EIM Level 3 Test A Module 2

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English in Mind Module 2 Test A

Units 5-8
Class Date
Level 3
1 Grammar
A Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verbs.

This year we (0) ’re going (go) to France for our summer holiday. I think we (1) (rent) a
cottage by the sea. My mother (2) (let) me invite one friend so (3) I (ask) my best
friend Sally to come with us. If she (4) (not want) to come, I (5) (invite) Helen, our
neighbours’ daughter.
My parents (6) (have) a holiday home built at the moment so next year it (7) (be)
ready. Hopefully I (8) (allow) to go there without them! I’m sure they (9) (agree)
unless I (10) (do) something really bad between now and then!

B Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.
0 Jack his car fixed at the moment.
a is having b has c will have
1 I’ve had too much chocolate cake. I think sick!
a I’m being b I’ll be c I’m going to be
2 Paolo won’t come to your party unless him.
a you don’t ask b you ask c you’ll ask
3 Hey stop! You touch that switch.
a mustn’t b don’t have to c must
4 go to the cinema this evening, I’m not sure.
a I’m likely to b I might c I’ll
5 Lots of new houses recently.
a has been built b have built c have been built
6 Susan probably go to university next year. MODULE 2 TEST A
a will b is likely to c might
7 If you don’t tell me the truth, really angry.
a I won’t be b I’ll be c I am
8 When your hair cut? It looks really nice.
a did you have b have you had c will you have
9 I really leave now, or I’ll miss the bus.

a must to b can c have to

10 I’ll stay here you get back.
a until b as soon as c if 5

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C The underlined words are incorrect. Write the correct sentences.
0 What will you do this weekend?
What are you doing this weekend?

1 A new shopping centre has been opened in our neighbourhood last week.

2 Most pupils in the UK must wear a school uniform.

3 Why do you have your bedroom decorated now?

4 Do you think Peter’s like to come to my birthday party?

5 I don’t help you if you continue to be rude to me.

6 A: I wonder who’s on the phone.

B: Don’t worry. I’m going to answer it.

7 I can’t go to the supermarket for you if you give me some money.

8 David and Mary have had their car stolen last week.

9 Must I please have a look at your new CD player?

10 You really don’t have to smoke at your age.


D Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of make, let, or be allowed to. MODULE 2 TEST A
0 My parents never let me go out after school during the week.
1 Do you think you come on holiday with us in the summer?
2 Please me repeat this exercise again! It’s so boring!
3 you wear make-up at school when you were a teenager?
4 You buy cigarettes under the age of 16 in the UK.
5 My sister always me help her with her homework because I’m cleverer than she is!
6 Our English teacher us go home early yesterday because we had finished all our work.

7 Sally leave without saying goodbye.

8 I don’t like my children sit in front of the TV all weekend.
9 My grandmother always me eat everything on my plate even if I didn’t like what
she’d cooked.
10 My brother never me use his computer. He’s so mean! 5

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2 Vocabulary
A Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.
0 Passengers should now go to the departure .
a lounge b room c area

1 Simon got his bike and cycled to the beach.

a for b to c on

2 We mustn’t miss the last of Pride and Prejudice. It’s so brilliant!

a programme b episode c piece

3 Maria looks absolutely , doesn’t she? I think she works too hard.
a tired b weary c exhausted

4 Can you turn the heating off? It’s boiling in here.

a absolutely b very c quite

5 Don’t worry Julia. She’ll be fine.

a for b about c on

6 How many tuned in to watch the World Cup Final on television?

a viewers b audience c spectators

7 How was your business to Bahrain?

a travel b journey c trip

8 What time does your train arrive Paris?

a in b at c to

9 If you want to do well, you should start revising your exams now.
a with b for c on

10 Come on! in the car. I don’t want to be late.

a Go b Come c Get 5

B Make or do? Put the words in the box into the correct column.
room nothing to … with good a mess money your best
sense an effort progress fun (of someone) a difference

Make Do
nothing to do with

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C Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
terminal platform departure lounge flight timetable tour
boarding card miss touch down customs cruise

0 Your flight leaves from terminal two.

1 Please have your ready before you get on the plane.
2 I’ve always wanted to go on a Caribbean round all the islands.
3 The London train leaves from 2b.
4 Our flight was delayed and we had to wait for hours in the .
5 I’d love to do a of the United States!
6 What time did your plane ?
7 Come on! We’ll the bus.
8 The was terrible! The plane was delayed, the food was disgusting and
I was sick!
9 When you go through , you will be asked if you have anything to declare.
10 According to the , the train to Berlin leaves in one hour. 5

D Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.
bump bump turn set go look go turn head take touch

0 You’ll never guess who I bumped into yesterday – Mr Owen, my old

Geography teacher.
1 The plane off safely at midday yesterday.
2 Don’t you think Rose is into her mother?!
3 As it was already dark, we for the nearest house to ask for directions.
4 I want to off early tomorrow so we miss the traffic.

5 The monster into a prince when the princess kissed him.
6 The police are into the burglary.
7 I don’t really want to into the details now, if you don’t mind.
8 When the plane down all the passengers clapped.
9 I don’t think it’s good to back to places you’ve already visited.
10 I’m so glad I into you again after all this time. 5

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3 Everyday English
A Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
Believe it or not between you and me The fact is I know what you mean

1 I’m sorry, I can’t help you today. , I’m exhausted and in a bad mood!
2 A: Tim’s a strange man, isn’t he?
B: , sometimes he’s so friendly and then at other times he just ignores you.
3 John bought me a new coat yesterday but , I really don’t like it. How can I
tell him?!
4 , I came top in my class in our History test!
5 A: Sam thinks he’s going to win the tennis tournament!
B: Well, , I think he’s mad. No way! 5

B Complete the sentences in column A with a suitable phrase from column B.

1 Please turn the music down. The fact is, a he never says ‘hello’.
2 I’m feeling really unhappy at the moment.
Between you and me, b I’ve got a terrible headache.
3 I’ve stopped eating sweets and believe it or not c I think I’ll have to leave Jack.
4 A: Paul isn’t very friendly. d we’ve offered the job to someone else.
B: I know what you mean,
5 I’ve got some bad news for you. The fact is, e I’ve lost ten kilos in the last six weeks. 5


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4 Reading
A Read the magazine article below.

The stress of being a teenager

Adults will always tell you that your school days are the happiest days of your life.
I’m sure you would disagree and wonder if they were ever teenagers themselves.
(1) , but it’s easy to forget how stressful life as a teenager can be.
You don’t want to be treated like a child and you want your independence. You
think you are old enough to make your own decisions but your parents don’t think
you are, so it’s likely that you will have arguments about almost everything, from
what time you should be home in the evenings, (2) . If you don’t do as
your parents say, you will get into trouble, but these arguments, (3) ,
are a part of growing up and finding out who you are.
You spend most of your time at school so you might have worries about keeping up
with all your homework. There is a lot of pressure on you to do well in exams.
(4) . What if you’re not very academic? What if you prefer sports
or more practical subjects? Your parents might want you to go to university so they
will want you to do well in your exams. They will tell you how important it is to have
a good education, but perhaps you don’t agree.
And then there’s your appearance. You want to look good, so you’ll spend hours
getting ready for a party, but your parents don’t like your clothes. Maybe you want
to have your ears pierced or to dye your hair, but your parents won’t let you.
Does any of this sound familiar? (5) . Do write in and let us know.

B Choose a suitable phrase/sentence for each gap.

There is one phrase/sentence you won’t use.
a If so, what do you do to make your life simpler?
b although they are stressful
c But what if you don’t like school? MODULE 2 TEST A
d Of course they were
e to your new boyfriend/girlfriend
f They don’t understand 10

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5 Listening
A Listen to five people talking about the future. As you listen, circle
the correct answers, a, b or c.
1 Speaker A feels about the future.
a positive b worried c good
2 Speaker B thinks that computers will .
a do the housework b do the shopping c do the ironing
3 Speaker C thinks that English will soon be .
a the most important language b the main language for business
c spoken by everybody
4 Speaker D thinks we’ll continue to work till .
a our seventies b we die c we’re a hundred
5 Speaker E thinks people will live on the moon .
a next century b this century c in a hundred years

B Listen again and complete the sentences.

6 Speaker A:
Look at all the we throw away every day.
7 Speaker B:
You wake up and your is already on the table.
8 Speaker C:
It’s already very important for business and .
9 Speaker D:
We’ll take lots of to keep us young.
10 Speaker E:
If the of the planet continues to increase, it will be the
only solution. 10

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6 Speaking
A Two students answer your questions
● Greet students A and B and ask them how they are.
● Ask each student about their last holiday. For example, Where did you go on your last holiday?
What did you enjoy about it? What didn’t you enjoy? Who did you go with?

B Two students talk to each other

● Explain that the students will take it in turns to be journalists doing research on holidays and
travel for a magazine. Student A should ask student B questions according to the prompts on
card A. Encourage the students to expand and answer fully.
● The students should then swap roles and student B should ask student A questions according
to the prompts on card B.

1 2
Ask your partner about their worst Ask your partner about their best
holiday ever. holiday ever.
● Find out what was so bad about it. ● Find out what was so good about it.
● Ask your partner about the kind of ● Ask your partner about the kind of
holiday they would love. holiday they would hate.
● Find out why. ● Find out why.



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7 Writing
Read this advertisement from a local newspaper.

Attention all young writers!

Enter our competition and win £500 for your school.
Watching television is a complete waste of time.
What do you think? Write and let us know.

Now write your article (120 – 150 words). Remember to include the following:
● introduction

● your arguments for/against the statement

● conclusion



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