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AMOS Business Suite

version 9.1.00

Release Notes

Revision 2, November 2009

Documentation Copyright and Disclaimer

Copyright Copyright E 2009 SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. Limassol, Cyprus, World rights reserved. No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to photocopy, photography, magnetic or other record, without the prior agreement and written permission from SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. Documentation office. Furthermore, unless specifically stated in the Software Purchase Agreement duly signed by both SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. and the user, the user will not distribute, reproduce, or allow access to by a third party this documentation, without the prior, written approval from SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. Documentation office. Whenever an authorised copy is made of all or any part of the documentation, all titles, copyright notices, patent notices or other proprietary markings must also be reproduced in full and included with the copied product. The User shall not alter or remove any copyright notices, patent notices or other proprietary markings affixed to or distributed throughout the documentation.

Disclaimer SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. makes every effort to ensure the information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing. However, as products of SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. are constantly being updated and maintained, discrepancies may arise from time to time between this documentation and the Product to which it applies. SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. makes no representations or warranties regarding the content or accuracy of the documentation, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. reserves the right to make documentation changes from time to time in regards to style, layout, and content without any obligation by SpecTec Group Holding Ltd. to notify any person of such changes or provide users with updated documentation revisions.

Trademarks All brand and product names to be found in this document or the product to which it applies are trademarks of their respective companies.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00 -


This release of the AMOS Business Suite is a full installation. Please ensure that you follow in-house back-up procedures prior to installation. If you are upgrading from earlier versions of AMOS products than those immediately prior to this release, we recommend that you read all release notes for the versions in between to familiarise yourself with the changes that have been made to the application between your current version and this one.

Problems may be encountered when attempting to open context sensitive help files (CHM format) from a network client machine. This can be rectified by mapping the installation directory on the server to a network drive on each client machine and then setting the default directory parameter on the client to point at the mapped drive. To use the PDF Help, please rename the file amosmp.pdf found in the Help folder in the installation folder, to amosw.pdf.

The context sensitive help files for some products are still under development, so the information on some help pages may be incomplete.

A new parameter was introduced with patch 8.6.19, Prevent Update on Quotation with Selected Vendor. Customers who applied that patch and set the parameter, will need to check/reset the parameter after upgrading to version 9 or above.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00 -



About this Release
As of this release, the individual module versions are aligned with the version number of the AMOS Business Suite. This release comprises the following module versions: AMOS Maintenance and Purchase AMOS Quality and Safety AMOS Voyage Management AMOS Personnel 9.1.00 9.1.00 9.1.00 9.1.00


The AMOS Business Suite version 9.1.00 has been tested on the following: Windows 2008 Server Enterprise Edition ASA ASA 10.01.3579 ASA Oracle 9.2 Oracle 10.02 Oracle 11g MS SQL 2005 9.00.3215.00 MS SQL 2008 10.0.1600.22 X X X X X Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition SP2 X X X X X X X Windows XP SP3 Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1


The AMOS Business Suite version 9.1.00 supports the following: 32- OS: -bit S S S S S S Windows 2003 Server SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows Vista SP1 Windows 2008 Server MS SQL 2005 MS SQL 2008


AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00


Oracle 9.2 Oracle 10.02 Oracle 11g ASA 9.0 ASA 10.01 ASA 11.0

AMOS Business Suite supports the above platforms within their own boundaries. For example: MS SQL 2005 Although a table can contain an unlimited umber of Foreign Key constraints, the recommended maximum is 253. MS SQL 2005 cannot process statements on records in a table that has more than this amount of Foreign Keys registered against it. This results in being unable to delete a department from within AMOS (as the department table has in excess of 350 Foregin Keys registered against it). AMOS E-Business Direct (AMOS HTML) was tested on the following e-mail clients: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0.2900.2180 Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606) AMOS Mail versions 5.1 and 7.4 AMOS E-Business Direct (AMOS HTML) is compatible with: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or higher. AMOS Business Suite version 9.1.00 is compiled using: PowerBuilder Version 11.5 Build 3050 Reports made in Crystal Reports use version

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00


Common Functionality
These release notes describe the changes made to AMOS Business Suite Common Functionality from version 9.0.00 to version 9.1.00.


The following changes have been made in this release.


Overview Panels
Using AMOS Overview Panels gives users a quick status overview in different areas of AMOS - for example, an Overview Panel can be designed to display overdue maintenance work in several different ways - gauges, ratios and graphs - all in one place. These elements together comprise one Overview Panel. The presentation of the gauges, graphs and ratios in the panels is fixed but the value and value definitions are configurable. The settings for the two graphs are based on data window syntax, which needs to be created in PowerBuilder data window painter and stored in a PBL file. Users can then import the syntax into AMOS. Once configured, the Overview Panels are displayed in a dedicated window and they present current information regarding the status of the area of the application they apply


TMSA Yes/No and N/A Scoring

It is now possible to define KPIs to require a Yes or No answer and not a numerical score. For these KPIs the user no longer has to use percentages to score the Self Assessments but simply provide a Yes or No answer. It is also possible to define KPIs to accept the answer N/A. If this option is allowed, and a user registers N/A as the answer when scoring a Self Assessment, AMOS will prompt for a reason and enter this in the Remarks field. To enable Yes/No and N/A answers, the Yes, No, and N/A have to be converted to percentages in order to calculate the overall KPI score. The percentages are defined in the system parameters using two new parameters, Not Applicable Score and Yes No Score. Users can also define starting codes for sub-elements using the new parameter Sub Element Start Code.


Notes Simultaneous Enhanced Templates

In AMOS 9.0 the ability to add enhanced templates to various tables was introduced. It is now also possible to add Notes text into these tables at the same time as an enhanced template is in use. Two new parameters work together to allow users to simultaneously insert Note text and Details, when running with an enhanced template: Editor - Additional Detail Data on Unit Level and Editor - Use Additional Note Field.

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Dragging and Dropping Attachments

AC#10615, 10614, 10814 It is possible to drag and drop attachments from for example the file explorer. Users can now also drag and drop attachments from an email client. New parameters are in place to control this functionality: S S S Attachments Maximum File Size - set the maximum size (kb) for any attachment used within the system. Attachments Oversize Action - this parameter defines the systems response when a user tries to add an attachment exceeding the maximum size. Attachments File Operation - this parameter determines the systems action when a user tries to add an attachment which is not already stored in the Graphics folder for that installation. Attachments Store in Database - when a user adds an attachment, the setting of this parameter determines if the file should be stored in the database, or not.


AMOS Hooks
A hook is a signal sent from AMOS in specified events to allow interaction with user defined code. This functionality, added in version 9.0 allows users to expand the AMOS suite with additional customisation and extensions. In version 9.1 additional functions have been added to the AMOS Hooks custom object.


Remote Open Lookup

Remote lookup functionality has been added to lookup fields: double-clicking on the content of a lookup field will open the original window where that information was defined.


Force New Password

AC#3057 A new checkbox has been added to the Users window, Force New Password at Login. If this box is flagged for any user, the next time this user logs in the Change Password dialog will appear, requiring them to change their password before they can proceed. The Force New Password checkbox will automatically be unchecked once the user has changed their password.


Last Login
AC#8411 The Last Login date of a user is now displayed on the Users window. Setting the new parameter Disable Account Period indicates the number of days of inactivity on a user account (from the last logon) that can go by before the account is disabled. If a user exceeds the number of days at their logon attempt, their account will be disabled and they will receive a message. Set to 0, this parameter is ignored.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00


Auto Lock AMOS When Idle

A new parameter, Idle Timeout allows users to set the amount of time, in minutes, for

which AMOS can be idle before it locks. Once this amount of time has passed, the windows will remain open but the logon dialog will appear and the current users password must be supplied before access is allowed again. This parameter is disabled when set to 0. If enabled, the item Lock Application will also appear on the File menu and can be manually selected at any time. Timeout can also be enabled on the Tools > Options window.


Shipdex Expansions
Expansions have been made to the following tables, to support ShipDex protocol: S S S S Component Type Components Stock Types Images


Remote Workflow Customisation

The option to define the content of the data island within the HTML page has been added to the AMOS Remote Workflow functionality. This allows full customisation of the content of the HTML documents including the presentation of the data and which data to include. With this functionality users can write an SQL statement in the configuration file as required and AMOS will then produce the data in XML format inside the HTML file.


Column Headers Included in Copy List Functionality

Column Headers, as displayed in the list view are now included when Copy List functionality from the Edit menu is used.


Views Expanded to Store Multiple Sorting Orders

AC#7660 When a window is saved as a View, multiple sorting on both column order and the data within the columns, is now remembered.


Import/Export Support Added

AC#11159 Import/Export support has been introduced for AMOS Quality and Safety tables, except for ImageFile which does not require import/export support.


Personnel Windows Available for Selection

In the Dashboard Configuration, the Designated Window list now allows for the selection of AMOS Personnel windows as well.

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Known Issues
The following known issues are present in this release.

Drop ---Downs in Dashboard Web Browser Did Not Work

AC#11808 If a web page on the Dashboard contained a drop-down field, it was not possible to select anything from it. This issue is solved by adding a registry key on the client: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_USE_WINDOWEDSELECTCONTRO L] amosw.exe=dword:00000001 During installation the application will set this flag regardless of its content. During uninstall the application will remove the content of the key and the key itself.


Check Added to PK Columns

A check has been added to all PK columns that the values are >0. Any PK columns with values <=0 need to be corrected prior to upgrade, or they could cause the upgrade to fail.


Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been corrected in this release.

Resizing Windows With Classic Editor

AC#11561 On any window with the classic editor in use, although it was possible to manually resize the window itself, the area for typing information did not increase. This has now been corrected.


Translation Omission
AC#8850 Some parts of the system were missing translation support. This has now been corrected.

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Missing Field Chooser Fields

AC#9781 When UDFs were applied in the parameters, they would appear selectable in the corresponding window Field Chooser. However, in other parts of the system the UDF fields would not be available even though they were activated. This has now been fixed.


AMOS Action Did Not Update Column in Work Orders

AC#9351 Although performing a work flow transformation containing the AMOS action Plan would change the internal work order status to Planned, the PlannedBy column in the WorkOrder register was not updated. This has now been fixed.


Translation Switched to English on Changing Departments

AC#11769 When switching departments, the currently translated language would switch back to English. Opening any window would restore the translation but closing windows would return the language to English again. This has now been fixed.


CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Open Dialog

AC#10909 Pressing CRTL+SHIFT+F9 would open the Open dialog correctly but clicking Cancel would display the Progress window instead of simply closing. This has now been fixed.


Scroll Bars Added to Company Window

AC#11033 Scroll bars were missing on the Currency Access tab and on the Installations tab of the Company window at Tools > Configuration > Company. These have now been added.


Problem with Dashboard Alert

AC#9710 In Dashboard Alerts there was an error if the SQL statement used contained a subselect. This has now been fixed.


Spellchecker Opened Behind AMOS

AC#11644 The Spellchecker dialog would open behind AMOS. This has now been fixed and focus is on the spellchecker dialog when it is opened.

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ID Number Series and Use 9 Digits for PK Counters

AC#11382 The parameters ID Number Series and Use 9 Digits for PK Counters could be set on isntallation/department level as well as globally, but since the system would only consider the global setting, the installation/department one was unecessary and could lead to errors. Now, when these parameters are accessed from installation/department level, a warning tooltip appears stating It is recommended that this parameter is set on the global level only.


Lookup Filter Error

AC#10940 Using the lookup buttons in filters to select and insert information into a field, would sometimes cause DBMS errors. This has now been fixed.


Vessel Details Additional Info

AC#11604 Information entered for a record in the user defined fields on the Vessel Details register Additional Info tab would automatically be copied to the user defined fields for all the other records in the window. Any changes made to a udf on one record would update on all the other records in the same udf. This has now been fixed.


Alerts Area on Dashboard Partially Obscured

AC#11753 When running the Dashboard on an installation without workflow, the webpage would partially block the alerts. Moving the divider did not move the webpage. This has now been corrected.

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AMOS Maintenance and Purchase

These release notes describe the changes made to AMOS Maintenance and Purchase from version 7.1.00 to version 9.1.00.


The following changes have been made in this release.

Project Window Enhancements

The appearance of the Projects window has been changed in this release. New fields, tabs and buttons have been added. Two new User Defined Fields have been added and it is now possible to open the Work Orders window from the Projects window using the new Project Work Order and Section Work Order buttons. S S S S Project Properties and Section Properties are now shown on the General tab/Section tab, and no longer accessed from the Options menu. Project-level attachments, access and order forms are all now listed in tabs. The Section tab contains a Jobs sub-tab displaying the job and work order details as before. A button Work Order, opens the work order for the current job. The Projects window formerly used the filter for the Work Orders window. This has now been changed, and users can filter specifically for projects, by Range of Projects, Sections and Jobs; Start/End Dates; Project Categories; and Title. In particular, it is now possible to filter by the status of a Project itself, instead of by the status of the related work orders (AC#6127, 4382). The Options menu items Details, Additional Info, Attachments, Job Descriptions, Job Description Attachments, Required Parts/Disciplines have all been removed and the information is now contained in the Section tab sub-tabs. The following new Options have been introduced: S Copy Project Details onto a new or existing project (AC#6119) The possibility to Move Project Jobs from one section to another Create Job from Job Description, opening a Create Requisition Job wizard Project Compendium enables the user to export all selected project details to a word document

It is now possible to set an alternative initial work flow status (including an alternative initial lock status) for project work orders. This initial status would apply to work orders created from the Projects window (AC#6120). When the Projects module is part of the license, it is now possible to filter Purchase Forms by Project Number. Purchase information related to a project can now also be viewed directly from the Projects window, in the Order Forms tab (AC#7272, 8291).

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Component Job Window Enhancements

The appearance of the Component Job window has been improved while functionality remains the same: tabs have been added to the window, replacing the need for the Options menu. The window is now similar in appearance to the Component Type Jobs window.


Depends On Counters
Components may have counters which depend on other components counters. Users now need the correct combination of access rights (Counters; Update/Set Start/Replace - Counters with Dependency on the Access Control Functions tab) to Update, Set Start or Replace values on counters which depend on other counters, from inside the Components window Counters tab. If a counter does not depend on anything else, it can be adjusted directly in the Components window Counters tab. Depending counters can be updated as usual from the Counters Update window.


Purchase Reports Print Preview

When running with a theme, a blue gradient rectangle appears around the reports, and a title describing the print out form type has been added (i.e. Order, Requisition, Letter of Rejection, etc.). If the system is running without a theme, then these reports are displayed as before.


Order Confirmation Date

A new parameter Order Confirmation Date has been added for the MTML portal driver. Setting this to System tells AMOS to set the Order Confirmation Date on a purchase form to the date the MTML file was processed. Setting it to File tells AMOS to read the Order Confirmation Date from the XML file.


Component Type Details Button

AC#11800 A Details button has been added to the Component Type - Jobs tab. Clicking the button shows the Component Type Job Details (job description text) for the selected Job.


Vendors Ref on Stock Items

AC#9782 The Vendors Ref field has been added to the Vendor tab on Stock Types and Stock Items, and users no longer have to open the Vendor window (via the Vendors tab) to view this field.


Notes From Vendor Indication in Compare Quotations

AC#9622 When a Note from Vendor is present on a quotation, and the user opens the Compare Quotation window, an icon will appear in the column header for the quotation which has a note. Hovering over the icon with the mouse will display a tooltip with the contents of the Note, so the user can take this into consideration during the comparison.

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Selecting Quotations
AC#10095 Formerly, a Quotation was considered selected when the vendor on the quotation matched the vendor on the form. However, this assumption is not always true, and now a quotation is only set to selected when the user chooses Options > Select Quotation in the Quotation window, or the vendor is added to the Forms General tab and Use Quotation Prices is then checked. If more than one quotation from that vendor exists for the form (for example different prices for different delivery destinations), the user will not be allowed to select the quotation on the form header but instead in the Quotations window where they select not only the vendor but the specific quotation as well.


Open Stock Types From Transfer Documents

AC#10306 In Transfer Document Line Items, double-clicking a line item opens the related Stock Type. This allows the office to subsequently source the availability of that stock type across installations.


Purchase Form Filter Advanced Tab

AC#2374 The Include Forms of Type and Status area on the Purchase Form filter Advanced tab has been expanded to display as many work flow statuses as possible without having to scroll.


Purchase Form Filter Quotation Options

AC#10994 The Form State list on the Purchase Forms filter has been expanded with more Quotation status filtering options: S Awaiting Quotation Receive (RFQs sent but none or not all received or rejected), S Fully Received Queries (RFQs sent and all received or rejected), S No Quotations Received (RFQs sent but none received or rejected), S Not All Quotations Received (RFQs sent and some but not all received or rejected).


Accumulated Total in Budget Groups

AC#10009 The Budget Codes within a hierarchy now display Accumulated Total figures in the same way as these amounts are shown in a parent record. This applies in the BudgetCode window, as well.


Possibility to Save on AMOS HTML

AC#10718 It is now possible to save HTML files and their content, and continue working on the same file at a later stage. A new button on the form, Save Details, will store the form and details and all information will appear the next time this form is opened. Clicking the Delete Details button will clear all the previously saved details on this form only - for example, after the quote has been sent. -

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Note Field Indicator Added to Quotations

AC#7702 Three new fields have been added to the Quotations window: Note to Vendor, Note from Vendor, and Terms and Conditions. These fields indicate if any applicable information has been added to the selected quotation.


Show All Functionality in Deliveries

AC#8239 A Show All button and Option menu item have been added to the Deliveries window for order forms, to display the cancelled deliveries as well as active ones.


Line Item Field Chooser

AC#10883 The Line Item window fields Form Order and To Order have been added to the field chooser. They are also now part of the Copy List functionality.


Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed in this release.


Datawindow in Work Orders Register Missing

AC#11991 When a user selected a work order in the Work Orders window and clicked the Delete button, but then clicked No in the warning dialog that appeared, the datawindow in the General tab of the window would disappear. This has now been corrected.


Reports Caused Crash in Certain Circumstances

AC#10665 When filtered by any Job Class, running the following reports resulted in AMOS crashing: Maintenance Reports/Survery due by MISC2, Survery due by MISC2 (functions). This has now been fixed.


Scrolling Problem on Stock Items

AC#7897 Scrolling through records in the Stock Items window did not work correctly, the top and bottom parts of the window did not scroll together. This has now been fixed.

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Orderform Notes Locked Export on MSSQL

AC#9048 During office export while running on MSSQL, AMOS would freeze on the first line of Orderline for Department 2, and hang the taskserver. This has now been fixed.


Unable to Print Labels/Print Execute SQL

AC#8735, 9151 After applying patch 8.5.15 if the user opened Stock Items and tried to print a label, although the print preview would appear the actual lable would not print and AMOS would crash. This has now been fixed.


Deadlocks --- MSSQL Server 2000

AC#10655 Systems running on MSSQL 2000 would occasionally get deadlock messages while working within the Purchase module. The deadlocks would coincide with replication or import/export tasks running. Now if this occurs, the user receives a message saying A deadlock occurred, which means that a collision with another user (maybe a task server) occurred. Retry the operation shortly.


Reporting on Rounds, Completed Date

AC#10730 When reporting on Round work orders, the work order could be marked as completed and saved without a completed date. This would prevent the system from automatically creating the next work order for the round and scheduling the appropriate next due date. Now, if a round has been marked completed but the Date Done field is not set, the user will receive an error message.


Discipline DDDW Field Size Adjusted

AC#8105 The width of the Discipline DDDW field on the Work Order, Component Job and Component Type Job windows has been expanded to display all information. If all information still cannot be viewed, a horizontal scroll bar is available.


Error Moving Stock Items

AC#10925, 10926 If Depreciation Levels were in use, an error would sometimes occur when a user tried to select Stock Items > Options > Move. Also, the system did not prompt for any depreciation level when moving a stock item. This has now been fixed.

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Changing Unit on Stock Type

AC#10922 Changing the unit on a stock type (within the Stock Type window) and clicking Save produces a warning with the choice to go ahead and save or cancel. However, clicking Cancel would save the changes anyway. This has now been fixed.


Component Type and Address Audit Trail Error

AC#11143 If a user configured an audit trail on the table ComponentType and the field CompTypeNo, generated the triggers and closed AMOS, upon reopening Components Types > Audit Trail tab, an error would occur. The same error was raised for the Address window if a column there was tracked using Audit Trail. This has now been fixed.


Budget Date Required on Order Forms and Line Items

AC#11297 If the Budget Date was not present on an order form, the Budget Code lookups on the form header and on Line Items did not filter the records and duplicate rows would appear. This made it possible to have order form line items with budget codes from several different financial years. Now, if no Budget Date is set on the order form and the user tries to retrieve budgets from either lookup, they are prompted to set the Budget Date first.


Work Planning Window

AC#9353 The font and resolution in the Work Planning window did not follow the settings in the operating system. This has now been corrected.


Missing Masks in History Filter

AC#11371 Certain masks were missing in the Maintenance > History filter fields. This has been corrected.


Hierarchy Show Numbers Parameter

AC#11079 When the parameter Hierarchy: Show Numbers was set to TRUE and a user opened the hierarchy, the Toggle Numbers button was not indented by default. This made toggling between showing and not showing numbers confusing. This has now been corrected.

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Purchase Form Notes Unmodifiable

AC#10086 If some purchase forms used a template and others did not, modifyng the notes on one and then switching from one with a template to one without (or vice versa) would then prevent any further modifications to the Details tab for either record. This has now been fixed.


Component Financials Tab Incorrect Information

AC#11451 The Components > Financials tab was displaying incorrect results when users viewed all components. However if they viewed one component at a time, the correct financial information would display and the function hierarchy was updated. This has been fixed and the correct information is displayed for all components.


Scroll Bar Missing in WO Job Descriptions

AC#11456 The scroll bars in the Job Descriptions tab in the Work Orders window were inconsistent: some job descriptions had a scroll bar while others did not, and switching between job descriptions would cause scroll bars to disappear from records which previously had one. This has now been fixed.


Sorting in Line Items Allowed Despite Access

AC#9148 If a user group had the following access: S Combined Tab - Read access on Complete System and Read, Edit, Insert, Delete, Execute on General, and S Registers Tab - Edit on Forms and Form Active Queries Users could still access and perform Sort Items on the line items of active forms, disregarding the Functions/Order Lines; Sort Items switch. If Read (Complete System) was not checked, then Sort Items was greyed out. This has now been corrected and access rights apply.


Related Tab Refreshing

AC#11522 When component types were related in the Component Type window Related tab, whether a simple or two way relation was in use, the information did not show up correctly in the hierarchies and other windows. These windows had to be refreshed upon opening to display the information correctly. This has now been fixed.


Unable to View Order Line Details Without Edit Rights

AC#11670 If the line item details exceeded the window size the user needed to scroll to see all the details. However, if the user did not have Edit access rights, no scroll bar would be present. This has now been fixed.

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Transaction Codes Did Not Appear on WOs

AC#11737 When a component had one or more transaction codes assigned and a work order for with required parts, when the work order was selected in the In/Out of Stock window, although the component and required parts would appear the transaction codes did not. This has now been fixed.


Transaction Codes Sharing on Component Transfer

AC#11836 When a component was transferred from one installation to another, if the transaction codes were not shared with the other installation, they were deleted from the component. This has now been fixed.


Updating Component Hierarchy in Saved Views

AC#11821 If a user opened the Component Hierarchy, toggled the numbers to show and then saved the results as a View, upon reopening the view the numbers would not show anymore. This has now been corrected, and the parameter Hierarchy, Show Numbers must be set to FALSE.


AMOS API f_convertftr2bmp Support Expansion

AC#11790 f_convertrtf2bmp did not support conversion of Notes to vendor (orderformportal.notes) and Quotationportal.Notes. Even though the portals do not support rich text (i.e. formatting is removed), these fields are used by users who do not use any of the portal functionality, so the function has now been extended to support these fields allowing printing of the notes fields. All notes fields supporting RTF arenow supported by the f_convertrtf2bmp function.


Creating Requistion WO Did Not Change WO Window Title

AC#11825 When creating a new work order in the Requisition Work Order window, the newly created work order number would remain on the window title even after refreshing the window. This has been fixed and the new work orders title shows.


UDFs on Stock Items Did not Save

AC#11885 When the parameter Use Stock Types was set to FALSE, data entered in user defined fields on the Stock Items window was not saved. This has now been fixed.

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Not Possible to Tag Consolidated/Unconsolidated Deliveries

AC#11071, 12102 In both the Consolidated and Unconsolidated Deliveries windows, it was not possible to check the box for records in the list. This has now been fixed.


Crash During Report Work

AC#11978 When running on SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 build 2308, the system would crash during reporting of work. This has now been fixed.


Restricted Budget Did Not Show in Order Form Filter

When a Purchase Budget had open access and was set on a Purchase Order and saved, if the access on that budget was then reset to restricted, it would no longer appear in the Budget field on the Order Form filter. This meant that users could not filter for all forms tied to that budget. This has now been fixed.


History Date Written

When reporting work, and a history entry was added to the history register, the field Date Written was populated with the date as registered in the Date Done field of the Report Work window General tab. This could cause confusion as to which day the work was actually done versus which day it was entered into the system. To avoid this issue, the label of the Date Written field on the History window has now been changed to Date Done to be consistent with the Report Work window field from which it inherits its information.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00



These release notes describe the changes made to AMOS Personnel from version 5.7.00 to version 9.1.00.


The following changes were made in this release.

Access Rights Improved

AC#11814 The Access Rights system for the Employee window has been improved. Now, if there is no Read access for a certain tab, the tab will be hidden. Without Edit access, the tab will appear read-only. Insert and Delete access remain the same. Without Read access on Employee Details, the entire window will be inaccessible.


Bank Account Number Extended

AC#11541 The field AccountNo in use in AMOS Personnel has been extended to contain up to 50 characters.


Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed in this release.

Personnel Memo Not Available

AC#11061 It was not possible to enter text into the Memo field for Employee records. This has now been fixed.


Invalid Drop ---Downs in Personnel Registers

AC#11318 Various drop-down lists in AMOS Personnel registers were either empty, or contained the wrong items. This has now been fixed.


Personnel Report --- On ---Off Signing

AC#11661 It was not possible to select multiple employees/vessels for listing and printing on the Personnel Report On-Off Signing. Instead users had to print an individual report for each employee.This has now been fixed and multiple employees/vessels can be listed and printed on one report.

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Payroll Close Period Crash

AC#11599 After closing a period (Crewing > Payroll > Close Period), a fatal error would occur and AMOS would crash. This has now been fixed.


ProvTermination Table Not in Shared Tables

AC#11101 The ProvTermination table has now been added to the shared tables in the parameter settings.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00



Quality and Safety

These release notes describe the changes made to AMOS Quality and Safety from version 4.6.00 to version 9.1.00.


The following changes have been made in this release.

Corrective Action WOs Show Incident Number

When a user made a corrective action in the Incident window, the resulting work order was marked as a corrective action. Now, in the Quality Work Order window a new field, Incident No, has been added to display which incident the work order belongs to.


Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed in this release.

Constraint Error When Reporting an Incident

AC#11219 When reporting an incident of type Accident, with the checkbox Pollution checked, it was not possible to save the incident if Environmental Loss was set to None. This has now been corrected.


Missing Tooltips
AC#11221 Three toolbar icons in the Quality > Manuals window were missing tooltips. These tooltips have now been added.

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00 -


6.1 6.2

This section outlines the changes to database structure from AMOS Business Suite version 9.0.00 to version 9.1.00.

New Tables Including Fields
New Table New Fields ConvertedEnhancedText ConvertedEnhancedTextID ExportPrefix RelatedID TextImage ImageType DeptID ExportMarker LastUpdated OverviewPanel PanelID PanelName Description DeptID ExportMarker AccessID PanelID sys_group_id DeptID ExportMarker LastUpdated GaugeID PanelID GaugeName SQLMax SQLPrimary SQLSecondary DWSyntax DeptID ExportMarker LastUpdated




New Fields in Existing Tables

Existing Table AmosUser BudgetCodeDef New Fields ForcePasswordChange LastLogin LayoutID Notes UserTableID

AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00 -


BudgetGroup CompCounterLog CompJob CompMeasurePointLog ComponentUnit

PresentationModel ChangedDate UserTableID ChangedDate LayoutID Notes UserTableID UserAddressID UserDefText01 InclReqDiscCompendium InclReqPartCompendium SelectedDate SelectedBy LayoutID Notes UserTableID YesNoAnswer NAOption NotApplicable Description

Project ProjectJob Quotation SpareUnit


AMOS Business Suite - Release Notes version 9.1.00 -


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