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Jonathan Davidov



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Exercise and Sports

Exercise is an important aspect of our lives. This is because it keeps us healthy and fit. Exercises

could come as a result of going to the gym to work out or participating in a sporting activity. My

personal experience revolves around the gym where I like to train to ensure that I am imperfect

shape. This comes with great benefits. The first is that it improves the quality of life. Working

out makes me feel better about myself.


Technological advancements in the world has revolutionized various aspects beginning with

access to information. Through the internet, one is able to access any piece of information that

they are interested in. The internet has also made communication easier because people from

different continents are able to freely interact with one another with ease and at the comfort of

their living area. This has also enhanced businesses with easy transactions that can be carried out

through the internet.

Family and friends

Family forms the framework of the social pillar. This is because they are the people we first

interact with after birth. Family provides us with the fundamental knowledge needed to form

lasting relationships with other people we meet in our lives. Friends are also like family. They

are people who we meet along the way and take up the role of family to ensure we are doing

Personal experience speech


fine. Friends however can be a bad influence hence the need to make wise choices. My

experience with family is that they are there to offer unlimited support throughout our lives.

Environmental conservation

The environment forms our surrounding and plays an important part in catering for our

existence. However, over the recent years we have witnessed urbanization which has brought

about devastating effects on the environment. These effects have directly and indirectly been felt

by humans. Example is global warming which has resulted in increased drought. This has

brought the need to conserve the environment. My personal experience with environmental

conservation is participating in activities such as tree planting.

Career development

Career development refers to the process of evolving the occupational status of an individual.

This involves managing work, learning and life during a lifespan. This is an area that brings so

much satisfaction and fulfillment in the life of an individual. I get to engage in various activities

on a daily basis with an intention that they will contribute towards achieving that desired career.

This includes working to gain the desired ethics, acquire knowledge and competency that will

propel me towards the desired career.

Compelling ideas

The compelling ideas for exploration include how much I value the environment and the need to

conserve it. Other than this, exercise is an interesting subject that needs to be explored. Family

and friends form a pillar of my life and they determine various aspects of my existence hence the

need to perform an exploration. Finally there is the use of technology which is essential in my

daily life that ensures efficiency in the activities.

Personal experience speech


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