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“A study on the main causes of drug abuse in West Ruimveldt Housing


Dear Resident;

The researcher is a fifth-form student of Ascension Secondary School. He will be writing

the Caribbean Secondary Examination in 2022. As a requirement, he is surveying Last Street

Prospect to gather information on the research topic of drug abuse.

Moreover, your help is needed in answering the following questions honestly. Most of

the questions can be answered by placing a tick (√) next to the suitable option or by writing your

opinions where a space is provided. You do not have to write your name and your responses will

be kept confidential.

Thanking you for your cooperation.

Yours Truly,

Shamar Levy

1. What is your sex?

Male Female

2. Age range:

14-15 16-17

18-19 20 and over

3. What religious group do you belong?

Christianity Hinduism


4. What ethnic group do you belong to?

African East Indian


5. Have you ever used drugs?

Yes No

6. If yes, what category of drugs?

Illegal Legal Over the Counter Prescription

7. What drug is mainly used by residents in West Ruimveldt?

Ecstasy Cocaine
Marijuana Cigarette
8. Are drugs easily accessible in your community?

Yes No

9. How often do you see persons in West Ruimveldt using drugs?

Every hour Daily Weekly Occasionally

10. What is the main cause of drug abuse?

To cope with stress Curiousity and experimentation

Peer pressure

11. What is the main effect of constantly using drugs?

Illegal activities Memory loss

Change of behaviour Weight loss/ gain

12. How have teenagers in West Ruimveldt been affect affected by drug abuse?

Violent behaviour Turn to theft

Become a vagrant Develop mental illness

13. How would you help someone who is addicted to drugs?

Advise Take to rehab centre Conduct educational seminar

14. What do you think can be done by the government to reduce drug abuse in your


Every minute Daily

Weekly Occasionally

15. How would you rate the level of child abuse?





16. How does child abuse daily affect children?

Lifelong Scar Poor Academic performance

Depression Mental Trauma Other

17. What can be done to address the issue of abuse in North East La

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