks very in the long, black

dress with high heels.
2 In the advert, the football star is and I don't
think it suits him.
3 Oily sometimes wears jeans to his work meetings and
in my opinion, he’s.
4 Pete's jacket looks very tight because he's so.
5 I've washed these jeans a lot and now

2 Complete the sentences with one preposition in each

1 Children often look to celebrities and want
When I was little, clothes were my passion. I dressed up
to copy their clothes and hair.
1___ princesses, actresses, famous celebrities and so on,
2 We're organising a fashion show for charity. Would
and I always hoped to make clothes my career. And I did!
I'm now a writer for a fashion magazine and 12___ visit
З I can't wait your fancy dress party on Friday
fashion shows all over the world to write about the new
- it's going to be such fun!
trends. I also work as a costume designer for a local theatre
4 Hold I Let me finish what I'm saying, please! group! That sounds very grand - what I 3___ is, I find the
5 We all got really dressed for the dinner costumes for the plays. Sometimes the plays are about
party. a period in history. Everything has to be correct - even the
shoes - and if 14___ it wrong, everybody can see it straight
3 Complete the sentences with the correct Present away! A famous actor5___ up the theatre group about ten
years ago and it's very successful.
Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs in
1 Is it just me, or(clothes sizes/get) smaller?
1 a for b at cas d by
2 We hardly ever(have) tests on Monday
2 a hardly ever b rarely c never d regularly
3 a say b mean c think d want
3 These leather handbags(not come) from
Italy. 4 a make b get cfind dtake
4 Our neighbours(have) a party and it's very 5 a set b did c made d put
noisy! /5
5 I'm ready to go out now. How(l/look)?
6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one. Use between two and five
4 Complete the conversation with p (no article), a/an words, including the word in bold.
or the. 1 I'm sure we can find an answerto this before
tomorrow. SORT
Rachel 1 new girl in our class is very
I'm sure it will be possible before
Kathy Yeah, I think she'd like to be2 model or
2 The class project for our group this week is on fashion.
an actress! She wears5 great clothes
and she's got4 very pretty face.
This week class project on fashion.
Rachel She's from5 USA. I think her clothes are
З I only occasionally buy something in expensive
from6 expensive designer store. She's
designer shops. HARDLY
living here for six months because of her dad's
I shopping in expensive designer shops.
job. He's7 financial expert.
4 I might take these shoes backto the shop.THINKING
Kathy Ah, I'm sure they're staying in8 best
I these shoes backto the shop.
part of town!
5 I've never worn a smart dress like this before. TIME
Rachel Well, she's having party at’weekend
This is the ever worn a smart dress like this.
for all10 students in our class. So, we
can see! /5
/5 /50

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 3 ★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
1 ★Have these activities finished or are they still
1 Why have you switched off / been switching off the
continuing? Choose (FA) for Finished Activity or (SC)
for Still Continuing.
2 I think I've found / been finding a good article about
1 □ I've read four books about the Voyager.
space discovery.
2 □ She's been reading all day, she's fed up.
3 They've studied / been studying the galaxy for six
3 □ We've been trying to find valuable information months now.
about Neptune.
4 Have you finished / Have you been finishing that book
4 □ That computer hasn't been working properly. about the solar system yet?
5 □ I think he's found a good website on space travel. 5 Scientists haven't discovered / haven't been discovering
6 □ The students have collected a lot of material. the nature of these satellites yet.
7 □ We've studied three units of the book. 6 Look at Jenny! She's painted / been painting and she's
8 □ Stella has been working on a project about covered in paint!
Saturn. 7 Why have you sat / been sitting in front of your
computer all day?
2 ★ Read the sentences and choose the best answers. 8 I've read / been reading Tim's book about the Voyager
space probe; I'll lend itto you when I've finished it.

4 ★★ Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 seen/has/yourpictures/Terry
Terry has seen your pictures.
2 sent/has / new information /?/Voyager

3 have/ receiving/not/recently/they/been/ news

4 signals / picking up / all day / we / been / have

5 what / investigating / ? / you I been I recently I have

1 The students have studied the movement of the planets,
a They're going to study something different now. 6 any information / collected / have / today / we / not
b They're going to continue studying the same thing.
2 Kate has been revising for her Physics exam all week.
5 ★★ Read the questions and complete the short answers.
a She's still studying.
1 Have you done experiments with plants?
b She's finished studying.
Yes, /have.
З I haven't been working very hard at school recently.
2 Has Jemma followed Gary's research?
a I'm not working hard now. No,.
b I'm working hard now. 3 Have you tried this solution yet?
4 The girls have done a project about space travel. No,.
a The project is not complete. 4 Have they been publishing the results?
b The project is complete. Yes,.

5 They've been watching a documentary. 5 Has the team been working together?
a The documentary is finished.
6 Has Dr Brown been explaining the process?
b The documentary isn'tfinished.
6 Mrs Carter has been marking our exam papers.
a She can give everybody their results.
b She can’t give everybody their results.

6 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of 8 ★★★Read the answers and write questions.
the verbs in brackets.
1 Have you seen the new photos from Voyager yet?
1 Scientists have been studying (study) the planet for No, I haven't seen the new photos from Voyager yet.
twenty years. 2 ?
2 What_________ (you/do) since we last met? I've been watching this documentary since I got
3 She(complete) the project, so it's ready for home.
publication. 3 ?
ft They_________ (not receive) any signals from the I've been sleeping all day because I'm tired.
space probe yet. ft ?
5(theteam/discover) the reason for the Yes, I’ve seen the film twice.
radio waves yet? 5 ?
6 We(not work) on those photos recently, No, the information hasn't reached Earth yet.
we have other work to do. 6 ?
7 How much information(Callum/process) They have been studying those particles for two years.
so far? 7 ?
8 I(study) the results for hours, but I still Yes, they've managed to fix the spaceship.
don't understand them. 8 ?
No, they haven't launched the space probe yet.
7 ★★★complete the text with the correct forms of the
verbs from the box. Use the Present Perfect Continuous 9 ★★★Use the prompts to write the interview.
wherever possible.
Journalist 1 DrGraham, how long /you / work/for
have not tire pay study use week NASA?
Dr Graham, how long have you been working for NASA?
Dr Graham 21 / work / here / for about ten years
Merav Opher 1fias been working with the
Voyager team since 2001. She is an expert in Journalist 3 you / make / any discoveries / yet?
space physics and computing and z her
knowledge to make new discoveries about Dr Graham 4 No, /1 / not / complete / my research / yet
the Sun's behaviour. She 5 different
information from both Voyager 1 and Journalist 5 What sort / research / you / be / do /
Voyager 2. Over the past few years, newspapers since/youjoined NASA?
4______ more and more attention to her work.
Opher says she s lots of funny experiences, DrGraham 61 / study / radio waves
including her colleague using a wooden ruler
to measure computer charts! She 6______ of her
NASA work yet, and intends to continue. 10 ★★★Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first one. Use no more than three
words in each gap.
1 The astronauts began their journey a week ago.
The astronauts have been travelling through space for
a week.
2 I haven't received the photos from Gordon yet.
sent me the photos yet.
3 Jerry started work at NASA two years ago.
Jerry at NASA for two years.
ft When did you start studying Physics?
How long have Physics?
5 Sarah is still reading the book.
Sarah the book yet.

11 ON A HIGH NOTE Think about a project you are working

on at the moment or an exam you are preparing for.
Write a short paragraph about what you have been
doing and what you have done for the project/exam.



1 Skim the text: look at the photos, the title, and quickly
read the headings and the first line of each paragraph
ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Suffixes -ity, -ility, -osity
to get the general idea of the text. Then answer the We can add the suffix -ity, -ility or -osity to some adjectives
questions. to create nouns.
1 Where do you thinkyou would you read this text? • If the adjective ends with a consonant, we add -ity, e.g.
a in a magazine human - humanity
b in a person's blog • If it ends with a consonant and -e, we take off the -e and
add -ity, e.g. secure - security
c on a website
• If it ends with -le, we take off the -le and add -ility, e.g.
2 What is the main idea of the text?
able - ability
a the science behind micro-chipping humans
• If the adjective ends with -ous, we take off the -ous and
b the reasons forand against micro-chipping humans add -osity, e.g. curious - curiosity
c the history of micro-chipping humans
4 Read the information above and write the nouns of
2 Read the text again and complete the sentences with these adjectives.
one ortwo words in each gap.
1 In the future, people will have micro-chips in their adjectives nouns
bodies. 1 moral morality
2 People have been receiving heart pacemakers 2 real
3 creative
3 A pet's microchip stores details such as its
name. 4 electric

4 Many workers ata get micro-chips in their 5 public

hands. 6 probable
5 These micro-chips are unable to read. 7 responsible
6 In the future microchips could carry information about
8 generous
our history.
7 One superpower that chips might give us
5 Complete the sentences with the nouns from
Exercise 4.
8 There are concerns that employers could use chips to
1 You need a lot of creativity to become a good artist.
follow their workers'.
2 The actors' wedding got a great deal of in
the media.
Vocabulary extension
3 The is that we will all have micro-chip
3 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words implants in thirty years'time.
from the text. 4 Organising the music for the party is Aidan's
1 My gran's eyesight isn't very good and she wears thick 5 Sometimes it's difficult to return to after
glasses. a holiday.
2 There's a medical that can check for 6 We must thank your parents for their
problems inside the stomach. in paying forthetrip.
3 At college there are some about students 7 The house in the country is pretty but it hasn't
using smartphones in class. got!
4 When you get older your can rise. 8 Some people question the of developing Al
5 My friend got a tooth and it cost a fortune!
6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a comment to post after
6 Severe depression is a mental, but it can be
the article, giving your opinion with reasons and
treated with counselling or medication.
7 Technological_________ in the nextten years will
solve a lot of health problems.
8 The school keeps_________ of all its students'
That is the question!
і -art phones have become part of our daily lives, The main benefit of having an implanted chip is that it makes life
: "ecting us with everyone and everything, and easier. It saves time and money and security cards are no longer
■ t development of smart watches means that we necessary. In the future, chips could even replace passports.
: і - now have this means of connectivity with us They might improve our health, too. They could store our medical
: - = time. However, experts believe that soon records, with information about our blood type, allergies and so
- rrochips will move from our phones and watches on. They could perform health checks on blood sugar levels and
■ : cur bodies! Man and machine will merge, blood pressure, and even release medicines into the blood at the
? ■: ле shall become true ‘cyborgs’! correct times. Looking even further into the future, experts believe
that implanted devices could improve our eyesight, prevent brain
disorders or possibly even give us super powers such as night
a dea of implants - putting electronic devices
vision or the ability to see things over a long distance.
:e a living body - is not new. It’s been
-: caning for a long time. The first electronic SO, WHAT ARE THE DOWNSIDES?
-- oacemaker, a device to support the heart, As with all scientific advances, there are potential dangers.
-mplanted in 1958 and the first cochlear The Swedish company can already find out what their employees
~otent to help hearing) was in 1982. We do at work, what they buy and what they eat. In the future they
з r tc-een microchipping pet animals since the may be able to track their exact movements and learn about
991s to provide information about the pet’s health problems and other information that the employees might
_a and owner. But what about implanting not want to share. If it becomes normal for us all to have chip
■ . ~ans with information microchips? Well, that’s implants, then these privacy issues will become very important.
і aac. nappening too! A group of people called
However, the most significant change for us will be continual
:-~acxers have been microchipping themselves
connectivity. We won't be able to take the chips out and leave
•. . с ps that can unlock doors or even pay for
them on a table like a phone or a watch. We shall never be
~ ' :s th a movement of their hand! Who needs
completely alone again. But perhaps that’s what we want?
- = or wallets?
What’s your opinion? Click here to send your comments.
• :. •-ink bio-hackers are an extreme group, then
-- 5 ca n. A Swedish company regularly implants This is SO exciting! I can’t wait to get one. Excellent! Evi3
т-c oyees with microchips - the size of a grain
Sounds horrible! I like to be in control - thank you - not
under the skin of the hand. They can
give out all my info to anyone and everyone! So, not in my
~ : :en security doors, operate printers and buy
lifetime please. Bluesue
~ ■: W"m machines. The technology is similar to
; 72 n contactless credit cards. The chips are
Never in a million years! Pansl
7 - that means other devices can read the
- з: on on them, but the chips can’t read other
. 7 5 ~he employers and the employees appear
■ aooy with this procedure and they often hold
: ; - ’ oarties’ for workers who are about to get
2С VOCABULARY I Science, phrases with think and mind

1 ★choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 5 ★★★Complete the second text with one word
1 The organism / gravity we are studying divides its cells in each gap so that it has the same meaning as the
to reproduce. original.

Z We'd like to do some radiation / research into these

strange waves.
3 The force that keeps us connected to the Earth's
surface is radiation I gravity.
4 Every living organism is made of pressure / ceils.
5 It's best to avoid cells I radiation because of harmful
6 Water exerts a lot of pressure /gravity on the things in it.

2 ★Match the phrases 1-8 with their definitions a-h.

1 □ It blew my mind. a We have a negative
2 □ It broadensthe mind. opinion of it.

5 □ We don'tthink much b There's too much noise.

of it. c I've made a different
4 □ I've changed my decision.
mind. d It was absolutely
5 □ I've made up my amazing.
mind. e Ican'tthink.
Peter decided to study Biology and began
6 □ My mind has gone f It makes you aware of
a course, but he wasn't very happy with it, so he
blank. more things.
made a different choice and decided to do
7 □ Think outside the box. g I've decided.
a Chemistry course. The teacher was great, she
8 □ I can't hear myself h Think in an original way.
think! thought in an original way and she really increased
Peter's knowledge of new things. Peter had no
3 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of experience of Chemistry, so the first experiments
the phrases from Exercise 2. he did were really incredible to him. The only
1 This article isn't very good -1 don'tthinkmuch of it. problem was the noise from the other students.
Z Jason to study engineering next year. Sometimes he couldn't concentrate and he was
3 That discovery was incredible - it! unable to think clearly.
4 I'm sorry. I can't think of the correct answer-
my I
5 Will you turn down the music? I!
6 We need more creative ideas - can't you Peter made up his ^rnind to study Biology
this time? and joined a course, but he didn't think 2
7 Zoe wanted to study medicine, but she of it, so he 3 his mind and decided to
and now she's going to study Physics. do a Chemistry course. The teacher was great,
8 You should travel more. It and gives she thought the box and she really
you a very different view of life. 5 his mind. Peter had no experience
of Chemistry, so the first experiments he did
4 ★★Complete the conversation with one word in each
gap. 6 his mind. The only problem was

Anne Have you seen that documentary about the noise from the other students. Sometimes
pollution? We have to think1 seriously about it or he couldn’t hear7 think and his mind
things will be much worse in the future. went8.
Vicky I haven't seen it, but I agree. We need to think
21 before building nuclear power stations
Anne Well that's true, but there are other problems.
6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about
a situation in which you had to make an important
We need to think3 b and look at the
decision. Use at least four of the phrases from the box.
whole picture.
Vicky Anne, if you imagine people are going to do that, blow my mind change my mind don'tthink much of
think • a! Not everyone is interested in makeup mymind thinkahead think seriously
environmental problems. thinktwice
Anne Well, they're wrong. We must think5 a and
try to reduce pollution forfuture generations.


2D GRAMMAR | Verb patterns
1 *■ Complete each pair of sentences with the correct 4 ★★★ Use the prompts to complete the conversation
forms of the verb given. between a student and her teacher.
1 steal
a He has admitted stealing Jeff's research results.
b We didn't mean Jeff's research results.
2 develop
a She has decided this technology.
b I hope you keep this technology.
3 insert
a Please avoid______ bad codes into the program.
b The engineer refused______ bad codes into the
it study
a I really don’t mind______ this subject.
b Sorry, but I don't want this subject.
5 learn
a We really need something about Al.
b I quite fancy something about Al.
6 code
a The students practised on their IT course.
b After a few lessons I managed a new game.

2 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

the verbs from the box. There are two extra verbs.

be discuss interrupt show study talk think work

Sharon Mrs Shaw, I have a problem.11 / can / not /
1 I can't stand studying at night -1 need to sleep, not understand / the process
revise for exams! / can't understand the process,
2 This seems a very interesting subject. Mr Shaw z You / need / study / your notes / again
З I can't imagine to a machine!
h The guide offered______ us some of the exhibits. Sharon The problem is that 51 / not / enjoy / study /
5 Since I've Left the project, I miss with the other notes.411 love / do / experiments
members oftheteam.
6 I hate work problems with my family-I like to
keep my work and home life separate.
Mr Shaw 1 know, but 1 can't5 let/you / do/
3 ★★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the experiments without studying first
1 a I have to go home. I forgot to lock / locking the door! Sharon 41 /like/work /in a lab/one day
b I forgot to tell I telling him the story, so I told it
a second time. How embarrassing. Mr Shaw That's great, but study first! 1 think itwill
2 a The teacher regretted to be / being so hard on the 7 allow/you / achieve/your ambition
b We regret to inform / informing you that today's Sharon Thanks, Mr Shaw. Don't worry, 1 won’t
lesson is cancelled. 8 forget / read over / my notes this evening
3 a Luckily I remembered to switch off / switching off the
lights so we didn’t have to go back and do it.
b I remember to meet / meeting your cousin very well. 5 ON A HIGH NOTE Write about some things you enjoy or
don't enjoy at school and how they might affect your
4 a We stopped work to have / having a break because
future. Use as many of the words and phrases in the
we were really tired.
box as possible.
b A problem occurred so the scientists stopped
working / to work on that project. can'tstand decide (don't) enjoy (don't) like
5 a We tried to add I adding more information to the don't mind expect hate hope love refuse want
program, but it didn't solve the problem. wouldn't like

b She tried to explain / explaining the process but she

didn't manage to.

1 0 10 Listen to Part 1 of an interview with Deb who Pronunciation
is talking about her plans for the future. What is her
ambition? ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION | The letter о
a to design phone apps
The letter о can be pronounced in many ways and the
b to develop VR apps spelling of a word is not always a clear guide to its
c to develop video games pronunciation. Three common ways of pronouncing о are:
• /d/(e.g. got)
2 0 12 Listen to Part 2 of the interview and tick the • /u:/(e.g. do)
things Deb mentions.
• /эи/ (e.g. go)
1 □ video games
Double oo can be pronounced in many ways. Two of the
2 □ sports matches more common are:
3 □ medical procedures • /и/ (e.g. book)
ft □ famous landmarks • /u:/ (e.g. moon)
5 □ the theatre Be careful! Blood and flood are pronounced with the /л/
6 □ shops sound.
7 □ computer programming
6 01 Write the words from the box in the correct
3 0 12 Listen again to the whole interview and decide place in the chart. Listen, check and repeat.
if statements 1-6 are true (T) or false (F), or if the
information is not given (IMG). hope involved move
1 □ The presenter hasn't met anyone with the same
ambition before. /d/ got /u:/ do /эи/ go
2 □ Deb plays video games.
3 □ Deb enjoys football.
ft □ People can use VR to walk around football

□ Deb became interested in VR through school
______________ — ___________________

6 □ Deb will begin her career by studying VR

development at college.
7 0 24 Listen to some more words from the interview
and add them to the chart.

Vocabulary extension 8 015 Read the sentences aloud. Can you pronounce
the words with the letter о correctly? Listen and check.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions Then practise saying the sentences.
from the box. You need to use some of the prepositions
1 Both the codes for the webpage were wrong,
more than once.
so I didn't post a comment on the show.
from in of ©a through with 2 Most of the clothes costtoo much, but I finally chose
a loose top with roses on it.
1 I've set my heart on becoming a pilot.
3 Tony lost his keys and couldn't unlock his car,
2 The students will be involved designing so Sophie drove him home.
the new school IT centre.
ft The notes he wrote prove that the majority of the
3 Whatdidyou do History yesterday? population don't vote in local elections.
ft I don't remember a lot of things my early
Science lessons. 9 0 16 Write the words from the box in the correct
5 Some people learn reading and others by place in the chart. Listen, check and repeat.
doing things.
boot cook good hood look mood room soon
6 My friend has an interest music from the spoon wood
7 In this game there's a lot of interaction /u:/food /и/ foot
gamers from other countries.
8 I love the idea getting a VR tour of the

5 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about

a possible use of VR in the future and explain why it
could be important.
— ______________


1 0 17 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 0 IB Complete the conversation with the words from
them in your language? the box. Then listen and check.

about don't either far for go let's much nearly

SPEAKING j Making choices what

MAKING SUGGESTIONS Ben So, it’s Gran's birthday next week and we need
to get her a present. Any ideas?
What/How about getting her some books?
What do you think of getting hera new tablet Emma How1 about getting her some books? She loves
computer? reading, especially science fiction.
Why don't we take her to the cinema? Ben It's not a bad idea, but it's not a good one,
Let's invite her to a restaurant. 2. We don't know which books she's
read and which ones she hasn't read! Why
EXPRESSING AND JUSTIFYING OPINIONS 3 we take her to the cinema - she'd
You can't go wrong with getting new tech for Gran. love to see the new film about robots!

That) sounds good/like a good idea. Emma I don'tthink*of that idea, to be

Personally,) (I think) that's a great idea because she honest. She hates the cinema. I thinkyou
. Kes reading. suggested that because you wantto see it!

Personally,) (I think) that's a terrible idea because she Ben OK, OK!56 do something else. I know
hates reading. do you think of asking Mum and
it's not a bad idea, but it's not a good one either. Dad to get her a new tablet computer? We
could add our money to the cost. Gran loves her
don'tthinkmuch of that idea, to be honest.
iPad but it's so heavy. It's like a brick!
The main reason is the price.
Emma Good thinking! You can't7 wrong
Another reason is that she hates technology.
with getting new tech for Gran. You know -
COMPARING OPTIONS she's amazing. She always emails and browses
the internet. She even streams films and things.
it isn't nearly as good/bad as the present I got her last
Yeah, that's by 8* the best idea. It'll
be expensive, but I'm sure Mum and Dad will
It's almost/lt isn't quite as good/bad as getting her
z computer game.
Ben Great! Let's go ’it!
That's even better/worse than getting her
~z science-fiction book. Emma Yes! It's10 as good as the present I got
her last year.
That’s by far the best/worst idea.
Ben Oh,you mean when you bought hera computer
PEACHING DECISIONS game because you wanted to borrow it!
That's the best idea we've had.
That'sthe one!
3 Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the
Let's) go for it!
1 That sounds I appears like a good idea.
2 I think that's/there's a terrible idea.
5 The another/main reason I don't wantto buy it is the
it It isn't quite / almost as good as your last suggestion.
5 That's quite / even worse than your first idea!
6 Excellent! That's the/a one!

ON A HIGH NOTE Read the following suggestions and

write two responses of your own for each, giving
reasons. One response should be positive and one
1 Let's do ourScience homeworktogethertonight.
2 Why don’t we play your new video game this evening?
3 What do you think of entering the school 'new
invention' competition this year?


Mark’s Blog 12th October

Mention the key point you wantto

What is it with my mum and dad and technology? I can understand why they have
make. Start with a thought-provoking
question, an interesting fact or an different ideas about stuff tike clothes and music. My parents are living in the
inspiring question. 1990s as far as music is concerned and they won’t even try to listen to the music
on my playlist! But as far as tech is concerned I think they should realise how
important it is to keep up to date. They're fine with the basics, but if I introduce
them to anything new they just don’t want to know. Apparently it's all because of
something called ‘the digital generation gap'!

Give one or more arguments

It's xtrue that some older people aren’t comfortable using digital technology
supporting your key point. because they find it confusing and difficult to use.*2, another reason
for the problem is that some older people won’t even try!34 * to a recent
survey, many older people won’t even consider the idea of using VR, or being in
a driverless car! What’s *between seventy and eighty percent of adults
think that technology will have a negative effect in the future. It’s crazy!
Mention arguments that don't 5 there are exceptions and some older people are really good at learning
support your key point. new digital skills (like my gran, who’s brilliant!), maybe there should be a campaign
to try and encourage others at least to try!
To6 up, the world is changing and new technologies are going to affect
Sum up your post and finish with
everyone - both young and old. We need to accept that, and learn how to function
something thought-provoking or
in that world. Be open to change, guys, and you'll be amazed at how your different
your life can be!

How about your parents and grandparents? Click here to leave a (polite) comment.

1 Read the blog post and choose the best title. 5 WRITING TASK Write a blog post about this topic:
a Digital generation gap - the truth! Is it true that using technology means young people
don't interact physically with friends and are becoming
b Changing attitudes
c Can't do it? Won't do it!

2 Read the blog post again and complete it with the ACTIVE WRITING I Abiog post
words from the box.
1 Plan your blog post.
according although however more sum frue • Think of a title which will attract people's attention.
• Plan an interesting introduction with a thought­
3 Tick the comment(s) which would NOT be appropriate provoking question or an interesting fact.
to leave in response to the blog post. • Plan two or three paragraphs with different views.
a □ This is rubbish! Of course older people can use 2 Write your blog post.
tech! You don't know whatyou're talking about! • Start with a key point.
b □ I'm not sure this is really true. My parents are very • Use chatty, informal language with short sentences.
good with newtech.
• Give arguments that support and don't support your
c □ You're right! My parents are scared to try out new
key point.
tech and I'm often worried that my dad will throw
his PC out of the window! • Give some examples from your personal experience.
• Finish with a conclusion and a request for
4 Read the writing task and tick the ideas you think you
should include in your blog post.
3 Check your blog post. Check that:
1 □ lack of time to meet up
• there are no mistakes with spelling, grammar and
2 □ social media
3 □ importance of face-to-face conversations
• there is interesting and relevant topic vocabulary.
4 □ easiness of video chats
5 □ good balance
6 □ differenttype of friends today


sentences with the words from the box. make collocations.

constellation galaxy la-uiaehed moon solar system 1 □ aerial a delivery

spaceship universe voyage 2 □ map b filming
3 □ weather c enforcement
1 When NASA launched the Voyager space probe
everyone was very excited. 4 □ commercial d making

2 We think there are eight planets in our. 5 □ law e forecasting

3 A group of stars is known as a. 5 2G WRITING AND VOCABULARY Complete the text with
k There are many constellations in one. the phrases from the box. There are two extra phrases.
5 Some planets have more than one orbiting
depressed distractions forgetful lack of sleep
memory loss multi-tasking sleep disorders stressed
6 It takes a lot of experts to build a capable
of carrying astronauts safely.
7 Voyager hasn't finished its and is still
8 All matter is contained in one, but some
scientists wonder if there are more.

2 2В READING AND VOCABULARY Choose the correct

words to complete the sentences.
1 We require / requirement some new information.
2 I'm afraid I disagree /disagreement with your ideas on
controlling machines.
З I was unaware of the exist / existence of this
4 Can you please identify / identification the main
worries about Al?
5 I thinkyourdiscovery was an incredible achieve/
6 Please follow the proceed / procedure carefully. Something that many people suffer from
7 Do you think machines possess / possession emotions? is Hack of sleep - just not getting enough of
8 Recent develop / developments in Al are very it. The problem is that insomnia (not being
interesting. able to sleep well) has got many causes. For
example, if you are upset or2 by
З 2C VOCABULARY Complete the conversation with one
word in each gap. The first letter is given to help you. personal or professional problems, or if you
are feeling3 and generally
Yuri Eddie, I’ve made up my1 mind about what
to do for my Science project. I'm going to do very down about things, this can lead to not
something related to nuclear physics. I read an sleeping. The common result of insomnia is
article recently and it2 b my mind! *. We just can't remember the
Eddie Nuclear physics? Do you want to do3 г things we need to - both at home and at work.
into nuclear power stations and so on? 5 can interrupt us easily, as we
Yuri No, I don't mean that. Think11 a, Eddie. find it hard to concentrate, and we aren’t as
Eddie Sorry, Yuri. My mind has gone5 b. good at doing lots of things at the same time -
I can't imagine whatyou mean. what is sometimes known as '6’.
Yuri OK, let me put it another way. In Biology we can
study the whole organism and we can also study
a single6 c. And then we can look into 6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about your
things which are even smaller. sleeping habits and how they affect you.
Eddie Oh, I see.You meanthata nuclear physicist
studies the nucleus. Atoms and things like that.
I'd neverthought about that before. You really
broaden my7 m with your ideas, Yuri.
I neverthinkaboutscience.
Yuri You should. It can help you to see things in
a different way and to think8 о the

02 Self-assessment

1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning. objective
. - - . .. ......... .
..... ..
material ; '
How confident
.... : .л *
I am (1-5)

2A 1 can distinguish between the Present Perfect Simple Student's Book pp. 18-19
and the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about recent
finished or unfinished activities.

2B 1 can understand the main idea and identify specific details Student's Book pp. 20-21
in an article and talk about artificial intelligence.

2C lean talkabout science. Student's Book p. 22

2D 1 can use a range of verbstaking the infinitive orthe -ing Student's Book p. 25

2E 1 can identify the main idea and key details in an interview Student's Book p. 24
and talk about technology.

2F 1 can make suggestions, express opinions, compare Student's Book p. 25

options and reach decisions.

2G 1 can write a blog post. Student's Book pp. 26-27

2 Which of the skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in Howl can improve

■ ■
3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words 1 learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English 1 heard or read outside class
to remember


'■ - AMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
verbs in brackets.
_ Oi oose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 We recently decided(launch) a new space
1 -er main problem was being tired because of lack of
: eep / memory loss.
2 They've promised(increase) students'
2 :mnk his main achieve / achievement was the
knowledge of physics.
ciscovery of a new star.
3 She says we've met before, but I can't remember
ї -e's made up / changed his mind and decided on
(meet) her.
a different course.
U You need to stop(do) crossword puzzles all
fc The department received a forecasting I delivery of
the time and get out more.
some new books.
5 I'm afraid she's refused (allow) you to do
5 -e’s an astronomer and loves studying the stars,
aerial photography over her house.
especially groups of them in constellations / cells.

_ : omplete the sentences with the words from the box. USE OF ENGLISH
'here are two extra words.
5 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words
ahead broaden changed development law in brackets.
'ecognition twice

1 .'.e want to work on the ofthis new Al

2 Do you think that voice programmes are
useful for giving instructions?
5 -'ou need to read more to your mind and
earn new ideas.
,'.e need to think and plan for the future.
5 Is it against the to send drones over
oeople's gardens?
It was very unpleasant when the two scientists had
3 Complete the text with the Present Perfect Simple or a1(DISAGREE) over how to proceed. One
Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs from the of them said the standard 2(PROCEED)
box. Sometimes both tenses are correct.
was old-fashioned and wanted to change it. The
sb make notfinish notwaste work other said that the 3(IDENTIFY) of a new
one was too difficult - there were too many new
Our research team 1 on this new *(REQUIRE). He rejected his colleague’s
development for two years, but we г our 5(PROPOSE) and this offended the colleague.
.York yet. What3(we) all this time? We
‘time, that’s for sure.3(we) /5
progress? Absolutely - as we can see from the
nterest that scientists from all over the world are 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
taking in our project. meaning to the first one. Use between two and five
words, including the word in bold.

/5 1 The Voyagers were launched in 1977. TRAVELLING

The Voyagers since 1977.
2 I started this book last week and I haven't finished it
yet. HAVE
I this book since last week.
3 She said she would never use Al. REFUSED
She Al.
U I'm sure I haven't read that book. REMEMBER
I that book.
5 They didn't work on the programme afterthe disaster.
They on the programme afterthe disaster.

03 Active and healthy


Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect 4 ★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
1 ★Complete the sentences with the correct Past Simple
1 Penny fell/ was falling while she was running / ran
forms of the verbs in brackets.
in the 100-metre race.
1 The viewers didn'tsee (not see) the accident because
2 Their coach stopped/was stopping them because they
it happened off camera.
made / were making so many mistakes.
2 Where(you I learn) to do those back flips?
З I worked / was working in a sports centre when I met/
3 Martha(not compete) that year because of was meeting the paralympic team.
an injury.
4 Gary used / was using crutches until his doctor
4 The team(take) home seven medals from suggested / was suggesting a wheelchair.
the championship.
5 Jack suddenly did / was doing an amazing double back
5 How(she/injure) her shoulder? flip as we watched / were watching him!
6 The athlete(try) three times to set a new 6 Olivia considered / was considering giving up sport
world record. when she heard / was hearing that she had been
7 Maria(start) out as an amateur swimmer chosen forthe team!
but turned professional at the age of eighteen.
8 John was so tired after the race that he
5 ★★ Use the prompts to complete the sentences.
Use the Past Perfect.
(not celebrate) winning the silver medal.

2 *00 these Past Continuous sentences referto an

action interrupted by another action (A), a temporary
situation (B), or an action in progress at a precise time
in the past (С)?
1 □ Atthattime, I was staying with my aunt.
2 □ My brotherwas doing his fitness training atfour
thirty yesterday.
3 □ Katiewassnowboardingveryfastwhenshe
4 □ The team was travelling to the competition when
they heard the news.
5 □ I was working as a guest coach that summer.
1 Atthe medical examination Brian discovered ... that
6 □ At this time last week I was talking to the doctor
he/break/his wrist
about my injury.
that he had broken his wrist.
3 ★Complete the sentences with the correct Past 2 He got into the team because... he / not lose /
Continuous forms of the verbs from the box. a single match

do go not concentrate nottrain sleep stay

3 he / learn / to do backflips... before he went to
1 At six o'clock this morning I was sleeping. Brazil?
2 Where_________(you) yesterday morning when
I saw you?
4 The competitor was sure... she / beat / the world
3 She hard enough, so her coach gave her record
more exercises.
4 He with a friend atthattime.
5 the judges/ ever/see... such a brilliant performance
5 The athlete during the race so she missed before?
6 What(the athletes) when you got to the
6 She could compete in the Paralympics because... she /
not / become / a professional

6 ★★ Complete the sentences with one word in each 9 ★★★ Complete the story with the correct forms of
gap. the verbs from the box. Use the Past Simple, the Past
1 Dad had made dinnerbythetime we arrived. Continuous or the Past Perfect.

2 We arrived here two days. give up listen to lose еевё realise see seem think
З I offered to help, but she had solved the
One day Rona ‘l/l/as reading an article about sport,
Ь ________ time last week I was running in the park. when she 1 23
* some information about a local
5 We called home as as we had heard the paralympic group. Her brother Tom J the
news. use of his right arm three years before in an
6 I went to the cinema Wednesday. accident. He •doing any kind of sport soon
7 I was playing tennis two and three. after that. Rona called him - he5 music in
8 The match started noon, but all the players his room. She showed him the article and asked if
had come much earlier. he 6 about taking part in a sport again. Tom
7 very interested - he 8 before then
★★Complete the sentences with the correct Past that there were local groups like that.
Simple or Past Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 Jack spent (spendl six months in hospital afterthe 10 ★★★ Use the prompts to write the interview.
injury. He_______ (never/spent) so much time in
Journalist ‘You / become / a paralympic athlete/
a hospital before.
when / you / be / twenty2 Why / be / that?
2 I(not realise) that the Paralympics
You became a paralympic athlete when you were twenty.
(be) so spectacular until I(see) the games on
3 Paula(be) an amateur for five years before Caroline 11 / lose / the use of my legs / after /1 /
she(decide) to turn professional. suffer / a serious injury ‘■I / be / always/
keen on sport / before that
4 No one(leave) the stadium until the last
athlete(complete) the competition.
5 The team(win) easily because they
(practise) more than any of their opponents. Journalist 5 why/ you / choose / basketball?

3 ★★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms

of the verbs from the box. Use the Past Simple, the Past Caroline 61 / watch / TV/ one day / when /1 / see /
Continuous or the Past Perfect. a Paralympic match71 / not see / one /
before8 it / inspire / me
be break celebrate feel leave not sec run sleep
win /

1 The children hadn't seen a paralympic sport before so

they very curious.
2 Martin_________ in a marathon when he 11 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about an
suddenly unwell. athlete or a sportsperson you admire. Describe his/her
life story and say why he/she inspires you.
3 can't believe you at eleven o'clock this
morning. Why were you still in bed?
4 Clare the team because she her
ЗВ VOCABULARY | Sports, activities, fitness and exercise

1 ★The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. 5 ★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
Write the correct words.
1 Our coach made us run ten times around the football
There are many rules to observe if you are using
room! pitch a tennis or squash *1court or an athletics2З .
It is important to stay in your area, or you could
2 It's too hot to go to the tennis pitch today.
bump into another player or athlete. An athlete
3 Julia is taking part in a competition atthe swimming
who falls over during a race risks serious injury - he
or she could ’their head against someone
4 The girls do all kinds of different sports atthe leisure
or something. Another place with strict rules is
the 4 ring. If a competitor behaves badly, the
5 The two fighters stepped carefully into the boxing referee will send him back to the 5 room.
6 Сап I train on the rowing track this evening?
6 ★★Complete the second text with one word in each
7 Let's go and put on ourswimsuits in the changing gap so that it has the same meaning as the original.
8 Training for this year's event will take place atthe
athletics ring.

2 ★Complete the sentences with the words from the


fit get shape wrfrt weights world

1 I haven’t done any exercise for months and I'm really

2 I'd like to get into for my summer beach
3 You can get stronger by lifting, but take
care not to injure yourself.
4 I can't believe you out of breath just
walking to school! Don't you ever exercise?
5 I want to keep so I can join the volleyball
The other day I was at that place where the kids play
football and I was watching a game. Unfortunately,
6 This fitness programme is great - it's done me
one of the players fell over and didn't get up.
the of good.
I thought he had injured his leg muscle, but after
3 ★choose the correct words to complete the sentences. some time they took him to the room where players
get changed.The poor boy had broken the part of his
1 PoorSallyhasbrokenan/herarm.
body between his leg and his foot.That's worse than
2 Has John hurt the/fi/s back?
twisting it because it takes longer to heal. He'll have
З I think I've pulled a/my muscle.
to work hard to reach the same level of fitness again.
4 The doctor thinks Bob has dislocated his / one
5 Have you banged the/your head?
6 Where did she hurt her/the leg? The other day I was at the football '■pitch and
I was watching a game. Unfortunately, one of the
4 ★★complete the sentences with one word in each players fell over and didn’t get up. I thought he
gap. The first letter is given to help you.
had 2 a Leg muscle, but after some time
1 It was very painful when I dislocated my shoulder. they took him back to thes room. The
2 George can't walk because he's twisted his poor boy had broken his 4. That's worse
a_______ .
than 5 it because it takes longer to heal.
3 Leo had to stop playing rugby for months after he He’Ll have to work hard to get into 6_____ again.
b his arm.
4 Maya b her head against the door -1 think
she should sit down for a while.
5 Your wrist isn't broken, but you haves it, 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about a sport
which is why it’s so painful. you do or would like to do and what risk of injury it
6 He's holding his leg -1 think he's pulled involves.
a m.


1 519 Listen to six sentences and match them to the Pronunciation
functions a-f.
a □ requesting
4 0 22 Read some sentences from the listening. Mark
where you think the stress is on the highlighted words.
b □ giving opinion Listen and check.
c □ explaining 1 Betterthan when I came in thanks - I've made a lot of
d □ complaining progress,...
e □ advising 2 Here's a copy of his records and the medicine that he's
f □ agreeing
3 The doctors and nurses were very busy because of
2 } 20 Listen and choose the correct answers. a sudden increase in emergencies.
1 You will hear a boy talking about his experience in 4 I thought I'd update you on how she's doing.
hospital. What does Josh think of the hospital ward 5 This routine is a real contrastfor her.
he's in?
a His treatment would be better in a different ward. ACTIVE
b He's happy that the staff are so friendly.
PRONUNCIATION | Noun and verb syllable stress
c The atmosphere is helping him to get better.
There are many two-syllable words in English which have
2 You will hear a girl talking to a friend. Where is the girl? the same noun and verb form. For nouns, we often stress
a in the hospital cafe the first syllable and for verbs, we often stress the second
b in the hospital garden syllable, e.g.:

c inthe hospital shower room • He's going to record the interview.

3 You will heara boy talking to an ambulance man. • My mum has an old Beatles record.
What is the boy's main purpose? Be careful! Some words, e.g. answer have the same stress
a to explain his dad's medical condition for both the noun and verb form.

b to recommend that others learn first aid Sometimes moving the stress can change the meaning of
a word, e.g.:
c tothanktheambulancemanforhelping his dad
• object (n) = a thing
4 You will hear a boy talking to a girl at a party.
What is his main purpose? • object (v) = to disagree with an idea.

a to complain aboutthe A and E department

b to reassure her that he's not seriously hurt 5 0 23 Listen to the words. Circle N for Noun or V for
Verb depending on how the speaker pronounces each
c to explain why he is lateforthe party
5 You will heara woman talking to a man about visiting
1 protest N/V 5 reject N/V
a friend in hospital. How was the patient feeling?
2 upgrade N/V 6 contest N/V
a excited about going home
3 insult N/V 7 import N/V
b amused by something she'd read
4 refund N/V 8 suspect N/V
c bored because she had nothing to do

6 024 Listen and repeat the two ways of stressing the

.ocabulary extension same words.

3 U 21 Complete the sentences from the recording in 7 0 25 Read the pairs of sentences aloud. Listen and
Exercise 2 with the words from the box. Then listen check. Then practise saying the sentences with the
and check. correct syllable stress for the underlined words.
collapsed infection minor symptoms treatment 1 I never refuse an invitation.
ward The refuse collector takes our bins every Thursday.
2 The teacher was pleased with her students' conduct.
1 The treatment is wonderful all over this hospital.
One day my sister would like to conduct an orchestra.
2 I was so fed up with being on the that
3 It's important to live in the present and not always
I wheeled myself to the cafe.
plan for the future.
3 Congratulations on knowing howtotreatyourdad My group is going to present our work to the class.
when he.
4 It must be exciting to cross the desert in a car.
4 I know all the. Don't worry, I'm notgoing to desert you.
5 Lots of people had cuts and bruises - all 5 This is a strange-lookinq object.
injuries, thank goodness. If you don't object, I'll bring my own lunch.
6 It cheered me up when I was feeling low after
a(n)___ last month.


3D GRAMMAR | Used to and would
1 ★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of 4 ★★ Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
used to and the verbs in brackets. sentences.
1 □ We used to go (go) skiing every day during the 1 We nei/er would / never used to eat meat because my
winter holidays. parents are vegetarian.
2 □ They(train) regularly. 2 Did the children use to I Would the children be
3 □________(you/ eat) a lot of junk food when well-behaved when they were younger?
you were younger? 3 They didn't use/used to have vegan dishes but now
fc □ As children we(not like) getting up there are two on the menu.
early. 4 We would spend / spent the yesterday afternoon at the
5 □ People(believe) thatsmoking isn't leisure centre - it was great fun!
bad for you. 5 Did he use to twist/ Did he twist his ankle while he was
6 □(your parents I exercise) more than skiing?
you when they were children? 6 Did Sally used / use to go to that cafe when she lived nea
7 □ I(drink) lots of fizzy drinks when here?
I was younger, but I prefer juice now. 7 The sports club would / used have a party every year.
8 □ We(love) meeting at the cafe. 8 William pulled / would pull a muscle in his leg while he
was exercising.
2 ★Tick the sentences in Exercise 1 where you can
replace used to with would. 5 ★★★Complete the text with the correct forms of
would or used fo and the verbs from the box. Use would/
3 ★★Complete the conversation with one word in wouldn't wherever possible.
each gap.
cook eet love order notthink watch
Max Hey! Do you rememberthis cartoon?
Peter Ofcourseldo!
Mr and Mrs Jones and their children were a typical
Max Did you xuse to watch it when you were little?
family. They xwou(d eat meat of some sort every
Peter Yes, Iz to watch it every day after
day. They 2. there was anything wrong
with this. Mr and Mrs Jones 3 TV every
Max 3 you have a snack while you were
evening and one evening they saw a documentary
watching it?
about nutrition. They were shocked. Before, they
Peter Yes, 14 always make myself
a sandwich. 4 burgers every evening. Now they make
vegeburgers instead. They’ve also changed other
Max Me too - well. I used5 have
a snack. I didn't*to have habits. At restaurants they 5 chips with
a sandwich though. 17 always eat everything. They 6 chips more than any
crisps while I was watching TV. other food! Now they prefer salad. Their health
Peter My mum®let me eat crisps! has improved a lot since they changed their eating

6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write about how your eating habits have
changed since you were a child. Use would and used fo.
1 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 0 27 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct
:hem in your language? answers.
1 Why is the man asking questions?
SPEAKING I Being polite a He needs information.
b He's checking people's health.
2 Who is more polite?
2 : □ Id you help me?
a the girl
-: «v much is this?
b the man
.. it take long?
3 Do you thinkthe girl eats healthily?
anderif/whetheryou could help me? b no
2: _ Id you (possibly) tell me how much this is?
Zz you think it will take long? 3 Complete the sentences from the conversation with
the words from the box.
afraid alright any could if kind like mind
•. as wondering if you have some time to talk.
z і ke to know if you eat health food.
-.a .e you got any idea howto improve our diet? 1 I was wondering if you had a few minutes.
you (happen to) know where these eggs come from? 2 Would you telling me if you regularly eat
: uld you mind telling me if this cake contains milk? health food?
3 Have you idea where the food comes
-■at s very kind of you, but I'm busy on Sunday.
4 Do you know the vegetables are locally
"'ey look/sound very nice, but I'm afraid they're too
- oensive.
5 you tell me if you ever eat wholemeal
%: mat's alright thanks.
"■a*ksforthe offer, but I can't accept it.
6 I'd also to know if you ever go to specialist
a * < you, but I’m alright.
health food shops.
7 That's.
8 That'svery of you, but I've finished.
9 I'm I can't say.

4 Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences.

1 / и/as wondering if you could / Would you mind give me
some advice about healthy eating?
2 Do you know if / Have you any idea Tony has gone
home yet?
3 I'm afraid / Thanks for the offer, but I'm a bit busy this
4 I'd like to know what / Could you tell me if vitamins
green vegetables contain.
5 Do you think/Do you happen to knowwhen Mr Banks
will arrive?
6 That's alright thanks /1 was wondering, but I've
managed to fix the computer myself.

5 ONA HIGH NOTE Write polite requests and refusals.

You want...
1 to know whattime the health food shop opens.
2 to know if your letter has arrived yet.
3 to say sorry that you can't go to a club meeting.
4 to refuse an invitation to a party.
S to askfor information about the ingredients of a meal.
6 to find out a friend's phone number.


1 Look at the photosand the title of the blog post. What
do you think it will be about?

a how chocolate is made A phrasal verb has a meaning which is different from the
b the benefits of eating chocolate original verb, e.g. look means to see something with your
eyes, but look up means to find something in a dictionary.
c people's chocolate eating habits

2 Now read the blog post quickly and decide if 5 Match the phrasal verbs 1-6 with their definitions a-f.
statements 1-6 are true (T), false (F), or if the
1 □ checkout
information is not given (NG).
2 □ cheerup
1 □ The writer believes what the health experts say.
3 □ cut out
2 □ The writer is concerned about the amount of
chocolate he eats. ft □ get over

3 □ The writer's friend has changed recently. 5 □ lay off

k □ The writer thinks that all types of chocolate can be 6 □ look into
good for us. a feel/get better (after an illness or injury)
5 □ According to the writer, chocolate has both mental b stop eating or using something for a short time
and physical health benefits.
c makesomeonefeelhappier
6 □ The writer has also done some research into junk
d try to discover some facts about something
e look at something (because it might be interesting/
3 Read the text again. Match sentences A-H with gaps useful)
1-5 in the blog post. There are three extra sentences. f stop eating ordrinking something
A You have to eat it though, not rub it on your back!
6 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from
В But I think it's fair to say that a little of what you like
Exercise 5.
won't harm you.
1 My mum had flu lastyearand ittook her weeks
C There's no reason to feel guilty about eating a little
to get over it.
2 If you're not sleeping well you should eating
D It seems that chocolate can improve our ability to
cheese in the evening.
think clearly and to concentrate.
3 thisfood website - it's got some interesting
E Swiss scientists have proved that eating chocolate can
have other health benefits.
ft Scientists have exactly how chocolate affects
F Apparently, they're the same chemicals that are
brain function.
released when we fall in love!
5 I know Micky loves coffee but he should it for
G She used to eat a well-balanced dietapart from
a while because it gives him headaches.
a burger now and then and - unfortunately - quite
a lot of chocolate. 6 Let's go and visit Dan in the hospital and try to
H Of course, eating too much of anything is never
7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short comment about the text
a good idea.
you have read on chocolate. Give your reaction to the
text and your opinion of what you read.
Vocabulary extension
4 Replace the underlined parts with words and phrases
a-f from the text.
1 I don't mean that you should eat huge quantities.
2 Watching the documentary made me consider my
own lifestyle.
3 Being heavily overweight can cause heart disease.
ft Food experts give advice on diets and healthy eating.
5 Eating a diet which is high in fat can cause serious
medical problems.
6 I used to eat enormous amounts of іce cream.

a nutritionists
b bingeon
c obesity
d lead to
e I'm notsaying that
f got methinking about


'.lost people seem to be on some sort of healthy-eating • It’s good for our hearts, our blood pressure and our
programme these days. There are so many nutritionists, digestive systems, too, and it reduces the so-called
sectors and even celebrities out there, telling us all ‘bad’ cholesterol in our blood. That’s the stuff that
■ ow to lose weight and live healthy life styles. They affects how the blood moves round our bodies and
make us feel guilty if we even look at a burger or a bar can lead to heart attacks.
chocolate! Their statistics and warnings seem
• It’s also good for our skin and helps protect it against
: snvincing, but should we always believe what they
sun damage!s
• It can actually help us lose weight. Eating a piece of
'. friend Evie is a good example. She was a happy,
chocolate tells the brain that we’re full and we don’t
E~;iey person until ... she made up her mind to
want to eat much more!
:~ange her diet.1 At school, she would eat a bar
r. oreak time every morning. So what happened? Well, • And perhaps most importantly, it improves our
=st year she saw a programme about obesity on TV mood. It really does make us happier. When we eat
і nd she decided to stop eating junk food and sugary chocolate, the brain releases chemicals that relax us
snacks, including chocolate. The result? Evie is a little and make us feel calm and happy. 4 Isn’t that
і mmer now, but she’s also miserable! amazing?

5: I did some research into Evie’s favourite sugary Of course, I’m not saying that everyone should become
snack - and I found out some amazing things! If you a chocoholic. That would be very irresponsible of me.
zon’t binge on it and only eat the lovely dark stuff, it’s 5 In fact, it may even do you some good! So,
actually good for you in lots of ways. Can you believe I believe that if Evie eats just a little chocolate, she will
Here’s what I discovered ... feel happier and maybe do better at school, too!
• First of all, it’s good for the brain.2 In addition, This research has really got me thinking about other
new research from an American university shows foods that are supposed to be unhealthy and I’m going
shat it helps to improve memory too. Many people to look into junk food like pizzas, burgers and ice cream
have problems remembering things and chocolate next. Then on to sauces like tomato ketchup and salad
can help reduce this memory loss. Some studies dressings. Is there a chance that they might be good
even claim that chocolate can help people get over for us in some way too? Watch this space!!
minor brain injuries.
3G WRITING IA short story

Catch the reader's attention with

That morning I was really excited - the day had finally come! The
a statement or an interesting detail.
sky was clear and blue, but it wasn't hot - perfect weather for the
cycle race. Dad drove me and my bike to the start ofthe race
where I waited with the other cyclists.
Say where and when the story
happened; set the scene. While we were waiting for the starting gun, I looked through the
trees. I had to cycle ten kilometres, but I knew I could win the
race. 'We'll wait for you at the finish line!' Dad shouted.
Use direct speech to add interest.
The starting gun sounded. We raced off at top speed. I could
hear the spectators shouting, but I just concentrated on cycling.
Use shorter sentences to add drama. The race went like a dream and soon I was coming into the last
100 metres. I was second in the group of riders! My family were
cheering loudly as I passed the leading cyclist. After that, I knew
Describe the action using a variety of
I would win the race. Suddenly, without warning, he moved in
past tenses.
front of me. When he banged into my bike, I was thrown into the
road and landed heavily on my ankle. I screamed in pain. The
other cyclists raced past me. Then I heard my sister yell, 'Come
Use a variety of verbs to report speech.
on Davy! You've got to finish!'

Slowly I stood up. I was the only cyclist left on the road. But my
Finish with howthe main character(s) sister was right. I had to finish. It took me a long time to walk that
felt and what they learned or last 100 metres, but I did it in the end. The spectators cheered
a decision they made.
me as I crossed the finish line. My dad was smiling. 'We're proud
of you!' he whispered and I felt like a winner.

1 Read the story. What do you think would be the best title? 3 Look at the pictures А-D at the bottom of the page
a A good race and make a note ofthe key words you will need to
write this story.
b The first and best
c I lost but I won 4 WRITING TASK Use the pictures to write a story.

2 Write the time linkers next to the correct heading. Then

add the highlighted linkers from the story. ACTIVE WRITING I A story

after a while all of a sudden at first atthe same time 1 Plan your story.
by the time eventually finally from nowhere • Look atthe pictures and plan what you're going to
inthebeginning justthen later next write in each paragraph.
• Thinkof a good title for your story.
Start the action
2 Write your story.
at first,,
• Say where and when the story happened.
Move the action on
• Use a variety of reporting verbs, interesting
adjectives and time Linkers.
Introduce a dramatic moment • Include some direct speech.
• Use short sentences to add drama.
Describe events that happened atthe same time 3 Check your story. Check that:
• there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation
• there is interesting and relevant topic vocabulary.
sentences with one word in each gap. conversation with the words from the box.
1 He doesn’t compete for money - he's an amateur
free-range freshly-squeezed locally grown organic
2 Did you enterthe c?You have a good chance of
winning. Waiter Hi, сап I help you?
3 i'm sure you can beatthe school r because Customer Yes, I'd like to know if your eggs are
you're so fast. 1 free-range, please.
k She fell down some stairs and suffered a serious Waiter Yes, they are.
і to her leg. Customer OK, I’d like an omelette. Will it take long?
5 We'd like a p coach who really knows the job. Waiter No just a few minutes. Would you like some
6 I believe ourteam will t homea lot of medals. 2 bread, too?
7 Ourfootballteam has q for the finals! Customer That's very kind ofyou, thanks. Aboutthe
tomatoes - are they’? I don't want to
2 3B VOCABULARY Match the beginnings 1-6 with the eat chemicals in my salad!
endings a-f. Waiter Yes, they are. All the vegetables are also
1 □ Sally is running a your leg in two *.We buy them from a farmer near
around places. here. Anything to drink?

2 □ Stay off the football b uptherockclimbing Customer Would you mind telling me if the orange
wall. juice is5?
3 □ You can leave your
clothes c the athletics track. Waiter Yes, I do it myself to order.

4 □ I was too scared to go d her wrist while 6 3F READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the text
5 □ From the X-ray we can playing tennis. with one word in each gap.
see you've broken e pitch while people
6 □ She's in pain because are training.
she sprained f in the changing room To get into shape, you need to exercise,
but you also have to be careful about what
3 Complete the sentences with one preposition in each you eat - your ’diet is vital for your health. If
gap. your food is high in 2c, you'll put on
1 I haven't done any sports for a long time. I really need weight. Limit them! Avoid ’j foods
to get into shape! from factories and cook your own meals
2 I think yoga did my mum the world good! with healthy *i. Choose 5f fruit
She's not only slimmer now, but also feels more
and vegetables when possible. Drink water
or fruit juice (it's 6f of vitamins) and
3 My dad is in his sixties, but he never gets of
avoid 7f drinks full of gas and sugar.
And stay away from 8f food outlets
4 Weightlifting can help you to build your
muscles. - they may be cheap but they're very bad
for you.
5 When my boyfriend and I went walking in the
mountains I was so of shape that he had to
carry my rucksack for me!

4 3C LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Choose the correct

words to complete the sentences.
1 Emily is dislocated / unconscious because she has
fainted / burned.
2 The man was in shock/ painful after the car banged /
knocked him down.
3 A pain / hurt in your chest can be a sign of a heart
attack/ break.
4 After the accident she was bleeding / had a sprain from
the bums / cuts on her arm.
5 Some idiot set fire /reported to a garage and the
owner bruised / burned his hands in the fire.
6 I can hear an alarm ringing / burning - perhaps we 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write aboutthe kinds of food
should report/tell itto the police? you eat. Which of them are healthy/unhealthy?
7 My sister got a nasty hurt / bruise when she banged / Could you do anything to eat a healthier diet?
shocked her knee.



1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident I am (1-5)

ЗА 1 can use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Student's Book pp. 34-35
Perfect to talk about past actions.

ЗВ 1 can talk about sports, activities, fitness and exercise. Student's Book p. 36

ЗС 1 can identify the speaker's purpose and specific Student's Book p. 37

information in conversations and talk about accidents.

3D 1 can use used to and would to talk about past habits and Student's Book p. 38

ЗЕ 1 can use indirect questions to make polite requests orto Student's Bookp. 39
ask for opinions and information.

3F 1 can understand the development of ideas in an article Student's Book pp. 40-41
and talk about eating habits.

3G 1 can write a short story. Student's Book pp. 42-43

Which of the skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember



1 Match the words to make collocations. 5 Choose the correct answers.
1 □ football a wrist
2 □ squash b fit
3 □ world c leg
4 □ leisure d court
5 □ changing e muscle
6 □ sprained f breath
7 □ broken g pitch
8 □ pulled h room
9 □ out of і centre
10 □ keep j record

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

There are two extra words.

bruise burn fizzy injury junk organic wholemeal Martha 1 never tried squash before because
none of her friends2 play it. When she saw it
1 Mike needs to rest after that bad.
on TV though, she was fascinated and wanted to try.
2 Sue'sgota horrible purple where she banged
She found a leisure centre where there was a squash
her leg.
s and played her first match. It's a very hard
3 We preferto buy fruit and vegetables where
sport, but although Martha was out of4 by
the end, she loved the game. Now she plays all the
4 I don't think drinks are very good foryou.
time and next week she's going to take part in her first
5 Mark put on weight after eating a lot of food.
5- good luck, Martha!

3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, the Past
1 a hadn't b was c had d would
Continuous or the Past Perfect.
2 a did b use to c would d used
1 We decided to try marathon running while we
(watch) one on TV! 3 a court b machine c track d pitch

2 Josh(nottry) snowboarding before and was 4 a fit b breath cshape d fitness

amazed by how much fun it was. 5 a medal b concussion c competition d injury
3 Why(the player/lie) on the pitch when we got
there? Was he injured?
4 (you/hear) ofthe sport of curling before you 6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
saw it at the Winter Olympics?
5 The team(not perform) well at that point so I can’t believe what happened last night. I had just
the coach changed the players. fallen asleep when I heard a 1 alarm ringing.
/5 I jumped out of bed because I thought a house was
burning somewhere. The emergency services arrived
- Choose the correct verb forms to complete the blog
quickly - someone 2 called them straight
away. I got dressed and went to see if I could help.
.•<hen I was a child 11 used to / would think that fizzy But there was no emergency. My neighbour, who
drinks were fantastic. 12 didn’t know I wasn’t knowing loves chips, had s fire to his kitchen with the
mat they were bad for me because they’re full of sugar. chip pan! Luckily he was able to put the fire out by
’■*y mother used to make freshly-squeezed orange himself, but of course the smoke alarm went off. I’m
-ice for me, but 15 was always refusing / would always glad his house didn’t burn 4, but by the time
sfuse it! 14 didn’t used I didn’t use to like the bits in I got home I was really tired. I’ve got sports practice
me juice! What else 5 did I use to / would I hate as this morning and I’m going to feel exhausted on the
a child? Vegetables! Today I love eating salads and football 5.
"=sh vegetables. But guess what? I still hate fruit juice
■. th bits in it!
/5 /30

04 Time to move


Modal and related verbs 4 ★ Complete the sentences with the verb forms from
the box.
1 ★Match the sentences 1-8 with the functions a-h.
1 □ You must switch off your smartphones. didn't have to doesn't have to don't have to had to
has to have to meet mustn't
2 □ You mustn'tsmoke in this area.
3 □ She should be more careful. 1 You must switch your phone to flight mode now.
4 □ Сап I take off my seatbelt now? 2 You stand up during take-off or landing.
5 □ Could you pass me my bag? 3 My sister is a flight attendant and she work
6 □ You can getup now. very long hours.
7 □ I can speak four languages because I often travel. 4 Yesterday we confirm our bookings-
8 □ When I was a child I could speak French. otherwise we would lose the holiday.
5 The last time I flew, we wait for very long
a This is advice. f This is a request. at our gate.
b This is possible. g This is notallowed 6 Doi show you my passport?
c This is a past ability. h This is for asking 7 You switch off the reading light-you can
d This is necessary. permission. use it ifyou want.
e This is a present ability. 8 Kerry carry a boarding pass-she's
downloaded it onto her phone.
2 ★Choose the correct answers.
1 I'm sorry, but you___ fold away your tray table now. 5 ★ Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
a must b has to c don't have to 1 □ Ifyou hate flying, perhaps
2 During take-off every passenger___ wear his or her 2 □ If you have a long journey,
seatbelt. 3 □ To avoid paying for extra luggage
a have to b has to c mustn't 4 □ Ifyou hate hotweather,
3 You___ sit down for the entire journey, you can getup, 5 □ When you go through security
a have to b mustn't c don't have to 6 □ As you board the plane
4 You___ go through security, you have no choice.
a you oughtto avoid hot countries in summer.
a mustn't b don't have to c must
5 Passengers___ leave their luggage unattended. b you shouldn't pack too much into your case.

a have to b mustn't c don't have to c you shouldn't Leave metal objects in your pockets.

6 Susie___ book her flight today, she can do it d youshouldthinkaboutgoing bytrain.

tomorrow. e you oughtto haveyourseat number ready.
a mustn't b has to c doesn't have to f you oughtto take some books orsomething to do.

3 ★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the

1 Cabin staff on flights must / mustn't / don't have to
wear uniforms.
2 Passengers must / mustn't / don't have to stay in their
seats all the time - they can move about.
3 You must / mustn't / don't have to smoke while you are
on the plane.
4 You must / mustn't / don't have to gothrough security
checks atthe airport.
5 You must /mustn't/ don't have to travel without
a valid form of identification.
6 You must / mustn't / don't have to put hand luggage in
the hold - you can take it with you on the plane.

6 ★ Put the words in orderto make sentences. 10 ★★★ Use the prompts to write questions. Then write
1 could I help me/you / please/with my case/? short answers.

Could you help me with my case, please? 1 I / should / book/early to get a good price?
Should 1 to book early to get a good price?
2 up/passengers/now/can't/stand
2 I/can/choose my seat?
3 your seatbelt/off/take/ may/now/you
No, —~
ft use /1 / could / the bathroom / please / now / ? З I/have to/take/some form of ID?

5 me/somewater/bring/you/can/?
ft 11 have to / take / my birth certificate?

6 use/passengers/may/theirreading lights No,.

5 I / may / do /some shopping atthe airport?

7 ★★Complete the sentences with can, can't, could or Yes,.

couldn't and a verb from the box.
6 I/should / pack a heavy suitcase?
fly go pack say speak you/see
No, "
1 My aunt can speakfluent mandarin Chinese.
2 Sara all her warm clothes into her luggage 11 ★★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
so she wore them instead.
3 anything out ofthe plane window? Let me
look, too. KARL’S TRAVEL
ft When I was small, I to bed late during the

understands a lot.
many words in German, but he BLOG
6 In the past, most people
very expensive.
because it was Travelling
3 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
by plane
be able to and the verbs in brackets.
1 l/l/ere you able to book (book) some cheap flights last
2 (you/ever/travel) without your passport?
3 I'm afraid we(sit) together during the
flight tomorrow.
ft Susie(not get) her luggage back yet. Because of modern security rules, there are a lot of
5 They(board) the plane ifthey don't have things to remember when you travel by plane. First
their passports. of all, of course you lmust take some form of ID
6 I(not use) the bathroom because there with you. You z get onto a plane without it!
was a long queue. When you go through security, you 3 take
any food or drink with you. You 4 take a lot
9 ★★★Read the answers and write questions. of drink with you to the airport because you'll have to
1 Do passengers have to go through passport control? throw it away when you go through security! But don't
Yes, passengers have to go through passport control.
worry - you 5 buy as much as you want after
2 ?
security. And remember that liquids and creams are
No, you don't have to take off your shoes at security.
notallowed in large quantities - you 4 take
3 ?
big bottles of shampoo but you 7 take small
Sorry, you can't open the window.
tubes of toothpaste. And you 8 putthem
ft ?
into a plastic bag for inspection. Have a good flight!
Yes, you should ask the flight attendant for assistance.
5 ?
No, she can't understand Polish.
6 ? 12 ON A HIGH NOTE Think about the last time you travelled
Yes, you may use the reading light. somewhere. Write a short paragraph about what you
could, couldn't and had to do during your journey.


1 Look at the photos and read the first paragraph ofthe Vocabulary extension
blog post. Do you think the writer enjoyed his trip?
5 Match the sentences and expressions 1-7 with the
highlighted phrases in the text.
2 Quickly read the whole text and choose the best title
for the blog post. 1 ... my advice is...
a A journey with an unexpected ending take it from me
b Awonderfulsummerholiday 2 You shouldn't misunderstand me...
c A trip that taught me an important lesson
3 He wouldn't change his behaviour.
3 Match the tips about identifying the author's attitude
1-4 with extracts from the reading text a-d.
4 It was actually very different.
1 □ Writers use exaggeration to express their attitude.
2 □ Writers express positive, neutral and negative
attitudes through their choice of words. 5 ...isfantastic.

3 □ Writers use comparisons to express their attitude.

4 □ Look at full sentences and follow-up sentences, to 6 Noway!
identify attitude.
a Becoming an independent learner sounds more 7 ... chat about unimportant things...
exciting than it actually is.
b France ...the world-famous food is to die for.
c The open road - no deadlines - no fixed plans -
Heaven! Except that it wasn't.
ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Compound adjectives

d ... we both felt pretty depressed and for the rest ofthe When an adjective has two or more words linked
trip there was a lot oftension in the car. by a hyphen, we call it a compound adjective. Some
compound adjectives can be made from:
4 Read the blog post again and choose the correct • numbers, e.g. a three-month course, a two-year-old girl
• an adjective or adverb plus a past or present participle,
1 Why did the writer want to go on a road trip? e.g. slow-moving traffic, a well-known travel website
a He could take a lot of luggage.
b He could avoid working during the holiday. 6 Use the prompts to form compound adjectives with
c He could go where he wanted. numbers.
d He could drive a car he liked. 1 a word with three letters a three-letter word
2 The two men were not suited forthetrip because 2 a boy who's fifteen years old boy
a their habits annoyed each other. 5 a street which goes one way street
b they reacted differently to disagreements. 4 a flight of four hours flight
c they both had strong views on politics. 5 a bag which weighs three kilos bag
dthey wanted different things from the holiday. 6 a holidayfortwo weeks holiday
3 The writer was disappointed because
7 Complete the sentences with compound adjectives.
a the situation with his friend spoiled the holiday.
1 The palace is famous all overthe world.
b his friend refused to apologise to him.
It's a world-famous palace.
c he didn't enjoy the food he ate.
2 The road trip was for ten days. It was a roar
d his French wasn't good enough to communicate. trip.
4 What did the writer enjoy about the holiday? З I had to write an essay of 500 words. I had to write
a meeting peoplefrom a range of countries a essay.
b seeing less well-known places in France 4 The guide only worked part-time. He was a
c finding food he knew he liked guide.

d having company on some interesting walks 5 The people in the country speak English. It's an
5 What is the writer's advice for planning a road trip?
6 The car had seats fortwo people. It was a
a Only go with your best friend.
b Take a reliable car.
c Don't travel with just one person. 8 ONA HIGH NOTE Write about a road trip that you would
d Have an alternative travel plan. like to go on one day. Say who you would like to go
with and why.


K, so a ten-day road trip across France seemed like a great

idea at the time. It was the end of my first year at uni
and the summer break was coming up fast. Becoming
an independent learner sounds more exciting than it actually
is and after a year of studying, essay-writing and research, the
idea of jumping into a car with just a tent, a few clothes and
my guitar sounded like a dream come true. What's not to like?
The open road - no deadlines - no fixed plans. Heaven! Except
that it wasn't.

A two-seater sports car (a bitold but still a 'sports car1} is a cool

way to get around, but it's also a bit of a prison ifyou don't
get on with the driver! Don't get me wrong, I didn't start off
disliking my travelling companion. Farfrom it. We were mates
-that is, until we had a huge argument somewhere on the
south coast of France. I can't even remember what it was about.
Knowing Andy, it was probably about politics. Anyway, we said
some horrible things to each other. We continued our trip, but
. ou could cut the atmosphere in the car with a knife! I usually
get over things quite quickly, but not Andy - he sulked for three,
.ery long days. I tried to make Smalltalk about the weather
end the scenery, but he was having none of it. We travelled in
: lence, put up the tent in silence and slept in silence! If I'd had
:ne money, I would have booked a flight backto the UK, but my
aank account was almost empty.

So we carried on through the mountains and past fields

/poppies and olive trees. There wasa point where we
eaologised to each other, but we both felt pretty depressed BEAUNE
sod forthe rest ofthe trip there was a lot of tension in the
car. It was such a shame. France is a beautiful country and the
/.orld-famousfood is to die for. I'm usually a bit conservative
aDout trying new food, but I developed an unexpected liking
■:r garlic snails! When we stopped for camping breaks, Andy
. auld go off on long walks and I would try out the local cafes
s nd chat in my terrible French with the locals. We got lost
cauple of times and found ourselves way off the beaten track
- out it was good fun. We got to see places that normal tourists
a uld never see. If Andy hadn't been there, it would have been
: great holiday.

~at are my reflections on the trip? Well, take it from me,

; ■ a ad trip with a friend can be a great adventure, but you must
_;<e sure that the friend is someone that you know really well
- cameone you can rely on and who you trust. You don't have to
: a aest mates, but you need to be able to get on well for long
: e' ads. In addition to this, you shouldn’t go without some sort
■ escape route, just in case something goes wrong.

a auld I go on another road trip? I certainly would. You get

: .earn a lot about a country. Would I do it again with someone
i < e -ndy? Not a chance!
4С VOCABULARY | Travel essentials, travel phrases

1 ★Complete the sentences with the words and 4 ★★★Complete the second text so that it means the same
phrases from the box. as the first. Use between one and three words in each gap.

earplugs first aid kit insect repellent sunblock

travel adapter travel pillow

1 I don't want to get sunburn, so I have to take

sunblock with me.
2 Remember your in case you get a cut
or bum.
3 If it's a long flight, take a(n)so you
can sleep comfortably. HOLIDAYS
ft I need to charge my phone atthe hotel, so I have
to take a(n).
WHAT not
5 Rememberyour to block out noise on TO DO!
the plane.
6 There are a lot of mosquitoes at your destination
so pack some. raveller magazine recently collected some basic travel mistakes.

2 ★Complete the sentences with one word in each

T Here we share them with you to help you prepare for your
gap. When Mark decided to go camping on a faraway island in Greece
1 Ifyou have a phone, don't forget your charger. it seemed like a great idea - until he realised that travellers to this
2 A power b is useful for when you can't area should remember to take a spray against insects and basic
charge your device. medical material with them - there are no shops or medical centres
3 You can listen to music with h so that nearby. Sadly, after three days of mosquitoes and an infected cut,
you don't disturb other people. Mark’s holiday was finished.
ft A p can be useful for cutting things When Grace booked a holiday in a seaside hotel near shops she
on nature holidays, butyou can't take it on the didn’t ask about the hotel’s disco, which she only discovered when
plane. she arrived there. Even things to block her ears didn’t stop the
5 If you’re going camping, perhaps you should take noise, so she had to change hotel - an expensive mistake!
at to see at night.
Jane was thrilled when she left for her stopover in Singapore on
6 Rememberthat sometimes there’s no internet, the way to Australia. But she forgot to book a flight with no stops
so a pocket g book for information is
for her return journey. Her twelve-hour wait at Singapore airport
a good idea.
was exhausting, and she didn't even have a small temporary
3 ★★Match the beginnings 1-9 with the endings pillow with her.
1 □ The plane will reach its
raveller magazine recently collected some basic travel mistakes.
2 □ They're two hours behind us, so it's 2 p.m.
3 □ I'd tike to start early and
T Here we share them with you to help you prepare for your
When Mark decided to go camping on a faraway island in Greece
ft □ It's so busy where I live, I wantto escape
it seemed like a great idea - until he realised that travellers
5 □ We’re going to Australia, but we’re stopping to this area should remember to take 'insect repellent and
6 □ I'm notsure if I can find my a2 with them - there are no shops or medical centres
7 □ Luckily I have no connections, I have a direct within3* . Sadly, after three days of mosquitoes and
8 □ Please call and tell me you've arrived an infected cut, Mark’s holiday was finished.
9 □ We're in the centre, within easy When Grace booked a holiday in a seaside hotel she didn’t ask
about the hotel’s disco, which she only discovered when she
a setoff before seven o'clock.
*her destination. Even5 didn’t stop the
b way around without a map. noise, so she had to change hotel - an expensive mistake!
c the crowds and the noise.
Jane was thrilled when she6 off in Singapore on the
d safely when you get there. way to Australia. But she forgot to book a7 flight for
e time there now. her return journey. Her twelve-hour wait at Singapore airport was
f off in Singapore fortwo days. exhausting, and she didn’t even have a89 pillow with her.
g reach of shops and museums.
h flight to New York.
і destination on time. 5 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about how
to pack the perfect backpack for a one-week camping


4D GRAMMAR | Relative clauses 04
1 ★ Circle (0) for defining relative clause or (ND) for 3 ★★ Complete the sentences with that where possible,
non-defining relative clause. or who or which if that is not possible.
1 The National Park, which is free to enter, 1 I went to see Sarah, who often travels abroad, to ask
closes at 10 p.m. D/ND forsome ideas.
2 That's the house where I stay on holiday every 2 This is the guide took us round the park.
summer. D/ND 3 I'd like to see the photos_________ you took on
3 This canyon, which is 446 km long, holiday.
is in the state of Arizona. D/ND 4 Holidays by the sea,are very popular in
4 The woman who tookthis photo of us summer, are available at different prices.
emailed a copy to me. D/ND 5 Brighton,is a popular destination for
5 Are you the person who has our tickets for language students, is on the south coast.
the museum? D/ND 6 She's the travel agent suggested going by
6 We asked the guide who took us round train.
to tell us aboutthe mountain. D/ND
7 Nora, whose brother is studying in Canada, 4 ★★★ Use the prompts to write sentences with
is going there next summer. D/ND relative clauses. Leave out the relative pronoun where
8 The weather, which was terrible, prevented
us from visiting the wildlife park. D/ND 1 this/guide/show/us/museum
This is the guide who showed us the museum.
2 ★Complete the sentences with which, where, who 2 the house / we / stay in / last summer / be / beautiful
or whose.

3 my grandmother / be / very active/travel / Canada I


4 the video / we / make / on holiday / last / twenty


5 Marion / her brother/ work / an airline / get/free


6 the man / we / ask / for directions / be / very helpful

5 ★★★ Rewrite the conversation using relative clauses.

Anna Сап I see’the pictures? You tookthem on
Can I see the pictures which you took on holiday?
1 A mountain refuge is a simple place where hikers can
stay for a night. 4the flat. We stayed there.
Karim Sure! This is1

2 Can you send me the photo you took ofthe Sure! This is___________________________________
group? Anna And who'ssthewoman?She'swearing a green
5 My friend Ruben,mum is from California, dress.
told us aLL about the state. And who's the woman_________________________
4 I'd like to seethe place this photo was Karim She’s my grandmother. My grandfather * is next
taken. to her. He has got a shop.
5 They have to protect this bird,is in danger She's my grandmother. My grandfather
of extinction. Anna And this?5 Is this the beach? You spent your days
6 I asked Jason,has already visited Sweden, swimming there.
to give me some advice. And this? Is this the beach
7 The guides pass an exam can become chief 8Her father runs
Karim That's right. And this is Naima.67
guides. the beach cafe.
8 Some people car had problems had to stay That's right. And this is Naima
in our hotel.
6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about a place
you like. Use the words in the box.

where which who whose

1 @28 Listen to a student talking about how she gets Pronunciation
to college every day. How would you describe her
6 0 30 Listen to someone reading extracts from the
listening. Notice how the ends of some words link to
a pessimistic about the future reliability of public transport the beginnings ofthe next.
b glad that she changed herform of travelling 1 Commuting to college can be a bitvofva pain.
c disappointed thatshe cannot travel independently 2 When I startedvout my friend used to give me
a liftjn his car.
2 0 28 Listen again and decide if the statements are true 3 \Ne didn't get home untilveightvo'clock.
(T) or false. (F)
1 □ The speaker chose to attend a good college in spite
ofthe distance from her home. ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION | Unking words
2 □ She often missed the start of lessons because of English speakers run words together to create
traffic congestion. a continuous stream ofwords.This way of linking words
5 □ She has been going to this college for six months, together can sometimes be difficultto understand. We
can use differentways to linkthe ending of one word
ft □ The train is always so full that she doesn't sit down.
and the beginning ofthe next. When a word ends with
5 □ The train is sometimes delayed due to weather
a consonant (e.g. /t/, /d/, /к/ or a consonant sound, e.g.
conditions. take) and the next word starts with a vowel, there is no
6 □ Commuters are warned about cancellations in pause between the words, e.g.
advance. • I did Jt quickly.

3 0 29 Listen to the radio programme and match the • Can you look„at my work?
comments with the callers. Write Linzie, Rafal or Marie. • Isjt a boy oiya girl?

Which caller mentions... • How much^are these._eggs?

1 the size ofthe platforms.

2 air pollution. 7 0 31 Listen again to the phrases from Exercise 6 and
3 the number of trains. practise saying them.

ft how easy it is to find your way. 8 0 32 Look at some sentences. Underline the words
5 commuters being patient. you think can be linked. Listen and check. Practise
6 the temperatures on trains. saying the sentences.
7 the number of delays. 1 It’s about eighteen miles away from my home.
8 the design of stations. 2 We got a train earlier than we'd expected because it
had been delayed.
9 the size ofthe trains.
3 Jim's fed up with all the driving he does on the
motorways atthe moment.
Vocabulary extension
ft I'm not a fan of motorbikes, but from all these
4 Complete the sentences with the nouns from the box magazines it looks as if Grant is!
which you heard in the recording. 5 You keep on making comments about my new
hairstyle-please stop it!
action confusion failures nightmare reputation
tailbacks variety works
9 0 33 Listen to some more phrases where the words
1 There were tailbacks for two kilometres on the are linked. Write what you think the words are. The
motorway this morning. number of words in each phrase has been given to
help you.
2 Getting to school was a yesterday.
1 (3 words) catch up on
3 The rail company has announced three days of strike
in the next month. 2 (Swords)_______________________________________

ft Road will delay traffic through the town 3 (Swords)_______________________________________

centre for three days. 4 (3 wo rd s)_______________________________________
5 This make of car has a for being unreliable. 5 (4 words)_______________________________________
6 There's a lot of about which trains will run
during the strike.
10 0 34 Listen to the phrases in context and check your
answers from Exercise 9.
7 The company has given a of reasons for the
recent train delays.
8 Signal caused a lot of delays on the
underground last year.

5 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about your

favourite and least favourite forms of public transport,
giving reasons for your answer.


1 0 35 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 0 36 Read the conversation. Put the words in order
them in your language? to make phrases for agreeing, partly agreeing and
disagreeing. You may need to add commas. Listen and
SPEAKING I Agreeing and disagreeing
Sam There's so much traffic in the city centre. The air
AGREEING quality is terrible. Something's gotto change.
You're (absolutely) right. Olivia 1 right / you're / absolutely I It's really polluted.
That's exactly how I feel. You're absolutely right.
I don'tthinksoeither. Sam The council is thinking about banning all cars
That's for sure. from the main streets.
You're not wrong. Olivia 2 joking I right / you're / ? People have to get to
I agree with you (100 percent). workandthe shops!

Sam 3 point/but / got/you've / a / what else can
I agree up to a point.
they do?
You've got a point, but what else can they do?
Maybe that's true, but some cars cause more pollution
than others. Olivia Well, they could make big cars and lorries pay to
come into the centre. That would help.
You might be right, but all cars contribute to the
problem. Sam * but/think/you / that/yes I don't / all cars
Yes, but don't you think that it would be enormously contribute to the problem?
expensive to change over to electric cars?
I see what you mean, but the government could help. Olivia 54 true / but / that's / maybe / some cause more
pollution than others. How about only letting
DISAGREEING electric cars into the centre?
I'm sorry, but I disagree/don't agree.
You're joking, right?*
Sam 6on/real/come/get/l Itwouldbe
You can't be serious.* enormously expensive for people to change
Come off it!* over to electric cars. And anyway, there still
Come on, get real!* aren't enough charging points for electric cars.
No way!*

* informal, perhaps rude for people you don't know well Olivia 7 you / what / mean / see /1 / Perhaps the
government could help people payfornew cars.

Sam 8*serious / be / can't / you /1 The government's

got enough things to spend money on! No,
I think a city centre ban is the best option.

Olivia ’ I /sorry / disagree / but/ I'm /Something

has to happen,10 for I that's / sure /, but not
a complete ban.

3 Which phrases 1-10 from the conversation show that

the people know each other well?

4 ON A HIGH NOTE Write three possible reactions to

each statement. One should show agreement, one
disagreement and one partial agreement. Give
a reason for each reaction.
1 The bus company needs to save money. They should
cut fifty percent of the buses in the town centre.
2 We need more cycle lanes in the town.
З I think the age for learning to drive should be

4G WRITING IA formal email of enquiry

Complete the subject box with your To.

reason for writing. Re: sailing opportunity

Dear *
Start with an appropriate greeting.
I was looking at your website and read about the week's sailing expedition you
are offering this summer. I have a few23 * and I would greatly
3 it if you could answer them.
State clearly why you are writing.
You mention that participants do not need a great deal of experience. I learned
to sail a few years ago at my local sailing club. *since then I have
Use indirect questions to be polite. only sailed small boats. Obviously sailing a tall ship would be very different and
15 whether my experience would be enough.

With 6 to cost, could you 7 how much individual

Signal a new topic using a set phrase. participants would need to contribute financially? You mention part funding
by a youth sports charity which is very good, but I would like to know what
proportion of the costs they cover.

Conclude your email politely. 18 also be interested to know how participants will be selected if
there is a large number of applicants.

This sounds an exciting opportunity to learn how to handle a large ship and to
Close your email appropriately. work as part of a team. I am looking ’to hearing from you.


Ted Danvers

1 Read the email and decide which website advert the 3 Tick (/) the items which would NOT be appropriate to
writer is enquiring about. use in a formalemail.
дП 1 □ What a brilliant idea!
2 □ Concerning the cost ofthe activity, I...
3 □ Therefore I would like you to confirm ...
Would you Like to spend a week sailing a wonderful tall
ship around the south coast this summer? You would 4 □ Please write soon.
be working with a team of young people and Learning all 5 □ My plans are a bit up in the air at the moment.
about these amazing old ships. You don't need a lot of 6 □ I must close now as I need to do some homework.
experience to apply to join the team, and the expedition
7 □ How much is it?
will be partly funded by a sports charity that offers
sporting experiences to young people. The expedition
will be from 5th to the 12th August. Email us for further
4 WRITING TASK Write a formal email asking for further
information about the other advertisement in
к______________________________ _ ____ J Exercise 1.

ACTIVE WRITING I A formal email of enquiry
Have you ever wanted to Learn to sail, but perhaps Live 1 Plan your email.
in a city with no opportunities? The youth sports charity • Make a note ofthe information you want.
Dream Sports is offering several young people a week's
• You may wish to ask about clothing/equipment,
residential sailing course at Calthorpe Activity centre near
Brighton this summer. The only requirement is that you are accommodation, dates, cost.
able to swim! Contact us for further information. 2 Write your email.
• Divide your points into paragraphs.
• Use appropriate opening and closing phrases.
2 Complete the email with the words from the box. • Be polite and use indirect questions.
• Use fullsentences and avoid contractionsand
appreciate confirm forward however queries
idiomatic language.
regard Sir wonder wishes would
3 Check your email. Check that:
• all the relevant information is there.
• there are no mistakes with spelling, grammar and

1 4A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Complete the З 4C VOCABULARY Choose the correct words to complete
collocations with one word in each gap. the sentences.
1 choose an aisle/window seat 1 There are lots of flies and mosquitoes, so you'll need
2 go to your g to board the plane a good penknife I insect repellent.

3 don't I your luggage unattended 2 It's a long journey, so take a travel pillow / guide book
to help you sleep.
4 s your phone to flight mode
3 Have you got some disinfectant in that travel adapter /
5 raise your w blind first aid kit?
6 b a flight 4 I don't want to get burned, so I’ve got my hat and
7 f your seatbelt some insect repellent / sunblock.
8 p your seat in an upright position 5 The plugs are different in Italy, so don't forget to take
a travel adapter / charger.
9 put your h luggage in the overhead locker
6 If there are lots of passengers, ear plugs/ a power bank
10 got security
can be a good way to get some peace.
11 f away yourtray table 7 IX penknife / pocket guide book Is a good idea to get
12 watch the s demonstration information if there's no wifi available.
8 Attach some headphones / torches to your phone to
2 4B READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the sentences listen to music without disturbing others.
with the phrases from the box.
4 Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
asktheway get lost go off the beaten track hire a car
hittheroad plan the route turnback 1 □ Can we stop
2 □ I hate connections-I want a direct
1 We love to go off the beaten track and discover
3 □ Let's leave early, we can set
unusual places tourists don't go to.
4 □ It's early in New York - only 6 a.m. local
2 It's time to go home. Come on, let's.
5 □ I've got a map to find
3 How could you? It's only one kilometre
away! 6 □ Send me a text to say you've arrived

4 Sorry, but I think this is the wrong direction. a off at six o'clock and travel before the traffic.
b safely at your hotel.
5 Ifyou need directions, stop and.
c my way around the city.
6 I’d like to look at a map and so we don't
d flight to Vancouver.
waste time.
e off for a coffee during the journey?
7 There isn’t much public transport so it's a good idea
to. f time overthere.

5 4E LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Read the definitions

and write the correct words.
1 smoke from cars, trucks, etc.
2 poisonous
3 the natural world
4 chemicals that damage air, water and soil
5 a situation when there is too much traffic
6 a mix of smoke and other pollutants which makes
it difficult to see
7 a sort of fuel madefrom petroleum
8 a wide road with several lanes where cars drive fast
9 using methods that do not damage the environment
10 a source of energy which neverfinishes is this

6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph giving some

ideas about how a holiday can become sustainable.


1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident 1 am (1-5) I

4A 1 can use a variety of modal and related verbs. Student's Book pp. 48-49

4B 1 can identify the author's attitudes in an article and talk Student's Book pp. 50-51
about holidays.

4C 1 can talk about travelling. Student's Book p. 52

4D 1 can use defining and non-defining relative clauses. Student's Book p. 53

4E 1 can identify specific information in a monologue and Student's Book p. 54

a radio programme and talk about urban transport
and pollution.

4F 1 can show degrees of agreement using a range of Student's Bookp. 55


4G 1 can write a formal email requesting information. Student's Book pp. 56-57

2 Which ofthe skills above would you like to improve in? How?
Skill I wantto improve in How 1 can improve ■

3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words 1 learned and most want Expressions and phrases 1 liked English 1 heard or read outside class
to remember

". .... 1 , J1- . . ,

GRAMMAR AMD VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences with where, which, who or
1 Choose the correct answers.
1 This is the photo I took from the top ofthe
1 You must never leave your luggage. mountain.
a alone b unattended c upright 2 Do you know the girl cousin lives in
d in a locker Glasgow?
2 We're lost. Let's stop someone and. 3 A youth hostel,you can stay cheaply, is
aasktheway bhittheroad c hire a car often a good place to meet people.
d plan the route 4 Diesel,is a fossil fuel, is not
5 That's a bad cut on your knee, let's get some
disinfectant from the. 5 Jennifer,cycles through the city every
morning, is forced to breathe fumes from traffic.
a tourist office b security c first aid kit
d travel adapter
4 I think we should after breakfast so we arrive
in the afternoon. USE OF ENGLISH
a go out b reach out c set off 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
d setup words in brackets.
5 We need to increase the use of solar power and other 1 The traffic is terrible - we can't move!
types of energy. (CONGEST)
a congestion b renewable c toxic 2 Please watch the cabin crew while they do the
d fuel safety. (DEMONSTRATE)
/5 3 The house is in a remote village which is really off the
track. (BEAT)
2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases 4 Are you sure these tomatoes were grown using
from the box. There are two extra words. methods? (SUSTAIN)

easy reach got lost hitthe road luggage smog toxic 5 Air and water cause a huge amount of
travel adapter damage to the environment. (POLLUTE)

1 Please put your in the overhead locker. /5

2 We wasted a lot of time because we and

6 Read the short texts and choose the correct answers.
couldn't find the station.
5 I couldn't use my phone because I hadn't brought 1 This road is closed. Please and take
a for the plug. the alternative route following the yellow signs.
4 It's best to stay in the centre of town, within
a turnback b set off c hitthe road
of all the main shops and attractions.
5 Children in the UK are breathing dangerous levels The use of_______ is advised
of air as they walk and cycle to school. while listening to music to avoid disturbing
/5 other passengers.

3 Choose the correct answers. a earplugs b insect repellent (headphones

Australia - dos and don’ts when entering the country Need to relax? Want to_________ :
°lease remember when you travel to Australia that you Quiet cottage by the sea to rent.
1 follow some basic rules when entering the Call Donna for more information.
country. For example, travellers12 bring food or
drink into the country. Seeds are also forbidden. If you have a arrive safely b set off early c escape the crowds
any questions you34 check with customs officials.
You declare jewellery or personal items, but if 11 Dear Sir/Madam,
,.ou are carrying more than 10,000 Australian dollars in cash, I am writing to about your rock climbing
you5 declare it. course in the Highlands.

a enquire b confirm c require

1 a can bmust c ought d could
2 a shouldn't b don’t have to «mustn't d might 5 Passengers who have purchased QuickBoard
not wait in the queue. Please proceed directly to your gate.
3 a had to bought cable to d should
a can’t b don't have to (mustn't
4 a mustn't b may not c don't have to d can't
5 a have to b don't have to cmay d mustn't
OS The next step


Talking about the future 2 ★ Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
sentences about the future.
1 ★Match the sentences 1-8 with the functions a-h.
1 I can't meet you on Sunday, Igo/'m going to the
1 □ I might ask my aunt to help me - she's good at cinema with Katy.
2 Stop that child! She is falling off / is going to fall offs
2 □ These questions are so easy! I'm going to pass this wall!
З I don't like this subject, so I am getting / will get bo-
3 □ I'Ll help you with that! during the lesson tomorrow.
ft □ I'm going to study all weekend. it I think you will find / are finding the next week Mar
5 □ The teacher is nice. I'm sure she'll give us a fair exam easy.
exam. 5 You'll be ready in five minutes? OK, I will wait/
6 □ The exam's aboutto start and I can't remember am waiting for you outside.
anything! 6 He's a sensible person. I'm sure he will plan / plans t
7 □ The test starts at ten o'clock. studies for the next month.
8 □ I'm seeing the managertomorrow about 7 Sally's overconfident and doesn't study much. She
a summerjob. doesn't pass / и/on't pass th e exa m.
8 I’m curious to find out what is going to happen /
a a future prediction based on evidence
is happening in the next episode ofthe show.
b a plan, an intention
c an event in the very nearfuture 3 ★ Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
d an arrangement 1 □ I'm notsure aboutthis question.
e a future prediction based on an opinion or belief 2 □ It's an advanced exam.
f a timetabled event 3 □ Please be quiet in the corridor.
g a future possibility ft □ You could write to the newspaper editor.
h a decision the speaker has just made 5 □ I'm aboutto finish my homework.
6 □ Joanna is very inventive.

a An exam is aboutto start in here.

b She could have some creative ideas to help.
c I'll help you in two minutes.
d The answer might be'yes'or'no'.
e She may offer you a work placement.
f There could be some very difficult questions.

★★Complete the sentences about the future with th

Present Continuous and the verbs in brackets. If the
Present Continuous is not possible, use be going to.
1 I'm spending (spend) this weekend relaxing and
having fun.
2 Look out! Your books(fall off) the table.
3 The film(start) late because of technica.
ft Be careful-you(make) a lot of careless
5 I've got a DVD. We(watch) it together o~
Saturday evening.
6 She(pass) the exam easily because s~e ~a
studied a lot.

5 ★★ Put the words in orderto make sentences. 8 ★★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
1 you / pass /1/the exam/think/will conversation.

I think you will pass the exam. Ann Ted, would you like to come to my place this
evening?11'm studying / study French with Matt
2 good results/probably/get/will/she
and Sofie, and we2 are going to have / are about to
have pizza, too.
3 study/are/going/we/to/together Ted That sounds great! What time3 do you start / are
you going to start?
k the lesson/start/to/about/is Ann 4 We might start / are going to start at six o'clock
for sure. Then I think5 we will stop I stop for pizza
at about seven thirty. We6 probably won't / won't
5 think/ difficult / be / will / don't / it /1
probably do much studying after that.
Ted Great. I'm not sure, but 17 might be I'm going to
6 understand/not/might/1/everything be ten minutes late. Is that a problem? My football
training session8 finishes/ could finish at five
7 to the party / Katy/coming / definitely / is thirty on Saturdays.
Ann No, that's fine, Ted. See you Later then.

8 probably / Mrs Bennett / us a test / won't / give 9 ★★★Choose the correct answers.

6 ★★Complete the mini-conversations with the words Mum - just a note to say that 11 for a while,
and phrases from the box. so I z at home when you get back. 13
-'eyou goingto begins could be does doesn'tthink to Eddie’s house to Look at some problems I have
don'tthink isaboutto 'll be might might know with Physics. Eddie's really good at Physics and he
■es, lam you'll pass 4 help me. I don't think I 5 Late for
dinner. The bus home 6 at five, but if I have
1 A Do you thinkyou'Hpassthe exam easily?
a Lot of problems I 7 Later and catch the six
В No, I it'll be easy.
o’clock bus. 18 you a message and Let you
2 A What time the revision session start?
know! I have to go - I ’miss my bus. 110
В It at four thirty.
you Later! Ben
З A I haven't studied much, but I some ofthe
В You've studied some of the topics though, so you 1 a go out 2 a won't be
_______ OK. b am going out b am not aboutto be
A Hmm. Let's wait and see. c will go out c am not being
4 A Hurry up! The train leave! 3 a willgo 4 a is going to
В Let's run. We getto it just in time. b go b might
5 A It's only a mid-year test. Jim it'll be too c am going c is aboutto
5 a am 6 a is going to leave
В Is he certain? I'm sure it a challenge.
b could be b is aboutto leave
6 A study over the weekend?
c will be c leaves
В.Would you like to come and study with
7 a stay 8 a am sending
b am staying b willsend
♦ ★★Read the answers and write questions. c may stay c am going to send
1 Are you doing any exams tomorrow? 9 a am aboutto 10 a am seeing
No, we aren't doing any exams tomorrow.
b am missing b could see
2 ?
c won’t miss c will see
Yes, I'm going to study all day!
3 ? 10 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about your
Yes, of course you'll understand all the questions. plans for next week.
4 ? • Are you taking any tests or exams?
•’es, it's going to rain atthe weekend.
• Have you got any trips or after-school activities?
5 :?
• Are you going to spend a lot of time with friends?
•’es, the test is about to start.
6 ?
No, I'm not about to leave.


5 В VOCABULARY | Phrasal verbs related to studying

1 ★Choose a verb from Box A and a word or phrase 4 ★★Complete the conversation with one word in each
from Box В to make phrasal verbs that match the gap.

A catch come drop get go hand ptrt

В down to in e# out over upon up with

1 to do something later
put off
2 to revise or repeat, so you can learn

5 to do workorstudy which you have missed

4 to give yourworkto the teacher

5 to have (an idea)

6 to start a task seriously

7 to leave a course before itfinishes

MrTait Simon, are you feeling OK? You seem to be
having trouble keeping1 up with the class
2 ★Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from today.
Exercise 1. Simon Actually, I don't feel very well. I can't seem to
1 She managed to catch up on the work she had missed 2c up with any ofthe correct
by copying herfriend's notes. answers.

2 I've got no ideas. Can you some MrTait This isn't normalforyou. I never have to tell
suggestions? you to pull your3 s up.

3 I'm really tired, so I think I'll doing this Simon I just feel really tired and I’ve got a headache.
homework until tomorrow. I can't concentrate. I just can't get * d
to anything today.
4 She really hates the drama club; I think she'll
probably soon. MrTait I think I'll ask the secretary to call your parents.
Go home. You can5 h in your
5 Remember that we have to our History
work when you feel better. I know you won't
essays tomorrow morning.
6p it off without a good reason.
6 I’m not very confident about this topic. I'd like
Simon Thanks MrTait. I promise to go7 о
to it again.
today's work when I feel better. I don't want to
7 OK, let's stop chatting and some serious fall8 b I
5 ★★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
3 ★Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from
the box. I'm not a genius, so I don't 1pic/< things up as soon as
I hear them, but I manage to 2 up with my
come up fell behind keep up with picksup
classwork because I stay organised. I know if I have
pull your socks up put together
to go 1 something and I study it again at
1 You haven't studied anything forthe examlYou'd home. That way I rarely •behind. In the
better pull your socks up or you're going to fail! past, I used to put5 exercises or projects
2 We need to study this topic - it's definitely going that I didn't like, but now I have a new strategy.
to in the exam. I6 down to those tasks first and then I do
3 He neglected his studies for weeks and the the things I enjoy. For example, my friend Rob and
rest ofthe class. I are going to put7 a presentation next
4 Are you sure you can the class if you're also week on agriculture, so I'm doing my research first,
doing four activities after school? because I'm not really very interested in the subject.
5 I need to a plan of my project before class But who knows, I might8 up with some
tomorrow. useful information all the same.
6 She has a talent for learning, she new
information really easily. 6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about how
you organise and plan your studies so that you can
keep up with your school work.


=uture Continuous and Future Perfect 5 ★★★ Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the
Future Continuous or the Future Perfect.
1 ★Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 at/this time / next/ week/we/sit / on the beach.
1 By the time I'm eighteen, I will have finished school.
This time next week we will be sitting on the beach.
2 nine o'clock tomorrow morning I'll be
waiting to start my exam. 2 we/not have/lunch/by/one thirty.

3 By time next week, all our exams will have

finished. Hooray! 3 she/make/a decision/by/ next week?
h Will you have returned from your holiday in three
days now? ft 11 attend / three / open days / by / next week!
5 the end of this month, I will have saved
enough money fora newsmartphone.
5 what/you / do / by/four o'clock tomorrow?
6 two hours'time, we will have known what
our exam results are!
6 Cheryl/notstudy/in France nextyear.
2 ★★Complete the sentences with the Future
Continuous forms ofthe verbs in brackets.
1 At this time tomorrow evening, we will be watching 6 ★★★Complete the text with the Future Continuous or
(watch) a film. the Future Perfect forms ofthe verbs from the box.

2 What(you/do) at this time next week? collect enjoy finish not sit see you/decide
3 She(not visit) the college at ten o'clock you/do watch
ft (you/meet) any other students in the near
From: Zac
5 We(not study) Maths this time next year -
it isn't part of our course. Subject: Open day

6 I really hope that in six months from now, I Hi Jenny

(attend) a language course abroad.
I've got the programme for next week's
3 ★★Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect open day at the technical college. It looks
forms of the verbs from the box.
good. At nine o'clock, I *1i/i//'Z/
* * * be watching
chat form meet not decide return tour a demonstration of pottery making.
Iz in Mr Brown's boring Maths class!
1 Bythis time tomorrow evening, I will have returned
from the university open day. Hooray! By lunchtime, 15 three
demonstrations, so I'll be hungry. At one o'clock
2 I hope that I a better idea of what I want to
study. I *a hamburger and chips in a nice

3 All the visitors to the university the campus. warm cafe. By five o'clock, I think 15 all
the information I want, so I'm planning on going
ft We to students who are studying atthe
university now. home after that.
5 I lots of new people - maybe some of them What about you? 6 which college
will become friends.
you want to go to by tomorrow evening?
6 I if I'm going to choose that college Or are you still thinking about your choices? By
though. I have three more open days to go to!
the way, what7 around eight o'clock
4 ★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the tomorrow evening? Why don't you come over
sentences. to my house if you're not busy. My family and
1 Nigel won't have solved / won't be solving these Maths I8 eating by eight o'clock, so come
problems before bed time. over anytime after that.
2 Do you think Mrs Smith will have received / will be
receiving our exam results before class?
3 Christina won't have attended / won't be attending
school tomorrow as she's not well.
ft Where will you have stayed I will you be staying when
7 ONA HIGH NOTE Imagine your life in five years' time.
What will you have achieved? What will you be doing?
you goto visit the university?
What will you not be doing? Write a short paragraph
5 If Millie finishes her project on time, she will have predicting your future.
proved I will be proving how determined she is.
6 After a few days in Spain you will have picked up / will
be picking up some basic words and phrases.

1 0 57 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 4 0 59 Complete the sentences from the interview with
them in your language? one word in each gap. Then listen and check.
1 Could you please tell us something about yourself?
SPEAKING 2 I’m self-and that is one reason why I'd like
Describing your strenghts and weekenesses to gain some teaching English abroad.
З I think I have good communication.
4 Do you work well under?
I have good communication/English/organisational
5 Imanagemy ca ref и Uy.
6 I also think I'm good multi-tasking.
I'm self-motivated.
7 I enjoy challenges and problems.
I manage my time carefully.
8 I think my biggest is accepting that I can't
I work well/better under pressure/in a team.
do everything as fast as I’d like to.
I'm good at multi-tasking/meeting deadlines.
9 I to expect to make quick progress.
I’m a fast learner.
10 Also, I'm typing skills.
I enjoy solving problems.


5 Match the comments 1-5 with the follow-up
examples a-e.
My biggest weakness is probably Maths.
1 □ I work well in a team.
I tend to spend too much time checking my homework.
2 □ I have good organisational skills.
I find it difficult to talk to large groups of people.
3 □ I'm good atmeeting deadlines.
I'm trying to develop my public-speaking skills.
I'm working on my typing skills. 4 □ I find it difficult to talk to large groups of people.
5 □ I'm a fast learner.

a I can rememberthings easily.

2 Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f
to make sentences with interview advice. b I get nervous and don't express myself clearly.

You should... с I listen and come up with useful ideas.

1 □ arrive early so that d I'm always aware how long I need for my work.
2 □ turn off your phone so that e I plan my workand keep clear records.

3 □ wear smart clothes and have a shower so that

6 ON A HIGH NOTE Imagine you are applying for
4 □ only talk about relevant details from your CV a summer job. Write a short paragraph about your
so that strengths and weaknesses.
5 □ point outyourstrengths and motivation so that My strengths are...
6 □ refer to your CV but don't read from it so that My weaknesses are...
a you are looking up all the time and keep eye contact,
b you can relax and be ready foryour interview.
c you look and smell good.
d it doesn't disturb the interview.
e you show why you are right for the job.
f interviewers don’t get bored and can see you are

5 0 58 Listen to an extract from an interview. Lewis

is applying forajobteaching English abroad during
his gap year. Decide if the statements are true (T)
orfalse (F).
1 □ Lewis's parents have different nationalities.
2 □ Lewis's ambition is to be a language teacher.
3 □ Lewis hasn't done any teaching before.
4 □ Lewis belongsto a tennis club.
5 □ Lewis can do several tasks at the same time.
6 □ Lewis learns everything very quickly.
7 □ Lewis needs to practise his typing.

1 0 40 Listen to an announcement about the 'Young Pronunciation
Entrepreneur of the Year' award. Decide if the notes
are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
7 0 43 Read some sentences from the listening, paying
particular attention to the underlined words which
contain the light /I/ sound. Listen and repeat the
1 □ - every year
individual words.
2 □ regional cowips - July; finals - Nov
1 This yearthe closing date for all entries has been
5 □ for people - started business last year moved from the 31st of March to the 30th of April.
4 □ for people - over l3 2 The date forthe final in London is the eleventh of
5 □ closing date - 3ist March November.
6 □ finals - 15th Nov - Tillinqs Hotel 3 In previous years this has been held atthe luxurious
Tillings Hotel, butthisyear it will be atthe Royal
2 Complete the tips about note-taking with the words Trafalgar.
from the box. 4 I was working and developing my company while
I was studying, but now I'm working on it full-time.
articles check key similar symbols
5 Butthat's nearly impossible. There's always going to
1 Only note down the key points. be competition.

2 Leave out words such as and auxiliary verbs.

3 Use abbreviations,and numbers.

4 Try not to confuse words which sound. The /I/ sound can be pronounced in two ways called 'light'
5 anything you're not sure of later. and 'dark' /I/.
• We use the light/I/ before a vowel or diphthong, e.g.
3 0 41 Listen to the first part of a radio interview with London, Light, flag, unless, lovely.
a young entrepreneur. What is a 'cryptocurrency'? • We use the dark /I/ as the final sound of a syllable, after
a a secret currency a vowel or diphthong, e.g. full, able, will, April.
b a currency without cash Some people confuse the /г/ and the /I/ sounds. When
c a fictional currency making the /г/sound the tongue does nottouch the roof
ofthe mouth, whereas to make the /I/ sound it does.
4 0 42 Listen to the whole interview and complete the
notes with one or two words in each gap.
8 0 44 Look at the sentences in Exercise 7 again.
Find and underline the words with a dark /I/ in each
1 aqe Calluwi set up cowpany eighteen
sentence. Listen, check and repeat.
2 completed decree іи
3 learned codinq at 9 0 45 Now practise saying the complete sentences in
4 bitcoin created in Exercise 7. Listen and check.

5 not imp. for everyone to have

10 0 46 Listen and notice how the /I/ sound changes.
6 younq entrepreneurs - have adv. of Practise saying the pairs of words.
7 vnust do something you 1 gradual gradually
2 final finally
Vocabulary extension 3 feel feeling
4 impossible impossibly
5 Complete the sentences with the words from the box
5 eventual eventually
which you heard in the recording in Exercises 1-4.
6 school schooling
behind board drop follow name remember
110 47 Read the sentences aloud. Listen, check and
1 My cousin hasmadea name for himself in the games repeat.
1 Lauren led a rough life.
2 I've loved gymnastics ever since I can.
2 Rachel found the right lights for her room.
3 It's good to have some qualifications you.
3 Oily likes horror films, but Ray likes thrillers.
4 Sometimes you don't know the answer, but you just
4 All the latest results were listed online and they
have to your instinct.
revealed excellent progress.
5 My mum's boss always takes on any
5 There was rain, lightning and deep floods on the
constructive suggestions my mum makes.
country roads and we finally arrived three hours late!
6 Some students out of college or university
because they can't keep up with the work.

6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short post for a website with

the title, 'If you could start your own business in the
future, what would it be and why?'



1 Quickly read the article and choose the best title. Vocabulary extension
a New technology makes office life easier 5 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in
b The changing face of the office the text.
c Less work and more benefits for office workers 1 My new ergonomic chair really helps my back when
I'm sitting atthe computer.
2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
2 Salary increases aren’t very high on the at
1 What is missing from modern offices? the moment, I’m afraid.
3 Sometimes I'm working on three different things
2 How did people use to dress for work? and I get a bit confused.
ft The next meeting will be on a video
conferencing site.
3 What has caused working styles to change?
5 Because my dad's hours are he can take me
to swimming lessons after school.
ft What is affected negatively by remote working?
6 The school has some money to buying new
sports equipment.
5 Why were open plan offices developed?

ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Nouns with -sion ending

6 How has 'hot-desking' helped companies?
Many verbs ending in -ide (e.g. divide) and -ude (e.g. intrude)
form nouns by changing /d/to /s/ and adding -ion, e.g.
7 What is the main concern of employers today?
• divide division
• intrude intrusion
8 What could make a change to the way people
communicate in meetings in the future?
6 Complete the sentences with the noun forms ofthe
verbs in brackets.
9 How might changes at work affect office buildings?
1 We reached the conclusion (conclude) that it would be
better to have a face-to-face meeting.
10 How many people in 2030 might have responsibilities 2 There was a terrible(collide) between
for elderly family members? a lorry and a car outside our house.
3 There's a clear(divide) between people
who like hot-desking and those who don't.
3 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
ft There isn’t any(provide) for people in
1 □ There used to be a dress code for workers.
wheelchairs in our office building.
2 □ Today teams of workers sometimes travel long
5 The(include) of Harry Jones in the football
distances for meetings.
team was very popular with the fans.
3 □ Workers today have more choice overtheir 6 Celebrities often complain that reporters taking their
working hours. photos is an(intrude) of privacy.
ft Піп the future workers will mix work and relaxation
7 Getting the earlier train was a good(decide).
within the workplace.
5 □ There will be a reduced workforce by 2030. 7 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph outlining how
you think school classrooms will have changed in
4 Complete the chart with the words and phrases from ten years'time.
the box.

casual dress cubicles face-to-face meetings

flexible hours formal dress laptop mobile phones
landlines nine-to-five open-plan spaces
remote working typewriter work alone work in teams

1950s Today
formal dress casual dress

____________ ____________


you look at a photo of an office
in the 1950s you’ll find that
These changes in working style
have affected other aspects of
It is predicted that
by 2030 a huge
it was very different from the our working environment. The twenty percent of the working
offices of today. Gone are the physical office has changed. population in the UK will be
* oewriters, the landline phones, the There used to be cubicle offices, mothers, twenty five percent
■: .vs of individual office desks and where people were separated will be single-parent families
:*airs. Imagine an office in twenty from each other. Then, in order to and close to ten million will
ears’ time and you’ll see a completely encourage collaboration and better need to spend time caring for
-erent picture again. Obviously, communication, the open plan older relatives. Companies will
e don’t know exactly what will have office was born where everyone also be accessing the abilities
"anged, but we can make some pretty worked in the same space. After and talents of disabled
:x>d predictions. These are all based that, we had ‘hot-desking’ - where people. Remote working and
: * how our working lives are changing people didn’t have their own regular flexible hours will help these
will continue to change. workspace, but were allocated an people work efficiently and as
available spot when required. This a result, company buildings
Dur parents and grandparents had
helped companies to save space may become smaller. All this
2 zlear division between work and
and money, but the downside means that the traditional
■ :me life. The normal working day
was that it was a bit stressful for workplace will have changed
•as nine to five, and most people
employees. forever. Will it lead to healthier
: dn’t take work home with them. They
lifestyles and increased
: *essed smartly for work and casually So, what of the future? Employees’
productivity? We will have to
r nome. When they were at work, they health, both physical and mental,
wait and see!
- ad their own work tasks and their own is high on the agenda. Stress,
:esks. Meetings were face-to-face and back problems and other work-
-■ey usually worked on one project at related illnesses cost businesses
a time. a lot of money and we are likely
to see more done by companies
~bday’s workers are very different, and
to deal with this. Rows of desks
~i s is mainly due to the rapid advances
and work spaces will be replaced
г Technology. We work in teams, but
by office zones with shared
re team members might be in different
spaces for relaxing, working
:: es. or even different countries,
alone or collaboratively, and
з *d communication is by video
areas for relaxation. Furniture will
: "ferencing. We work on many projects
be comfortable sofas, or when
“ultaneously. We dress more casually.
working, chairs that are ergonomic.
And our hours have become more
Temperature and air quality will
•'exible. With our phones and laptops,
be controlled. Meetings, whether
■ e can work anywhere - at home, while
face-to-face, video conferences
: zmmuting, even out shopping. In one
or - as is predicted - conducted
*£,. this can be seen as an intrusion
using VR, might be held in
"to our private lives, but in another it
cleverly-designed fun rooms such
~eans that our physical presence at
as log cabins.
те office is not that important and we
: і- arrive late, leave early or work from
■: ~ie almost as often as we want.
5G WRITING I Personal statement as part of a university application

Start with an interesting quote or 'I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms.' This was
sentence which catches the reader's written by Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish playwright at the end of the
attention. nineteenth century and it says exactly how I feel about the theatre.
It entertains, it informs and it educates, and Hhat is why I would like
eventually to work in the theatre.
The magic ofthe theatre first captured me when I was only five
Explain why you're interested in the
years old and saw a performance of Snow White in London.z
subject and the course.
changed my life. It made me *1 s
2 that I wanted to help create
other amazing experiences for people by bringing plays to life on the
stage. The first step in achieving my ambition is to study Drama and
Theatre Studies at university.
Mention relevant experience and
skills you learned. With my school drama club, I have taken part in many productions.
I love acting, but with my drama club I have also been involved with
the lighting, set design and even directed one show myself.

Mention any training that will help in In addition to this, I have attended several residential weekend
your career. courses at a theatre school, where I learned about different aspects of
theatrical work. My parents take me regularly to see new productions
in London. This *a whole range of different theatrical
Mention any other hobbies I am a creative person, with a good imagination, which is very
connected to the subject. important when working in the theatre. I enjoy writing plays. This
hobby5 to think about how others behave and react in
situations, which is very useful for an actor.

Emphasise your enthusiasm, saying The stage performance is the end result of a lot of 6 and
whyyou deserve a place. hard work by many people. I am a hard worker and 17
deadlines. I am also a perfectionist and I am passionate about the
theatre. Although I haven't yet decided which specific aspect of
theatre work I would like to focus on, I am confident that I could
Mention longerterm ambitions. learn a lot from this course on Theatre Studies and make a successful
career for myself in the future.

1 Read the personal statement. Why does the writer 4 WRITING TASK Write a personal statement to
want to go on this course? accompany an application for one ofthe following
a to be able to work in some way in theatre university courses:

b to be able to work backstage • Medicine • Business Studies

c to become an actor • Computer Science • Sports Science
• Law • Yourchoice
2 Complete the personal statement with the words and • Media Studies
phrases from the box.

dedication has shown me has taught me realise ACTIVE WRITING I Personal statement
respect that is why this experience
1 Plan your personal statement.
• Make notes on the information you wantto include.
3 Decide if the statements about writing a personal
• Divide your notes into paragraphs.
statement are true (T) or false (F).
• Find an interesting quote or sentence to start with.
1 □ You shouldn't sound too boastful.
2 Write your personal statement.
2 □ Only mention your strong points, not your
weaknesses. • Use a formal style.

3 □ Write in an informal, friendly style. • Rememberto mention any relevant experience, skills
or training.
ft □ Don't write about things you’ve donethatare not
3 Check your personal statement. Check that:
related to the course.
5 □ Explain how your experience can help you in the • there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation
• the statement is enthusiastic and mentions long term

1-8 with the sentences a-h. sentences with one word in each gap.
1 □ Thalia is determined to always be first. 1 My cousin is unemployed at the moment, so she's
2 □ The students are curious about new things. looking forajob.
3 □ Ollie is really dedicated. 2 I don't really wantto work nights-
working at night is exhausting!
ft □ Tamara has realtalent.
5 □ That's such an original and creative idea. 3 The d for this project is next week, no later.

6 □ Jackie is mature for her age. ft My sister only works p-four hours a day-
but my mum works f.
7 □ I know he's sharp.
5 My work placement is only t; it isn't
8 □ He always takes great care with his homework. a p job.
a She's very gifted. 6 It's a terrible job with long hours and I
b He's very responsible about it. w. I really wantto find something else
where I can earn more money.
c She's very sensible.
7 It takes Dad an hourto c to the nearest big
d She’s competitive.
city every day. He also does extra work, and when he
e He mustn't become overconfidentthough. works о he's often tired at the weekend.
f They're eagerto learn new information. 8 Paul is an architect and he's s which means
g You're so inventive! he doesn't have a boss. The idea off work
like that is interesting.
h He’s very hard-working and focused.
5 5F READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the text with
2 58 VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with one
one word in each gap.
preposition in each gap.
1 I really hate that dance class, so I've decided to drop
2 Come on, concentrate! We have to get to
some studying. It can be difficult to make predictions about how
3 Because she was ill for two weeks, Christie has fallen workplaces, working practices and jobs are going
with her school work. to change in the future.
ft Haveyoucome with any ideas?
It’s possible that the future will bring better career
5 When are you going to hand your project?
Opportunities, but it’s also possible that there will be
6 I'm behind in Maths-I'll have to catch on fewer jobs and morezu as people lose their
the work I've missed. jobs because of advances in technology.
7 You're going to have to really pull your socks
Will job prospects be better for white or blue *c
ifyou wantto pass the exam.
workers? Manual jobs may be at*r because
3 Replace the underlined parts in each sentence with the of automation, but perhaps new technology will
phrasal verbs from the box. sg new kinds of work. And what about
the economic side of things? Poor working ‘c
come up go over keep up with pickup put off are hard to accept, but if the 7s is very low
puttogether too, then people may refuse to do those jobs. How will
they be able to afford to pay their rent, bills, and so
1 I've got too much work. How will I stay atthesame
level as my classmates?
keep up with 8R jobs where people do the same
2 We're going to do some research and create thing again and again can affect workers’ physical
a presentation about tourism. and mental health. People who have to ’p
information all day in front of a computer and have no
opportunity to *°i socially with colleagues
З I hope I'll manage to learn a few phrases in German will suffer too. So, will the world of work be a positive
while I'm in Berlin.
or negative place in the future? What’s your view?
Send us your comments.
ft I have to do this for tomorrow. I can't delay doing
the work.
6 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about the
type of working conditions that you think are ideal
5 Will the topics from Unit 1 appear in the test? for you. Think about hours, salary, type of job, type of
employment (freelance or employed by a company).
6 I'm not sure I understand this. I'll read the main points
again later.

051 Self-assessment

For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.
01 Course material How confident 1 am (1-5

5A 1 can use a variety of forms to talk about future events and Student's Book pp. 64-65

5B 1 can talk about studying. Student's Book p. 66

5C 1 can use the Future Continuous and the Future Perfect to Student's Book p. 67
talk about future events and situations.
___________ |
5D 1 can carry out a simple interview and describe my Student's Bookp. 68
strengths and weaknesses.

5E 1 can take effective notes while listening to an interview Student's Book p. 69


5F 1 can identify specific details in an extended text and talk Student's Book pp. 70-71
about the future of work.

5G 1 can write a personal statement as part of a university Student's Book pp. 72-73

2 Which ofthe skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

3 What can you rememberfrom this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember

GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Complete the conversation with the Future Continuous
or the Future Perfect forms ofthe verbs in brackets.
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Dad Tom, can you help me with this car engine repair?
1 He's very repetitive I hard-working and spends hours in
the library reading and studying. Tom Just a moment, Dad. I'm doing a Maths exercise,
but 11(finish) in ten minutes. OK?
2 She's very sensible, so I'm sure she'll manage to
fail behind / keep up with her studies. Dad OK. In ten minutes 12(wait)foryou in
the garage.
3 Clive never enjoyed working for a boss, so now he's
self-employed / part-time and works from home. Tom Right, Dad.1(you / start) the job by the
time I arrive?
4 My dad wants to find a temporary/ permanent job
which will give him security forthe future. Dad No, 16(do) anything. I need your help.

5 I think most people would agree that a good Tom So whats(you / do) when I get there
condition / salary is important in any job. then?

/5 Dad Waiting foryou! Hurry up!

2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 Kelly is to learn more about Roman history USE OF ENGLISH

- she's reading a book about it at the moment.
5 Complete the text with the correct forms ofthe words
2 Look-just do the work and stop putting it
until tomorrow. in brackets.

3 You missed a lot of lessons - I want you to

upon the notes and exercises by next week. What problems do young people face in the world
4 My cousin wants a job in the afternoons so
of work today? At the moment, the main problem
she can study in the mornings. is that a Lot of people are out of work. Others are
in boring,1(REPEAT) jobs that give no
5 is very high amongst young people - one
in four of them don't have a job. satisfaction. It isn't always easy to stay focused
and 2(DETERMINE) and not everyone
has a s(COMPETE) personality. On the
3 Choose the correct answers. other hand, some people can get a Little too sure
of themselves and become 4(CONFIDE),
1 I'm not sure, but I good results in this exam
- I’ve worked hard and I feel quite confident. which doesn't help. But these are a minority -
most young people in the workplace are realistic
a could get
and 5(SENSE) about their prospects.
b am going to get
c will get
2 Our first class ten minutes late tomorrow
because ourteachers have a meeting. 6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the
a is starting same as the first. Use no more than three words.
b is aboutto start 1 We intend to prepare a presentation about healthy
c starts eating.
3 me come up with some ideas for my Art We are putting about healthy eating.
project? 2 My appointment with the head teacher is at
a Are you helping 10.30 a.m.
I am the head teacher at 10.30 a.m.
b May you help
3 At this time on Friday, my exam will be in progress.
c Will you help
I my exam at this time on Friday.
4 You're so good at drawing - you any
4 The train is leaving the station in one minute.
trouble with your Art project.
The train to leave the station.
a won't definitely have
5 I'm sure I'll arrive before tomorrow.
b definitely won't have I by tomorrow.
c won't have definitely /5
5 I know we the competition - our project is /30
a are winning
b win
c are going to win

06 ! Do the right thing


The first and second conditionals 3 ★★complete the answers to the questions from
Exercise 2.
1 ★Complete the sentences with the first conditional
1 No, I won't go out if it rains tomorrow.
forms ofthe verbs in brackets.
2 No, he her the truth if she asks him to.
1 If you don’t tell (not tell) them the truth, you will get
(get) into trouble. 3 No, we anything up ifthey want an
2 I(believe) your story if you
(give) me some proof. ft No, she to the party if Amy invites her.

3 If Sarah(talk) to her parents, they 5 No, I him company if he stays at home.

(listen) to her. 6 No, they me stay at home alone ifthey go
ft Ifthey(go)to Paris, they(bring) away.
us a present!
4 ★★Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the
5 I(never/speak) to him again if he
second conditional.
(not apologise).
1 Sharon / go/to the party if Oliver invited her.
6 We(tell) you the truth if you
(promise) notto get angry. Sharon would go to the party if Oliver invited her.

7 Ourteacher(be) suspicious if we 2 I thinkWendy / like /you if you were nicerto her.

(not give) her a reason for our absence.
8 If you(come) to the cinema with me 3 If I / be/you, I'd talk to your mum about this.
tomorrow, I(stay) at home with you
4 If Daniel / buy/the tickets, I'd go with him to the
2 ★★Use the prompts to write questions. Use the first
1 you / go out/ if/ it/rain / tomorrow? 5 Emma /tell/the truth if she weren't so afraid.
Will you go out if it rains tomorrow?
2 Joshua / tell/ her/ the truth / if / she / ask/ him to? 6 Ifwe/can Live / anywhere, we'd choose Australia.

3 we/make/something up/if/they/want/
5 ★★ Complete the questions with the correct forms of
an explanation?
the verbs from the box.

be break you/choose you/go you/talk you/tell

ft she/ go/to the party / if/Amy / invite / her?
1 Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in
5 if / Noah / stay / at home/you / keep him company? the world?
2 Would you confess if you your friend's
6 if / your parents / go away / they / let / you stay at
home alone? 3 your parents a lie to get what you want?
Ifyou had a problem at school, which teacher

Ifyou an animal, which animal would you

Ifyou could study just one subject, which

one_________ ?
6 ★★ Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the 9 ★★★ Complete the posts on a web forum with the first
second conditional. or second conditional forms ofthe verbs from the box.
1 I/not live/in New York/if /1 /can /choose
get list never/consider not be say tell you/tell
/ wouldn't live in New York if I could choose.
2 if/she/lie/to him / he / never forgive / her
When and for what reason 1would you tell
a lie?
3 we / not tell / him / the truth / if / he / not promise / to
stay calm

4 my teachers/ not accept/this excuse/ if/ my mum /

not sign / the letter Іг false work experience on
my CV if I could get a job that way. If

5 my parents / not go away/for the weekend / if /1 / 13 the job, then of course, I’d try
have / an important concert to do it properly, so it4 a really
serious lie, would it?

6 if /1 / not have to / study so much /1 / go / to the

15 something untrue to a friend
cinema more often
if it protected him or if it avoided hurting
his feelings. If you ask me what I think of
7 ★★ Read the sentences and choose the correct answers. your clothes, 16 you that you
1 I'll give you some money if I get paid atthe end ofthe look great - even if you don’t! I would
week. never hurt my friend’s feelings.
a The speaker will definitely get paid.
b The speaker might get paid. 17 telling a lie - for any reason
2 If Yuri asks me to the party, I'll definitely go. whatsoever.
a The speaker is sure Yuri will ask her.
b The speaker is sure she'll accept the invitation.
3 If Zoe and Chris break up, she'll be heartbroken.
a The couple will possibly split up.
b The couple will definitely split up. 10 ★★★ Use the prompts to complete the conversation.
4 Come on! We'd have a great time if we wentto the Alma Simon,1 if I / ask/you some questions for the
party together. school magazine,2 you / answer/them?
a The friends haven't decided to go togetheryet. if I ask you.... will you answer them?

b The friends are definitely going together. Simon OK, but if it's something personal,31 / not /
5 I'd lend you mybookifl had it with me.
a The speaker hasn't got his book.
Alma OK. Nothing personal. First of all, ifyou could
b The speaker has got his book.
spend a holiday anywhere in the world,
6 I'd save a lot of money if I had a job. 4 where/you/go?
a The speaker has got a job.
b The speaker hasn't got a job. Simon Well,51 / not go / to a hot country. I hate hot
weather. Scandinavia probably.
8 ★★ Read the questions and write short answers.
1 Will you invite me ifyou have a party? Alma OK. And6 if / your family / move / abroad,
Yes, / will. where would you like to live permanently?
2 Would you tell me ifyou knew the answer?
No,. Simon Let me think. Actually, I think71 / choose / a big
3 Will Samira help me if I ask her? city, like New York. Atthe moment, I live in
Yes,. a village, so81 / not/ go /to another village!
4 Ifyourteacher knew you cheated, would she punish
11 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph answering
these questions.
5 If yourfamily wanted to move abroad, would you be
• Would you be happy if yourfamily decided to live
abroad? Why/Why not?
• If you could choose where to live permanently, what
6 If Lydia gets some money, will she take us out for
place would that be? Why?
a meal?
No,. • Ifyou moved abroad, what would you miss about your
own country?


1 Read the story and answer the question. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of th(
What do we learn from the story? phrases in bold from Exercise 4.

a We need to do exciting things from time to time. 1 All my friends and family think I will іл/alk the exam
but I might fail.
b Our parents sometimes know best.
2 My mum will if I don't leave the party a~
c Exams aren't the most important thing in the world.
get home!
d Different generations like different music.
3 Helen was crying and the words in the email
on the screen.
2 Read the story again. Match sentences A-H with gaps
1-5 in the story. There are three extra sentences. ft Meeting the singer was forTom.

A Revising for next day's exam was the last thing on 5 Doing her homework was.
their minds. 6 Leo's when he realised he hadn't revisec
В She touched an icon and a video clip started playing. any of thetopics on the exam paper.

C As well as this they loved the excitement. 7 I a note to tell mum we were at the cine
and then ran to catch the bus.
D After all, they were going to do some work afterthe
concert. 8 I over a cup of coffee for ten minutes
because I didn'twantto go home.
E That one was their most successful song and always
went down very well with the fans.
F As it was, she lingered overeach question and the ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Suffix -y
words seemed blurred on the page.
Many adjectives ending -y (e.g. healthy] are formed from
G They were really good ones - right at the front near
nouns of one syllable ending in -th or-It, e.g.
the stage.
• guilts guilty
H Laterthey stopped off for a coffee.
• health -> healthy
3 Decide if the statements are true (T) orfalse (F).
1 □ Jacky and Mia went to an open-air music concert. 6 Complete the sentences with adjectives formed fron
2 □ The music concert was at the weekend. the nouns from the box.
3 □ Jacky's mum offered to take herto a concert at fault filth froth gtr+lt health leaf salt wealth
anothertime. worth
ft □ Jacky and Mia wentto sleep quickly afterthe
concert because they were tired. 1 I felt guilty because I didn't invite James to my party
5 □ Jacky couldn't concentrate in her exam. 2 I think people should give money to
charities to help the poor.
6 □ Jacky's mum saw the girls at the concert on TV.
3 OurTVwasn'tworking properly because of a
7 □ Jacky's mum got very angry and shouted at Jacky.
ft I had to wash my clothes after the football match
Vocabulary extension because they were absolutely!
4 Match the phrases 1-8 from the text with the sentences 5 I love food, but it isn't really
a-h. very.
1 □ I dashed off an email to Eve before I left for work. 6 The best coffee has a top with chocolate
sprinkles on it!
2 □ I lingered over my cup of tea.
7 Martin lives in a large house in a beautiful,
3 □ My heart sank when I read the text.
part of town.
ft □ The photos are blurred.
8 Duncan did a lot of training and was a
5 □ I walked the exam. winner.
6 □ My dad will have a fit.
7 □ It was a dream come true. 7 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph giving your
opinion of Jacky's behaviour in the story.
8 □ Watching the film was the last thing on my mind.

a It was very easy.

b I was really worried about the next day’s exams.
с I didn't wantto start work.
d I've always wanted to go to a fashion show.
e I didn't have much time.
f It was the worst possible news.
g He never lets me stay out this late!
h I need a new phone.


If mum and dad knew I was here, they'd have a fit!' Jacky All too soon, it was over, and the girls were back in Mia's
grinned at Mia as the girls followed the queue into the room. They were too excited by the evening to want to
concert hall. Mia rolled her eyes. 'Forget about them. Let's sleep. They spent hours chatting about the band and
nave fun!' she said and pulled Jacky down towards their how electric the atmosphere in the theatre had been.
seats.1 When the band walked on, they could 3 It was three o'clock before they felt sleepy
practically touch their guitars and feel the guys' breath. and closed their eyes.
The audience were immediately on their feet, cheering
and singing along to every song. Cameras flashed
The exam the next day was a total disaster. Jacky was
constantly as the evening was recorded on phones across
so tired that she couldn't think clearly. Normally, she
the concert hall.
could have dashed off her answers in super-quick time.
This was Jacky's dream come true - her favourite band *Her parents had expected her to walk this
playing a gig in her hometown! Her heart was beating exam - everyone had. It wasn't going to happen - and it
.vith excitement, but she was also feeling a little guilty. was all her own fault.
She remembered telling her parents about the concert
'How did the exam go?' her mum asked when she got
a few days ago, with a big smile on her face.
home. Jacky lied again. 'It was fine. It went really well!' she
But her mum hadn't smiled. 'No,' she said, frowning. 'You can't murmured, and tried to slip past her mum to shut herself
go. It's Thursday night - and you've got your last school exam away in her room. Her mum blocked her way. She smiled
on Friday morning.'Jacky's disappointment was evident. sadly.
Don't worry,' her mum added. 'If you still want to see them,
'Well, if you pass, it'll be a miracle,' she said and showed
. our dad and I will take you to a concert. We're not wealthy,
Jacky her phone.5 Jacky could see a crowd of
out I'm sure we can afford a night in a good hotel too!'
people moving on the screen and the sound - her heart
-owever, Jacky didn't want to wait. Mia had two tickets and sank as she recognised the music - music she'd heard less
she wanted to be there, on Thursday, with her friend. than twenty four hours before. Her mum enlarged the
screen and two faces came into focus. Jacky and Mia were
waving their hands and grinning in the audience at the gig.
On Thursday morning, she had packed a bag, hiding an
'My friend Gabby was there, too,' Jacky's mum said quietly.
:utfit she'd bought especially for the gig at the bottom.
'She had a great time and shared some photos. I hope it
m staying at Mia's tonight,' she had told her parents.
was worth it, Jacky.' Jacky felt absolutely terrible. No, she
•Ye're going to revise for the exam together.' It wasn't
thought, it hadn't been worth it. She'd made her mum
'eally a lie, she thought.z So why was she
unhappy and she was probably going to fail her exam.
■'eeling so guilty, standing there, listening to the best band
n the world with her best friend? A little voice inside her It had been a hard lesson, but it was the last time she ever
-ead was saying, 'This is wrong - and you know it!' But she lied to her parents.
s' vered and pushed the voice away.


1 0 48 Listen to the first part of a radio interview. Pronunciation

What did the special guest on today's show do?
5 0 51 Read two sentences from the listening. Which
a He wrote an interesting story for a newspaper. tone - rising л or falling do you think the speaker
b He gave some money to help a child. used for the highlighted words? Listen and check.
c He performed a life-changing operation. 1 I had the money, Jack's parents didn't, so I gave it to
them - simple.
2 0 49 Now listen to the whole interview and choose 2 We're dealt certain cards in this life - some of us are
the correct answers.
born with intelligence, some with skills and abilities
1 Marcus kept what he did a secret because he and some of us are born lucky.
a felt he hadn't done anything special.
b is a very private person. ACTIVE
c didn'twantto help otherpeople. PRONUNCIATION | Rising and falling tones
2 When the newspapers found out about the story Often when we are talking about several things
he felt consecutively, we use a rising tone to show that we havert
a angry because ofthe unwanted attention. finished, and then a falling tone atthe end to show that лі
b confused by all the interest. have, e.g.

c proud of what he'd done.

• / came home, fed the cat, did some homework
3 Today he is on the showto
a correct some errors in the story. and then had a rest.
b describe the results of his actions. We also use a rising and falling tone pattern when we o~e
somebody a choice, e.g.
c encourage others to do the same thing.
4 What does he think helped him become successful? • Would you rather take the bus or walk home?
a He chose a job that paid well.
b He saved money instead of spending it. 6 0 52 Read the sentences aloud. Follow the tone
c He listened to advice about how to make money. pattern explained in Active Pronunciation. Listen,
check and repeat.
Vocabulary extension 1 This morning I got up, had breakfast, set offforschou
and then caught the 8.15 bus.
3 0 50 Complete the sentences with the words from 2 We’ve been given loads of homework - English,
the box which you heard in the interview in Exercises 1 Maths, History and French.
and 2. Listen and check.
3 Before handing in the essay, I checked the spelling, I
fuss leak most shy supportive rainy raise freaf the grammarand the punctuation.
4 I had a superhero fancy dress party for my birthda,.
1 Well, we've got a special freatfor listeners this
There were two Starlords, a Batman, three Thors ara
a Wonderwoman.
2 His parents were trying to enough money
to take him to the USA. 7 0 53 Look at two sentences from the listening w :t
З I don't usually away from publicity. give alternatives. Do you thinkthe highlighted wcrrs
have a rising or falling tone? Listen and check.
4 I suppose it was inevitable that someone would
the information to the media. 1 Do I get all fussy about privacy, or make the mos: :*i
to help others?
5 She's very of me.
2 You can letyourmoneysitthere doing nothing : з
6 I just don't understand what all the is about.
can help people who need it.
7 Do I get all fussy about privacy or make the
of it to help others. 8 0 54 Read the sentences aloud. Follow the tone
8 I have a lot put aside for a day. pattern explained in Active pronunciation. Listen,
check and repeat.
4 Match the phrases in bold in Exercise 3 with their 1 Shall we walk home through the park or along ? fll
definitions a-h.
a □ loyal and helpful 2 We've got several fillings for your sandwiches-
b □ saved for more difficulttimes there's chicken, beef orcheese.
c □ unexpected pleasure 3 My mum could still be at work, ortraining atthe : i
d □ avoid something difficult 4 I've gottwo choices. I can put in some extra time "J
e □ get maximum benefit improve my grades, or I give up the subject.
f □ give information unofficially 5 When wewentto London we couldn't decide
whether to go to Trafalgar Square, the British
g □ collect, get donations
ortheTate Gallery.
h □ reaction, unusual interest



The zero conditional and alternatives to if 3 ★Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
1 Unless /After she loses her temper, she always
1 ★Complete the sentences with the zero conditional
forms of the verbs in brackets.
2 We always travel first class provided that / unless we
have the money for the tickets.
5 She doesn't get angry unless / as long as you really
provoke her.
4 I ask people for advice as soon as/as long as I trust
5 I tend to discuss everything with you after / as long as
you don't get angry.
6 She can't relax until / after she takes off her work
1 If the weatherzs(be) 4 Everything clothes and has a cup of tea.
good, Lisa cycles (get) wet if it
7 I really can’t think after / before I have my breakfast-
(cycle) to school. (rain).
give me a few minutes to finish my toast!

4 ★★Complete the sentences with one or two words in

each gap.
1 She always helps people if she realises that they are in
2 Sorry, but I never go to concerts with Norma
she pays for her own ticket.
З I can talk to people as they are reasonable;
if they start insulting others, I leave.
4 You know we always come to your parties
2 Water_________ 5 I(take) that you don't play terrible music!
(freeze) if you a cake if I_______ 5 When I'm rude to someone I feel bad
(cool) it to zero (go) to a party. I apologise.
5 ★★Complete the conversation with the words and
phrases from the box. There are two extra options.

after didn't don't long as make provided that

unless until want when

Miriam Mike, I heard you fell out with Gary again. What
Michael I can tell you 1provided that you promise not to
tell anyone else.
Miriam Of course! I mean,z someone's
5 If you_________ 6 My mum committed a terrible crime, I keep secrets.
(boil) water, it (listen) if I_______ Michael Well, he always borrows my tablet, and he
(become) steam. (talk) to her. never gives it back ’he's finished.
If you4 a promise, you keep it!
Miriam Perhaps he hasn't finished with it. Would you
like me to check? I can ask, as5 you
2 Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f. give me permission of course. I never get
1 □ I don't have parties at my house unless involved if people 6 wantmeto.
2 □ I always call you as soon as Michael Well, OK, if you ’to help, that's fine
5 □ You can borrow my bike as long as by me. Can you call me8 you speak
to him?
4 □ The singer's husband always waits for her until
5 □ Derek helps me with Maths provided that 6 ON A HIGH NOTE How do you usually behave when you
6 □ We always have dinner after meet new people? What do you like and dislike on
a first meeting? Write a short paragraph. Use some of
a the show ends. the words from the box.
b it's my birthday.
after as long as as soon as before provided that
c we watch the film. unless until
d you bring it back to me.
e I get home - not a minute later!
f I offer him a coffee.

1 0 55 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 0 56 Complete the conversation with one word in
them in your language? each gap. Listen and check.
Angela Hi Kenny, you look really stressed. What's the
SPEAKING I Asking for, giving and reacting to advice problem?
Kenny Yeah, I'd really '■appreciate your advice.
ASKING FOR ADVICE Angela Sure, what is it?
I wonder ifyou could give me some advice. Kenny It's Mia's birthday soon, and I'm at a bit of
What do you think I should/ought to do? a2 as to howto celebrate it.
Do you think I need to/should take heroutto dinner? Angela Well,you take heroutto dinner.
I've got a bit of a problem and I don't know what to do. There's a new restaurant which is supposed to
I've no idea how/whatto do to celebrate her birthday. be brilliant.
I'd really appreciate your advice. Kenny The trouble is that it's also really expensive
and I'm nearly broke. Do you think 14
I'm at (a bit of) a loss.
borrow some money to take her?
GIVING ADVICE Angela It's5 not a good idea to borrow
You could/should(n't)/ought (not) to buy an expensive money - you'll only get even more stressed
present. trying to pay it back! The best6 to do
is to find something memorable that doesn't
I (don't) thinkyou should take herto the cinema.
cost much.
You'd better (not) organise a party.’*
Kenny I've no7 how to do anything like
It's probably (not) a good idea to organise a picnic.
Thefirst/bestthingtodo is to prepare some
Angela If 18 you, I'd organise a party.
Kenny I thought of’that, but I can't afford
If I were you, l'd/1 wouldn't buy a card.
it - food, drink...
REACTING TO ADVICE Angela No! Listen! Mia loves the countryside. Invite all
Thanks. That's really helpful (advice). her friends to a picnic by the riverand ask them
all to bring a plate of food each!
You're right, that's good advice, thanks.
Kenny Wow! What a great idea!
I neverthought of that, (it's a) good idea.
I don't know if it'll work, but I’ll give it a try. Angela And you10 to make it a surprise. Tell
her you're going for a walk. You sit down and
I thought about/of (doing) that but I can't afford it.
take out some sandwiches - and she starts
* strong advice, similar to you have to getting fed up because it’s nothing special.
Then one by one your friends come along
and join you with theirfood untilyou've got
a whole big picnic!
Kenny You're a star!
Angela You’d better not forget to invite me!

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I wonder that/ifyou could help me with a problem.
2 What do you think I should / could do about getting
a job?
5 I don't know about//fit will work, but I'll hai/e/give it
a try.
A I neverthought on /of using that excuse!
5 That's / There's really helpful advice, thanks.
6 I don't think you should / better lie to her.
7 You ought / should to discuss it with your parents first.
8 If I am / were you, I wouldn't mention it for the
9 I've no idea what/howto say to him about it.
10 You'd better not/wonder if go on an expensive
holiday ifyou haven't got much money.

ON A HIGH NOTE Read the following problems. For

each one, write a request for advice, a response and
a reaction to the advice.
• I've got exams soon and I can't concentrate on revising.
• My younger brother is being bullied at school.
6F VOCABULARY | Love and relationships, conflicts and problems 06
1 ★Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 5 ★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
1 Mel never supports me in any way - she always lets
me down I gets into trouble. Teresa
2 Emma is sick of Alan always falling out with / cheating I’m writing you this message to tell you to be careful about
on tier with other women. Ellen. You seem really friendly and I’m worried you don’t
3 Please calm down - it won't help ifyou lose your know that she always lets people Mown. Every time
temper/ have a crush on me. she makes a new friend, she starts laughing at them 1 23
their back, and she 5 them - saying really nasty
4 I can't believe he was so cruel as to talk about his
things. She likes to make *of people. No one
friends at first sight / behind their backs.
else wills up with her anymore, so be careful.
5 Ifyou like Len so much, why don't you ask him out/hit I know you think that the two of you have hit it6,
it off? but she’s always like that with new people and then ... just
6 When Terry broke up with Sonia, he really fell out with wait and see!
her / broke her heart. Sue

2 ★Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.

1 □ I was sorry to hearthat Ava and Ron had split
6 ★★★Complete the second text so that it means the
2 □ She really hit it same as the first one. Use between one and three
3 □ Irma always goes red when Tim arrives, і think words in each gap.
4 □ You should talk directly to Ned and
5 □ I was really angry to hearthatyou made
6 □ They were rightto break

a she has a crush on him.

b fun of my sister.
c up-they weren't good together.
d up-they seemed so happy.
e not behind his back!
f off with her cousins'friends.

3 ★Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

My friend Seb was really depressed when he discovered ।
1 Chris asked Stefania out the day he met her- itwas that Gillian was going out with another boy behind his
love at first sight. back. He decided to end their relationship. He felt really i
2 Nathan was so angry - he really lost hist. disappointed in her because when they met he really liked
3 I'm sorry to hear that you and Josie have fallen о her - there was an instant attraction. Anyway, he decided
- are you sure you can't talk about it? not to do anything without her knowledge, so he asked
4 I think my brother has f in love-he can't her what the situation was. And here's the surprise! Gillian
eat or sleep. said she was really in love with him, and she wasn't seeing
5 Why do you p up with his bad temper? any other boy. The boy was her cousin Tommy, and the;,
6 I've tried so often to talk to you and you just insult me were planning a surprise birthday party for Seb!
- sorry but I'm t with you.
My friend Seb was 1 heartbroken when he discoverec r=-.
4 ★complete the sentences with the words from the Qillian was *c He decided to ’b----------- •• -
box. There are two extra words. her. He felt really ‘‘I by her because when the;,
behind boss crazy crush fun heartbroken serious met they really 5h- it was love 6a.
trouble Anyway, he decided not to do anything ’b
so he asked her what the situation was. And here's tne
1 My cousin and her boyfriend are in a serious surprise! Gillian said she was really 8c abo_:
relationship; I think they'll get married soon. him, and she wasn't going ’о any other be.
2 Kerry was when her boyfriend left her for The boy was her cousin Tommy, and they were p a<---- g
another girl. a surprise birthday party for Seb!
3 Don't post insults to people on social networks - you'll I
get into.
4 My parents don't listen to me - theyjust me 7 ONAHIGH NOTE What would you do if yourfriend was
around. not loyal to you? Write a short paragraph.
5 Jonas is about a girl in his class called
6 Why do you make of people? It’s not nice.


6G WRITING IA for-and-against essay

Begin with a generat statement. Should parents help their children with homework?
Children and teenagers today are given a lot of homework to do every
evening. This is sometimes very difficult and they ask their parents for
End first paragraph with a statement
help. But should the parents say ‘no’ or should they help?
or a question mentioning both sides.
’One reason that parents often give for helping their children is that
they are sharing their knowledge and therefore continuing their
child’s education. They believe that the child can learn more when the
Give several arguments forthe issue.
parent helps.*1* argument for helping with homework is to
encourage and motivate the child. For’, if the parents know
something about the topic they can share this interest with the child,
who will then become more excited by the subject.
Give examples, or explain your
points. *, not everyone agrees that helping their children is good.
Many people consider that a child needs to learn to work on his or
her own and develop self-discipline. Homework is often given by the
teacher to encourage good working habits and independent learning.
Give arguments against the issue,
5 is more, if the parents help too much, the teacher cannot
with examples and reasons.
assess the child’s needs very well. She will not know who answered the
questions - the child or the parent - and she will therefore not know
how to help that child in the best way.

Summarise the debate briefly. In6, I must say that there are good reasons both for and
against the idea of parents helping their children with homework.
On the one hand children can learn from their parents, but on the
7 hand parents can do too much. In my8, I feel that
it is more importantfor the teacher to be able to assess the child’s
Add yourown opinion. work well and that this is in the best interests of the child.

1 Read the essay and choose the correct answer. 4 Complete the lists with linking words and phrases from
The writer thinks that Exercise 3.

a parents should help their children. • Introducing new arguments

b parents shouldn't help their children. First of all; Secondly; Finally; To begin with;,

c parentsshould sometimes help their children.

• Giving examples and support
2 Complete the essay with the words from the box. For example; for this reason; such as;

another conclusion however instance m • Introducing a contrast

opinion other what Although; Nevertheless;
• Introducing a conclusion
3 Complete the sentences with one word in each To conclude;
gap. • Introducing yourown opinion
1 To begin with, I’d like to point out the benefits Personally; I believe;
of working in a team.
2 A to some experts, teenagers need 5 WRITING TASK Write an essay entitled Should parents limit
more sleep than older people. the time children spend in front of a screen?
З H said that, there are a lot of people
who disagree. ACTIVE WRITING I A for-and-against essay
ft In s, we need to look at both sides of 1 Plan your essay.
the question again carefully.
• Make a list of points for and against the issue.
5 U, lying to a friend can never be the
• Thinkofsome examples to illustrate your points.
right thing to do.
2 Write your essay.
6 M of us agree that lying is wrong.
• Write an introduction that mentions both sides.
7 Having pocket money allows children to learn
• Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas.
the value of money. F, it gives them
some independence. • Summarise the arguments in your conclusion.
3 Check your essay. Check that:
• you gave your personal opinion atthe end.
• there are no spelling, grammarand punctuation
1 6A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Complete the 4 6F VOCABULARY Complete the text with one word in
sentences with the phrases from the box. each gap.

coverfor fall for fool make something up

saw rightthrough through my tooth When you fall1 out with a friend it can be for
1 I told them complete nonsense! I just invented a story many reasons. The friend might have let you
and lied through my teeth! гd by talking about you behind your
2 He believes everything you tell him-he'll 5 b. Or perhaps he or she made
any crazy story! 4f of something you said or wore,
З I don'tthinkyou can Julia aboutthis-she or behaved badly by bossing you 5 a.
knows the situation. Unfortunately these things happen, and
4 They didn't believe a word of your story- they hurt, so our advice is: talk! Don't put
they you. 6u with bad behaviour or with
5 If Olivia asks questions, can you me and tell silence. Ask for an explanation and listen
her I'm at Kate's house? without losing your71. Perhaps you
6 I don't know what to say. I suppose I'll can save your friendship and end up hitting it
just if they ask why I'm late.
8о better than ever!
2 6B READING AND VOCABULARY Match the beginnings
1-8 with the endings a-h.
1 □ Pola hugged herchildren and
5 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
2 □ The walkers stood gazing at
Martin Yolanda, what's wrong? You look terrible!
3 □ Tom isso happy-lookat him
Yolanda I feel awful, Martin. I just broke up 'with Ian.
4 □ She didn'twant anyone to hear, I'm afraid we're2 with each other.
5 □ Meghan groaned in pain as she Martin You're joking! Why? Did he3 on you?
6 □ Give me a suggestion! Don'tjust He'll get into4 from me if he did
7 □ I think he knowsthe answer-he that!

8 □ Eryk's clothes were wet and he Yolanda No, it isn't that. We had an argument and he
lost his5. He says he doesn't want to
a the beautiful view ofthe mountains. be in a6 relationship right now.
b winked at me when they asked the question. Martin I'm really sorry. You've been going7
c tried to stand on her injured leg. with him for a year. I thought he was
8 about you.
d was shivering with cold.
e shrug your shoulders. 6 Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box.
f kissed them goodbye.
askherout break his heart fall in love
g so she whispered into my ear.
has a crush on her heartbroken love at first sight
h grinning at everyone!
1 Julie, don't cheat on Dan! You'll break his heart!
З 6C LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Complete the 2 I don't want to watch one of those boring romantic
sentences with the correct noun forms ofthe adjectives comedies where two people.
from the box.
3 Ifyou like Lorna so much, why don'tyou on
disappointed embarrassed envious excited a date?
lonely sympathetic 4 Eddie and Kate liked each other immediately - it
1 A feeling of sadness filled her heart as her family got
5 I think Piet really likes Emma. I'm sure he.
into the car and drove away.
6 Jill and Mike broke up - they're both really sad and
2 I'm sorry, but I've got no for you - this
at the moment.
situation is your own fault!
3 Ifyou expect too much from your friends, you may 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about the
experience some. types of behaviour that you can put up with and those
4 I'm afraid all that was too tiring for my that make you lose your temper. Are there any special
grandmother-she's having a rest. situations when you will accept bad behaviour from
5 The problem of is very common among someone?
older people who have no family or close friends.
6 I know you feel because he won the prize,
but he really deserved it.
7 It was a huge forthe organisers when she
won the prize and refused to collect it.

06 Self-assessment

1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feeL confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident 1 am (1-5)

6A 1 can use the first or second conditional to talk about Student's Book pp. 78-79
possible or hypothetical situations.

6B 1 can understand the development of ideas in a short story Student's Book pp. 80-81
and talk about being honest.

6C 1 can identify specific details in a radio programme and Student's Book p. 82

talk about winning a lottery.

6D 1 can use the zero conditional to talk about real situations Student's Book p. 83
that are always true.

6E 1 can ask for, give and react to advice on a wide range of Student's Book p. 84

6F 1 can talk about relationships, conflicts and problems. Student's Book p. 85

6G 1 can write a for-and-against essay. Student's Book pp. 86-87

2 Which ofthe skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words 1 learned and most want Expressions and phrases 1 liked English 1 heard or read outside class
to remember


GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Complete the conversation with the words and
phrases from the box. There are two extra options.
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I was sorry to hear that you broke down / in / up as long as as soon as finish get provided unless
with Tom. will finish

2 She's really angry with Ben. I think she's through I Jake Katie, can you help me? I don't understand this
cheated / lost with him. homework.
3 He just winked / frowned / glanced at my work and Katie Sure, I can help you1 it's French - I hate
walked away - he wasn't interested at all. French.
4 I think his mother has lost her patience - she just Jake No, it's not French.
rolled her mouth I eyes / expression.
Katie That's what I have to do for homework.
5 Having no friends and experiencing envy /
Jake I can help you with French2 that you
excitement/ loneliness is very difficult.
help me with Maths.
Katie OK. It's a deal. I'm always depressed when
2 Choose the correct answers. 13 my French homework back.
It's nearly always wrong.
1 If I can’t find a good excuse, I’ll just.
Jake Fine - we can look at your French after we
a cover for you b make something up
4 my Maths.
c see through you
Katie OK,s we complete the Maths, we can
2 She looked really sad,and walked away. do my French exercise and then we can watch
a hugged b grinned a film!
c sighed /5
3 It's no use feeling because of other people's
success - you should focus on achieving your own goals, USE OF ENGLISH
a envy b sympathy 5 Choose the correct answers.
c disappointment
4 They the very first time they metand have Sarah is a very kind person and she has a lot of
been friends eversince. 1 for people who are sad, so she often gets
a losttheirtempers bhititoff asked for advice. If people ask her for help, she usually
c let each other down 2 to them -3 that they don’t
lose their temper of course. She always says that she
5 Stop telling everyone what to do and!
doesn’t like bad-tempered people or loud voices. If
a insulting them b cheating on them
someone got angry, she4 up and walk away,
c bossing people around so people have to keep calm 5 they want her
to leave.
3 Complete the sentences with the first or second
conditional forms ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 a jealousy b sympathy c loneliness d happiness

1 If Tom asks for the truth, I(tell/him) what 2 a listens b would c will listen d is listening
happened. listen

2 If I were you, I(not trust) Bill. 3 a as long as b until c provided d after

3 What(you/do) ifyour best friend letyou 4 a gets b will get c got d would get
down? 5 a unless b when c before d as soon as
4 I(not get) angry if you explain what /5
happened truthfully.
6 Complete the text message with one word in each gap.
5 If I could have a holiday, I(go) to Paris.
That's it. I’m1 with him. I never want to see
him again. If he tries to call me, 12 answer.
Sorry, but if people 3 fun of me, they lose
my friendship. 14 Listen to him if I thought
he had an excuse, but he hasn’t. He Lied through his
5 about me and laughed at me. So goodbye!


07 In the spotlight


Reported speech 3 ★★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
sentences in direct speech.
1 ★Complete the sentences using reported speech.
1 Nathan said that he had seen the programme about
surfing dogs severaltimes.
Nathan: 'I saw/have seen the programme about
surfing dogsseveraltimes.'
2 Olivia said they had gone to the cinema the day before.
Olivia: 'We went / have been to the cinema yesterday.
3 Carrie said that she hadn't been to the TV studio the
day before.
Carrie: 'I didn't go / haven't been to the TV studio
4 Matt explained that he hadn't finished the article yet.
Matt: 'I didn't finish / haven't finished the article yet.'
5 Mia complained that the journalist hadn't talked to
her during the interview.
Mia: 'The journalist didn'ttalk/hasn't talked to me
during the interview.'

★★Complete the sentences using reported speech.

1 Sally: TH help you!'
Sally said that she would help me.
1 Andy:'I always watch the news.'
2 James: 'We'll watch the film together.'
Andy said he always watched the news.
James said that the film together.
2 Emma: 'They're interviewing my teacher on TV!'
3 Mike: 'I'm going to try this new idea tomorrow.'
Emma said they herteacher on TV.
Mike said that that new idea the next day.
3 Noah: 'I don’t like the journalist.'
4 Nora: 'My mum's going to take meshopping.'
Noah complained that he the journalist.
Nora explained that take her shopping.
4 Abigail: 'This trend isn't growing fast.'
5 Mark: 'My teacher isn't going to like this.'
Abigail explained thatthattrend fast.
Mark complained that like that.
5 Liam:'It’s a very silly idea.' 6 Isa: 'I'll finish this job next week.'
Liam warned that it a very silly idea. Isa promised that that job the next week.
6 Charlotte: 'The students are sleeping in class!'
Charlotte confessed that the students in class. ★★ Match the reporting verbs from the box with their
2 ★ Match the expressions 1-8 with the reported
add agree complain confess e*pte+a promise
expressions a-h.
reply warn
1 □ these a the day after/the next day
2 Па few days ago b those 1 to say how orwhy something happened explain

3 □ we 2 to tell someone of a negative possibility

c there
3 to give a second piece of information
4 □ here d then/at that time
4 to answer
5 □ tomorrow e the day before/the previous
day 5 to admit thatyou did something, usually negative
6 □ yesterday f a few days before
6 to talk about something which annoys you
7 □! g they
7 to have the same opinion
8 □ now h he/she
8 to say that you will definitely do something

6 ★★Complete the sentences with the reporting verbs 10 ★★★Complete the conversation so that it means the
from the box. same as the text. Use between one and two words in
each gap.
admitted claimed complained pointed out
predicted warned

1 Jamie pointed out that Bella had made a mistake. Gina told Will to listen. She said a journalist had fallen
2 The woman that she was a famous actress, off her chair on TV the day before. Will answered that
but we didn't believe her. his mum had told him about it. He said he might have
3 The newsreader thatthe strong studio a picture and told Gina to Look. Gina said it was going
lights made her look old. to be difficult for her on TV that evening. Will said he
ft He me not to go into the studio because thought she would take the day off.
they were still filming.
5 He that it would rain and he was right!
6 The man that he had stolen some Gina Will, 'listen to this! A journalist2 off her
equipment from the studio. chair on TV3!
Will Yes, my mum4 me about it.
7 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct reported 15 a picture.6!
forms ofthe verbs in brackets.
Gina It7 be difficult for her on TV
1 Maria promised that she would read twill read) the 8 evening!
article the next day.
Will I’she10 the day off!
2 Tommy said he(can't give) us any more
information. 11 ★★★ Complete the reported conversation.
3 Vicky confessed that she(wouldn't work) Dave I've heard some amazing news!
with Gary because she didn't like him.
Chloe Tell me about it.
ft Teresa told Jack he(should see) his teacher.
Dave Some journalists came to the school yesterday.
5 The journalist said she(might interview) They interviewed my teacher.
some of us.
Chloe I imagine it was aboutyourteacher's new book.
6 Mr Dawkins told the class they(must hand
Dave I can’t believe my teacher wrote a book!
in) the project by Friday.
Chloe She'll be famous!
7 My dad said he(might not watch) the
news. 1 Dave told Chloe that he had heard some amazing news.
2 Chloe.
8 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct reported
3 Dave_____________________________________________
forms ofthe verbs from the box.

not be not forget not touch read tell ft Chloe____________________________________________

1 His colleague told him not to forget ths glasses.

5 Dave.
2 The director asked her the news more
6 Chloe.
3 The cameramen asked his colleagues his 12 DIM A HIGH NOTE Think of a recent, brief conversation
camera while he was away. you have had, and report it in a short text.
ft We asked the journalist us what she knew.
5 His boss told him late.

9 ★★★Complete the sentences using reported speech.

1 'Go away now!'Gary shouted at us.
Gary shouted at us to go away then.
2 ’Find a better news programme,' Jake told Eddie.
3 Don't make fun of me,' Mandy told Anna.
ft ‘Don't drink that water,' Den advised his colleague.
5 'Give the prize to this dog,' the judge told the
T h e j u d g e.
6 'Don't watch this programme,' Dad told Shaun.


7 В VOCABULARY | Viewing habits

1 ★Complete the sentences with the words and phrases 4 ★Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
from the box. 1 □ None of my friends have heard of this little-
binge-watching episode on-demand content 2 □ He's a really talented, award-
screen time series spoilers 3 □ I heard they're going to make a feature-
subscription streaming service viewers
4 □ Fans will be happy to hearthat the eagerly-
1 When this episode finishes, I'm going to watch the 5 □ The series talks about difficult issues - it's very
next one right away. thought-
2 The content is getting boring, so are 6 □ The book was well-
starting to watch different series.
a awaited new season starts next month.
3 We try to limit our to a few hours per day.
b known Belgian science fiction film.
4 My brother is terrible for-he can watch an
entire series in two days! c provoking and intelligent.

5 I thinkthis is really great. I'm happy to pay d reviewed and it soon became a bestseller.
for it and avoid nationalTVchannels. e winning young actor.
6 Don't read Matt's blog - it's full of. He f length film version of this series.
keeps writing about how films and episodes end.
7 My parents didn't have when they were 5 ★★★Complete the second sentence so that it means
young; they had to watch whatever was on TV that the same as the first one.
evening. 1 Thisfilm has won a lotofawards.
8 My mum has been watching this foryears. This is an award-winning film.
2 Lots of people are waiting eagerly for the new series.
2 Match the beginnings 1-8 with the endings a-h. The series is.
1 □ You should put a spoiler alert on your messages - 3 Not many people know about this actress.
2 □ Theirscreen time is limited This actress is.
3 □ We need to think of some interesting new ideas 4 They are going to make a long film out of this series.
4 □ I can't waitforthe last episode They are going to make a film out of this
5 □ If there's never anything you like on TV,
5 This episode really makes you think.
6 □ On-demand content means that people can
This episode is.
6 This series got good reviews.
7 □ I think binge-watching is a big problem with some
people - This is a series.

8 □ Have you watched Season 2 6 ★★★Complete the text with one or two words in
a to get more viewers to watch us. each gap.
b to see how the story ends.
c ofthe series?
We realised that our new series was good because
d you keep telling us how ourfavourite series end!
parents complained their children were 1binge-watching
e theyjust sit in front ofthe screen watching episode
it from Saturday until Sunday evening! It was really
after episode of TV series.
popular. Then we were given a prize. We became a(n)
f if they want more sport, films or cartoons.
2 TV series, and passed from anonymous,
g as their parents keep the TV off and confiscate their
3 producers to being internationally famous.
We are making a second '•next year and
h why not pay fora subscription streaming service so
we admit that it’s still fantastic to see our names in
you can choose what to watch?
the final5. Of course the problem with our
3 ★★choose the correct words to complete the teenage6 sitting watching for hours made us
sentences. think. The parents’ complaints were very7. So
1 I don't understand the trailers I credits / dialogue. we also decided to start a campaign to raise awareness
Can we watch the film in another language, please? and convince teenagers to watch our series, but cut
2 I like watching films in other languages, but I putthe down their daily8 to a couple of hours: fewer
trailers / subtitles / credits in English. episodes over more days.
3 My uncle works for a TV station and I sometimes see
his name in the seasons/ credits /dialogue.
4 I think the producers plan to make six seasons / title 7 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about the
sequences / subtitles of this show. sort of TV programmes which you enjoy/don't enjoy
5 Sometimes I watch trailers / dialogues / seasons to watching. Think about how and when you watch
decide if I want to watch a film or not. them and why you like/don't like them. Write about:
6 After I've seen it twice, I go past the credits / trailer / on-demand content, binge-watching, series and seasons,
title sequence to the start ofthe episode. subtitles and languages, friends or alone.


О 57 Listen to the interview and match the speakers Pronunciation
with their concerns. Write: Sadie, Russ, Monty or Beth.
1 producing a reaction ACTIVE
2 pleasing the critics PRONUNCIATION | /v/ /f/ and /w/ sounds
5 getting small details right /v/ and /f/ are similar sounds in English, but /f/ is not voiced.
4 avoiding problems that could spoiltheshow • /v/is voiced atthe end ofthe word:
leave/li:v/ leaf/li:f/
57 Listen again and choose the correct answers.
• When we use have to for obligation, have is pronounced
1 What did Sadie do in this production? /'haef ta/:
I have a dog. /hasv/
I havetogo./'heef ta/
Sometimes/v/ and /w/аге confused atthe beginning of
a word (e.g. in the word very) Remember that your teeth
touch your bottom lip to make the/v/sound, but they don't
touch your lip to make the /w/ sound.

2 Where did Russ get his idea for his set design?
4 0 51 Listen to these pairs of words. Tick the word you
hear first.
1 □ lift □ lived
2 □ thief's □ thieves
3 □ ferry □ very
4 □ fine □ vine
5 □ safer □ saver
6 □ half □ halve
5 What was Monty's first experience with lighting? 7 □ offer □ over
8 □ fan □ van
9 □ refuse □ reviews

5 © 59 How is v pronounced in the word have in these

sentences? Listen, check and practise saying the
1 I have two dogs, called Mandy and Blake. They both
have blackfaces.
й Which play did Beth win an award for?
2 Where do we have to meet at the theatre?
З I wish we didn't have a test tomorrow. I'll have to
revise all evening!
WAITING 4 I usually have two showers every day. I have to have
FOR one after football because I get so dirty!
12JULY 7:45 PM S Have you got a dictionary? I have to look up some
CIRCLE E15 words for the essay.

6 0 60 Complete the sentences with the words you

Vocabulary extension hear.

3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases 1 Our cat was ill so we took him to the yet.
from the box which you heard in the interview in 2 My uncle lives to the of London.
Exercises 1 and 2. 3 The ofthe play was very good.

a far cry from down to make a come-back 4 A was seen swimming along the River
make a living put on was plain sailing Thames last month.
5 Mark is repairing the car after a minor
1 The play was a great success - it и/as plain sailing. accident.
2 The set looked great - it was all good
planning. 7 0 61 Practise saying these sentences. Listen and check.
5 This production was expensive - it was the 1 I'm worrying about whatto wearfor work.
cheap shows we did five years ago. 2 Vai visited various villages on her vacation.
4 We at least two shows a year. 3 Your vote is very valuable and everyone has a voice.
5 It’s sometimes difficult for an actor to. 4 It's vital that we wait for Wendy and Vicky before we
6 This is Greg's first playforten years. It's good to see watch the video.


1 Read the title ofthe article. What do you think 5 Correct the information in the statements.
ephemeral art is? 1 A mayfly lives for only one week one day.
a artworks that have been restored to their original 2 Tibetan monks create mandalas in a few days.
3 Andy Goldsworthy used poppies in a creation in 2005.
b artworks that don't last very long
k 'Cloud' was created in London in 2012.
c artworks that are often moved to different locations
5 Pavement art first appeared in the twentieth century.
2 Look and the photos and read the article, in which
paragraphs can you read about each ofthe photos? Vocabulary extension
3 Read the article again. Match the headings A-E with 6 Complete the sentences with the words from the box
paragraphs 1-5. which appeared in the text.

A It's been done before fleeting prominence promoted provoked roused

В A lesson to be learned smudged
C Everything ends
1 The article about the death ofthe painter definitely
D A moment forthe senses roused my curiosity.
E An interesting question 2 I made a pencil drawing and the lines to
add some shadow.
4 Choose the correct answers.
3 The artist's new art installation a lot of
1 The writer mentions a mayfly in Paragraph 1 in orderto different reactions from the art critics.
a describe the beauty of an insect. ft I'm sure I saw a smile on my teacher's face.
b give a typical example of an art form. She's usually very serious!
c help explain the meaning of a word. 5 The documentary awareness of how much
d show us the joys of looking at nature. plastic we throw into the sea.
6 The artist first came to when he won the
2 Some people thinkthat ephemeralarttriesto
Turner prize a few years ago.
a make us think about the importance of living well,
b teach us about nature.
c show us that art should not be enclosed in galleries,

d point out the shortness of life. We can add the suffix -less to a word to make a negative
adjective meaning 'without', e.g.
3 In Paragraph 3 the writer suggests that ephemeral art
• nameless = without a name
a is sometimes destroyed because it's in a public
• careless = without care
b sometimes communicates a different idea than the
artist intended. 7 Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from
c can last for many years longerthan planned. the nouns from the box.

d is made with environmentally-friendly materials. age cord end fear Шр name

4 Why does the writer give the example of Milde's
1 The performance was so funny that I was helpless
with laughter.
a because it was very difficult to create
2 Explorers need to be to go to places that
b because it was captured on a photograph nobody else has ever been to.
c because it gave the spectators more than 3 A(n)government minister leaked the story
a beautiful image to the newspapers.
d because it had a philosophical message k Parents have to answer questions from
5 The writer believes that ephemeral art their children when they're growing up.

a is typical of modern society. 5 Some art is and could have been created at
anytime in history.
b should have a real home.
6 When phones first became popular, my
c has many different functions.
grandparents couldn't understand how they worked!
d is something allot us can do.
8 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short post for a website
describing a piece of ephemeral art you have seen and
how you reacted to it. If you want, you can use some of
the examples and ideas from the reading text.


been placed in public squares all round the world since

Ephemeral Art 2005. Originally her idea was to protest against the big
bronze statues and monuments to heroes. However, her art
has taken on a new life. People now see it as symbolic of the
Here today, gone tomorrow melting ice caps and consider it a comment on the dangers
of climate change.
'‘•’hat does ‘ephemeral’ mean? I looked it up in a dictionary

and discovered that it is used to describe something Many ephemeral artists explore profound ideas in their
mat only lasts for a short time. You know, like a mayfly, work, but others are more concerned with producing
die insect that lives for one day, or a pleasure that you unique experiences that cannot be truly documented.
experience, but which passes. I was amazed to find that it is In 2012, Dutch artist Smilde created a perfect cloud in
also used to describe a genre of art. OK, you may ask - how the hallway of a building in New York. He used water,
can you study or debate the value of art that is here today temperature and smoke to make the cloud. It lasted a few
and gone tomorrow? Good question. It roused my curiosity! seconds. The cloud was photographed, so we can see what
he created, but we cannot feel the humidity or breathe in
2П the smoke, which was an important part of the experience.
Ephemeral art is not about pictures, statues or art

installations that can be kept in a gallery. It’s a term that
came to prominence in the 1950s. That was a time when Ephemeral art is not a new idea. Street artists have been
artists were experimenting with different types of art and drawing with coloured chalk on pavements since the

debates about the nature of art were common. At that time, sixteenth century. More recently, starting in the twentieth

it was used to describe any type of fleeting event such as century, spectacular 3D pavement art has shown how
the genre is progressing. And photography allows the
a performance or a lighting display. One interpretation
of ephemeral art is that it promotes awareness of how artists to record their work before it is washed away by
the rain or smudged by the feet of careless pedestrians.
quickly life changes. It tries to bring us closer to nature and
The development of another traditional type of ephemeral
understanding that nothing lasts forever. Tibetan monks
art is seen in sand sculpture. It has progressed from
spend weeks creating spectacular, colourful patterns in
simple children’s castles made on holiday to complex and
sand (mandalas) that are blown away in days. They want to
stunningly beautiful creations produced by specialist artists
create a symbol to remind us that life passes quickly.
today; still waiting, however, for nature to take back the
ЗП sand. And then we have that other, controversial street art
- graffiti. This is ephemeral, not because it will quickly be
Some artists create ephemeral art using materials that will
washed away or self-destruct, but because it is unprotected
self-destruct. In 1984, Andy Goldsworthy created a ribbon
and can be painted over, cleaned off or added to.
of poppy petals held together by saliva, which quickly
fell apart when it dried. And in 2014, Brazilian artist Nele Some people might say that in our modern, consumer
Azevedo made 5,000 tiny figures out of ice which sat on society, ephemeral art has found a proper home. In my
some public steps in Birmingham until they melted. The opinion, it is just another example of human beings’ ability
project was a memorial to the nameless men and women to adapt and create wonderful things that can provoke
who died in WW1. Her melting men ice sculptures have reactions, raise awareness or simply give us pleasure.

Reported questions 4 ★★★complete the text so that it means the same
as the conversation.
1 ★ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Julian: 'Do you know the presenter?'
Julian asked if/ how/ do I knew the presenter.
2 Belinda: 'Why do you enjoy singing, Zac?’
Belinda asked Zac if / why / how he enjoyed singing.
3 Rob:'Where did they film the show?’
Rob asked where / whether/why they had filmed the
it Katie: ’When do you use the green screen?'
Katie asked whether/why/ when we used the green
5 Clive: 'Has it all gone well today?'
Clive asked had / if/ when it had all gone well that
6 Becky:'Can you help me?'
Organiser Hi, what’s your name and where are you
Becky asked me whether/why / where I could help from?
Dylan My name's Dylan and I'm from Liverpool.
2 ★ Read the reported questions and rewrite them in Can I start?
direct speech. Organiser Just a moment, Dylan. Have you practised
your song today?
1 Gabriel asked me if I was from London.
Dylan All day. Should I tell the judges that?
'Are you from London?' asked Gabriel.
Organiser No, don'tworry. How many times did you
2 William asked whetherthe singer was nervous.
audition to get here?
'nervous?' asked William.
Dylan Fourtimes. Where can I get a sandwich,
3 Olivia wanted to know whether I needed anything. please?
'anything?1 asked Olivia. Organiser Overthere. Would you prefer cheese or ham?
U Sam asked Julia if she was preparing her song. Dylan Cheese, thanks.
'your song?’ asked Sam.
5 The woman asked us if we had auditioned before.
'before?' asked the woman. The talent show organiser greeted the boy. She asked
6 Thejudge asked whether we were going to perform him 1what his name was and z. He replied
an original song. that his name was Dylan and he was from Liverpool.
'an original song?' asked thejudge. He asked ’. The organiser told him to wait
a moment. She asked him 4. Dylan replied
3 ★★ Complete the sentences using reported speech.
he had practised all day and asked 5*.
1 Jon asked Mike: ‘Where are you from?'
The organiser told him not to worry and asked him
John asked Mike where he и/as from.
6 to get there. Dylan said he had auditioned
2 Thejudge asked Sarah: 'Why did you choose this four times and asked 7 a sandwich. The
organiser said he could get it over there and asked
Thejudge asked Sarah that song.
8 cheese or ham. Dylan answered cheese'
3 Charlie asked Liam: 'How are you travelling there?1
and thanked her.
Charlie asked Liam there.
4 Eva asked Marie: 'What instrument can you play?'
Eva asked Marie. 5 ON A HIGH NOTE Can you think of some surprising,
5 Gina asked Henry: 'When will the show start?' difficult or irritating questions people have asked you?
Can you report three or four questions and how you
Gina asked Henry.
felt about them?
6 Danny asked Andrew: 'Which performer do you like
Danny asked Andrew best.
7 Sue asked Catherine: 'Have you learnt any new
Sue asked Catherine any new songs.

1 0 62 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 2 Complete the story with the words and phrases from
them in your language? the box.

because believe first happened have panic

SPEAKING I Describing a personal experience relieved said soon was when whispered


'■Have I ever told you about a really embarrassing
Have I evertold you about that time when I was taking moment2 I was appearing in a play called
partin a rock concert?
The Ghost Train? This *in my Last year before
You won't believe what happened last night! college and I was playing a passenger in the waiting
It happened a few weeks agо/last year. room at the station. At *, everything went
It was maybe a year ago. really well, but then something dreadful happened!
I was appearing in a talent show/play. I had to fall down on the floor, and the other
passengers put me on a bench. So I was Lying down
CONNECT THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF YOUR STORY and one of the other actors/passengers said that he
At first, everything went really well, butthen something 5 a doctor.
awful happened. 'Let me check her over/ he 6 and he bent
The next thing I know is that the curtains suddenly down to Listen to my heart. You won't7 what
opened. happened next! As 8 as he started to stand
Suddenly, I noticed the table had disappeared. up, we realised that some of my hair had wrapped
As soon as I stood up I realised I had lost a shoe. round the button on his jacket! I started to ’.
Immediately after I'd appeared on stage, the lights If he stood up, he would pull me up with him! He
went off. whispered in my ear, 'What are we going to do?’ and
We'd just moved all the furniture off the stage when we 110 back, 'Just pull!' So he pulled and I kept
realised it should have stayed there. my head flat. It was really painful11 he
On the first day, /The following night,/In the end, pulled out a Lot of my hair! For the rest of the scene he
we had some problems with the props. walked around with a piece of my hair hanging from his
Although we were tired, we were also really happy. button! I was so12 when the play was over!
We had to cancel the performance because the actress
was ill.
Despite his lack of experience, he was brilliant on stage! 3 Put the sentences in order to complete the stories.
The audience was a bit bored, so he decided to sing some
more cheerful songs. A
□ I was in a group of twenty. □ The introductory music
SAY HOW YOU FELT stopped and the curtains began to open. □ The curtains
I couldn't believe it. stuck half open. Ш This happened when I was singing
I felt like crying. in a concert. □ There were only a few metres in the
middle, so we all tried to squeeze into the space to sing.
I just felt really/so sіlly/embarrassed!
□ Then, I couldn’t believe it.
I was so nervous/embarrassed!
It was really/so embarrassing!
We were so relieved. В
□ Luckily, someone rushed on to stop it. Ш On the first
USE DIRECT SPEECH AND REPORTED SPEECH night I had a near disaster. □ Usually, the stage crew
He said, ’Yes, this role requires you to shave your head.' put blocks behind the wheels to stop them moving. □ It
He said that role required me to shave my head. frightened the Life out of me! □ I had to stand on a desk
which had wheels on it. □ I was so relieved! □ That
night they forgot and immediately after I’d climbed on to
it, it started to roll across the stage!

□ Everyone was waiting for me to speak. □ I was
so upset afterwards that I felt Like crying. □ Finally,
someone whispered my next Line to me and
I remembered. Ш At first, the play went well, but
suddenly I completely forgot my lines!

4 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph starting with

the words: Last week I saw something really funny...

7G WRITING AND VOCABULARY | A review of a play

Start with an interesting opening

sentence to attract your reader's SHADOWLANDS
attention. If you go to see Shadowlands at the Royal Theatre this week, take a box
of tissues! It's really moving and last night the cast had the whole
audience in tears. It12stars / uses Liam Nelson and Karen Edwards and
has won several awards.
Give key information about the play.
The play is about the relationship between C. S. Lewis, the author of
the Narnia books, and an American poet, Joy Gresham. The ending is
very sad, but I'm not going to give any spoilers! It is set mainly in Lewis's
Mention the characters and the plot. house in Oxford in the 1930s and also z plays / features a really great
child actor, Peter Carter, as Joy’s son.
The actors are incredibly34talented / breathtaking and their
performances are 11 slightly / utterly convincing. The play is well written
Give your opinion on aspects ofthe and has some 5 totally / witty dialogue, and the combination of humour
performance. and sadness works very well. The set is 6 quite / thoroughly basic and the
lighting simple, but because the power of the acting is 7 so / such strong
it doesn't need a lot of special effects.

Summarise your opinions.

There have been a large number of good theatre productions this year,
but for me this 8 makes / stands head and shoulders above the rest.
The audience loved the performance and at the end they stood up and
cheered. I can't ’ advise / recommend it highly enough. Try to get tickets
Make a recommendation.
for the remaining shows. You may be lucky!

1 Read the review and choose the correct answer.

The writer thinks that
a there may not be any tickets left forthe play.
b the play is too sad for a lot of people.
c you will enjoy the special effects.

2 Choose the correct words to complete the review.

3 Complete the comments with the adjectives from the


dramatic entertaining forgettable impressive

terrifying wrtt-y 5 WRITING TASK Write a review of a play you've seen
1 Some ofthe lines in the play are really i/i//tfy-they
made everyone laugh.
2 The play was completely-I wouldn't
ACTIVE WRITING | A review of a play
recommend it to anyone. 1 Plan your review.
3 The plot was-there were three murders! • Think about different aspects ofthe play:
A The last scene was-the loud music characters, plot, actors, set, lighting, etc.
shocked everyone. • Make some notes and divide them into four main
5 The costumes were-someone spent paragraphs.
a long time creating the queen's dresses. 2 Write your review.
6 It was a very show-the music and the • Startwith an interesting opening sentence.
dancing were excellent and we loved it. • Use a variety of adjectives and modifying
4 Put the words in brackets in the correct position in the
• Give your opinion on different aspects ofthe
1 I enjoyed the film because it was funny! (so) • End with a recommendation.
2 It was a ridiculous story, (completely) 3 Check your review. Check that:
3 We left early because it was a boring film, (such) • there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation
A Itwasa long show but very interesting, (quite) mistakes.
5 It was a simple set but it worked well, (slightly) • there is interesting and relevant topic
6 I had a good view ofthe stage, (particularly) vocabulary.


beginnings 1-7 with the endings a-g. with the words and phrases from the box.
1 □ When I haven't got much time, I don't read backto square one best-seller bitof a setback
the whole article, got my first break huge flop really took off sell-out
2 □ I heard a very funny news they came to nothing
3 □ Apparently, there have been reports
1 Unfortunately, the new film was a catastrophe - a huge flop.
A □ My parents like to sit on the sofa and watch
2 We had a lot of hopes about making the film, but in the
a few TV
5 □ I couldn't believe my eyes atthe breaking
З I was eighteen when і had my first opportunity
6 □ My favourite newsreader and in the movies.
7 □ I really enjoy human A I wasn't sure if the play would go well, but people loved it
and it.
a coming in about a bad accident.
5 I had a great part, but I broke a leg, which was a.
b interest stories more than economics.
6 Her new book has sold a huge number of copies and is
c item about a dog that could ski.
a national.
d news from the centre of Birmingham!
7 We had to start again and go.
e news programmes with a cup of tea.
8 There are no tickets left, the play is a.
f I just glance atthe headlines.
g has gota wonderful voice. 5 7D READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the conversation
with one adjective in each gap.
2 7B VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with Peter Emma, how was the show last night? I heard that it's
the words from the box. 1 un/que- nobody has ever seen anything like it.
binge watching credits eagerly-awaited Emma Yes, it was absolutelyz b-I mean, literally,
little-known season spoilers subtitles viewers I couldn't breathe! The lights and music were
*s-amazing colours and the volume -
1 I can't believe ten million i/iei/i/ers watched the incredible!
programme! Peter So I imagine with all those strange effects it was really
2 Don'ttell me howthe series ends- 4 a. Not like our ordinary world at all.
I hate! Emma It was all like a fantasy world. It wasn't
3 Frances says that the next of Doctors 5г at all. And the actors were really good
at И/ar has already come out in America. at communicating their feelings - very6 e.
A Could you put on the?l can't hear And the dialogue was very deep and7 p.
the dialogue very well. Actually, I couldn't understand some of it! It was
5 I want to wait for the to see what the
actor's name is. Peter Yes, I've heard that some ofthe ideas and the plot are
a bit8 p.
6 She's a(n)actress who is just
beginning her career. 6 7G WRITING AND VOCABULARY Complete the text with one
7 I feel exhausted because I was up all night word in each gap.
the last season of Pretty Little Liars.
8 Tomorrow night, fans can watch the An actor must first Audition for a part. When the
first episode ofthe new season. 2 is chosen -1 mean all the actors - they can start
work. This usually meanss for weeks, so that the
3 Complete the sentences with one word in each
actors can learn their parts. The technicians have to design
the *with different colours illuminating the stage.
1 The title sequence atthe start of each episode in
At the same time, other people are making5 for
this series is amazing - I never miss it!
every actor to wear. If the actor’s hair isn’t right, he or
2 We only watch о content, so we can
choose the programmes we watch.
she might have to wear a6 and put a lot of
7 on his or her face to change it. Another part of
3 Can I see the t for that new spy film?
I wantto see if it's any good. the job is learning to use8- the different objects
A There's a brilliant, a film on this
the actor has to carry on and off the stage.
evening - itgotthe Oscarfor best picture.
5 It's a th programme which really 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Have you ever taken part in a school play
makes you thinkabout things in a different way. ora play with a drama group? If you have, write a short
6 I'm really sorry that this is the last episode in the paragraph about your experience. If you haven’t, imagine
s. you have and invent any necessary details. Describe your
7 I prefer watching f films than TV role, your costume and your lines, the rehearsals, the show
and how you felt at the performance.


For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feelvery confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident 1 am (1-5)

7A 1 can use reporting verbs to report stories. Student's Book pp. 94-95

7B 1 can talk about viewing habits. Student's Bookp. 96

7C 1 can specific details in a radio programme and talk Student's Book p. 97

about artists and performers on social media.

7D 1 can identify specific details in an article and talk Student's Book pp. 98-99
about art.

7E 1 can use reported questions to talk about what Student's Book p. 100
someone else said.

7F 1 can describe a personal experience. Student's Book p. 101

7G 1 can write a review of a play. Student's Book pp. 102-103

Which of the skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

З What can you rememberfrom this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember



1 Match the words 1-10 with their definitions a-j. 5 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words
in brackets.
1 □ breaking a a person who reads the news
news ь the space where actors perform
2 □ subtitles c which is not like anything else
3 □ abstract д very recent news heard forthe
4 □ audition first time
5 □ stage e confusing, difficult to understand
6 □ newsreader f dialogue written on a screen
7 □ flop g perform in orderto get a part
8 □ unique h practise for a performance
9 □ puzzling і not obvious, concrete or realistic I wanted to buy a 1(SUBSCRIBE)
1© □ rehearsal j film, series, etc. which is not streaming service, so that I could watch my favourite
a success series. I had to be careful though because my
/5 friends were always sending me messages with
z_________ (SPOIL) in them! So I had to tell them
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. to stop! The point is to be surprised! My favourite
series is really 3_________ (ATMOSPHERE) with
1 You can choose what you want to watch with
brilliant6_________ (LIGHT) effects. It's set in a fantasy
seasons I breaking news / on-demand content.
land. My mum hates it - she says the violence is
2 The band's new video was an instant success and s(SHOCK) and refuses to watch it.
went setback/viral / to square one in a few hours.
3 The play wasn't very easy to understand - it was really
sophisticated / realistic / breathtaking. /5
4 We loved the lighting / rehearsal / set design -
it looked like a fairy castle!
6 Read the short texts and choose the correct answers.

5 Her third film was very popular and since then she's 1 Silence please in this area: actors.
never made a name for herself/ looked back /
looked forward.
a in a huge flop b in rehearsal c are looking back
Q For those with hearing problems,
3 Complete the sentences using reported speech.
the-----in several different languages
1 Jamie: 'I didn't want to watch that.' on the menu.
Jamie said he to watch that.
a subtitles can be set b credits are at the end
2 Dawn:'I've chosen my programme.’
Dawn said she her programme. c title sequence is

3 Penny: 'My mum told me not to switch on the TV.'

Penny said her mum had told her the TV. 3 Save the date - 1 Oth March is the premiere of
4 George: 'Did you audition forthe part?' Episode 1 of
George asked me forthe part. the of Lowlanders' Revenge.
5 Zac:'Where did you learn to sing?'
Zac asked me to sing. a breathtaking actor b eagerly-awaited new season
/5 c best-selling novel

4 Complete the text so that it means the same as the

4 I was about thirty and had worked hard
before I finally had some success and started
Anne Are you going to be in the show?
Kerry Yes, I am. Who did you hearthatfrom?
Anne My teacher. She thinks you're very good. a goviral b go backto square one

Kerry Buy a ticket! c make a name for myself

Anne Don't worry.

5 I think that play was really deep
Anne asked Kerry1 in the show. Kerry answered that and profound and .
she was and asked Anne who2 from. Anne said her
a not at all expressive b not very unique
:eacher and, that her teacher3 very good. Kerry told
Anne *. Anne told Kerry3. c very meaningful

08 ' Consumers'world


The passive 5 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct Past
Continuous passive forms ofthe verbs from the box.
1 ★Underline the passive forms in these sentences.
create explain install offer promote show
1 The new phone will be delivered tomorrow.
2 Her new designs have been presented. 1 The products were being promoted in schools and
3 That advert was filmed in the street outside my house. colleges.
4 The plans are secret and can't be revealed. 2 When Mark finally got to the meeting his idea forthe
5 Our new design is being discussed.
3 We heard that free meals in return for
6 These cars are produced in Korea.
advertising space.
7 The company's image was being damaged by
k When the new teacher entered the school building
negative publicity.
a huge wall painting by pupils from Year 9.
2 ★ Match the tenses a-g with the sentences 1-7 5 The children around the school by the
in Exercise 1. older pupils.
a □ Present Perfect e □ Present Continuous 6 An interactive white board in our
classroom when we arrived for class.
b □ future with will f □ modal verb
c □ Present Simple 9 □ PastSimple 6 ★★Choose the correct answers.
d □ Past Continuous 1 The winning design has been at last.

3 ★★Complete the second sentence in each pair using a chose b chosen

the passive so that it means the same as the first 2 Free goods in return for advertising space.
sentence. a has been offered b have been offered
1 Advertising influences my sister. 3 I'm sorry, butyour proposal been accepted.
My sister is influenced by advertising.
a hasn't b isn't
2 We sell over twenty of these rucksacks every week.
4 The new advert hasn't yet.
Over twenty of these rucksacks every week.
a been shown b being shown
3 We are testing the new product now.
5 abandoned or are we still considering it?
The new product now.
a The idea has been b Has the idea been
k They aren't considering my idea.
My idea. 6 about the new changes?
5 They are signing a contract. a Have you been informed b Have you informed
A contract.

4 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct Past

Simple passive forms ofthe verbs in brackets.
1 The new campaign was announced(announce)
2 The shoes(not advertise) very well.
3 The contract(sign) by our boss.
4 Unfortunately, no offers(make)forthe
5 The proposals(not accept).
6 MrCarter(inform) ofthe problem.
7 I couldn't use the library because it(close)
for repairs.
8 The bathroom(not repaint) in time forthe
start of term.

♦★Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the future 10 ★★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
passive with will.
1 new jobs/ will /create /here soon
New jobs will be created here soon.
2 the adverts / will / remove / as soon as possible

3 people / will / not tell / about the problem

4 money / will not / give / in exchange for this publicity

5 new products / will / offer / by the company

6 consumers/will / not convince / by this excuse

Last month, our head teacher ’was offered ten free

• ♦ ★Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in g computers if he agreed to make students wear
brackets and the correct form of the verbs from the the computer company's T-shirts. The offer2
box. accepted, because the head teacher said it wasn't
ethical. He said students couldn't’made
■ nd include inform in-stall remove stop
into walking billboards! Everybody was sorry that
1 A new drinks machine might be installed (might) in the computers 4 accepted, but we agreed
the corridor soon. with his decision. He told us that other ways to raise
2 This product(can) in all major department money forthe school were5 investigated.
stores. He also explained that a more interesting offer has
3 This irresponsible advertising(must) 6 received from a different company.
immediately. They will give us new computers in return for
4 I think consumers(should) that there's a short article on the school website saying thatthe
a problem with this product. donation7 been made. We think the offer
5 The idea(may not) in the project-we're
8 be accepted soon by the head teacher
not sure yet. because it seems reasonable.
6 The advert(could not) for legal reasons so МИММННВПИИИИП
it had to stay there.
11 ★★★Complete the second text so that it means the
- ★★★use the prompts to write questions in the same as the first. Use between two and four words in
passive. each gap.
1 the candidates / interview / right now?
/Ire the candidates being interviewed right now? Important school rules
2 the logo/redesign/Artur/yet? • We don't permit smoking in any area of the school. The
school will punish students that it catches smoking!
• Please wear correct school uniform at all times. Do not
5 the billboards / remove / yesterday afternoon? wear clothes with obvious logos and brand names. If you
ignore this rule, we will ask you to change. We have asked
students to change in the past!
fc how I could / the advertising slogan / improve /
the copywriter?
Important school rules
• Smoking 'isn't permitted in any area of the school.
Students who2 smoking ’!
5 a jingle / play / atthe beginning / of every
• Correct school uniform must4 at all times.
Clothes with obvious logos and brand names should
5. If you ignore this rule, you6 to
change. Students7 to change in the past!
6 all the spam emails / remove / if I click this icon?

12 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about an

advert you were influenced by while buying a product.
7 why I those posters / take down / when we arrived
at school?


1 © 63 Listen to five people talking about their Pronunciation
attitudes to money when they were young children.
Which ofthe topics 1-7 are mentioned?
5 © 64 Read some sentences from the listening.
How are the highlighted words pronounced? Listen
1 □ earning money and check.
2 □ selling things 1 Although I always spent the full amount, my brothe'
3 □ receiving pocket money used to spend about one pound.
4 □ taking money that is nottheirs 2 When we had enough to buy something we'd
5 □ buying presents planned, we definitely valued it a lot more.

6 □ borrowing money 3 They taught me thatnothing in life is free.

7 □ hiding money 4 It was a way of teaching us about money I suppose

through a game.
2 © 63 Listen again and for speakers 1-5 choose 5 I guess he had a good laugh later!
from the list (a-f) what each person says about their
attitude to money as a child. There is one extra option.
Speaker 1П Speaker 4 □
Words with gh can sometimes cause problems for
Speaker? □ Speakers □
pronunciation. There are several different ways gh can be
Speaker 3 □ pronounced:
a He/She didn't get the money they felt they deserved. • The letters gh are not pronounced after e/,
b He/She spent money more easily than a close relative. (e.g. weigh) orthe letter / (e.g. sigh). They are also
c He/Shethoughttheirparentsspenttoo much money. silent in words ending in -ght (e.g. bought, taught).

d He/She wanted to help a family member with • gh is sometimes used atthe beginning of words and
a money problem. then has the /g/ sound (e.g. ghost or ghastly).

e He/She enjoyed saving money but not spending it. • The letters gh can also be pronounced /f/ (e.g. cough,
f He/She learned that some things were worth waiting
6 © 65 Match the words 1-8 with the words from the
Vocabulary extension box which they rhyme with. You can use the words
from the box more than once. Listen, check and repeat.
3 Complete the sentences with the words from the box
off owl sort stuff
which you heard in the recording in Exercises 1 and 2.

granted helped miser penny pocket price rate 1 caught 4 cough 7 bought
2 rough 5 plough
1 I work hard at my weekend job and I earn every
3 thought 6 tough
2 Dad gives me £8 for cleaning his саг; I give my brother © 66 Read the sentences aloud. Can you pronounce
£2 for helping me and the rest. the words with -gh correctly? Listen and check. Then
З I got these jeans for a very good in the practise saying the sentences.
market-they were a real bargain. 1 Ithoughtmydaughter'sweightoughtto be roughly
4 My sister's a bit of a and always lets other the same as mine.
people pay for her. 2 Although the children had enough toys each, they
5 The going for walking someone's dog is fought overthe toy plough fortheir mini farm.
£10 an hour. З I caughta bug on holidayand I had a bad cough.
6 The thief waited until the assistant left the counter 4 Itwas tough climbing the high hill in the snow, but it
and then himself to the money in the cash was a laugh to sleigh down the other side!
7 You should nevertake money for Just
because you're earning a lot now, it doesn't mean
that you always will.

4 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about the

money you were (or weren't) given as a child. Is giving
pocket money a good thing for parents to do?



2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 4 ★★★Complete the second conversation so that it has
1 You should save some money and stop spending it the same meaning as the first. Use one or two words in
like water / wine. each gap.

2 Myfriend keeps asking mefora loan - he must think Mark Karen, could you lend me some money? I haven't
I'm full/ made of money. got any.

3 My uncle made a lot of money with his business - he's Karen As usual. You spend too much. What's it for?
lying / rolling in it! Mark It's for my bus pass. I've got a few coins, but not
4 She's so rich that I think she's got money to burn / throw. nearly enough for a pass. I can't pay for it.

5 I can't go out - I've run out of / away from money. Karen So why did you buy that new T-shirt yesterday?
Honestly, you seem to think you can just waste
6 Could you lend me £10? I'm a bit not with / short of
your money.
cash at the moment.
Mark It's just a bad moment. I haven't got much money
7 They offer discounts on Sundays - we could go then
right now.
and get our money's value / worth.
Karen Oh, all right. But it's temporary, OK? I want it back
8 Have you got any cash on / in you? I've only got
a credit card.

2 ★Complete the sentences with the words from the Mark Karen, could you lend me some money?
box. There are two extra words. I'm 1broke.

broke debt in the red loan loose change moan Karen As usual. You spend money2. What's it
poverty sense for?
Mark It's for my bus pass. I've got some3,
1 Alex is so mean that he never offers to buy me but not nearly enough for a pass. I can't
a coffee. 4 it.
2 They spent too much and ended up with huge Karen So why did you buy that new T-shirt yesterday?
to pay back. Honestly, you seem to think you've got money to
3 Have you got any forthe coffee machine? 5

4 I've got no money left - I'm completely. Mark It's just a bad moment. I'm a bit4
5 My parents wanted to renovate our house so they money right now.
asked for a from the bank. Karen Oh, all right. But it's a 7, OK? I want it
6 It's terrible how many people have nothing and live backtomorrow!
5 ★★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.
3 ★Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
The first letter is given to help you. Julia and her brother Eddie couldn't be more
1 He never spends money unless he has to; he's really different. Julia spends money like 1water.
careful with his money. She seems to think she's 2 in money
and buys anything she wants. Then she asks
2 My bank account is empty and I'm in the г.
her parents for more because she thinks
3 She buys such stupid things - she has more money
they're 3 of money. And they aren't
than s!
-they're paying back a bank4 every
4 My class is organising a charity concert to г
month. Eddie on the other hand is really 5
money forthe animal shelter.
with his money. He's never4- he's
5 That's too expensive - I can't possibly a it! always got something saved. I think he does a few
6 We decided to ask contributions using social media - extra jobs to earn it, so he only buys what he can
c is a popular way to collect money. 7 and doesn't spend too much. Julia
rarely has any money 8 her when it's
time for her to buy somebody a coffee!

6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about your

spending habits Do you spend money like water or
are you careful? Have you got a friend or relative who
is the opposite to you? How? What differences are
there between you?
1 Look at the photo and the title of the article. What do
you think a 'hoarder' is?

a a person who finds and sells rare things * Some adjectives can be formed by adding -ive to a verb.
If the verb finishes with e, we cut e before adding the
b a person who likes collecting rare things
c a person who doesn'tthrowthings away
• obsess obsessive
2 Read the article and checkyour answer to Exercise 1. • create -»creative
Sometimes if the verb ends in -d or-de we remove the
5 Read the article again and complete gaps 1-6 in the -d/-de and add -s/i/e, e.g.
text with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence.
• defend -> defensive
A I have to admit though, his story does make me • decide decisive
wonder about what happened to that old coin
collection of mine.
В However, all that had changed, and I have to say it 6 Write the adjective form of the words given.
was a bit of a shock. 1 addict addictive
C That's maybe where his love of books comes from. 2 conclude
D However, part of him was aware that this behaviour 3 defend_________
wasn't normal. 4 decide _________
E For example people like this also feel comfort 5 explode
surrounded by all their treasures.
6 express ________
F That's when the collecting fever set in.
7 possess _________
G This can involve swapping things with others or going
8 select _________
online and checking outwebsites.

7 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from

Vocabulary extension Exercise 6.

4 Match the highlighted words and phrases 1-8 from the 1 The politician was very defensive about his decisions­
article with their meanings a-h. it seemed as if he had something to hide.

1 □ addictive 5 □ tumble 2 Drinking coffee can be as as eating

2 □ autographs 6 □ first edition
3 I'm not very 11 like other people to make
3 □ initial 7 □ monetary
decisions for me.
4 □ give someone 8 □ only kidding
4 My sister has a very face and we always
a hand
knowwhen she's upset.
a (usually valuable) first printing of a book 5 Linda is very about what she eats and
b justjoking refuses anything that looks unusual.
c first, atthe beginning 6 Some people are very about their books
and won't let them outoftheirsight.
d financial, related to money
7 The plot of the film is very fast and it has a(n)
e signatures (usually of famous people)
f so enjoyable you can't stop
8 I’m afraid thatthe police have evidence
g help someone
thatJones is a thief.
h fall down
8 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about
5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the someone you know who can't throw things away.
words and phrases 1-8 from Exercise 4.
1 My sister got her favourite singer's autograph when he
played ata local gig.
2 Can you with moving this desk please?
3 A of a Harry Potter book will be worth
a fortune!
4 My reaction was to say that I couldn't do it,
butthen I changed my mind.
5 These comics are of no value, but I'll never
throw them away.
6 That T-shirt Looks terrible!-it's amazing!
7 Computergaming is-some kids playfor
8 I slipped and down the stairs.


Most people do some form of Last month he stopped me there might be a valuable book
on my way home from college. somewhere in amongst them.
collecting when they're children.
I hadn't seen him for ages and He kept them all because he
Sometimes it can be things
it was good to chat. Then he didn't know which might become
like stamps or coins, shells or
asked me if I might help him with valuable in the future, and he
comic books. There's something
something. He showed me inside didn't sell the ones he knew were
addictive about having
and upstairs to his study where worth a lot, in case their values
a collection of objects and
we used to talk about books increased still further. The piles of
adding to it. There's also a certain
together. It used to be a neat, tidy books got higher and higher.
thrill that goes with finding
area with all his books carefully That's the point at which I think
just the right item you want or
placed on bookshelves. ’ □ There he stopped being a collector and
need.1 □ My dad collected
were enormous piles of books all became an obsessive hoarder,
autographs of famous people
over the floor with no space to unable to throw anything away.
and my mum had a postcard
walk between and you couldn't 5 □ He knew that he needed to
collection. I remember collecting
even see the bookcases. When get a proper focus back in his life
coins from different countries
he opened the door, it knocked and he couldn't do it on his own.
but, like a lot of people, I lost
against one pile of books that When he saw me passing, he
nterest after a while and forgot
threatened to tumble over. decided that being an old friend
all about it. I wouldn't judge him and asked me
He explained; apparently,
However, I was reminded the
he'd developed an obsession for help. So, now I have an after­
other day of how addictive that college job. Every week I spend
with collecting first editions of
initial collecting fever can be.
books. It all began when he found some time in Mr Peters' study
We have a neighbour who has
a first edition of a classic crime going through his piles of books.
ived in our street for as long as We box up the ones that have no
novel in a second-hand book
can remember. He's a lovely real monetary value and we take
shop and he bought it for 50p.
man and he was always very them to charity shops or give them
Someone later told him that it
kind to me when I was growing might be worth some money, so to hospitals.
up - lending me books and he went online and discovered it At last we are beginning to see
even giving me a hand with was valued at £50! * □ To begin some carpet in the study! I think
homework. I think he used to be with, he browsed online auction Mr Peters was lucky and asked for
an English teacher. z □ He really help before the hoarding became
sites to find bargains. Then he
encouraged me to read and started to buy up boxes of books a big problem. 6 □ Might it be
introduced me to some of the from second-hand stores - which worth much money today ...?
greatest writers in the world. cost next to nothing - just in case Only kidding!

1 0 67 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 3 0 69 Listen to a phone conversation between
them in your language? a customer and an assistant. Decide if the statements
are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements.

SPEAKING I Complaints 1 □ Danny wants to booksome driving lessons.

MAKING A COMPLAINT Z □ He is free on Friday afternoons.

((I'm) sorry to botheryou, but) I wonder if you could
help me. 3 □ He wants lessons at 4.30 on Friday.
I'd like to make a complaint/return this/cancel my
booking, please. 4 □ The woman can offer him lessons at 4.30 on
I've got a slight problem with a booking. another day.
Would you mind doing that for me, please.
I want to talk to the manager. 5 □ Danny wants to talkto the manager.
I'm not happy about/satisfied with this.

RESPONDING TO A COMPLAINT 4 0 69 Complete the conversation with the correct

I'm (so/very) sorry (about that). words and phrases from the Speaking box. Listen again
and check.
I/We can offeryou store credit/anothertime.
Can I have your receipt/booking reference? Michelle Good morning.This is Michelle.
I'll see what I can do. Danny I'm sorry to 1botheri/ou, but I wonder if you
It was (entirely) our fault. 2 me? I've got a3 with
I'm afraid we're fully booked. a booking.

Would you like a refund? Michelle Certainly. Is this for lessons you've already
Sorry, there's nothing I can do about it. booked orwantto book?

There was a problem with our website, but we've Danny Already booked. I booked a series of driving
sorted it out. lessons overthe next two months. They're for
4.30 on Friday afternoons when my college
class finishes. You emailed me the details, bur
2 0 68 Complete the mini conversations with the the time on your booking sheet is 3.30. I'll
words from the box. Listen and check. still be in class then.

entirely make offer return sorry sorted wonder Michelle Oh, I'm *that. Let me check. Can
would 5 your name and booking
Danny Danny Saunders. Ref number: 2010365477.
Michelle Thankyou, Danny. Let me putyou on hold
for a moment. Hello caller? Sorry. There was
a problem with ourwebsite, butwe've
6 now.Yes, you're booked in for
lessons at 3.30 on Friday afternoons, starting
this coming Friday.
A Tomek I bonder if you could help me? I'd like tn
Danny Excuse me... Could you please check if the
2 this shirt. It's too small. It says
4.30 slot is free?
'medium' on it, but it's clearly an extra
small. Michelle I'm afraid the 4.30 slot is7 all
week for the next month. 18 you
Assistant I see. Yes, that's*
25 our fault. We
2.00 on Fridays if you like.
had a batch of shirts in that were wrongly
labelled. I can *you a refund or Danny No! I'm at college - as I've just explained to
5 you like store credit? you. This is ridiculous. You originally agreed
to 4.30.
Tomek A refund please.
Michelle I'm sorry, there's ’do about it.
В Gizela Excuse me. I'd like to6 Danny I'm10 about this.
a complaint. I ordered three vinyl albums
Michelle I see you've already paid for ten lessons.
last week in store. I paid you to deliver
Would you like a refund?
them to my uncle for his birthday, but they
never arrived. Danny No, I want my driving lessons. When is your
manager back? I want to make11 I
Assistant I'm so7 about that. We had
a problem with deliveries last week, but
5 ON A HIGH NOTE Think of a complaint you've made
we've8 it out. It will go out
recently and write the conversation. If you can't
remember one, invent a situation.
Gizela It's a bit late for his birthday though, isn't it?



>' г get something done 4 ★★★ Complete the second conversation so that it
means the same as the first. Use between one and four
Choose the answer, a or b, which means the same as
words in each gap.
~e first sentence.
1 ,7e had our accounts managed by a professional
a A professional managed our accounts.
b We managed our accounts by ourselves.
2 got my work checked.
а і asked someone to check my work.
b I checked through my work.
5 She made a lovely dress for herself.
a She got a dress made for her.
b She sewed the dress.
к When she was ill she had someone walk her dog for her.
a She asked someone to take her dog out.
b She made an effort to go out with herdog.
5 We're repairing my bike this afternoon.
a I'm asking a mechanicto repair my bike.
b My friends and I are going to repair my bike. Journalist Can 1 askyou a few questions for an
6 He gets hisshopping delivered to his home.
Mrs Watson Of course. Will you put my picture in the
a The supermarket sends the shopping to his home.
b He goes to the supermarket to do his shopping.
Journalist Perhaps. Can 1 ask, do you do your own
shopping ordoyou ask someone to
2 ★★★ Use the prompts to write sentences.
deliver it?
1 Ivan / get / his car / service / yesterday
Mrs Watson 1 do it myself. But if I'm not well, 1 order
Ivan got his car serviced yesterday.
online and ask someone to bring it to my
2 we / have / our shopping / bring / to our house / every house.
Journalist And what about repairs? Do you repair
broken things or ask someone to repair
3 the girls are at the hairdresser, they / have / their hair/ them foryou?
Mrs Watson That depends. 1 always ask the plumberto
repair my pipes.
4 Mick / get / his homework / correct / later today
Journalist And your car?
Mrs Watson For safety 1 always pay a mechanic to
5 the shop / have / its sign / paint / last month
check it.
• • •
6 I / get / my computer / scan / for viruses / once a week
Journalist Can 1 ask you a few questions for an
3 ★★★ Use the prompts and the correct forms of the Mrs Watson Of course. Will 11have my picture put in the
verbs from the box to write sentences.
cut make manage paint repair service Journalist Perhaps. Can 1 ask, do you do your own
shopping or do you2_________ ?
1 yesterday / Jenny I have / her broken phone
Mrs Watson 1 do it myself. But if I'm not well, 1 order
Yesterday Jenny had her broken phone repaired. online and ’_________ to my house.
2 last week/my dad / get/his car Journalist And what about repairs? Do you repair
broken things or4_________ foryou?
3 my parents/have/their accounts Mrs Watson That depends. 1 always5_________ by the

4 at the moment / my cousin / get / her wedding dress Journalist And your car?
Mrs Watson For safety 1 always6_________ by
a mechanic.
5 my room looks great/because/last week / І/have/it
5 ONA HIGH NOTE What do you think people should pay
6 that's the hairdresser / where /1 / get / my hair for and what should they do by themselves? Write
a short paragraph. Use have/get something done.

8G WRITING I An opinion essay

Everyone needs a holiday, but the problem is usually the cost,
especially if you’re a student who's short of money. However, as far
Give your overall opinion for the first as I’m concerned it needn't cost a fortune to have a good time.
My first reason for saying this is that enjoying a holiday really
depends on who you’re with. In other words, you can be on an
State your first point. expensive holiday, but if you don’t get on with the people you’re
with, you won’t enjoy it. I remember an expensive school trip
I went on to Switzerland, but I argued with my friend and had
Give a supporting argument and a miserable time. Then I went camping with my sister, which cost
a personal example. very little, and we had a great time.

Another reason I don’t think a holiday needs to be expensive is

State your second point. because there are a Lot of good deals these days. If you really
want to go somewhere different and maybe stay in a hotel, then
wait until the Last moment and you can pay very little. My parents
Give a supporting argument and went to Florida Last summer and they found a very cheap offer
a personal example. two days before they went. It was a bargain!

Some people do not agree and feel that you should save up all
Give an opposing point of view. year and spend all your savings on a special holiday. But cost isn't
a guarantee of a good holiday. I know people who've spent a Lot of
money, only to be really disappointed with the hotels, had terrible
Say why you disagree.
problems with flights or become ill while they’ve been away.

To sum up, I would say that a holiday is what you make it. Go
Summarise your opinion. with someone you like and look around for good deals. Most
importantly, don't end up with a huge debt for a holiday which you
might not enjoy anyway.
Finish with a point to consider.

1 Read the essay. What is the author's answer to the title 4 WRITING TASK Write an essay entitled Is it necessary to
question? What are his two arguments? spend a lot of money on clothes to look good?

2 Complete the examples with the words from the box.

ACTIVE WRITING I An opinion essay
argue firm first put true while worth
1 Plan your essay. Make notes on the paragraphs in
Phrases to give your overall opinion the plan.

This essay will *argue that...

3 1 I ntro d u cti о n____________________________________
Z Firstmainpoint_________________________________
It is myz belief that...
Supporting argument___________________________
Personal example_______________________________
Phrases to add further support
3 Second main point______________________________
My5 reason for this opinion is...
Supporting argument___________________________
It is also4 pointing out that...
Pe rso n a I exa m p le_______________________________
My final point is...
fc Opposing point of view___
b______ Reason to disagree____
Phrases to emphasise your opinion by repeating it 5 Conclusion_____________________________________
To5 it another way,... 2 Write your essay.
c______ • Develop each point in your plan.
Phrases to introduce an opposing opinion • Remember to use a variety of phrases expressing and
It is6 that... emphasising opinion.
7 some people say that... 3 Check your essay. Check that:
d______ • there are no spelling, grammarorpunctuation
3 Add the underlined phrases in the essay to the correct • there is interesting and relevanttopic vocabulary.
sections а-d in Exercise 2.



1 8A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Match the beginnings 4 Choose the correct answers.
1-9 with the endings a-i. 1 I think he's careful with money because he's got
1 □ A poster is a debts - that's not.
2 □ We find billboards a living in poverty b the same as being
3 □ You can hearajingle mean
U □ Companies put logos 2 We need to raise money for the youth club, so let's try
crowdfunding since we can't.
5 □ ATVcommercial
a take out a loan b be in the red
6 □ Adverts
3 She’s gone clothes shopping again. She really.
7 □ Children often repeat
a has got loose change b has more money than
8 □ You can have a folder
9 □ Pop up ads suddenly
4 I have to pay atthe car park machine. Have you got
a on radio orTV adverts; it's musical. any?
b advertising slogans they hear on TV. a crowdfunding b loose change
c large piece of paperto put on a wall. 5 We're not going abroad on holiday because we
d appear on your screen. can't__ . We're broke!
e inyouremailaccountforspam emails. a live in poverty b afford it
f on all their products and on theirshopping bags. 6 I can't believe it-you're and you're buying
designer clothes?
g usually lasts for no more than thirty seconds.
a in the red b careful with money
h in the streets, on walls and buildings and along roads,
і usually try to be memorable to sell products. 5 8D READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the sentences
with one word in each gap.
1 I don't have a credit card, so I have to payfor
sentences with the phrases from the box.
everything in cash.
a good deal a rip off bargain hunting 2 I've only got a banknote. Have you got any small
fortho price of one nextto nothing on special offer c forthe drinks machine?
spent a fortune waste of money
3 My dad always puts his banknotes in his w.
1 Thesejumpers are half price; that’stwo 4 Can you lend me some change forthis v
for the price of one. machine?
2 This cost a lot-1 really on it! 5 I need to find an A to get some money.
3 Paying for bad products is a. 6 If you're travelling, a bankc is safer than
4 Can you believe how cheap those shoes are?They carrying a lot ofcash.
6 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
5 I got a great new phone. It had a discount because it
was. 1 I need to go to a transection I exchange I cashpoint and
6 They're asking lots of money forthis tiny hamburger. get some money out.
What! 2 Have you gotyourown bank account /purchase /
wallet for your pocket money?
7 I've saved some money. Let's go in the
sales. 3 My new prepaid credit card is rate /currency/
contactless so I don't need to remember my PIN.
8 It's a good shop - honestly - and I think
I got. 4 Don't forget that bank credits / purchases / transactions
aren't free - there's a charge for each one.
З 8C VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with one 5 You can pay for your account/purchase /charge in our
word in each gap. shop in cash or by credit card.
1 She wastes so much money - she really has money to 6 There's a good exchange rate / currency / transaction at
burn! the moment if you want to change your dollars.
2 I can't pay for this coffee because I've r out 7 Сап I withdraw / exchange / purchase some money
of money. from my account, please?
3 My parents are good at shopping around and getting 8 If you go abroad, a prepaid credit card is a good idea,
their money's w. but take a little foreign exchange / currency / charges
и You spend money like w I Where do you get to pay for coffees and bus tickets.
it from?
7 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about how
5 I'm broke - have you got any money о you? you pay for things. Do you always use cash or do you
6 You seem to think your dad ism of money. have a prepaid credit card? What do you think is the
7 They must be r in money - look at their new best way to pay for services?
8 I'm not going out this evening because I'm a bit
s of money.


For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident 1 am (1-5)

8A 1 can use the passive to talk about different actions. Student's Book pp. 108-109

8B 1 can identify specific details in a podcast and talk about Student's Book p. 110
spending habits.

8C 1 can talk about money. Student's Book p. 11

8D 1 can understand links and identify specific details in Student's Book pp. 112-113
a text and talk about money.

8E 1 can make and respond to complaints. Student's Book p. 114

8F 1 can use have/get something done to talk about services. Student's Book p. 115

8G 1 can write an opinion essay. Student's Book pp. 116-117

г Which ofthe skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill I want to improve in How I can improve

What can you rememberfrom this unit?

New words 1 learned and most want Expressions and phrases 1 liked English 1 heard or read outside class
to remember

Self-check 08
GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Use the prompts to write sentences and complete
the text.
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 I hate that advert's-don't sing it! Our new survey shows an increase in online
2 The coat was really expensive; he spent a! shopping for all sorts of products. At present
more people 'have / their purchases / deliver
3 Is that all you paid?You really got for
money with that purchase. to their homes than ever before. Young people
increasingly 2get / items / pay for by their parents
4 The band decided to payfortheirnewCD recording
with from their fans.
with a credit card from specialised websites.
Another change is in the number of services
5 Don't change any moneytoday-the exchange
customers ’get / renew online. Travel passes
is terrible. It might improve tomorrow.
are an example. And concert-goers seems to
prefer to ‘‘get / their tickets / book through an
2 Match the beginnings 1-5 with the endings a-e. online ticket seller. Some language learners even
’have / their lessons / teach online by teachers
1 □ They printtheir
who are thousands of miles away!
2 □ What a waste of money-it's
3 □ She thinks I'm 1 ___________________________________________
4 □ Here are few coins if 2 ___________________________________________
5 □ Isthere a bankwith a 3 ___________________________________________
a made of money. 4 ___________________________________________
b cashpoint near here? 5 ___________________________________________
c logos on everything. /5

d a rip off if you ask me.

e you need some loose change. USE OF ENGLISH
5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first. Use no more than three words.
3 Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
sentences. 1 The company was advertising their new product on TV.
The company's product on TV.
2 Theydidn’trealisethatthegovernmenthad banned
the game.
They didn't realise thatthe game had the
3 Susie's atthe hairdresser's atthe moment-they're
cutting her hair short!
1 These dolls are made/ Susie's atthe hairdresser's atthe moment - she
making in Peru. hair cut short!
4 He didn't ask the mechanic to repair the car - it wasn't
worth it.
4 The design is been / He the car repaired - it wasn't worth it.
being considered by
5 That rucksack is a real waste of money if you ask me.
the experts.
That rucksack off if you ask me.

2 Lots of photos been
6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
taken / were taken by
thefans during the When you travel abroad, always check the
1 rate a few days before. If the country
uses a different2 to your own, it might
5 I'm sure these shoes be betterto change money at home ratherthan
will be sell out /sold abroad. A ’credit card is a good idea -
out by tomorrow. if it4 stolen you can cancel it, and you
know you loss will be limited. Remember that
most small transactions must5 paid for
5 More skateboards in cash, so keep a little money for that.
have being bought/
been bought online /5
than in shops. /30

09 The power of nature


The third conditional 3 ★★Choose the correct verb form to complete the
second sentence so that it means the same as the first
★ Choose the answer, a or b, which means the same as sentence.
the first sentence.
1 If you hadn't rescued that family, they would have
1 If you had asked me, I would have helped you. risked their lives.
a You asked me for help. You rescued that family and so they risked / didn't risk
b You didn't ask me for help. their lives.
2 If they hadn't gone into the caves, they wouldn't have
2 If Sam hadn't pulled the girl out of the water, she
got lost.
could have been in serious danger.
They went into the caves and got/ didn't get lost.
a Sam pulled the girl out of the water.
3 If Mandy hadn't climbed the tree, she might have
b Sam didn't pull the girl out of the water. drowned.
3 That old building would have fallen down if the wind Mandy climbed the tree and so she drowned / didn't
had been stronger. drown.
a The wind was very strong. U \Ne wouldn't have realised you were lost in the wood
b The wind wasn't so strong. if we hadn'tfound your bike.
We found your bike and realised / didn't realise you
4 If we hadn't watched the news, we wouldn't have
were lost in the wood.
known about the tsunami.
5 If I hadn't seen the weather forecast, we could have
a We watched the news.
got lost in the storm.
b We didn’t watch the news. We saw the weather forecast and so we got lost /
5 They couldn't have saved the woman from the water didn't get lost in the storm.
if there hadn't been a roof nearby. 6 We might have taken the dangerous path if they
a There was a roof nearby. hadn't warned us against it.
They warned us against it so we took/ didn't take
b There wasn't a roof nearby.
the dangerous path.
6 If the coastguard hadn't sent the boat home, it would
have got into trouble. 4 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
a The coastguard didn't send the boat home. the verbs in brackets.
b The coastguard sent the boat home. 1 If you hadn't called [not call) the emergency services
immediately, they wouldn't have arrived so quickly.
2 ★ Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f. 2 If Maria(study) the walking guidebook,
1 □ If we hadn't known aboutthe risk of tsunamis, we she would have known it was a dangerous area.
2 □ If the wind had been stronger, many buildings 3 The guide would have gone with the group if they
3 □ If she hadn't climbed onto a roof during the flood, (ask) him.
rescuers 4 More tourists might have lost their lives if the local
4 □ If more people had helped in the search, the lost people(not help) them.
boys 5 If the weather forecasters(not predict) the
storm, a lot of fishermen would have got into trouble
5 □ If they had gone into that cave with a guide, they
out at sea.
6 □ If you had understood the local weather better,
6 More people would have been hurt if the storm
(happen) in the morning.
a would have been found sooner.
b wouldn't have got lost in it.
c might have gone to that coast on holiday.
d might not have seen her.
e would have realised this is the stormy season,
f would have collapsed.

5 ★★Choose the correct answers. 7 ★★★ Use the prompts to write questions. Then write

1 If they hadn't trusted their guide, they short answers.

followed her. 1 if/you / go / into the caves,/you / ask / a guide /
a wouldn't have to go with you?
If you had gone into the caves, would you have asked a
b could have
guide to go with you?
c would have
Yes, / would.
2 If you hadn't learned to swim with diving equipment,
2 if/she / study/the map, / could / she / find /
you got out ofthe cave.
her way / out ofthe mountains?
a would have
b might have No,.
c wouldn't have 5 you/have/call/for help/if/you/be/ near the
3 They realised a storm was coming if they tsunami?
had studied the weather.
a would have Yes,.
b might not have 4 if/the rescuers / arrive / late, / you / try/to help/the
trapped people?
c wouldn't have
U If she had been in the forest during the storm,
she killed.
5 if/they / not/ climb / onto a roof, I people I see /
a might not have been
b could have been
c couldn't have been No,.
5 They injured if they'd been on the beach
during the tsunami. 8 ★★★Complete the text with one word or contraction
in each gap.
a wouldn't have been
b couldn't have been
c might have been
6 If we hadn't got help from a local person,
we got lost.
a would have
b wouldn't have
c couldn't have

6 ★★★ Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the

third conditional.
1 if / you I ask / me / for advice, /1 / tell / you / stay at
/f you had asked me for advice, I would have told you to
stay at home.
Sarah Tyndale had walked many times in her favourite park
2 if/they / be / more careful, /they / not/ get/ into
in Colorado, but this was the first time she had left the
trail. If she 1hddn't enjoyed many danger-free walks before
she might2 have felt the same sense of security.
And 3 she had listened to the warnings, she
3 they / not / drown / if/the waves / not / be / so big
11 have stayed on the path. But on that day, she
decided to wander into the forest, where she met... a rare
mountain lion! She immediately grabbed a stick. ‘If
4 they/might/not/getlost/if/they/take/a map I5 waved the stick at the mountain lion, it would
6 attacked me straight away/ she explained. What
else could she do? She decided to make a noise - by singing!
5 we / can / not/find / you / if/you / not / light / a fire 7
Sarah is an excellent opera singer. 'If I 6 sung opera
songs, the animal8 have been so surprised/ said
Sarah. Eventually it walked away, confused by the noise and
6 if / she / listen to / their advice, / she / not / go / the movement.
sailing/ in that weather

9 ONA HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about how

your life would or could have been different because
of one decision you made in the past.


1 © 7( Listen to a radio interview with an actor. How Pronunciation
many films are mentioned?
2 © 71 Listen to the first part of the interview again and
Sometimes we stress a particular word in a sentence to
complete the notes with one or two words in each gap.
give it more meaning. We may make this word a little
1 People can see Jake's film from 15th September. louder, longer or higher than the others. We can use
2 The first showing was in last month. emphasis:
3 The name of the new film is. • when we give new information or add details, e.g.
4 The film is located in the of England. My friend Lives in a flat. It's a big flat.
5 The time period covered in the film is. • to point out important words; these can change
6 Jake had to spend a long time in. depending on the context, e.g.
Sarah (not Jack) is going to college (not university)
3 © 72 Listen to the second part of the interview again in September (not October).
and choose the correct answers.
• to disagree orto contrast, e.g.
1 Jake thinks that people like disaster movies because
'Jack will win the race.' 'Jack won't win the race.'
a they teach them whatto do in a disaster.
‘I love chips.' 'Well, I hate chips!'
b they happen in different countries.
c they show things they haven't experienced. 5 © 73 Which words should be stressed in order to
2 According to Jake, how are modern survival films emphasise the information given in brackets? Listen
different from big disaster movies? and check. Practise saying the sentences.
a They are cleverer and more creative. 1 Miss Jones is going to give us a test on Dickens on
b They concentrate on a small number of people. Friday, (not MrSummers)
c They feature real people as well as actors. 2 Miss Jones is going to give us a test on Dickens on
3 In Touching the Void the two men Friday, (nottoday)
a ignored the possibility of bad weather. 3 Miss Jones is going to give us a test on Dickens on
b helped each other down the mountain to safety. Friday, (not a talk)
c were trapped in a snowstorm atthe top of the 4 Miss Jones is going to give us a test on Dickens on
mountain. Friday, (not about Shakespeare)
4 What is true about the story of The Revenant?
a It was inspired by a book written by a real survivor.
6 © 74 Underline the syllable or word which you think
Speaker В will stress in his/her responses. Listen and
b It is probably an exaggerated version of a true story.
check. Practise saying the mini conversations.
c It was imagined bythe scriptwriter.
1 A The tickets cost fifty pounds, don’t they?
5 HowdoesJakefeelaboutthefilm he's in compared to В No, they cost fifteen pounds!
The Revenant?
2 A Is Harry's party this Friday?
a He regrets it didn't have the samefinancial support,
В No, it's next Friday.
b He hopes to win an award for his performance too.
3 A Shall we go to the beach before dinner?
c He would have preferred to act with DiCaprio. В I'd rather go after dinner.
4 AWe need to write a longer article forthe website.
Vocabulary extension В No, it needs to be shorter.
5 A Did you say thatyou can't download information
4 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases
from the site?
from the box which you heard in the recording.
В I said I can’t upload information.
bitter cold blizzard burst courageous eruption
far-fetched hit struggle 7 © 75 Choose the question which the second speaker is
responding to. Listen and check.
1 The erugt/on of Mount Vesuvius happened in 79 AD.
1 A What do you do? / What kind of teacher are you?
2 After theiг island was struck by a huge earthquake, the В I'm a Maths teacher.
residents faced a to survive.
2 A Do you live with your grandparents? / Do you live near
3 A local farmer risked his life to help an your cousins?
injured climber down the mountain. В No, I live near my grandparents.
4 The story seemed so that at first I didn't 3 A Shall I cook fish or beef?/ What's your favourite meal?
believe it, but it's actually true. В I like fish and beef.
5 Adevastating hurricane the island.
4 A Have you seen the new survival film?/ Do you like the
6 We couldn't see even a metre in front of us as we new survival film?
tried to make our way through the. В Yes, we went yesterday.
7 The river is about to its banks.
8 Despite the, we put on our boots and coats
and set off across the ice.


: С VOCABULARY | Environmental responsibility 09

1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 5 ★★★Complete the conversation with the words from
1 Please keep / avoid damageto a minimum by walking the box. There are two extra words.
on the paths. avoid damage dispose impact reduces respectful
2 It's importantto disturb I respect the guidelines while reusable sort sustainable thoughtful
you are in the national park.
Tobias Lisa, did you just throw that plastic bottle on
3 Don't throw away reduced I single-use plastic
the ground? Don't you know there are bins over
products. Take them with you and recycle them.
I» \Metry to minimise I sort human impact by ask'mgyou
Lisa Oh come on, Tobias! One bottle doesn't make
to stay in certain areas.
a difference. What impact will one bottle have?
5 If you have produced rubbish, please collect / dispose
Tobias A huge one if you multiply it by a million!
of it in the bins in the carpark.
A million people like you who don't behave
6 We have stopped selling snacks in plastic packets in in a2 way really3 the
order to disturb / benefit the environment. environment.

2 ★Complete the sentences with the words from the Lisa Look-I usually 4 my rubbish
and recycle it, OK? I really believe ins
energy, too. My parents have got solar panels for
avoid collect damage disturb reduce sort example.
Tobias Have they? I bet that really4 your
1 If you switch on radios or loud music, you'll disturb the
electricity bills!
local wildlife.
Lisa Yes, it does, but we also7 damaging
2 Please your rubbish into plastic, paper and
the environment by using solar power. Anyway -
calm down! I'll pick up my plastic bottle and
3 It's a good idea to breaking or cutting 8 of it overthere in the plastic bin.
4 Try to pollution levels by parking your car 6 ★★★complete the text with one word in each gap
and proceeding on foot. which means the same as the words in brackets.
5 We ask you not to any fences by sitting on
them or letting children play on them.
6 Please any paper or plastic packets you use
and dispose of them in the bins.

3 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

the verbs in brackets.
1 Taking a big picnic and then leaving your rubbish
there isn't exactly respectful. (RESPECT)
2 Don't cook too much and then throw away the food;
it's really. (WASTE)
3 That was a stupid accident - with a little preparation it
was totally. (AVOID)
4 This is a really website with lots of advice When two surfers on holiday in Bali realised that the sea
about environmentally-friendly choices. (HELP) was full of1 single-use (non-reusable) items such as
5 It's better to use plates and cups. (REUSE) 2 d(throw-away) cups and bottles, they decided
6 I think energy is definitely a key to the
to do something about it. They saw that local fisherman
future. (SUSTAIN) had to force their way through the plastic, which was very
3 h(damaging) to the local wildlife, too. The plastic
4 ★★ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. rubbish was having a devastating * і(effect) on
1 You can throw these cups away - they're disposable. animals and birds. They decided to ask the fishermen to fish for
2 After considering the problem, Andy offered me some plastic instead of fish, but obviously this was not economically
very t advice on the matter. s s(possible in the long term) for the fishermen. So
3 Don'tthrow plastic into the sea. It's incredibly
to finance the project they are selling6 r(that can be
h to the animals which live there. recycled) plastic bracelets. Each bracelet represents one pound of
plastic removed from the sea. It7 b(is good for) the
4 A lot of damage we've done was totally unnecessary
and a.
sea, the wildlife and the local population. Of course the ultimate
goal is to8 r(cut down) plastic waste to zero.
5 Solar power is a cheap and easi ly-ava і la ble source of
s energy.
6 I think it would beh if we distributed 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph about what
information leaflets. you do to protect the environment. Is there anything
more you think you should do? Would you need help
from other people or groups to do this?


/ wish I If only for regrets 3 ★★Complete the regrets about the past with the
correct forms ofthe verbs from the box.
1 ★choose the answer, a or b, which means the same as
the first sentence. buy trad meet never meet not move save
1 I wish my parents would listen to me more.
1 If only we had found a better campsite-this one's
a My parents listen to me a lot. terrible!
b My parents don't listen to me much. 2 I wish my friend away from this area -
2 If only we'd chosen a quieter hotel! I really miss him.
a This hotel is noisy. 3 If only I more money - now I can't afford to
b We've got a very quiet hotel. go out with my friends!

З I wish I hadn't decided to cycle in this weather. 4 I wish I you - you're horrible to me!

a I decided to cycle. 5 If only my parents me a new bicycle last

b I would like to cycle.
6 I wish we before!
it I wish you'd stop shouting.
a You shouted at me! 4 ★★★ Use the prompts to complete the sentences.
b You're shouting at me! Use would.
5 If only we could go to the Maldives. 1 I wish / you I stop whistling - it's really irritating.
a We would like to go the Maldives. / wish you would stop whistling - it's really irritating.
b We don'twantto go to the Maldives. 2 If only my parents / book / a holiday in a hot country!
6 I wish I had my own room.
a I wanted my own room as a child. З I wish my mum / not come I into my room without
b I want a room of my own now. knocking.

2 ★★ Complete the regrets about the present with the 4 If only people / respect/ animals more.
correct forms ofthe verbs in brackets.

5 I wish my boyfriend / call / me a bit more often.

6 If only my neighbours / not make/so much noise at


★★★Complete the conversation with the correct

forms of the verbs in brackets.
Alex I wish you i-would stop (stop) singing, Becky. I'm
trying to study!
Becky Well, why don't you go up to your room? I wish
youz(not use) the living room as
a study.
Alex But my room is so small. I wish we5_________
(have) in a bigger house.
Becky I know what you mean, but we don't. And I'm
fed up with not being able to sing in my own
room. If only our parents1 45
2 (not buy)
this tiny house - just because it has a garden.
I wish they5(choose) that other
1 If only we could leant stay in a hotel and not a tent! house - it was much bigger.
2 I wish we(live) in a bigger house. Alex Yes, I know. And it didn't have a garden. Who
З I wish I(not have to) get up at 630 every needs a garden? I wish they®
morning. (not make) me do the gardening. I hate it! If onl..
we7(live) in a flat.
4 If only my friends(not like) that terrible
music! Becky And I wish Is(can/go)to singing
lessons! You have a garden and you hate it and
5 I wish people(take) more care ofthe
I can't sing and I love it!
6 If only I(have) a dog. 6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write two short paragraphs beginning
7 I wish my eyes(be) a different colour. with the words given.

8 I wish our Maths teacher(not give) us such I wish I had/hadn't...

difficult tests. I wish I were/weren't...

1 0 76 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 3 Choose the correct words to complete the short
them in your language? exchanges.
1 Al forgot to buy milk.
SPEAKING I Expressing and responding to regrets В It's not a big shame / deal.
2 A How could you have left your bag on the bus?
В I know! It was so avoidable I careless of me!
I wish/lf only I had brought an umbrella.
3 Al accidentally deleted my essay.
I should(n't) have invited him.
В Well- it's no use crying омег spilt / dropped milk.
it's a pity/shame that I didn't check the tyres. You'll just have to write it again.
How stupid of me!
ft A It's a deal/ pity that we missed that film about
I can't believe I forgot about this/didn't remember this. earthquakes.
It was so careless of me. В Yes, but it's on again next week.

RESPONDING TO REGRETS 5 AI forgot to pass on your message to Katy.

Forget it. В It doesn't matter/worry. I saw her myself and told

(It's) no problem.
6 A I'm so sorry!
It doesn't matter.
В Forget / Calm it. It's OK - realty.
There's no point worrying about it.
It's not a big deal. 4 0 77 Complete the conversations with the words
Calm down!/Chill out! from the box. Listen and check.
It's not the end of the world.
believe chill have how nothing point should
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
wish world would
There's nothing you/we can do about it.
Girll Ah, whata beautifulviewfrom up here!
2 Complete the second sentence in each pair beginning
Girl 2 Yeah - great! But - oh my goodness! My feet are
with the words given so that it means the same as the
killing me! I can't Relieve I wore these shoes!
first sentence.
Girl 1 Well, there's2 you can do about it now.
1 I didn't bring a warm coat. How stupid of me!
Just rest fora while.
I should have brought a warm coat.
Girl 2 And I'm hungry. I3 have brought those
2 I regret nottaking out more money. energy bars like you suggested. I'm hopeless!
I wish. Girll Hey! *_________ out! It's notthe end of the
З I didn't know you liked cheese sandwiches, so I didn’t s I

make more. В
It's a pity that. Boy 1 Oh, this is crazy. We're wasting this lovely day.
ft It's a shame you didn't invite Charlie to the party. 16 I'd checked these bike tyres before
we left! My brother7 have changed this
If о n ly.
one for me.
5 I'msorry I gotangry with you.Thatwas wrong.
Boy 2 There's no8 worrying about it.Take
I should.
your time. You're doing fine. I've just been giving
6 I can't believe I ate all those potatoes. I feel ill now! the horses overthere some apples.
I wish. Boy 1 Oh no! You shouldn't’done that. Look-
they're coming over. They're looking for more.
Boy 2 Oops!10
*В* stupid of me! They always say
nottofeed the horses. Come on! Let's go!
Boy 1 I can't! I'm still changing my bicycle tyre!

ON A HIGH NOTE Think of something you regret doing/

not doing at the following times. Write about what
you regret and why.
1 yesterday evening at home
2 when you were out somewhere last weekend
3 this morning ortoday atschool

1 Read the article quickly and tick (✓) the animals which Vocabulary extension
are NOT mentioned in the text.
4 Match the highlighted phrases from the article 1-6
1 □ whale with their meanings a-f.
2 □ cat 1 □ taken theirtoll
3 □ goldfish 2 □ won me over
4 □ crocodile 3 □ before I knew it
5 □ sea turtle 4 □ something else
6 □ sea bird 5 □ faded away
7 □ snake 6 □ all too soon
8 □ dog
a □ very soon
2 Read the article again and match the topics a-f with b □ slowly disappeared
the paragraphs 1-6. There is one extra topic. c □ succeeded in persuading me
a □ an unexpected source of inspiration d □ more quickly than expected/wanted
b □ an amazing memory e □ fantastic
c □ a difficult decision f □ damaged/harmed her (physically or psychologically}
d □ a long term plan
e □ a long awaited holiday 5 Complete the sentences with the phrases from Exercise 4.

f □ a chance to recover 1 I hope that on my beach holiday all the stresses of

work and home will just fade away.
3 Read the article again and choose the correct answers. 2 The early mornings last week have really
1 The writer didn't go to college immediately after and now I'm absolutely exhausted.
school because she З I booked a flight to Madrid and I was
a wasn't sure which course to take. getting off the plane in the warm Septembersunshine.

b had something else planned. 4 I wasn't sure about staying at the city hotel my
friend recommended, but the pictures on their
c wanted a break from studying.
d needed to earn some money.
5 I knew the trip was going to be fun, but the reality
2 What was the writer's reaction when she learned was! It was the best holiday I've ever had!
about Jenna's holiday?
6 My birthday celebration was wonderful, but
a She was envious that Jenna was in Mexico. it was midnight and we had to go home.
b She was surprised by the number of activities Jenna
could do.
c She was impressed by Jenna's photos on the beach.
ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Negative prefixesil- and ir-

d She was interested in something Jenna posted Adjectives beginning with the letters I- or r- often take
online. a negative prefix beginning with it- or /г-, e.g.
3 Which ofthe following is mentioned in the text as • legal -> illegal
afact, notan opinion? • reversibleirreversible
a Costa Rica is the main nesting place for sea turtles.
b Sea turtles are a threatened species. 6 Complete the sentences with the negative forms ofthe
c Eating turtle meat is illegal. adjectives from the box.
d Poachers earn a lot of money.
literate logical re^ufac relevant responsible
4 What is true about the writer's life in the UK?
a She lives with her parents. 1 I learned a list of//regular verbs for my English test.

b She enjoys the local night life. 2 You can't buy something if you don't know what it
costs - it’s.
c She volunteers in her local area.
3 Can we focus on the main subject please? What you're
d She would preferto live in a town.
saying is.
5 What is the writer's main purpose in writing the
4 A hundred years ago there were many people who
were- they couldn't read or write.
a to encourage other people to take time out from
5 Some people dump rubbish in the
b to describe an important experience in her life
c to suggest ways of helping conservation projects 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write an email to a friend telling him/
her about the article. Start with these words:
d to thank a friend for some important career advice
Hi! Just read a ready interesting article about a girl who...


1 Animals have always been important in my life, turtles are becoming rarer and rarer. I started checking
starting with a birthday gift of five goldfish in a small out volunteer programmes and then I found an
tank when I was five years old. Throughout my amazing opportunity in Costa Rica! The local people
childhood and teenage years I shared my life with work hard to protect the large female sea turtles, their
a series of family cats and dogs. It therefore seemed eggs and the babies from poachers who catch them
inevitable that I would train to be a veterinary to sell illegally. Their dedication won me over. Before
surgeon. I was accepted onto a course at one ofthe I knew it I was walking along white sandy beaches,
best veterinary colleges in Europe. However, all the looking at breathtaking scenery. In the UK I don't live
studying and exam pressure had taken their toll and in a busy, noisy area with vibrant night life. My parents'
I just wasn't ready to start the course straight away house is in quite an isolated village. However, the
after finishing school. So I decided to take a year off. peace and quiet of the remote Costa Rican coast was
But I had no idea how to spend that year. I couldn't something else! There's an atmosphere on the island
sit back and do nothing. Should I travel with a friend, that completely relaxes you and I felt the pressures of
get a part-time job, learn something new? People all the studying and exams just faded away.
suggested different ideas, but none of them appealed
4 I also became fascinated by the turtles. Every night
to me. All I knew was that I didn't want to waste the
we patrolled the beaches to scare off poachers and
year and then think, 'Oh, I wish I'd done that... or
to find the nests. We moved eggs to a protected
gone there ...'.
area so that they couldn't be stolen. Then when the
2 The solution came in a social media post. One of my eggs hatched we helped the babies get to the sea.
best friends, Jenna, went on holiday with her family to I shall never, everforget standing on a beach in full
Mexico for two weeks. She posted the normal pictures moonlight, the clear sky dotted with stars, watching
of herself in cafes, herself on the beautiful white a huge female turtle walk slowly out of the sea, up the
beach sunbathing - you know the kind! I loved the beach and lay her eggs. They are really magnificent
one of a crocodile swimming up to her lakeside table animals and it would be terrible if the damage to their
at a restaurant! But then I saw the photo that helped numbers was irreversible.
me make my decision, and I guess changed my life
5 All too soon my volunteering months were over and
in many ways. The photo was of her open hand with
now I'm getting ready for college. I'm feeling so much
a tiny, baby sea turtle on it. Her post explained that
better about getting back to studies again than I did
one ofthe hotel activities had been helping to carry
a year ago. I also now have a clear idea of what I want
baby turtles from their nests on the beach to the sea.
to do with my life after college. My plan is to work with
The reason was that every year many of them were
an international wildlife vets organisation. It trains local
taken by sea birds while they made that perilous short
vets in different countries to help with conservation
journey to the water.
projects. So, I'm really grateful to Jenna for posting
3 The idea of going to a popular tourist resort didn't that particular photo. If I hadn't seen it I would never
attract me, but the conservation idea did. So I went have had such a wonderful, life-changing experience.
online to find out more. Statistics showed that sea Thanks Jenna!


Begin with an eye-catching title. ARE WE GETTING THE MESSAGE?

We are slowly destroying our planet. You know that, don't you? And
you're probably doing what you can to help. But what about all those
Start with an engaging sentence. people who aren't aware how bad the situation is or those who don't
know how to help, or those who perhaps don't even care? The message
needs to reach everyone so that change can happen.

Address readers directly to involve We need to be constantly reminded of the topic and in a way that
them. makes us sit up and take notice. Sometimes when we're told something
too often, we stop listening. But this issue is too important to be
ignored. Articles must be shocking and memorable because they need
to make us think. For example, I remember an online article about
Ask questions to make readers want
plastic waste and right in the middle of the article was a number that
to read on.
kept changing. It gave the number of plastic bottles that had been
produced since I'd started reading the article! It made it personal.
Are you one of those people who respond to images? Then you'll
Give examples.
understand the importance of documentaries or films which show vivid
scenes of how the environment has been damaged by human habits.
However, once again, we don't want people to become immune. New
Ask personal questions to involve the technology and creative approaches to documentary making will help
reader. here. In addition to this, people need to know the scale of the problem.
For instance, a voice over an image of the Great Garbage Patch in
the Pacific comparing it to an area three times the size of France is
shocking, but it's something we'll remember.
Use imperatives.
So, addressing the problem is something we all need to be part of.
Have you seen an impressive statistic, read a memorable article online
recently? Share it on social media. We need to be aware and we need
Leave the readerwith something
to act. Now!
interesting to think about.

1 Read the article. Which question do you think the 3 WRITING TASK Read the advertisement on a webpage
writer is answering? and write your article.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
a We are looking for articles about howto address
environmental problems.
b We are looking for articles about how to make people
• What has your town done to improve pollution or
more aware of environmental problems.
deal with waste?
• Has your school or college made any changes to help
2 Which of the words or phrases cannot replace the
underlined part in the sentence? More than one
the environment?
answer may be possible. • Have your family changed their habits in order to use
less energy or water?
1 The documentary was very successful because it
Write your article today! We will publish the most
approached the problem from a different angle.
interesting articles on our website.
as/so/since ______________________________________________________________ /
2 The cameras took us underwater down to the sea bed
so that they could show us the damage.
because / in orderto I as

5 Extreme measures must be taken in orderto repair 1 Plan your article.

the destruction human activities have caused. • Make a note of your ideas to answer each question
in the task.
so that we can / because we can / since we can
• Divide the notes into paragraphs.
A Since it's a difficult topic, many people don't wantto
hear about it. 2 Write your article.

in order/because/as • Think of an eye-catching title and opening sentence.

5 Scientists can't make exact predictions as they don't • Give examples to illustrate your points.
have enough data yet. • Address your reader directly and ask questions.
since/because/so 3 Checkyourarticle.Checkthat:
• you have used linkers to connectyoursentences.
• there are no spelling, grammar and punctuation


1 9A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Complete the 4 9C VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the
sentences with one word in each gap. words from the box. There are two extra words.
1 Many people have drowned because they swam too
avoid dispose harmful impact minimum respect
faroutand couldn't get back to land.
sustainable wasteful
2 The fishing village was devastated when a ts
hit it - the huge wave destroyed everything. 1 Throwing out all this plastic and glass instead of
3 Local people didn't know that deep u an recycling it is really wasteful.
earthquake had struck. 2 Whydon’tyou of your rubbish in a more
4 We love walking along the sh________ every responsible way?
morning and listening to the waves on the sand. 3 We try to cut our non-recyclable waste to a.
5 Be careful ofthe strong c in this area - they 4 Please the rules while hiking in the
can pull you out to sea before you know it. national park.
6 Sometimes the s of water looks perfectly 5 I really think we should these single-use
calm, but underneath it can be very dangerous. plastic bags and take reusable ones.
7 When the w are very big, we advise you not 6 Pollution is incredibly to plants, animals
to go into the sea unless you are an expert swimmer. and humans!

2 9B LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Match the beginnings 5 9F READING AND VOCABULARY Complete the text with
1-8 with the endings a-h. one word in each gap.
1 □ No one had any water
When I lived in a city I was a teenager, and I really
2 □ That terrible forest fire loved the hustle and 1 bustle and the trendy
3 □ A lot of lava came out in zb where I bought clothes, shoes and
4 □ My cousin's house was blown down books. I was also a big fan ofthe city's vibrant
3n and I went out dancing with my
5 □ Skiers had to stay off the mountain because
friends every Saturday. We lived in a tower
6 □ The tornado looked like 11 b where I knew most of my neighbours.
7 □ There was a severe earthquake, but However, as an adult I got tired of all the people.
8 □ Because ofthe continual heavy rain Suddenly it was too 3 c and noisy for me.
So I got a job an hour outside the city in a village.
a the volcanic eruption. I found a lovely 6 p little house - it's so
b most buildings were anti-seismic. pretty! I've met new neighbours, so I still have
that sense of7 c which I had in the city.
c because ofthe drought.
And when I look out of my window, I see fields,
d in thatterrible hurricane. woods and the distant mountains - breathtaking
e a column of twisting, black air. Bs instead of traffic and buildings!
f destroyed thousands of trees.
g we had a bad flood. 6 9G WRITING AND VOCABULARY Match the phrases 1-7
h ofthe dangerof an avalanche. with their definitions a-g.
1 □ recycled building materials
5 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
2 □ sensor lights
1 The forest fire caused terrible destruction / earthquakes
3 □ geothermal heating
over a large area.
4 □ solar panels
2 The fire services had to warn / evacuate an entire
village as the forest fire approached. 5 □amodestsize
3 We think it's a good idea to have regular fire warnings 6 □ energy efficiency
/ drills to train people. 7 □ rainwater collection
4 When they inspected the flames / ruins after the fire,
a It isn't very big.
they could see the damage.
b They make electricity from the sun.
5 The survivors / victims had managed to escape the
forest fire by running into the sea. c They switch themselves on and off automatically.

6 The drowned / trapped people were rescued by d You save water from the rain.
firefighters. e These come from old wood, stone and bricks.
7 When the earthquake struck, the whole building f It uses natural heatfrom the earth to warm your home,
panicked / shook - it was terrifying. g This means that you don't waste electricity.
8 Sadly, there were hundreds of victims I survivors when
the tsunami struck the island. 7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short text about what you
think your school could do to make its energy use more
efficient and to switch to sustainable energy sources.

ГіТ»1 Self-assessment

1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.

1 = I don'tfeel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident lam (1-5) I

9A 1 can use the third conditionalto talk about unreal Student's Book pp. 124-125
situations in the past.

9B 1 can identify specific details in an interview and talk Student's Book p. 126
about natural disasters.

9C 1 can talk about environmental responsibility. Student's Book p. 127

9D 1 can use / w//sh and If only to express regrets. Student's Book p. 128

9E 1 can express and respond to regrets. Student's Book p. 129

9F 1 can summarise a text and talk about places to live. Student's Book pp. 130 131

9G 1 can write an article. Student's Book pp. 132-133

2 Which ofthe skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill 1 want to improve in Howl can improve_________________________________

3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember

GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Use the prompts to write sentences and complete the
1 Choose the correct answers.
1 A lot of people suffered from lack of water in that If only1 we / have a house with a garden! If 2 my
parents / buy a little house with a garden, I 3 can /
a forest fire get a dog. I wish 4 my parents I let me have a dog,
b hurricane but they refuse. They say I can have a goldfish.
c drought 5 I / ask for a goldfish if I’d wanted one!
2 You should learn to of your waste in
a more responsible way.
1 ________________ 4______
a avoid
2 ________________ 5 _____
b dispose
3 ________________ /5
c reuse
3 The petrol from the traffic were terrible. USE OF ENGLISH
a fumes
b energies
5 Choose the correct answers.

c harm
I think my local council are making a terrible
4 She lives in a very community; everyone
mistake. They have built a new gym and they
knows everyone else.
are installing traditional oil central heating, but
a life-changing I think they should use 1 and benefit
b tight-knit from the earth's heat. If they 2 to local
c single-use architects, they 3 about it, and realised
that it's perfectly possible. Also, they should
5 You can use if you want to benefit from the
have put solar panels on the roof. I wish they *___
earth's natural heat.
about it - it's still not too late. We are using too
a geothermal energy many harmful energy sources, and that has to
b solar panels stop. We need to use as much 3 as
c recycled materials possible and stop harming the Earth!
1 a geothermal heating 4 a had thought
2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. b electric energy b are thinking
1 The strong sea c often pull swimmers out c single-use energy c would think
to sea. 2 a listened 5 a recycled material
2 The firefighters carried out an amazing г by b were listening b sustainable energy
pulling people to safety from the rooftops. c had listened c disposable plastic
3 The use of plastic has had a terrible і on our 3 a would learn
b would have learned
4 I don't like where she lives - there are no neighbours c might not learn
for miles around! It's too і forme.
5 I think we should all uses energy and try to
minimise our use of fossil fuels. 6 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words
/5 in brackets.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the The use of single-use containers is becoming very
verbs from the box. 1(HARM) as it increases the amount of plastic
avoid install not know not move realise and paper waste in the environment.Too many people
forget to take them to recycling2(COLLECT)
1 Ifyou hadn't told me, I aboutthe disaster. points, and just drop them in the street. If you have to
2 If only people in the past the damage they buy3(REUSE) plates and cups, at least put
were doing to the environment. them in the plastic or paper bins! We get so many4
3 The house would have been more energy efficient if (WARN) from environmental experts about the planet, but
you solar panels. not enough of us actually listen. We can start by becoming
4 She getting trapped if she hadn't gone a little bit more3(THINK) in our behaviour and
down into the cave alone. putting the environment first instead of ourselves.
5 I wish you so far away - we hardly ever see
each other anymore.

10 Justice for all


Modal verbs for speculating about the present 3 ★Complete the sentences with must or can't.
1 That was a long, difficult trial - you must be really
1 ★Read the sentences and write (C) for Certain,
tired now.
(P) for Possible or (I) for Impossible.
2 She only started reading the notes a minute ago -
she be finished already!
3 They were in a differenttown atthetime ofthe crime
- th ey b e g u і Ity.
4 The lawyer looks very satisfied - he have
new evidence.
5 He hasn't eaten since the start ofthe day in court -
he be really hungry.
6 She's only nineteen - she be a qualified

4 ★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the

1 Marion can't know/ be knowing the facts - she wasn't
1 □ She must be the judge. 2 The escaped prisoner could hide I be hiding near his
2 □ He might be guilty. home town - police are searching there now.
3 □ They must be very tired now. 3 The witness might tell I be telling the truth, but it's
hard to say.
4 □ The trial could be finishing.
4 She's not answering the phone; she must work/be
5 □ The lawyer may be in the courtroom.
6 □ He can't be studying the case.
5 I'm not sure where the lawyer is. I suppose she could
2 ★choose the answer, a, b or c, which means the same have / be having lunch.
as the first sentence. 6 The jury have been gone for a long time - they must
discuss /be discussing theevidenceagain.
1 I think they could be in the judge's office.
a I'm certain. 7 The lawyer for the defence may not have / not be
having time to interview all the witnesses today.
b I think it's possible.
8 The jury must be/being exhausted.
с I think it's impossible.
2 He can't be Billy's lawyer - he doesn't even know him! 5 ★★Complete the second sentence in each pair so that
a I'm sure he is. it means the same as the first sentence.
b I'm not sure. 1 It's possible that they are lying.
c It's not possible. They might be lying (lie).
3 The judge might be listening to the witness now. 2 Perhaps he's trying to understand the witness.
a It's certain. He may(try) to understand the witness.
b It's possible. 3 There's a possibility that they are cancelling today's
c It's impossible. trial.
4 She must be a police officer. They could(cancel) today's trial.
a I'm sure she is. 4 I'm not sure if she's studying or not.
b I think it's possible. She might(study).
c I'm sure she isn't. 5 Maybe the lawyers are preparing the case.
5 This case may be difficult to solve.
The lawyers may the case.
a It's certain.
b It's a possibility.
c That's not possible.

6 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct negative 9 ★★★Choose the correct verbs forms to complete the
forms ofthe verbs from the box. newspaper article.

be have hide know make work

1 They seem a bit depressed about the case - they might

not be making any progress with it.
2 You can try asking Belinda, but I'm afraid she may
he latest news from the courtroom is that the
the answer.
З I think Kerry has got appointments all day, so she
might time to see you until tomorrow.
T judge is listening to a new witness who 1 must I
might / can’t have new information, but that has
4 She may information; perhaps she just
not yet been confirmed. However, it zmust I could I
doesn't know anything. can’t be important as the judge asked everyone
5 I haven't seen Yuri yet today - he might to leave the room. The witness is a young woman,
here. who ъmust I could / can’t be a suspect as she is free
6 Rachel left the office - she may this and not under arrest. She 4must / may I can’t know
afternoon. the accused as he seemed to recognise her, but we
can’t be sure about that. If there is dramatic new
7 ★★Complete the sentences with the correct forms of evidence, the accused must *feel / be feeling /feels
the verbs in brackets.
very worried right now.
1 The witness can't be lying (can/not/lie}. He made
a promise that he would tell the truth.
2 It's possible that John(might/read)
through the documents at home. 10 ★★★Complete the second conversation so that it has
3 The case(must/be) fascinating - the the same meaning as the first. Use between one and
courtroom is full of journalists. three words in each gap.
4 That witness(might/not/tell) the truth, but Lawyer Please tell us why you are sure the accused is
it's difficult to say. the man you saw.
5 I know you told the police what you saw, but Witness It's impossible that he's another person. I'm
they(may/not/believejyou. certain!
6 Rebecca is in the canteen - she(could/ Lawyer Is it possible that he is a similar person? It was
have} lunch with a colleague. dark. Maybe you made a mistake.
Witness The man I saw had dark hair, and this man has
8 ★★★ Use the prompts to complete the sentences.
dark hair, so they are the same person for sure.
1 She looks depressed.
Lawyer Dark hair? Unless you can give me better
could / think / about something sad proof than that, the court will think that you
She could be thinking about something sad. are possibly lying.
2 She hasn't eaten for twenty-four hours, Witness But he looks so suspicious. It's impossible that
must/ hungry he's telling the truth.
Lawyer Can we call the next witness, please?

3 Peter has got a law book in front of him. • • •

must/study Lawyer Please tell us why according to you the
accused 1must be the man you saw.
4 She has earphones on. Witness He1 be another person. I’m certain!
can / not/ listen /to thejudge Lawyer s be a similar person? It was dark.
Maybe you made a mistake.

5 He doesn't look relaxed. Witness The man I saw had dark hair, and this man has
dark hair, so they4 same person.
might/be/ worry /about his trial
Lawyer Dark hair? Unless you can give me better
proofthan that, the court will thinkthat you
6 They keep looking around them, might 5.
may/wait/forsomeone Witness But he looks so suspicious. He6 the
7 Jessica isn't answering herphone. Lawyer Can we call the next witness, please?
may / discuss/the case / right now
11 ON A HIGH NOTE Do you thinkthat being a judge
is a challenging job? Why/Why not? Write a short


10В VOCABULARY | Law and punishment

1 ★Complete the sentences with the words from the 4 ★★Complete the text with one word in each gap.

arrest bail caught charged custody security

statement warning

1 He didn't escape because he was caught by the police

on a secur/tiz camera.
2 There was a lot of evidence, so he was with
the burglary.
5 We decided to go the police station and make
a about what we had seen.
ft His crime was not serious, so he was released
on until his trial.
5 Detectives managed to the burglar after
several months of investigation.
6 The woman was arrested and held in at the When a young person commits a crime, the judge
police station. is usually more interested in ^rehabilitation than
7 The newspaper reported thatthe police have punishment. They want to help him or her to become
the thief with the stolen goods. a good citizen, so often they don't give an active
8 The boy was lucky. The police didn't arrest him - they prison 2s; the judge might prefer to impose
just gave him a. a’s sentence. If the crime is not very serious,
the authorities prefer to avoid prison completely and
2 ★Choose the correct prepositions to complete the they might give a number of hours of community
‘s and perhaps a 5c, which would
1 She was shocked to discover that she was under /into mean thatthe person can go out during the day, but
arrest forthe crime.
must be at home in the evening and at night. The police
2 The suspect was questioned by / from detectives all might even decide not to 6a a teenager at
night. all for a very minor offence, but to give him or her
3 The young woman was released in / on bail and she's a 7w instead. For a teenager, having a criminal
living at home until her trial. sr has very serious consequences.
ft The man was charged to /with robbery and
5 The drug dealers were held at / in custody overnight 5 ★★ Choose the correct words to complete the text.
atthe police station.
6 The police know that Mark stole the money because When police detectives first suspected the man of committing
he was caught from / on a security camera. the bank robbery, they Assaulted/ questioned him carefully, but
they didn’t arrest him. After five hours, he started to contradict
3 ★Match the beginnings 1-7 with the endings a-g. himself, so at that point theyгfined/charged him with the
1 □ Because his crime wasn't serious, he was given robbery and decided to hold him in ^custody / bail. A short
an electronic time later, the bank sent a film which clearly caught him on
2 □ The vandals were told to do community their '•security camera / electronic tag. The judge decided that
3 □ The murder was brutal, so the killer was given because the man was guilty, but this was his first offence, that he
a life should be given the chance of5rehabilitation/ imprisonment. He
ft □ Since it was their first crime, they received was given a6community/ suspended sentence and he was also
a suspended told to keep a7curfew/ statement service. The judge decided
5 □ She parked her car in the wrong place and had that some hours of ewarning/ community service were also
to pay a good idea and for six weeks he will have to work in the local
6 □ The criminal was sentenced to three years of hospital. The man was warned: if he committed another crime,
7 □ Helping the victims of crime is ’imprisonment/ detectives would follow.
a imprisonment for his part in the robbery.
b sentence, but didn't go to prison. 6 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a short paragraph in answer to
c tag to wear and told to keep a curfew. these questions.

d part of the prisoners' rehabilitation. For which crimes do you think people should

e sentence as the maximum possible punishment. • go to prison? • have an electronic tag?

f a fine of £100. • do community service? • be given a warning?

g service and clean up the area. • have a curfew?


Modal verbs for speculating about the past 4 ★★★ Use the prompts to write sentences about the past.
1 ★Choose the answer, a or b, which means the same 1 they / can / not/ have / break/ any windows
as the first sentence. They can't have broken any windows.
1 She might have called the police. 2 she/might/know/thethief
a I know she called the police.
b It's possible that she called the police. 3 the burglars / must / realise / the house was empty
2 The burglars must have got in through the bathroom
4 the burglary / may / not / happen / at that time
a I'm certain that they did.
b It's possible that they did.
5 they / might/ not/ use / a carto get away
3 They can't have stolen very much.
a I'msurethat'swhathappened.
b I don't know if that's what happened. 5 ★★★Complete the newspaper article with the modal
4 They may have been local people. verbs in brackets and the correct forms of the verbs from
a It's definite that they were. the box. More than one answer might be possible.

b It's possible that they were. be feel go know look lose realise
5 They could have known about the flat's contents.
a Ithinkthatmightbetrue.
b I know that's true.
6 She can't have locked the door properly.
a From what I can see, that's what happened.
b I don't really understand what happened.

2 ★Choose the correct verb forms to complete the

1 The window is locked; the burglar can't have climbed /
must have climbed out of it to get away. THE
2 The burglars must know/ must have known thatthe
home-owner had a lot of jewellery.
3 Be careful-the intruders might not have left/ must
not have left. They could still be here! Two robbers were so unsuccessful that the police
arrested them just one hour after they burgled a house.
4 You can't be / must have been really shocked when
you discovered the burglary. They made so many mistakes that police believe the
robbery lcould have been (could) their first job. First
5 The door could have been / can't have been left open,
of all, they 2(can't) * there was CCTV on the
as there's no sign of a violent entry.
street. Why? Because they parked outside the house
6 They haven't taken a lot of things -they must have
and their number plate was caught on the security
had / may not have had time before the alarm went
And what did they take from the house? They stole
3 ★★Complete the sentences with the modal verbs some jewellery which they thought was valuable, but
in bracketsand the negative forms of the verbs from
what they s(can't) 6 was that the rings were
the box.
made of plastic! The jewellery 4(must) like it
get in go leave plan realise see was real. Also they didn't take a collection of expensive
watches which were worth thousands of pounds! The
1 He didn't say hello to me.
home-owner5(could) a lot of money if the
He might not have seen (might) me.
thieves had known that the watches were valuable.
2 We saw the escape two minutes ago.
They(can) very far in two minutes. As soon as the home-owner got back he phoned
3 It was a very unprofessional robbery. the police. 'Hurry,' he told them. 'The thieves
They(may) it very carefully. 6(can't) far!' The police searched the area
4 John heard noises upstairs when he got home.
for the thieves' car and found it - outside a cafe. The
The burglars(might) the house before he thieves 7(must) hungry after their efforts
got home. because they had stopped for a snack!
5 The burglars took a lot of cheap plastic jewellery.
They(can) it was worthless.
6 No one sawthem. 6 ON A HIGH NOTE Can you think of a famous unsolved
They(may) through the front door. mystery or crime? What do you think happened? Write
a short paragraph.

1 You are going to read an article about a crime. Look at 5 Match the verbs 1-8 from the article with the
the picture and decide which crime the article might meanings a-h.
be about. Read the article to check.
1 □ plant
a a prison escape c a kidnapping 2 □ convict (somebody of)
b a burglary 3 □ immortalise

2 Read the article again and for questions 1-8 choose ft □ set off
from paragraphs А-D. Each paragraph may be chosen 5 □ crawl
more than once. 6 □ plead guilty
Which paragraph 7 □ trace
1 □ informs usthatthe men who carried outthe 8 □ deactivate
robbery were experienced criminals?
2 □ implies that nobody knows exactly how much was a to cause something to start
stolen? b to make somebody famous, so that they are always
3 □ discusses in detailthe attraction of this type of remembered
crime? c to find something by following clues/information/etc.
ft □ describes the mistake which lead to their arrest? d to stop an electric/electronіc device from working
5 □ gives an example of anotherfamous crime which e to officially find somebody guilty of a crime
also inspired film producers? f to put something in a person's car/house/etc. without
6 □ explains why the men were given a particular their knowledge
punishment? g to admitto the court that you committed a crime
7 □ suggests thatthe men could have prepared better h to move forward on your hands and knees
for the robbery?
8 □ explains what was unusual about the robbers?
ACTIVE VOCABULARY I Suffixes -ion and -tion
3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
We can add the suffix -ion or -tion to a verb to create the
1 What was it about the men that made this story unusual? noun form, e.g.
• attract -> attraction
2 What did the men steal from the boxes? Sometimes we remove the -e atthe end of the verb and
add -ion, e.g.
5 What did they need to get during the burglary? • fascinate ^fascination
Some verbs make other changes and these do not always
ft What item did the police find which helped them to follow a pattern, e.g.
catch the men? • receive -> reception
• produce -> production
5 Whatcrime were they charged with?

6 Complete the sentences with the correct noun forms of

6 What hiding placedid the criminals choose forsome the verbs in brackets.
ofthe stolen valuables?
1 The examiner gives the students marks fortheir
interaction (interact) in the speaking task.
2 The(describe) ofthe criminal given on the
Vocabulary extension news said that he was tall and fair-haired.
4 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in З I have a lot of(admire) for the hard work
the text. thatthe police do.

1 Police used a listening device to record the criminal's ft It wasn't my(intend)to cause any
conversations. problems.
2 The robbers were through the wall ofthe 5 I need to get a(prescribe) from the doctor
bank when the alarm went off. and then I'll be home.
3 Boxes with valuable jewels and documents are kept 6 The police use advanced facial(recognise)
in the underground at the bank. techniques to identify people in crowd photographs.
ft When the police checked the security cameras,
they were able to see and identify the thieves'
7 ON A HIGH NOTE Write a post for a forum giving
your opinion about whether or not films should
immortalise criminals by making them appearto be
5 The police couldn't find any such as finger heroes.
prints or other clues atthe scene ofthe crime.
6 Perhaps the robbers' age was their because
they weren't up to date with the latest technological
advances in police procedure.


A Crime dramas on TV and in films have always been C However, in the end it was modern technology
very popular, but they seem to attract an even that was their downfall. They had learned a lot
bigger audience when they are based on true life about forensic evidence and they didn't leave
crimes. This was certainly true when the film The anything behind to help the police. However,
King of Thieves was released in 2018. In addition to they weren't aware of the latest advances
starring some of the UK's most popular actors, the in CCTV security cameras and number plate
film also tells a remarkable story. In 2015, four men recognition. The police noticed their car
planned and carried out a burglary at the Hatton parked in the area, traced it and planted
Garden Safe Deposit Company, stealing what could a listening device inside it. The criminals were
have been between £14 and £200 million worth of heard discussing the crime and how the money
valuable items from seventy-three boxes. Robberies was going to be divided. They were arrested
and burglaries involving large amounts of money a month later, charged and all four of the
are not, in themselves, always great stories for the main team pleaded guilty. In 2016, they were
big screen. This burglary, however, became very convicted of burglary and sentenced to prison.
famous for a different reason. Three of the four men Several people who helped them were also
were pensioners - in their 60s and 70s! convicted, although two thirds of the money
stolen has never been found. The sentences
В These men were 'career criminals' and they had they received were much shorter than they
committed many burglaries over the course of would have been because the men used no
their lifetimes. The Hatton Garden robbery was
weapons during the crime. This meant that they
supposed to be their final job. They spent three were charged with burglary and not robbery
years planning the attack on the vault of the Safe
- a crime which carries a much longer prison
Deposit Company, which held boxes containing
cash, gold and jewels. They chose a long holiday
weekend in April 2015 when there would be no staff D Of course, the story made headlines and
at the building. They had several days to break in. the film companies were soon planning their
One reason for choosing this time might have been versions of the crime. It had all the ingredients
that they didn't want to use force, threats or injure of a sensational drama. The public love stories
innocent people. Another reason could be that about criminals who take risks, steal lots of
they weren't as physically strong as they used to money but do not hurt anyone. These criminals
be and needed os much time as they could get! had the extra appeal of being old as well as
This was a very old-fashioned crime. It involved brave. And details such as hiding the valuables
drilling through an underground concrete wall fifty in a relative's grave only made the story more
centimetres thick to create a hole big enough to interesting. The idea of immortalising daring
crawl through. But the plan didn't go smoothly! The criminals in film is not new. The Hatton Garden
thieves had to take a break at one point in order job is believed to be the biggest theft in English
to get better equipment for the drilling. Another legal history. However, another crime, known as
problem they had was that they set off the alarm 'The Great Train Robbery' which happened in
before one of the team was able to deactivate it. 1963 led to more than forty books and a large
Security guards came to check out the alarm, but number of movies and TV dramas. The public
luckily for the thieves, they couldn't see anything fascination with true life crime of this type is
wrong and went away again. unlikely to fade.

1 © 78 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say 4 © 79 Complete the conversation with a word or
them in your language? phrase in each gap. Listen and check.
Josh 'Both pictures show crime scenes.
SPEAKING I Comparing and contrasting photographs Kelly Yes, you're right. Becausez broken
glass in both pictures.
Both pictures show crime scenes. a burglar - has broken in and stolen things - from
There are police officers in both pictures. both places.

This one is in the street, whereas the other one is outside. Kelly Yes, but11 one is the inside of a house
- somebody's home - and the5 one is
They are also alike in that they were both taken at the
a shop.
police station.
Josh 6 it’s a jeweller's - I can see some
They are also different in that one was taken at the police
watches and necklaces in the window.
station and the other one outside the police station.
In one respect they are similar because both show victims Kelly The thieves7 have been disturbed
of an accident. though because otherwise they would have
taken those things too.
In one respect they are different because one shows
a victim of an accident, and the other one a police officer. Josh Yes, but the house looks8 there's
nothing left! The burglars have taken everything!
The main/The most striking/Another obvious similarity
is that both pictures show houses that have been burgled. Kelly In that ’the two situations are
different. I think it must10 much worse
The main /The most striking/Another obvious difference
to have thieves in your home - you know - your
is that one picture shows a house and the other one
a shop. personal space.
Josh Yes, I agree.
Perhaps/Maybe the burglars didn't have time to take
5 Look at the two photos and follow the instructions.
It could be/might be/must be the girl's car.
This one looks/doesn't look as if it was taken from
There might/might not have been another person there.
Someone must have taken this photo because they
were shocked by the scene.

2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 Both pictures show people protesting in different
2 The two pictures are in that they were both
taken in city centres.
3 The most similarity is that the pictures are
both of juries in courtrooms.
ft There are policemen in pictures.
5 In one they are different because the
policemen are clearly from different countries.
6 The first picture is of a policeman arresting a woman
the other one is of a policeman talking to
two men.
1 Write one sentence mentioning the similarities
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. between the two photos.
1 The man could I must be about to steal something
from the shop, but I don’t know.
2 Someone must take / must have taken this photo 2 Write two sentences mentioning the differences
because they thought the man was acting between the two photos.
3 There might not have had / been any security cameras
inside the shop.
3 Write two sentences speculating about the photos.
ft This picture doesn't look as / like if it was taken by
a professional photographer.
5 Maybe / Might the person in this photo is a police
detective, I'm not sure.

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Pronunciation
argue certainly findings might show survey 6 © 81 Look at these words from the listening
containing the letters. How is s pronounced in each
1 □ Findings confirm that young people today are very word? Listen and repeat.
politically aware.
1 /s/politics
2 □ I would that young people should be
2 /3/ decision
able to vote on what affects them directly.
3 /z/ politicians
5 □ There will almost be a high turnout for
the next general election. 4 /[/ issues
4 □ The government hold another
referendum on the issue early next year. ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION | The letters
5 □ According to a recent, more people are
The letters can be pronounced in many different ways e.g.
becoming bored with politics.
/s/ looks, /3/ television, /г/ his, /J/ sugar
6 □ Statistics that people would welcome
When we uses at the end of a plural noun or as a third
more information before an election.
person singular ending, it can have three possible sounds:
2 Read the sentences in Exercise 1 again. Write (F) for • /s/ after an unvoiced consonant (e.g. waits]
Fact, (0) for Opinion or (S) for Speculation. • /z/ after a voiced consonant (e.g. doors]
• /iz/ after /J/, /tj/ or /s/ (e.g. washes, watches, misses]
3 © 80 Listen to an interview with Lara, a member of
the National Youth Parliament, and choose the correct Double ss can be pronounced /s/ (e.g. missing) or /J/
answer. (e.g. passion].
What is Lara doing in her interview?
a Encouraging people to vote for her in an election. 7 © 82 Write the third person singular form of the
b Describing the policies the organisation have developed, verbs. Then circle the final sound ofthe verb forms.
c Explaining the operation of the organisation. Listen, check and repeat.

d Advertising a campaign she is involved in. 1 hit____ /s/ /z/ /IZ/

2 choose____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
4 © 80 Listen to the interview again and complete each
3 feed____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
gap with one or two words.
4 rush____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
1 The members are aged between eleven and eighteen.
5 seem____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
2 TheNYPhas members.
6 stop____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
3 Each MYP represents the young people from
one. 7 kiss____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
4 The NYP has a four-day meeting every. 8 touch____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
5 At this long meeting they create a. 9 make____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
6 The NYP have a big debate once a year in the 10 kick____ /s/ /z/ /iz/
7 Lara thinks she has become a more person
8 © 83 Find one word in each group of words which has
a different sound forthe lettersfrom the others. Listen,
as a result of being an MYP.
check and repeat.
8 One of this year's campaigns is to get
cheaper. 1 concerns raise this lose
2 mission reassure measure tissue
Vocabulary extension 3 system projects loss insure
4 thanks represent woods organise
5 Choose the correct verbs, which you heard in the
recording, to complete the sentences. 9 ©84 Practise saying these sentences from the
1 Our class is managing / holding a debate. listening. Listen and check.
2 One of my former teachers is putting / standing for 1 We develop policies regarding these topics and
election to parliament next month. include them in a manifesto - a statement of our
3 Some politicians make / do a lot of good fortheir local views if you like.
communities. 2 We organise projects and campaigns to raise people's
4 She is taking part in a campaign to raise /lift awareness awareness of important issues.
ofthe importance of sport for disabled people. 3 It takes place overfour days and we have speakers
5 What concerns / confirms me is that more and more from the world of politics as well as important
people are suffering from mental health problems. decision-makers.
6 Our debating club discusses issues involving / ranging 4 I think it's that I've learned to see things from other
from animal rights to youth crime. people's point of view - notjust my own.
7 The local community is campaigning / defending to
have cars banned from the centre of the village.


10G WRITING IA formal letter

Use an appropriate greeting. Dear Mr Barker,

I am writing on behalf of our group 'Students against Crime’ which is made

up of student representatives from all Year 11 classes. We would like to
organise a 'Crime Education Day' at our school.
Explain why you are writing.
First of all, I should point out that our group is different from the 'Crime
Awareness group' that contacted you last year. We appreciate all the hard
work that this group did, but their focus was on measures like getting
Use full forms and not contractions. better security for bikes, etc. Our aim is to educate people more about the
problems that lead to crime and the help that is available.

We do not support the opinion that crime in certain areas is inevitable. For
example, it is often thought that if a person lives in a community where
Indicate the main points.
there is a gang culture, that person will end up in a gang. We firmly believe
that people can profit from learning about the consequences of crime and
being encouraged to participate in certain projects.
State your opinion and give examples
Secondly, I would like to explain what this Crime Education Day would
involve. We would invite a range of speakers to talk to students, including
an ex-prisoner, a volunteer community worker and the leaders of two social
integration projects. These projects are shown to have helped the teenagers
Use impersonal structures and more considerably and the rate of re-offending has decreased. We propose that
complex vocabulary. this Education Day takes place at a weekend, probably on a Saturday in

To sum up, we would like to have your support for this Education Day and
Include suggestions. request funding to cover the cost of accommodating our visiting speakers.
We really believe that the day would be a success.

Yours sincerely,

Use an appropriate closing phrase. Blake Harwood

1 Read Blake’s letter. What is his aim in writing to the 3 WRITING TASK Blake's letter was an answer to the task
head teacher? below. Read the task and write your own formal letter.
You are part of a group that wants to arrange a school
2 Complete the phrases with the words from the box.
event to help increase awareness of crime issues. Write
all completely considered express favour fully a letter to your Head Teacher in which you:
highlight option response sum • say how you differ from a previous group who tried to
do something similar.
Explain why you are writing
• outline your ideas and explain what help you need
I am writing to Express my disappointment... from the school.
I am writing in*
2 to ..,
Divide the letter into clear sections ACTIVE WRITING I A formal letter
First of3* I would like to ...
1 Plan your formal letter.
Secondly, I should point out that...
• Make a note of your ideas for both points in the task.
To*up I would say that...
• Divide the notes into paragraphs.
All things5, the best option ... 2 Write your formalletter.
State your opinion • Use full forms (not contractions or abbreviations).
16* disagree with ... • Use appropriate greeting and closing phrases.
I am totally in ’of... 3 Check your letter. Check that:
We8 support your idea to ... • there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation
I do not support the opinion that... mistakes.
Include suggestions • you have used complex vocabulary and impersonal
I propose that... structures.

I would like to’some ways to ...

Perhaps... would be an interesting10...

1 10A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Match the phrases 4 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases
1-8 with their definitions a-h. from the box.
1 □ the accused community service curfew electronic tag firae
2 □ the courtroom life sentence rehabilitation suspended sentence
3 Dthejudge
1 I had to pay a(n) fine because I parked on a double
it Dthejury yellow lines.
5 □ the lawyer for the defence 2 It was very hard for him to accept his and
6 □ the lawyerforthe prosecution the idea that he would never be free again.
7 □ a police detective 3 Shehadtoweara(n)onherankle.
8 Па witness 4 The boys were ordered to carry out and
from next week they will be cleaning upthe local
a twelve members of the public who give the final
5 They were very lucky to get a and not be
b the legal professional who argues thatthe suspect is
sentto prison.
6 The aim of the educational programme is the
c the person suspected of having committed a crime
of the prisoners.
d a person who has seen the crime
7 Part of Simon's punishment is a(n); he's
e the place where trials take place not allowed to leave his house after six o'clock in the
f the person who is in charge of the trial and decides evening or before eight in the morning.
the sentence
g the legal professional who argues that the suspect is
sentences with one preposition in each gap.
1 The witness came forward with some important new
h a senior police officer who investigates crime
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 2 The burglars made with a lot of jewellery.
1 I hope you realise that you are accused / innocent of 3 We asked the police to look the problem of
a very serious crime. vandalism in our street.
2 She needs to find a good lawyerto defend / sentence 4 They are a very violent gang and have already beaten
her husband atthetrial. several people.
3 There is verdict / evidence which proves that he was at 5 The murdererturned his accomplice.
the scene of the crime. 6 We saw the burglar coming out of the window of our
4 It's obvious that she is evidence / innocent - she wasn't neighbour's house and chased him.
even in the country at the time of the crime! 7 They hoped to get with the robbery, but
5 There's a lot of interest in this jury / trial because the they were caught and arrested.
accused is a famous footballer.
6 The jury is discussing their witness / verdict now, but
sentences with the words from the box.
I'm sure they will find Carl innocent.
7 The woman was found guilty / accused because her general election opinion polls parliament
fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime. referendum turnout voting-ege
8 The judge must consider many different aspects of
1 Many young people would like to see the voting age
the case before he or she sentences / charges a guilty
reduced from eighteen to seventeen.
2 The latest show that the opposition party is
З 10B VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with one ahead of the government party by three percent.
word in each gap. 3 Who will you vote for in the next?
1 The girls were given a warning about their noisy 4 In 2016, the British people voted in a as to
behaviour. whether or not they wished their country to remain
2 The suspect was thoroughly by detectives a memberofthe European Union.
for several hours. 5 How many representatives are there in your
3 The witness made a to the police with country's?
details of what she had seen. 6 Unfortunately, there was a very low in
4 Since the crime wasn't serious he was released on yesterday's election, with only forty eight percent of
to wait for the trial. people coming outto vote.

5 Two people are arrest for an attack

7 ON A HIGH NOTE Do you think that eighteen is the right
yesterday in the town centre.
age to start doing some things legally (e.g. drive,
6 Police are holding someone in at the police vote)? Should young people be able to do some things
station in connection with the burglary. earlier? Write a short paragraph explaining your views.

1 For each learning objective, write 1-5 to assess your ability.
1 = I don't feel confident. 5 = I feel very confident.

Learning objective Course material How confident lam (11

10A 1 can use modal verbs to speculate about the present. Student's Book pp. 138-139

10B 1 can talk about law and punishment. Student's Book p. 140

IOC 1 can use modal verbs to speculate about the past. Student's Book p. 141

10D 1 can identify specific details in a text and talk about Student's Book pp. 142-143
breaking the law.

10E 1 can compare, contrastand speculate aboutthe Student's Book p. 144

contents of photos.

10F 1 can tell the difference between a fact, anopinion Student's Book p. 145
and a speculation in a radio discussion and talk about

10G 1 can write a formal letter. Student's Book pp. 146-147

2 Which of the skills above would you like to improve in? How?

Skill 1 want to Improve in How 1 can improve

3 What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned and most want Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
to remember

GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in
brackets and the correct forms of the verbs from the box.
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 The young man was held in c for three be (x2) feel have interview
hours before his lawyer arrived atthe police station.
The accused 1(must) unwell because she
2 They weren't arrested - luckily they just got
a w. fainted in court yesterday. I suppose I can understand
that - the trial 2(must) very stressful for
3 He committed a very violent crime and received
a I sentence. her. She continues to say she's innocent and that her
lawyer3(can't) the right witnesses. But it
4 Look at that! That girl took a bike and m off
with it! No one stopped her!
4(might not) their turn now. Perhaps her
lawyer is going to present them soon. He seems
5 The t in presidential elections was really
confident. He 5(could) some good news.
2 Choose the correct answers.
1 During the the judge listened carefully to USE OF ENGLISH
all the lawyers and witnesses.
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
a courtroom
meaning to the first one. Use between two and five
b trial words, including the word in bold.
c verdict 1 It’s possible that she’s studying for her History exam.
2 The detectives the suspect for hours before MIGHT
he finally confessed. She for her History exam.
a accused
2 It’s impossible that you sawJim - he’s in Paris! CAN’T
b defended
You Jim - he’s in Paris!
c questioned
3 I’m sure you were terrified! MUST
3 The vandals received fifty hours of community
Yo u te rr if і ed!
from the judge.
4 He went to prison forthe rest of his life as
a service
a punishmentforhis crime. LIFE
b sentence
He received as a punishment for his crime.
c statement
5 The police told her not to do it again. WARNING
4 They didn’t manage to get with the robbery
-the police caughtthem. The police not to do it again.

a off /5

b forward
6 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
c away
Terry Everyone thinks the suspect is guilty, but it can't
5 Women’s suffrage is the right of women to 1 been him who burgled the house!
in elections.
Ed Why?The police found him there with a bag of
a charge
jewels! It2 have been him. It’s obvious.
b concern
Terry Yes, but did you read that the jewels were not the
c vote ones stolen from the house? He's going to trial
/5 and risks a prison •for something that
isn't definite.
3 Use the prompts to write sentences.
Ed Well, I'm sure his*lawyer will mention
1 He seems to know them, he / might / be / involved
that in court. The people on the5 have
with the gang.
to listen to the lawyers and witnesses before
deciding the verdict.
2 The police didn't question her. she / can / not / have / /5
any useful information. /30

3 It's one o'clock, they / must / have / lunch / now

4 No car was seen, the burglars/could / get / away on

a motorbike

5 They didn't cover their faces, they / might / not/

know/ aboutthe security camera

ask out: Do you think I should ask him out on a date? knockout: I love music and I could knock out some tunes in the evening,
be off to: I'm off to make some dinner. knock over: Someone knocked me over on the ski slope.
beat up: How should society punish a child who beats somebody up? leave behind: Leave your umbrella behind - it isn't raining.
boss around: He bosses me around and makes fun of me. let down: She makes lots of promises, but she always lets me down.
break into: The thief broke into their school during lunch break. look after: You should look after your health by eating a balanced diet
break up with: I’ve been feeling down since Tricia broke up with me. and getting plenty of exercise.
build up: Lift weights and build up your muscles in our centre. look back: A major publishertook it on and I haven't Looked back
burn down: Ashop in your street is burning down. since.
calm down: I was annoyed and my sistertold me to calm down. look down on: We tend to look down on people who dress badly.
carry on: Thankfully, it wasn't serious so she decided to carry on. look for: We looked forthe missing earrings, but couldn't find them.
carry out: So far, we've carried out three experiments. look into: Would the police in your country look into a minor crime
catch up on: I have a lot of reading to catch upon.
such as bike theft?
cheer on: The crowd cheered the athletes on to win. Lookup to: I always looked up to my History teacher - he was such an
chillout: Stop being so stressed and just chillout!
make off with: The car thieves made off with six vehicles in one night.
come forward with: She hoped that someone would come forward
with information about the stolen bike. make sth up: I'll make something up. I know! I'll say you've lost your
come round: What time are you going to come round to my house?
make up with: After I fallout with someone, I'm usually the first one to
come up: I'm off to the library now. Got an exam coming up soon.
try to make up again.
come up with: Have you come up with any good ideas?
pay off: His dedication paid off when he managed to do a backflip.
cover for: If they ask you a question, I'll cover for you.
pick up: I tend to pick up languages easily.
cut down: Cycling helps cut down pollution.
point out: I would like to point out that we have already wasted a lot
deal with: I find it easy to deal with many tasks. of time and money.
dispose of: Sort your rubbish, then dispose of it in the recycling bins. put off: Don't put off your exam revision any Longer-you've only got
do with(out): I could do with losing a kilo ortwo! two days left!
drop in: Why don'tyou drop in for a coffee later? put together: Two of my classmates put together a great presentation
drop out: Sadly, a lot of teenagers drop out of college. on the Amazon rainforest.
fall behind: You're going to fall behind if you miss any more classes. put up: I saw that more posters were being put up in the corridors.
fall down: Snow, ice and rocks fall down a mountainside. put up with: I can't put up with his behaviour anymore.
fall for: They'll fall for it. But if you talk, they'll know you're lying. read on: Read on to learn the rest of the story.
fallout with: He often falls out with his sister because they've got very read up: She likes to read up on the country she’s going to visit.
different personalities. run out of: I've run out of money.
feel down: I've been feeling down since Tricia broke up with me. run over: A drunk driver runs over a man and seriously injures him.
figure out: Fifty-two percent of Americans believe doing theirtaxes is send out: The lyrics of their rap send outtheir message loud and clear,
easier than figuring out how to follow a healthy diet. setoff: Whattimedoyousetoff?
find out: I'd like to find out more about the college by going to their set up: She set up a fashion blog called Engineering In Style.
open day.
settle into: After settling into my B&B, I walked around the island,
get around: After the accident, he had to get around on crutches.
sit up: Everyone on the beach sat up and watched.
get away with: He got away with the crime and was never arrested.
sort out: There was a problem with our website, but we've sorted it out.
get by: I don't consider myself rich, but I get by.
speed up: Experts have proposed that we speed up research on safety,
get down to: We’d better stop chatting and get down to work.
split up: What's the best way to tell a boyfriend that you want to split up?
get dressed up: The girls are getting dressed upforthe evening.
start out: Aaron started out as an amateur athlete.
get into: She's started to get into healthy eating.
stay in: Let’s stay in. It's raining.
get on: How did you get on in your English exam?
stay out of: Stay out of the cafeteria. It's extremely noisy.
get out: From nowhere, a lifeguard ran past her atfull speed, shouting
stop off: Are you stopping off somewhere on the way?
at people to get out of the way.
sum up: Let's sum up everything we've talked about in the meeting.
get together: We usually get together with friends at the weekend.
switch on/off: I remembered to switch off my computer.
get up: I have to get up early on weekdays.
take off: The project really took off after it was shared on social media,
give away: The club is giving away one month's free membership to
takeout: Have you ever taken money out of an ATM?
anyone who joins this week.
takeover: Are super-intelligent machines going to take over the world?
give up: What do you think of giving up our phones for a week?
think ahead: It's important to think ahead before you take your final
give way (to): Cyclists should always give way to pedestrians.
go away: My parents are going away forthe weekend.
throwaway: Please throwaway all these old papers.
go on about (sth): You know we can’t afford a holiday in Florida so
throw out: They were going to throw me out of college.
stop going on about it!
tick off: Consult our tips and tick off the items on our packing list.
go on: These days you've got to be switched on all the time or you
don't know what's going on. turn around: It's only been ten minutes, so we can still turn the plane
go out: My boyfriend says we're in a serious relationship, but we've
only just started going out! turn back: We turned back and eventually found the castle.
go out with: I'd be heartbroken if she refused to go out with me. turn in: She decided not to turn him in to the police.
go over: I need to go over my notes from today's lesson. turn into: The company turns unused land into farms and gardens.
handin: Please hand in your essay to the teacher at the end of the lesson, turn out: What had seemed like a terrible idea, turned out to be
head off: Grab the opportunity and, head off with yourfamily on holiday, a memorable experience.
turn over: She turned over to get some sun on herback.
hearfrom: I am really looking forward to hearing from you soon.
wake up: Ifthey want a lie-in, be careful not to wake them up too early,
hold onto: If Maria hadn't held onto a tree, she might have drowned.
join in: Why don'tyoujoin in ourgame? warm up: Jackie pulled a muscle in her leg because she didn't warm up
write back: Write back soon, please, because I really need to confirm
keep up with: The work isn’t difficult and I'm able to keep up with the
other students quite easily. our holiday plans.
knockdown: The girl was knocked down by a speeding car.

PREPOSITIONS IN PHRASES north/south/east/west of: Oregon is the ninth largest state in the USA.
It is north of California.
relationship between: What's the relationship between Sian and Louis?
as a result: It was clearthatthe children liked working with me, and as
source of: When I finish studying, I'd rather have two part-time jobs to
a result I felt more confident.
have two sources of income.
as for: Asforfood, could you confirm there are vegetarian options
support for: She wanted to express her organisation's support for
available during the expedition?
a change in European election laws.
as long as: As long as I trust someone, I'm comfortable asking for
thanks to: Thanks to your contribution, the project will now be able to
personal advice.
go ahead.
as soon as: As soon as I see my best friend, I know how he or she is
acceptable to: Should you always tell the truth or is it sometimes
at a (bit of a) loss: I'm at a bit of a loss as to what they want. They're not acceptable to lie?
clear about their intentions.
afraid of: Do we have to fly so high? My wife's afraid of heights,
at first sight: I've fallen in love with a girl. It was love at first sight.
annoyed about: I was annoyed about something and mysistertold me
at risk from: Which jobs do you think are most at risk from automation? to calm down.
at the same time: Too much screen time is bad, but at the same time bad/good at: Millennials may have more distractions, but we're also
these days you've got to be switched on all the time. way better at multi-tasking.
at the moment: Which clothes are the most fashionable for young careful with: Please be careful with that book as it's an antique,
people at the moment?
concerned about: He's concerned about his daughter's behaviour,
FOR crazy about sb: It was Love at first sight. I'm crazy about her.
forages: I hadn't watched the TV news for ages. determined to: He was determined to succeed, so he tried again,
for sure: You've made the right decision for sure. eager to: Harold is eagerto learn more about astronomy.
IN excited about: I'm really excited about starting college nextyear.
in case of: I've got a little first aid kit in case of minor injuries. exposed to: Astronauts in space are exposed to radiation from the sun.
in cash: Do your parents usually pay in cash? free from: Why can't schools be kept free from adverts?
in danger (of): The bald eagle is not in danger of extinction. full of: Junkfood is full of salt, sugar and fat.
in favour of: Why is Maya in favour of advertising in schools? high/low in: Try eating foods which are high in fibre.
in the end: In the end, we decided to cancelthe holiday because Dad honest with: She can't always tell if people are being honest with her.
wasn't well. impressed by: Teenage visitors were impressed by many of the
in the red: He's got huge debts and his company is in the red. sophisticated and occasionally shocking works of art.
in touch with: I'm still in touch with some of the teenagers I met on our impressed with: She’s impressed with what they do.
family holiday. keen on: We're not keen on the idea of advertising in schools.
in trouble: You’ll be in trouble if you lose Mum'stablet. likely to: People who enjoy doing crosswords are more likely to
in two minds (about sth): I'm in two minds aboutthis - I really don't maintain a healthy brain.
know whatto do. nervous about: When I'm nervous about something, I start sweating,
ON proud of: Let's build a more sustainable world together so that future
on foot: Let's not get a taxi. It's quickerto go on foot. generations can be proud of us.
on trial: She's on trial for kidnapping. satisfied with: I'm not satisfied with this laptop.
suitable for: I am not sure which expedition would be most suitable for
out of breath: I get out of breath when I run for the bus!
suspicious of: You should be suspicious of anyone who seems over-
out of fashion: Those jeans are going out of fashion now.
out of shape: At first, I was totally out of shape, but I'm fitter now.
willing to: I would be willing to travel in a drone taxi if it is possible in
UNDER the future.
under arrest: He's under arrest for attacking a woman.
PREPOSITIONS AFTER NOUNS agree/disagree on sth: My parents and I disagree strongly on several
(dis)agreement about: There are disagreements about when artificial important issues.
intelligence might become a reality. agree/disagree with sb: I'm not sure I agree with you.
access to: Have you ever spent a weekend without access to the allow (sb) to: Should sixteen-year-olds be allowed to take their driving
Internet? test?
advice on: Can you give me some advice on saving money? apply to: I don't know howto proceed with applying to university,
comment on: The film was meant to be a comment on corruption in Italy attempt to: We will attempt to beat the world record.
in the 1980s. be against: Why is he against advertising in schools?
cost of: The cost of living has risen sharply in the last two years, belong to: This house belongs to my mother.
crime against: It's a crime against the environment to use a car. call for: Could he have rescued his sons if they hadn't called for help?
demand for: There will probably be less demand for secretaries, care about: They say that girls care more about clothes than boys.
difference between: Will we be able to tell the difference between chase after: What are the dangers of chasing after someone who has
a human and a machine? just picked your pocket?
evidence of: It provides evidence of relevant skills and achievements, compete in: He said that about fifty dogs were competing in this year's
example of: It is easierto recognise classic examples of fine art than of championships.
modern art. complain about: If people don't vote in a general election, they
impacton: We all need to consider living a greener lifestyle so that we shouldn't complain about the government.
minimise our impact on the environment. connect with: Are these artists revealing their inner-thoughts and
lack of: Lack of sleep means you feel stressed and depressed and find it connecting with others?
harder to concentrate. contribute to: Thanks to all the volunteers who contributed to toda, r
mixture of: Smog is a mixture of smoke and fog. event.
cope with: If I Lived alone, I don't think I’d be able to cope with the think about: I've been thinking about our Physics project.
loneliness. think of: What do you think of Hilary's prom dress?
date from: The first online sale dates from 1994. upload to: Upload some videos to your own YouTube channel.
decide to: I decided to wear trainers and a T-shirt with my suit. volunteer to: You could volunteerto do some shopping fora neighbour,
depend on: It depends on the individual artist. vote on: The students will vote on important issues during their
donate to: She often donates money to charity. elections.
dream of sth: I often dream of leaving my busy life and going to live in wait for: Everyone is waiting for their exam results.
the countryside. work for: My neighbour says she works forthe police, but she doesn't
dress up as: Nobody is dressed up as a super hero attonight's party. wear a uniform.
drop to: By the 1960s, the population of the island had dropped to only work on: He would really like to work on a nature project.
four people. worry about: Don't worry about your exams - I’m sure you'll pass.
emerge from: As they emerged from the ruins, the people cheered,
encourage (sb) to: They encouraged me to eat a healthy diet.
end in: I would never buy a lottery ticket because it is almost certain to
end in disappointment.
enquire about: I am writing to enquire about the climbing expedition,
exchange for: I wonder if you could exchange these shoes for another
fill with: It was filled with empty bottles and party decorations.
focus on: The movie focuses on the refugees in Italy.
gaze into: Trent gazed into her eyes.
glance at: He glanced quickly at the newspaper headlines.
go up/down: The price will go up before Christmas.
head for: We're heading forthetop of that mountain over there.
head towards: Are we heading towards a cash-free society where all
payments are made electronically?
insiston: Would you let them have a party? What conditions would you
insist on?
interact with: Recent developments in Al have altered the way we
interact with our electronic devices.
invite sb to sth: When my parents invited me to join them on holiday,
I wasn't sure whether or not to go.
laugh atsth/sb: If I complain, he just laughs at me and insults me.
lead to: Remember that having a crush on someone doesn't always lead
to a serious relationship.
lie about sth to sb: If you lied about where you got the money, would
your friends and family believe you?
live without: Lots of young people today just can't live without their
manage to: As long as the firstand last letters of words are in the right
place, most people still manage to read them.
move into: Trent and Freya moved into an apartment.
pay for: The money from ads is needed to pay for facilities like
computers forthe library.
play for: I playfora successful football team.
plug in: Take an adapter with you in case you can't plug into charge
your devices.
pour out: Hot gases pour out of the top of a mountain and lava covers
the earth.
preferto: I preferto dress casually.
prepare for: What do children in Japan do to prepare for earthquakes?
proceed with: We will now proceed with the experiment.
qualify for: Katie Ormerod is a world-class snowboarder who qualified
forthe British WinterOlympicteam.
queue up for: It's silly to spend hours queuing up for limited edition
clothes or shoes.
save for: I'm saving for a holiday.
share sth with sb: There are many other important questions about
a world shared with artificially intelligent beings.
spend on: The average US family spends nearly $1,000 per child on
stare at: Stop staring at that screen!
suffer from: I think she's starting to suffer from memory loss.
swap sth for sth: Swap junk food high in calories for natural food full of
talk about: We're going to talk about the importance of accepting one's
body shape.
tend to: These reports tend to be human interest stories.

PREFIXES Consonants
° refix Examples p pair, complete, appear
J with, together) coordination, co-pilot b box, abbreviationjob
rrter- (= between) international, Internet t temporary, waiting, getting
~ulti- (= many) multi-tasking d dancing, wedding, sound
5- '= again) rehabilitation, reuse к kind, school, think, section
self- (= me) self-employed, self-motivated g girlfriend, again, baggy
Prefixes that give an opposite meaning tf check, match, future
Prefix Examples dg judge, page, soldier
: s- disabled, disagree f feel, difficult, laugh, physical
—- impatient, impossible v verb, nervous, move
irrelevant, irresponsible 9 think, author, bath
non- non-profit, non-existent d this, father, with
un- unconscious, unfinished s same, sentence, sister
z zero, amazing, choose, prize
SUFFIXES J fashion, sure, occupation, ocean
3 pleasure, occasion
Noun suffixes
h habit, who, chocoholic
Suffix Examples
m meaning, grammar, sum
-~ient development, equipment
n name, know, skinny, sun
•: on/-sion preparation, discussion
g reading, strong, thanks, young
-ation/-ition communication, definition
1 like, really, article
-=nce/-ance appearance, influence
r respect, worry, arrival
-ty/-ity activity, reality
j year, use, beautiful
-less fitness, goodness
w with, one, where
-ing meaning, revising
-al proposal Vowels
-age average, message і information, invite
-sis analysis, crisis e sentence, belt
-иге pressure, procedure a add, match, can
-hood neighbourhood и not, documentary, wash
-dom freedom л love, but, luck
-ЄГ/-ОГ author, voyager и footwear, look, put
-ist artist, dentist i: reading, three, magazine
-ant/-ent assistant, president ei race, may, grey
-cian/-ian musician, pedestrian ai advice, night, cry
зі boyjoin
Adjective suffixes
u: two, blue, school
Suffix Examples
эо coat, show, know
-al informal, artificial
au about, how
-ic artistic, scientific
із appear, here
-ive active, attractive
еэ pair, various, square
-ful helpful, successful
a: dark, father
-less harmless, useless
э: bought, draw, author
-ous generous, serious
ОЭ floor
-y chatty, temporary
з: hurt, third
-ly curly, likely
і happy, pronunciation, serious
-able/-ible avoidable, possible
э accessory, actor
-ed exhausted, relaxed
u situation, visual, influence
-ing interesting, matching
Adverb suffixes
Suffix Examples
-ly effectively, probably
Verb suffixes
Suffix Examples
-ate calculate,create
-ise/-ize organise, realise
-ify clarify, identify
Unitl Exercise 5 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 1 congestion 2 demonstration 3 beaten 1 made 2 were taken 3 been bought4 being
1 elegant 2 unshaven 3 underdressed 4 sustainable 5 pollution 5 sold out
4 broad-shouldered 5 faded Exercise 6 Exercise 4
Exercise 2 Ia2c3c4a5b 1 have their purchases delivered 2 get items
1 up 2 in 3 for4 on 5 up paid for 3 get renewed 4 gettheirtickets
Exercise 3 booked 5 have their lessons taught
Exercise 1
1 are clothes sizes getting 2 have 3 don't come Exercise 5
1 hard-working 2 keep up with 1 was being advertised 2 been banned by
4 are having 5 do і look
3 self-employed 4 permanent 5 salary 3 is/'s having/getting her 4 didn't get/have
Exercise 4
Exercise 2 5 is a rip
1 The 2 a 3 о 4 a 5 the 6 an 7 a 8 the 9 the
1 eager2 off 3 catch 4 part-time Exercise 6
10 the
5 Unemployment 1 exchange 2 currency 3 bank/prepaid 4 is
Exercise 5
Exercise 3 5 be
lc2d 3b4b 5a
la 2a 3c 4b 5c
Exercise 6 Unit 9
Exercise 4
1 to sort this out 2 we are doing a / our group Exercise 1
1 will/'ll have finished 2 wiLI/'IL be waiting
is doing a 3 hardly ever go 4 am thinking of lc 2b 3a 4b 5a
3 Will you have started 4 won't have done
taking 5 first time I have Exercise 2
5 will you be doing
Unit? Exercise 5 1 currents 2 rescue 3 impact 4 isolated
Exercise 1 1 repetitive 2 determined 3 competitive 5 sustainable/solar
1 lack of sleep 2 achievement3 changed 4 overconfident 5 sensible Exercise 3
4 delivery 5 constellations Exercise 6 1 wouldn't have known 2 had realised 3 had
Exercise 2 1 together a presentation 2 seeing/meeting installed 4 would have avoided 5 hadn't
3 will be ta ki n g/d о і ng/writi n g/sitti ng moved
1 development 2 recognition 3 broaden
4 ahead 5 law 4 is about 5 will have arrived Exercise 4
Exercise 3 1 we had 2 my parents bought 3 could get
Unit 6
4 would let 5 I would have asked
1 have been working 2 haven't finished Exercise 1
3 have we been doing 4 haven't been wasting Exercise 5
1 up 2 through 3 glanced 4 eyes 5 loneliness
5 Have we made la 2c 3b 4c 5b
Exercise 2
Exercise 4 Exercise 6
lb 2c 3a 4b 5c 1 harmful 2 collection 3 reusable 4 warnings
1 to launch 2 to increase 3 meeting 4 doing
Exercise 3 5 thoughtful
5 to allow
1 will/'ll tell 2 wouldn't trust 3 would you do
Exercise 5 Unit 10
4 won’t get 5 would go
1 disagreement 2 procedure 3 identification Exercise 1
Exercise 4
4 requirements 5 proposal(s)
1 Unless 2 provided 3 get 4 finish 5 As soon as 1 custody 2 warning 3 life 4 made 5 turnout
Exercise 6
Exercise 5 Exercise 2
1 have been travelling 2 have been reading
lb 2a 3c 4d 5a Ib2c3a4c5c
3 refused to use 4 don't remember reading
Exercise 6 Exercise 3
5 stopped working
1 through 2 won't 3 make 4 would 5 teeth 1 He might be involved with the gang.
Units 2 She can’t/cannot have (had) any useful
Exercise 1 Unit 7 information. 3 They must be having lunch
1g 2d 3j 4І 5h 6a 7c 8e 9f 10b Exercise 1 now. 4 The burglars could have got away on
Exercise 2 Id2f3e4g5b6a 7j 8c 9І lOh a motorbike. 5 They might not have known
Exercise 2
about the security camera.
1 injury 2 bruise 3 organic 4 fizzy 5 junk
Exercise 4
Exercise 3 1 on-demand content 2 viral 3 sophisticated
4 set design 5 looked back 1 must have felt 2 must be
1 were watching 2 hadn’t tried 3 was the
Exercise 3 3 can't have interviewed 4 might not be
player lying 4 Had you heard 5 wasn't
5 could have had/could have
performing 1 hadn't wanted 2 had chosen 3 not to switch
on 4 if/whether I had auditioned 5 where Exercise 5
Exercise 4
I had learned/learnt 1 might be studying 2 can't have seen
1 used to 2 didn't know 3 would always refuse
Exercise 4 3 must have been 4 life imprisonment/life in
4 didn't use 5 did I use to
prison/а life sentence 5 gave her a warning
Exercise 5 1 if/whether she was going to be 2 she had
heard that 3 thought she/Kerry was 4 to buy Exercise 6
lc 2c 3a 4b 5c
a ticket 5 not to worry 1 have 2 must 3 sentence 4 defence 5 jury
Exercise 6
Exercise 5
1 fire 2 had 3 set 4 down 5 pitch
1 subscription 2 spoilers 3 atmospheric
Unit 4 4 lighting 5 shocking
Exercise 1 Exercise 6
lb 2a 3c4c5b lb 2a 3b 4c 5c
Exercise 2
1 luggage 2 got lost 3 travel adapter 4 easy
Exercise 1
reach 5 toxic
1 jingle 2 fortune 3 value 4 crowdfunding
Exercise 3
5 rate
lb 2c 3d 4c 5a
Exercise 2
Exercise 4
1 which 2 whose 3 where 4 which 5 who

High Note is an intensive five-level course

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