Thesis CHAPTER 2

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always find a way to come out, whether through the carefully wrapped hustlers we did in our

trapper keepers back in high school or the super-secret folders with nondescript titles that we

meticulously manage on our laptops.

The internet has only allowed Filipinos to be franker about their desires. Porn is our open

secret, part and parcel of contemporary life. Within our own circles, and in the years, we’ve

spent growing up we know that our friends enjoy watching it as much we do. Cruz (2017)

Pornography is an adjunct to the freedom that the internet has provided. It has allowed

shy boys and girls to come of age; to be at peace with their fantasies behind closed doors; to

exercise in imaginary conquests; to assume their identities away from a real world that is just full

of judgement. Put this way, the internet is sacred soil. So, when the government decides to strip

the internet of one of the freedoms it offers, it can only cause pain. What makes the recent bans

sting even more is that pornography isn’t even the biggest internet related dilemma the

Philippines has. We have a shift- storms of other issues- from insane internet cost to lousy speeds

to fake news to virtual bullying to scandals tp scam to spying. Cruz (2017) So why is that the

government has decided to concentrate on pornography? I hope were wrong, but perhaps its

because pornography is an easy enemy- an easy obstacle to knock away, on the state’s road

toward “Big Brother” censorship. Ban porn new, and the country will start getting accustomed to

having information being filtered by the powers- that- be. Other things will follow- political,

oppositions, satire, arts, discourse. If there is one to be learned from our country’s relationship

with pornography, it is that easy to simply the desensitized. The most dangerous thing is for us to

be desensitized to certain freedoms being snatched away.

Gracia (2015) The expression of one sexuality is a key of component of human

development, and the discussion of sexual rights in society is important in a health democracy.

This report will look at how these have played out in the Philippines- especially as they intersect

with information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the internet- through three recent

eases where online and offline sexual rights collided and surfaced and contradictions within new

technological contexts. Gracia (2015) Since the introduction of the internet in the Philippines in

1994, its used has steadily grown. Internet penetration among the population in the country is

now estimated to be more 40%. Those between the ages of 15 and 24 years old are the most

active users, spreading about six hours per week online, some logging in as much as 35 hours of

internet use. Social media drives much of the country’s exploding internet use. The Philippines is

recognized as one of the most social media- savvy countries in the world. Social networks are the

new place to meet, access knowledge, transact, and discuss myriad topics, including one taboo

issues such as sexuality. The Philippines ranks highly in many global gender indices. In 2014, it

ranked 9th in Global Gender Index, the only Asian country in the top 10. In 2009, the Anti- Photo

and Video Voyeurism Act (RA 9995) 13 was passed as result of the high-profile case of an

intimate video circulated on the internet. In 2012 a contested Cybercrime Prevention Act was

passed, and deemed constitutional after a protective legal battle.

Passion (2017) The counter the threats, UNICEF Philippines continues to engage with

social media networks, remittance agencies and internet service providers to establish polices to

protects children from the sex trade. The UN body is also conducting 3 studies that will help

understand the root causes of child sex trafficking. These are the Kids Online Survey; the

National Study ON Child Online Sexual Exploitation; and changing social behavior or Child

Online Protection in communities. UNICEF recommends an enhanced cooperation and

collaboration of the offices under the Inter- Agency Council Against Child Pornography and

trafficking. The government should also “expand competency development” of frontlines

providing trauma care for victims and capacitate parents in understanding the risks of the


Jerusalem (2018) Pursuant to a protection order issued by Judge Jose Escobido of the

Regional Trial Court Branch 37 to take down said video from the internet the PNP-ACG has

warmed the public against the possession, web hosting, further circulation, and distribution of the

video, in its entirety of variation in the forms. The law enforcement agency said that the

pornographic videos produced by Scully are under a “special protection order” and anyone found

to have it possessed it and shared it will face the prospect of prosecution.

Foreign. The accessibility of potentially obscene materials is concerning due to the potential for

the viewer to learn unacceptable or aggressive behavior (Blakeley, Hennessy, Fishbein, &

Jordan, 2008). In a 2009 study, a longitudinal analysis of young teenagers that were exposed to

sexually explicit content showed that there was some correlation between males who were

exposed to sexually explicit media and pornography also developed more permissive sexual

attitudes, while at the same time, developed less progressive norms towards the female gender,

such as displaying less sympathy to victims of sexual assault. (Brown & L’E ngle, 2009).

Further, the accessibility of pornographic materials, especially to teenagers and young adults,

may also be used in lieu of proper sexual education (Tjaden, 1988). study conducted in 1988,

showed that less than half of college aged youth believed they received their sexual education

from pornographic material (Tjaden, 1988).

As a result of American general opinion, research conducted over the next several

decades would come to support the conclusions of the Attorney Generals Commission, that

exposure to violent pornography and other violent media had concerning negative effects, such

as an increased aggression towards women (Linz, Dinnerstein, & Penrod, 1984). Other

concerning behavior included a sexual callousness towards women and a sudden lack of

sympathy of women who became victims of sexually explicit crimes (Silbert & Pines, 1984;

Zillman & Bryant 1982). Later research would conclude that these aggressive behaviors might

not have been dangerous as once presumed (Demar`e, Briere, & Lips, 1988). Further analysis of

these laboratory studies would find them lacking in developing a direct link to violent behavior

and exposure to pornography, especially when comparing access to pornographic materials to

violent sexual crimes statistics (Kutchinsky, 1991).

Modern research suggests that there is a concern over adolescents and exposure to

violent media. The massive exposure young adolescent has to violent and sexually explicit media

may be significantly advancing their sexual development in a negative way (Blakeley, Hennessy,

Fishbein, Jordan, 2008). Further, this sudden sexual development can cause adolescent to display

sexually aggressive behavior in the form of sexual harassment of their peers and regressive

gender norms (Brown & L'Engle, 2009).

The commission receive letters and testimony from individuals who found themselves

suffering from a negative effect from the porn industry. One such letter reported of a mother and

father who forced their underage children to perform sexual acts while being filmed, then sold

the resulting pornographic media. Another witness who spoke before the commission told of

women frequently being tortured and physically abused by producers in the industry who were

seeking sadomasochistic materials to sell to major pornographic publications (Russell


The effect of pornography on individuals or their sexual relationship differ from person

to person, and are often unclear pornography’s association with addiction, for example has been

studied but pornography addiction is not an officially recognized condition. While some

literature review suggest that pornographic films can be addicted insufficient evidence exists to

draw conclusions. With regard to examinations of the possible effects on domestic violence,

rape, and child sexual abuse, several societal level correlation studies conclude the liberalization

of pornography in society maybe associated with decreased rape and other sexual violence rates

suggest no effects or are inconclusive.

Carry Tennis (July 2013) said “And naturally whether you approve of porn in theory or

not, its effect will be to displace you. Like crack, it tends to take over, to push cut other hungers

that tend so nurture the human community by making us dependent to one another. Since we are

dependent on each other we needn’t be civil and loving. We needn’t community and family.

(Salon magazines) There is debate whether it is truly moral to be “civil and loving” purely

because it is necessary, as Carry Tennis seems to say here.

According to Gordon B (2009) Pornography or sexually explicit image is more intense

than a dirty or spoiled food. Our body has immune system to prevent spreading of diseases from

those foods. On the other hand, someone who is used to viewing pornography records it in a

retrieval system called brain. The brain doesn’t filtrate and drain out that dirt entering our brain.

Once it has been recorded, you’re supposed to retrieve and to recall it. You will be away from

significant things in the world. Pornography has destructive on our personal relations. It destroys

the ability of an individual to enjoy the normal pleasure of spiritual relation in opposite sex.

Because of numb conscience, pornographers and porn patrons would be encouraged to emulate

what they see without thinking the possible effects on their lives. The means of measuring

evilness is not knowing how bad it is but the effects it can bring to others. Once the use internet

and other source and sort of pornography, they become sinful.

Viewers of pornography are destined to be addicted and when they did, they get

desensitized. Before they know it, they are finding ways on how to overcome these sexual urges

by indulging themselves in a crime. The influence of pornography can make simple man get

senses and worst, get him out of his mind. Clearly, the addiction of provocative visual element

accentuates the sexual aspects already presents in numerous videos.

It is clearly that pornography are the major elements and commonly are the themes of

videos but still there are some videos which portray wholesome seems. We need to acknowledge

the fact that pornographic videos are on top. Studies indicate that sex had become increasingly

explicit and had artistically combined the sex into appealing, high-octane package. They

obviously gain a lot of young viewers and had been fad. On the other hand, parents and other

raised their complaints on this kind of videos that were broadcast by cable station MTV and the




The foregoing literature and studies are just a few of the studies on watching

pornographic videos done locally and abroad. Nevertheless, the results of the study had given

more insights on the complexity on the perception among individual on watching pornography

that may effect on the sexual behavior of the adolescent. In the same manner a researcher

conducted a study entitled, “Effects of Watching Pornographic video to High School of Legacy

of Wisdom Academy of Dasmarinas Incorporated in Relations to Sexual Behavior.” The

objective of the study was to know the effects of watching pornographic videos to the student.

The researcher found out that students often become rude and malicious to other but based on the

research and for the data gathered, the researchers found out that most of the respondents can

still handle their attitudes even though the most of them watch porn.

Likewise, Court J (2000) conductive a comparative study of the relationship between

availability of pornography and the reported rape. Although Court focuses on the relationship

between pornography and rape, this is by no means the only negative effect of pornography.

Nevertheless, it is a very serious one. Court concluded that countries adopting a liberal approach

to pornography have contrary to expectations, experienced major increases in rape reports in the

years following the inception of that approach. This study is similar to the present study since

focused on the case of rape while the present research aims to determine the effects of watching

pornographic videos to behavior of students.

In a study made by Dr. Catherine Itzin, pornography was divided into three categories.

These three categories are sexually explicit and non-violent subordinating and dehumanizing;

sexually explicit, showing penetration and ejaculation. Based on the findings of the study. Dr.

Itzin affirmed that pornography is linked to sexism because of the portrayal of obscene acts and

exploitation of women. This study is similar to the present study since it also talks about

pornography. However, the focus of the present study was on the effects of pornographic videos

to the behavior of students.

Online pornographic websites as studied by Padua had a great impact on the adolescent

sexual concepts. The researchers concluded that viewing obscene materials and disturbs the

natural growth and well-being of adolescent’s sexuality and fail to depicts a healthy

representation of sexuality. The researchers study focused on the effects of pornographic

materials seen on websites while the present study from the effects of pornographic videos to the

behavior of students.

According to Dr. Kline, “a clinical psychologist and psychology professor at the

University of Utah, pornography is giving way drag to sexual addiction” Dr. Kline identified

four stages pattern in the development of pornography users. These are addiction (the desires and

need to keep coming back for pornographic images), escalation (the need for more explicit and

rougher image for the same sexual affect), desensitization (the thought of pornography as a

common and acceptable) and actualization or acting out (the tendency to perform the behavior

viewed). The latter study also includes pornography but the respondents of researchers were

merely pornographic users while the respondents of the presents study were students.


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