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Main LS: 2.2.1
DAY 1 Complementary LS: 1.3.1

Unit 10 - What’s The Matter?

Focus words: headache, toothache, stomachache, fever, cough, sore throat
SI: The teacher acts out - eg: coughs , headache - and get the
1 pupils to guess the conditions.
Share pictures (showing the above) and the words arranged randomly.
2 Use the related pictures in the textbook. Pupils guess them.
Play the audio (given/adapted). Get pupils to sing along and do the
3 actions.
Then, get pupils to practise (speak) the sentence patterns as a class,
4 then in pairs. Add in words - fever, flu, cough etc. - using the same

Pupils can interchange the patterns with the different words. This can
also be done as peer assessment/peer checking but not as the proper
assessment just yet.

Note: Please focus on the pupils’ pronunciation/enunciation/ articulation & intonation of

words and grammar.
What’s The Matter ? ( Song - Adapted ) 1/2

What’s the matter, my friend?

I have a toothache.
Why? Why the toothache ?
Because of the candy that I ate.

What’s the matter, my friend ?

I have a headache.
Why? Why the headache ?
Because I slept very late.

What’s the matter, my friend ?

I have a stomach ache.
Why? Why the stomach ache ?
Because I ate the chocolate cake.
What’s The Matter ? ( Song - Adapted ) 2/2
What’s the matter, my friend?
I have a fever.
Why? Why the fever ?
I swam in the river.

What’s the matter, my friend ?

I have a cough, so bad.
Why? Why’s the cough, so bad ?
Because I disobeyed my Dad.

What’s the matter, my friend ?

I have a bad flu.
Why? Why the bad flu ?
Because …aah..aah..aah choo! (sneeze)
Main LS: 2.2.1
DAY 2 Complementary LS: 1.3.1

Unit 10 - What’s The Matter?

Focus words: headache, toothache, stomachache, fever, cough, sore throat
SI: Share pictures of the words learnt in Day 1 from other sources
1 (not the ones in the textbook) and get the pupils to guess them.
Have a discussion with the pupils on causes or treatments of
2 headaches, coughs, etc. Play the song again.
Practise (speak) the sentence patterns as a class again, then in pairs.
3 Get pupils to speak to each other and do the actions (optional).
Then, you can start to do the assessment while referring to the
4 Performance Standard table. Give the pupils the time and support that
they need.
Focus on doing assessment for those who are not able to/do not
5 respond outside the online lesson. As for the other pupils, you MAY
assess them via video calls or Whatsapp calls or any other way.
1 Can manage interaction and classroom task by providing short and simple
responses with a lot of support

Keep interaction going in short

2 Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately with a lot of support
exchanges by using suitable words:

(i) to show understanding

3 Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately


About 3, 4 or more turns) [ref: SoW pg 4 Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately by sustaining
32] communication at times

5 Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately by sustaining

communication most of the time

6 Can manage interaction and classroom task appropriately by sustaining

communication naturally
Additional Ideas For The Use of Song/Chant/Rhyme/Poem:

- Add humour in your adapted song/rhyme/chant etc. Pupils will love it!
- Get them to substitute words; if you turn it into a poem, it doesn’t need to
- Use the points in the song/rhyme for discussion; the insertion of the HOTs
Eg: How do you think you get the flu/ a fever/ a bad cough?
: What do you do to get rid of the flu/ the fever / the sore throat?

- Discussions can be expanded to sharing their experiences of going to the

clinic to see the doctor, get a jab, get medicines etc. (For some pupils, you
may even use this as a form of assessment for other related LS, eg: 2.1.2 –
Find out about and describe experiences in the past)

Day : ___________________________ Name : _____________________ Suggested worksheet:
Date : _____________________________ Year : 4 _______________ Sample of PL1

Match the phrases to the pictures based on the text on page 72.

1. The children were

2. Sandy picked up

3. Anna picked up

4. Carlos was looking for his

5. They were hungry. They began to look for

6. They used a


3.2.2 Can display minimal understanding of the

main idea, specific information and details of
Understand specific information
simple texts of one or two paragraphs with a
and details of simple texts of 1
lot of support
one or two paragraphs
Day : _____________________ Name : ___________________________ Suggested worksheet:
Date : ________________________ Year : 4 ________________ Sample of PL2

Match the phrases to the pictures based on the text on page 72.

1. The children were sleeping bag.

2. Sandy picked up bottles.

3. Anna picked up

4. Carlos was looking for his cans.

5. They were hungry. They began to look for torch.

6. They used a camping.



3.2.2 Can display some understanding of the main

idea, specific information and details of
Understand specific information
simple texts of one or two paragraphs with a
and details of simple texts of 2
lot of support
one or two paragraphs
Day : ___________________ Name : _________________
Date : _____________________ Year : 4 ______________ Suggested worksheet:
Sample of PL3

Complete the sentences based on the text on page 72.

1. Sandy picked up _____________________ .

2. Anna picked up ________________________ .

3. Carlos was looking for ________________________ .

4. They felt hungry. They began to look for _________________ to eat.

5. In the end, they found their ___________ and ________________ .



3.2.2 Can understand the main idea, specific

information and details of simple texts of one
Understand specific information
or two paragraphs by responding
and details of simple texts of
adequately to given tasks
one or two paragraphs
Day : _____________________ Name : __________________________ Suggested worksheet:
Date : ___________________ Year : 4 ______________ Sample of PL4

Complete the sentences based on the text on page 72.

1. Sandy picked up ______________________ .

2. Anna picked up ________________________ .

3. Carlos was looking for ________________________ .

4. They felt hungry. They began to look for _____________________ to eat.

5. In the end, they found their _____________________ and ________________________ .



3.2.2 Can understand the main idea, specific

information and details of simple texts of one
Understand specific information
or two paragraphs by responding clearly
and details of simple texts of 4
to given tasks most of the time
one or two paragraphs
Day : _________________________ Name : _________________________
Date : _______________________
Suggested worksheet:
Year : 4 ________________
Sample of PL5

Complete the sentences based on the text on page 72.

1. The children were _____________________________________________ .

2. They were tired because ________________________________________.

3. Sandy found ______________________________________________ .

4. They needed a torch to ___________________________________________________ .

5. The sleeping bag was moving because ___________________________________________.

6. If I go camping, I would need ___________________________________________.



3.2.2 Can understand the main idea, specific

information and details of simple texts of one
Understand specific information
or two paragraphs by responding clearly
and details of simple texts of 5
to given tasks with ease
one or two paragraphs
Day : ___________________________________ Name : ____________________________
Date : __________________________ Year : 4 ______________________ Suggested worksheet
Sample of PL6

Based on the text on page 72, describe what had happened in 5 sentences.

1. During the last school holidays, Sandy went camping with her friends.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________ .

3. _________________________________________________________________________________ .

4. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

5. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

6. _____________________________________________________________________________ .


3.2.2 Can understand the main idea, specific

information and details of simple texts of one
Understand specific information
or two paragraphs by responding
and details of simple texts of 6
creatively to given tasks
one or two paragraphs

Pupils may respond to other tasks chosen by the teacher:

- draw a picture and retell the events
- retell/narrate the events in their own words
- create a flowchart to describe the events
- choose a character and describe him or her
- create a poem/ song/ chant to describe the events
1. Must you assess only on the Main LS?
No. It depends on your pupils’ level. Assess the complementary skill together, **only
if you can.
2. Can a song be used as a poem or a jazz chant?
Yes. You can adapt them according to the rhythm. Try to use rhythms/tunes that are
familiar to your pupils and are easy to follow.
3. Can you use the chants between pages 119 and 128 in the textbook to adapt to the
different topics?
Yes, of course.
4. Can you use other texts (apart from the ones in the textbook) to teach and adapt to
your pupils’ level?
Yes, you can. Try choosing texts that cater to your pupils’ interests but keep them in
the A1 high (CEFR) level.
5. Where else can I get my materials for teaching?
There are many platforms. YouTube is a famous source BUT PLEASE CHECK the
materials FIRST for the correct content and language….NO TRANSLATIONS from
English to BM/ Chinese/Tamil, PLEASE ! If there are, skip/edit/cut/do whatever is
necessary to avoid them.
6. Can any text be used for the teaching of Language Arts?
NO. The text must be from any of the 3 genres - ‘The King of Kites’, ‘The Jungle
Book’ and the poems (under Year 4) from the Anthology of Poems.
7. Must I conduct the assessment on the same day?
No. Try to carry forward the same LS to the next day, so that they can continue
the practice of the day earlier. Get them to do it independently or with some
support, then they can be assessed. They may begin with the lower PL but you
are bound to teach this LS again either in the same topic or in another topic.
8. How do I save time in covering the topics?
MODULAR TEACHING! That’s where PLC comes into action. Discuss via PLC
with your collegues on planning for Modular teaching - which topics or skills
that can be combined - to save time. Then you will have time to do
reinforcement/revision more intensely.
Gerardine Raj
Petaling Utama District
Gerardine Raj
Education Office, Selangor
SISC+ Bahasa,
PPD Petaling Utama, Selangor
23 JULY 2021

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