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Pakistan International School, Riyadh.

Subject: Mathematics
Worksheet#1 Grade: VII

Unit#1 “Operation On Sets”

Q1) Fill in the blanks.

1. A ______ is a collection of distinct, well-defined objects.
2. If B={1,3,5,7,9}, then 7 _____ B.
3. Sets having no common elements are ___________ sets.
4. A set containing no elements is called ________ set.
5. Sets containing equal number of elements are __________ sets.
6. Every set is a ________ of itself.
7. An element that is common to both sets is written, once in _______ sets.
8. Empty set is ______ to every set.
9. AN intersection set contains only _______ elements.
10. If A={ 0,1}, n(A)= ___________.
11. If E= {x | x is an even prime number} n(E)= ________.

12. Sets that have non-null intersections are called ________ sets.
13. If A={2,4,6,8}, then 5 ______ A.
14. When A ={1,3,5} and A’ ={2,4,6} then U=______________.
15. If B={0,1} then the number of subsets of B are _____________.

Q2) If U={0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20}, A={2,4,6}, B={10,12,14,16,18,20} and C={12,14}

Find (i) C’ (ii) AUB (iii) B∩C (iv) B|C (v) B’

Q3) If B={a,b,c,d} and B’={e,f,g}, Find U.

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