Pidato B.Inggris Pendidikan Karekter Di Madrasah Menjadi Pondasi Moderasi Beragama

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Honorable : Judgers

Unforgettable : To All Audiances

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our god Allah SWT, who has
been giving us some marciess and blassing so we can attand and gether
in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly my peace and solutation always be given to. Our prophet
muhammad SAW. Who has guide us from the darkness to the
brightness. From the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah Era to
the islamiyah Era namely islamic religion that we love.

Standing here I am , I would like

to tell about ( Character education in Madrasah is the foundation
religion moderation)
Dear Ladies and gentlemen.
The national education system is character education.
What is character??? ............
Character is behavior, personality and mindset. Character
education is still being carried out in recent years. Actually, it has been
initiated since Prophet Nabi Muhammad Saw. He has given an example
how to attitude towards older people, younger people, fellow Muslims
as well as attitude towards non-Muslims?
As the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
ِ َ‫ت ِأل ُتَ ِّم َم َمكا َ ِر َم اَأل ْخال‬
‫ق‬ ُ ‫اِنَّ َماب ُِع ْث‬
"Verily, I was sent by my Lord to perfect noble character"
That’s why do not be surprised if morality is over science.
‫ق ال ِع ْل ِم‬
َ ْ‫اَألدَبُ فَو‬
Ladies and gentlemen, rohimaqumullah
Indonesia has various islands. From Sabang to Merauke, from Yemen to
Pulau Putih, that’s why emerged various tribes, races even morals and
beliefs. There are 6 officially recognized religions in Indonesia. Of
course, each of them believes that religion is the most correct.
The foundation religion is to modernize people perspective on
religion life that we live side other religions their own needs. How can
be, character education in religion as foundation.
Ladies and gentlemen, rohimaqumullah
Just elect people are able to accept religious moderation. Not only
different religions but also the same faitful have different perspectives.
As like Tarawih some people has 23 or 11 cycles, not all people use
qunut, all have their own basis.
‫لَ ُك ْم ِد ْينُ ُك ْم َولِ َي ِدي ِْن‬
"For you, your religion and to me mine."
Ladies and gentlemen, rohimaqumullah
The important is encouraging us to build a country that will become a
civilized country that creates harmonious religious moderation.
‫بَ ْل َدةٌ طَيِّبَةٌ َو َربٌّ َغفُو ٌر‬
we feel grateful for being educated in the Madrasah environment.
Because in madrasah we are educated by character education lengthy
become a subject, namely morals. Which is taught to have the character
as Prophet exemplified.
That’s why character education in madrasas becomes foundation as
formation of religious moderation in our country.
That's all my speech, I do hope my that speech be use full for us Amiin
Thanks for your kind attention. Wassalam .

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