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K. Y. La
A. M. Hefny

11.1 Introduction Table 11.1. Equations for calculating the ulti-

mate bearing capacity for each mode are also
This chapter covers two main topics. The first
provided in Table 11.1 in conjunction with
deals with the design principles for founda-
Table 11.2.
tions on rock specially those for tall buildings
(Section 11.2): both shallow footings and
piles socketed in rocks are addressed. The Allowable Bearing Pressure
second topic deals with the safety assessment The allowable bearing pressure may be de-
of concrete dams on rock foundations (Sec- fined as the maximum bearing stress to be ap-
tion 11.3). plied to the rock mass to provide an adequate
factor of safety against bearing capacity fail-
ure and to ensure that settlement is within
11.2 Foundations for tolerable limits. The allowable bearing pres-
Tall BUildings sure for foundations supported on rocks can
11.2.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS be obtained from: 1. codes, 2. semi-empirical
methods, 3. bearing capacity theories, and Bearing Capacity 4. in situ tests.
The loads associated with tall buildings are
large and may result in high contact pressures 1. Codes. For preliminary design pur-
being applied to the rock mass. Although set- poses, it is sometimes useful to estimate the
tlement criteria often control the design of allowable bearing pressure, which will de-
foundations supported by rock, the bearing pend on the type and condition of rock, based
capacity of the rock mass must be calculated on presumed values given in city and national
to assess the stability. building codes. While the city codes are de-
The appropriate method for assessing the rived from local experience and geology, the
bearing capacity of foundation at a site de- national codes are often more general. These
pends entirely on the geological condition. presumed values are usually conservative;
For sound intact rock mass, the strength of however, the engineer should ensure that
the rock is so high that bearing capacity is they are applicable to the particular condi-
rarely an issue. It should be noted that for tions relevant to the site under considera-
strong sound rock, the stresses in the struc- tion.
tural section of the foundation may control
the deSign. There are several potential modes Table 11.3 shows presumed allowable
of failure (Jurgenson 1934; Sowers 1979) for bearing pressure for different rock types and
a layered and jointed rock mass, as shown in conditions as given by the CGS (1992).
R. K. Rowe (ed.), Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook
© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
TABLE 11.1. Bearing capacity failure modes in layered and jointed rock mass

Bearing capacity failure mode

Illustration Description Mode Ultimate bearing capacity (quIt)
Clay seam sandwiched Squeezing out of weak Use the Jurgenson solution

Clay seam
:J: Ia
between two rigid
clay seam (1934)

where s u = the undrained shear

strength for the clay, B = the
foundation width, and a = the
thickness of the clay seam
Thick rigid layer over- Flexure failure Minimum quit = twice the tensile
lying weak com- strength of the upper rock layer
- .... -J \._ .... -
pressible layer
Thin rigid layer overly- Punching failure Mininum quIt = tensile strength of
Rigid .~.
Weak , ______ l
ing weak compress-
ible layer
the upper rock layer

Open joints with Uniaxial compression quIt = uniaxial compressive

s<B of the "rock col- strength of the upper rock layer

Closed joints with General wedge shear Use the Bell solution (e.g. Kul-

s<B failure hawy & Goodman 1987)
_ By
quit - eN c + -Ny + yDfNq
where B = base width; Df = foun-
dation depth below rock sur-
face; y = unit weight of rock;
Nc = 2N~/2(NB + 1);
Ny = N~/2(N~ + 1);
N q = N~; N$ = tan2 [45° + (<1>/2)];
e and <1> = shear strength parame-
ters of rock mass at operative
stress level. For circular, square
or rectangular footing use cor-
rection factors for N c and Ny
given in Table 11.2

TABLE 11.2. Correction factors for Nc and Ny (modified from Sowers 1979)

Foundation shape" Correction factor for Nc Correction factor for Ny

Circular 1.20 0.70
Square 1.25 0.85
LIB = 2 1.12 0.90
LIB = 5 1.05 0.95
'L = foundation length; B = foundation width.

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