Exam 2023

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2022/2023 学年第二学期考试题(卷)

课程名称 概率论与数理统计 考试性质 考试 试卷类型 A

使用班级 2021 级留学生 考试方法 闭卷 人 数 60


题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 成 绩
成 绩

一、Vacancy. (5*3=15)

1. P ( AB )  P ( AB ) , P ( A)  p , then P ( B )  .
2. In a series of independent experiments, let the probability of success for each experiment

be p (0  p  1) and  denotes the time of failings before succeeding n times, then the law of

distributions of  is .

3. Let X ~ N (3, 0.1 ) , then P ( X  3  0.3)  .


0, x  0

4. Let the distribution function of the random variable X be F ( x )  2 x, 0  x  a then

1, xa

a= .

 

5. If the two-dimensional random variable ( X , Y )  N 1, 2, 1 , 2 , , then X and Y are

2 2

mutually independent if and only if .


二、Choice. (5*3=15)

1. Let P ( A)  0 , P ( B )  0 , and A and B are mutually exclusive, then ( )

A P ( B A)  1 ; B P ( AB )  0 ;

C A and B are independent; D A and B are not independent.

2. Let A , B be random events, and A  B , P ( B )  0 , then( )

A P ( A)  P ( A B ) ; B P ( A)  P ( A B ) ;

C P ( A)  P ( A B ) ; D P ( A)  P ( A B ) .

 1
 x2
3. Let the distribution function of the random variable X be F ( x )   A  Be 2
, x0
0, x 0

then A and B are equal to ( )

A A=1, B=1; B A=-1, B=-1; C A=-1, B=1; D A=1, B=-1.

第 1 页 共 3 页
    
4. Let the density function of the random variable X be f ( x )  k cos 2 x  x    ,  , then k is
  4 4  
equal to ( )
1 1
A ; B 1; C 2; D .
2 4
5. Suppose that X and Y are mutually independent random variables with the law of distribution:
X 0 1 X 0 1

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
then ( )
A X =Y ; B P( X  Y )  1 ; C P( X  Y )  ; D. All above are not true.
三、Calculation. (7*10=70)

1. Suppose that among six bolts, two bolts are shorter than standard length. If two bolts are chosen at

random, let Ai={The ith chosen bolt is short }, i=1,2. Find (1) P(A1); (2) P(A2); (3) P(A1∩A2) .
2. Suppose that a large conference room for a certain company can be reserved for no more than 4 hours.
In fact, the service time might either be long or be short. It can be assumed that length X of a conference
has a uniform distribution on the interval [0,4].
(1) What is the probability density function for X ?
(2) What is the probability that any given conference lasts at least 3 hours?
3. In a rice field, suppose there is a weed per 20 m2, then in the field of 100 m2, find the probabilities in the
following three cases: there is no week, there is only one weed and there are more than 5 weeks.
4.Suppose the distribution function of the continuous random variable X is
 0, x  0;

F ( x)   Ax2 , 0  x  1;
1, x  1.

Find (1) the coefficient;
(2) P ( 0 .3  X  0 .7 ) ;
(3) the density function f(x) .

5. Let X and Y be discrete random variables with means equal to 46/21 and 33/21, respectively, while
variances equal to 278/441 and 108/441, respectively, and with joint probability function given by
f ( x, y )  ( x  y ), for x  1, 2,3; y  1, 2.
Find the covariance and correlation coefficient of X and Y.
6. Let us consider an example in which two parameters (both unknown) characterize the distribution.

第 2 页 共 3 页
Suppose that X has distribution X  N (  ,  2 ) , ( X 1 , X 2 ,, X n ) is a sample from X. Find

the ML estimate of the unknown parameters µ and σ.

7. We have a random variable of size 100 from a normal distribution with variance 25. If the
sample mean is x  23, find a 95% confidence interval for population mean µ.



第 3 页 共 3 页

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