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Astronomy OLEs
Answer Sheet
Team Members (please write clearly)
Every Student submits a separate Answer Sheet, but you can include the names of students you worked with.
Your Name SID number Other Student Names SID number
Desheng Wang 490445118

Session (e.g. Wednesday 1pm) Date

Friday 12pm 22/10/2021

Part A

Q1.  Describe the main features that you see in the COBE image

The temperature looks a little polarized

Q2.  Consider how colour was used in the previous tutorial about Weighing Galaxies. Given that, what do
you think causes the main pattern in this image? Be as precise as you can in your answer.
It may be because the original light source has a certain rotation, resulting in the Doppler effect

Part B

Q3.  The CMB component is the Cosmic Microwave Background map. How does it differ from the other
components? What can you say about the source of all the other components?

It looks much more uniform and similar everywhere

Part C

Q4. For an extremely light Universe (Ω total<<1) how does the typical size of features compare to our
Universe? (this can be achieved with various values of Ωb , Ωc and Ω provided Ωtotal << 1 )

Its energy density is more dispersed

Q5.  For an extremely heavy Universe (Ωtotal >> 1) how does the typical size of features compare to our

Its energy density is much more compact

Q6.  Consider a “just right” Universe with Ωtotal=1. What is wrong with a Universe with large amounts of
normal matter only? What about a Universe with no normal matter?

It will hotter than our Universe

Part D

Q7. What are the correct fractions of normal matter, dark matter and dark energy that best match the
observed CMB power spectrum?

normal matter=0.05 dark matter=0.3 dark energy=0.675

Q8. In a universe where dark matter and normal matter are in roughly the same proportion as our own
Universe (roughly 5:1), but with zero dark energy, how would the power spectrum change?

It will leave only one peak, and whole curve shift to the right.

Q9. In a universe with the same amount of dark energy as our own Universe, but with the proportion of dark
matter and normal matter swapped (i.e. 5 times more normal matter than dark matter), how would the
power spectrum change? Speculate on how else this universe might differ from our own.

This time, the power spectrum looks similar but this Universe will be much colder than ours

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