Practice Quiz in English Literature

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English Literature

1. Which of the following is NOT a play written by William Shakespeare?

a) Othello

b) Hamlet

c) Pride and Prejudice

d) Romeo and Juliet

2. Who wrote the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"?

a) F. Scott Fitzgerald

b) Ernest Hemingway

c) Harper Lee

d) Toni Morrison

3. In which century did the Romantic literary movement occur?

a) 16th century

b) 18th century

c) 19th century

d) 20th century

4. What is the title of the novel by Jane Austen that features the character Elizabeth Bennet?

a) Sense and Sensibility

b) Emma

c) Pride and Prejudice

d) Mansfield Park

5. What is the name of the protagonist in the novel "The Catcher in the Rye"?

a) Holden Caulfield

b) Atticus Finch

c) Jay Gatsby

d) Scout Finch

6. Who wrote the poem "The Waste Land"?

a) William Wordsworth

b) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

c) T. S. Eliot

d) John Keats

7. What is the title of the play by Tennessee Williams that features the characters Blanche DuBois and
Stanley Kowalski?

a) A Streetcar Named Desire

b) Death of a Salesman

c) The Glass Menagerie

d) The Crucible

8. Which of the following is a novel by Charles Dickens?

a) Far from the Madding Crowd

b) Middlemarch

c) Great Expectations

d) Jane Eyre
9. Who wrote the poem "Paradise Lost"?

a) John Milton

b) Samuel Johnson

c) William Wordsworth

d) Percy Bysshe Shelley

10. What is the title of the Shakespearean play in which the character Macbeth is the protagonist?

a) King Lear

b) Macbeth

c) Hamlet

d) Romeo and Juliet


1. c) Pride and Prejudice

2. c) Harper Lee

3. c) 19th century

4. c) Pride and Prejudice

5. a) Holden Caulfield

6. c) T. S. Eliot

7. a) A Streetcar Named Desire

8. c) Great Expectations

9. a) John Milton

10. b) Macbeth

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