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Approach = abordare

Treacherous = perfid, inselator

To enable = a permite
To mount an expedition = a organiza o expeditie
Hull = carena
To acknowledge = a admite, a recunoaste

Ex. 3 p. 102 Re-phrasing:

4. What they did was (to) make us work 12 hours a day.
5. The archaeologist has stopped talking to his assistant.
6. Would / Do you mind sharing your programme?
7. It is the director who decides who goes on the mission.


To row = a vasli
Oarsmen = vaslasi
To struggle = a se lupta, a se stradui
To engulf = a cuprinde
Tides = curenti
Bid = attempt
Eccentric = excentric
To splash = a lovi apa
Slender = subtire
Ticked off = bifat
To set off = a porni (expeditii, excursii…)
To succumb = a ceda
Yacht (io:t) = iaht
Mould = tipar, matrita
Shallow = neadanc
To grip = a apuca, a prinde
To spare = a scuti
Beside the point = de neinteles’, inexplicabil
To tempt = a tenta
Urge = indemn
Posturing = pozitie, pozitionare
To dismiss = a refuza, a elibera
A male preserve = apanajul barbatilor
Unlike = spre deosebire de
To contemplate (+vb-*ING) = a lua in considerare
Thresholds = praguri
To have no allure for = a nu fi tentant
To thrive = a prospera
Sympathy = mila, compasiune, intelegere

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