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2, FEBRUARY 2023 1161

Fixed-Time Consensus Tracking for Multi-Agent Systems With a

Nonholomonic Dynamics
Wen Mi , Li Luo , and Shouming Zhong

Abstract—In this article, we investigate the control strategy of that did not take disturbances and uncertainties into account, the non-
fixed-time leader-following consensus for chained-form systems holonomic chained-form systems are more difficult and general due to
with matched disturbances. A new decentralized observer is de-
signed under a directed topology to estimate the leader state in the unknown dynamics uncertainties. The nonholonomic chained-form
a fixed time for each follower. Then, a novel control protocol is systems generally consist of two subsystems, i.e., a low-order one and
developed to track the estimated leader state in a prescribed finite a second-order or high-order one [2], which are coupled by a common
time. Different from existing results, the bound we derive for the input. Furthermore, if the system composes of two second-order sub-
setting time does not depend on the initial conditions even in
the presence of matching perturbations. Moreover, the chattering
systems, what can we do to make it achieve the consensus in a fixed
phenomenon of control output is effectively reduced as signum time?
function gets smaller in the proposed method. This article is concerned with the fixed-time leader-following con-
sensus problem for multiagent systems under a directed topology. The
Index Terms—Chained-form dynamics, fixed-time consensus,
multiagent systems, tracking consensus. main contributions are as follows.
1) We design a new decentralized observer to estimate the leader state
in a fixed time for each follower. And a different derivative method
I. INTRODUCTION is used to estimate the leader state.
2) We develop a novel control protocol to track the estimated leader
One of the basic problems of multiagents is the leader-following
state in prescribed finite time. The chattering phenomenon of
consensus problem, that is, by designing distributed controllers for
control output is effectively reduced.
a group of followers to track the leader state [1], [2]. In order to
The following notations will be used throughout this article. Define
improve the convergence rate, the issue of finite-time leader-following m 1
y n = (y m ) n , where y ∈ R, m, n > 0. For a vector y = [y1 , . . . , yN ]T ,
consensus is widely explored [3], [4]. In general, the upper bound of
yi ∈ R, denote sign(y) = [sign(y1 ), . . . , sign(yN )]T with the signum
its convergence time depends on the initial conditions of the system.  1
If the initial conditions are not obtained, it may bring great difficulties function sign(·). The p-norm is yp = ( N p p
i=1 |yi | ) . For a ≥ 0, de-
in applications. Then, the fixed-time stability strategy problem arises, fine ya = [sign(y1 )|y1 |a , . . . , sign(yN )|yN |a ]T . For all A ∈ Rn×n ,
it was first studied in [5]. Recently, it has been applied to the theme λmin (A) represent the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix A.
of consensus tracking, in which the estimation of convergence time is This article is arranged as follows. In Section II, preliminaries and
independent of the initial conditions [6]–[9]. problem formulation are stated. After that, main results are introduced
Fixed-time consensus protocols were studied for first-order [9], in Section III. Simulations are given in Section IV. Finally, Section V
[10], second-order [11], and higher order linear dynamics [8], but it is concludes this article.
inadequate to describe all of the dynamics of complex agents. Few con-
sensus protocols considered nonlinear multiagent systems such as [12]
and [13] for chained-form systems that can simulate the dynamics of II. PRELIMINARIES AND PROBLEM FORMULATION
robots. In [15], for a nonholonomic multiagent systems, a switching A. Graph Theory
strategy was introduced to deal with the fixed-time consensus problem,
considering the undirected communication structure. In general, it is Consider N + 1 connected agents with one leader and N fol-
a challenging problem to design distributed observers and establish lowers. Among the followers, the communication topology can be
stable conditions with asymmetric interaction under the directed com- modeled by a directed graph G = (V, E), where the node set V =
munication graph [8], [10], [14]. Different from the systems in [8] {v1 , v2 , . . . , vN } corresponds to the associated followers, and the
edge set E = {(vi , vj )|vi = vj , vi , vj ∈ V} consists of communica-
tion links among agents. Particularly, a directed edge (vi , vj ) indicates
Manuscript received 4 July 2021; accepted 25 January 2022. Date of that the agent i can directly transfer the state information to the agent j,
publication 4 February 2022; date of current version 30 January 2023. but not vice versa. A connected graph means that it contains a directed
This work was supported in part by the Department of Guangzhou
Science and Technology under Grant 202002030472 and in part by the spanning tree, i.e., there is at least one agent with a connected path
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61771004 to any other agents. Mathematically, the following two matrices are
and Grant 61873305. Recommended by Associate Editor G. Notarste- used to characterize the interaction graph G: the adjacency matrix A =
fano. (Corresponding author: Li Luo.) [ai,j ] ∈ RN ×N with weights ai,j > 0 if (vj , vi ) ∈ E and ai,j = 0
Wen Mi and Shouming Zhong are with the School of Mathe-
otherwise; the Laplacian matrix L = [li,j ] ∈ RN ×N with li,j = −ai,j
matical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology 
of China, Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail:; for i = j, and li,i = N j=1 ai,j . Assume that no self-loop occurs, i.e., (vi , vi ) ∈
/ E, thus, ai,i = 0. For an undirected graph, ai,j = aj,i .
Li Luo is with the Guilin Changhai Company, Ltd., Guilin 541001, The communication topology among N + 1 agents is denoted as Ḡ.
China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
In addition, the leader only sends out its own information and does not receive information from any other agents. When the ith agent
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2022.3148312 can obtain the information of the leader, we set bi > 0, otherwise

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bi = 0. Then, a new matrix M is defined as M = L + B, where Set the fixed-time stabilization to be

B = diag{b1 , b2 , . . . , bN }.
ỹk,i = ŷk,i − yk,0 , (i = {1, . . . N }, k = {1, . . . , 4}) (3)
B. Problem Statement where ŷk,i (k ∈ {1, . . . , 4}) represent the estimation of the leader state
Consider a class of chained-form nonholonomic multiagent systems yk,0 of the ith follower.
consisted of N followers, indexed as the agent i, where i ∈ {1, . . . , N }, The decentralized observer for each follower i = 1, 2, . . . , N are
and a leader (which could be virtual), indexed as 0. The dynamics of given as follows:
the leader is given as follows: q 2p−q
ŷ˙ 1,i = ŷ2,i − α1 ψ1,i
− β1 ψ1,iq
ẏ1,0 (t) = y2,0 (t)
q 2p−q

ẏ2,0 (t) = u1,0 (t) ŷ˙ 2,i = − α2 ψ2,i

− β2 ψ2,iq − γ1 sign (ψ2,i )
q 2p−q
ẏ3,0 (t) = y4,0 (t)y2,0 (t)
ŷ˙ 3,i = ŷ4,i ŷ2,i − α3 ψ3,i
− β3 ψ3,iq
ẏ4,0 (t) = u2,0 (t) (1) q 2p−q
ŷ˙ 4,i = − α4 ψ4,i
− β4 ψ4,iq − γ2 sign (ψ4,i ) . (4)
where y0 = [y1,0 , y2,0 , y3,0 , y4,0 ]T ∈ R4 and u0 = [u1,0 , u2,0 ]T ∈
R2 is the state and control input of the leader, respectively. The Then, we have the following result.
dynamics of the ith follower is described as Theorem 1: Given Assumptions 1 and 2, if p and q are positive
odd integers with q < p, the coefficients αk , βk > 0, (k = 1, . . . 4) and
ẏ1,i (t) = y2,i (t)
γ1 ≥ ρ̄1 , γ2 ≥ ρ̄2 . Then, the estimation error converges to zero in a
ẏ2,i (t) = u1,i (t) + d1,i (t) finite time T1 with the observer (4), and an upper bound of T1 is
ẏ3,i (t) = y4,i (t)y2,i (t) πp θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4
Tmax 1 = max + , +
ẏ4,i (t) = u2,i (t) + d2,i (t) (2) (p − q)λmin (U ) w1 w2 w3 w4
T 4
where yi = [y1,i , y2,i , y3,i , y4,i ] ∈ R is the system state of the ith q q(p−q) q q

follower, and ui = [u1,i , u2,i ]T ∈ R2 is the control input of the ith where θk = (hmax αk 2p−q
) p N p(2p−q) + (hmax βk 2p ) + 21− p
q p

q p−q q q
follower to be designed. The matched external perturbation or uncertain (hmax αk 2p−q
)2− p N p + 21− p (hmax βk 2p
q 2− p
) , wk = min{αk2 ,
dynamics is given by di = [d1,i , d2,i ]T ∈ R2 . 2q−2p
βk2 N q },(k=1,...,4), U = HM + M T H > 0, H = diag{h1 ,
Remark 1: The considered model is originated from the kinemat-
h2 , . . . , hN } is a positive diagonal matrix, h = [h1 , h2 , . . . , hN ]T =
ics of wheeled-mobile robots, and then, transformed into the system
(M T )−1 1N , and hmax = max{h  1 , h2 , . . . , hN }.
described by (1) and (2) [15].
Proof: Denote ψk,i = N j=1 ai,j (ŷk,i − ŷk,j ) + bi (ŷk,i − yk,0 )
Definition 1: For the system described by (1) and (2), it is said to
and set ψk = [ψk,1 , ψk,2 , . . . , ψk,N ]T and ỹk = [ỹk,1 , ỹk,2 ,
achieve fixed-time leader–follower consensus if there exists a suitable
. . . , ỹk,N ]T , hence, ψk = M ỹk . Let M = [M1 , M2 , . . . , MN ]T ,
controller ui (t) such that
 where Mi = [mi,1 , mi,2 , . . . , mi,N ]. Then, ψk,i can also be expressed

limt→T ||yi (t) − y0 (t)|| = 0 as ψk,i = N j=1 mi,j ỹk,j .
||yi (t) − y0 (t)|| = 0 ∀t > T According to equation ψk = M ỹk , (k = 1, . . . , 4), we know that
when ψ2 converges to zero, ỹ2 converges to zero, since M is invertible.
for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . ., N }, where T is bounded by Tmax that is indepen-
Therefore, each follower accurately estimates y2,0 . In what follows,
dent of initial states.
we prove that ψ2 converges to zero in a fixed time by considering the
The main purpose of this article is to derive an observer-based
Lyapunov function
controller ui (t) that enables the system to achieve fixed-time leader-
following consensus. We have the following assumptions. 
2p − q 2p
2p−q q 2p
Assumption 1: The graph Ḡ is directed and fixed. It contains a V1 (t) = hi α2 ψ2,i + β2 ψ2,i .
2p 2p
spanning tree, and the agent labeled 0 is the root. i=1
Assumption 2: The control input of the leader cannot be obtained Its time derivative is
by the followers, but its neighboring agents know the upper bounds ρ̄1
and ρ̄2 of control input, which are defined as follows: |u1,0 (t)| ≤ ρ̄1 < q
q −1
V̇1 (t) = hi α2 ψ2,i + β2 ψ2,i
∞, |u2,0 (t)| ≤ ρ̄2 < ∞, with ρ̄1 , ρ̄2 ∈ R+ .
Assumption 3: For each follower, the upper bounds of the matched
external perturbation or uncertain dynamics di (t) hold: |d1,i (t)| ≤ 
N  q 2p

2p−q q −1
d¯1,i < ∞, |d2,i (t)| ≤ d¯2,i < ∞, with d¯1,i , d¯2,i ∈ R+ . × mi,j −α2 ψ2,j − β2 ψ2,j − γ1 sign(ψ2,j ) − ẏ2,0
Assumption 4: Assume that the leader state y2,0 (t) satisfies the
following condition: y2,0 (t) = 0 ∀t ∈ [Tm , TM ], where Tm < TM are  q 2p
T  q 2p

−1 −1
known positive constants. = − α2 ψ22p−q + β2 ψ2q HM α2 ψ22p−q + β2 ψ2q

N  q

q −1
+ hi α2 ψ2,i + β2 ψ2,i
A. Fixed-Time Observer i=1

Because the leader state is only received by some followers, the 


decentralized observer is designed such that each follower can estimate × mi,j (−γ1 sign(ψ2,j ) − ẏ2,0 ) . (5)
the leader state in a prescribed time. j=1

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 2− pq
The last term is simplified by N
q 2p − q
f˜(ψ2 ) ≤ 21− p hmax α2 N 1− p |ψ2,i |2

N  q 2p
 2p i=1
2p−q q −1
hi α2 ψ2,i + β2 ψ2,i
i=1  2− pq 

q q

+2 1− p
hmax β2 |ψ2,i |2 . (9)

2p i=1
× mi,j (−γ1 sign(ψ2,j ) − ẏ2,0 )
j=1 Similarly, together with [8, Lemma 2], it leads to

N q 2p

q2 q(2p−q)
+2p2 −2qp

≤ − γ1 hi α2 |ψ2,i | 2p−q + β2 |ψ2,i | q −1 mi,i 


f (ψ2 ) ≥ α22 |ψ2,i |2 +ι |ψ2,i |2
i=1 i=1

N  q 2p

2p−q q −1
− γ1 hi α2 ψ2,i + β2 ψ2,i 2q−2p 
N q

i=1 + β22 N q |ψ2,i | 2

⎛ ⎞ i=1

×⎝ mi,j sign(ψ2,j )⎠ where

2(2qp−q 2 −p2 )
j=i,j=1 ⎨ 2(q 2 +2p2 −2qp)
2α2 β2 N q(2p−q) , ≥2
ι= q(2p−q) (11)

q 2p ⎩ 2α β , 1< 2(q 2 +2p2 −2qp)
< 2.
+ ρ̄1 bi hi α2 |ψ2,i | 2p−q + β2 |ψ2,i | q −1 2 2 q(2p−q)
The classification considers the following two cases.
N 2q−2p

N 2 2
i=1 |ψ2,i | ≥ 1, there holds f (ψ2 ) ≥ β2 N
1) When q
q 2p
≤ − γ1 hi α2 |ψ2,i | 2p−q + β2 |ψ2,i | q −1 mi,i N 2p−q N q N
2 2
( i=1 |ψ2,i | ) q , hence, ( i=1 |ψ2,i | ) 2p−q ≤ ( i=1
i=1 2p−q N  2p−q
|ψ2,i | ) q , and i=1 |ψ2,i | ≤ ( N
2 2
i=1 |ψ2,i | )
q . Then, we

N q 2p
+γ1 (bi + li,i )hi α2 |ψ2,i | 2p−q + β2 |ψ2,i | q −1 = 0. (6) have f (ψ2 ) β2 N
≥ 2 θ2
fˆ(ψ2 )+f˜(ψ2 )
i=1 N 
2) When 2
i=1 |ψ2,i | ≤ 1, there is f (ψ2 ) ≥ α22 ( N i=1
Based on [5, Lemma 1] together with (6), there is q  2p−q  q
|ψ2,i |2 ) 2p−q , then ( N 2
i=1 |ψ2,i | )
q ≥( N 2 2p−q
i=1 |ψ2,i | ) ,
 T N N q
1 q 2p
i=1 |ψ2,i | ≤ (
2 2p−q
i=1 |ψ2,i | ) . We have fˆ(ψf)+
(ψ2 )
˜ ≥
V̇1 (t) ≤ − λmin (U ) α2 ψ22p−q + β2 ψ2q f (ψ ) 2 2
2 α2
w2 ˆ
+ f˜(ψ2 )). Thus
q 2p
× α2 ψ22p−q + β2 ψ2q
(7) As a consequent, f (ψ2 ) ≥ θ2
(f (ψ2 )

λmin (U )wk q q

where U is as stated in Theorem 1. V̇1 (t) ≤ − V1 (t) p + V1 (t)2− p .
Set the following three notations:
⎧ By applying [5, Lemma 1], we can further get that the equilibrium

⎪ N 2q 2(q 2 +2p2 −2qp)
of V1 = 0 converges to zero in a fixed time T̂max2 = (p−q)λπpθ 2

⎪ f (ψ2 ) = (α2 ψ2,i + 2α2 β2 ψ2,i q(2p−q)
2 2p−q min (U )w2

⎪ Hence, ψ2 is fixed-time stable. As a result, it can prove that each

⎪ i=1

⎪ 2(2p−q) follower can accurately estimates y2,0 in T̂max2 . The next task is to

⎨ +β22 ψ2,i q )
N  pq prove that ψ1 = 0 can be established within a fixed time. Consider the
⎪ ˆ  2p−q
Lyapunov function

⎪ f (ψ2 ) = 2p−q
hi ( 2p α2 ψ2,i + 2p β2 ψ2,i ) q


2− pq N
2p − q 2p 2p

⎪ N 2p 2p
V2 (t) = 2p−q
q q

⎪ ˜ 2p−q 2p−q q q hi α1 ψ1,i β1 ψ1,i . (12)
⎩ f (ψ 2 ) = h i ( 2p
α ψ
2 2,i + β ψ
2p 2 2,i
) . 2p 2p
i=1 i=1

By using [8, Lemma 2], it can be obtained that Denote u∗1,i = ŷ2,i and
⎧ N

⎪  2p p−q 

⎪ hi α2 2p−q 2p−q
ψ2,i ≤ hmax α2 2p−q N 2p−q ∗
= − α1 ai,j (ŷ1,i − ŷ1,j ) + bi (ŷ1,i − y1,0 )

⎪ 2p 2p v1,i

⎨ i=1 j=1
N p
×( |ψ2,i |2 ) 2p−q (8)

⎪ i=1
⎪ N
N q

⎪  q
N p
− β1 ai,j (ŷ1,i − ŷ1,j ) + bi (ŷ1,i − y1,0 ) (13)
⎩ hi β2 2p q
ψ2,i ≤ hmax β2 2p ( |ψ2,i |2 ) q .
i=1 i=1 j=1

Following inequalities (8), there is and ŷ˙ 1,i = u∗1,i + v1,i

. Its derivative along (13) is given as
2p − q q(p−q) 
N 2p−q 
N q 2p
q −1
fˆ(ψ2 ) ≤
hmax α2 N p(2p−q) |ψ2,i | 2 V̇2 (t) = hi α1 ψ1,i + β1 ψ1,i
2p i=1 i=1

 q N

q p 

+ hmax β2 |ψ2,i |2 × ai,j (u∗1,i − u∗1,j ) + bi (u∗1,i − y2,0 )

2p i=1 j=1

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N q
q −1
Because ∗ ∗ ∗
j=1 ai,j (u2,i − u2,j ) + bi (u2,i − y4,0 y2,0 ) = 0 when
+ hi α1 ψ1,i + β1 ψ1,i t > Tmax 1 . Further computation gives

λmin (U )w4 q q

N V̇4 (t) ≤ − V4 (t) p + V4 (t)2− p . (20)
× ∗
ai,j (v1,i − ∗
v1,j ) + ∗
bi v1,i . (14) 2θ4
Set T̂max3 = (p−q)λπpθ 3
min (U )w3
. So, ỹ3 converges to zero within Tmax 3 +
Tmax 4 .
Furthermore, by noticing t > T̂max2 , we obtain
Summing up the discussion, we can conclude that each follower

N accurately estimates the leader state in a fixed-time bounded by Tmax 1 .
ai,j (u∗1,i − u∗1,j ) + bi (u∗1,i − y2,0 ) = 0. (15) Then, the proof is complete.
j=1 Remark 2: During the process of proof, we use a different derivative
method at the stage of estimating the leader state by followers. Com-
V̇2 (t) pared to the existing method of taking partial derivative [8] and [14],
it greatly reduces the upper bound of the estimated time. Compared
 T   to [8], the coefficients of the observer are considered to take different
q 2p q 2p
−1 −1 values.
= − α1 ψ12p−q + β1 ψ1q HM α1 ψ12p−q + β1 ψ1q

B. Fixed-Time Controller
λmin (U )w1 q q

≤− V2 (t) p + V2 (t)2− p . (16) In this part, a prescribed finite-time leader-following control strategy
2θ1 is proposed to guarantee the consensus of the chained-form multiagent
πpθ1 systems under directed topologies. When t > 2Tmax 1 , according to
Set T̂max2 = (p−q)λmin (U )w1
. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
Theorem 1, it can be obtained that
estimation error ỹ1 converges to zero within T̂max1 + T̂max2 . Also, we
establish the Lyapunov function for ỹ4,i as ŷi = [ŷ1,i , ŷ2,i , ŷ3,i , ŷ4,i ]T = y0 . (21)

N   Then, the tracking errors are designed as
2p − q 2p
2p−q q 2p
V3 (t) = hi α4 ψ4,i + β4 ψ4,i . (17) ek,i = yk,i − ŷk,i = yk,i − yk,0 − ỹk,i (i = 1, . . . , N, k = 1, 2, 3, 4).
2p 2p
Accordingly, the tracking error dynamics can be given as
After a similar reasoning with V1 (t), it can be obtained that ψ4
converges to zero in a fixed-time bounded by T̂max4 = (p−q)λπpθ 4
min (U )w4
. (Σ1 )
ė1,i = e2,i
The remaining task is to study ỹ3 , we consider ė2,i = u1,i + d1,i − u1,0

2p − q 2p
2p−q q 2p
q ė3,i = e4,i y2,0 + (e4,i + y4,0 )e2,i
V4 (t) = hi α3 ψ3,i + β3 ψ3,i . (18) (Σ2 )
2p 2p ė4,i = u2,i + d2,i − u2,0 .

Set u∗2,i = ŷ4,i ŷ2,i and Then, we have the following result.
Theorem 2: Under Assumptions 1–4 and the conditions of Theorem

1 for the multiagent system (1) and (2). The controller of subsystem Σ1


v2,i = − α3 ai,j (ŷ3,i − ŷ3,j ) + bi (ŷ3,i − y3,0 ) is

j=1 ⎪
⎪ 0 ∀t ≤ 2Tmax 1
⎨ (n1 +3m1 e1,i 2 )e2,i 1

2p−q u1,i = − 1 −σi sign(s1,i )− n2 s1,i 1− µ (22)

N q ⎪
⎪ 2(|Δ1 | +|e2,i |)
⎩ 1
1+ µ
− β3 ai,j (ŷ3,i − ŷ3,j ) + bi (ŷ3,i − y3,0 ) . −m2 s1,i  ∀t > 2Tmax 1
with the sliding surface
The time derivative of V4 (t) is given as 1
s1,i = e2,i + e2,i 2 + n1 e1,i + m1 e1,i 3  2 (23)

−1 and the controller of the subsystem Σ2 is
V̇4 (t) = hi α3 ψ3,i + β4 ψ3,i ⎧
i=1 ⎪
⎪ 0 ∀t≤ Ts

⎨− 1 (n +3m1 e3,i 2 )ξi
e4,i ẏ2,0 + 1 + δi sign(s2,i )

u2,i =
y2,0 1
2(|Δ2 | 2 +|ξi
× ai,j (u∗2,i − u∗2,j ) + bi (u∗2,i − ẏ3,0 ) ⎪
⎪ 1 1

⎪ −n2 s1,i 1− µ − m2 s1,i 1+ µ ∀t ∈ (Ts , TM ]
j=1 ⎪

−δ̄i sign(e4,i ) ∀t > TM

N  q 2p

2p−q q −1 with the sliding surface
+ hi α3 ψ3,i + β3 ψ3,i
i=1 s2,i = e4,i y2,0 + e4,i y2,0 2 + n1 e3,i + m1 e3,i 3  2 (24)

∗ ∗ ∗
× ai,j (v2,i − v2,j ) + bi v2,i . (19)
j=1 Δ1 = e2,i 2 + n1 e1,i + m1 e1,i 3

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Δ2 = e4,i y2,0 2 + n1 e3,i + m1 e3,i 3

ξi = e4,i y2,0 , n1 , n2 , m1 and m2 are positive constants, μ > 1,
set σi ≥ d¯1,i + ρ̄1 , δi ≥ ζ(d¯2,i + ρ̄2 ), and ζ = maxt∈[Ts ,TM ] y2,0 (t),
δ̄i = δζi . The switching time is explicitly defined as

Ts = 2Tmax 1 + Tmax 2 + Tmax 3 (25)

√ √
πμ 2 2 2 2
where Tmax 2 = √ and Tmax 3 =
2 n 2 m2
+ √

. Then, the systems
is prescribed finite-time stable and the settling time T2 is estimated as
T2 ≤ TM = 2Tmax 1 + 2Tmax 2 + 2Tmax 3 . (26)
Fig. 1. Directed interaction topology for the leader-following consen-
Proof: For the subsystem Σ1 , set a Lyapunov function V5 (t) = sus.
|s1,i |, then
V̇5 (t)

|Δ1 | 2 + |e2,i | n1 + 3m1 e1,i 2 Step 1: Design the decentralized observer according to (4) by select-
= sign(s1,i ) 1 ė2,i + 1 e2,i ing p, q, and αk , βk .
|Δ1 | 2 2|Δ1 | 2
 Step 2: Calculate the upper bound of the estimation error T1 .
|Δ1 | 2 + |e2,i | Step 3: Select the appropriate parameters to calculate the switching
= 1 − σi + (d1,i − u1,0 )sign(s1,i ) time Ts , which divide the system into two coupled second-
|Δ1 | 2
order subsystems. The fixed-time stabilization of the system

1 1
is solved in two steps.
1− µ 1+ µ
− (n2 |s1,i | + m2 |s1,i | ) Remark 3: When n1 , m1 , and μ satisfy certain conditions, the
settling time T2 can be estimated by a smaller conservative bound.
|Δ1 | 2 + |e2,i |
1 1
Moreover, the chattering in the control input is reduced as the signum
≤ − 1 n2 |s1,i |1− µ + m2 |s1,i |1+ µ function gets smaller.
|Δ1 | 2
Remark 4: Compared with the existing works in this topic in recent
1− µ 1
1+ µ years, there are many novelties in this article. It is the first time to study
≤ − n 2 V5 − m 2 V5 . (27)
the prescribed finite-time consensus tracking problem for multiple
Use [5, Lemma 1] again, it is clear that s1,i = 0 for all t > 2Tmax 1 + uncertain chained-form systems with dynamic leader in a directed
Tmax 2 . topologies. The main novelties also include the following:
In sliding mode, i.e., s1,i = 0, the dynamics reduces to 1) in [6] and [11], only linear multiagent systems are studied;
2) in [12], the authors focus on undirected networks, while we con-
n1 e1,i + m1 e1,i 3 1
ė1,i = − 2 . (28) sider directed case;
2 3) our controllers constructed on the directed network structure are
Consider V6 (t) = |e1,i |. Taking derivative of V6 (t) along with the different from [15];
system trajectories obtains 4) compared with [17], the achievement of multiagent system consen-
n m1 3 12 sus in this article is robust against bounded uncertain disturbances;
V̇6 (t) = − V6 + V . (29) 5) compared to [8] and [14], we use a different derivative method to
2 2 6
estimate the leader state for followers.
According to [5], there is e1,i = 0 for t > Ts . Then, if e1,i = 0 and Our method greatly reduces the upper bound of the estimated time,
s1,i = 0, then e2,i = 0. thus it can be applied in existing methods.
Then, we consider the subsystem Σ2 for t ∈ (Ts , TM ]. According
to Assumption 4, we can set ξi = e4,i y2,0 . Hence, for t > Ts , the
subsystem Σ2 becomes IV. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
ė3,i = ξi In this section, an example is presented to verify the validity of the
ξ˙i = e4,i ẏ2,0 + y2,0 (u2,i + d2,i − u2,0 ).
proposed method.
As shown in Fig. 1, it is assumed that the directed communication
The derivation is similar to the previous subsystem Σ1 , we can get graph G is composed of N = 6 followers indexed by 1 to 6 and one
e3,i = 0 and e4,i = 0 with t ∈ (Ts , TM ]. leader indexed by 0. The communication state between agents are
Choose a Lyapunov function V7 (t) = |e4,i |, then we have described in the following Laplacian matrix L and the matrix B:
V̇7 (t) = sign(e4,i )(−δ̄i sign(e4,i ) + d2,i − u2,0 )
⎡ ⎤
0.2 −0.2 0 0 0 0
≤ −δ̄i + d¯2,i + ρ̄2 ≤ 0. (31) ⎢−0.4
⎢ 1.2 −0.8 0 0 0 ⎥⎥
It is easy to get that e
4,i (t) = 0 with t > TM from e4,i (TM ) = 0, ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 1.75 −1 0 −0.75⎥
and then, e3,i (t) = 0 with t > TM from e3,i (TM ) = 0. One could find L=⎢
⎢ 0

that the controller u2,i is used to resist the influence of uncertain items ⎢ 0 −1.5 1.5 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢ ⎥
d2,i and u2,0 . The proof is completed. ⎣ 0 0 0 0 0.8 −0.8 ⎦
The method can be briefly summarized as follows. −0.5 0 0 0 −0.5 1

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Fig. 2. Estimation errors for the first initial value. (a) Estimation er- Fig. 3. Estimation errors for the second initial value. (a) Estimation
rors: y1,i − y1,0 (b) Estimation errors: y2,i − y2,0 (c) Estimation errors: errors: y1,i − y1,0 (b) Estimation errors: y2,i − y2,0 (c) Estimation errors:
y3,i − y3,0 (d) Estimation errors: y4,i − y4,0 . y3,i − y3,0 (d) Estimation errors: y4,i − y4,0 .

⎡ ⎤
0 0 0 0 0 0 The initial leader state is randomly selected as y0 (0) =
⎢0 0⎥
⎢ 4 0 0 0 ⎥ [3, 2, 2, 0.5]T . The leader control input and the unknown per-
⎢ ⎥
⎢0 0 0 0 0 0⎥ turbation are set as u0 = [0.1 sin(t), −0.5 cos(0.5t)]T and di =
[0.2 sin(y1,i ), 0.3e−t ]T , respectively. Computation shows that ρ̄1 =
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0⎥⎥
⎢ ⎥ 0.1, ρ̄2 = 0.5, d¯1,i = 0.2, and d¯2,i = 0.3. Hence, Assumptions 2 and
⎣0 0 0 0 1 0⎦
3 are fulfilled.
0 0 0 0 0 0

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Fig. 4. Control input for the first initial value. (a) Control input: u1,i Fig. 5. Control input in [15] for the second initial value. (a) Control
(b) Control input: u2,i . input: u1,i (b) Control input: u2,i .

We select suitable observer parameters αk = βk = 1, w0 = 1, γ1 = controller is developed to track the leader state in a fixed time. It
0.1, and γ2 = 0.5. Let q = 5 and p = 7. In addition, the controller should be noted that the proposed controller reduces chattering of the
parameters are chosen as follows: σi = 0.3, δi = 0.8, δ̄i = 1.76, μ = control output. Feasibility and effectiveness of these results are also
2, and n1 = m1 = 8 and n2 = m2 = 4. Then, it can be calculated that demonstrated by a numerical example.
Tmax 1 = 2424 s, Tmax 2 = 0.78 s, and Tmax 3 = 2 s.
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