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0/ i a control and Coordination singogether of various organs ofa lvngorpaniom : sera rode proper response o “eos simu a otlltan ingorganisms have a well-organised system, which wt scagorisms anised system, which provides thes, rion. Dut the general principles of by Oreistion, mule at issu which provide contol and ene os fave necvous system and hormo es t0 control and coordinate ches ites ans ac the nervous system, but coordina ogy etiate their body ie hormones, Nervous System snlsincluding humans, the nervous stem along with muscular tissue isthe os ofthe body. It consists of highly specialised cell called neurone nerves and neu cegas tat link, coordinate and control the activities of different organs in the body. \smaton from environments detected through recepros, present in sense organs such sect, nose, congue, etc: Gustatory receptors are meant to detect tant, he the cfatory receptors detect smell, Neuron or Nerve Cell information from environment is detected by the nerve cells called neurons, They ae Cau and funcional uni of the nervous system. A neuron is the longest eal of San body (the length of some nerve cells may be 90-100 cm), The nena vere, Sk of newark of nerve cells oF neurons. These ate specialised for conducting “maion through electical impulses from one pat ofthe body o another ‘© Nervous System © Divisions of Nervous System © Coordination in Piants © Chemical Communication Scanned with CamScanner 2 ze All‘none Scioney nt a. Stn A Ucture of Neuron or Nerve Cell “The pathveay followed by the nerveimpuls in theteg Nee ron is composed of following main parts: a () 5 Call body or Cyton Ie isthe broad rounded par of sae, tytn mls on a ines and various cell organelles (4) Dendrites These are the protoplasmic, branched Processes of the cell body, which reccive and __ tansmit stimulus, (ii Axon These are long, fibre-like cytoplasmic process. They conduct impulses away from the cell body. The axon may be covered by a protective Ra Nerve impulse pathway <3, receptors will detect taste, while ota, sheath called myelin sheath. Note Gustatory ce (ix) Nerve Ending These are the fine branch-like will detect smell Ty termination of neurons. i ‘The structure of a neuron is shown below: Neuromuscular Junction “The poine where a muscle fre comes in conte yg m The pointing nerve impulses from the Cases Bea (ENS), The neuroteansmiter forthe ee Sas pulse from neuron to the muscle fie sa same way as impulses are transmitted across a ome two neurons. a Neuromuscular Cl boxy (Cyton) ‘Structure of a neuron Synapse ‘Asmall gap between two adjacent neurons, where the ‘iacoheadan tech serve impulse passes from one neuron to another in one direction Limitations to the Use of Transmission of a Nerve Impulse Electrical Impulse The transmission of a nerve impulse in the body has a Electrical impulse is an excellent means to transmi general scheme of flow. All the information from the uring fast responses to stimulus. But there ae s ervironment is detected by the receptors (ense orgs) "0,Ne se cist lt seks = i () The electrical impulse will reach only those cls present in the body, which transfer it to sensory neuron, connected by nervous tissue, not each and every . or ‘The information acquired at the end of the dendritic ti animal body. -q 7 fy. ofa neuron causes a chemical reaction that produces an (i) Once an — impulse : generated in a ears ited, the cell will take some time to electrical impulse. trans mechanism before it can generate and wns This impulse, travels from the dendrite of sensory neuron impulse. to its cell body (cyton) and then along the axon toitsend. ‘At the end of axon, the electrical impulse causes the Reflex Action release of some chemicals (neurotransmitters).. are i B : A reflex action is an automatic and rapid rep These chemicals cross che gap (synapse) and start a stimulus, eg. coughing, sneezing, blinking «6 similar electrical impulse in dendrite of next neuron. Teprotects the body from damage and doss AA similar synapse allows the delivery of such impulses conscious thought. In reflex action, the mst from neurons to other cells, such as muscle cells or gland. _straight to the motor neuron through a relay neuro Scanned with CamScanner , ne Control and Coordination in? re monitored and controlled through the ot ous system, not by the brain, his fod ake ‘more time for the brain to instruc, Pig ce. a 00 0 jnvolve mainly spinal cord. Here, nerves ti a sdy meet in the form of a bundle. ? ine bod A nore UT roces of detecting signals or the input and joe an ouput ation i completed quickly. oo fr of hie : gon © aken by nerve impulses in a reflex acon ete het reflex arc for heat sensation is shown Spinal cors Mes898t brain * a Relay neuron Effector = Muscle in arm Reflex arc ix formed in the spinal cord although the weep input also goes on to reach the brain. It poe 0 ies inal? ee : ty seme organs which receive the stimulus 1B Semery (afferent) neuron conveys the stimulus to inal cord. spinal cord incerprets the stimulus and gives i eeropriate command fo moror Neurons. (a) Motor (fferent) neuron conveys motor command to os. y Bfetors or muscles execute the effect by neuromuscular movements. ie axs have not evolved in animals because the Esking process of the brain is not fast enough. Snisquite likely chat reflex arcs have evolved as efficient tap of functioning in the absence of true thought sreeses, (performed by brain). Tiefbw char showing reflex arc is given below: [Sms —— Receptors —+ Sensory neuron (sense organs) 4 Spinal cord (rey mater) oe Tete "etelay neurons connect neurons with CNS, 227 Importance of Reflex Action... Reflex action is important in the following t ea nse 09 (8 Te enables an organism for an imm harmful stimulus. : (i) Wereduces the overloading of AIP. anism (ii) Teincreases the chances of survival © CE aia 1 Name the structural and function 2. Slate True or Fase for the folowng sta Gustatory recoptors are meant to detect 3 Atwhich point information is acquted in the 44 Define reflex action 5 Ge two examples of reflexes. Fitin * ncuron which caries an imputse tothe brain & C2 neuron, al unit of nervous syste” ‘smell yeuron? ied a Divisions of Nervous Syste™ ‘The components of nervous system can be divided as aoa 1.Central Nervous System (CNS) Ie comprises 9 Oe og ‘and spinal cord. Ic receives information from all P- the body and integrate it. ae 2.Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Communication ‘between the central nervous system and the other parts the body is facilitared by the peripheral nervous system consists of eranial nerves arising from the brain an} spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord. Central Nervous System (CNS) It consists of the brain and the spinal cord. |, Human Brain Human brain is the main coordinating centre of the body, which enables an organism to think and take decisions. The thinking of the brain involves more complex mechanisms and neural connections. The human brain receives information from the sense organs, interprets it and sends instructions to the muscles or other effectors. The diagrammatic representation of human brain and its internal parts isas follows: Corot Cranium (skull) Forebrain Hypornslarios7 Putary gland’ ICerebensin Human brain Scanned with CamScanner s found in the human brain The three main regions of Patt are as follows: 1. Forebrain Tis the largest. most developed 2 the brain. Ie receives sensory receptors. It comprises of parc of in thinkin main thinking Po. impulses from brain. intelligence sight There are separate areas information is inept vee in i rece} inforaton erred in the brain are jane in che cerebrum itself these Fs * + Sensory areas R receptors in skin, mt «+ Association areas relating it to jaformacion from the other receprors | Motor areas Send impulses to muscles and glands. Aloe contol the movement of voluntary muscles (leg muscles). sections are controlled by cerebrum. €8 Note Voluntary cof muscles of limbs. rmoverent (i Olfactory lobes These area pic of wey small, slid, club-shaped bodies widely separated from each other. seep responsible for detecting, smell from different receptors. (iii) Hypothalamus This part controls the body temperacure, urge of eating, drinking, tc. 2. Midbrain It connects forebrain to the hindbrain. It controls the movement of head, neck and trunk to locate sounds and visual reflexes that are involved in focussing on the objects. Trtge controls reflex movements of eye muscles, pupil size ete. 3. Hindbrain It provides connection between spinal cord and rest of the P' brfin, It consists of three parts as given below ( Cerebellum It controls and coordinates different muscular actions. It is responsible for precision of voluneary actions. It maintains posure and equilibium of the body during various activities such as walking, drinking, catching, riding etc. (id Pons It les above the medulla and takes par in respiration It relays impulses berween different parts of the brain. Tt sla oblongata Its found, i; iif) Mi f (inal cord, Te controls inva, spirtping, blood pressure (Bp) ach, ips i lton ng me 4. midbrain and underarm tNe bra ae) note Mica is connected £0 spiral hte, 8 Functions of Human Brain Major fansions ofthe human be ordinates activities of 5 it (0 He rans and hormonal reaction, together. he i jves information carryi (i Me sensory ‘organs ofthe bog : (iif Te correlates the various stimulus fron tgans and produces appropriate ray (jo) Ie responds t0 the impulses broy i ‘organs by sending its own instruct : 4, iN sna glands causing them to function (a) Ie stores information, so. that the ja) a eh human being can be modified accor experiences. in 11. Spinal Cord Ie is a long, tubular bundle of nervous tise medulla oblongata. It functions primarily in they of neural signals between brain and rest ofthe Protection of Human Brain and Spinal Coy Brain isa very delicate organ and is important arsine The body is designed in sucha ay des cei ide a bony box, inside which Muda, provide further shock absorption. Thestiesiaty Prracture called vertebral column or backbon, a reese of the back, protects spinal cord * Mechanism of Nervous Tissue Action “The mechanism of nervous tissue action cankews: by the flow diagram given below Nervous tissue receives informations trom body parts and: ‘sends it to the brain. Brain processes informations and makes decisost# ‘on that particular information. ‘Conveys that decision to the muscu 854 Muscles have special proteins that change be sat arrangement in cel in response to neous neo ‘The new arrangement of proteins thereby. J argue ‘a shorter form and move in direction acco" Scanned with CamScanner apne Nervous Syst sis of nerves that directly em (P om, System (CNS) a ly enter Ns} Kfoous Masts of Fol nd connect dfferae sk lowing different pao ve sony and motor ae es of nerves, ery ofthe Pal nerves Th + Which carry " . ESC are can fom brain and spread ie whic! . sgl eee THe ce ae spi jehrougho jong. mos of iy ea S peadthrougnowt the body (exeept che age = visce mee These are the ee tele and Var mostly arse fom the ci amt ofne tat ered ee internal aco a _ lates the puto frountaty ‘actions of our internal o FgANS, Eg. BP, heart rate et “c. h ‘emerge (i (i na sonstutes conta] Newous Sytem (CN vpatistne Oe ‘of Peripheral Nervous System on ont partofthe baininvowved in tig we Neetion ofS part. one wnat of the brain hi sure and neart rate wil lps us to focus on the objects? be regulated by which part of seban? inthe oank « FAINT Hrotects th 5 change . spinal cord their shape in response to a nerve go muscle ternent {or the following sta a nt, etc., are located in e? oor als? smell, memory, sig} ion in Plants n¢ sstem OF y still show ‘movement a0 se. ve jon from one Immediate Respon: Iedoes not invol¥e 0 tou (j Plants use © lectroche information FF cell 10 specialised tissues (i) Plane cell s change thir shape by changing the amount of water j water in : pbiraleares “This happens due to swelling °° i Sensitive plane (Mimosa pudice) Note The movement norm of the sensitive plant in response 0 ouch is edage a remaveent tte powers in response 0.7 eee e ras gis que sow. Growth ree of plants can be even slower 2; Shee Due to Growth re to stimuli by growing in 2 particular cal pated Lit is directional due t0 which the plant Some plants like pea oe ans te mpi an pean often = axe sensitive to touch. ‘endrils come io a any support the parc of end in gontact with fhe rendeil ber climb UP ‘ the object does nor grow 35 away from the object, This causes ar abe abject and tus cling © Tropic Movements When the stimulus bas movement of plant oct in th (either towards the stimulus the opP®* se fed as tropic movement this movement Is Types of Tropic Movements “These are based 0” environmental BSE Like light. so" of earth, water and certain chemicals: ( Phototropic Movement (ecirmulus-tigh : “The movement ofthe plane pata to lightis called phototropic ‘movement TH yhenomeno? Favolved is called phovotopism™, The shoot gros rewards Lights while the growth of F00C away from the light. Scanned with CamScanner r overnent : ity) The ™ ie j (cimulas-B)" ed geotroP! (ii) Geotropic ete to gravity IS Gat S called of plant Oe The phenomenon inv" movement. move (0 : geotropism. Boot ests usually grow Ul raviy (dow Pos! ropic (Roots) hae Piant. showing geotropis™ Ate jus-water) It is te ts imul Gi) Hyde Monee to water, The ae involved in this is called ee (jv) Chemotropic Movement (simlus-cheri? pan sf he plat in response co 2 chemical SHAN ‘The phenomenon involved is called per goth of pollen rube towards ovus during GENES 1 Ptants do not have any nervous or muscle Tiss the abily to sense touch 2. ‘Plants show tropism in response to sti 3 What is common in plants like pea, PUM 44 Match the following columns. Column Column th Geotropism Aight 2. Chemotropism B.__Waler 3. Phototropism C._Graviy 5 Observe the given figure. Identity A and B as types of tropism ‘shown by plant. A fee ae? a 6 Fillinthe blank: In plants, the growth of pollen tube towards the chemicals produced by ovum during fertilisation SHOWS wn» Chemical Communication Calls cannot continuously create and transmit electrical impulses. Thus, most multicellular organisms use another means of communication between different cells, called the chemical communication. In this, instead of an electric impuls, & chemical compound is released, which would iffuse all around the original cells, Other cells around will ve, stil they have imal’. Comment. ipkin and cucumber? acre of a und using special detect the ans the inl formation . recurs are called hormones, hi com . Hormones Hormones are released by the stimulated, eS an the original cell. thesis occurs a places away from the L si mt ise. Targeted vc mls PSO i gt i 7 rocessing and transmittance : er impulse. They reach all the ody thy rdless of nervous connections and jt j ant and persistently. There are ovo TYPES of hormones ate folloy, 1, Plant Hormones These: chemical substances are naturally produ). They are capable of regulating their imporan Different plant hormones help to coordin, development and responses to the environmen, Major classes of plant hormones and their effecsan (p Auxins These are usually synthesised iy & shoots. Ithelps them to grow longer, We placed facing @ light source, they dens towards it. This is because the auxin dif, the shady side of the shoot stimulating, grow longer. H (ii) Gibberellins These are the hormones thks; growth of the stem and flower. (ii) Cytokinins These are the hormones, wip, call division. Highest concentration of tks, in fruits and seeds, ie. areas of rapid cl die (iv) Abscisic acid It is a growth inhibitor. Iris: for the wilting of leaves. 2. Animal Hormones The chemical compounds or hormones are = small amounts by endocrine glands. These at directly in the blood, They are carried to st with the help of circulatory system. Major Hormones and their Functions (i Adrenaline Icis secreted by adrenal gst" in stres situations. Its target organ isha" result, beats faster to supply more OF, muscles. The blood to the digestives"*2), reduced due to contraction of muss arteries in their organs. Scanned with CamScanner r ain _ tt. | ts usc, the blood to skeletal mi al scles, *] Ch pis div also increases beca ause of the 0 I al apne and the ib rose bees the body eae Aneastions of wipro Te is ser with hee "pone Frbonyarare, po a by thyroig thesia POR canes esential for a mengeate: 2% d s synthesis, bois in Bulates Tes deficient Poet cy leads to ° oir ;th hormone Te is ors t is sec (i9 6h and, development ete by pitta, body. tts defer Bt! eh lates breathing @ gow £00 darfism oF eigantam, vrone and oestrogen Sesey a pest ost strogen TI may ron gure OF he een asd tio! ‘ated wit ith ti mn of F testosterone ir in poe : ales and oestrogen in females. nsulin Ie is produced by ood SUB level. Its dite helps in regulati -Y may cause disheney, lating iocrine Glands ff are ductless glands, which fe ne cing gedistanc sites of the dy ea owe of tissues oF : vas target organ or et pte ands like the pituitary gland Wee of the pancreas, adrenal gland, g thyroid gland, Senlite ormone 1S secreted from safe ie se i and ict LE ete bodys 4 especific tissues like hear. eects 3 ocrine soe Bets i sigserburion in human beings is given below jel gland patty '3°3 Hypothalamus (myo and Paratnytod gars Pineal gand prvtary dard Trytoid Gard poy os Lae ‘Thymus-f pce" Adrenal glands Pancreas-f ards ws 2 : @ © Endocrine glands jin humen beings: (a) Male {b) Female wits pituitary or master land controls the activity of other glands. « Hypothalai plays an important role in the release of many hormones. When the growth hon evel is low, yralamus relea growth e releas! factor which simulates the pituitary gland (0 release growth hormone. symonal Disord - A ormones secreted in OF 0d} uid ak Pes ‘ount. is retion) ° ee slis into afer posecretion) secretlo! fords, ee tS f- 231 Some ome comm Leaaitl examples of hormonal disorders 2° * Dwarf fas ee of growth hormot ly (mainly in childhood), craies igantis to prosind lence) of growth hormone leads acon dition known as gigantism™ OF ¢ lodine in dit is esent Sein Sede ne in the known the secretion of iodine deficient there occu Scien Mt gore characterised BY + Diabetes mell vetna Te ours when redoced insult If s secreted by beta cells of pancreas. This Heads to Suga fed in prope accumulaion i accumuhion in the body. IFit is not secre ca = = sugar level in the bl rises causins many ham es, People wih very high levels i gar take insulin injections as @ treatment- oe Mechanism lation of hormone secretion i Regul jon is controlled by 2 ane the feedback mechanism. It Teepe ieaaien d hormones regulated, ¢: increased bloo% spre are dered by thePeels Sf pancreas, which espond by ‘producing more insulin. "The flowchart of ick mechanism of blood glucose is given below + CCarbohyerate ncn mea! taken Giucose level resin Blood pocneponssxcennet 7G 2s nin tes cots 10182 POMS? 28 ! i g ‘Gucose level tals in Bo08 feed of blood glucose pack mechanis™ The flowchart ma) Check: Why is there & need of chemical communication in organisms? 2 How does auxin help in the bending of shoots towards @ jight source? 3 The highest concentration of cytokinin is found in bud region. 1ue ‘of False _onigagrowth innibtting hormone: 5 How doe! ,drenali ve prepare us for tress situations? what wil amie ey what is the significance feedt mechanism in the rormonal § etions? Scanned with CamScanne! ia

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