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Articles pages 4, 5, 6, 7
So/such pages 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Would rather pages 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Phrasal Verbs pages 19 to 30
Passives: future + perfect tenses pages 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
Past Perfect Continuous pages 40, 41, 42
Had better (not) pages 43, 44, 45, 46
Be Supposed To pages 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
Future Continuous pages 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
Adverbial Clauses pages 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Second conditional pages 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
Present Subjunctive w/ wish pages 68, 69, 70, 71
Correlative Sentences pages 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
Conjoined Sentences pages 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83
Participial Adjectives pages 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Gerunds or Infinitives pages 91, 92, 93
Reciprocal pronouns pages 94, 95
Use to / be used to pages 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
Adjective Clauses pages 101, 102, 103, 104
Dictations pages 105, 106, 107

Revised July 2011 – With Answer Key

WORD Part of


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WORD Part of


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A/AN singular indefinite article
We use a/an before a singular countable noun. We use it:
1- to talk about one person or thing in an unspecific manner
She’s a dentist. I need an umbrella
2- to talk about a person or thing for the first time. I saw a tall woman at the post office.
3- for a person or thing that we can’t identify. The principal is looking for a student.
4- when you mean “one” They’ll leave in an hour.


1- before plural nouns. Use SOME She bought some apples.
2- before uncountable nouns. She doesn’t like rice.

THE definite article

We use the to identify specific people or things, with countable or uncountable nouns. Use
1- the second time you talk about a person or thing
I saw a tall woman at the post office. The woman was from Italy.
2- when the situation makes it clear which people or things you’re talking about.
Where’s the mail? Please, make the bed.
3- before geographical names = rivers, seas, oceans, groups of islands, chains of
mountains, countries with the words republic, kingdom, states, and countries with a plural
The Netherlands are bordered by the Atlantic Ocean.
The Rio Grande is partly in the United States
4- before names of places such as restaurants, hotels, theaters, museums, buildings and
monuments, especially if there is of:
The Savoy The Smithsonian Institution The Tower of London


1- to talk about things in general Fish live in water. Books are expensive.
2- before names of streets, cities, roads, most countries, lakes, individual mountains,
individual islands, and continents: France is in Europe. They live on Main Street.
3- before names of businesses ending in s or ’s: Marcus works at Macy’s (at the Macy’s)

A/AN or THE are not used with these expressions:

to/at/from work / school / college / church / class to/in/out of bed
at home / night for/at breakfast / lunch / dinner
by car / bus / bicycle / plane / train / boat

 (no article)
 (no article) is used to make general statements with
* plural count nouns  Bananas are yellow.
 Monkeys like  bananas and  peanuts .
* non-count nouns I like to listen to  music.
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Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the or a/an

o “Would you like 1_______ hamburger for lunch?” “No, I think I’ll have 2______ hotdog.
o Can you see who’s at 3_______ door?
o Did you take 4_______ trash out, sweetie?
o Don’t look directly at 5_______ sun. You can burn your retina.
o Drake threw his fiancée 6_______ surprise party for her birthday, and he gave her
_______ gold necklace. She was scared by 8_______ surprise, but she loved 9_______
10 11
o Fiona’s pencil broke just before _______ test. She had to run to _______ bookstore
and buy _______ new pencil.
o I don’t think _______ snake is a very good companion.
14 15 16 17
o Mr. Eric has _______ car and _______ motorcycle. _______ car is red; _______
motorcycle is blue.
18 19 20
o Linda and Jim live in _______ house in _______ small village. They like ______
house because it is modern. _______ village is very old, but they like it.
22 23
o My cousin Jane works for _______ construction company. She operates _______
forklift. She thinks it’s _______ good job.
25 26
o Near my house, there are four stores: _______ supermarket, _______ gas station,
27 28 29
_______ coffee shop, and _______ pet store. _______ supermarket is next to
30 31 32
_______ gas station. _______ coffee shop is between _______ gas station and
_______ pet shop.
o On Sunday morning, Tony and Sara enjoy reading ________ newspaper. Tony reads
35 36
_______ sports section and Sara reads _______ calendar section. Then they do
_______ crossword puzzle together.
38 39 40
o Shelley got _______ cat and _______ dog. ________ cat is a Persian and
_______ dog is a German Shepherd.
42 43 44
o Susan is wearing _______ hat and _______ pair of sunglasses. _______ hat is on
45 46
her head and _______ sunglasses are on _______ hat.
47 48
o We went to Florida on vacation at _______ hotel in Miami Beach. _______ beach
was crowded but _______ hotel was cheap.

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Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the or .
o _______ honey is sweet.
o Could you get me 2_______ honey? The jar is in the cupboard.
o _______ fish swim in the ocean and 4_______ birds fly in the air.
o I usually don’t like 5_______ ice cream, but 6_______ ice cream that Jeff brought was
o Everybody needs 7_______ love in their lives.
o We went out to a theater last night. _______ movie was wonderful. We had some
snacks, but 9_______ popcorn wasn’t very fresh.
o _______ paintings in this gallery are very disturbing.
o _______ flowers are found on every continent.
12 13 14
o _______ snakes are _______ animals without _______ legs that live in warm
15 16 17 18
climates. _______ snakes are _______ reptiles, like _______ turtles and _______
19 20 21
lizards. _______ lizards and _______ turtles have _______ legs and lay
22 23
_______ eggs like _______ snakes.
o _______ tornado that came to our town last night destroyed many buildings.
25 26
_______ tornado started at 8pm, just as _______ movie on Channel 6 was about to
start. It knocked down all _______ power lines.
28 29
o You can study at many kinds of _______ schools. Small children study at ______
elementary schools, then they go to _________ high school. If you want to learn a
job, you can study at a vocational college. _______ Downtown Vocational College is
very good.

Exercise 3: Write a/an, the, or 

o _______ Statue of Liberty is located in 2_______ New York. 3
_______ people from all
over the world go see it every year. It is just about ½ 4_______ mile from 5_______
New Jersey. It was designed by 6_______ Frenchman and offered to 7_______ United
States in 8_______ late 1800s.
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o _______ teacher next to our room is very loud and funny. He’s also very interesting.
He likes to talk about _______ flowers and plants. Last week he taught his students
11 12
about _______ process of photosynthesis and _______ difference between _______
trees and _______ bushes.
o “I’m looking for _______ good book to read this weekend. Do you know where I can
find _______ bookstore?” “16_______ best bookstore is 17
_______ Brandon’s Books
18 19 20
and Bouquets on _______ Ocean Avenue. It’s _______ bookstore and _______
flower shop in one place.
o “When did you return to your country _______ last time?” “22_______ year ago. I
23 24
saw my friends and my relatives. I went to _______ party and I had _______
wonderful time.”
25 26
o My boyfriend got me _______ DVD player and _______ flat screen TV for my
27 28 29 30
birthday. _______ TV is on _______ wall above _______ fireplace, and _______
31 32
DVD player is underneath. _______ flat screen TV was expensive, but _______ DVD
player was cheap.
33 34
o I’m waiting for _______ letter from _______ Norway. My cousin lives there, in
35 36
_______ small city near _______ Norwegian Sea.
37 38
o How do you get to _______ school every day? Do you come by _______ bus or by
_______ car?
40 41
o I met _______ nice man at the party last night. _______ man was from Arkansas
and he spoke with _______ thick accent.
43 44
o Ileana likes to stay in _______ bed late on _______ Sunday morning.
45 46 47
o We ate _______ lunch at _______ Charlie’s Friendly Eatery yesterday. _______
food there is good and not too expensive. _______ baked salmon is $13.25 and
_______ onion rings are $2.00.
50 51
o We went out last night to _______ Italian restaurant. Mike ordered _______ raviolis
52 53
and _______ salad. I wasn’t very hungry, so I asked _______ waiter only for
54 55 56 57
_______ bowl of soup. _______ total for _______ bill was $45.76. It’s _______
most expensive restaurant we ever tried.
58 59 60
o What do you think is more important in _______ life, _______ love or _______

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So and such are used with adjectives or adverbs to make the meaning stronger:
It’s a beautiful gift. It’s so lovely. (= it’s really lovely)
I had fun. I had such a good time. (= a really good time)
It’s difficult to catch him because he runs so quickly.

We use SUCH with an adjective followed by a noun: such a romantic story.

We use SO with an adjective without a noun: so romantic

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with so or such

1. Don’t waste my time asking me ___such____ stupid questions.
2. so
He rides his bike ___________ slowly that even little children would pass him.
3. so
I can’t believe that you looked ___________ such
well after ___________ an intensive
4. I like all my teachers. They are ___________ good at teaching.
I’ve never seen ___________ a depressing movie!
6. such
It was ___________ a nice vacation that we didn’t want to come back.
7. Jill is unhappy because she has ___________
such bad luck.
8. so
Life is ___________ difficult.
9. Slow down! Don’t run ___________
so fast!
10. Sunday was ___________
such a lovely day that we spent it at the beach; it was
so hot that we all got a sunburn.
11. The flu is ___________ a communicable and potentially deadly disease that over 18
million people died from it just after World War I.
12. The rain was ___________ thick, it was hard to drive.
13. The teacher warned us, but I didn’t think the test would be ___________ difficult.
14. This restaurant is fantastic! I’ve never had ___________ a delicious, yet inexpensive
15. We went to a fundraiser for our political party. It was ___________ a boring party that
we left before the end.
16. Your cousin is handsome. He’s got ___________ deep blue eyes.
17. _______________________________________________________________________
18. _______________________________________________________________________

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GRAMMAR POINT 2: We often say so … that and such … that to show a result:
He was so hungry that he ate three hamburgers.
It was such a nice vacation that we didn’t want to come home.

Exercise 2: Combine the two sentences using so … that or such … that.

Example: This ice cream is fabulous. I want more.
 This ice cream is so fabulous that I want more.
This is wonderful ice cream. I want more.
 This is such wonderful ice cream that I want more.
NOTE: Do not use TOO or VERY in the combined sentence

1. Ed is a very good student. He never fails any test.

2. It was an incredible price for a DVD. We bought it right away.
3. Jimmy ate his ice cream very fast. He got an ice cream headache.
4. Linda was very worried about her flight the next day. She wasn’t able to sleep.
5. Paula was very sick the weekend. She wasn’t able to attend the party.
6. Pete was very tired yesterday. He fell asleep in class.
7. She practices English regularly. She’s almost fluent.
8. Teresa is a very nice person. She has many friends.
9. The bus was very late this morning. I got to work late.
10. The ocean is very cold. We can’t swim in it.
11. The price for the DVD was incredible. We bought it right away.
12. The teacher was boring. The students fell asleep.
13. The weather was freezing. We could see icicles in the trees.
14. She is very popular. She had more than 100 people at her birthday party.

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Exercise 3: Fill in the first blanks with so or such, then finish the sentences with your
own ideas, showing a result.

1. Our teacher is __such___ a nice man ____that he never gives us homework_.

2. The weather was __________ cold last week ________________________________

3. Some Americans speak ___________ fast ___________________________________
4. This is ____________ an interesting class ___________________________________
5. VCRs are __________ inexpensive nowadays ________________________________
6. I’m _____________ hungry _______________________________________________
7. The next test is going to be ______________ difficult __________________________
8. I saw ______________ an interesting movie last week __________________________
9. Some people are ____________ rude _______________________________________
10. Jennifer Lopez is ______________ a wonderful actress _________________________
11. English is ___________ a hard language ____________________________________
12. Jerry was ___________ late to class last week _______________________________
13. Corvettes are _____________ expensive _____________________________________
14. Argentina is _____________ far away _______________________________________
15. My manager is _____________ a nice woman _______________________________

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Exercise 4: Look at the pictures below and write a sentence using so … that or such…
that. You will have to invent a name for each of the people in the pictures.

1- 2-
___Steve is such a smart man that _____Hector was so hungry ______
___he graduated in three years.__ _____that he ate three hamburgers
_________________________________ _____for lunch.__________________

3- 4-
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

5- 6-
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

7- 8-
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

9- 10-
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

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Exercise 5: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Are you…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask that student to
write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. ____________________ is so studious that he will probably pass the next test.

2. ____________________ is so tired that she wants to go home.

3. ____________________ is so good that he never speaks Spanish in class.

4. ____________________ is so cheerful that she often smiles.

5. ____________________ is so young that he can’t drink alcohol yet.

6. ____________________ is so hungry she needs to eat.

7. ____________________ is so sleepy that he doesn’t want to finish this exercise.

8. ____________________ is so friendly that she has many friends.

9. ____________________ is so thirsty that he could drink five soda cans.

10. ____________________ is so funny that the teacher always laughs.

11. ____________________ is such a strong man that he can lift 50 pounds.

12. ____________________ is such a shy woman that she hesitates to speak

English in front of the other students.

13. ____________________ is such a reliable friend that all her friends can count on


14. ____________________ is such a quiet student that he always studies quietly

15. ____________________ is such an energetic person that she exercises almost

every day.

16. ____________________ is such a hard-working man that he works every day.

17. ____________________ is such a good student that he reviews his notes every


18. ____________________ is such a tall man that he can play basketball.

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We use would rather to express a preference:
 I would rather go to the beach than study for the test on Friday.

FORMATION: Subject + would rather + verb base

* we usually use the contraction = ’d

 I would rather = I’d rather, he’d rather, they’d rather
* the negative forms is: would rather not
 I’d rather not do the dishes tonight. I’d rather do them in
the morning because I’m too tired right now.
NOTE 1: Here are the past and continuous forms:
 I went to the beach yesterday with my parents because they insisted.
I would rather have gone to the movies. (please note the place of ‘rather’)
 I’d rather be sleeping late than taking this stupid test!

NOTE 2: if the verb that follows than is the same as the one that follows would rather,
we usually don’t repeat it.  I would rather go to the movies than (go) to the beach.

Exercise 1: It’s Sunday. Mr. Franklin’s students need to study for the test on Monday,
and they are all at home, although they would all like to be somewhere else. Look at the
pictures and tell what the people would rather do.

1- Timmy 2- Sue and Gabriel

____He’d rather go______________ _________________________________

____roller-skating.______________ _________________________________

3- Alfonse 4- Jim and Andrea

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
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5- Pete and Wilma 6- Isabella
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

7- Mike 8- Kathy
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

9- Sam, Rick, and Joe 10- Jeff

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

11- Beatriz 12- Mark

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

13- Brenda 14- You

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

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Exercise 2: Complete the following conversations with a complete sentence using ‘would

1. “Do you want to play soccer with us this weekend?” “Thanks, but _____I’d rather

stay home this weekend_______________________________.”

2. “Would you like to accompany me to the opera? I have an extra ticket.” “Thank you,
but ___________________________________________________________________.”
3. “Are you studying for the test on Friday?” “Yes, but ___________________________
4. “Do you want to come shopping with us?” “If that’s okay, ________________
5. “Would you like to help me rake up those leaves in the backyard?” “___________
6. “Do you want to go out tonight, honey?” “Thanks, but _______________________
7. “Would you like to pay by check or by credit card?” “______________________
________________________________________________________. Thank you.”
8. “What are you doing right now?” “I’m studying ‘would rather’, but ____________

Exercise 3: Answer the following questions with your own information:

1. What would you rather do than go to class on Friday morning?

2. You’re in school right now. Where would you rather be?
3. You have to pay taxes every year. What would you rather do with the money?
4. Every night, you have to do the dishes. What would you rather do?
5. You wake up early every day. What would you rather do?

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Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner. Make sure to write
complete sentences, including the ‘than’ part.
Example: You: Would you rather study or go to the mall?
Sandra: I’d rather go to the mall.
You: Would you rather marry a rich person or a kind person?
Sandra: I’d rather marry a kind person.

WRITING: Sandra’d rather go to the mall than study. She’d

rather marry a kind person than a rich person.

1. Would you rather drink coffee or tea in the morning? ____________________________

2. Would you rather study grammar or vocabulary? ____________________________
3. Would you rather have a lot of friends or a lot of money? ___________________
4. Would you rather buy a Corvette or a Porshe? ____________________________
5. Would you rather live in this country or in your country? _______________________
6. Would you rather spend a hot day at the beach or at the movies? _________________
7. Would you rather be healthy or rich? ____________________________
8. Would you rather have love or money? ____________________________


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Exercise 5: Look at the pictures below and write sentences, using “should” and “would

Example: Jack
Jack should work, but he’d rather play soccer.

1. Steve


2. Ben


3. Cindy


4. Mrs. Harrison


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5. Mr. Rogers


6. I


7. Pete


8. Harry


9. Laura


10. You

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Phrasal verbs are verbs composed of a verb + a preposition. Each combination has a
different meaning, and if the preposition is changed, the meaning changes as well:
to look up = to look for a definition in a dictionary
to look into = to investigate.

Unfortunately, just like with the gerunds followed by a preposition, there is no rule as to
which preposition to use, and they must all be memorized.

GRAMMAR POINT 1: There are two kinds of Phrasal Verbs: Separable and Inseparable:
Inseparable phrasal verbs follow only this pattern:
Verb + preposition + object  I ran into Bob at the mall. I ran Bob into.

When we replace the object with a pronoun, the order doesn’t change:
Verb + preposition + pronoun  I ran into him.


ask for deserve, receive a just get over recover from an illness
punishment get rid of eliminate, remove, discard, throw
brush up on review something in order away
to refresh one’s memory get through finish, complete
call on ask to speak in class grow up (in) become an adult
count on / depend on trust someone in hear from receive information or news from
time of need keep on continue
cover for take someone’s place keep track of keep or maintain a record of
temporarily, substitute for look after watch, supervise, protect
cut down on reduce look at watch
do without survive or exist without look down on feel superior to, think of someone
something as less important
drop in (on) visit without calling first or look for try to find, search
without an invitation look into investigate, examine carefully
drop out (of) stop attending (school) look out (for) be careful`
fall for fall in love quickly look through look at all information in a book
fool around have fun while wasting look up to admire, respect greatly
time run into meet by chance
get along (with) have a good relationship run out (of) finish the supply of (something)
with someone take after resemble a parent or a close
get away with avoid punishment for relative
get back (come back) return from a trip take off depart, leave (for a plane)
get in touch with communicate, contact take part in participate
get in enter (car, taxi) talk back to answer in a rude manner, speak
get off leave (bus, airplane, train, disrespectfully
subway, bicycle) wait on serve in a store or restaurant
get on enter (bus, airplane, train, watch out (for) be careful
subway, bicycle)
get out of leave (car, taxi)

LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 19
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the proper preposition.

1. Don’t worry. You can count ___on____ me.

2. I can look _________ your children while you’re at the market if you want.
3. The plane took _________ one hour late.
4. Look _________ ! A car is coming!
5. Do you get _________ _________ many students in the class?
6. She really fell _________ me. I’m a lucky guy.
7. How do you get _________ _________ _________ Linda? I don’t have her phone
8. Stop fooling _________ and do your homework.
9. How can the teacher expect us to get _________ this novel in one week? It’s 500
pages long!
10. Can you get _________ _________ this T-shirt? It’s old and it looks like a rag.
11. I dropped _________ _________ my aunt and uncle last weekend, but they weren’t
12. It’s incredible how Steve takes _________ his father.
13. I got _________ _________ not doing my homework last night because my mother
wasn’t home.
14. Have you gotten _________ your cold yet?
15. I don’t think you should look _________ _________ me: I’m just as good as you.
16. We need to cut _________ _________ expenses if we want to go on vacation this
17. Terrence dropped _________ _________ school when he was 16 and went to work for
an auto repair shop.
18. Please, teacher, could we do _________ taking tests for a while?
19. I haven’t heard _________ Ginny in a while.
20. Keep track _________ all your receipts: you’ll need them for your taxes.
21. Look _________ _________ wolves in the woods.
22. I ran _________ my old teacher yesterday.
23. I don’t know what to do: Ben can’t stop talking _________ _________ me. He needs
24. You should look _________ _________ your grandfather: he’s an incredible man.
25. We need to get _________ at the corner of Main and Grand.

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Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with expressions from the list below.
asking for brush up count on cover for cut down
do without fell for get in touch with gets rid of got away with
got through heard from keep track of look into looks up to
looked for looked through looks after looks down on look at
take part in takes after talk back to waited on

1. Do you have Rolando’s e.mail address? I lost it, and I don’t know how to _get in
touch with ___ him.
2. After two weeks, the teacher _______________________ old compositions.
3. Before I buy a new car, I’ve got to _______________________ it.
4. Benny really admires his uncle. He _______________________ him.
5. Don’t you dare _______________________ me one more time, or you’ll get punished!
6. I _______________________ the phone book, but I couldn’t find Peter’s phone number.
He must be unlisted.
7. I can’t find my keys; I _______________________ them everywhere.
8. I don’t want to invite Henry to the party because he _______________________
9. I haven’t _______________________ Linda in ages. I wonder what she’s up to.
10. I wasn’t able to _______________________ the meeting yesterday because I had a
previous engagement.
11. I’m sorry, I know we need to save money, but I can’t _______________________
movies for such a long time.
12. I’m taking the GED next week, so I have to _______________________ on my algebra.
13. If you need some moral support during your divorce, you can
_______________________ me.
14. It’s amazing how Little Joe looks like his grandmother. He really ___________________
her. He also admires his grandfather. He _______________________ him.
15. James and Linda _______________________ each other after speaking for just 30
16. Jimmy stole money from his mother’s purse again, so she punished him. He was really
_______________________ it.
17. Ms. Devlin can’t come to work tomorrow. Another teacher will have to
_______________________ her.
18. My mother _______________________ my children in the evening while I go to school.
19. The James Gang robbed many banks, but the police didn’t never caught them. They
_______________________ it.
20. The woman who _______________________ me at the restaurant looked very familiar.
I’m sure I have seen her before, but I can’t remember.
21. There are so many changes in politics that it’s hard to _______________________ all
the people in charge.
22. This book was so interesting, I _______________________ it in two nights.
23. We need to save some money for a new car, so we’ll _______________________ on

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Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the object with the proper

1. Lily looks after her children. _____Lily looks after them________________.

2. I take after my grandfather. ________________________________________.
3. Sandra gets along with all her neighbors. ____________________________________.
4. I’m going on vacation in Mexico, so I need to brush up on my Spanish.
5. If you want to lose weight, you need to cut down on calories.
6. Henry can’t keep track of his finances. _______________________________________.
7. Quinn ran into his cousin at the mall. ________________________________________.
8. Spencer fell for Katherine. ________________________________________.
9. The police looked into the problem. ________________________________________.
10. I got in touch with my old friend Frida. __________________________________.

Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then answer the questions for
yourself in writing. All the answers must have the object replaced by a pronoun. Please
be truthful.

1. Can you do without ice cream for a month? __No, I can’t do without it for a
2. Do you get along with your relatives? _______________________________
3. Do you take after your mother? _______________________________
4. Do you look down on your classmates? _______________________________
5. Do you look after your siblings? _______________________________
6. Can you keep track of your finances? _______________________________
7. Did you ever talk back to your mother? _______________________________
8. Do you often run out of milk? _______________________________
9. Did you get through a book last month? _______________________________

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Exercise 5: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner.
Example: You: Who do you not get along with?
Sook: I don’t get along with my mother-in-law.
You: What did you get away with when you were young?
Sook: I got away with ditching school once.

WRITING: Sook doesn’t get along with her mother-in-law. Once,

she got away with ditching school.

1. Who can you always count on? ____________________________________________

2. Who do you take after? __________________________________________________
3. What sport would you like to take part in? ___________________________________
4. What do you always have to watch out for? __________________________________
5. What do you think you should cut down on? __________________________________
6. Who did you not get along with when you were a child? ________________________
7. Do you like when the teacher calls on you? __________________________________
8. What is the last book you got through? _____________________________________
9. What do you need to get rid of? ___________________________________________
10. Have you recently heard from an old friend? __________________________________


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Exercise 6: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Do you…?” or “Did you…?” If that student gives a positive answer,
ask that student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. _________________________ takes after her mother.

2. _________________________ counts on his wife.
3. _________________________ does without a DVD.
4. _________________________ gets along with everyone in class.
5. _________________________ always gets over an illness quickly.
6. _________________________ looks up to her father.
7. _________________________ depends on her parents.
8. _________________________ watches out for calories.
9. _________________________ likes to look at fashion magazines.
10. _________________________ usually gets through books quickly.
11. _________________________ fools around in class.
12. _________________________ likes to take part in class discussions.
13. _________________________ looks after her siblings at home.
14. _________________________ keeps on studying English although it’s difficult.
15. _________________________ sometimes runs out of money before payday.
16. _________________________ keeps track of his money.
17. _________________________ grew up in El Salvador.
18. _________________________ got rid of old magazines recently.
19. _________________________ got away with bad behavior in school when he was
20. _________________________ talked back to his mother once.
21. _________________________ ran into a friend recently.
22. _________________________ fell for his wife very quickly.
23. _________________________ got in touch with an old friend recently.
24. _________________________ heard from a relative recently.
25. _________________________ called in on his relatives last weekend.

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GRAMMAR POINT 2: Separable phrasal verbs follow this pattern:
Verb + object + preposition  I turned the light off.
Or Verb + preposition + object  I turned off the light

When we replace the object with a pronoun, the form is:

Verb + pronoun + preposition  I turned it off I turned off it.


ask out ask someone on a date put away put something in its usual
call back return a phone call place
call off cancel put back return something in its
call up make a telephone call original place
cross out draw a line through put down stop holding
do over do again put off postpone
figure out find the solution to a shut off stop a machine or light; turn
problem off
fill in complete a sentence start over start at the beginning again
fill out write information on a form take off remove clothing
fill up fill completely with a liquid tear down destroy a building
find out discover information tear off detach along a line
give back return something to tear out (of) remove a paper from
someone a book
give up quit doing something or quit tear up tear into small pieces
trying throw away put in the trash
hand in give homework or test to a throw out put in the trash
teacher try on put clothing on to see
hand out distribute if it fits
hang up put on a hanger turn down decline an offer
hang up finish a telephone call turn down turn the volume down
leave out omit turn off shut off
look up look for information in a turn on start a machine or light
reference book turn up increase the volume
make up invent wake up stop sleeping
pay back return money to someone write down write information on a piece
pick up lift; go get of paper

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Exercise 1: Fill ___in______ the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

1. I can’t believe Karl asked me ________! He’s so wonderful.

2. Please, close your books. I’m going to hand _________ the tests.

3. He made _________ the whole story: he’s such a liar!

4. They tore _________ the old church downtown to build a cathedral.

5. Would you turn the TV _________? It’s a little loud.

6. If you don’t know what ‘inconspicuous’ means, look it _________.

7. Mom, tell Billy to give me _________ my ball: it’s mine.

8. I need to call my mom _________: she phoned earlier.

9. This homework is very sloppy. Do it _________.

10. It’s time to go to bed, so pick _________ all your toys and put them _________.

11. Don’t be stupid: put the gun _________!

12. You need to take your hat _________ in church, Sir.

13. I threw _________ all the old magazines.

14. Fill _________ all the information on this form; don’t leave anything _________.

15. Did you shut _________ the coffee machine before you left the house?

16. Drake found _________ that his wife was cheating on him.

17. Come on, wake _________, it’s time to go to school.

18. All right, I agreed to put _________ the test until next week, but I’m not going to call it


19. If you make a mistake, just cross it _________.

20. You need to give _________ smoking right now because it’s bad for your health.

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Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with expressions from the list below. Some will be separated
by a pronoun.

call off cross out do over figure out fill in

fill out fill up gave up hand in hang up
hang up left out look up makes up put back
put off start over tear down throw away tore up
try on turn down wake up write down

1. ___Hang up _______ the telephone and come to dinner.

2. James __________________________ asking for a raise and just changed jobs.
3. Don’t __________________________ the newspaper yet; I’m not finished.
4. I’m thirsty. __________________________ my glass, please.
5. The students were asked to __________________________ their assignment no later
than Monday the 15th.
6. Well, it’s a bit expensive, but I think I’ll _______________ it _________ anyway.
7. The building was damaged by the earthquake, so the city decided to _______________
it ______________.
8. Don’t leave your coat on the couch like that. _______________ it ____________.
9. I can’t believe you spilled your cup of coffee on my design. Now I have to __________
it _____________.
10. This is a nice offer, but I’m afraid I have to _________________ it _______________.
11. Bernice had an emergency appendectomy, so they had to ________________________
the wedding.
12. If you can’t __________________________ how to solve the problem, maybe you need
to get some help.
13. I don’t like this type of exercise when we have to __________________________ the
14. After his divorce, Ned had to __________________________.
15. Come on, __________________________, the house is on fire!
16. Yes, you may borrow my scissors, but you need to _________________ them
_____________ when you’re done.
17. We need to __________________________ the picnic: it’s going to rain.
18. First, __________________________ this application, then the manager will interview
19. Penny didn’t get 100% on the test because she __________________________ two
20. You can’t believe a word Charlie says: he __________________________ stuff all the
21. Write your composition with a pen, and if you make a mistake, just _________________
it _____________.
22. His letter was so offensive that I _________________ it ______________.
23. This book is very difficult. I have to stop every two or three words to ______________
them ___________.
24. Here is the list of separable phrasal verbs: ________________ it _______________.

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Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the object with the proper

1. Linda always figures out her math problems. _____Linda always figures them

2. Can you fill this form out? _______________________________________________.
3. Wake your brother up, will you? ___________________________________________.
4. You need to give up eating chocolate. _______________________________________.
5. Put your clothes away. _______________________________________.
6. Hand out these papers, please. _______________________________________.
7. I need to pick up the children. _______________________________________.
8. Can you turn up the volume? _______________________________________.
9. I have homework: I need to look up these ten words.
10. I need to start this project over. _______________________________________.

Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then answer the questions for
yourself in writing. All the answers must have the object replaced by a pronoun. Please,
be truthful.

1. Do you look up words you don’t know? __Yes, I look them up.____________

2. Did you give up smoking recently? _____________________________________.

3. What time did you hang up the phone yesterday?
4. Do you always pay back your debts? _____________________________________.
5. Can you take off your socks right now? ___________________________________.
6. Who throws the trash out in your house? ___________________________________.
7. Do you always put away your clothes? ___________________________________.
8. Do you always hand in your homework on time?
9. Can you figure out algebra problems? _____________________________________.
10. Do you ever try on underwear at the clothing store?

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Exercise 5: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner. Use pronouns
whenever possible.
Example: You: Who did you call back last week?
Jill: I called back my cousin.
You: Who woke you up this morning?
Jill: My alarm woke me up.

WRITING: Jill called back her cousin last week. Her alarm woke
her up this morning.

1. Do you like filling out forms? ____________________________________________.

2. What did you have to do over recently? ___________________________________.
3. Did you ever have to call off a party? _____________________________________.
4. Do you ever throw out old clothes? _____________________________________.
5. Who do you pick up every day? _____________________________________.
6. Did you pay back the last money you borrowed? ______________________________.
7. Did you shut off all the lights in your house before you left?
8. What did you give up last year? ___________________________________________.


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Exercise 6 = rewrite the following sentences, using a pronoun. Some phrasal verbs are
separable and some are inseparable. Be careful!

1. I called on Tim. ________I called on him____________.

2. I dropped out of school. ____________________________________.

3. I figured out the problem. ____________________________________.

4. I get along with Sam. ____________________________________.

5. I got off the train. ____________________________________.

6. I got on the bus. ____________________________________.

7. I got over my cold. ____________________________________.

8. I looked through the entire book. ____________________________________.

9. I looked up the information. ____________________________________.

10. I made up the story. ____________________________________.

11. I picked up my son. ____________________________________.

12. I put off the wedding. ____________________________________.

13. I ran into some friends. ____________________________________.

14. I ran out of milk. ____________________________________.

15. I threw away the old magazines. ____________________________________.

16. I took off my clothes. ____________________________________.

17. I woke up my daughter. ____________________________________.

18. I wrote down his name. ____________________________________.

19. I’d love to hear from Martha. ____________________________________.

20. James takes after his mother. ____________________________________.

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GRAMMAR POINT 1: In level 4, you were introduced to the passive, in the present
(I’m confused by the teacher’s explanation. Pineapples are grown in Hawaii.), in the
past (The light bulb was invented by Edison.), and with the modals (Pineapples can be
found in Hawaii.)

In this chapter, we will expand on the same subject to include three more tenses in the
Present continuous Ingrid is being fired by her company for being late too many times.
Future She will be fired by her company if she comes late one more time.
Perfect She has been fired three times this year alone!

Remember that in the passive, the action is done to the subject of the sentence, and that
the thing or person doing the action is introduced by the word ‘by’ (the ‘by-phrase’.)
She is being fired by her company  Her company is firing her.

FORMATION – PRESENT CONTINUOUS subject + am/is/are + being + Verb PP

We use the Present Continuous Passive Form to indicate something is still happening
at the time we are speaking.
Note that the verb ‘be’ is used twice, and that the last verb is in the Past Participle

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Form of the passive, using
the verb in parentheses. Some sentences will be negative.

1. (fire) Ingrid __is being fired___ by her company.

2. (build) is being built
A new bridge ___________________________________ to replace the
one destroyed by the tornado last spring. being
3. (repair) We can’t go anywhere this weekend: the car _______________
is being repaired
4. (postpone) The wedding isn’t cancelled: it _______
is just _____________
postponed until next week.
5. (kill) Many people ___________________________________ in remote
are being killed
regions of Africa because of religious conflicts.
6. (refuel) The plane ___________________________________
is being refueled at the moment,
and we should be leaving shortly.
7. (debrief) are being debriefed
After each reconnaissance mission, the soldiers __________________
_____________, then they can resume their regular duties.
8. (fix) I can’t believe I can’t watch the basketball game because the TV
is being fixed
9. (eliminate) Everyday, because of the tireless work of scientists, horrible diseases
are being eliminated
10. (punish / not) My mom says I ______________________________________
'm not being punished because
I came home late, but because I disobeyed her.

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FORMATION – FUTURE subject + will be + Verb PP can, should, might, may...
We use the Future Passive Form to indicate something that will happen in the future.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the Future Form of the passive, using the verb in
parentheses. Some sentences will be negative.
1. (fire) She _______will be fired ________by her company.
2. (provide) will be provided.
There is a small entrance fee, but refreshments _________________
3. (elect) will be elected
A new president ______________________________ in a few months.
4. (paint) will be painted
My kitchen ___________________________________ in two
days, said the contractor.
5. (fix) The car ___________________________________
will be fixed before Saturday.
6. (grade) Your compositions ___________________________________
will be graded by the
end of the week.
7. (pick up) will be picked up
My children ___________________________________ by their
grandmother today.
8. (finish/not) won't be finished
Your dress ___________________________________ until the
9. (surprise) I 'll
be suprised if you pass to the next
level because you hardly ever study.
10. (see) will be seen
Scientists estimate that the eclipse _____________________________
________________ by over 200 million people.
11. (examine) will be examined
You ___________________________________ by a nurse, then the
doctor will see you.
12. (perform) From now on, all new musical comedies _________________________
will be performed
_____________ at the new Music Center downtown.
13. (welcome / give) When you arrive in Hawaii, you 'll
be given a flower lei
________________ by a group of singers,>------------------
and each of you
a flower lei.
14. (offer / bring) The appetizers ___________________________________
will be offered by the
Dawsons and the desserts ___________________________________
by the Smiths.
15. (invite) It’s the most extravagant party of the year. Everyone in town
will be invited
16. (tear down) will be
The building has suffered too much damage and __________________
torn down
17. (hand out) The corrected test will be handed out
___________________________________ at the
end of class.
LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 32
FORMATION – PRESENT PERFECT subject + has/have + been + Verb PP

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Form of the passive, using the
verb in parentheses. Some sentences will be negative.

1. (fire) She _____has been fired _______by her company twice this year.
2. (invite/not) Angela feels bad because she ________________________________
________ to Frank’s party.
3. (see) UFOs ____________________________________ in the area for many
4. (speak) French ____________________________________ in Central Africa
since the middle of the 19th century.
5. (file / not) The report _______________________________________ yet.
6. (withdraw) Money ____________________________________ from my account
without my permission. I demand an explanation.
7. (grow) Pineapples and sugar cane ____________________________________
in Hawaii for a long time.
8. (forbid) Chewing gum in class ____________________________________ by
the new teacher.
9. (chose) A new Queen __________________________________ by her people.
10. (leave) A tornado came to our town and debris _________________________
________________ all over the place.
11. (tell) I ____________________________________ that the school would be
closed next Monday. Is that true?
12. (sell / not) The house is still on the market. It ___________________________
_____________ yet.
13. (fix / not) I can’t believe the car ____________________________________ yet.
It’s been in the shop for almost two weeks.
14. (steal) Several paintings ____________________________________ from the
Downtown Museum of Art.
15. (understood) I hope I have made myself clear and that all my rules ______________
16. (plan) Several activities ____________________________________ by our
staff for everyone’s enjoyment at the company picnic.
17. (draw) There’s nothing I can do for your problem, Sir. The final plans
____________________________________ and no one but the
President can change them now.
18. (know) Nelly ____________________________________ to arrive late from
time to time, so it’s not entirely surprising that she’s not here yet.
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Exercise 4: Look at the following schedule from the Waterways Cruise Line, and complete
the dialogue, using the Future Passive Form.


Refreshments - provide all day Recreation Room
Movies - show 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Theater
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Excursions - plan daily Main Office
Dance contest - organize Saturday - 9:30 pm Recreation Room
Dinner - offer 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Dining Room
Lunch - serve 11:00 to 2:00 pm Dining Room
Poker tournament - play Sunday 9:30 pm Dining Room
Rooms - clean Twice daily N/A
Talent show - produce Tuesday - 9:30 pm Recreation Room
Tennis Courts - make available 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Tennis Area

Carla: I’m so happy we’ve decided to go on vacation to the Carribean, honey.

Harry: Me, too.
Carla: Look at this brochure. There are so many things we’ll be able to do.
1. Harry:What time do they serve lunch?
Carla: ___It says here that lunch will be served from 11 to 2.________
2. Harry: And dinner?
Carla: ___Dinner_____________________________________________________
3. Harry: I wonder if they will show movies.
4. Harry: Does the brochure say anything about playing tennis?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________
5. Harry: And what if we’re thirsty in the middle of the afternoon?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________.
Oh, look, they even have a dance contest.
6. Harry: When will it be organized?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________
7. Harry: I heard they have a poker tournament. Is that true?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________.
And they also have a talent show.
8. Harry: When?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________
9. Harry: How about excursions?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________
10. Harry: What is their room cleaning schedule?
Carla: ______________________________________________________________
Harry: That is going to be the greatest vacation of our lives!
Carla: I can’t wait.

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Exercise 5: Ask the questions, using the Passive, corresponding to the following answers.

1. __Has she been fired yet?__

No, she hasn’t been fired yet, but it’s coming soon.
2. __________________________________________________________________?
Yes, lunch will be provided at the meeting.
3. __________________________________________________________________?
No, the reunion isn’t being postponed.
4. __________________________________________________________________?
Yes, James’ car has been stolen.
5. __________________________________________________________________?
Yes, you’ve been misunderstood.
6. __________________________________________________________________?
No, the dishes won’t be washed in 15 minutes.
7. __When will the new President be sworn into office____?
The new President will be sworn into office next week.
8. __________________________________________________________________?
Gospel music will be performed at church on Sunday.
9. __________________________________________________________________?
The toys are being recalled because they are unsafe.
10. __________________________________________________________________?
Several players will be eliminated before the end of the contest.
11. __________________________________________________________________?
June has been considered the best month to get married since Antiquity.
12. __________________________________________________________________?
The new playhouse will be finished in October.
13. __________________________________________________________________?
Algebra is being taught in high school.
14. __________________________________________________________________?
English has been spoken in America for over 300 years.
15. _________________________________________________________________?
The mystery of the disappearance of John Bryce has been solved recently.
16. _________________________________________________________________?
Thirteen games have been played in the tournament so far.
17. _________________________________________________________________?
My allowance has been spent quickly.

GRAMMAR POINT 2: We use the Passive for three different reasons:

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1. to change the focus of the sentence from the subject to the object
The bird was killed by the cat. (the focus is on the bird)
2. because we do not know who did the action
My neighbors were robbed. (we do not know who robbed them)
3. because we do not care who did the action or because it’s obvious.
This basket was made in Bali. (it’s obvious that baskets are made by
people, so it’s unnecessary to say it)

For reasons 2 and 3, we do not provide the ‘by-phrase.’

Exercise 6: Change the following sentences from the active form to the passive form. In
some sentences, you will have to omit the ‘by-phrase.’ All the Passive tenses will be used
(present, past, modals, continuous, perfect, future)

Review of Passives:
Joe repairs the fence The fence is repaired by Joe
Joe repaired the fence The fence was repaired by Joe
Joe has repaired the fence The fence has been repaired by Joe
Joe had repaired the fence The fence had been repaired by Joe
Joe will repair the fence The fence will be repaired by Joe
Joe should repair the fence The fence should be repaired by Joe
Joe would repair the fence The fence would be repaired by Joe
Joe must repair the fence The fence must be repaired by Joe
Joe can repair the fence The fence can be repaired by Joe
Joe could repair the fence The fence could be repaired by Joe
Joe may repair the fence The fence may be repaired by Joe
Joe might repair the fence The fence might be repaired by Joe
Joe is repairing the fence The fence is being repaired by Joe
Joe was repairing the fence The fence was being repaired by Joe
Joe is going to repair the fence The fence is going to be repaired by Joe

1. Someone stole Jill’s car. Jill’s car was stolen.

2. Thousands of people are going to attend the concert.
3. They arrested Jim for money laundering.
4. People are growing peanuts in Georgia.
Continue next page

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5. Dr. Vance will straighten my teeth.
6. Mozart composed several operas.
7. They shoot many commercials in Australia.
8. People have spoken French in Algeria for over 150 years.
9. Tracy’s husband prepared dinner last night.
10. Someone told me that you didn’t like salmon.
11. Jennifer Lopez has written many songs.
12. Everyone saw Avatar in 2009.
13. We use gerunds after prepositions.
14. The cat didn’t kill the bird.
15. Someone must clean this room.
16. You can’t take this medicine with alcohol.
17. People should wear seatbelts at all times.
18. John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln.
19. Someone burglarized our house while we were on vacation.
20. No one told Lucy that her husband was cheating on her.
21. An accident changed my life.
22. You should take my advice very seriously.
23. Students study physics and math heavily at MIC.
24. People are abducting many children these days.

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Exercise 7: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner. Use pronouns
whenever possible.
Example: You: Have you ever been robbed?
Patrick: No, I have never been robbed.
You: How many gifts were you given at Christmas?
Patrick: I was given six gifts.

WRITING: Patrick has never been robbed. He was given six gifts
at Christmas.

1. Were you ever left alone as a child? _______________________________________

2. Last time you did something wrong, were you forgiven? ______________________
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident? ________________________________
4. When you speak English, are you understood? _______________________________
5. Have you ever been told you could be a model? ______________________________
6. Were you raised by your parents or by other relatives? ________________________
7. Have you ever been robbed? ______________________________________________
8. Were you disciplined by your parents? _______________________________________


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Exercise 8: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Were you…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask that
student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. __________________________ was raised by his mother alone.

2. __________________________ was asked for forgiveness.

3. __________________________ was told about the next test

4. __________________________ was robbed last year.

5. __________________________ was taken to the movies last weekend.

6. __________________________ was forgotten at school once when she was a child.

7. __________________________ was paid back by a friend last week.

8. __________________________ was taught algebra in high school.

9. __________________________ was asked to be quiet in class last week.

10. __________________________ was waited on by a beautiful waitress recently.

11. __________________________ was sold some bad meat once.

12. __________________________ was forbidden to play in the street as a child.

13. __________________________ was hit by his father once.

14. __________________________ was driven to school last week.

15. __________________________ was involved in an accident last year.

16. __________________________ was told a joke by a friend last week.

17. __________________________ was awoken by the alarm this morning.

18. __________________________ was taken care of by her mother when she was sick.

19. __________________________ was forgiven by his mother after he told a lie.

20. __________________________ was given flowers on her last birthday.

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* We use the past perfect continuous to indicate how long something had been
happening before something else:
James had been working for 45 years when he retired.
It emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before another activity or
time in the past:
My husband arrived late for dinner; I had been waiting for him for an hour.
* This tense can also express an activity in progress close in time to another activity or time
in the past:
When I called Dan, his voice sounded funny because he had been sleeping.
* The past perfect continuous (I had been doing) is the past of the present perfect
continuous (I have been doing)
She has a stomachache. She’s been eating too much candy.
She had a stomachache. She’d been eating too much candy over Christmas.

NOTE: Remember that some verbs cannot be used in the continuous form, such as know
and remember.

FORMATION: Subject + had been + verb -ing

Exercise 1 = Complete the sentences with the Past perfect continuous.

1. When I arrived at Sally’s house, 2- At noon, the entire house

everything was immaculate because smelled wonderful because Gina
___she had been cleaning._________ ____________________________________

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

3- When Jim arrived home, 4- At 6pm last night, Petra

his son was tired because
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________ for over an hour. _____________________________ all day.
Continue next page

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5- Mark went to be movies at 6- I _________________
7pm. Before that, __________________ ____________________________________
_______________________ for three hours. for 45 minutes when it finally arrived.

7- Larry ____________________ 8- Jon _________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
for over six hours when he finally caught a for many years before he finally got a hole
fish. in one.

9- Gary _________________ 10- Vicky ________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
for a long time before he got a heart for 45 minutes when she ran out of hot
attack. water.

11- Edgar ________________ 12- The baby ______________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
for half an hour when it started to rain. for an hour when he finally fell asleep.

13- Charlie ________________ 14- ________________________

_____________________________________ ____________________________________
for five hours when he ran out of gas. ____________________________________
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Exercise 2: Look at the model, and write sentences, using the information given.

1. [6pm last night – I – study – 2 hours] At 6pm last night, I had been

studying for 2 hours.

2. [10 am yesterday – Sheila – exercise – 45 minutes] _______________________

3. [1998 – my uncle – work – 37 years] ___________________________
4. [7pm yesterday – it – rain – all day] ___________________________
5. [I – sleep – until the alarm went off] ___________________________
6. [Mort – travel – five weeks – when he ran out of money] ________________________
7. [Last October – Lance – play tennis – six years] _________________________
8. [Manny – wait for a long time – when he was told the position had already been filled]
9. [I – paint all morning – when I ran out of paint] ___________________________
10. [My cousin – wait – over an hour – when his wife finally got home] _____________
11. [They – live – Oaxaca – until last year] ___________________________
12. _______________________________________________________________________

13. _______________________________________________________________________

14. _______________________________________________________________________

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Had better is an expression indicating advisibility, like should or ought to, but
when there is a warning or a threat. Examples:
We should get some gas before we leave for San Diego if we don’t want to stop on
the way later.
The gas tank is almost empty. We had better stop at the next service station or
we’ll run out of gas.


NOTES:  We usually use had better with a contraction:

We’d better stop at the next gas station.
 The negative of had better is: had better not (’d better not)
We’d better not be late.
 It has a present or future meaning, not past.
 It is more common in speaking than in writing
 In spoken English, ’d is often omitted
We better hurry

Exercise 1: Look at the pictures below and write a sentence giving a strong advice to the
people in the pictures.

1- [exercise] 2- [hurry]
Charlie is overweight. _He’d __________ Lisa is late. _________________________
__better exercise__________________ ____________________________________

3- [call …] 4- [add …]
The kitchen is on fire__________________ The soup is really bland. _______________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

5- [wake up]. 6- [not eat …]

Bill is asleep in class again. ______________ Jack is on a diet. ______________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
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7- [not go …] 8- [bring …]
Jeb is sick. ___________________________ It’s raining._______________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

9- [stop …] 10- [not use…]

We’re almost out of gas. ________________ This is a dark load. ___________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

11-- [go …] 12- [pass…]

There’s no food in the fridge. ____________ Jorge is the best player on the team. _____
____________________________________ ____________________________________

13- [pull over] 14- [not park…]

There’s a police cruiser following us. _______ This is a handicap place. _______________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

15- Drake is thirsty. 16- _______________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

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Exercise 2: Work in pairs for the following exercise.
Step 1 = Student A asks questions 1 to 5 to student B
Step 2 = Student B asks questions 6 to 10 to student A.
Step 3 = Write the answers for yourself. Sentences can be positive or negative (’d better /
’d better not).

Example: Student A = You have a test tomorrow.

Student B = I’d better study.
1. Your in-laws are coming for a visit tomorrow and the house is a mess.
2. There’s a storm coming and your laundry is drying outside.
3. You have an interview for a new job in 40 minutes and your car won’t start.
4. Seven people are coming to dinner tonight and there’s barely any food in the house.
5. Your parents have a restaurant and they want you to manage it when you finish college,
but you want to be a biologist.
6. Your cat just knocked over your coffee mug and the coffee spilled onto the rug!
7. Your uncle is overweight and he just had a heart attack.
8. Your sink is leaking.
9. You’re driving too fast and there’s a police cruiser following us.
10. You cut your hand yesterday and it looks like it’s getting infected.

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Exercise 3: Had Better is often used to give a warning. Complete the following
conversations with a warning using had better or had better not.

1. “Ned, your sister is playing quietly in her room. __You’d better leave her alone.”

2. “My wife is coming back from her business trip tonight.” “____________________
3. “Charlie, you’ve parked in my spot three times this week. _____________________
4. “The videos we borrowed are due tonight and the store is closing in twenty minutes.”
5. “You failed your lasts three tests, Kathy. ______________________________
6. “It’s pouring out. _______________________________________________________.”
7. “You’ve been late for work six times this month, Mr. Ferris. _________________
8. “Your assignment was due today. _____________________________________
_____________________________ this afternoon, or you will fail this class.”
9. “Your room is a mess and Mom is going to come back soon. ____________________
10. “Sorry teacher, I wasn’t able to finish my homework.” “____________________
11. “I’ve been robbed! Someone took my purse.” “____________________
12. “The gas company just sent us a last warning before they discontinue our service.”
“Then _______________________________________________________________.”
13. “I think I took Glenda’s electronic translator by mistake.” “________________________
__________________________________________________ or she might get mad.”
14. “This building looks dangerous. The city _____________________________________
15. “I need to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow morning. _______________________________

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We use be supposed to to indicate something that is planned or arranged:
 Hurry! I’m supposed to be at work at 8. You’re going to make me late!

We use be not supposed to to indicate something that is not allowed or not advisable:
 You’re not supposed to eat gum in this classroom!

We can use be supposed to in the present or in the past:

I’m supposed to be at work at 8.
I was supposed to be at work at 8, but I arrived late yesterday.

FORMATION: Subject + be (past or present) + supposed to + Verb

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with be supposed to + verb base. Use one of the verbs
given. Watch for what tense to use. Some sentences may be negative.

attend drive lift study

be dust open use
call eat park vacuum
deliver get rain watch
do get back read
drink go release
land smoke

1. It ___is supposed to rain______________ today. I hope not because I want to go

to the beach.
2. We ________________________________________ on vacation in Florida, but a
hurricane came and destroyed the entire resort.
3. I _____________________________________ and _____________________, but I
really hate doing chores.
4. You know you _________________________________________ TV before doing your
5. “What are you doing at home, Rick? You ________________________________ at
6. The plane landed very late. It ________________________________ at 10, but it
landed at midnight.
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7. I forgot to do the dishes. I ________________________________ them before my
mom got home.
8. We ________________________________ on campus.
9. My boss says I ________________________________________ to work at 8 am.
10. The mailman ________________________________ the mail before noon. I don’t
understand why he’s not here yet.
11. My back is better, but I ________________________________ anything heavy.
12. You ________________________________ your car here. You will be towed!
13. I think my computer is broken. It ____________________________________ smoke
like that.
14. I’m sorry, you can’t come in. I ____________________________________ the door for
15. Put this hamburger down. You know you __________________________________ any
red meat. You’re on a diet!
16. I’m worried. Susan ________________________________ home at 9pm.
17. “What did the teacher say?” “He said we ________________________________
chapter 8 for tomorrow.”
18. We ________________________________ a party last night, but Jack got sick so we
stayed home.
19. I ________________________________ for the test, but instead I went to the movies.
20. My grandpa ________________________________ alcohol, but he has a glass of wine
with his meal every night anyway.
21. You _____________________________________ faster than 65 miles per hour on the
freeway. Slow down.
22. You shouldn’t use an electronic dictionary. In this level, you know we
__________________________________________ an English-only dictionary.
23. I __________________________________________ my aunt in Honduras, but it was
too late last night. I’ll try again tonight.

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Exercise 2: Work in pairs for the following exercise.
Step 1 = Student A asks questions 1 to 5 to student B
Step 2 = Student B asks questions 6 to 10 to student A.
Step 3 = Write the answers for yourself. Sentences can be positive or negative.

Example: Student A = Your child is sick. What are you supposed to do?
Student B = I’m supposed to give him medicine.
1. It’s raining and you’re driving. What are you supposed to do?

2. You were just stung by a bee. What are you supposed to do?
3. You have an interview for a new job this morning. What are you supposed to do?
4. If you want to mail a package to Europe, what are you supposed to do?
5. If you want to lose weight, what are you not supposed to do?

6. If you have a small car accident, what are you supposed to do?
7. You have been working for a year and it’s almost April 15. What are you supposed to
8. If you have the flu, what are you supposed to do?
9. If you borrow some money from a friend, what are you supposed to do?
10. During a test, what are you not supposed to do?

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Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with your own ideas.

1. Children _______________________________________________________________.

2. Students _______________________________________________________________.

3. Mothers _______________________________________________________________.

4. Nurses _______________________________________________________________.

5. Teachers _______________________________________________________________.

6. Husbands ______________________________________________________________.

7. Wives _______________________________________________________________.

8. I _______________________________________________________________.

9. My sister _______________________________________________________________.

10. My parents ____________________________________________________________.

11. Children __________not _________________________________________________.

12. Students __________not__________________________________________________.

13. Mothers ___________ not________________________________________________.

14. Nurses ________ not____________________________________________________.

15. Teachers ______not_____________________________________________________.

16. Husbands ______not_____________________________________________________.

17. Wives ______not_____________________________________________________.

18. I ___________ not____________________________________________________.

19. My sister __________ not__________________________________________________.

20. My parents ___________ not______________________________________________.

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Exercise 4: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Are you…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask that
student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. ___________________________ is supposed to make her bed everyday.

2. ___________________________ is supposed to drive her children to school.

3. ___________________________ is supposed to take the trash out.

4. ___________________________ is supposed to be on time at work.

5. ___________________________ is supposed to speak only English in class.

6. ___________________________ is supposed to take a shower daily.

7. ___________________________ is supposed to arrive on time in class.

8. ___________________________ is supposed to wake up her children every morning.

9. ___________________________ is supposed to do his homework.

10. ___________________________ is supposed to know all the verbs in the past.

11. ___________________________ is supposed to work every weekend.

12. ___________________________ is supposed to come to class every day.

13. ___________________________ is supposed to clean the entire house.

14. ___________________________ is supposed to cook for her family.

15. ___________________________ is supposed to exercise.

16. ___________________________ is supposed to brush his teeth every day.

17. ___________________________ is supposed to stay away from snack food.

18. ___________________________ is supposed to do the laundry every week.

19. __________________________ is supposed to drink at least six glasses of water a day.

20. ___________________________ is supposed to call his parents this weekend.

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GRAMMAR POINT 1: We use the future continuous to say that we will be in the
middle of doing something at a certain time in the future.
I can’t believe I’ll be on vacation next week. In seven days, I’ll be relaxing on
a beach in Acapulco.
Henry wakes up every day at 6 am and takes a shower. Yesterday, at 6:05,
he was taking a shower. Right now, it’s 6:05 and he’s taking a shower. Tomorrow
at 6:05, he’ll be taking a shower.

FORMATION: Subject + WILL BE + Verb ing

Exercise 1: Look at the pictures below and tell what the people will be doing.

1- [tomorrow / 10am / Linda] 2- [this afternoon / Leo]

___Tomorrow at 10 am, Linda will_ ____________________________________

____be singing.____________________ ____________________________________

3- [tonight / 8 pm /Lucy] 4- [tomorrow morning / 6am

/ the Franklins]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

5- [tonight / 9pm / Ralph] 6- [Monday / 10 am /

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

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7- [next week / Monday / 8- [tomorrow morning /
7:30 Tim and his son] / the children]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

9- [tomorrow / 8am / Rosa] 10- [tonight/ 6:30 / Sheila]

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

11- [Monday / 9am / you] 12- [tomorrow / 7am / Jane]

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

13- [Saturday night/ 9pm ] 14- [this afternoon / 1pm ]

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips] Stan]

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

15- [Sunday / 10am / Ethel] 16-

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________
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Exercise 2: Write three sentences, about the past, present, and future, all in the
continuous form, using the following stories, then write two more stories.

1. Gregory always drinks a cup of coffee after lunch, every day at 12:30. At 12:30
yesterday, Greg __was drinking a cup of coffee_________. It’s 12:30 right now

and ___he’s drinking a cup of coffee___________. At 12:30 tomorrow, _______

_______he’ll be drinking a cup of coffee______________________________.

2. The Sandersons spend every first week of July on vacation in Florida. They like to relax
there. Last year, during the first week of July, they ____________________________
________________. It’s July 4 right now, and ________________________________
________. Next year around July 4, _________________________________________.
3. Every day, I take a shower when I wake up. Yesterday at 6:15, I __________________
_____________________________. It’s 6:15 right now, and _____________________
________________________________. Tomorrow at 6:15, ______________________
4. Every day at 8:30, we review the lesson from the previous day. Yesterday at 8:30, we
___________________________________________________. It’s 8:30 now and we
______________________________________________. Tomorrow at 8:30, ______
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

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Exercise 3: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Will you be…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask
that student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. ___________________________ will be eating dinner tonight at 8pm.

2. ___________________________ will be taking a shower at 7am tomorrow morning.

3. ___________________________ will be relaxing on Sunday afternoon.

4. ___________________________ will be listening to music tonight around 10 pm.

5. ___________________________ will be watching TV on Saturday night.

6. ___________________________ will be drinking coffee tomorrow around 8am.

7. ___________________________ will be sleeping at midnight tonight.

8. ___________________________ will be calling his family around 2pm on Sunday.

9. ___________________________ will be having lunch at 12:30 tomorrow.

10. ___________________________ will be reading a book in bed tonight around 10 pm.

11. ___________________________ will be cleaning the house on Saturday afternoon.

12. ___________________________ will be exercising tomorrow in the afternoon.

13. ___________________________ will be cooking dinner tomorrow night around 6pm.

14. ___________________________ will be driving to work tomorrow morning.

15. ___________________________ will be playing soccer around 2pm on Sunday.

16. __________________________ will be organizing the garage around 3pm on Saturday.

17. ___________________________ will be singing in the shower tomorrow morning.

18. ___________________________ will be doing the laundry around 10 am on Saturday.

19. ___________________________ will be smoking a cigarette after class.

20. ___________________________ will be studying around 6pm on Sunday.

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Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner.
Example: You: What will you be doing tomorrow at 7pm?
Ben: I’ll be eating dinner.
You: Will you be drinking a cup of coffee tomorrow morning?
Ben: Yes, I’ll be drinking a cup of coffee tomorrow.

WRITING: Ben will be eating dinner at 7pm tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, he’ll be drinking a cup of coffee.

1. What will you be doing tomorrow at 7am? _________________________________

2. Will you be going to the market later today? _________________________________
3. What will you be doing on Saturday around 10 am? ____________________________
4. Will you be doing your laundry this weekend? _________________________________
5. What will you be wearing to school tomorrow? _________________________________
6. What will you be studying on Sunday night? _________________________________
7. What will you be doing at noon tomorrow? _________________________________
8. What will you be eating tomorrow for lunch? _________________________________

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We also use the future continuous to talk about things that are already planned or
I’ll be going to the market later. Can I get you anything?

Finally, we use the future continuous in the form of a question to ask about people’s
plans, especially when we want something or want someone to do something:
Will you be using your computer later today? No, you can have it.
Will you be stopping at the cleaners on your way back from work?

Exercise 5: Look at the pictures below and ask questions using the future continuous.
Use time indicators such as later, soon, this afternoon, etc…

1- __Will you be _____ 2- ________________________

__going to the market later?______ ___________________________________

I need some sugar. I need my white shirt.

3- _____________ ______ 4- ______________________

__________________________________ ___________________________________
I need to write a report. I need a ride to school.

5- _____________ ______ 6- ___________________

__________________________________ ___________________________________
I need to use the oven. I need to take some pictures of the house
for the realtor.

7- _____________ ______ 8- ______________________

__________________________________ ___________________________________
I need some help with my homework. I need to watch a program for school.

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Since _______________, ____________.
__________ because _______________.

Words like because and since indicate the result of something; it gives a reason for
something:  Since it was raining, I took my umbrella.
 I took my umbrella because it was raining.

Here, since does not mean ‘from a period in the past’ , but it has the same meaning as

You may use since and because anywhere in a sentence, following the writing rules, but
it’s usually better to keep since at the beginning and because in the middle. However, it
remains your choice, especially with since because it doesn’t matter at all:
1. Since it was raining, I took my umbrella.
2. I took my umbrella since it was raining.
3. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.
4. I took my umbrella because it was raining.
 these 4 sentences have the same meaning, but #3 is less accepted than the others.

NOTE: If you begin the sentence with since or because, you MUST write a comma after
the clause. However, these words MUST NOT be preceded or followed by a comma when
they are located in the middle.

Exercise 1: Look at the following sentences and combine them using because or since,
either at the beginning or in the middle. Write two sentences for every example. For
number 13 and 14, create two original sentences.

1. We went shopping. There was no food in the refrigerator.

2. I was tired. I went to bed.
3. We can’t drive the car this morning. The battery is dead.
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4. Jane woke up with a headache. She had drunk too much beer the night before.
5. The bakery is closed on Sunday. We can’t buy any bread today.
6. You won’t have class tomorrow. The teacher has to attend a meeting.
7. It was raining and we hadn’t brought an umbrella. We got drenched.
8. He drowned. He didn’t know how to swim.
9. Bernie left before the end. The movie was boring.
10. Henry took a second job. He needed extra money for a vacation.
11. Many people fled the country. It was suffering from civil war.
12. You can’t leave yet. You haven’t tasted my dessert.
13. ____________________________________________________________________
14. ____________________________________________________________________

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Because shows a cause. Its opposite, so, shows a consequence:

I took my umbrella because it was raining.
It was raining, so I took my umbrella.

* We cannot begin a sentence with so.
* Although so is located in the middle of the sentence, it is always preceded by a comma.

Exercise 1: = Fill in the blanks with so or because (or since). Don’t forget the capital
letters when necessary, or the commas.

1. She was thirsty _________________ she drank a glass of juice.

2. _________________ she was thirsty she drank a glass of juice.
3. I took a nap _________________ I was tired.
4. I was tired _________________ I took a nap.
5. _________________ I was tired I took a nap.
6. Snakes have fangs _________________ they can kill their prey.
7. _________________ snakes have fangs they can kill their prey.
8. People can easily locate Australia on a map _________________ it is a large continent
in the middle of the ocean.
9. _________________ Australia is a large continent in the middle of the Indian Ocean
people can easily locate it on a map.
10. Many people move to Los Angeles _________________ the weather is always warm.
11. She had a few days off _________________ she went back home to visit her family.
12. The building blew up _________________ there was a gas leak.
13. _________________ the firefighters were late the fire destroyed three houses.
14. My alarm clock didn’t work _________________ I arrived late at work.
15. I didn’t finish my homework on time _________________ I got a bad grade.
16. _________________ he was late for work again Raoul got fired.
17. There was no warning _________________ the tornado leveled many buildings.
18. _________________ I didn’t study for the final test I didn’t pass to the next level.

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We use although to show a contrast in the two parts of the sentence – it is used to
indicate an illogical result:
 Jane didn’t eat anything although she was hungry.
(when you’re hungry, it is logical to eat; if you don’t eat when you’re hungry, it is illogical.
Therefore, you use although to show that your actions do not follow a logical idea)
Although Jane was hungry, she didn’t eat.

Just like with because and since, you must use the following pattern:
__________ although ___________. Although __________, _______________.

Exercise 1: Look at the following sentences and rewrite them, using either although or
because. Study the two sentences carefully before combining them; find the logical
connection between them.

1. Greg doesn’t study. He gets good grades.

___Although Greg doesn’t study, he gets good grades. _____________
2. Jane doesn’t study. She gets bad grades.
3. I was tired this morning when I woke up. I hadn’t slept the night before.
4. I wasn’t too tired yesterday. I had run the marathon.
5. Paul doesn’t play basketball. He’s very tall.
6. John didn’t finish his homework on time. His mother didn’t punish him.
7. Rachel didn’t love Jim. She didn’t marry him.
8. Mrs. Brown has many friends. She is never alone.
9. Mrs. Jones feels lonely all the time. She has many friends.
10. The water was very cold. James went swimming.
11. It was very early when he first woke up. Henry went back to sleep.
12. Rene was worried. There was nothing he could do.
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Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with so, because, since, or although. At the end of the
exercise, write four more sentences.

1. ____________________ the weather was warm, we didn’t go to the beach.

2. James got grounded ____________________ he came home late.
3. ____________________ the teacher was late, some of the students left.
4. ____________________ Nidia got home past curfew, she didn’t get into trouble.
5. Ned proposed to Inga ____________________ he loves her very much.
6. Paris is the most romantic city in the world ____________________ I want to go there
for my honeymoon.
7. Ted broke his leg skiing ____________________ he can’t go dancing for a few weeks.
8. Tim needed some extra money for his vacation ____________________ he got a
second job.
9. ____________________ you’re not listening to me, I’m leaving.
10. ____________________ this exercise is a little difficult, the students are enjoying it.
11. Don’t drink too much coffee ____________________ it’s not good for the baby.
12. It’s late ____________________ I’m going to bed.
13. ____________________ some people found the joke amusing, I found it offensive.
14. Zoey quit her job ____________________ her boss was harassing her.
15. My neighbors are on vacation ___________________ I’m watering their plants for them.
16. Bob got fired ____________________ he was always late.
17. ____________________ the bridge was brand new, it was destroyed by the tornado.
18. ____________________ he felt he had done nothing wrong, Molly divorced her
husband ____________________ she found him in bed with another woman.
19. We bought a van ____________________ it was quite expensive, _________________
we’re going to have a new baby.
20. _______________________________________________________________________

21. _______________________________________________________________________

22. _______________________________________________________________________

23. _______________________________________________________________________

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In levels 3B and 4, you learned the following about the first conditional: When we use
two sentences connected with if, and when the situation introduced by if is true, the part
with if is in the simple present. That is the “supposition” part of the sentence. Then, the
second part is in the future tense.

For the second conditional, when we use two sentences connected with if, and when the
situation introduced by if is not true, the part with if is in the simple past. That is the
“supposition” part of the sentence. Then, the second part has to be in the conditional
tense, with would or could.

 If you are hungry, I will give you a sandwich. The person can still get hungry.
 If you were hungry, I would give you a sandwich. The person is not hungry.

 If you need money, I will lend you some. The person might need money later.
 If you needed money, I would lend you some. The person does not need money.

1- WOULD expresses a desired or predictable result.
COULD expresses a possible option

2- The contraction of would is ’d.

I would lend you money = I’d lend you money.

3- YOU CAN NEVER USE WOULD WITH THE “IF” PART (except for polite
If you would be so kind, could you lend me your dictionary.
Correct, because it’s a polite request
If the teacher would let us out early, I would go to the mall.
Incorrect, because it’s not a request.

 If I were a pilot, I could go everywhere in the world.
 If Jane were smart, she would marry Tom.
 If it were warmer today, I would go to the beach.
 If all the students were on time everyday, the teacher would be happier.

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Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with your own information.

1. If I had enough money, ____I would buy a new house____________.

2. If I had enough time, ____________________________________________________.

3. If I went to my country this summer, ________________________________________.
4. If the teacher were absent tomorrow, _______________________________________.
5. If I got a new job, _____________________________________________________.
6. If I were taller, ______________________________________________________.
7. If the weather were nice today, _____________________________________________.
8. If you studied hard, ______________________________________________________.

Exercise 2: Imagine you had the following objects. Write what you would do if that were
the case.
Pony  If I had a pony, I would go riding everyday.

1. A private plane


2. A piano


3. A trampoline


4. A ranch


5. A Ferrari


6. A chauffeur


7. ___________________________________________________________________


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Exercise 3: Look at the following pictures, and write a sentence in the Second
Conditional. Use contractions whenever possible. Some sentences will be negative.

1- Fanny 2- The Jetsons

[have time/ read to her daughter] [have money / go on vacation]
___If Fanny had time, she’d read__ ____________________________________

___to her daughter._____________ ____________________________________

3- Lupe 4- Stan
[save money/ go shopping] [study more / graduate]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

5- Barry 6- Jimmy
[practice more/ play better] [go to bed early / not fall asleep in class]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

7- the children 8- Bill

[weather be nice/ fly their kite] [not eat junk food / lose weight]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

9- Dan 10- You

[be luckier / not lose money all the time]
___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________
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Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner.
Example: You: What would you do if you found your wife in bed with another man?
Sam: I’d divorce her.
You: What would you do if you found $10,000 in cash on the street?
Sandra: I’d return it to the police.

WRITING: Sam would divorce his wife if he found her in bed with another man. If he
found $10,000 in cash on the street, he would return it to the police.
1. What would you do if there were an earthquake? ____________________________
2. What would you do if you saw someone choking on a piece of food? ________________
3. What would you do if you saw someone having a heart attack? ___________________
4. What would you do if you had to return to your country tomorrow? ________________
5. What would you do if you were bitten by a snake? _______________________
6. What would you do if you were the only witness to a robbery? _____________________
7. What would you do if you saw someone drowning? ________________________
8. If you were the teacher in this class, what would you do differently? ______________


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Exercise 5: Answer the following questions with a few suggestions. Write 2 or 3
sentences for each, in the negative and positive.

1. What would you do if you were the President? _If I were the President, I would

__not take any vacation._____________________________________________

2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? __________________
3. If you were the richest person in the world, what would you do? _________________
4. If you could change something in the world, what would it be? ___________________
5. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? _________________
6. If you moved to another city and didn’t know anyone, what would you do? _______
7. If you could have a conversation with any influential person, dead or alive, who would it
be and what would you say? _______________________________________________

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We use wish with sentences expressing a desire that will probably not come true, or
for regrets for something that is not like we want it to be.
I wish it didn’t rain today.
 it’s raining and the speaker would like to see the rain go away…

Just as with the Second Conditional, after wish the verb ‘to be’ is always WERE:
I wish I were taller.

HOPE is a different verb and you use it differently, and with different rules.
Hope is followed by the present tense, not the past.
We use hope with sentences expressing a desire that will probably be true now or in the
I hope it rains this afternoon so we don’t have to go on that stupid picnic
 the speaker wants rains in the afternoon.

Exercise 1: Write some sentences using wish. Some sentences will be negative.

1. [know] I wish I knew her phone number

2. [be / not] I _wish there weren’t _________ so many students in this level.

3. [have / not] I’m so tired; I __wish I didn’t have _____________ to work.

4. [have / not] _____________________________ to worry about money all the time.

5. [can] _____________________________________ sleep late every morning.
6. [be] ____________________________________________________ taller.
7. [live] ________________________________________________ in a castle.
8. [can] __________________________________________ give up smoking.
9. [be] ___________ John ___________ here to help me with this homework.
10. [be / not] _________________________________________ so cold in this town!
11. [earn] _________________________________________ more money.
12. [can] __________________________________ speak English more fluently.
13. [know] _____________________________________________ how to swim.
14. [be/not] _________________________________________ in class right now.

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Exercise 2: Finish the following sentences with your own information:

1. I wish I __had more money.

2. I wish I __were taller._____________________________________________.

3. I wish I _________________________________________________.

4. I wish I could _____________________________________________.

5. I wish I had _____________________________________________.

6. I wish I were _____________________________________________.

7. I wish this class __________________________________________.

8. I wish this classroom _________________________________________________.

9. I wish some of my classmates ______________________________________________.

10. I wish my teacher _________________________________________________.

11. I wish my best friend _________________________________________________.

12. I wish my sister (my brother) ______________________________________________.

13. I wish my children (my parents) ___________________________________________.

14. I wish my husband (my wife) ______________________________________________.

15. I wish the weather in this city _____________________________________________.

16. I wish this country _________________________________________________.

17. I wish my country _________________________________________________.

18. I wish the President _________________________________________________.

19. I wish more people _____________________________________________.

20. I wish everybody _____________________________________________.

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Exercise 3: Look at the picture below and write what the people wish. For sentences 8,
9, and 10, use could + verb to express a possibility.

1- Lucy / it 2- The teacher / Stan

__Lucy wishes it didn’t rain.______ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

3- Her boss / Vicky 4- Angela / the cashier

___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________

5- His mom / Neil 6- Mindy / her boyfriend

____________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________

7- Larse and Connie / they 8- Timmy / he

____________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________

9- Mark / he 10- The Browns / they

____________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________

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Exercise 4: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Do you wish you …?” If that student gives a positive answer,
ask that student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. ___________________________ wishes he were taller.

2. ___________________________ wishes she could understand some Spanish.

3. ___________________________ wishes he earned more money.

4. ___________________________ wishes her hair looked different.

5. ___________________________ wishes English were a simpler language.

6. ___________________________ wishes his country were closer.

7. ___________________________ wishes she were younger.

8. ___________________________ wishes she had a different eye color.

9. ___________________________ wishes it rained more in Los Angeles.

10. ___________________________ wishes the Lakers won every game.

11. ___________________________ wishes her husband had a different job.

12. ___________________________ wishes her children got better grades in school.

13. ___________________________ wishes he could fly.

14. ___________________________ wishes he owned a red sports car.

15. ___________________________ wishes she lived in a different house.

16. ___________________________ wishes he were thinner.

17. ___________________________ wishes she were married.

18. ___________________________ wishes we had a different president.

19. ___________________________ wishes there weren’t so much poverty in the world.

20. ___________________________ wishes he exercised more.

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GRAMMAR POINT 1: both / neither / either

We use these words when we are talking about two things.
‘both’ means ‘two together’
‘neither’ means ‘not this one and not that one’
‘either’ means ‘this one or that one’

Look at Finland and Norway. Both countries are cold in the winter.
Neither is very large.
You can go to either if you want to ski.

We can use both, either, and neither alone, especially when answering a question
regarding a choice:
“Is he British or American?” “Neither. He’s Australian.”
“Do you want coffee or tea?” “Either. It doesn’t matter.”
“Which do you prefer, vanilla or chocolate?” “Both, actually.”

Exercise 1: For each statement, write three sentences, using both, either, or neither.

1. Look at Finland and Norway. Both countries are cold in the winter.
Neither is very large.
You can go to either if you want to ski.
2. Look at Steve and Mark: _____________ are very smart students.
_____________ is very tall.
You can ask ________________ for help.
3. Look at apples and oranges. _____________ are fruit.
_____________ is very heavy.
You can have _______________ for a snack.
4. Look at potato chips and candy bars. Both are _______________________________
Neither ______________________________________
You can _______________ either _________________.
5. Look at pants and shorts. Both are __________________________________________
Neither ________________________________________
You can _______________ either __________________.
6. Look at ______________________. _________________________________________.

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Exercise 2: Read the statements below and answer logically with either, neither, or

1. “Is he British or American?” “Neither. He’s Australian.”

2. “Do you want coffee or tea?” “Either. It doesn’t matter.”

3. “Which do you prefer, vanilla or chocolate?” “Both, actually.”

4. “Sugar or cream in your coffee?” “________________, please.”

5. “Honey or lemon in you tea?” “_________________, thank you.
6. “Which do you prefer, studying grammar or vocabulary?” “_________________. I enjoy
everything we do in school.”
7. “Who’s your favorite actress, Jennifer Lopez or Salma Hayek?” “_________________.
My favorite actress is Penelope Cruz.”
8. “Would you like Chinese or Italian tonight?” “_________________. I don’t care.
You choose.”
9. “What pet do you have, a cat or a dog?” “_________________, but they get along.”
10. “Is the teacher married or single?” “_________________. He’s separated.”
11. “Teacher, should we write with a pen or a pencil?” “_________________. It’s your
12. “Are you studying math or physics this semester?” “_________________. I’m taking
13. “Is today the 5th or the 6th?” “_________________. It’s the 4th.”
14. “Which one did you date, John or Steve?” “_________________, actually. That was
15. “Will the class end at 12:00 or 12:15?” “_________________. We’re staying until
12:30 today.”
16. “How far along are you?” “Seven months.” “Are you having a girl or a boy?”
“_________________, actually. I’m carrying twins.”
17. “Do I make this check out to you or your husband?” “_________________. Make
it out to ‘cash’.”
18. “What did you write here, ‘cooking’ or ‘costing’? I can’t read your sloppy handwriting.”
“_________________. I wrote ‘coughing’.”

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We use both … [and] and either … or with positive verbs / positive ideas:
Both my aunt and my mother live in San Diego
Both my parents are from Liverpool. I enjoy both reading and watching TV.
I’ll either pass to level 6 or I’ll have to repeat level 5.
Either Mary or Paul will cook tonight.

Exercise 3: Combine the following pairs of sentences using both … [and].

1. I was tired. James was tired. Both James and I were tired.
2. I like skiing. I like ice skating. ____________________________________________________
3. Apples are fruit. Oranges are fruit. _________________________________________________
4. I enjoy cooking. Jane enjoys cooking. ______________________________________________
5. They were tired. They were hungry.
6. Terry was late. Rene was late.
7. The movie was boring. It was long.
8. My motorcycle needs a tune-up. My car needs a tune-up.
9. The students are tired. They are hungry.
10. June is a warm month. July is a warm month.
11. I’m married. Pam is married. ______________________________________________________
12. I’m happy. She’s happy. _________________________________________________________
13. I got married at 23. She got married at 23. __________________________________________
14. Jim came last Friday. Peter came last Friday.
15. A burglar stole the TV. A burglar stole the stereo.
16. My sister graduated with honors. My other sister graduated with honors.
17. I brought Greg to the party. I brought Craig to the party.
18. You enjoy going to the beach. I enjoy going to the beach.

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Exercise 4: Combine the following pairs of sentences using either … or.

1. Mary will cook dinner. Paul will cook dinner. Either Mary or Paul will cook tonight
2. Mr. Vaughn will teach the class. A substitute will teach the class.
3. Neal will arrive on Saturday. Neal will arrive on Sunday.
4. We’re going to France on vacation. We’re going to Italy on vacation.
5. The cat broke the vase. The dog broke the vase.
6. I’ll pay you back by Friday. I’ll pay you back by Saturday.
7. The store closes at 7:00. The store closes at 7:30. I can’t remember.
8. Your brother will give you a ride. Your mother will give you a ride.
9. Paul McCartney wrote this song. John Lennon wrote this song.
th th
10. Her birthday is on the 12 . Her birthday is on the 13 .
11. He’s from Italy. He’s from Spain.
12. Pam can go to France this summer. She can stay home this summer.
13. My cat ran away. Someone stole him.
14. There’s a ghost in the house. I’m losing my mind.
15. I’ll wear my red dress to the party. I won’t go at all.
16. Every morning, Greg has a bowl of cereal. He has a frozen waffle.
17. Mr. Jones was poisoned. He died of a heart attack.
18. Jane will go home for Christmas. She will stay in town.
19. You apologize. I’ll never speak to you again.

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We use neither … nor with negative ideas and a positive verb, because of the English
Neither my aunt nor my mother live in San Francisco.

Neither … nor is the negative or either … or.

With a singular noun following neither or nor, you can use a singular or plural verb:
Neither my sister nor my brother are married.
Neither my sister nor my brother is married.
With a plural noun following neither or nor, you need to use a plural verb:
Neither cars nor motorcycles are allowed on campus.

Exercise 5: Combine the sentences below using neither … nor. You will have to change
the negative verb into a positive one.

1. My aunt didn’t go to San Francisco. My mother didn’t go to San Francisco.

____Neither my aunt nor my mother went to San Francisco._____
2. I don’t like broccoli. I don’t like green beans.
______I like neither broccoli nor green beans.______________________
3. I don’t like Peter. Jenny doesn’t like Peter.
4. Snow won’t stop the postal service. Rain won’t stop the postal service.
5. Jim hasn’t eaten breakfast. Jim hasn’t eaten lunch.
6. Ben isn’t lazy. Ben isn’t dumb.
7. Pizza isn’t healthy. Chips aren’t healthy.
8. He doesn’t like sugar in his coffee. He doesn’t like cream in his coffee.
9. DVDs aren’t expensive nowadays. VCRs aren’t expensive nowadays.
10. Randy doesn’t play the guitar. Randy doesn’t play the piano.
11. Tigers aren’t friendly. Lions aren’t friendly.
12. SUVs aren’t cheap. SUVs aren’t friendly to the environment.
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13. He didn’t call. He didn’t write.
14. I don’t like swimming. I don’t like roller-blading.
15. My daughter isn’t married. She isn’t engaged.
16. James didn’t do his homework. He didn’t empty the trash.
17. Paula won’t work in a bank. She won’t work in a supermarket.
18. Jane doesn’t know Japanese. She doesn’t know Chinese.
19. I don’t want any water. I don’t care for tea.
20. I don’t enjoy reading. My daughter doesn’t enjoy reading.

 When using a pronoun, we will use neither of …, either of, and both of …
Both my aunt and my mother live in San Diego.
 Both of them live there.
Neither my aunt nor my mother live in San Francisco
 Neither of them live there.

Exercise 6: Reduce the sentences below, using neither of, either of, and both of.

1. Neither Paul nor James came to the party. ____________________________________.

2. Both Jane and I are from Phoenix. _________________________________________.
3. I’ll have either tea or coffee. ______________________________________________.
4. Either Tom or Frank will be the best man. ____________________________________.
5. Neither Fred nor Ted are polite. ____________________________________________.
6. Both you and Jerry are welcome. ___________________________________________.
7. Neither Japanese nor Chinese is an easy language to learn.
8. Marty likes neither Jessica nor Paula. _________________________________________.
9. Neither you nor I will stay up late tonight. ____________________________________.
10. Vance wrote to neither Lacy nor Charlene. ____________________________________.
11. _______________________________________________________________________
12. _______________________________________________________________________
13. _______________________________________________________________________
14. _______________________________________________________________________

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GRAMMAR POINT 1: We use conjoined sentences when we need to repeat the same
idea or when we need to contrast two ideas:
Repeat idea / positive  I like milk, and Mary does too.
John went to the party, and Greg did too.
Repeat idea / negative  I’m not married, and John isn’t either.
She can’t swim, and Ken can’t either
Contrast idea / positive  I like milk, but Mary doesn’t.
I went to the party, but Greg didn’t
Contrast idea / negative  I’m not married, but John is.
She can’t swim, but Ken can.

Repeat Idea Positive and + positive auxiliary + too
Repeat Idea Negative and + negative auxiliary + either
Contrast Positive but + negative auxiliary
Contrast Negative but + positive auxiliary

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences using Repeat Ideas (… too / … either.)
Use the proper auxiliary.

1. France is in Europe and Italy ____is too________________________.

2. Frank doesn’t like broccoli and Joe _____doesn’t either_______________.
3. We didn’t like the movie and our friends ______________________________________.
4. Mario left class early yesterday, and Joan _____________________________________.
5. I don’t cook and my sister ______________________________________.
6. Erica has never been to Seattle and I __________________________________.
7. Potato chips are fattening and pizza _____________________________________.
8. The Bible is a holy book, and the Koran ___________________________________.
9. The President lives in Washington DC and the Vice-President ____________________.
10. My father isn’t happy about the economy and my brother ________________________.
11. Tigers are dangerous animals and lions _____________________________________.
12. Koalas live in Australia and kangaroos _____________________________________.
13. I don’t get along with my grandfather and my sister ____________________________.
14. The Beatles came from England and the Stones ________________________________.
15. Jessie could walk when she was 10 months old and Carrie ______________________.
16. Angela shouldn’t eat so much candy and Ursula ________________________________.
17. They haven’t been to Florida and we _____________________________________.
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Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences using Contrasts. Use the proper auxiliary

1. France is in Europe, but Buenos Aires ____isn’t___________.

2. Madonna is a singer, but Arnold Schwarzeneger ______________________.

3. I’m not tall, but my sister ______________________.

4. I like to read, but my brother ______________________.

5. Andy went to bed early last night, but his wife ______________________.

6. Felix has never eaten snails, but Isabell ______________________.

7. I don’t like vanilla ice cream, but my son ______________________.

8. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, but the lightbulb __________.

9. Most dogs have friendly personalities, but rattlesnakes ______________________.

10. He can run very fast, but his son ______________________.

11. They didn’t like the movie, but we ______________________.

12. Kittens should drink milk, but adult cats ______________________.

13. The sun isn’t a planet, but Mercury ______________________.

14. It was raining here on Sunday, but it ______________________ in San Diego.

15. Ben has lived in LA for six years, but Elda ______________________.

16. November has 30 days, but October ______________________.

17. I can’t swim, but my dog ______________________.

18. Lola had enough time to finish the exam, but Lupe ______________________.

19. Mammals don’t lay eggs, but reptiles ______________________.

20. Paris is a capital, but Liverpool ______________________.

21. Lunch and dinner weren’t covered in the price of the room, but breakfast ___________.

22. Charlie doesn’t enjoy Las Vegas, but I ______________________.

23. I was born in the 20th century, but my two nieces ______________________.

24. They enjoyed their vacation, but their children ______________________.

25. Tomatoes are fruit, but carrots __________________________.

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Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences using people from the class. Use repeat
ideas and contrast.

1. ____Mario _____ is wearing jeans, but __________Jenny isn’t __________.

2. ________________ lives close to the school, and _______________________________.

3. ________________ has been in L.A. for a long time, but _________________________.

4. ________________ doesn’t speak Korean, and ________________________________.

5. ________________ has three sisters, but ________________________________.

6. ________________ writes with a blue ink pen, and _____________________________.

7. ________________ can cook very well, and ___________________________________.

8. ________________ has never been to New York, and ___________________________.

9. ________________ will come tomorrow, and ________________________________.

10. ________________ wears glasses, but _______________________________________.

11. ________________ is taller than the teacher, but ______________________________.

12. ________________ didn’t come yesterday, but ________________________________.

13. ________________ was absent yesterday, and ________________________________.

14. ________________ has long hair, but ________________________________.

15. ________________ doesn’t wear a beard, and ________________________________.

16. ________________ went to the movies last weekend, and _______________________.

17. ________________ didn’t call me last night, and ______________________________.

18. ________________ can’t speak Korean, and ________________________________.

19. ________________ isn’t very tall, and ________________________________.

20. ________________ can speak Spanish, but ________________________________.

21. ________________ drives a blue car, but ____________________________________.

22. ________________ has never seen a UFO, and ________________________________.

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Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences, using the models on the page 78. Make
sure your sentences are logical. Fill the first blanks with and or but, and the second blank
with the proper auxiliary.

1. Potato chips are fattening, _and__ hamburgers __are too__________________.

2. Some teachers teach very well, ________ some __________________________.

3. Birds can fly, _________ fish ______________________________.
4. Bananas are yellow, _________ lemons ______________________________.
5. Michael Jordan is tall, ________ Shaquille O’Neal ______________________________.
6. Tigers eat meat, ________ cows __________________________.
7. Dogs can bark, ______ cats __________________________.
8. Turkeys can’t fly, ______ ostriches __________________________.
9. Fish live in the water, ______ dolphins __________________________.
10. Tigers are dangerous, ______ lions __________________________.
11. Vegetables are healthy to eat, ______ French fries __________________________.
12. Jennifer Lopez is a good actress, ________ Salma Hayek ________________________.
13. Rome is in Italy, ______ Milan __________________________.
14. Rome isn’t in France, ______ Paris __________________________.
15. Rabbits can run very fast, ______ turtles __________________________.
16. Banks aren’t open on Sunday, __________ supermarkets ________________________.
17. George Washington was our first president, ______ John Adams _________________.
18. Thomas Jefferson didn’t free the slaves, ______ Abe Lincoln _____________________.
19. John F. Kennedy was assassinated, ______ Abe Lincoln _________________________.
20. Cows can produce milk, ______ chickens __________________________.
21. Japanese is a hard language to learn, ________ Chinese ________________________.
22. Letters cost 37 cents to mail, _______ post cards ________________________.
23. Los Angeles is not the capital of California, _________ Sacramento _______________.
24. May has 31 days, ________ July ________________________________
25. The telephone was invented a long time ago, _________ the computer _____________.
26. Singapore is in Asia, _________ Nairobi ________________________.
27. Saint Lourdes wasn’t rich, ________ Mother Teresa ________________________.
28. Madonna is a singer, _________ Michael Jordan ________________________.

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GRAMMAR POINT 2: There is another way to express Repeat Ideas, a little more
complex than the one explained on page 78 and practices on pages 78 to 81:

Repeat idea / positive I like milk, and Mary does too.

I like milk, and so does Mary.
John went to the party, and Greg did too.
John went to the party, and so did Greg.

Repeat idea / negative I’m not married, and John isn’t either.
I’m not married, and neither is John.
She can’t swim, and Ken can’t either
She can’t swim, and neither can Ken.

Repeat Idea Positive and + so positive auxiliary Second subject
Repeat Idea Negative and + neither positive auxiliary Second subject

Exercise 5: Complete the following sentences, using the second form of conjoined
sentences. Remember that these can only be used with “repeat” sentences.

1. I’m tall, and [my sister] so is my sister_____________________________________.

2. He’s not tall, and [his brother] neither is his brother_______________________.

3. Jane is smart, and [Pam] _________________________________________________.

4. I can’t cook, and [my mother] _____________________________________________.
5. Monday was sunny, and [Tuesday] _________________________________________.
6. Peter won’t go to college, and [Bob] _________________________________________.
7. Mindy would like to leave early today, and [I] _________________________________.
8. You should arrive at work earlier, and [Bernie] _________________________________.
9. Ice skating is fun, and [swimming] ________________________________________.
10. She didn’t steal the dictionary, and [I] ________________________________________.
11. James can fly a plane, and [his brother] ______________________________________.
12. Paul has been married for 12 years, and [Jane] ________________________________.
13. Ann has never been to France, and [her husband]
14. Alaska is a large state, and [Texas] ________________________________________.
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15. Alex has three dogs, and [Tim] _____________________________________________.
16. John is going to the party, and [I] __________________________________________.
17. Tom lives near Washington D.C., and [his parents] ____________________________.
18. My neighbors aren’t nice, and [their dog] ____________________________________.
19. Pam isn’t polite, and [you] ________________________________________________.
20. My uncle wasn’t very old when he died, and [my grandfather]
21. Cars cost a lot of money, and [houses] ______________________________________.
22. I went to school yesterday, and [they] ______________________________________.
23. Persiphone was a Greek goddess, and [Demeter] _______________________________.
24. Florida is on the east coast, and [New York] ___________________________________.
25. I don’t like liars, and [Jim] _________________________________________________.
26. Jane won’t go out Saturday night, and [you] ___________________________________.
27. Crime and Punishment is a long novel to read, and [War and Peace]
28. Bernice shouldn’t drink and drive, and [you] __________________________________.
29. Will speaks French fluently, and [Terry] ______________________________________.
30. Farting in public is rude, and [burping] _______________________________________.
31. Regular Coca Cola contains sugar, and [Sprite] ______________________________.
32. French fries aren’t healthy, and [potato chips] _________________________________.
33. Your brother is grounded, and [you] ________________________________________.
34. I have three sisters, and [Roger] ____________________________________________.
35. Ned couldn’t talk until he was two years old, and [his sister]
36. Terry wasn’t on time to class, and [Fred] _____________________________________.
37. Ingrid called her mother in Canada last night, and [Sam] ________________________.
38. Sweden never takes sides in world conflicts, and [Switzerland]
39. Mexico shares a border with the United States, and [Canada]
40. Ben likes Mary, and [Joe] __________________________________________________.
41. I’ve never seen a UFO, and [Peter] _________________________________________.
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Some adjectives look like verbs, either in the –ing form or the past participle form.
 You need to use the past participle adjective [-ed] to describe how a person feels.
That formation comes from the passive, where the action happens to the subject of the
 The –ing adjective is used to describe the cause of the feeling. That formation comes
from continuous tenses, where the action happens to the object of the sentence.

Read the following paragraph:

Jane went to the movies last night. But the movie was long, and the action didn’t
move quickly at all. There were only three characters and they spoke very slowly. Jane
didn’t like the movie because the movie was boring. She was bored.

Someone is interested because something is interesting:

Jane is interested in biology.
Biology is a very interesting subject.

Someone is tired because something is tiring:

I ran 20 miles; I’m very tired.
Running the marathon is very tiring.

Someone is disgusted because something is disgusting:

I was disgusted when James blew his nose in his fingers!
Don’t blow your nose in your fingers! That’s disgusting!

Some pairs of adverbial adjectives:

amazed amazing exhausted exhausting

amused amusing fascinated fascinating
annoyed annoying frightened frightening
astonished astonishing interested interesting
bored boring horrified horrifying
confused confusing satisfied satisfying
depressed depressing shocked shocking
disappointed disappointing surprised surprising
disgusted disgusting terrified terrifying
embarrassed embarrassing tired tiring
excited exciting thrilled thrilling
worried worrying

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Exercise 1: [bor-] The movie wasn’t as good as Jane had hoped. It was boring. Jane

was bored.

1. [amaz-] My 72-year-old aunt ran the marathon. I was _____________________!

That was an ____________________ thing to do.
2. [annoy-] Lance, stop fighting with your sister. You’re ____________________ me! I’m
____________________ by your behavior!
3. [horrif-] I was ____________________ when I saw the images of children dying of
malnutrition in Africa. It was a ______________________ sight.
4. [embarrass-] Last night, my daughter fell during the ballet she was performing. It
was very ____________________ for her. She felt really
____________________ and turned all red.
5. [confus-] The movie last night was very _____________________. I tried to
understand the plot, but at the end I was still very ____________________.
6. [satis-] I was hungry, but this meal was very _________________________. I am
fully _____________________.
7. [astonish-] I was utterly ____________________ when my daughter told me she
was pregnant with triplets. The news was quite ____________________.
8. [depress-] The economy is so bad in the region that thousands of workers had to
be let go. It is a ____________________ reality. Many people are
____________________ about the situation.
9. [worr-] The Pentagon is very ____________________ about the recent terrorists
threats to the United States. There are many ____________________ pieces
of information being gathered.
10. [fascinat-] Small children are ____________________ by lights. A fireworks
display is a ____________________ spectacle for them.
11. [disgust-] On the news, we saw some teenagers throwing pig intestines at other
students at a football game. It was a ____________________ display. We
were all ____________________.

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Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with an adjective ending in –ing or –ed. Refer to the list
on page 82.

1. I can’t stand my job anymore! It’s so b_oring________________! I’m really


2. I was h____________________ when I heard 150 people died in the hurricane!

3. Jane is a really in____________________ woman. She knows a lot about many
4. Shelly, you need to clean your room! It’s really d____________________!
5. Carla was selected to participate in the Olympic games. She’s extremely
ex____________________ . It’s such an ex______________ opportunity!
6. My daughter was involved in a terrible car crash last year. She was in the hospital for
three months. It was a t____________________ experience!
7. I know this can happen in adult education, but I was as_________________ when I
heard that they closed the class because of low numbers.
8. Mr. Jones isn’t a good teacher. He doesn’t explain very well and he goes too fast. The
students are c____________________ most of the time.
9. I got lost on the way to Peter’s party because his directions were very
10. Clowns are very a____________________ artists. I’m always a____________________
when I go to the circus.
11. Have you heard the latest news? It’s really f____________________ what is happening
in parts of Russia.
12. Linguistics is the study of languages in all forms. It’s a f_____________________
13. I cleaned my house all day. I’m e____________________ ! It’s a very
e____________________ task!
14. We can’t catch the stupid mouse that makes all this noise at night! It’s starting to be
15. Your grades are falling. I’m very d________________________.
16. Volunteering at the hospital brings a lot of satisfaction. It’s a very s_________________

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Exercise 3: Look at the pictures and adjectives below and write sentences using them.

1- movie / bore / we 2- job / tire / Joe

___This is a boring movie. _________________________________
___We are bored .________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

3- teacher / confuse / we 4- TV program / fascinate /

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

5- ceremony / excite / they 6- proposal / thrill / Nidia

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

7- operation / frighten / Nate 8- situation / embarrass /

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

9- catch / amaze / Bill 10- vacation / relax / the

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

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Look at the following sentences:
(1) The class interests Jane. It is an interesting class.
(2) The students are interested by the class. They are interested students.
In (1), the present participle (-ing form) is an adjective with an active meaning (doing
the action). The noun class does something; it interests.
In (2), the past participle (-ed form) is an adjective with a passive meaning (receiving
the action). The students are interested by something, then they are described as
“interested students.”

More examples:
Quick! Take your video camera and film the collapsing building.
The building is falling down (collapsing) right now.
We need to go look at what is left of the collapsed building.
The building is on the ground; it has already collapsed.

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with an adjective in the –ing or –ed form, coming from the
verb in parentheses.

1. [terrify] The hurricane was a terrifying experience for everyone in Florida.

2. [depart] I don’t know when our plane departs. Do you know our _________________
3. [frighten] His dog frightens many people. He has a ___________________________
4. [interest] I don’t like your idea; it doesn’t interest me. It’s not an __________________
5. [rent] I’m going on vacation next week to New York but I don’t want to rent a car
because it’s useless and too expensive to drive a ____________________ car
in New York; I’d rather take the subway.
6. [roast] My mother never roasts a chicken because she doesn’t like the smell of
____________________ meat.
7. [confuse] My teacher confuses all the students. He’s a very ____________________
8. [frighten] This movie is about vampires and it’s going to frighten the children. I don’t
want ____________________ children having nightmares tonight!

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Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with an adjective in the –ing or past participle form,
coming from the verb in parentheses.

1. [worry] When I arrived home after midnight, my mom had a __worried ________

look on her face.

2. [use] When I graduated high school, my parents bought me a
____________________ car as a gift.
3. [lose] I play basketball professionally, but I need to change teams because we never
win. I don’t like to be on a ____________________ team.
4. [lose] I stopped trying to convince my husband to stop smoking. He was a
____________________ cause.
5. [steal] The police recovered the ____________________ car in the river.
6. [abduct] Thankfully, the ____________________ dog was returned to its owners.
7. [bore / excite] You’re so ____________________, James! You never have any
____________________ ideas!
8. [extend] The teacher had a meeting today, so we enjoyed an ___________________
9. [trust] James would never deceive me because he’s a ____________________
10. [trust] A con artist took advantage of my aunt because she has a
__________________ personality, and didn’t think the man was in fact a
11. [irritate] Wool is a very ____________________ fabric for the skin.
12. [irritate] Put some ointment on your ____________________ finger: you will feel
13. [relax] I don’t want to do anything this weekend. I want to go to the beach and
spend a ____________________ afternoon there.
14. [fry] Would you like some ____________________ potatoes for lunch?
15. [shock] I heard on the news that Larry Brown’s throat was slit by burglars who
entered his house last night. It’s a ____________________ crime!
16. [prove] It’s a ____________________ fact that the Earth revolves around the sun.
Continue next page

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17. [broke] My grandmother died in her sleep two weeks after my grandfather passed
away from a heart attack. Some say that she actually died of a
______________ heart.
18. [elect] Many people do not vote because they feel most ____________________
officials are corrupt.
19. [depress] I went to the theater yesterday for the play Romeo and Juliet. They both died
at the end. It was really a ____________________ story.
20. [experience] Freddy is a very good employee. He’s the most
____________________ employee of the company.
21. [amuse] I was entertained by a very ____________________ story.
22. [drink] Erica was killed by a ____________________ driver.
23. [drink] I had to break up with Jerry because he always wanted to go out with his
____________________ friends.
24. [grow] You need to take care of your ____________________ children; your
_________________ children can take care of themselves.
25. [contaminate] Do not touch this ____________________ blanket: it was wrapped
around a cholera victim.
26. [amaze] Jerry had an ____________________ look on his face when his boss told him
he was fired.
27. [terrify] There was a tornado coming and the ____________________ farmer took his
wife and his children to the shelter under his house.
28. [collapse] The interest rates were lowered once more this month because of the
____________________ economy.
29. [crowd] I felt like I was suffocating in the ____________________ bus yesterday.
30. [amaze] The aurora borealis is an ____________________ sight.
31. [thrill] The Viper is one of the most ____________________ rides at Magic
32. [fry] The ______________________ pan is in the cabinet next to the sink and the
_______________________ chicken is in the refrigerator.
33. [die] The parents of the ________________________ boy were devastated by the
news that he wouldn’t recover from his illness.

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Gerunds and Infinitives are used in different places in sentences, such as subjects,
objects of prepositions, and object of verbs.

Some verbs in English can only be followed by Gerunds and some can only followed by
Infinitives. Still, some can be followed by either.

The following verbs can only be followed by an infinitive:

agree to consent learn seem
appear decide manage swear
to do...what?
arrange demand need threaten
ask deserve offer try
attempt expect plan volunteer look forward to going to LA
be able fail prepare want am looking forward to
can afford forget pretend wish I look forward to going to Cancun
I don'tcare hope promise would like
I look forward to meeting you
choose intend refuse
For example: He intends to graduate in June.
doing what?
The following verbs can only be followed by a gerund: ing
admit consider finish practice resist
anticipate delay keep quit risk you helping me
appreciate deny mention recall stop
avoid discuss mind recollect suggest
can't help dislike miss recommend tolerate
complete enjoy postpone resent understand
For example: She finished studying after midnight.
I am delaying paying my taxes verb + object(you, him, her)
The following verbs can be followed by either: + gerund
advise continue love
begin deserve prefer
can't bear hate regret
can't stand like remember I remembered to turn off the stove
For example: I prefer to swim alone. I remembered turning off the stove.
I prefer swimming alone.

For practicality, the complete list is printed on the next page, alphabetically. The letter
after each verb indicates which category it belongs to:
G = Gerund
I = Infinitive
E = Either Gerund or Infinitive

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bone up on gerunds and infinitives
admit G consent I learn I recommend G
advise E consider G like E refuse I
agree I continue E love E regret E
anticipate G decide I manage I remember E
appear I delay G mention G resent G
appreciate G demand I mind G resist G
arrange I deny G miss G risk G
ask I deserve E need I seem I
attempt I discuss G offer I start E
avoid G dislike G plan I stop G
be able I enjoy G postpone G suggest G
begin E expect I practice G swear I
can afford I fail I prefer E threaten I
can't bear E finish G prepare I tolerate G
can't help G forget I pretend I try I
can't stand E hate E promise I understand G
care I hope I quit G volunteer I
choose I intend I recall G want I
complete G keep G recollect G wish I
would like I

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb in parentheses.

1. [study] I decided __to study____ physics next semester.

2. [board] We were delayed ______________________

boarding the plane because of security
3. [cook] I promised ______________________
to cook a nice dinner for our anniversary.
4. [get] getting
The burglars avoided ______________________ caught by fleeing through
the window and jumping over the fence.
5. [have] having
I resent ______________________ to do the dishes every night.
6. [get] The soldiers deserve ______________________
to get/getting a medal for their courage
under fire. under pressure
7. [take] I recommend ______________________
taking the 5 freeway rather than the 405
because it’s usually less busy at this time.
8. [quit] Arthur threatened ______________________
to quit if he didn’t get a raise.
9. [do] No, I don’t mind ______________________
doing the laundry for you , Mom.
Continue next page

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10. [kill] The alleged murderer couldn’t recall ______________________
killing his last
11. [wonder] The students can’t help ______________________ if there will be a test on
the gerunds and the infinitives next week.
12. [listen] I can’t stand ______________________ to rap music
13. [share] Blake agreed ______________________ all expenses on the trip.
14. [win] James would like ______________________ the lottery.
15. [propose] Victor postponed ______________________ to Denise until he can get
enough money for a ring.
16. [take] Bill is considering ______________________ Spanish lessons in the fall.
17. [leave] If you choose ______________________ early, you may suffer dire
18. [rescue] Tim attempted ______________________ the dog, but it drowned.
19. [travel] He suggested ______________________ to Florida for our next vacation.
20. [marry] Rob intends ______________________ Christel no matter what.
21. [listen] I prefer ______________________ to classical music above all.
22. [rob] The thieves managed ______________________ the bank without being
23. [love] They broke up. I don’t understand what happened. She seemed
______________________ him so much.
24. [go] We discussed ______________________ to Cancun for our vacation.
25. [correct] Did you finish ______________________ your composition?
26. [have] Fred appears ______________________ been lied to.
27. [be] I expect ______________________ obeyed.
28. [take] Did you remember ______________________ the trash out?
29. [steal] Steve admitted ______________________ Paul’s bicycle.
30. [give] He offered ______________________ us a ride.
31. [chew] The teacher doesn’t tolerate ______________________ gum in class.
32. [be] Ben pretended ______________________ asleep so the teacher wouldn’t call
on him.
33. [buy] This is not reasonable. We can’t afford ______________________ this car.
It’s much too expensive.
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Reciprocal Pronouns [each other / one another] are used to indicate a simultaneous
action done by two individuals:
Jerry loves Pamela and Pamela loves Jerry.
 Jerry and Pamela love each other.
 Jerry and Pamela love one another.

There is no distinction between each other and one another; ‘each other’ is less formal,
and more widely used, but they mean the same thing.

Exercise 1: Combine the pairs of sentences below into one, using a Reciprocal Pronoun.

1. Jerry loves Pamela and Pamela loves Jerry. Jerry and Pamela love each other.

2. Paul killed Jack and Jack killed Paul. ________________________________________.

3. I help you and you help me. ________________________________________.
4. He understood her and she understood him.
5. I’m friendly with you and you’re friendly with me.
6. He can’t stand her and she can’t stand him.
7. They annoy him and he annoys them. _______________________________________.
8. Vicky wrote to Ned and Ned wrote to Vicky. ___________________________________.
9. He hurt me and I hurt him. _______________________________________________.
10. We looked at her and she looked at us. _______________________________________.
11. I miss her and she misses me. ________________________________________.
12. She calls him and he calls her. ________________________________________.
13. Mark likes to dance with Cybil and Cybil likes to dance with Mark.
14. Ted doesn’t talk to Steve and Steve doesn’t talk to Ted.
15. Herman hit Eric and Eric hit Herman. ________________________________________.
16. I know him and he knows me. ________________________________________.

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Exercise 2: Read the situations below and write a sentence using a verb from the list and
a reciprocal pronoun. We careful with the tense you will use. Use logic and elimination to
use the proper verb in the proper place.

fight hurt keep kill lose love

make not understand play with

1. Kurt and Maria look so happy. We can see how much they love each other.

2. We have to stop arguing and stop ________________________________________.

3. They disagree about almost everything. ______________________________________.
4. Oh, look at the kitten and the puppy: ________________________________________.
They’re so cute!
5. Well, if you stay with her and he stays with you, you can _________________________
_______________ company.
6. Members of two opposing groups in some parts of Africa ________________________
________________ for a long time. There have been many casualties.
7. Well, they were not careful and they ____________________________________ sick.
8. There were a lot of people at the mall, and they _______________________________
in the crowd.
9. Wrestlers like to ________________________________________ in the ring.

call forgive get along with hate not know about

leave meet miss write to

10. They’re good friends. ________________________________________.

11. My sister and I haven’t talked in a while, and __________________________________.
12. I know they had a fight, but I can’t believe ________________________________.
13. It’s sad to admit, but Muslims and Jews _____________________________________.
14. They were both at fault, and when they understood that, they began to
15. We like to _______________________________ every Sunday night and talk for hours.
16. We don’t need introductions: we ____________________________ already
17. My pen pal and I ________________________________________ for ten years.
18. My mistress and my wife _____________________________________ and I’d like to
keep it that way.
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‘Use to’ and ‘be used to’ look very similar, but they are in fact very different.
‘Use to’ indicates an action that no longer do:
When I was five years old, I used to play with dolls. That is no longer true.
‘Be used to’ indicates something we are familiar with:
I am used to cooking for my family. I cook every day. It’s a routine

Affirmative subject used to verb base
Negative subject didn't use to verb base
Question Did subject use to verb base ?

Affirmative subject am/is/are/was/were used to verb -ing
Negative subject am/is/are/was/were not used to verb -ing
Question Is/Are/Were/Was subject used to verb -ing ?

NOTE: The verb after ‘be used to’ is in the –ing form. The verb after ‘use to’ is in the
base form.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with your own information, with be used to. Some
sentences will be negative.

1. The teacher __is used to teaching English_________________________.

2. I ________________________________________________________________.
3. [not] I _________________________________________________________.
4. My sister __________________________________________________________.
5. My parents __________________________________________________________.
6. [not] My friends ________________________________________________________.
7. My husband (wife) __________________________________________________.
8. Children __________________________________________________________.
9. Students __________________________________________________________.
10. Tax payers _________________________________________________________.
11. Movie stars _________________________________________________________.
12. Singers _________________________________________________________.
13. [not] Foreign students _________________________________________________.

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Exercise 2: Look at the pictures below and write what the people are used to doing.

1- Bill/ watch TV 2- Joe/ work hard

_Bill is used to _________________________________
__ watching TV all day._________ _______________________________

3- Jane / go shopping 4- Neil / work with computers

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

5- Charlotte / travel by plane 6- the Leivitzes / take care of

farm animals
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

7- We / exercise 8- Bobby / roller-skate

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

9- Miriam / drive a school bus 10- the Stars / play soccer

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

11- Stan / teach math 12- you

_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
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Exercise 3: Find Someone Who
Ask a student in the class, “Are you…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask that
student to write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. _________________________ is used to getting up early.

2. _________________________ is used to doing the dishes every day.

3. _________________________ is used to studying late.

4. _________________________ is used to driving on the freeway.

5. _________________________ is used to taking care of children.

6. _________________________ is used to cooking every night.

7. _________________________ is used to taking the bus to school.

8. _________________________ is used to watching TV in English.

9. _________________________ is used to her children making a lot of noise.

10. _________________________ is used to making mistakes on tests.

11. _________________________ is used to wearing makeup.

12. _________________________ is used to cleaning her house every weekend.

13. _________________________ is used to going to bed early.

14. _________________________ is used to receiving flowers on her birthday every year.

15. _________________________ is used to walking rapidly.

16. _________________________ is used to working hard.

17. _________________________ is used to speaking Spanish.

18. _________________________ is used to exercising.

19. _________________________ is used to having headaches.

20. _________________________ is used to wearing glasses.

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Exercise 4: Ask the following questions to your partner, then write the answers he or she
gives you. At the end, write a small paragraph about your partner.
Example: You: Are you used to taking out the garbage?
Han: Yes, I’m used to taking out the garbage.
You: Did you use to smoke?
Han: No, I didn’t use to smoke.

WRITING: Han is used to taking out the garbage. He didn’t

use to smoke.

1. Are you used to watching TV in English? _____________________________________

2. What language did you use to speak before you came to the United States?
3. What are you used to drinking in the morning? ________________________________
4. Are you used to living in Los Angeles? _____________________________________
5. Did you use to go dancing every weekend? ___________________________________
6. Are you used to doing chores? _____________________________________________
7. What time are you used to getting up? _____________________________________
8. Did you use to have a dog? ______________________________________________


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Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of use to or be used to. Study the
sentence and fill in the blanks logically.

1. [work] Jerry ____used to work_____ long hours. Now he’s retired.

2. [work] Jane is a hard worker. She __is used to working___ long hours.

3. [drive] Mel _________________________________ an old car, although he would

like to get a new one.
4. [drink] He ____________________________________ too much every weekend, but
now he’s sober.
5. [be] They ____________________________________ poor until they hit the
jackpot in Las Vegas.
6. [live] I ____________________________________ on a farm. I like my new life in
the city much better.
7. [speak] Angela ____________________________________ Spanish all the time.
Now she makes an effort and speaks only English at home.
8. [get] She ____________________________________ her husband ____________
home late every night, but she doesn’t like it.
9. [swim] I ____________________________________ a mile every morning, but not
since I broke my leg.
10. [do] Harriet ____________________________________ the laundry; she doesn’t
even think about it anymore.
11. [move] Bernie ____________________________________: he’s moved 23 times
since he graduated high school ten years ago!
12. [smoke] I ____________________________________, but I quit last year.
13. [blow] Kelly ___________________________________ more candles with each new
14. [fight] Jerry ____________________________________ in jail, but he’s been a
model citizen since he got out.
15. [sleep] I ____________________________________ late every Sunday morning, but
now I have a new baby.
16. [fly] Flight attendants ____________________________________ because it’s
their job.

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Adjective clauses (also called relative clauses) are clauses that begin with who, whom,
that, whose, or which, and that describe, identify, or give more information about a
1. The man who is sitting on the bench is my husband. HE is sitting on a bench.
2. The man whom she is talking to is her son. She is talking to HIM
3. The dog that (which) is barking belongs to my neighbor.
4. The man whose car is parked over there is my boss.

Adjective Clauses can describe the subject of the sentence, as the examples above show,
or the object, as the examples below show:
He robbed the bank.
5. I saw the man. who robbed the bank.
6. I know the man whom the police are arresting. The police are arresting him.
7. I broke the vase that (which) belonged to my great-grandmother.
8. I know the man whose car is parked over there. HIS car
9. They towed the car that (which) had a broken window.

These Adjective Clauses are called restrictive because the information they provide is
vital to the understanding of the sentence: without it, the sentences is incomplete:
3- The dog belongs to my neighbor. Which dog?
5- I saw the man. What man? Non-restrictive

We use who and whom to refer to a person, that and which to refer to an object, and
whose to indicate possession. We use which for more formal sentences, and that for
more informal ones.

As with any modifier, adjective clauses are located as close as possible to the word they
modify. Typically, adjective clauses will be located directly after the noun they modify.

Exercise 1: Combine the following sentences to include an adjective clause. It will be

easier if, in the second sentence, you cross out the name that is the same as in the first
sentence, since it’s not repeated it in the combined sentence. The first two are done for

1. The exercise is difficult. We are doing the exercise.

The exercise that we are doing is difficult.
2. The movie was excellent. We saw the movie last night.
The movie that we saw last night was excellent
3. The water is contaminated. The water is in this well.
The water in the well is contaminated.
Continue next page

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4. The concert was very entertaining. We attended the concert last night.
The concert which we attended last night was very interesting.
5. The students are impolite. The students always arrive late.
The students who always arrive late are polite.
6. The class is boring. Mr. Linden teaches the class.
The class which/that Mr. Linden teaches is boring.
7. I know the teacher. The teacher teaches in Room 6.
I know the teacher who teaches in Room 6.
8. Neil Armstrong was the first man. The man walked on the Moon.
Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
9. The tall waitress speaks Portuguese. The tall waitress works at Bob’s Happy Eatery.
The tall waitress who works at Bob's Happy Eatery speaks Portuguese.
10. The laptop is state of the art. I bought the laptop.
The laptop which I bought is state of the art.
11. Aunt Silvia is cooking the turkey. The turkey will be served for Thanksgiving.
Aunt Silvia is cooking the turkey that will be served for Thanksgiving.
12. Students don’t progress rapidly. Students don’t practice outside of class.
Students who don't practice outside of class don't progress rapicly.
13. The summer was fun. We spent ---------------
the summer in my hometown.
The summer that we spent in my hometown was fun.
14. The student is from Argentina. The student joined the class yesterday.
The student who joined the class yesterday is from Argentina.
15. The rainbow lasted a long time. The rainbow came after the rain this morning.
The rainbow which came after the rain this morning lasted a long time.
16. The parking attendant is very good. We hired the parking attendant.
The parking attendant who(m) we hired is very good.
17. The bird is a rooster. The bird wakes me up every morning.
The bird which wakes me up every morning is a rooster.
18. People are annoying. People speak of themselves all the time.
People who speak of themselves all the time are annoying.
"He/she is full of himself."
19. Clauses are called adjective clauses. Clauses describe nouns.
Clauses that describe nouns are called adjective clauses.
20. TV programs are censured for sexual content and violence. TV programs are shown on
TV between 7pm and 10pm. ____________________________________________
TV programs shown on TV between 7 PM
and 10PM are censured for sexual content and violence.

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Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with an Adjective Clause describing the noun they will follow.

1. Soldiers ___who fight well ____________________ are given a medal.

whom I gave flowers. He gave me flowers.
who gave me flowers
2. I saw the student __________________________________________________.
I gave him flowers.
whose mother robbed a bank. His mother robbed a bank.
which burned down
3. The house _______________________________________________ is on Main Street.
The house burned down.
Stories are about sex.
4. I don’t like stories __________________________________________________.
about sex.

5. Movies ___________________________________________________
that contain swear words are boring.
Movies contain swear words
6. Grammar exercises _______________________________________________
we are practicing today are too


who he saw yesterday.

7. Steve met the woman ________________________________________________.

that we paid for online

8. We went to the concert _________________________________________ last night.

I met yesterday
9. Teachers _______________________________________________ are very popular.

which tell a romantic story.

10. I like songs ________________________________________________________.

who work on that side

11. There are many people ___________________________________________________.

we watched last week

12. The woman __________________________________________________ is an actress.

we bought
13. The car ___________________________________________________ is old.

14. Children ________________________________________________

who hang out in the street don’t go to school.

we saw
15. The dog ___________________________________________________ is nasty.
who lie.
16. I’ve never liked people ___________________________________________________.

who got my application

17. The receptionist _________________________________________________ was rude.

18. Snacks _______________________________________________

which are unhealthy should be avoided.
that have a lot of political turmoil.
that you were born in
19. You shouldn’t go to countries ______________________________________________.

we bought
20. The milk ___________________________________________________ is at least a

month old.

Exercise 3: Find Someone Who

LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 103
Ask a student in the class, “Do you…?” If that student gives a positive answer, ask that student to
write his or her name on the line. All the names must be different.

1. _______________________________ likes people who are honest.

2. _______________________________ enjoys children who are quiet.

3. _______________________________ likes movies that are entertaining.

4. _______________________________ has a car that was made by Toyota.

5. _______________________________ likes songs that carry a catchy tune.

6. _______________________________ enjoys cars that can drive fast.

7. _______________________________ hates people who are always late.

8. _______________________________ likes children who are polite.

9. _______________________________ enjoys TV shows that are in English.

10. _______________________________ has friends who are from foreign countries.

11. _______________________________ drinks coffee that is unsweetened.

12. _______________________________ has a girlfriend who is beautiful.

13. _______________________________ likes ovens that clean themselves.

14. _______________________________ eats food that is healthy.

15. _______________________________ likes men who are sensitive.

16. _______________________________ has relatives who live with him.

17. _______________________________ likes grammar exercises that aren’t too difficult.

18. _______________________________ owns a TV that has many channels.

19. _______________________________ has a car that is very old.

20. _______________________________ hates students who always ask him questions.

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Last Sunday was so beautiful that I decided to go to the beach. I stayed
there for a long time. The sand was so comfortable and the sun was so warm
that I didn’t want to go home. It was such a wonderful feeling.
Unfortunately, I had to study for an exam the next day and I went home. It
was such a hard exam that I had to stay up until three in the morning. I was
so tired that my eyes were closing by themselves and I fell asleep. When I
woke up, it was so late that I had missed the exam. When I finally arrived at
school, my teacher was so angry that he told me to go home and not come
back. It was a really bad day for me!


James is late again this morning and he’s in big trouble with his boss.
He was supposed to get there early because he had to finish typing up a
report. He is supposed to always arrive on time because one of his
responsibilities is to answer the telephone and many people call early in the
morning. Right now, he’s rushing to get out of his house and he’d better call
the office soon or else he’s going to get fired, because his boss isn’t a very
patient individual. If James cannot get up early in the morning like he’s
supposed to, he’d better find another job!


My friend Jessica and I have been friends for many years and I think
that’s because we’re so alike. She likes going to the movies and so do I. I
enjoy swimming and so does she. We also share the same kind of
background. She never went to college and neither did I. I started to work
when I was 16 and so did she. We moved to the same city the same year.
She’s been living in New York since 1990 and so have I. We both think that
our future will also be similar. She wants to get married next year and so do
I. I’m going on vacation in Peru next summer and so is she. And I will get a
new job next month and so will she.

LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 105
Both my sister and my brother are in college right now. They both study
biology at the University of Southern California. Both of them enjoy studying
science. They have both shown an interest in scientific matters since they
were very young. When they graduate, they will be able to either work in a
laboratory or find a job in a private company. Neither my sister nor my
brother really wants to work for a large company; both of them would rather
continue in the field of research. Unfortunately, in our town, there are neither
large corporations nor labs where they could work. They will have to move to
another city although they would rather stay close to here.


If I were rich, I would travel all over the world. I would see the seven
wonders of the world and all the places that I have ever dreamed of. If I had
one million dollars, I would stop working and volunteer to help people who are
less fortunate than I am. If I were the richest person on the Earth, I would
end poverty and hunger, and I would beg science to find a cure for all the
terrible diseases that kill so many people everyday. If I were the most
powerful person on this planet, I would stop persecution of people on the
basis of their race or their religion. But I’m only a single, not so rich person,
and the best I can do is try to make the world a better place, even if it’s only a
little bit.


I’m very particular about the places where I go on vacation and the
people with whom I go there. I like places that are clean, comfortable and not
too expensive. I don’t like hotels which are too big because the employees
don’t always treat you right. In smaller places, the employees have more time
to take care of you and I like people who can remember your name. I enjoy
restaurants where the food is good and well prepared. I like waiters and
waitresses who are polite and who bring you the right food. Waiters who are
rude don’t get a large tip from me. People who come with me on vacation
share the same kind of requirements. I don’t enjoy the company of people
who only want to stay by the pool and relax. When I’m on vacation, I want to
visit everything.

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Jessica doesn’t know it yet, but she’s being fired. In other words, she’s
being shown the door. Actually, she’ll be fired on Friday. At noon, she’ll be
handed her pink slip, then she’ll be escorted out by two security guards. She
won’t even be given any notice because her boss doesn’t want her to know
she’s being laid off. She’s been fired from her job at least twice a year since
I’ve known her. The problem this time, might you ask? She’s been arriving
late everyday since she was hired. And she’s been calling in sick more than
she should have. I hope you believe me because I’m not even being sarcastic.
How do I know about all this? This time, I’m her boss.

Jennifer is not happy with her life. She wishes it were a different life.
She’s short and she wishes she were taller. She’s married to Tom and she
wishes she were married to Jim. She has three children and she wishes she
had four. She’s a secretary and she wishes she were a radio technician. Her
family and she are going to Florida for their annual vacation and she wishes
they were going to New York. What she doesn’t know is that her children and
her husband also wish they were going somewhere else for their vacation. But
because Jennifer and Tom don’t talk anymore, they don’t know that about
each other and they’re going to go to Florida and be miserable, wishing they
had gone to another, more exotic place. Maybe next year…


This weekend is going to be wonderful. I have made many plans with
my friends and we’re going to enjoy ourselves. Don’t call me on Saturday
morning because I’ll be driving to San Diego in a large station wagon. On
Saturday afternoon, I’ll be relaxing on the beach. On Saturday evening, we’ll
be having dinner in a wonderful restaurant near Balboa Park. And the rest of
the night, we’ll be dancing in a nightclub. We’re going to stay at the Holiday
Inn, but don’t call us on Sunday because in the morning we’ll be visiting the
zoo. We’ll be eating lunch at the aquarium. Later, we’ll be coming back to
L.A., but don’t try my cell phone because there’s no reception in the desert. I
think I’ll just call you when I get home.

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Exercise 1, page 5
1- a 2- a 3- the 4- the 5- the 6- a 7- a
8- the 9- the 10- the 11- the 12- a 13- a 14- a
15- a 16- the 17- the 18- a 19- a 20- the 21- the
22- a 23- a 24- a 25- a 26- a 27- a 28- a
29- the 30- the 31- the 32- the 33- the 34- the 35- the
36- the 37- the 38- a 39- a 40- the 41- the 42- a
43- a 44- the 45- the 46- the 47- a 48- the 49- the

Exercise 2, page 6
1-  2- the 3-  4-  5-  6- the 7- 
8- the 9- the 10- the 11-  12-  13-  14- 
15-  16-  17-  18-  19-  20-  21- 
22-  23-  24- the 25- the 26- the 27- the 28- 
29-  30-  31- 

Exercise 3, page 6/7

1- the 2-  3-  4- a 5-  6- a 7- the
8- the 9- the 10-  11- the 12- the missing number- 
13-  14- a 15- a 16- the 17-  18-  19- a
20- a 21- the 22- a 23- a 24- a 25- a 26- a
27- the 28- the 29- the 30- the 31- the 32- the 33- the
34- the 35- a 36-  37-  38-  39-  40- a
41- the 42- a 43-  44-  45-  46-  47- the
48- the 49- the 50- an 51-  52- a 53- the 54- a
55- the 56- the 57- the 58-  59-  60- 

Exercise 1, page 8
1- such 2- so 3- so - such 4- so 5- such 6- such 7- so
8- so 9- so 10- such - so 11- such 12- so 13- so 14- such
15- such 16- such

Exercise 2, page 9 (possible answers)

1. Ed is such a good student that he never fails any test.
2. It was such an incredible price for a DVD that we bought it right away.
3. Jimmy ate his ice cream so fast that he got an ice cream headache.
4. Linda was so worried about her flight the next day that she wasn’t able to sleep.
5. Paula had so much homework over the weekend that she wasn’t able to attend the party.
6. Pete was so tired yesterday that he fell asleep in class.
7. She practices English so much that she’s almost fluent.
8. Teresa is such a nice person that she had many friends.
9. The bus was so late this morning that I got to work late.
10. The ocean is so cold that we can’t swim in it.
11. The price for the DVD was so incredible that we bought it right away.
12. The teacher was so boring that the students fell asleep.
13. The weather was so freezing that we could icicles in the trees.
14. You have so many friends that we can’t invite them all to out wedding.

Exercise 3, page 10 (part of the answers)

2- so 3- so 4- such 5- so 6- so 7- so
8- such 9- so 10- such 11- such 12- so 13- so 14- so
15- such
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Exercise 1, page 13/14 (possible answers)
1- would rather go running at the park. 2- would rather go camping.
3- would rather play ping-pong. 4- would rather fly their kite.
5- would rather play the piano 6- would rather practice basketball.
7- would rather talk to her friend on the phone. 8- would rather ride their bicycle.
9- would rather play soccer. 10- would rather wash the dishes.
11- would rather use his computer. 12- would rather read.

Exercise 2, page 15 (possible answers)

1- I’d rather watch baseball on TV. 2- I’d rather go dancing. 3- I’d rather stay home.
4- I’d rather wash the dishes. 5- I’d rather go to bed early.
6- I’d rather pay by credit card. 7- I’d rather watch TV.

Exercise 5, page 17 (possible answers)

1- Steve should mow the lawn, but he’d rather play baseball.
2- Ben should repair the TV, but he’d rather go to the beach with his wife.
3- Cindy should study, but she’d rather play outside.
4- Mrs. Harrison should go to the market, but she’d rather bake a cake.
5- Mr. Roger should work on his taxes, but he’d rather go to the movies.
6- I should eat vegetables, but I’d rather have pizza.
7- Pete should do the dishes, but he’d rather play computer.
8- Harry should exercise, but he’d rather watch TV.
9- Laura should practice the piano, she she’d rather watch a movie.

Exercise 1, page 20
1- 2- after 3- off 4- out 5- along with 6- for 7- in touch with
8- around 9- through 10- rid of 11- in on 12- after 13- away with 14- over
15- up to 16- down on 17- out of 18- without 19- from 20- of 21- out for
22- into 23- back to 24- up to 25- off

Exercise 2, page 21
1- 2- gets rid of 3- look into 4- look at 5- talk back 6- looked through 7- looked for
8- looks down on 9- heard from 10- take part in 11- do without 12- brush up 13- count on
14- takes after / look up to 15- fell for 16- asking for 17- cover for 18- looks after
19- got away with 20- waited on 21- keep track of 22- got through 23- cut down

Exercise 2, page 22
2- I take after him. 3- Sandra gets along with them. 4- I need to brush up onit.
5- you need to cut down on them. 6- Henry can’ keep track of them. 7- Quinn ran into him.
8- The police looked into it. 9- I got in touch with her.

Exercise 1, page 26
1- out 2- out 3- up 4- down 5- down 6- up 7- back
8- back 9- over 10- up / away 11- down 12- off 13- out 14- out / out
15- off 16- out 17- up 18- off /off 19- out 20- up

Exercise 2, page 27
1- 2- gave up 3- throw away 4- fill up 5- hand in 6- try on 7- tear down
8- hang up 9- do over 10- turn down 11- put off 12- figure out 13- fill in
14- start over 15- wake up 16- put back 17- call off 18- fill out 19- left out
20- makes up 21- cross out 22- tore up 23- look up 24- write down

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Exercise 3, page 28
2- Can you fill it out? 3- Wake him up. 4- You need to give it up. 5- Put them away.
6- Hand them out. 7- I need to pick them up. 8- Can you turn it up? 9- I need to look them up.
10- I need to start it over.

Exercise 6, page 30
2- Harry should pick on her. 3- I don’t know how you can put up with him. 4- I dropped out of it.
5- I figured it out. 6- I get along with him. 7- I got off it.
8- I got on it. 9- I got over it. 10- I looked through it.
11- I looked it up. 12- I made it up. 13- I picked him up.
14- I put it off. 15- I ran into them. 16- I ran out of it.
17- I threw them away. 18- I took them off. 19- I woke her up.
20- I wrote it down. 21- I’d love to her from her. 22- James takes after her.

Exercise 1, page 31
2- is being built 3- is being repaired 4- is – being postponed 5- are being killed
6- is being refueled 7- are being debriefed 8- is being fixed 9- are being eliminated
10- am not being punished

Exercise 2, page 32
2- will be provided 3- will be elected 4- will be painted 5- will be fixed
6- will be graded 7- will be picked up 8- won’t be finished 9- will be surprised
10- will be seen 11- will be examined 12- will be performed 13- will be welcomed
14- will be offered 15- will be invited 16- will be torn down 17- will be handed out

Exercise 3, page 33
2- has not been invited 3- have been seen 4- has been spoken 5- has not been
6- has been withdrawn 7- have been grown 8- has been forbidden 9- has been chosen
10- has been left 11- have been told 12- hasn’t been sold 13- hasn’t been fixed
14- have been stolen 15- have been understood 16- have been planned 17- have been drawn
18- has been known

Exercise 4, page 34
2- will be offered from 5:30 to 9 pm in the dining room.
3- Movies will be shown from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.
4- The tennis courts will be made available from 9 am to 9 pm.
5- Refreshments will be provided all day in the Recreation Room.
6- The dance contest will be organized on Saturday at 9:30 pm in the Recreation Room.
7- Yes. The poker tournament will be played on Sunday at 9:30 pm in the Dining Room.
8- The talent show will be produced on Tuesday at 9:30 pm.
9- Excursions will be planned daily.
10- The rooms will be cleaned twice daily.

Exercise 5, page 35
2- Will lunch be provided at the meeting? 3- Has the reunion been postponed?
4- Has James’ car been stolen? 5- Have I been misunderstood?
6- Will the dishes be washed in 15 minutes? 7- When will the new President be sworn in?
8- When will Gospel music be performed on Sunday? 9- Why are the toys being recalled?
10- How many players will be eliminated before the end of the contest?
11- How long has June been considered the best month to get married?
12- When will the new playhouse be finished? 13- Where is algebra taught?
14- How long has English been spoken in America?
15- When has the mystery of the disappearance of John Bryce been solved?
16- How many games have been played in the tournament so far?
17- How has your allowance been spent?

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Exercise 6, page 36
2- The concert is going to be attended by thousands of people.
3- Jim was arrested for money laundering. 4- Peanuts are grown in Georgia.
5- My teeth will be straightened by Dr. Vance. 6- Several operas were composed by Mozart.
7- Many commercials are shot in Australia. 8- French has been spoken in Algeria for over 150
9- Dinner was being prepared by Tracy’s husband while she was driving home last night.
10- I was told that you didn’t like salmon. 11- Many songs have been written by Jennifer Lopez.
12- 8 Miles was being shown in theaters everywhere. 13- Gerunds are used after prepositions.
14- The bird wasn’t killed by the cat. 15- This room must be cleaned.
16- This medicine can’t be taken with alcohol. 17- Seatbelts should be worn at all times.
18- Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth.
19- Our house had been burglarized by the time we got home.
20- Lucy wasn’t told by anyone that her husband was cheating on her (or) Lucy was told by no one…
21- My life was changed by an accident. 22- My advice should be taken very seriously.
23- Physics and math are heavily studied are MIC. 24- Many children are being abducted these days.


Exercise 1, page 40
2- had been cooking. 3- had been talking on the phone 4- she had been shopping
5- had been studying 6- had been waiting for the bus 7- had been fishing
8- had been golfing 9- had been eating fatty foods 10- had been taking a shower
11- had been mowing the lawn 12- had been crying 13- had been driving

Exercise 2, page 42
2- At 10 am yesterday, Sheila had been studying for 45 minutes.
3- In 1998 my uncle had been working for 37 years. 4- At 7pm yesterday it had been raining all day.
5- I had been sleeping until the alarm went off.
6- Mort had been traveling for five weeks when he ran out of money.
7- Last October Land had been playing tennis for six years.
8- Manny had been waiting for a long time when he was told the position had already been filled
9- I had been painting all morning when I ran out of paint.
10- My cousin had been waiting for over an hour when his wife finally got home.
11- They had been living in Oaxaca until last year.

Exercise 1, page 43
2- She’d better hurry. 3- You’d better call the fire department. 4- She’d better add a little salt.
5- He’s better wake up. 6- He’d better not eat a hamburger. 7- He’d better not go to school.
8- You’d better bring an umbrella. 9- We’d better stop at a gas station.
10- You’d better not use any bleach. 11- You’d better go to the market.
12- The other players’ had better pass him the ball. 13- You’d better pull over.
14- You’d better not park here. 15- He’d better get a glass of water

Exercise 3, page 46 (Possible answers)

2- You’d better clean up a bit. 3- You’d better not do that again.
4- We’d better return them right away. 5- You’d better start studying.
6- I’d better get an umbrella. 7- You’d better be on time from now on.
8- You’d better hand it in 9- You’d better clean up.
10- You’d better do it for tomorrow or you’ll fail this class.
11- You’d better call the police. 12- we’d better pay the bill.
13- You’d better call her right away 14- had better tear it down.
15- I’d better go to sleep early tonight.

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Exercise 1, page 47
2- were supposed to go 3- was supposed to dust and vacuum 4- are not supposed to watch
5- are supposed to be 6- was supposed to land 7- was supposed to do
8- aren’t supposed to smoke 9- am supposed to get 10- is supposed to deliver
11- am not supposed to lift 12- aren’t supposed to park 13- isn’t supposed to release
14- am not supposed to open 15- aren’t supposed to eat 16- was supposed to get back
17- are supposed to read 18- were supposed to attend 19- was supposed to study
20- isn’t supposed to drink 21- aren’t supposed to drive 22- are supposed to use
23- was supposed to call
Exercise 1, page 52 (possible answers)
2-This afternoon Leo will be golfing. 3- Tonight at 8pm, Lucy will be reading to her daughter.
4- Tomorrow morning at 6am, the Franklins will be feeding the cows.
5- Tonight at 9 pm, Ralph will be watching TV, smoking, and drinking.
6- Monday at 10 am, Bea will be typing. 7- Next week on Monday, Tim and his son will be camping.
8- Tomorrow morning at 7:30, the children will be going to school.
9- Tomorrow at 8 am, Rosa will be doing the laundry. 10- Tonight at 6:30, Sheila will be feeding her baby.
11- On Monday ay 9 am, you will be studying. 12- Tomorrow at 7 am, Jane will be taking a shower.
13- On Saturday at 9pm, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will be celebrating their anniversary.
14- This afternoon at 1 pm, Stan will be fixing the TV. 15- On Sunday at 10 am, Ethel will be baking a pie.
Exercise 2, page 54
2- were relaxing – they are relaxing – they will be relaxing
3- was taking a shower – am taking a shower – will be taking a shower
4- were reviewing – are reviewing – will be reviewing
Exercise 5, page 57 (possible answers)
2- Will you be doing the laundry later? 3- Will you be using the computer later?
4- Will you be using the car this evening? 5- Will you be baking later?
6- Will you be using the camera later? 7- Will you be reading to Teresa later?
8- Will you be watching TV this evening?
Exercise 1, page 58
1- We went shopping because there was no food in the refrigerator. Since there was no food in the
refrigerator, we went shopping.
2- I went to bed because I was tired. Since I was tired, I went to bed.
3- We can’t drive the car this morning because the battery is dead. Since the battery is dead, we can’t drive
the car this morning.
4- Jane woke us with a headache because she had drunk too much beer the night before. Since Jane had
drunk too much beer the night before, she woke up with a headache.
5- We can’t buy any bread today because the bakery is closed on Sunday. Since the bakery is close on
Sunday, we can’t buy any bread today.
6- You won’t have class tomorrow because the teacher has to attend a meeting. Since the teacher has to
attend a meeting, you won’t have class tomorrow.
7- We got drenched because it was raining and we hadn’t brought an umbrella. Since It was raining and we
hadn’t brought an umbrella, we got drenched.
8- He drowned because he didn’t know how to swim. Since he didn’t know how to swim, he drowned.
9- Bernie left before the end because the movie was boring – Since the movie was boring, Bernie left before
the end.
10- Henry took a second job because he needed extra money for a vacation. Since Henry needed extra
money for a vacation, he took a second job.
11- Many people fled the country because it was suffering from civil war. Since the country from civil war,
many people fled.
12- You can’t leave yet because you haven’t tasted my dessert. Since you haven’t tasted my dessert, you
can’t leave yet.

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Exercise 1, page 60
1- , so 2- Because [thirsty,] 3- because 4- , so 5- Because [tired,]
6- , so 7- Because [fangs,] 8- because 9- Because [Ocean,] 10- because
11- , so 12- because 13- Because [late,] 14- , so
15- , so 16- Because [again,] 17- , so 18- Because [test,]


Exercise 1, page 61
2- Jane gets bad grades because she doesn’t study.
3- I was tired this morning when I woke up because I hadn’t slept the night before.
4- I wasn’t too tired yesterday although I had run the marathon.
5- Paul doesn’t play basketball although he’s very tall.
6- John’s mother didn’t punish him because he didn’t finish his homework on time.
7- Rachel didn’t marry Jim because she didn’t love him.
8- Mrs. Brown is never alone because has many friends.
9- Mrs. Jones feels lonely all the time although she has many friends.
10- James went swimming although the water was very cold.
11- Henry went back to sleep because it was very early when he first woke up.
12- Rene was worried because there was nothing he could do.

Exercise 2, page 62
1- Although 2- because 3- Since 4- Although 5- because 6- so 7- so
8- so 9- Since 10- Although 11- because 12- so 13- Although 14- because
15- so 16- because 17- Although 18- Although – because 19- although – because

Exercise 3, page 65
2- If the Jetsons had money, they would go on vacation. 3- If Lupe saved money, she would go shopping.
4- If Stan studied more, he would graduate. 5- If Barry practiced more, he would play better.
6- If Jimmy went to bed early, he would not fall asleep in class.
7- If the weather were nice, the children would fly their kite.
8- If Bill didn’t eat junk food, he would lose weight.
9- If Dan were luckier, he would not lose money all the time.


Exercise 1, page 68
4- I wish I didn’t have 5- I wish I could 6- I wish I were 7- I wish I lived
8- I wish I could 9- I wish – were 10- I wish it weren’t 11- I wish I earned
12- I wish I could 13- I wish I knew 14- I wish I weren’t

Exercise 3, page 70 (possible answers)

2- The teacher wishes Stan didn’t sleep in class. 3- Her boss wishes Vicky were more on time.
4- Angela wishes the cashier weren’t so rude. 5- Neil’s mom wishes Neil weren’t sick.
6- Timmy wishes he could skate. 7- Mark wishes he could win the lottery.
8- The Browns wish they could go on vacation.

Exercise 2, page 73
4- Both 5- Both 6- Either 7- Neither 8- Either 9- Both 10- Neither
11- Either 12- Neither 13- Neither 14- Both 15- Neither 16- Both 17- Neither
18- Neither

Exercise 3, page 74
2- I like both skiing and ice skating. 3- Both apples and oranges are fruit. 4- Both Jane and I enjoy
5- They were both tired and hungry. 6- Both Terry and Rene were late.

LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 113
7- The movie was both long and boring. 8- Both my motorcycle and my car need a tune-up.
9- The students are both tired and hungry. 10- Both June and July are warm months.
11- Both Pam and I are married. 12- Both she and I are happy.
13- Both she and I got married at 23. 14- Both Jim and Peter came last Friday.
15- A burglar stole both the TV and the stereo. 16- Both my sisters graduated with honors.
17- I brought both Greg and Craig to the party 18- Both you and I enjoy going to the beach.

Exercise 4, page 75
2- Either Mr. Vaughn or a substitute will teach the class.
3- Neal will arrive either on Saturday or on Sunday. 4- We’re going to either France or to Italy on
5- Either the cat or the dog broke the vase. 6- I’ll pay you back by either Friday or Saturday.
7- The store closes at either 7:00 or 7:30. 8- Either your brother or your mother will give you a
9- Either Paul McCartney or John Lennon wrote this song. 10- Her birthday is either on the 12th or the 13th.
11- He’s either from Italy or from Spain. 12- Pam can either go to France this summer or stay home.
13- Either my cat ran away or someone stole him.
14- Either there’s a ghost in my house or I’m losing my mind.
15- Either I’ll wear my red dress to the party or I won’t go at all.
16- Every morning, Greg has either a bowl of cereal or a frozen waffle.
17- Either Mr. Jones was poisoned or he died of a heart attack.
18- Either Jane will go home for Christmas or she’ll stay in town.
19- Either you apologize or I’ll never speak to you again.

Exercise 5, page 76
3- Neither I nor Jenny like Peter. 4- Neither snow nor rain will stop the postal service.
5- Jim has eaten neither breakfast nor lunch. 6- Ben is neither lazy nor dumb.
7-Neither pizza nor chips are healthy. 8- He likes neither sugar nor cream in his coffee.
9- Neither DVDs nor VCRs are expensive nowadays. 10- Randy plays neither the guitar nor the piano.
11- Neither tigers nor lions are friendly. 12- SUVs are neither cheap nor friendly to the environment.
13- He neither called nor wrote. 14- I like neither swimming nor roller-blading.
15- May daughter is neither married nor engaged.
16- James neither did his homework nor emptied the trash.
17- Paula will neither work in a bank nor in a supermarket.
18- Jane knows neither Japanese nor Chinese. 19- I neither want any water nor care for tea.
20- Neither I nor my daughter enjoy reading.

Exercise 6, page 77
1- Neither of them 2- Both of us 3- either of them 4- Either of them 5- Neither of them
6- Both of you 7- Neither of them 8- neither of them 9- Neither of us
10- neither of them

Exercise 1, page 78
3- didn’t either 4- did too 5- doesn’t either 6- I haven’t either 7- is too
8- is too 9- does too 10- isn’t either 11- are too 12- do too
13- doesn’t either 14- did too 15- could too 16- shouldn’t either 17- haven’t either

Exercise 2, page 79
2- isn’t 3- is 4- doesn’t 5- didn’t 6- has 7- does 8- wasn’t
9- don’t 10- can’t 11- did 12- shouldn’t 13- is 14- wasn’t 15- hasn’t
16- doesn’t 17- can 18- didn’t 19- do 20- isn’t 21- was 22- do
23- weren’t 24- didn’t 25- aren’t

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Exercise 4, page 81
2-but – don’t 3- but – can’t 4- and – are too 5- and – is too 6- but – can’t 7- but – can’t
8- but – can’t 9- and – do too 10- and – are too 11- but – aren’t 12- and – is too
13- and – is too 14- but – is 15- but – can’t 16- but – are 17- but – wasn’t
18- but – did 19- but – wasn’t 20- but – can’t 21- and – is too 22- but – don’t 23- but – is
24- and – does 25- but – wasn’t 26- but – isn’t 27- and – wasn’t either 28- but – isn’t

Exercise 5, page 82
3- so is Pam 4- neither can my mother 5- so was Tuesday 6- neither will Bob
7- so would I 8- and so should Bernie 9- so is swimming 10- neither did I
11- so can his brother 12- so has Jane 13- neither has her husband 14- so is Texas
15- so does Tim 16- so I am 17- so do his parents 18- neither is their dog
19- and neither are you 20- neither was my grandfather 21- so do houses 22- so did they
23- so was Demeter 24- so is New York 25- neither does Jim 26- neither will you
27- so is War and Peace 28- neither should you 29- so does Terry
30- so is burping 31- so does Sprite 32- neither are potato chips 33- so are you
34- so does Roger 35- neither could his sister 36- neither was Fred 37- so did Sam
38- neither does Switzerland 39- so does Joe 40- neither has Peter

Exercise 1, page 85
1- amazed – amazing 2- annoying – annoyed 3- horrified – horrifying
4- embarrassing – embarrassed 5- confusing – confused 6- satisfying – satisfied
7- astonished – astonishing 8- depressing – depressed 9- worried – worrying
10- fascinated – fascinating 11- disgusting – disgusted

Exercise 2, page 86
2- horrified 3- interesting 4- disgusting 5- excited – exciting
6- terrifying 7- astonished 8- confused 9- confusing
10- amusing – amused 11- fascinating 12- fascinating 13- exhausted – exhausting
14- annoying 15- disappointed 16- satisfying

Exercise 3, page 87
2- This job is tiring. Joe is tired 3- The teacher is confusing. We are confused.
4- This TV program is fascinating. Neil is fascinated. 5- The ceremony was exciting. They were excited.
6- The proposal was thrilling. Nidia was thrilled. 7- This operation is frightening. Nate is frightened.
8- This situation is embarrassing. Rita is embarrassed. 9- This catch is amazing. Bill is amazed.
10- This vacation is relaxing. The Franklins are relaxed.

Exercise 4, page 88
2- departing 3- frightening 4- interesting 5- rented 6- roasted
7- confusing 8- frightened

Exercise 5, page 89
2-used 3- losing 4- Lost 5- stolen 6- abducted

7- boring – exciting 8- extended 9- trusted 10- trusting 11- irritating

12- irritated 13- relaxing 14- fried 15- shocking 16- proven
17- broken 18- elected 19- depressing 20- qualified 21- amusing
22- drunk 23- drinking 24- growing – grown 25- contaminated
26- amazed 27- terrified 28- collapsing 29- crowded 30- amazing
31- frying – fried 32- dying

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Exercise 1, page 92
2- boarding 3- to cook 4- getting 5- having 6- to get 7- taking 8- to quit
9- doing 10- killing 11- wondering 12- listening / to listen 13- to share 14- to win
15- proposing 16- taking 17- to leave 18- to rescue 19- traveling 20- to marry
21- listening / to listen 22- to rob 23- to love 24- going 25- correcting 26- to have
27- to be 28- taking / to take 29- stealing 30- to give 31- chewing 32- to be 33- to buy

Exercise 1, page 94
2- Paul and Jack killed each other 3- We help each other 4- They understood each other
5- We’re friendly with each other 6- They can’t stand each other 7- They annoy each other
8- Ned and Vicky wrote to each other 9- We hurt each other 10- We looked at each other
11- We miss each other 12- They cal each other 1 3- Mark and Cybil like to dance with each other
14- Steve and Ted don’t talk to each other 15- Herman and Eric hit each other 16- We know each other

Exercise 2, page 95
2- hurting each other 3- They do not understand each other 4- are playing with each other
5- keep each other company 6- have been killing each other 7- made each other
8- lost each other 9- fight each other 10- They get along with each other
11- we miss each other 12- we can forgive each other 13- hate each other
14- talk to each other 15- call each other 16- already met each other
17- have been writing to each other 18- don’t know about each other

Exercise 2, page 97
2- Joe is used to working hard. 3- Jane is used to going shopping.
4- Neil is used to working with computers. 5- Charlotte is used to traveling by plane.
6- The Leivitzes are used to taking care of farm animals. 7- We are used to exercising.
8- Bolly is used to roller-skating. 9- Miriam is used to driving a school bus.
10- The Stars are used to playing soccer. 11- Stan us used to teaching math.

Exercise 5, page 100

3- is used to driving 4- used to drink 5- used to be 6- used to live 7- used to speak
8- is used to – getting 9- used to swim 10- used to doing 11- is used to moving
12- used to smoke 13- is used to blowing 14- used to fight 15- used to sleep
16- are used to flying

Exercise 1, page 101
2- The movie that we saw last night was excellent. 3- The water that is in the well is contaminated.
4- The concert that we attended last night was very entertaining.
5- The students who always arrive late are impolite. 6- The class that Mr. Linden teaches is boring.
7- I know the teacher who teaches in Room 6.
8- Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the Moon.
9- The tall waitress who works at Boob Happy Eatery speaks Portuguese.
10- The laptop that I bought is state of the art.
11- Aunt Silvia is cooking the turkey that will be served for Thanksgiving.
12- Students who don’t practice outside of class don’t progress rapidly.
13- The summer that we spent in my hometown was fun.
14- The student who joined the class yesterday is from Argentina.
15- The rainbow that came after the rain lasted a long time.
16- The parking attendant whom (who) we hired is very good.
17- The bird that wakes me up every morning is a rooster. 18- People who speak of themselves are
19- Clauses that describe nouns are called adjective clauses.
20- TV programs that are shown on TV between 7pm and 10pm are censured for sexual content and violence.

LAUSD- DACE – © September 2010 –[IHB/5] Developed and Edited by Veronique Colas 116

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