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Practice Class 5
Save file as: Prac5.Hovaten.MSSV.Thu
Exercise 1:
Cycling racing data as follows:

STT Cyclist ID End

1 KSTVM 8:30 Team
2 KSVNH 8:20 Team Name
3 KSPDT 8:45 KS Khách sạn Thanh Bình
4 CAHVH 8:32 CA Công an Thành phố
5 CAHMQ 8:35 TG Tiền Giang
6 CANTK 8:22 AG Bảo vệ TV An Giang
7 TGHDD 8:27
8 TGLDC 8:26
9 TGTAT 9:00
10 AGVGS 8:21


HDD Huỳnh Đại Đồng


HMQ Hoàng Mạnh Quân


HVH Hồ Văn Hùng

LDC Lê Đức Công
NTK Nguyễn Trần Khải
PDT Phạm Đình Tấn
TAT Trần Anh Thư
TVM Trần Vũ Minh
VGS Vũ Giáo Sửu
VNH Vũ Ngọc Hoàng

1- Insert column Team Name and Cyclist’s Name, given that 2 first letters of ID are Team code, 3 last
letters are Name code of Cyclist.
2- Given that the departure time is 6:00, calculate the cycling time of each cyclist (time = end –
3- Calculate speed by formula = total Km/cycling time, round up to nearest 10, format as km/h. (Total
KM = 120 km)
4- Sort cycling time data by individual and by team (ascending). Draw bar-chart by individual and
by team.

Exercise 2:
Hotel data in September as follows:
Name Nationality PH code Check-in Check-out
T1A-F1 9/11/2018 9/15/2018
David Pháp
T1A-F1 9/1/2018 9/5/2018
Kim Korea
T1A-F3 9/21/2018 9/30/2018
Dũng Việt Nam
T1B-F2 9/10/2018 9/15/2018
Nam Korea
T1C-F1 9/2/2018 9/5/2018
Hùng Việt Nam
T2A-F2 9/12/2018 9/20/2018
Minh Việt Nam
T2A-F2 9/1/2018 9/6/2018
John Mỹ
T2A-F3 9/21/2018 9/25/2018
Yoo Korea
T2B-F1 9/10/2018 9/14/2018
Lee Korea
T2B-F2 9/6/2018 9/9/2018
Peter Anh
T1A-F1 9/10/2018 9/20/2018
Mary Mỹ
T3A-F1 9/2/2018 9/7/2018
Hellen Mỹ
T1A-F3 9/15/2018 9/20/2018
Nga Việt Nam
T3B-F2 9/12/2018 9/16/2018
Herry Pháp
9/10/2018 9/13/2018
Vinh Việt Nam T3B-F2

1. Duration = Checkout - Checkin

2. Price = Duration * Unit price.
Lookup unit price based on Unit price table (unit price depends on both Room Type and Floor)
3. Meal Price = Duration * Price per meal (unit: 1000đ)
Price per meal is looked up based on 2 last letters of PH code. Use Price per meal table to
4. Service Fee:
- If guest is Vietnamese, Service = 5% of (room price + meal price), otherwise, 8%
5- Total = Room Price + Meal Price + Service.
6- Ascending sort by PH code, then descending sort by nationality.
8- Summarize room price by room type and by nationality. Draw bar chart for each.

Unit price per Room

  Room Type
T1 1000000 800000 500000
T2 900000 700000 400000
T3 800000 600000 300000

Meal Price
  F1 F2 F3
Price 200 150 100

Exercise 3:
Salary data as follows:

No Name Position Daily wage Working days

1 Cao Văn Vinh GĐ 500000 26

2 Bùi Thị Duyên PGĐ 450000 23
3 Đỗ Văn Đậu PGĐ 400000 25
4 Nguyễn Văn Cam TP 370000 26
5 Bạch Thị Hương NV 450000 22
6 Cao Thị Phúc NV 400000 20
7 Phạm Thị Lê NV 370000 18
8 Tạ Văn Hùng TP 500000 25
9 Lương Thị Cao NV 370000 26
10 Lâm Văn Tuấn NV 370000 17
1.Salary = Daily wage*working days
2. Calculate Social Insurance, given that Social insurance is computed
as 3% of salary
3. Extra Pay:
If working days >=25: Extra pay = 20%* Salary
If working days >=22: Extra pay = 10%* Salary
If working days <22: no Extra pay
4. Insert column Responsibility Allowance, given:
GĐ: 250,000 PGĐ:200,000 TP:180,000 NV: 150,000
5. Insert Total Income = Salary + Extra pay + Responsibility Allowance – Social
6. Insert Tax, the tax is calculated as following table
Tax Taxable income/month (million VND) Tax rate (%)
1 5 and below 5
2 Above 5 to 10 10
3 Above 10 to 18 15
4 Above 18 to 32 20
5 Above 32 to 52 25
6 Above 52 to 80 30
7 Above 80 35

7. Compute Net Income = Income – Tax

8. Use formula to extract the maximum salary, minimum salary and average of salary
9. Extract the data of staffs who work more than 22 days per month and get salary of

Exercise 4:
Data as follows:

Worker ID Quantity Product Price list

Lê BĐT 836 ID Product Unit Price
Việt BĐX 400 BĐC Bóng đèn Compact 3000
Bóng đèn Huỳnh
Thuỷ BĐC 174 BĐH 5000
Trang BĐH 800 BĐT Bóng đèn Tròn 1500
Nga BĐC 273 Others Bóng đèn đặc biệt 10000
Tuấn BĐH 113
Hùng BĐT 430
Nam BĐH 275
Lan BĐG 379
Khanh BĐC 518

1.Insert column Product based on the Product Price List table

2. Insert Wage column, wage = Quantity*Unit price.
3.Insert Extra pay column, given:
Extra pay = 1.000.000 for workers at 1st largest wage.
Extra pay = 500.000 for workers at 2nd largest wage.
Extra pay = 300.000 for workers at 3nd largest wage.

Other cases, no extra pay.

4. Draw graph of quantity and wage by worker.
5. Format the table

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