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Cloé Eischen

35, rue Schiller

L- 3562 Dudelange

Dear Admissions Department,

I am contacting to you to express my interest in the Master’s in Spacial Design at the Royal
Danish Academy.

In 2022, I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Interior Architecture at the École nationale des arts
visuels de La Cambre in Brussels. My degree provided me with ample opportunities to engage in
different projects including scenography, design, architecture, and interiors. These enabled me to
establish my own portfolio of varied technical and creative skillsets which I plan to draw upon in
my studies at the Royal Danish Academy. La Cambre also offered great technical and theoretical
classes which have consistently sparked my interest, like materials (glass, metal, plastic and
wood), architectural theory and marketing.

Both my past and future internships have enabled me to gain both hands-on experience and
valuable insights into every aspect of an architectural project. In parallel to my studies, I have
worked on the set design of a short movie production called Nina organised by second year
students from the ESRA in Brussels. Shortly after, in the summer of 2022, I completed an
internship at the Brussels-based architecture firm Hé! working primarily on respectful and
renovations and home extensions. I am currently working as an intern at the Luxembourg-based
interior architecture firm NJOY and will be completing another internship at another architecture
firm called ARCO where I will be working on all things architectural interiors and exteriors. In
February of this year, I will contribute to the set design of the Luxembourgish mini-series The
Inside of the Outsider produced by young professionals and financed by the Luxembourgish

All these experiences have led me to recognize different practices and ways to approach
problems and have helped me in making my own choices in what I want to bring to the table.
Meeting people from the industry, with whom I’m still in contact with today, was also a big benefit,
both personally and professionally. I particularly enjoyed working with people with whom I share
the same vision in architecture, like my colleagues who favour working with local materials and
businesses, for example.

That is for me the beauty of architecture; it is a big collective project between different parties
during which ideas and knowledge are exchanged, solutions to problems found and meaningful

discussions held. The final product will change from the first idea thanks to a process involving
numerous conversations, inspirations, drawings and tests. I find that the development of a project
is the most fascinating.

Listening to people and understanding their needs has always been a strong ability of mine and

I find it, thus, easy to work with clients and collaborators. In my design process I prefer to work

by hand drawings and sketches first, followed by tests and models as it is more intuitive for me

but I don’t neglect digital work. However, I believe sketches to be very important in my work as

they help me bring an idea quickly to paper, which helps me and others to visualise my ideas. In

fact, I grew up with a graphic designer as a father which formed my judgement of all things visual.

Although my bachelor and internships have helped me build a critical and creative mind as well as
form a technical knowledge necessary to the realisation of my ideas, I consider myself ready to
deepen that so far acquired knowledge and develop deeper personal experiences during a
master’s degree.

Simplicity and effectiveness are what I prefer in design. Favoring good quality natural materials
and artisanal techniques is what I would like to work on in my future professional work. Spaces

and objects that will last and age/mature because they are meant to; that is my focus. I believe

design can be simple but fun. Thinking about the generations to come and the sustainable
development of society is nothing new but should be at the centre of every project. What I look

up to most are projects with low invasive contributions that respect the context at its fullest while

creating new spaces and answering to every need of the project. I would like to focus more on

all of these aspects in the future studies.

Considering that films are also a big interest of mine, I draw a lot of inspiration from what I see. I

like the idea of creating a project/space just like a scenography or a set for a movie. What we are
surrounded by has a big impact on us, so it makes sense to fully take advantage of the tool that is

Being more independent in how I work and more confident in my choices is also a goal of mine. I
am planning on developing my research methods and draw upon the many books and articles
contained in the school’s library. I am also intending on trying out different manual techniques I
have not tried yet, like ceramics and metalwork, to make use of them in the correct manner in
later projects. Accordingly, I wish to build a deeper knowledge on technical aspects. My
internships have already helped a lot but I would like to develop that further. The Royal Danish
Academy offers a big variety of workshops, especially the architectural lighting lab, and I am
looking forward to take advantage of these opportunities. Finally I wish to actively draw upon the
school’s expertise to complete my Master thesis.

To sum up I am very much looking forward to explore the possibilities of new projects, new people
and new resources. My intention to study at the Royal Danish Academy is driven by my desire to
develop my personal design practice in a sustainable and fun direction. Ultimately, I tend to
become more independent in my work during this Master’s in Spacial Design at the Royal Danish

Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Cloé Eischen

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