SRC PlayerHelper Drax 2.3

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Shadowrun Crossfire - Player Helper ​v2.3 ​.

HOW TO PLAY ​[pg.12] ​ ​* ​Cf = Crossfire​ ​ ​ . TAKING A TURN​ ​[pg.13] ​ ​In Order​ ​ ​ .
1. Draw a Crossfire card. If ​Critical ​you do not take a turn
- ​Start​ of each round, mission leader puts active ​Cf​ card ​(if any) 1. Play Cards​ - ​Other runners may ASSIST
into the discard. - May play cards from your hand, ​1​ at a time.
- Mission leader draws the top card of the Crossfire Deck. - Resolve any abilities when you play the card
- Follow the instructions for that card.​ ​ (Check Cf Level) - Play Cards next to Any Obstacle you wish to damage
When active Cf card discarded, that card's effects no longer apply - If card can Damage more than 1 ​ O
​ bstacle, use Generic Token
2. Each runner ​Takes a Turn​ ​[pg.13] -​ ​Can play ASSIST abilities only during another runner’s turn
- ​Start​ with the mission leader.
- Play continues clockwise until everyone has ​taken a turn​. 2. Apply Damage​ [pg.14]
Note​: Mission leader remains the same throughout the game - Apply damage to obstacles after all cards have been played

At End of any Turn​:​** = Special Damage Type. ​See Card Ability box
-​ ​if there are no obstacles/bosses facing any runner:
Mission leader ​Removes​ active Crossfire card ​(if any)​ from play ​= ​1​ point of damage of that colour each
and puts it on the bottom of the Crossfire Deck (​Not Discard​)
Note​: -​ Timebomb has no effect on ​Removed​ Crossfire Cards ​= ​#​ point/s of colourless Damage. ​Does not affect color
​- ​Removed​ Crossfire Cards do not add to Cf Level
Damaging Obstacles/Bosses ​[pg.14]​:
3. The round is over. - Each box of the track is a level
- Once all Runners have Taken a Turn the round is over - Damage is done from first Left level box to Right level Box.
Repeat steps 1–3 until the Game Ends. - May take several turns to defeat an obstacle
____________________________________________________ - Cleared Levels on a Track remain cleared- ​Mark cleared (clip)
- Colored symbol means that the indicated color of damage must
ENDING THE GAME ​- ​Win / Abort / Loss​ - ​[pg.19] ​ . be applied to that level to clear it.
- ​Gray symbol with # means that you must apply a ​total​ amount
Win:​ ​Each Mission has its own victory condition. of damage of any color and/or colorless to that level to clear it.
Meet the condition, team wins the scene, earn the Karma
- ​At the end of this phase, played cards are discarded
Abort:​ If any runner goes Critical, run may be aborted​ (if allowed)
- Team must decide to proceed with Scene or abort run. 3. Take Damage​ ​[pg.18]
- If team proceeds and a 2nd runner goes Critical then the game Active player receives dmg from obstacles facing them (if any)
ends in failure (Loss), no abort. - If HP is ​<1​, Runner becomes ​Staggered
- If the team aborts, then team plays 1 abort round, then end - If dmg while ​Staggered​, Runner becomes ​Critical
- If HP ​<1​ while ​Exhausted​, Runner becomes ​Critical
Start Abort round with next runner with the following rules: Note​:​ No matter how many obstacles deal damage,
•›​ Each non-Critical runner plays ​one​ turn. ​(skip Critical runners) that damage is combined and applied as a single amount.
•›​ ​At start of abort round, remove the current ​Cf​ card from play i​e:​ Dmg taken from sources during same phase of your turn can’t
​Put it on the bottom of the Cf Deck (not discard) make you become Staggered and go Critical at the same time.
Note​: Do not draw a Crossfire card during the abort round​.
•›​ ​During the abort round, ignore any Mission rules. 4. Reload​ ​[pg.19]
•›​ At the start of each runner’s Abort turn, move all obstacles and - If you have ​3​ or fewer cards in your hands, draw ​2​.
bosses facing a Staggered/Critical runner to face current runner - ​If​ ​Exhausted​ ​only draw​ 1​ card instead
Note:​ This happens before any other start-of-turn actions.
5. Black Market ​(BM) ​[pg.19] -​ If ​Staggered​ skip BM phase
- If at least 1 runner is Not Critical at end of About round: - May buy cards from the Black Market
​Success:​ Scene ends all runners receive abort Karma award - Cards purchased go into your hand
- If All runners become Critical during the Abort Round: Black Market consists of 6 face up cards from Black Market Deck
​Loss:​ Scene ends and none get Karma award - Flip new card from the BM Deck face up to replace bought card.

Loss​: ​Scene/Game ends and runners receive no Karma award​. 6. End Turn​ ​[pg.19]
- If a runner went ​Critical​ and team proceeded with Scene​ ​(not - Next players Turn ​OR
abort)​ and a 2nd runner goes Critical the run ends in failure (loss) - If the next player is the mission leader? start another round.
____________________________________________________ **
TAKING A BREATHER ​[pg.20] ​. NOTE:​ At the end of any turn:​ if there are ​no​ obstacles or
Once a Scene ends, Runners take a Breather ​(if Mission allows)​: bosses facing any runner​, Mission leader removes active Cf card,
A Scene ends when, at the end of any player’s turn, all obstacles if any​, from play & puts it on bottom of the Cf Deck (not discard)
facing runners have been defeated ____________________________________________________
Crossfire Card Information: ​ ​.
During a Breather apply the following rules in order:
a.​ End ongoing effects​ - ​Unless specifically stated CONTINUOUS​ - effect lasts as long as the card is ​active
b.​ ​Remove Exhausted tokens​ - ​Except Critical runners
c.​ ​Heal 1 HP ​- All Runners, including Staggered/Critical runners TIMEBOMB​ - effect triggers when card is placed in
​ May Not heal beyond Max HP, Stag/Crit auto draw 2 cards Crossfire ​discard​. ​(Not triggered if ​Removed)​
d.​ ​Purchase Cards​, May buy 1 card from Black Market
​Cannot buy cards that ‘​Requires X​’ to buy during a Breather CROSSFIRE LEVEL​ - ​# ​in center of symbol shows the Cf
level threshold necessary for the ability or effect to trigger
Note:​ Upgrades cannot be used during a Breather Unless they
specifically state otherwise Note:​ Cf ​level​ is equal to number of cards in the Cf ​discard​ pile
DAMAGE CONDITIONS​: ​[pg.18] ​ . OBSTACLE CARD Information/Key ​ [pg.10]​ ​ .

1 Bullet hole ​on front of card = ​Normal Obstacle

2 Bullet holes ​on front of card = ​Hard Obstacle

- Immediately shuffle your deck, hand, and discard together into a Obstacle Abilities:
new deck ​(no cards in your hand). Flipped ​= trigger in the order that they come into play
- Also become Exhausted, immediately take Exhausted token Defeated​ = trigger as soon as the obstacle is defeated ​[pg.15]
- Cannot use abilities from Upgrades Crossfire​ = Only trigger if the Crossfire level ​#​ is high
- Mission leader, still manages the Crossfire Deck enough ​(Same as Cf card)
- If you get to draw cards before the start of your turn, may keep
those cards. Obstacle Abilities ​Wording:
- May still play cards and apply damage during your turn You​ = runner facing the obstacle
- May still play cards with Assists on other runners turns Choose​ = current runner must make the choice
- Still get attacked by obstacles/bosses during Take Damage step Cycle​ = discard card, replace it with a new one from same deck.
- If take any damage you go Critical
- Do not have a Black Market phase Note:​ Card ability rules override General rules
- Still receive nuyen.
- If are healed 1 HP or more, draw 2 cards from your deck. Timing of abilities/effects:
You recover and are no longer Staggered. If multiple abilities/effects happen at the same time, the current
runner chooses the order in which those abilities/effects trigger​.

Defeating an Obstacle​ ​[pg.15]

When you clear the last level of an obstacle damage track, it is
defeated. ​Apply defeated ability effect if stated
Exhausted​ ​- ​Token​ - ​Unless specifically stated otherwise:
- Removed only between Scenes, ​only if Mission allows Breather Collecting and Distributing Nuyen​ ​[p.g18]​ .
- It is automatically removed at the end of the game - All runners may gain nuyen for each obstacle defeated
- May never have more than one Exhausted token - Nuyen value in upper right corner of each Obstacle card
- Draws only one card during their Reload phase - Current runner takes 1 nuyen from the total shown ​Then:
- If HP is reduced to 0, while Exhausted, you go Critical clockwise, next runner takes 1 nuyen from total, and so on until
runners have taken nuyen equal to value on card.

​#​ = ​Nuyen​ Value

-T​ here is no limit to how many nuyen you may have
Critical KARMA ​[pg.21] ​ .
- Shuffle your hand and discard into your deck.
- When team ​completes​ a run they earn Karma based on Mission
- Take no more actions/turns during the current Scene
- A Mission has bonus challenge options for extra Karma awards
- no recovery from going Critical during the current Scene,
if the team completes the mission in a specific way
- May cause current run to be aborted. - Karma is used in Acquiring Upgrades
- Take no actions remainder of the game if an abort happens
- Do not remove Exhausted tokens in a Breather
UPGRADES ​[pg.21] ​ .
- If take any damage while Exhausted you go Critical
- Total value of Upgrades a runner can have is limited by the
- If take any damage while Staggered you go Critical
amount of Karma they have earned
- If all runners become Critical in Abort round, Team loses
- Upgrades in slots other than the first slot cost +​10​ karma more
- If a 2nd runner becomes Critical in a Scene, Team loses
- Only Upgrade showing/equipped count towards cost/are usable
NOTE:​ ​Damage taken from multiple sources during the ​same BOSSES​ [pg.10] ​ .
phase​ of your turn cannot make you become ​Staggered​ and go - Some Missions will say that a boss is part of the mission
Critical​ at the same time.
- Can apply damage to bosses the same way as obstacles,
Damage taken on later phases can still make you go Critical if
unless​ the card specifically states that it only affects ​obstacles
you are Staggered
____________________________________________________ COMMUNICATION ​[pg.19]
- Runners May ​Not​ show other runners cards they have in hand.

Advanced Communication Rules:

Runners can’t advise other runners on their play or ask for advice
on their own play​,​ ​but:
- Answering ​rules​ questions is allowed
- ​May talk about ASSIST cards they have and whether they are
willing to play those cards on another runner’s turn.
- May remind other runners what cards they purchased
- May ​ask ​that other runners not purchase a card in BM because
they wish to purchase it.
- May ​request​ that another runner buy a specific card in BM
“Did you say computer? - May ​ask​ other runners if they have the ability to clear a specific
I thought you said shoot people in the face.” damage level on an obstacle.
Note:​ T
​ rash talk, jokes, and other forms of non-strategic
communication are encouraged

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