Jahmaal Hubbard

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“A study on the main causes and consequences of the high rate of

physical abuse of children in the North East La Penitence community”

Dear Resident;

The researcher is a fifth-form student of Ascension Secondary School. He will be writing

the Caribbean Secondary Examination in 2022. As a requirement, he is surveying Last Street

Prospect to gather information on the research topic of child abuse.

Moreover, your help is needed in answering the following questions honestly. Most of

the questions can be answered by placing a tick (√) next to the suitable option or by writing your

opinions where a space is provided. You do not have to write your name and your responses will

be kept confidential.

Thanking you for your cooperation.

Yours Truly,

Jahmaal Hubbard

1. What is your sex?
Male Female

2. To what age group do you belong?

15-20 21-26

27-32 33 and over

3. What religious group do you belong?

Christianity Hinduism


4. What ethnic group do you belong to?

African East Indian


5. What is the most common form of child abuse in your community?

Physical Verbal

Sexual Neglect

6. How long have you been residing in North East Lap Penitence?

Under 1 year 1-5 years

6-10 years Over 10 years

7. What is the most common form of child abuse in your community?

Physical Verbal Sexual Neglect

8. What is the main cause of child abuse?

Disobedience Financial difficulties

Relationship Stress Misdemeanor

9. Were you ever a victim of child abuse?

Yes No

10. If yes, who were you abused by?

Sibling Parents Other ----------------------------

11. How often does child abuse take place in your community?

Every minute Daily

Weekly Occasionally

12. How would you rate the level of child abuse?





13. How does child abuse daily affect children?

Lifelong Scar Poor Academic performance

Depression Mental Trauma Other

14. What can be done to address the issue of abuse in North East La Penitence?

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