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Name: _________________________________ Grade level & Section ___________ Score: ____
TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct about plate tectonics, FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answers on the space provided before each item number. Good luck! Strictly no erasure.

FALSE 1. Earthquake epicenters are randomly distributed all around the world.
TRUE 2. The entire lithosphere of the Earth is broken into segments called plates.
TRUE 3. The places on Earth where most of the earthquakes originated are also the same places FALSE where
mountains and volcanoes were formed.
FALSE 4. The triangulation method uses distance information from three seismic stations to locate volcanoes
around the world.
TRUE 5. The places on Earth where most of the earthquakes originated or some mountains and volcanoes were
formed mark the boundaries of each lithospheric plate.
FALSE 6. People live near a volcano because of its Aesthetic Beauty

FALSE 7. One of the causes of death in Pompeii in 79 AD was due to drowning

FALSE 8. Lahars occur on large volcanoes covered with snow and ice or wet mud/soil

I. Multiple Choice: Analyze each item and choose the best answer from the choices given. Encircle the
LETTER on your answer sheet.

9. Which theory explains that the entire lithosphere of the Earth is broken into numerous segments called
A. Plate Boundary Theory C. Triangulation Theory
B. Theory of Plate Tectonics D. All of these
10. Which compose the Earth’s lithosphere?
A. The Continental and Oceanic crust C. The crust and upper part of the mantle
B. The mantle and the core. D. The crust, mantle and core
11. Which layer of the Earth is made of a variety of solid rocks like sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous?
A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer Core D. Inner Core
12. Which geologic event usually happens at the plate boundaries?
A. Typhoon B. Earthquake C. Tsunami D. All of these.
13. Which of the following statements about the Plate Tectonic Theory is correct?
A. The Earth has a hollow core.
B. The Earth’s lithosphere is rigid and unmoving.
C. The Earth’s lithosphere is floating above the crust.
D. The Earth’s is broken into numerous segments called plates which moves slowly but constantly.
14. Convection current causes the lithospheric plate to ________________.
A. move slowly but constantly C. move faster

B. move in any direction D. create another plate

15. The youngest part of the ocean floor is found at the ___________.

A. convergent boundary C. transform-fault

B. divergent boundary D. hot spot

16. What type of plate boundary occurs between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate?

A. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary

B. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundary

C. convergent continental-continental plate boundary

D. transform boundary

17. The crust and upper mantle make up the Earth’s ____________.
A. lithosphere C. core

B. asthenosphere D. continents

18. The result of plate movement can be seen at _________.

A. abyssal plains C. plate centers

B. plate boundaries D. ocean margin

19. The theory that suggests that plates are slowly moving is called ___________.

A. Magnetic Reversal C. Continental Slope

B. Plate Tectonic D. Continental Drift 12

20. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries.

A. convergent C. divergent

B. stable D. transform plate

For Question # 21-24: determine what PHASE is it during an earthquake drill. Choose A if it is in phase
3/evacuation; B if it is in Phase2 /Response; C if it is in phase 5/Head count; D if it is in Phase 4/assembly

3 21. Once the “shaking” stops, teachers and students should evacuate

2 22. Perform ”duck, cover and hold” under desks, table or chairs

5 23. Teachers should check and make sure all students accounted for

4 24. At the designated evacuation area, students must be grouped

For question # 25-30. Determine what stage is the mountain/plain/plateaus

Choose: A – if it is in young stage B – if it is in the mature stage C – if it is in old stage

C 25. The plateaus has sedimentary layers, showing a series of steps

A 26. A plains contain a river that flows slowly because the land is flat

C 27. The plains are at the damaged level and are often thickly covered with deposits of soil and silts.

B 28. Mountains are still growing

A 29 Glacial lakes in the mountains are quite common

C 30. Mountain growth has stopped, avalanches and glaciers are rare.

Write the correct word/s from the choices inside the parenthesis to complete the sentence in each given item.

31. The relative motion of the plates at the transform fault boundary is ________ (moving away, sliding past)
each other.

3 2. The relative motion of the plates at the divergent boundary is moving ___________ ( away, toward) each

33. The relative motion of the plates at the convergent boundary is moving ___________ (away, toward) each

3 4. At the convergent boundary between oceanic plate and continental plate, ___________ (tension, subduction)
zone is formed.

35. ______ (Mid-ocean ridge, Rift valley) is formed by divergence of two oceanic plates.

36-40. Draw and label the structure of the earth.

Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything. Good luck with your exam.
- Teacher_Rhica


Name: _________________________________ Date:______________
Grade level & Section ___________ Score: ____

I. Multiple Choice: Analyze each item and choose the best answer from the choices given. Encircle the
LETTER on your answer sheet.
Good luck! Strictly no erasure.

1. What type of mirror do dentist usually use to see clearly the images of our teeth?
a. Plane mirror c. Concave mirror
b. Convex mirror d. None of the above
2. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than the others?
a. Microwaves c. UV radiation
b. Radio waves d. visible light
3. What type of lens produces smaller and upright images?
a. Concave lens c. convex lens
b. Converging lens d. diverging lens
4. Which of the following is not an example of magnetic materials?
a. Iron and nickel c. alloys and steel
b. Cobalt and nickel d.
5. He is famous for his induction ring experiment showing that current can be produced by sources of changing magnetic
a. Michael Faraday c. Hans Christian Oersted
b. James Clerk Maxwell d. Heinrich Hertz
6. What transformation can take place in a ceiling fans electric motor?
a. Alternating current into direct current c. Electrical energy into mechanical energy
b. Mechanical energy into electrical energy d. Direct energy into electrical energy
7. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than others?
a. Microwaves c. radio waves
b. UV radiation d. visible light
8. In which device is magnetic field present?
a. A charged balloon c. A cooling soldering iron
b. A very hot horse- shoe magnet d. A microphone undergoing a sound check
9. What electromagnetic wave is sometimes called heat rays?
a. Gamma rays c. radio waves
b. Infrared d. visible light
10. As indicated in the hands of the clock without numbers, the real time is 9:30. What is the time indicated in its image if
the clock is placed in front of a plane mirror? a. 2:30 b.3:30 c. 9:30 d. 10:30
11. What is produced by vibrating of flowing charges?
a. Electricity c. magnetism
b. Refraction d. reflection
11. Which of the following situations make use of the application of infrared radiation?
A. Listening to your favorite radio station
B. Checking of body temperature upon entering the public market
C. Texting a good morning message to your teacher
D. Washing your hands with soap and water
12. What is the shortest wavelength among different colour of light?
a. Blue c. Yellow
b. Orange d. Violet
13. What is the term for a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy?
a. Electric generator c. Electric motor
b. Magnetic force d. Transformer
14. What type of mirror is used in automobiles and trucks to give the driver a wider area and smaller image of traffic
behind him?
a. Plane mirror c. Concave mirror
b. Convex mirror d. None of the above
15. What is the term for the bouncing of light rays when it hits a surface like a plane mirror?
a. Reflection c. Refraction
b. Revelation d. Reversion
16. Which of the following is not the true definition of a concave mirror?
a. The reflective bulges away from light source. c. It refers to as a converging mirror.
b. It has a reflective surface in which its surface is a section of a sphere d. None of the above
17. A type of electromagnetic wave that is use by medical and engineering applications
a. X –rays b. Micro waves c. Gamma rays d. Ultra violet
18. It is used for connecting Audio interference, microphones, studio monitors, and different instruments
a. Cables b. Condenser c. Headphone d. Audio interference
19. In the visible spectrum which color has the longest wavelength?
a. Red b. blue c. green d. Orange
20. A white sheet of paper cannot act as mirror because it ____________ the rays of light.
a. Diffracts b. diffuses c .Interferes d. refract
Frequency Refraction microwaves Gamma rays Hertz Focus
Computer Unit Wave Magnetism Mirror
21. _________ Mirror__________A polished or smooth surface that forms images by reflection.
22. ___________ Magnetism ________Property to being attract objects made of naturally occurring magnetic
substance like iron, nickel, cobalt or some of its alloys.
23. __________ Wave _________ It is a disturbance that transfers energy.
24. ________ Computer Unit ___________Processor should be fast enough to record, edit, mix, store and master a copy
of the record.
25. ________ Focus ___________The point between the center of the curvature and vertex.
26. __________ Hertz _________It refers to a unit used to measure the frequency of waves.
27. ______________ Gamma rays ____ A type of electromagnetic waves that is used to treat cancer through the process
called radiotherapy.
28. ______ microwaves _____________It is used in satellite communication, radar, television, transmission, and cooking.
29. _________ Refraction __________The bending of light when passing obliquely from one medium into another.
30. ___________ Frequency _______ it refers to a number of cycles a wave completes in one second.
TEST III: Using a protractor and a ruler, locate the images formed by curved mirrors by following the steps correctly
31-33. Concave Mirror

34-36. Convex Mirror

37-38. Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment.

39-40. Compute for the wavelength of the wave with a frequency of 1.5 x 10 16 Hz. (Show your solution)

f = 1.5 × 10¹⁶ Hz


Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything. Good luck with your exam.



Name: _________________________________ Grade level & Section ___________ Score: ____
Multiple Choice: Analyze each item and choose the best answer from the choices given. Encircle the LETTER
on your answer sheet. Good luck! Strictly no erasure.

1. This functions as organizer and distributor of information for the body.

a. Brain b. Spinal cord  c. Spinal nerves  d. Cranial nerves
2. This controls activity and thought.
a. Cerebrum  b. Cerebellum  c. Brain stem  d. Spinal cord
3. It is the space between neurons where electrochemical signals pass
a. Stimulus  b. Response  c.Synapse d. Impulse
4. A chemical substance that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs.
a. Semen b. Hormone c. Sperm  d. Ovum
5. A result of excessive secretion of growth hormones
a. Gigantism b. Goiter  c. Dwarfism  d. Diabetes
6. A result of an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.
a. Gigantism b. Goiter c. Dwarfism  d. Diabetes
7. This deposits sperm cells into the vagina during mating.
a. Penis b. Scrotum  c. Urethra  d. Testis
8. This serves as the site of egg fertilization
a. Ovary b. Oviduct  c. Vagina  d. Uterus
9. The average length of menstrual cycle for women.
a. 28 days b. 14 days  c. 30 days  d. 35 days
10. This carries sperm and urine out of the body.
a. Vas Deferens  b. Penis  c. Scrotum d. Urethra
 11. The nerve fibers that carry information into and out of the brain stem.
a. Cranial Nerves  b. Spinal Nerves  c. Sympathetic  d. Parasympathetic
12. How does the following conditions relate to population density? (high crime rate, not enough transportation, and high
number of patients in hospitals)
A. Benefit of high population density
B. Benefit of low population density
C. Challenge of low population density
D. Challenge of high population density
13.A boy is running away from danger. What hormone is responsible for the boy’s action?
  a. Adrenaline  b. Thymosin  c. Thyroxin  d. Parathyromone
14. A kid is growing taller. What gland is responsible for the girl’s growth?
 a. Adrenal gland  b. Thyroid gland c. Pituitary gland d. Parathyroid gland
15. What might happen to a person born without a thymus gland?
a. It may lead to goiter  b. It may lead to dwarfism
c. It may lead to death d. It may lead to unstable blood sugar level
16. The following are the main functions of the female reproductive system, EXCEPT;
a. Produces female sex cells b. It produces semen  
c. Receives sperm cells  d. Nourish the new individual
17. Suppose a girl ate too many sweets such as candies and chocolates. How will the hormones from her
pancreas help her body cope with a possible blood sugar level rise above normal?
a. Glucagon is released in response to the low blood glucose level
b. Insulin is released in response to an increase in blood glucose level
c. Oxytocin is released in response to an increase in glucose level
d. Estrogen is released in response to the low blood glucose level
18. What might happen to a person whose nervous and endocrine systems fail to maintain homeostasis?
a. It may lead to various diseases and even death b. It may lead to failure in the functions of other organs
c.It doesn’t affect the health of a person  d. It may lead to increase in blood pressure
19. The following are com ponents of a DNA molecule, except;
a. Ribose  b. Phosphate  c. Base  d. Deoxyribose
20. This carries the information from the DNA to the Ribosomes.
a. mRNA  b. tRNA  c. rRNA   d. RNA
21. This translates the genetic message through protein synthesis.
a. mRNA  b. tRNA c. rRNA  d. RNA
22. This serves as the site of attachment for protein synthesis.
a. mRNA  b. tRNA  c.rRNA d. RNA
23. This determines the order of bases in mRNA of amino acids into a protein
a.Translation b. Transcription  c. Mutation  d. Replication
24. This occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome.
a. Deletion  b. Inversion  c.Translocation d. Mutation
25. This genetic disorder occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 gained by the human body.
a. Cri du chat  b. Edwards Syndrome c.Down’s Syndrome d. Jacobsen Syndrome
For items 26– 27. The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule:
26. If this strand is replicated, which of the following is the complementary strand that is produced?
27. If transcribed into an mRNA, what would be the resulting strand?
28. Arrange the following steps of protein synthesis in correct order.
1. The mRNA carries the DNA copy to the cytoplasm
2. A section of DNA containing a gene is copied and mRNA is formed
3. tRNA bring the correct amino acid from the cytoplasm to the ribosome
4. The mRNA is fed through the ribosome 3 bases at a time
5. tRNA drop amino acids off at the ribosome
6. The amino acids are linked together to form a long protein chain
a. 142365  b. 123456  c.214356  d. 214365
29. Where can most of the fossils are found?
a.Sedimentary rocks b. Granite rock c. Lava Flows  d. Black soil
30. What are the functions of the female reproductive system?
I.Produces female sex cells.
II.Receives sperm cells from the male.
III.Nurtures the development of and provides nourishment for the new individual
a.I & II only b. II & III only c. I & III only d. I, II, and III
31. Which of the following statements about carrying capacity and population density is not true?
A. The smaller the resources in the ecosystem, the greater the carrying capacity.
B. The bigger the population of organisms, the lesser the carrying capacity.
C. Carrying capacity is defined by the kind of organisms present in an ecosystem.
D. There are many factors that influence the carrying capacity and population density.
32.The following statement are true EXCEPT:
a.Hormones play an important role in both male and female reproductive systems.
b.The parathyroid gland controls the functions of both the testes and the ovaries.
c.Hormones control many of the changes in the reproductive system.
d.The production of sperm cells and the release of semen can be regulated by hormones.
33.The process through which the level of one substance influences the level of another substance is called____.
a.Menstrual cycle c. Feedback Mechanism b.Homeostasis d. Hormone Inhibitor
34. How should each of the ecosystem be used to conserve the resources? Coral reef
a. Promote it as an ecotourism destination.
b. Collect coral fishes and sell them to pet shops.
c. Collect corals as souvenir items for tourists.
35. How should each of the ecosystem be used to conserve the resources? Hilly land
a. convert it into an industrial area
b. Build a community where houses are built among the trees.
c. Turn it into a jogging area.
36. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?
a. Evolution is continuous. c. The world is stable and unchanging.
b. Evolution refers to change. d. If there is mutation, there is evolution.
37. Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural Selection?
a. Organs that are not used may disappear while organs that are constantly
used may develop.
b. In nature, the organisms with desirable characteristics may survive while
those with weaker traits may not.
c. Organisms develop desirable structures to survive in a given environment.
d. Acquired characteristics of parents can be passed on to offsprings.
38. Which of the following statement explains Lamarck’s Theory of Use and Disuse?
a. Body structures develop because they are used extensively
b. Body structures develop because they are not in use
c. Body structures develop because of competition
d. Body structures develop because of mutation
39. Which of the following statements does not show the process of adaptation?
a. Dying out of dinosaurs during Cretaceous period.
b. Certain group of birds eating different kinds of food.
c. The finches in Galapagos with different beaks.
d. A child learning to walk on his own.
40. Long time ago, the necks of giraffes vary in length: the long neck, medium neck and short neck. Shortage of
food and competition made the short neck and medium neck giraffes disappear, while the long neck necks
survive. Which theory best describes the situation?
a. Theory of use and disuse c. Natural Selection theory
b. Theory of Acquired Characteristics d. Theory of Need
Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything. Good luck with your exam.

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