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Chapter 10 

146 10  Non-invasive monitoring

Clinical observation provides vital

information regarding the patient.
Observations gained from the use
of the various monitors should
augment that information; skin
perfusion, capillary refill, cyanosis,
pallor, skin temperature and turgor,
chest movement and heart
ausculation are just a few examples.
The equipment used to monitor
the patient is becoming more
sophisticated. It is vital that the
clinician using these monitors is
Fig. 10.1  Datex-Ohmeda plug-in monitoring modules mounted on the S/5 Advance
aware of their limitations and the anaesthetic machine.
potential causes of error. Errors can
be due to patient, equipment and/or (Fig. 10.5). Silver and silver
sampling factors. chloride form a stable electrode
Monitoring equipment can combination. Both are held in
be invasive or non-invasive. The a cup and separated from the
latter is discussed in this chapter, skin by a foam pad soaked in
whereas the former is discussed in conducting gel.
Chapter 11. 2. Colour-coded cables to transmit
the signal from electrodes to the
monitor. Cables are available in
3- and 5-lead versions as snap
or grabber design and with a
Integrated variety of lengths. All the cables
monitoring Fig. 10.2  Datex-Ohmeda compact
of a particular set should have
the same length to minimize
Until recently, it was common to see the effect of electromagnetic
the anaesthetic machine adorned interference.
with discrete, bulky monitoring 3. The ECG signal is then boosted
devices. Significant advances in
Electrocardiogram using an amplifier. The amplifier
information technology have (ECG) covers a frequency range of
allowed an integrated monitoring 0.05–150 Hz. It also filters
approach to occur. Plug-in This monitors the electrical activity out some of the frequencies
monitoring modules feed a single of the heart with electrical potentials considered to be noise. The
visual display on which selected of 0.5–2 mV at the skin surface. It amplifier has ECG filters that
values and waveforms can be is useful in determining the heart are used to remove the noise/
arranged and colour-coded rate, ischaemia, the presence of artifacts from ECG and produce
(Figs 10.1–10.3). arrhythmias and conduction defects. a ‘clean’ signal.
Although some would argue It should be emphasized that it gives 4. An oscilloscope that displays
that such monitoring systems no assessment of cardiac output. the amplified ECG signal. A
are complex and potentially The bipolar leads (I, II, III, AVR, high-resolution monochrome or
confusing, their benefits in term AVL and AVF) measure voltage colour monitor is used.
of flexibility and ergonomics are difference between two electrodes.
undisputed. The unipolar leads (V1–6) measure
Mechanism of action
More recently, wireless voltage at different electrodes
monitoring systems are becoming relative to a zero point. 1. Proper attachment of ECG
available. An example is wireless electrodes involves cleaning the
invasive pressure monitoring skin, gently abrading the stratum
systems (Fig. 10.4). This reduces the corneum and ensuring adequate
clutter of cables surrounding the 1. Skin electrodes detect the contact using conductive gel.
patients. electrical activity of the heart Skin impedance varies at
Electrocardiogram (ECG) 147

different sites and it is thought

to be higher in females. The
electrodes are best positioned on
bony prominences to reduce
artifacts from respiration.
2. Modern ECG monitors use
multiple filters for signal
processing. The filters used
should be capable of removing
the unwanted frequencies,
leaving the signal intact (Fig.
10.6). Two types of filters are
used for this purpose:
a) high-pass filters attenuate
the frequency components
of a signal below a certain
frequency. They help to
remove lower frequency noise
from the signal. For example,
the respiratory component
from ECG can be removed
by turning on a 1-Hz high
pass filter on the amplifier.
Fig. 10.3  Colour-coded values and waveforms displayed on the Zeus Dräger monitor.
The filter will centre the
(Courtesy of Dräger.) signal around the zero
b) low-pass filters attenuate the
frequency components of
a signal above a certain
frequency. They are useful for
removing noise from lower
frequency signals. So an
amplifier with a 35-Hz
low-pass filter will remove/
attenuate signals above 35 Hz
and help to ‘clean’ the ECG
3. The ECG monitor can have two
a) the monitoring mode has a
limited frequency response of
0.5–50  Hz. Filters are used
to narrow the bandwidth
to reduce environmental
artifacts. The high-frequency
filters reduce distortions from
muscle movement, mains
current and electromagnetic
interference from other
equipment. The low-frequency
filters help provide a stable
baseline by reducing
respiratory and body
Fig. 10.4  Smiths Medical wireless invasive pressure monitoring system. movement artifacts
148 10  Non-invasive monitoring

Ag: AgCl electrode over the centre of the right

scapula and the left arm
Adhesive mount
electrode is over V5.
6. A display speed of 25 mm/s and
a sensitivity of 1 mV/cm are
standard in the UK.
Conductive gel
Fig. 10.5  An ECG electrode. Problems in practice and
safety features
1 1
1. Incorrect placement of the ECG
electrodes in relation to the
Amplitude mV

Amplitude mV
0.5 0.5 heart is a common error, leading
to false information.
2. Electrical interference can be a
0 0 50-Hz (in UK) mains line
interference because of
capacitance or inductive coupling
–0.5 –0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 effect. Any electrical device
t.s t.s powered by AC can act as one
plate of a capacitor and the
patient acts as the other plate.
Fig.10.6  ECG filters. (A) Unfiltered signal with noise. (B) Filtered ‘clean’ signal. Interference can also be because
of high-frequency current
interference from diathermy.
b) the diagnostic mode has a Right arm lead Most modern monitors have the
wider frequency response of over manubrium facilities to avoid interference.
0.05–150 Hz. The high- sterni Shielding of cables and leads,
frequency limit allows the Indifferent lead differential amplifiers and
assessment of the ST segment, Left arm lead electronic filters all help to
QRS morphology and V5 position over produce an interference-free
tachyarrhythmias. The left ventricle monitoring system. Differential
low-frequency limit allows amplifiers measure the difference
representation of P- and between the potential from two
T-wave morphology and different sources. If there is
ST-segment analysis. interference common to the two
4. There are many ECG electrode input terminals (e.g. mains
configurations. Usually during frequency), it can be eliminated as
anaesthesia, three skin electrodes only the differences between the
are used (right arm, left arm and two terminals is amplified. This is
indifferent leads). The three limb called common mode rejection
leads used include two that are ratio (CMRR). Amplifiers used in
‘active’ and one that is ‘inactive’ ECG monitoring should have a
(earth). Sometimes five electrodes Fig. 10.7  The CM5 ECG lead high CMRR of 100 000 : 1
are used. Lead II is ideal for configuration. to 1 000 000 : 1, which is a
detecting arryhthmias. CM5 measurement of capability to
configuration is able to detect reject the noise. They should also
89% of ST-segment changes due left anterior axillary line) and have a high input impedance
to left ventricular ischaemia. In the indifferent lead is on the left (about 10 MΩ) to minimize the
CM5, the right arm electrode is shoulder or any convenient current taken from the electrodes.
positioned on the manubrium position (Fig. 10.7). Table 10.1 shows the various
(chest lead from manubrium), 5. The CB5 configuration is useful types and sources of interference
the left arm electrode is on V5 during thoracic anaesthesia. The and how to reduce the
position (fifth interspace in the right arm electrode is positioned interference.
Arterial blood pressure 149

Table 10.1  ECG signal interference

Arterial blood
Type of pressure
interference Sources of interference How to reduce interference
Oscillometry is the commonest
Electromagnetic Any electrical cable or Use long ECG and twisted leads
method used to measure blood
induction light (rejecting the induced signal
as common mode) pressure non-invasively during
Use selective filters in amplifiers anaesthesia. The systolic, diastolic
Electrostatic Stray capacitances ECG leads are surrounded by and mean arterial pressures and
induction and between table, lights, copper screens pulse rate are measured, calculated
capacitance monitors, patients and and displayed. These devices give
coupling electrical cables reliable trend information about the
Radiofrequency Diathermy enters the High-frequency filters clean up
interference system by: signal before entering input blood pressure. They are less
(>150 Hz) • mains supply Filtering power supply of reliable in circumstances where a
• direct application by amplifiers sudden change in blood pressure is
probe Double screen electronic anticipated, or where a minimal
• radio transmission via components of amplifiers and change in blood pressure is clinically
probe and wire earth outer screen relevant. The term ‘device for
Newer machines operate at
indirect non-invasive automatic
higher frequencies
mean arterial pressure’ (DINAMAP)
is used for such devices.
5. Absence of or improperly
positioned patient diathermy Components
plate can cause burns at the site
of ECG skin electrodes. This is 1. A cuff with a tube used for
because of the passage of the inflation and deflation. Some
diathermy current via the designs have an extra tube for
electrodes causing a relatively transmitting pressure fluctuations
high current density. to the pressure transducer.
2. The case where the
microprocessor, pressure
ECG transducer and a solenoid valve
Fig. 10.8  12-lead ECG and ST-segment
● Silver and silver chloride skin which controls the deflation of
electrodes detect the electrical the arm cuff are housed. It
activity of the heart, 0.5–2 mV contains the display and a
at the skin surface. timing mechanism which adjusts
3. Muscular activity, such as ● The signal is boosted by an the frequency of measurements.
shivering, can produce artifacts. amplifier and displayed by an Alarm limits can be set for both
Positioning the electrodes over oscilloscope. high and low values.
bony prominences and the use ● The ECG monitor can have two
of low-pass filters can reduce modes, the monitoring mode
(frequency range 0.5–40 Hz) and
Mechanism of action
these artifacts.
4. High and low ventricular rate the diagnostic mode (frequency 1. The microprocessor is set to
alarms and an audible indicator range 0.05–150 Hz). control the sequence of inflation
of ventricular rate are standard ● CM5 configuration is used to and deflation.
on most designs. More monitor left ventricular ischaemia. 2. The cuff is inflated to a pressure
advanced monitors have the ● Electrical interference can be due above the previous systolic
facility to monitor the ST either to diathermy or mains pressure, then it is deflated
segment (Fig. 10.8). Continuous frequency. incrementally. The return of
monitoring and measurement of ● Differential amplifiers are used to blood flow causes oscillation in
the height of the ST segment reduce interference (common cuff pressure (Fig. 10.9).
allows early diagnosis of mode rejection). 3. The transducer senses the
ischaemic changes. pressure changes which
150 10  Non-invasive monitoring

the blood volume of the finger

Mean Table 10.2  A guide to the correct constant. An infrared photo-
Systolic Diastolic blood pressure cuff size plethysmograph detects changes in
the volume of blood within the
Signal from cuff

3 cm Infant finger with each cardiac cycle.

5 cm Infant A controller system alters the
6 cm Child pressure in the cuff accordingly, to
9 cm Small adult
keep the volume of blood in the
12 cm Standard adult
15 cm Large adult finger constant. The applied
pressure waveform correlates with
the arterial blood volume and,
Decreasing cuff pressure
therefore, with the arterial blood
8. Some designs have the ability to
pressure. This applied pressure is
Fig. 10.9  Diagram showing how apply venous stasis to facilitate
then displayed continuously, in real
oscillations in cuff pressure correspond to intravenous cannulation.
mean, systolic and diastolic pressures.
time, as the arterial blood pressure
Problems in practice and
are interpreted by the safety features
microprocessor. This transducer THE VON RECKLINGHAUSEN
1. For the device to measure
has an accuracy of ±2%. OSCILLOTONOMETER
the arterial blood pressure
4. The output signal from the
accurately, it should have a fast
transducer passes through a filter During the premicroprocessor
cuff inflation and a slow cuff
to an amplifier that amplifies the era, the Von Recklinghausen
deflation (at a rate of
oscillations. The output from Oscillotonometer was widely used
3  mmHg/s or 2  mmHg/beat).
the amplifier passes to the (Fig. 10.10).
The former is to avoid venous
microprocessor through the
congestion and the latter
analogue digital converter (ADC).
provides enough time to detect Components
The microprocessor controls the
the arterial pulsation.
pneumatic pump for inflation of 1. Two cuffs: the upper, occluding
2. If the cuff is too small, the blood
the cuff and the solenoid valve for cuff (5 cm wide) overlaps a
pressure is over-read, while it is
deflation of the cuff. lower, sensing cuff (10 cm
under-read if the cuff is too
5. The mean arterial blood pressure wide). An inflation bulb is
large. The error is greater
corresponds to the maximum attached.
with too small than too large
oscillation at the lowest cuff 2. The case which contains:
a cuff.
pressure. The systolic pressure a) two bellows, one connected to
3. The systolic pressure is over-read
corresponds to the onset of the atmosphere, the other
at low pressures (systolic pressure
rapidly increasing oscillations. connected to the lower sensing
less than 60 mmHg) and under-
6. The diastolic pressure cuff
read at high systolic pressures.
corresponds to the onset of b) a mechanical amplification
4. Atrial fibrillation and other
rapidly decreasing oscillations. system
arrhythmias affect performance.
In addition, it is mathematically c) the oscillating needle and
5. External pressure on the cuff or
computed from the systolic and dial
its tubing can cause inaccuracies.
mean pressure values (mean d) the control lever
6. Frequently repeated cuff
blood pressure = diastolic blood e) the release valve.
inflations can cause ulnar nerve
pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure).
palsy and petechial haemorrhage
7. The cuff must be of the correct
of the skin under the cuff. Mechanism of action
size (Table 10.2). It should cover
at least two-thirds of the upper The Finapres (finger 1. With the control lever at rest,
arm. The width of the cuff’s arterial pressure) device uses a air is pumped into both cuffs
bladder should be 40% of the combination of oscillometry and a and the air-tight case of the
mid-circumference of the limb. servo control unit. The volume of instrument using the inflation
The middle of the cuff’s bladder blood in the finger varies with the bulb to a pressure exceeding
should be positioned over the cardiac cycle. A small cuff placed systolic arterial pressure. By
brachial artery. around the finger is used to keep operating the control lever, the
Pulse oximetry 151

Fig. 10.10  The Von Recklinghausen oscillotonometer.

lower sensing cuff is isolated and

the pressure in the upper cuff Arterial blood pressure
and instrument case is allowed ● Oscillometry is the method used.

to decrease slowly through an ● Mean arterial pressure

adjustable leak controlled by the corresponds to maximum

release valve. As systolic oscillation. Fig. 10.11  Smiths Medical FingerPrint
pressure is reached, pulsation of ● A cuff with a tube(s) is oximeter.
the artery under the lower cuff connected to a transducer and a
results in pressure oscillations microprocessor. enables the detection of incipient
within the cuff and its bellows. ● Accurate within the normal and unsuspected arterial
The pressure oscillations are range of blood pressure. hypoxaemia, allowing treatment
transmitted via a mechanical ● Arrhythmias and external before tissue damage.
amplification system to the pressure affect the performance.
needle. As the pressure in the
upper cuff decreases below
diastolic pressure, the pulsation 1. A probe is positioned on the
ceases. finger, toe, ear lobe or nose (Fig.
2. The mean pressure is at the Pulse oximetry 10.12). Two light-emitting diodes
point of maximum oscillation. (LEDs) produce beams at red and
3. This method is reliable at low This is a non-invasive measurement infrared frequencies (660 nm
pressures. It is useful to measure of the arterial blood oxygen and 940 nm respectively) on one
trends in blood pressure. saturation at the level of the side and there is a sensitive
arterioles. A continuous display of photodetector on the other side.
the oxygenation is achieved by a The LEDs operate in sequence at
Problems in practice and
simple, accurate and rapid method a rate of about 30 times per
safety features
(Fig. 10.11). second (Fig. 10.13).
1. In order for the device to Pulse oximetry has proved to be 2. The case houses the
operate accurately, the cuffs a powerful monitoring tool in the microprocessor. There is a display
must be correctly positioned operating theatre, recovery wards, of the oxygen saturation, pulse
and attached to their respective intensive care units, general wards rate and a plethysmographic
tubes. and during the transport of critically waveform of the pulse. Alarm
2. The diastolic pressure is not ill patients. It is considered to be limits can be set for a low
measured accurately with this the greatest technical advance in saturation value and for both
device. monitoring of the last decade. It high and low pulse rates.
152 10  Non-invasive monitoring






Fig. 10.12  Pulse oximeter probes. Finger probe (top) and ear probe (bottom).
Fig. 10.14  Schematic representation
of the contribution of various body
components to the absorbance of light.
Photodetector Display

4. The microprocessor is
programmed to mathematically
analyse both the DC and AC
components at 660 and 940 nm
calculating the ratio of
absorption at these two
660 940 frequencies (R/IR ratio). The
nm nm result is related to the arterial
LED sequence saturation. The absorption
of oxyhaemoglobin and
On Off
Sequence repeated many times per second
deoxyhaemoglobin at these two
Off On
wavelengths is very different.
Off Off
This allows these two
Fig. 10.13  Working principles of the pulse oximeter. The LEDs operate in sequence and wavelengths to provide good
when both are off the photodetector measures the background level of ambient light. sensitivity. 805 nm is one of
the isobestic points of
oxyhaemoglobin and
constant (DC). The non-constant deoxyhaemoglobin. The OFF
Mechanism of action
absorption (AC) is the result part allows a baseline
1. The oxygen saturation is of arterial blood pulsations measurement for any changes in
estimated by measuring the (Fig. 10.14). The sensitive ambient light.
transmission of light, through a photodetector generates a 5. A more recent design uses
pulsatile vascular tissue bed (e.g. voltage proportional to the multiple wavelengths to
finger). This is based on Beer’s transmitted light. The AC eradicate false readings from
law (the relation between component of the wave is carboxy haemoglobin and
the light absorbed and the about 1–5% of the total methaemoglobinaemia.
concentration of solute in the signal. Advanced oximeters use more
solution) and Lambert’s law 3. The high frequency of the LEDs than seven light wavelengths.
(relation between absorption of allows the absorption to be This has enabled the
light and the thickness of the sampled many times during each measurement of haemoglobin
absorbing layer). pulse beat. This is used to enable value, oxygen content,
2. The amount of light transmitted running averages of saturation carboxyhaemoglobin and
depends on many factors. The to be calculated many times per methaemoglobin concentrations.
light absorbed by non-pulsatile second. This decreases the 6. A variable pitch beep provides
tissues (e.g. skin, soft tissues, ‘noise’ (e.g. movement) effect on an audible signal of changes in
bone and venous blood) is the signal. saturation.
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 153

Problems in practice and 1–5% of the DC signal when

safety features the pulse volume is normal. Pulse oximetry
This makes it less accurate ● Consists of a probe with two
1. It is accurate (±2%) in the during vasoconstriction LEDs and a photodetector.
70–100% range. Below the when the AC component is ● A microprocessor analyses the
saturation of 70%, readings are reduced. signal.
extrapolated. 5. The device monitors the oxygen ● Accurate within the clinical
2. The absolute measurement of saturation with no direct range.
oxygen saturation may vary information regarding oxygen ● Inaccurate readings in carbon
from one probe to another but delivery to the tissues. monoxide poisoning, the
with accurate trends. This is 6. Pulse oximeters average their presence of dyes and
due to the variability of the readings every 10–20  s. methaemoglobinaemia.
centre wavelength of the LEDs. They cannot detect acute ● Hypoperfusion and severe
3. Carbon monoxide poisoning desaturation. The response vasoconstriction affect the
(including smoking), coloured time to desaturation is longer reading.
nail varnish, intravenous with the finger probe (more
injections of certain dyes (e.g. than 60  s) whereas the ear
methylene blue, indocyanine probe has a response time of
green) and drugs responsible 10–15  s.
for the production of 7. Excessive movement or
methaemoglobinaemia are all malposition of the probe is a End-tidal carbon
sources of error (Table 10.3).
4. Hypoperfusion and severe
source of error. Newer designs dioxide analysers
such as the Masimo oximeter
peripheral vasoconstriction claim more stability despite (capnographs)
affect the performance of the motion. External fluorescent
pulse oximeter. This is because light can be a source of Gases with molecules that contain
the AC signal sensed is about interference. at least two dissimilar atoms absorb
8. Inaccurate measurement can be radiation in the infrared region of
caused by venous pulsation. the spectrum. Using this property,
This can be because of high both inspired and exhaled carbon
Table 10.3  Sources of error in airway pressures, the Valsalva dioxide concentration can be
pulse oximetry manoeuvre or other measured directly and continuously
consequences of impaired throughout the respiratory cycle
venous return. Pulse oximeters (Fig. 10.15).
HbF No significant
clinical change assume that any pulsatile
(absorption absorption is caused by arterial
spectrum is similar blood pulsation only.
to the adult Hb 9. The site of the application Technical terms used in
over the range of should be checked at regular measuring end-tidal CO2
wavelengths used) 1. Capnograph is the device that
intervals as the probe can
MetHb False low reading cause pressure sores with records and shows the graphical
CoHb False high reading continuous use. Some display of waveform of CO2
SulphHb Not a clinical manufacturers recommend (measured in kPa or mmHg). It
problem changing the site of application displays the value of CO2 at the
Bilirubin Not a clinical every 2  h especially in patients end of expiration, which is known
problem with impaired microcirculation. as end-tidal CO2.
Dark skin No effect Burns in infants have been 2. Capnogram is the graphical plot
Methylene False low reading reported. of CO2 partial pressure (or
blue 10. Pulse oximetry only gives percentage) versus time.
Indocyanine False low reading information about a patient’s 3. Capnometer is the device
green oxygenation. It does not give which only shows numerical
Nail varnish May cause false low any indication of a patient’s concentration of CO2 without
reading ability to eliminate carbon a waveform.
154 10  Non-invasive monitoring

CO2 (kPa)



Time (sec)
Fig. 10.15  Diagram of an end-tidal
carbon dioxide waveform. I = inspiration;
E = expiration; A–B represents the
emptying of the upper dead space of the
airways. As this has not undergone gas
exchange, the CO2 concentration is zero.
B–C represents the gas mixture from the
upper airways and the CO2-rich alveolar
gas. The CO2 concentration rises
continuously. C–D represents the alveolar
gas and is described as the ‘alveolar
plateau’. The curve rises very slowly. D is
the end-tidal CO2 partial pressure where
the highest possible concentration of Fig. 10.16  A main-stream end-tidal carbon dioxide analyser.
exhaled CO2 is achieved at the end of
expiration. It represents the final portion concentrations during each which in turn produces heat.
of gas which was involved in the gas respiratory cycle. The heat is measured by a
exchange in the alveoli. Under certain temperature sensor and is
conditions (see text) it represents a
Components proportional to the partial
reliable index of the arterial CO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas
pressure. D–A represents inspiration 1. The sampling chamber can present in the mixture in the
where the fresh gas contains no CO2. either be positioned within the sample chamber. This produces
patient’s gas stream (main- an electrical output. This means
The end-tidal CO2 is less than stream version, Fig. 10.16) or that the amount of gas present is
alveolar CO2 because the end-tidal connected to the distal end of inversely proportional to the
CO2 is always diluted with alveolar the breathing system via a amount of infrared light present
dead space gas from unperfused sampling tube (side-stream at the detector in the sample
alveoli. These alveoli do not take version, Fig. 10.17). chamber (Fig 10.19).
part in gas exchange and so contain 2. A photodetector measures light 4. In the same way, a beam of light
no CO2. Alveolar CO2 is less than reaching it from a light source at passes through the reference
arterial CO2 as the blood from the correct infrared wavelength chamber which contains room
unventilated alveoli and lung (using optical filters) after air. The absorption detected from
parenchyma (both have higher CO2 passing through two chambers. the sample chamber is compared
contents) mixes with the blood from One acts as a reference whereas to that in the reference chamber.
ventilated alveoli. In healthy adults the other one is the sampling This allows the calculation of
with normal lungs, end-tidal CO2 is chamber (Fig. 10.18). carbon dioxide values.
0.3–0.6 kPa less than arterial CO2. 5. The inspired and exhaled
This difference is reduced if the carbon dioxide forms a square
Mechanism of action
lungs are ventilated with large tidal wave, with a zero baseline
volumes. The Greek root kapnos, 1. Carbon dioxide absorbs the unless there is rebreathing
meaning ‘smoke’, give us the term infrared radiation particularly at (Fig. 10.20A).
capnography (CO2 can be thought as a wavelength of 4.3 µm. 6. A microprocessor-controlled
the ‘smoke’ of cellular metabolism). 2. The amount of infrared infrared lamp is used. This
radiation absorbed is produces a stable infrared
End-tidal CO2 < alveolar CO2 source with a constant output.
proportional to the number of
< PaCO2
carbon dioxide molecules The current is measured
In reality, the devices used cannot (partial pressure of carbon with a current-sensing resistor,
determine the different phases of dioxide) present in the chamber. the voltage across which
respiration but simply report the 3. The remaining infrared radiation is proportional to the
minimum and maximum CO2 falls on the thermopile detector, current flowing through it. The
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 155

known concentrations of CO2 to

ensure accurate measurement.
Photo-acoustic spectroscopy: in
these infrared absorption devices,
the sample gas is irradiated with
pulsatile infrared radiation of a
suitable wavelength. The periodic
expansion and contraction produces
a pressure fluctuation of audible
frequency that can be detected by a
The advantages of photo-acoustic
spectrometry over conventional
infrared absorption spectrometry
1. The photo-acoustic technique is
extremely stable and its
calibration remains constant over
much longer periods of time.
2. The very fast rise and fall times
give a much more accurate
representation of any change in
CO2 concentration.
Carbon dioxide analysers can be
either side-stream or main-stream

Fig. 10.17  The Penlon PM9000 Express which measures end-tidal CO2, oximetry and SIDE-STREAM ANALYSERS
inhalational agent concentration using a side-stream method. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd,
Abingdon, UK ( 1. This consists of a 1.2-mm
internal diameter tube that
samples the gases (both inspired
Sample gas and exhaled) at a constant
rate (e.g. 150–200 mL/min).
The tube is connected to a
lightweight adapter near
the patient’s end of the
breathing system (with a
Light source Sample chamber Multigas filter pneumotachograph for
Fig. 10.18  Components of a gas analyser using an infrared light source suitable for spirometry) with a small increase
end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement. The reference chamber has been omitted for the in the dead space. It delivers the
sake of clarity. gases to the sample chamber.
It is made of Teflon so it is
impermeable to carbon dioxide
supply to the light source respiratory cycle, monitors are and does not react with
is controlled by the feedback designed to measure the anaesthetic agents.
from the sensing resistor respiratory rate. 2. As the gases are humid, there is
maintaining a constant 8. Alarm limits can be set for both a moisture trap with an exhaust
current of 150 mA. high and low values. port, allowing gas to be vented
7. Using the rise and fall of the 9. To avoid drift, the monitor should to the atmosphere or returned to
carbon dioxide during the be calibrated regularly with the breathing system.
156 10  Non-invasive monitoring

Sample chamber

Infrared lamp Detector


Fig. 10.19  Principles of infrared detector: due to the large amount of infrared
absorption in the sample chamber by the carbon dioxide, little infrared finally reaches
the detector.

Fig. 10.21  Smith’s Medical hand-held

side-stream end-tidal carbon dioxide
A short as possible, e.g. 2 m) and analyser.
diameter of the sampling tube
and the sampling rate. A delay
CO2 (kPa)

of less than 3.8 s is acceptable.

Uses (Table 10.5)
The rise time delay is the time
for the analyser to respond to In addition to its use as an indicator
the signal and depends upon the for the level of ventilation (hypo-,
Time (sec) size of the sample chamber and normo- or hyperventilation),
the gas flow. end-tidal carbon dioxide
5. Other gases and vapours can measurement is useful:
be analysed from the same
1. To diagnose oesophageal
CO2 (kPa)

intubation (no or very little
6. Portable hand-held side-stream
carbon dioxide is detected).
analysers are available (Fig.
Following manual ventilation or
10.21). They can be used during
the ingestion of carbonated
patient transport and out-of-
Time (sec) drinks, some carbon dioxide
hospital situations.
Fig. 10.20  (A) An end-tidal carbon
might be present in the
dioxide waveform which does not return stomach. Characteristically, this
to the baseline during inspiration may result in up to 5–6
indicating that rebreathing is occurring. waveforms with an abnormal
(B) An end-tidal carbon dioxide waveform shape and decreasing in
which illustrates the sloping plateau seen 1. The sample chamber is positioned
in patients with chronic obstructive within the patient’s gas stream,
2. As a disconnection alarm for
airways disease. The normal waveform is increasing the dead space. In
superimposed (dotted line). a ventilator or breathing
order to prevent water vapour
system. There is sudden
condensation on its windows,
absence of the end-tidal carbon
it is heated to about 41°C.
3. In order to accurately measure dioxide.
2. Since there is no need for a
end-tidal carbon dioxide, the 3. To diagnose lung embolism as a
sampling tube, there is no
sampling tube should be sudden decrease in end-tidal
transport time delay in gas
positioned as close as possible to carbon dioxide assuming that
delivery to the sample chamber.
the patient’s trachea. the arterial blood pressure
3. Other gases and vapours are not
4. A variable time delay before remains stable.
measured simultaneously.
the sample is presented to the 4. To diagnose malignant
sample chamber is expected. The See Table 10.4 for a comparison hyperpyrexia as a gradual
transit time delay depends on of side-stream and main-stream increase in end-tidal carbon
the length (which should be as analysers. dioxide.
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 157

mechanical agitation of deep

Table 10.4  Comparison of various qualities between side-stream and lung regions that expel
main-stream analysers CO2-rich gas. Such fluctuations
can be smoothed over by
Side stream Main stream increasing lung volume using
positive end expiratory pressure
Disconnection possible Yes Yes (PEEP).
Sampling catheter leak common Yes No
4. Dilution of the end-tidal carbon
Calibration gas required Yes No
Sensor damage common No Some dioxide can occur whenever
Multiple gas analysis possible Yes No there are loose connections and
Use on non-intubated patients Yes No system leaks.
5. Nitrous oxide (may be present
in the sample for analysis)
absorbs infrared light with an
absorption spectrum partly
Table 10.5  Summary of the uses of end-tidal CO2
overlapping that of carbon
dioxide (Fig. 10.22). This causes
Increased end-tidal carbon dioxide Decreased end-tidal carbon dioxide inaccuracy of the detector,
nitrous oxide being interpreted
Hypoventilation Hyperventilation
Rebreathing Pulmonary embolism as carbon dioxide. By careful
Sepsis Hypoperfusion choice of the wavelength using
Malignant hyperpyrexia Hypometabolism special filters, this can be
Hyperthermia Hypothermia avoided. This is not a problem
Skeletal muscle activity Hypovolaemia in most modern analysers.
Hypermetabolism Hypotension
6. Collision broadening or
pressure broadening is a cause
of error. The absorption of
carbon dioxide is increased
Problems in practice and trachea and the inspiratory
because of the presence of
safety features limb, causing ripples on the
expired CO2 trace (cardiogenic nitrous oxide or nitrogen.
1. In patients with chronic oscillations). They appear Calibration with a gas mixture
obstructive airways disease, the during the alveolar plateau in that contains the same
waveform shows a sloping trace synchrony with the heart beat. background gases as the sample
and does not accurately reflect It is thought to be due to solves this problem.
the end-tidal carbon dioxide (see
Fig. 10.20B). An ascending
plateau usually indicates
impairment of ventilation : 
perfusion ratio because of
uneven emptying of the
alveoli. N2O
2. During paediatric anaesthesia,
it can be difficult to produce

and interpret end-tidal carbon

dioxide because of the high
respiratory rates and small tidal
volumes. The patient’s tidal
breath can be diluted with fresh
gas. Filter
3. During a prolonged expiration Filter
or end-expiratory pause, the 0
gas flow exiting the trachea 4.0 Wavelength (µm) 4.5
approaches zero. The sampling
line may aspirate gas from the Fig. 10.22  Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide infrared absorption spectrum.
158 10  Non-invasive monitoring

method (Fig. 10.23). The galvanic two electrons in unpaired orbits.

End-tidal carbon dioxide and polarographic analysers have Most of the gases used in
measurement a slow response time (20–30 s) anaesthesia are repelled by the
● Uses the principle of infrared because they are dependent magnetic field (diamagnetism).
absorption by carbon dioxide. on membrane diffusion. The 2. The magnetic field causes
● The infrared radiation falls on a paramagnetic analyser has a rapid the oxygen molecules to be
temperature sensor producing response time. The paramagnetic attracted and agitated. This
an electrical output. analyser is currently more widely leads to changes in pressure on
● Photo-acoustic spectroscopy with used. These analysers measure the both sides of the transducer.
a microphone can also be used. oxygen partial pressure, displayed as The pressure difference (about
● Sampling can be either side a percentage. 20–50  µbar) across the
stream or main stream. transducer is proportional to
● It reflects accurately the arterial the oxygen partial pressure
carbon dioxide partial pressure in PARAMAGNETIC (PAULING)
difference between the sample
healthy individuals. End-tidal CO2 OXYGEN ANALYSERS
and reference gases. The
< alveolar CO2 < arterial CO2. transducer converts this
● It is used to monitor the level of
pressure force to an electrical
ventilation, affirm tracheal 1. Two chambers separated by a signal that is displayed as
intubation, as a disconnection sensitive pressure transducer. The oxygen partial pressure or
alarm and to diagnose lung gas sample containing oxygen converted to a reading in
embolisation and malignant is delivered to the measuring volume percentage.
hyperpyrexia. chamber. The reference (room air) 3. They are very accurate and
● Nitrous oxide can distort the is delivered to the other chamber. highly sensitive. The analyser
analysis in some designs. This is accomplished via a should function continuously
sampling tube. without any service breaks.
2. An electromagnet is rapidly 4. The recently designed
switched on and off (a frequency paramagnetic oxygen analysers
of about 100–110 Hz) creating a have a rapid response making
Oxygen changing magnetic field to which it possible to analyse the
concentration the gases are subjected. The inspired and expired oxygen
electromagnet is designed to concentration on a breath-to-
analysers have its poles in close proximity, breath basis. The older designs
forming a narrow gap. of oxygen analysers had a slow
It is fundamental to monitor oxygen
response time (nearly 1 min).
concentration in the gas mixture
Mechanism of action 5. The audible alarms can be set for
delivered to the patient during
(Fig. 10.24) low and high concentration limits
general anaesthesia. The inspired
(e.g. 28% low and 40% high).
oxygen concentration (FiO2) is 1. Oxygen is attracted to the
measured using a galvanic, magnetic field (paramagnetism) The old version of the
polarographic or paramagnetic because of the fact that it has paramagnetic analyser consists of a

Polarographic Galvanic (fuel cell) Paramagnetic

Sensing O2
Amplifier Out Thin electrolyte layer Electromagnet
Cathode Mixture
Ag-electrode Electrolyte
Pt-electrode Anode
Electrolyte Reference in
Teflon membrane Circular Sample in field
Out contact plate
Fig. 10.23  Different types of oxygen analysers.
Oxygen concentration analysers 159

Measurement gas Reference gas (room air) a silver anode in an electrolyte

solution are used. The electrodes
Differential pressure
(sensor microphone) are polarized by a 600–800 mV
power source. An oxygen-
permeable Teflon membrane
separates the cell from the
e.g. 100% O2 21% O2
2. The number of oxygen molecules
that traverse the membrane is
proportional to its partial
pressure in the sample. An
electric current is produced when
the cathode donates electrons
Switched magnetic field that are accepted by the anode.
For every molecule of oxygen,
four electrons are supplied
making the current produced
proportional to the oxygen
Fig. 10.24  Paramagnetic oxygen analyser. partial pressure in the sample.
3. They give only one reading,
which is the average of
container with two spheres filled 3. The oxygen molecules diffuse inspiratory and expiratory
with nitrogen (a weak diamagnetic through the membrane and concentrations.
gas). The spheres are suspended by electrolyte solution to the gold 4. Their life expectancy is limited
a wire allowing them to rotate in a cathode (see Fig. 10.23), (about 3 years) because of the
non-uniform magnetic field. generating an electrical current deterioration of the membrane.
When the sample enters the proportional to the partial 5. The positioning of the oxygen
container, it is attracted by the pressure of oxygen: analyser is debatable. It has
magnetic field, causing the spheres been recommended that slow
O2 + 4e − + 2H 2O → 4(OH)− Pb
to rotate. The degree of rotation responding analysers are
+ 2(OH)− → PbO + H 2O + 2e −
depends on the number of oxygen positioned on the inspiratory
molecules present in the sample. 4. Calibration is achieved using limb of the breathing system and
The rotation of the spheres displaces 100% oxygen and room air fast responding analysers are
a mirror attached to the wire and a (21% oxygen). positioned as close as possible to
light deflected from the mirror falls 5. It reads either the inspiratory or the patient.
on a calibrated screen for measuring expiratory oxygen concentration.
oxygen concentration. 6. Water vapour does not affect its
Problems in practice and
safety features
7. It is depleted by continuous
THE GALVANIC OXYGEN exposure to oxygen because of 1. Regular calibration of the
ANALYSER (HERSCH exhaustion of the cell, so limiting analysers is vital.
FUEL CELL) its lifespan to about 1 year. 2. Paramagnetic analysers are
8. The fuel cell has a slow response affected by water vapour
1. It generates a current time of about 20 s with an therefore a water trap is
proportional to the partial accuracy of ±3%. incorporated in their design.
pressure of oxygen (so acting as 3. The galvanic and the
a battery requiring oxygen for polarographic cells have limited
the current to flow). POLAROGRAPHIC (CLARK lifespans and need regular
2. It consists of a noble metal ELECTRODE) OXYGEN service.
cathode and a lead anode in a ANALYSERS 4. The fuel cell and the
potassium chloride electrolyte polarographic electrode have
solution. An oxygen-permeable 1. They have similar principles to slow response times of about
membrane separates the cell from the galvanic analysers (see Fig. 20–30 s with an accuracy of
the gases in the breathing system. 10.23). A platinum cathode and ±3%.
160 10  Non-invasive monitoring

system which delivers gas to the Different analyser designs

Oxygen analysers analyser. use different wavelengths for
● Paramagnetic, galvanic and 2. A sample chamber to which gas anaesthetic agent analysis. An
polarographic cells are used. The for analysis is delivered. infrared light of a wavelength
former is more widely used. 3. An infrared light source. of 4.6 µm is used for N2O. For
● The galvanic and polarographic 4. Optical filters. the inhalational agents, higher
analysers have a slow response 5. A photodetector. wavelengths are used, between
time because of membrane 8 and 9 µm. This is to avoid
diffusion. The paramagnetic interference from methane and
analyser has a rapid response Mechanism of action
alcohol that happen at the lower
time. 1. Infrared absorption analysers are 3.3-µm band.
● Oxygen is attracted by the used (Fig. 10.26). The sampled 3. Modern sensors can
magnetic field whereas the gas enters a chamber where it is automatically identify and
gases or vapours are repelled. exposed to infrared light. A measure concentrations of up to
● The paramagnetic cell measures photodetector measures the light three agents present in a mixture
the inspired and expired oxygen reaching it across the correct and produce a warning message
concentration simultaneously on infrared wavelength band. to the user. Five sensors are used
a breath-by-breath basis. Absorption of the infrared light to produce a spectral shape
is proportional to the vapour where the five outputs are
concentration. The electrical compared and the shape
signal is then analysed and produced represents the spectral
processed to give a measurement signal of the agent present in the
of the agent concentration. sample. This is compared with
Nitrous oxide and 2. Optical filters are used to select the spectral shapes stored in the
inhalational agent the desired wavelengths. memory of the sensor and used
to identify the agent. Currently,
concentration it is possible to detect and
analysers measure the concentrations of
halothane, enflurane, isoflurane,
Modern vaporizers are capable of sevoflurane and desflurane
delivering accurate concentrations (Figs 10.27 and 10.28).
of the anaesthetic agent(s) with 4. The amplitude of the spectral
different flows. It is important to shape represents the amount of
monitor the inspired and end-tidal vapour present in the mixture.
concentrations of the agents. This The amplitude is inversely
is of vital importance in the circle proportional to the amount of
Fig. 10.25  Anaesthetic agent display of
system as the exhaled inhalational agent present. The output of the
the Datex-Ohmeda Capnomac Ultima.
agent is recirculated and added to Inspired (Fi) and end-tidal (ET) values are infrared lamp is kept constant
the fresh gas flow. In addition, displayed for carbon dioxide, oxygen and with a constant supply of
because of the low flow, the isoflurane (ISO). current. Optical filters are
inhalational agent concentration the
patient is receiving is different from Gas sample Scanning
the setting of the vaporizer. filter
Modern analysers can measure IR-light
the concentration of all the agents Multi-channel Correlation
analyser analysis
available, halothane, enflurane,
isoflurane, sevoflurane and
desflurane, on a breath-by-breath
basis (Fig. 10.25) using infrared.
3.2 3.4 λ (µm) Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane
Components Fig. 10.26  Mechanism of action of an infrared anaesthetic agent monitor with
automatic agent identification properties. Agents absorb infrared light differently over a
1. A sampling tube from an wavelength band of 3.2–3.4 mm. The monitor can therefore identify the agent in use
adapter within the breathing automatically by analysing its unique absorbance pattern.
Nitrous oxide and inhalational agent concentration analysers 161

the concentration of inhalational

agents. A lipophilic-coated
piezoelectric quartz crystal
undergoes changes in natural

resonant frequency when exposed to

the lipid-soluble inhalational agents.
This change in frequency is directly
proportional to the partial pressure
Desflurane (low end)
of agent. Such a technique lacks
agent specificity and sensitivity to
water vapour.
3.3 5.0 10.0 Other methods less commonly
used for measuring inhalational
Wavelength (µm)
agent concentration are:
Desflurane Enflurane Halothane
1. Raman spectroscopy: the
Fig. 10.27  Inhalational agents infrared absorption spectrum. anaesthetic gas sample is
illuminated by an intense argon
laser. Some light energy is simply
reflected but some energy
stimulates the sample molecules,
causing them to scatter light of a
different wavelength from that

of the incident light energy

(Raman scattering). This
scattered light is detected at
right angles to the laser beam
and the difference in energy
level between the incident and
reflected light is measured. All
0 molecules in the gas/volatile
8.0 8.5 9.0 Wavelength (µm)
phase can be identified by their
TPX filters A B C D E characteristic spectrum of
(Raman) scattering.
Sevoflurance Desflurane Isoflurane Enflurane Halothane
2. Ultraviolet absorption: in the
Fig. 10.28  Agent identification and measurement: to measure and identify the agents, case of halothane, with
all five sensors are used to produce a spectral shape. When the detectors at all five
similar principles to infrared
outputs are compared, A, B, C, D and E, a spectral shape is produced, representing the
spectral signal of the agent present in the sample. absorption but using ultraviolet
used to filter the desirable the analysers suitable for use
wavelengths. Because of the with the circle breathing
Problems in practice and
autodetection, individual system.
safety features
calibration for each agent is not 7. No individual calibration for
necessary. each agent is necessary. 1. Some designs of infrared light
5. A reference beam is 8. Water vapour has no effect on absorption analysers are not
incorporated. This allows the the performance and accuracy of agent specific. These must be
detector software to calculate the analyser. programmed by the user for
how much energy has been the specific agent being
absorbed by the sample at each administered. Incorrect
wavelength and therefore the PIEZOELECTRIC QUARTZ programming results in
concentration of agent in the CRYSTAL OSCILLATION erroneous measurements.
sample. 2. Alarms can be set for inspired
6. The sample gas can be returned Piezoelectric quartz crystal and exhaled inhalational agent
to the breathing system, making oscillation can be used to measure concentration.
162 10  Non-invasive monitoring

Table 10.6 summarizes the on and off and reset the pointer
Inhalational agent methods used in gas and vapour to the zero position.
concentration analysers analysis.
● A sample of gas is used to Mechanism of action
measure the concentration of
inhalational agent using infrared 1. The Wright respirometer is a
light absorption. one-way system. It allows the
● By selecting light of the correct
Wright respirometer measurement of the tidal volume
wavelengths, the inspired and if the flow of the gases is in one
expired concentrations of the This compact and light (weighs less direction only. The correct
agent(s) can be measured. than 150 g) respirometer is used to direction for gas flow is
● An infrared light of a
measure the tidal volume and indicated by an arrow.
wavelength of 4.6 µm is used minute volume (Fig. 10.29). 2. The slits surrounding the vane
for N2O. For other inhalational are to create a circular flow in
order to rotate the vane. The
agents, higher wavelengths are Components
used, between 8 and 9 µm. vane does 150 revolutions for
● Ultraviolet absorption, mass
1. The respirometer consists of an each litre of gas passing through.
spectrometry and quartz crystal inlet and outlet. This causes the pointer to rotate
oscillation are other methods of 2. A rotating vane surrounded by round the respirometer display.
measuring the inhalational slits (Fig. 10.30). The vane is 3. The outer display is calibrated at
agents’ concentration. attached to a pointer. 100 mL per division. The small
3. Buttons on the side of the inner display is calibrated at 1 L
respirometer to turn the device per division.

This can be used to identify and

Table 10.6  The various methods used in gas and vapour analysis
measure, on a breath-to-breath
basis, the concentrations of the
gases and vapours used during Technology O2 CO2 N2O Inhalational agent
anaesthesia. The principle of action
Infrared ✓ ✓ ✓
is to charge the particles of the Paramagnetic ✓
sample (bombard them with an Polarography ✓
electron beam) and then separate Fuel cell ✓
the components into a spectrum Mass spectrometry ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to their specific Raman spectroscopy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mass : charge ratios – so each has its Piezoelectric resonance ✓
own ‘fingerprint’.
The creation and manipulation of
the ions are done in a high vacuum
(10−5 mmHg) to avoid interference by
outside air and to minimize random
collisions among the ions and the
residual gas. The relative abundance
of ions at certain specific mass : charge
ratios is determined and is related to
the fractional composition of the
original gas mixture.
A permanent magnet is used
to separate the ion beam into its
component ion spectra. Because of
the high expense, multiplexed mass
spectrometer systems are used with
several patient sampling locations Fig. 10.29  A Wright respirometer. An arrow on the side of the casing indicates the
on a time-shared basis. direction of gas flow.
Combined pneumotachograph and Pitot tube 163

To differential pressure transducer

Gas flow

Heating coil
Fig. 10.31  A pneumotachograph.
Mica vane
See text for details.

Gas flow
Fig. 10.30  Mechanism of action of the Wright respirometer. Mechanism of action
1. The principle of its function is
4. It is usually positioned on the Problems in practice and sensing the change in pressure
expiratory side of the breathing safety features across a fixed resistance through
system, which is at a lower
1. The Wright respirometer tends which gas flow is laminar.
pressure than the inspiratory
to over-read at high flow rates 2. The pressure change is only a
side. This minimizes the loss of
and under-read at low flows. few millimetres of water and is
gas volume due to leaks and
2. Water condensation from the linearly proportional, over a
expansion of the tubing.
expired gases causes the pointer certain range, to the flow rate of
5. For clinical use, the respirometer
to stick, thus preventing it from gas passing through the
reads accurately the tidal volume
rotating freely. resistance.
and minute volume (±5–10%)
3. The tidal volumes can be
within the range of 4–24 L/min.
summated over a period of a
A minimum flow of 2 L/min is
Wright respirometer minute to give the minute
required for the respirometer to
● Rotating vane attached to a volume.
function accurately.
pointer. 4. It can measure flows in both
6. To improve accuracy, the
● Fitted on the expiratory limb to inspiration and expiration (i.e.
respirometer should be
measure the tidal and minute bidirectional).
positioned as close to the
volume with an accuracy of
patient’s trachea as possible.
±5–10%. Problems in practice and
7. The resistance to breathing is
● The flow is unidirectional.
very low at about 2 cm H2O at safety features
● It over-reads at high flows and
100 L/min.
under-reads at low flows. Water vapour condensation at the
8. A paediatric version exists with
resistance will encourage the
a capability of accurate tidal
formation of turbulent flow
volume measurements between
affecting the accuracy of the
15 and 200 mL.
measurement. This can be avoided
9. A more accurate version of the Pneumotachograph by heating the parallel tubes.
Wright respirometer uses light
reflection to measure the tidal This measures gas flow. From this,
volume. The mechanical causes gas volume can be calculated.
of inaccuracies (friction and Combined
inertia) and the accumulation of
water vapour are avoided. Other
Components pneumotachograph
designs use a semiconductive 1. A tube with a fixed resistance. and Pitot tube
device that is sensitive to The resistance can be a
changes in magnetic field. Tidal bundle of parallel tubes (Fig. This combination (Fig. 10.32) is
volume and minute volume can 10.31). designed to improve accuracy
be measured by converting these 2. Two sensitive pressure and calculate and measure the
changes electronically. An alarm transducers on either side of the compliance, airway pressures, gas
system can also be added. resistance. flow, volume/pressure (Fig. 10.33)
164 10  Non-invasive monitoring

Sample gas
flow to be known with sensors
calibrated accordingly.
3. Gas temperature: A knowledge
gas temperatures is required.
Usually, the sensors’ software
provides default values for a
Gas flow typical patient.
4. Humidity: moisture can affect
measurement and generation of
pressure drop. Have the pressure
ports directed upwards to
To pressure prevent fluid from draining into
transducers them.
Fig. 10.32  Combined pneumotachograph and Pitot tube. (Courtesy of GE Datex 5. Apparatus dead space:
Ohmeda.) Sensors need to have a
minimum dead space; <10 ml
for the adult flow sensors and
600 Vol Gas flow <1 ml for the neonatal sensors.
6. Operating range of flow
A B sensor: Sensors are designed to
function accurately with a very
wide range of tidal volumes, I : E
ratios, frequencies and flow
cmH20 ranges.
To pressure transducer 7. Inter-sensor variability:
0 20
Fig. 10.34  Cross-section of a Pitot tube Individual sensors can have
Fig. 10.33  Volume pressure loops in a flowmeter. The two ports are facing in different performances. There
patient (A) before and (B) during CO2 opposite directions within the gas flow. should be no need for individual
insufflation in a laparoscopic operation.
Note the decrease in compliance and device calibration of the flow/
increase in airway pressure (Paw). pressure characteristics

Mechanism of action
The effects of the density and
The pressure difference between the
viscosity of the gas(es) can alter the
and flow/volume loops. Modern ports is proportional to the square
accuracy. This can be compensated
devices can be used accurately even of the flow rate.
for by continuous gas composition
in neonates and infants. analysis via a sampling tube.
Problems in practice and
THE PITOT TUBE safety features Pneumotachograph
The effects of the density and ● A bidirectional device to measure
Components the flow rate, tidal and minute
viscosity of the gas(es) can alter the
1. Two pressure ports – one facing accuracy. This can be compensated volume.
the direction of gas flow, the for by continuous gas composition ● A laminar flow across a fixed

other perpendicular to the gas analysis via a sampling tube. resistance causes changes in
flow. This is used to measure gas pressure which are measured by
flow in one direction only. transducers.
Factors affecting the readings in
2. In order to measure bidirectional ● Condensation at the resistance
flows (inspiration and can cause turbulent flow and
expiration), two pressure ports 1. Location: should be placed inaccuracies.
face in opposite directions between the breathing system ● Improved accuracy is achieved

within the gas flow (Fig. 10.34). Y-piece and the tracheal tube. by adding a Pitot tube(s) and
3. These pressure ports are 2. Gas composition: nominal continuous gas composition
connected to pressure values of gas composition need analysis.
Peripheral nerve stimulators 165

Mechanism of action activated despite inadequate

Ventilator alarms 1. In this alarm, the peak
inspiratory pressure is usually VOLUME MONITORING
It is mandatory to use a ventilator measured and monitored during
alarm during intermittent positive
controlled ventilation.
pressure ventilation (IPPV) to guard 2. A decrease in peak inspiratory The expired gas volume can be
against patient disconnection, leaks, pressure activates the alarm. measured and monitored. Gas
obstruction or malfunction. These This indicates that the volume can be measured either
can be pressure and/or volume ventilator is unable to achieve directly using a respirometer or
monitoring alarms. Clinical the preset threshold pressure indirectly by integration of the gas
observation, end-tidal carbon in the breathing system. flow (pneumotachograph).
dioxide concentration, airway Causes can be disconnection, These alarms are usually inserted
pressure and pulse oximetry are also gas leak or inadequate fresh in the expiratory limb with a
ventilator monitors. gas flow. continuous display of tidal and
3. An increase in the peak minute volume. The alarm limits are
inspiratory pressure usually set for a minimum and maximum
PRESSURE MONITORING indicates an obstruction. tidal and/or minute volume.
ALARM 4. The low-pressure alarm can be
set to 7 cm H2O, 7 cm H2O plus
Components time delay or 13 cm H2O. The
high-pressure alarm is set at
1. The case where the pressure Ventilator alarms
60 cm H2O.
alarm limits are set, an ● They can be pressure and/or
automatic on/off switch. A light volume monitoring alarms.
Problems in practice and
flashes with each ventilator cycle ● They detect disconnection (low
safety features
(Fig. 10.35). pressure) or obstruction (high
2. The alarm is pressurized by a Disconnection of the breathing pressure) in the ventilator
sensing tube connecting it to the system with partial obstruction of breathing system.
inspiratory limb of the ventilator the alarm sensing tube may lead to ● The pressure alarms are fitted on
system. a condition where the alarm is not the inspiratory limb whereas the
volume alarms are fitted on the
expiratory limb of the breathing
● Regular servicing is required.

Peripheral nerve
These devices are used to
monitor transmission across the
neuromuscular junction. The depth,
adequate reversal and type of
neuromuscular blockade can be
established (Fig. 10.36).

1. Two surface electrodes (small
ECG electrodes) are positioned
over the nerve and connected via
Fig. 10.35  The Penlon pressure monitoring ventilator alarm. the leads to the nerve stimulator.
166 10  Non-invasive monitoring

tibial nerve at the ankle and the

facial nerve.
6. The negative electrode is
positioned directly over the most
superficial part of the nerve. The
positive electrode is positioned
along the proximal course of
nerve to avoid direct muscle
7. Consider the ulnar nerve at
the wrist. Two electrodes are
positioned over the nerve, with
the negative electrode placed
distally and the positive
electrode positioned about 2 cm
proximally. Successful ulnar
nerve stimulation causes the
contraction of the adductor
pollicis brevis muscle.
More advanced devices offer
continuous monitoring of
the transmission across the
neuromuscular junction. A graphical
and numerical display of the
train-of-four (see below) and the
trend provide optimal monitoring.
Fig. 10.36  The RS7 peipheral nerve stimulator. (Courtesy of G Rutter Ltd.)
Skin electrodes are used. A reference
measurement should be made
where the device calculates the
2. Alternatively skin contact can be It is the current magnitude that
supramaximal current needed before
made via ball electrodes which determines whether the nerve
the muscle relaxant is given. The
are mounted on the nerve depolarizes or not, so delivering
device can be used to locate nerves
stimulator casing. a constant current is more
and plexuses with a much lower
3. The case consists of an on/off important than delivering a
current (e.g. a maximum of 5.0 mA)
switch, facility to deliver a constant voltage as the skin
during regional anaesthesia. In this
twitch, train-of-four (at 2 Hz) resistance is variable (Ohm’s
mode, a short stimulus can be used,
and tetanus (50 Hz). The Law).
e.g. 40 ms, to reduce the patient’s
stimulator is battery operated. 3. The muscle contraction can be
observed visually, palpated,
measured using a force
Mechanism of action
transducer, or the electrical
1. A supramaximal stimulus is activity can be measured
used to stimulate a peripheral (EMG).
nerve. This ensures that all the 4. The duration of the stimulus is
There are various methods for
motor fibres of the nerve are less than 0.2–0.3 ms. The
monitoring the neuromuscular
depolarized. The response of the stimulus should have a
transmission using a nerve
muscle(s) supplied by the nerve is monophasic square wave shape
stimulator (Fig. 10.37).
observed. A current of 15–40 mA to avoid repetitive nerve firing.
is used for the ulnar nerve (a 5. Superficial, accessible peripheral 1. Twitch: a short duration
current of 50–60 mA may have nerves are most commonly used (0.1–0.2 ms) square wave
to be used in obese patients). for monitoring purposes, e.g. stimulus of a frequency of
2. This device should be battery ulnar nerve at the wrist, 0.1–1 Hz (one stimulus every
powered and capable of common peroneal nerve at the 10 seconds to one stimulus
delivering a constant current. neck of the fibula, posterior every 1 second) is applied to a
Peripheral nerve stimulators 167

A Normal

20 ms

750 ms
Fig. 10.38  The pattern of double-burst
B Total paralysis stimulation. Three impulses of 50 Hz
tetanus, at 20-ms intervals, every 750 ms
is shown.

C Depolarization block neuromuscular block is

easier if the second twitch is
d) for upper abdominal surgery,
at least three twitches must be
absent to achieve adequate
surgical conditions
D Non depolarizing block e) the TOF ratio can be
estimated using visible or
tactile means. Electrical
recording of the response is
more accurate.
4. Post-tetanic facilitation or
potentiation: this is used to
Twitch Tetanus Twitch TOF assess more profound degrees of
Fig. 10.37  Effects of a single twitch, tetanus and train-of-four (TOF) assessed by a force neuromuscular block.
transducer recording contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. 5. Double burst stimulation (Fig.
10.38): this allows a more
accurate visual assessment than
TOF for residual neuromuscular
blockade. Two short bursts of
50 Hz tetanus are applied with a
peripheral nerve. When used on first twitch is called the TOF 750-ms interval. Each burst
its own, it is of limited use. It is ratio: comprises of two or three square
the least precise method of a) four twitches of 2 Hz each wave impulses lasting for
assessing partial neuromuscular applied over 2 s. A gap of 0.2 ms.
block. 10 s between each TOF
2. Tetanic stimulation: a tetanus of b) as the muscle relaxant is
Problems in practice and
50–100 Hz is used to detect any administered, fade is noticed
safety features
residual neuromuscular block. first, followed by the
Fade will be apparent even with disappearance of the fourth As the muscles of the hand are small
normal response to a twitch. twitch. This is followed by the in comparison with the diaphragm
Tetanus is usually applied to disappearance of the third (the main respiratory muscle),
anaesthetized patients because of then the second and last by monitoring the neuromuscular block
the discomfort caused. the first twitch peripherally does not reflect the true
3. Train-of-four (TOF): used to c) on recovery, the first twitch picture of the depth of the
monitor the degree of the appears first then the second diaphragmatic block. The smaller
neuromuscular block clinically. followed by the third and the muscle is, the more sensitive it is
The ratio of the fourth to the fourth; reversal of the to a muscle relaxant.
168 10  Non-invasive monitoring

requirements to reduce under- and description of complex EEG

Peripheral nerve stimulators overdosing. BIS has been shown to patterns.
● Used to ensure adequate correlate with measures of sedation/ 3. BIS is an empirical, statistically
reversal, and to monitor the hypnosis, awareness and recall end derived measurement. It uses a
depth and the type of the block. points likely to be reflected in the linear, dimensionless scale from
● Supramaximal stimulus is used to cortical EEG. It can provide a 0 to 100. The lower the value,
stimulate the nerve. continuous and consistent measure the greater the hypnotic effect.
● The contraction of the muscle is of sedation/hypnosis induced by A value of 100 represents an
observed visually, palpated or most of the widely used sedative- awake EEG while zero
measured by a pressure hypnotic agents. Although BIS can represents complete electrical
transducer. measure the hypnotic components, silence (cortical suppression).
● The ulnar, facial, posterior tibial it is less sensitive to the analgesic/ BIS values of 65–85 are
and the common peroneal opiate components of an recommended for sedation,
nerves are often used. anaesthetic. whereas values of 40–60 are
recommended for general
anaesthesia. At BIS values of less
Various methods are used to than 40, cortical suppression
monitor the neuromuscular 1. Display: becomes discernible in raw EEG
transmission: twitch, tetanic a) BIS (as a single value or trend) as a burst suppression pattern
stimulation, train-of-four, post- b) facial electromyogram, EMG (Fig. 10.40).
tetanic facilitation and double burst (in decibels) 4. BIS measures the state of the
stimulation. c) EEG suppression measured brain, not the concentration of a
d) signal quality index (SQI) particular drug. So a low value
which indicates the amount of for BIS indicates hypnosis
interference from EMG. irrespective of how it was
2. A forehead sensor with four produced.
Bispectral index (BIS) numbered electrodes (elements) 5. It has been shown that return of
analysis (Fig. 10.39) and a smart chip. The sensor consciousness occurs consistently
uses small tines, which part the when the BIS is above 60 and,
The BIS monitor is a device to outer layers of the skin, and a interestingly, at the same time,
monitor the electrical activity and hydrogel to make electrical changes in blood pressure and
the level of sedation in the brain contact. It is designed to lower heart rate are poor predictors
and to assess the risk of awareness the impedance and to optimize for response.
while under sedation/anaesthesia. the quality of the signal. 6. The facial electromyogram (in
In addition, it allows titration of 3. A smaller paediatric sensor with decibels) is displayed to inform
hypnotics based on individual three electrodes is available. It the user of possible interference
has a flexible design to adjust to affecting the BIS value.
various head sizes and contours. 7. The sensor is applied on the
forehead at an angle. It can be
placed on either the right or
Mechanism of action
left side of the head. Element
1. Bispectral analysis is a statistical number 1 is placed at the centre
method that quantifies the level of the forehead, 5 cm above the
of synchronization of the nose. Element number 4 is
underlying frequencies in the positioned just above and
signal. adjacent to the eyebrow. Element
2. BIS is a value derived number 2 is positioned between
mathematically using number 1 and number 4.
information from EEG power Element number 3 is positioned
and frequency as well as on either temple between the
bispectral information. Along corner of the eye and the
with the traditional amplitude hairline. The sensor will not
and frequency variables, it function beyond the hairline.
Fig. 10.39  BIS monitor. provides a more complete Each element should be
Entropy of the EEG 169

BIS 100 3. BIS cannot be used to monitor

Awake, memory intact hypnosis during ketamine
anaesthesia. This is due to
ketamine being a dissociative
anaesthetic with excitatory
80 Sedation effects on the EEG.
4. Sedative concentrations of
General anaesthesia nitrous oxide (up to 70%) do
not appear to affect BIS.
60 5. There are conflicting data
“Deep” hypnosis, memory function lost regarding opioid dose–response
and interaction of opioids with
Near suppression hypnotics on BIS.
6. Currently there are insufficient
40 Increasing burst suppression data to evaluate the use of BIS
in patients with neurological
7. When the SQI value goes below
20 50%, the BIS is not stored in the
trend memory. The BIS value on
the monitor appears in ‘reverse
video’ to indicate this.
8. Interference from surgical
0 Flat line EEG diathermy. A recent version, BIS
Fig. 10.40  BIS values scale. XP, is better protected from the
pressed for 5 seconds with the synergistic effects of 9. As with any other monitor, the
the fingertip. hypothermia and hypnotic use of BIS does not obviate
8. Cerebral ischaemia from any drugs. A rapid rise in BIS the need for critical clinical
cause can result in a decrease in usually occurs during judgement.
the BIS value if severe enough to rewarming.
cause a global EEG slowing or 2. Interference from non-EEG
outright suppression. electrical signals such as BIS
9. BIS is being ‘incorporated’ as an electromyogram. High-frequency ● Monitors the electrical activity in
additional monitoring module facial electromyogram activity the brain.
that can be added to the existing may be present in sedated, ● Uses a linear dimensionless scale
modular patient monitors such spontaneously breathing patients from 0 to 100. The lower the
as Datex-Ohmeda S/5, Philips and during awakening, causing value, the greater the hypnotic
Viridia or GE Marquette Solar BIS to increase in conjunction effect. General anaesthesia is at
8000M. In addition to its use in with higher electromyogram. 40–60.
the operating theatre, BIS has Significant electromyogram ● Interference can be from
also been used in the intensive interference can lead to a faulty diathermy or EMG.
care setting to assess the level high BIS despite the patient ● Changes in body temperature
of sedation in mechanically being still unresponsive. EEG and cerebral ischaemia can
ventilated patients. signals are considered to exist in affect the value.
the 0.5–30-Hz band whereas
electromyogram signals exist
Problems and safety features
in the 30–300-Hz band.
1. Hypothermia of less than 33°C Separation is not absolute and
results in a decrease in BIS low-frequency electromyogram Entropy of the EEG
levels as the brain processes signals can occur in the
slow. In such situations, conventional EEG band range. This is a more recent technique used
e.g. during cardiac bypass The more recent BIS XP is less to measure the depth of sedation/
procedures, BIS reflects affected by electromyogram. anaesthesia by measuring the
170 10  Non-invasive monitoring

‘regularity’ or the amount of Entropy As the patient awakens, an

disorder of the EEG signal. High 5 min increase in the difference between
levels of entropy during anaesthesia the SE and RE values is seen due to
RE 98 100
show that the patient is awake, and a diminishing effect of drugs on the
low levels correlate with deep CNS and an increasing contribution
unconsciousness. SE 91 0 from frontalis EMG.
The EEG signal is recorded using
electrodes applied to the forehead
Entropy Entropy of EEG
and side of the head, as with the
5 min 1. The ‘regularity’ or the amount
BIS. The device uses Fourier
transformation to calculate the RE 26 100 of disorder of the EEG signal is
used to measure the depth of
frequencies of voltages for each
given time sample (epoch). This is SE 24 0 2. During anaesthesia, low
then converted into a normalized
B levels correlate with deep
frequency spectrum (by squaring the
transformed components) for the Entropy
3. State entropy (SE) index
selected frequency range. 5 min
corresponds predominantly to
State entropy (SE) index is RE 48 100
EEG activity.
calculated from a low-frequency
4. Response entropy (RE) index
range (under 32 Hz) corresponding
predominantly to EEG activity.
SE 41 0
includes EMG activity from
frontalis muscle.
Response entropy (RE) index C
uses a higher frequency range
(up to 47 Hz) and includes
5 min Further reading
electromyographic (EMG) activity
from frontalis muscle. RE 99 100
McGrath, C.D., Hunter, J.M., 2006.
The concept of Shannon entropy Monitoring of neuromuscular block.
is then applied to normalize the SE 87 0
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia.
entropy values to between zero Critical Care and Pain 6(1), 7–12.
(total regularity) and 1 (total D MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert:
irregularity). Fig. 10.41  Entropy of EEG. (A) Awake Unilect (TM) ECG monitoring
The commercially available state. Note the difference between the electrodes manufactured by
two entropies indicating muscle activity
M-entropy module (GE Datex- Unomedical (MDA/2010/046).
on the face. (B) Immediately after
Ohmeda) converts the entropy scale induction of anaesthesia. (C) Online. Available at: http://www.
of zero to 1 into a scale of zero to Maintenance of anaesthesia. (D) Recovery
100 (similar to the BIS scale). The from anaesthesia. Safetywarnings/MedicalDeviceAlerts/
conversion is not exactly linear to CON084595.
give greater resolution at the most MHRA, 2012. Pulse oximeter top tips.
important area to monitor ‘depth of to a very ‘deep’ level of anaesthesia Online. Available at: http://
anaesthesia’ which is between 0.5 and values close to 100 correspond
and 1.0. to the awake patient. Like BIS, Postersandleaflets/CON100224.
Both RE and SE are displayed values between 40 and 60 represent Patel, S., Souter, M., 2008. Equipment-
with the RE ranges from 100 to clinically desirable depths of related electrocardiographic artifacts:
zero and the SE ranges from a anaesthesia. At this level, the SE and causes, characteristics, consequences,
maximum of 91 to zero (Fig. RE indexes should be similar if not and correction. Anesthesiology 108,
10.41). In practice, zero corresponds identical. 138–148.
MCQs 171

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning capnography: 3. Pulse oximetry: 5. Pneumotachograph:

a) Capnography is a more a) The probe consists of two a) It is a fixed orifice variable
useful indicator of ventilator emitting diodes producing pressure flowmeter.
disconnection and beams at red and infrared b) It consists of two sensitive
oesophageal intubation than frequencies. pressure transducers
pulse oximetry. b) Accurately reflects the ability positioned on either side of a
b) Capnography typically works of the patient to eliminate resistance.
on the absorption of CO2 in CO2. c) It is capable of flowing in
the ultraviolet region of the c) The measurements are one direction only.
spectrum. accurate within the clinical d) A Pitot tube can be added to
c) In side-stream analysers, a range of 70–100%. improve accuracy.
delay in measurement of less d) Carbon monoxide in the e) Humidity and water vapour
than 38 s is acceptable. blood causes a false condensation have no effect
d) The main-stream analyser under-reading. on its accuracy.
type can measure other gases e) The site of the probe has to
simultaneously. be checked frequently.
6. Polarographic oxygen electrode:
e) In patients with chronic
a) It can measure oxygen
obstructive airways disease,
4. Arterial blood pressure: partial pressure in a blood or
the waveform can show a
a) Mean blood pressure is the gas sample.
sloping trace instead of the
systolic pressure plus b) The electrode acts as a
square shape wave.
one-third of the pulse battery requiring no power
pressure. source.
2. Concerning oxygen b) Too small a cuff causes a c) Oxygen molecules pass from
concentration measurement: false high pressure. the sample to the potassium
a) An infrared absorption c) Oscillotonometry is widely chloride solution across a
technique is used. used to measure blood semipermeable membrane.
b) Paramagnetic analysers are pressure. d) It uses a silver cathode and a
commonly used because d) The Finapres technique uses platinum anode.
oxygen is repelled by the ultraviolet light absorption e) The amount of electrical
magnetic field. to measure the blood current generated is
c) The galvanic (fuel cell) pressure. proportional to the oxygen
analyser has a slow response e) A slow cuff inflation partial pressure.
time of about 20 s and a followed by a fast deflation
lifespan of about 1 year. are needed to improve the
7. Wright respirometer:
d) The fast responding analysers accuracy of a non-invasive
a) It is best positioned on the
should be positioned as near blood pressure technique.
inspiratory limb of the
the patient as possible.
ventilator breathing system.
e) Paramagnetic analysers can
b) It is a bidirectional device.
provide breath-to-breath
c) It is accurate for clinical use.
d) It over-reads at high flow
rates and under-reads at low
flow rates.
e) It can measure both tidal
volume and minute volume.
172 10  Non-invasive monitoring

8. Paramagnetic gases include: 12. BIS monitor: 14. Infrared spectrometry:

a) Oxygen. a) It uses a linear dimensionless a) CO2 absorbs infrared
b) Sevofluorane. scale from 0 to 100 Hz. radiation mainly at a
c) Nitrous oxide. b) Hypothermia can increase wavelength of 4.3 mm.
d) Carbon dioxide. the BIS value. b) Photo-acoustic spectrometry
e) Halothane. c) The BIS value is not accurate is more stable than the
during ketamine anaesthesia. conventional infrared
d) Interference can occur due to spectrometry.
9. Oxygen in a gas mixture can
EMG or diathermy. c) Sampling catheter leak is a
be measured by:
e) BIS can measure the drug potential problem with the
a) Fuel cell.
concentration of a particular side-stream analysers.
b) Ultraviolet absorption.
drug. d) A wavelength of 4.6 µm is
c) Mass spectrometer.
used for nitrous oxide
d) Clark oxygen (polarographic)
electrode. 13. Concerning ECG:
e) A wavelength of 3.3 µm is
e) Infrared absorption. a) The monitoring mode of
used to measure the
ECG has a wider frequency
concentration of inhalational
response range than the
10. The concentrations of volatile agents.
diagnostic mode.
agents can be measured using:
b) The electrical potentials have
a) Fuel cell.
a range of 0.5–2 V.
b) Piezoelectric crystal. SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)
c) Interference due to
c) Ultraviolet spectroscopy.
electrostatic induction can be
d) Infrared spectroscopy. 15. Regarding the minimum
reduced by surrounding ECG
e) Clark electrode. monitoring required for
leads with copper screens.
d) Silver and silver chloride
a) Renders bed-side clinical
11. A patient with healthy lungs electrodes are used.
signs obsolete.
and a PaCO2 of 40 mmHg will e) It is standard in the UK to
b) ECG monitoring is essential.
have which of the following use a display speed of
c) Modern ECG monitoring is
percentages of CO2 in the end 25 cm/s and a sensitivity of
immune from artefacts.
expiratory mixture? 1 mV/cm.
d) Non-invasive blood pressure
a) 4%.
requires two cuffs and a
b) 5%.
minimum cycle time of 1
c) 2%.
d) 1%.
e) National Institute for Health
e) 7%.
and Clinical Excellence
(NICE) guidelines forbid
temperature monitoring.
Answers 173


b) False. Oxygen is attracted by d) False. Using a pulse

1. Concerning capnography:
the magnetic field because it oximeter, carbon monoxide
a) True. Capnography gives a
has two electrons in unpaired causes a false high reading of
fast warning in cases of
orbits. the arterial oxygen
disconnection or oesophageal
c) True. The fuel cell is depleted saturation.
intubation. The end-tidal
by continuous exposure to e) True. The probe can cause
CO2 will decrease sharply
oxygen due to the exhaustion pressure sores with
and suddenly. The pulse
of the cell giving it a lifespan continuous use so its site
oximeter will be very slow in
of about 1 year. should be checked at regular
detecting disconnection or
d) True. Although the intervals. Some recommend
oesophageal intubation as
positioning of the oxygen changing the site every
the arterial oxygen saturation
analyser is still debatable, it 2 hours.
will remain normal for
has been recommended that
longer periods especially if
the fast responding ones are 4. Arterial blood pressure:
the patient was
positioned as close to the a) False. The mean blood
patient as possible. The slow pressure is the diastolic
b) False. CO2 is absorbed in the
responding analysers are pressure plus one-third of
infrared region.
positioned on the inspiratory the pulse pressure (systolic
c) False. In side-stream
limb of the breathing system. pressure − diastolic pressure).
analysers, a delay of less
e) True. Modern paramagnetic b) True. The opposite is also
than 3.8 s is acceptable. The
analysers have a rapid correct.
length of the sampling tubing
response allowing them to c) True. Most of the non-
should be as short as
provide breath-to-breath invasive blood pressure
possible, e.g. 2 m, with an
measurement. Older versions measuring devices use
internal diameter of 1.2 mm
have a 1-min response time. oscillometry as the basis for
and a sampling rate of about
measuring blood pressure.
150 mL/min.
3. Pulse oximetry: Return of the blood flow
d) False. Only CO2 can be
a) True. The probe uses during deflation causes
measured by the main-stream
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) pressure changes in the cuff.
analyser. CO2, N2O and
that emit light at red The transducer senses the
inhalational agents can be
(660 nm) and infrared pressure changes which are
measured simultaneously
(940 nm) frequencies. The interpreted by the
with a side-stream analyser.
LEDs operate in sequence microprocessor.
e) True. In patients with
with an ‘off’ period when the d) False. The Finapres uses
chronic obstructive airways
photodetector measures the oscillometry and a servo
disease, the alveoli empty at
background level of ambient control unit is used.
different rates because of the
light. This sequence happens e) False. Slow cuff inflation
differing time constants in
at a rate of about 30 times leads to venous congestion
different regions of the lung
per second. and inaccuracy. A fast cuff
with various degrees of
b) False. Pulse oximetry is a deflation might miss the
altered compliance and
measurement of the arterial oscillations caused by the
airway resistance.
oxygen saturation. return of blood flow (i.e.
c) True. Readings below 70% systolic pressure). A fast
2. Concerning oxygen
are extrapolated by the inflation and slow deflation
concentration measurement:
manufacturers. of the cuff is needed. A
a) False. Oxygen does not
deflation rate of 3 mmHg/s
absorb infrared radiation.
or 2 mmHg/beat is adequate.
Only molecules with two
differing atoms can absorb
infrared radiation.
174 10  Non-invasive monitoring

b) False. A power source of d) True. Over-reading at high

5. Pneumotachograph:
about 700 mV is needed in a flows and under-reading at
a) True. The
polarographic analyser. The low flows is due to the effect
pneumotachograph consists
galvanic analyser (fuel cell) of inertia on the rotating
of a tube with a fixed
acts as a battery requiring no vane. Using a Wright
resistance, usually as a
power source. respirometer based on light
bundle of parallel tubes, and
c) True. The oxygen molecules reflection or the use of a
is therefore a ‘fixed orifice’
pass across a Teflon semiconductive device,
device. As the fluid (gas or
semipermeable membrane at sensitive to changes in
liquid) passes across the
a rate proportional to their magnetic field, instead of the
resistance, the pressure
partial pressure in the sample mechanical components,
across the resistance changes,
into the sodium chloride improves the accuracy.
therefore it is a ‘variable
solution. The performance of e) True. The Wright
pressure’ flowmeter.
the electrode is affected as respirometer can measure the
b) True. The two pressure
the membrane deteriorates or volume per breath, and if the
transducers measure the
perforates. measurement is continued
pressures on either side of
d) False. The opposite is for 1 minute, the minute
the resistance. The pressure
correct: the anode is made of volume can be measured as
changes are proportional to
silver and the cathode is well.
the flow rate across the
made of platinum.
e) True. When the oxygen 8. Paramagnetic gases include:
c) False. It can measure flows
molecules pass across the a) True. Oxygen is attracted by
in both directions; i.e. it is
membrane, very small the magnetic field because it
electrical currents are has two electrons in unpaired
d) True. The combined design
generated as electrons move orbits causing it to possess
improves accuracy and
from the cathode to the paramagnetic properties.
allows the measurement
anode. b) False.
and calculation of other
c) False.
parameters: compliance,
7. Wright respirometer: d) False.
airway pressure, gas flow,
a) False. The Wright e) False.
volume/pressure and flow/
respirometer is best
volume loops.
positioned on the expiratory 9. Oxygen in a gas mixture can
e) False. A laminar flow
limb of the ventilator be measured by:
is required for the
breathing system. This a) True. The oxygen molecules
pneumotachograph to
minimizes the loss of gas diffuse through a membrane
measure accurately. Water
volume due to leaks and and electrolyte solution to
vapour condensation at the
expansion of the tubing on reach the cathode. This
site of the resistance leads to
the inspiratory limb. generates a current
the formation of turbulent
b) False. It is a unidirectional proportional to the partial
flow thus reducing the
device allowing the pressure of oxygen in the
accuracy of the
measurement of the tidal mixture.
volume if the flow of gases is b) False. Oxygen does not
in one direction only. An absorb ultraviolet radiation.
6. Polarographic oxygen electrode:
arrow on the device indicates Halothane absorbs
a) True. The polarographic
the correct direction of the ultraviolet radiation.
(Clark) electrode analysers
gas flow.
can be used to measure
c) True. It is suitable for
oxygen partial pressure in a
routine clinical use with an
gas sample (e.g. on an
accuracy of ±5–10% within
anaesthetic machine giving
a range of flows of 4–24 L/
an average inspiratory and
expiratory concentration) or
in blood in a blood gas
Answers 175

c) True. Mass spectrometry can e) False. The Clark

13. Concerning ECG:
be used for the measurement polarographic electrode is
a) False. The monitoring mode
of any gas. It separates the used to measure oxygen
has a limited frequency
gases according to their concentration.
response of 0.5–40 Hz
molecular weight. The
whereas the diagnostic mode
sample is ionized and then 11. A patient with healthy lungs
has a much wider range of
the ions are separated. Mass and a PaCO2 of 40 mmHg will
0.05–100 Hz.
spectrometry allows rapid have which of the following
b) False. The electrical activity
simultaneous breath-to- percentages of CO2 in the end
of the heart has an electrical
breath measurement of expiratory mixture?
potentials range of 0.5–2 mV.
oxygen concentration. a) False.
c) True. Surrounding the ECG
d) True. Although b) True. In a patient with
leads with copper screens
polarographic analysers are healthy lungs, the end-tidal
reduces interference due to
used mainly to measure CO2 concentration is a true
electrostatic induction and
oxygen partial pressure in a reflection of the arterial CO2.
capacitance coupling.
blood sample in blood gas A PaCO2 of 40 mmHg
d) True. Silver and silver
analysers, they can also be (5.3 kPa) is therefore
chloride form a stable
used to measure the partial equivalent to an end-tidal
electrode combination. They
pressure in a gas sample. See CO2 of about 5 kPa. One
are held in a cup and
Question 6 above. atmospheric pressure is
separated from the skin by a
e) False. Gases that absorb 760 mmHg or 101.33 kPa.
foam pad soaked in
infrared radiation have That makes the end-tidal
conducting gel.
molecules with two different CO2 percentage about 5%.
e) False. The standard in the
atoms (e.g. carbon and c) False.
UK is to use a display speed
oxygen in CO2). An oxygen d) False.
of 25 mm/s and a sensitivity
molecule has two similar e) False.
of 1 mV/cm.
12. BIS monitor:
14. Infrared spectrometry:
10. The concentrations of volatile a) False. BIS uses a linear
a) False. CO2 absorbs infrared
agents can be measured using: dimensionless scale of 0–100
radiation mainly at a
a) False. The fuel cell is used to without any units. The lower
wavelength of 4.3 µm.
measure the oxygen the BIS value, the greater the
b) True. Photo-acoustic
concentration. hypnotic effect. General
spectrometry is more stable
b) True. A piezoelectric quartz anaesthesia is between 40
than the conventional infrared
crystal with a lipophilic coat and 60.
spectrometry. Its calibration
undergoes changes in natural b) False. Hypothermia below
remains constant over much
frequency when exposed to a 33°C decreases the BIS value
longer periods of time.
lipid-soluble inhalational as the electrical activity in
c) True. This is not the case
agent. It lacks agent brain is decreased by the low
with the main-stream
specificity. It is not widely temperature.
used in current anaesthetic c) True. The BIS value is not
d) True. Optical filters are used
practice. accurate during ketamine
to select the desired
c) True. Halothane can absorb anaesthesia. Ketamine is a
wavelengths to avoid
ultraviolet radiation. It is not dissociative anaesthetic with
interference from other
used in current anaesthetic excitatory effects on the
vapours or gases.
practice. EEG.
e) False. For the inhalational
d) True. Infrared radiation is d) True. Newer versions have
agents, higher wavelengths
absorbed by all the gases better protection from
are used, such as 8–9 µm, to
with dissimilar atoms in the diathermy and EMG.
avoid interference from
molecule. Infrared analysers e) False. BIS monitors the
methane and alcohol (at
can be either side stream or electrical activity in the brain
3.3 µm).
main stream. and not the concentration of
a particular drug.
15. b)

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