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What you need to know about Job Interview

In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself
for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview so that you give yourself a
little time to relax before the interview begins.
You have to look your best for the interview. The impression you make as you walk into
into the room is very important. Try to find out if the company or organization has any rules
about dress, then try to dress according to their regulations. If they don’t allow their staffs to
come work in casual clothes, you may ruin your chances for a job by wearing the wrong kind of
clothes to the interview.
You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews, you will have to do
a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education
and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your scholl work, your strong
points, your reasons for applying for the job and the salary you expect.
You will also be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will
show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask question
like these:
What duties will I have to do in the job?
Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program?
Does the company provide opportunities for further education?
You must also try to find out as much as you can about the company you want to work for. You
can get information about the company by talking to someone who works there or by asking for
copies of the company’s booklets, brochures, and advertising.

Kinds of interview

There are two kinds of interview selections usually applied by the company when they are
searching their new workers or employees. They are :
1. Individual Interview
In this type of interview, an interview will be investigated by an interviewer. This type of
interview is usually conducted by small company that offers insignificant job vacancy. The
following illustration will show this interview



2. Panel Interview
In this type of interviewing process, an applicant will answer some questions from several
interviewers. This type of interview is usually conducted by big company that seeks for
qualified person that is suitable to take an important position. This type of interview can be
illustrated as follow:



Preparing for interview

Before having for the interview, the applicant should be well – prepared. There are some
things you can do to prepare yourself in order to be success in your interview.
1. Create questions and the answer as well that might be came up I your interview. The
questions you make should include questions about your education, qualifications (the strong
points about yourself), your interest to the job you apply for, your family background, and
your knowledge about the company. Make appropriate answers for each question you make.
2. Ask your friends to help you in your preparation. Give him questions you’ve just made and
ask him to pretend as the interviewer with you as the applicant. His honest judgment about
your performance in asking the questions will help you to be better in your real interview. Do
this practice several times and you can improve yourself by giving different answers but still
the appropriate ones.
3. You must arrive at least 15 minutes earlier to your interview. This will give you times to
relax before interview begins. Don’t come late because it does not only give bad impression
about your credibility, but also it ruins your concetration during the interview.
4. Dress well. It is better for you to use your best formal suit. Wearing casual clothes will create
an impression to your interviewer that you are not serious enough for the job
5. Prepare all documents needed during th einterview.

Some tips and useful things you have to know before and when you are conducting an

1. Don’t forget to knock at the door before entering the room, unless, you are accompanied by
the secretary or receptionist
2. Don’t forget to introduce yourself when you meet the interviewer
3. Don’t sit before the interviewer let you to do that
4. Don’t put your properties such as paper, bag, newspaper, etc. on the interviewer’s desk
5. Try to be calm and show your willingness in conducting interviewIf you are a heavy smoker,
turn off your cigarette before entering the interview room
6. Listen to the interviewer’s questions carefully
7. Don’t cut / interfere the interviewer’s utterances
8. Show your competence naturally and don’t talk excessively
9. Don’t give irrelevant answers, if you do not understand the questions, you can ask the
10. Don’t talk negatively about your previous company
11. If you get the chance to propose question, ask something about the work or the company
12. After interviewing process, don’t forget to shake the interview’s hand and express your
thankful expression and apologize

The good way of answering interviewers answers

1. Speak fluently with clear voice.

2. Do not speak too fast. The way you speak can be used to create good impression
3. Try to keep the eye contact when you are listening to interviewer’s questions. It can show
your willingness and your respect to interviewer
4. Try to control expression of your face since it can show your feeling. Therefore, you should
be calm
5. You have to control your nervous feeling carefully
Some stages of interview.
An ideal interview will be conducted into following stages:

1. introduction stage
In this stage, the interviewer will propose some simple questions. These questions are very
useful to create conducive and intimate situation, so both interviewer and applicant will be
more comfortable to conduct interview.
2. explanation about company
In this stage, the interview will give brief explanation about the company and the job that
will be taken by the applicant
3. family and environmental background
In this stage, interviewer will ask some questions that focus on family and environmental
background of applicant. It is really important to know the relation between applicant’s
family and environment with the job that he will take
4. educational and training background
In this stage, the interviewer will give some questions that can be used to know about skill,
competence and knowledge of applicant
5. job offered section
In this stage, the interviewer will propose questions that aim get applicant’s knowledge and
competence relating with the job offered.
6. experiences of applicant
In this stage, the interviewer will ask questions that can be used to know about experience
of applicant in related field, how he can cooperate with others, how he can overcome
problem of work, what he can say about the management and other related things
7. willingness and hobbies of applicant
In this stage, the interviewer wants to know about what the applicant likes and dislike,
what he usually do in his spare time.
8. general issues
In this stage, the interviewer will observe the social knowledge of applicant that has close
relationship with general issues.
9. ambition and motivation of applicant
In this stage, the interviewer wants to know what applicant will do in his carrier. It can
show the way applicant will conduct after he gets the job
10. health of applicant
This stage is seldom conducted in interview since the company who requires employee
with good health will conduct a kind of health test in medical center.
11. applicant’s chance to propose question
In this stage, the interviewer will give opportunity for applicant to ask some questions. The
applicant must use this opportunity by asking relevant questions so he can show great
interest with the offered job.


- introduction stage
 Did you get any difficulty in finding our office?
 How was the traffic from your house to our office?
 What time did leave home this morning?
 Have you been waiting long?
 Did you come here by car or by public transport?
 How was the weather when you left home this morning?
 Did you read today’s newspaper before leaving home?
 When did you get the reply to your application letter?
 How did you feel when you got the reply to your application letter?

- explanation about company

In this stage, the interview will not give any questions, but he will explain the company and the
job in short way.
- family and environmental background
 Do you live with your parents?
 What do your parents do?
 Does your father work?
 What company does your father work for?
 Does your mother work too?
 Do you have any brothers and sisters?
 What do you brothers and sisters do?
 When were you born?
 Were you born in this city?
 Did you also grow up in this city?
 Where did you spend your childhood?
 Do you intend to live in this city forever?
 Do you have any plan to move to another town?
 When will you get married?
 What did your father say when you applied for a job here?
 If your parents move to another town, will you follow them?

- educational and training background & job offered section

 Could you please tell me about your formal education background?

 When did you graduate from senior high school?
 What university did you graduate from?
 What were you majoring in when you were studying in a university?
 What was the title of your final project?
 Why did you choose that title?
 Having passed from senior high school, you decided to continue your study in
Polytechnic. Why?
 What was your favorite subject when you were studying in senior high school?
 Why did you like the subject?
 What courses did you use to take?
 Are you satisfied with the result of your courses?
 Do you think that the skill you have got in Polytechnic could be implemented in your job
 Where did you study English?
 Do you still study English at the moment?
 Did you use to take a job training?
 What do you think of training? Do you think that it is useful for you?
 How many foreign languages can you speak?
 If you accepted to work, do you still want to continue your education

- experiences of applicant
 What did you do when you were out of work?
 How did you feel when you were out of job?
 Why were you interested to work for the company?
 How long did you work for the company?
 Why did you decide to quit your job?
 What is the most interesting job for you?
 What requirements were required in your previous job?
 What was the most difficult thing for you to do in your previous job?
 How did you cooperate with your friends?
 Were you often given extra responsibility?
 Did you feel that the extra job given was a new burden for you?
 Did you often take your office work home?
 What type of people do you like?
 Why do you like that type of people?
 What do you usually avoid in your job?
 Do you also send your applications to another companie?
 Why do you often change your job?
 If you fail to get job here, what will you do next?
 Why do you want to work for this company?
- willingness and hobbies of applicant
 How do you spend your spare time?
 Do you have a special hobby?
 Why are you interested in this hobby?
 If your friend has the same hobbies as yours, do you have any suggestion for him?
 What sport do you like?
 Why do you like this sport?
 Why do you prefer reading scientific articles to watching movies?
 Are you a member of social organization?
 How long have you been active in this social organization?
 Do you like movies?
 What is your favorite actor?
 What book do you like best?
 How many television programs do you watch every day?
 What programs do you like?

- general issues
 What newspaper do you read every morning?
 Do you subscribe to this newspaper?
 Why do you choose this newspaper?
 What benefit could you derive from reading a magazine?
 If you read a magazine, what article will you read first?
 Do you like reading novels?
 What kind of novel do you like?
 Who is your favorite author?
 What do you think of publishing in this country?
 What do you think of the young generation in this country?

- ambition and Motivation of applicant

 Did you use to apply for job here or in a group of this company?
 Why are you interested to join in this company?
 Do you know the main business of this company?
 Do you have any brothers who work for this company?
 How did you know our company?
 What do you know about our products in local market?
 Do you know where the head office of this company is?
 If we decide to employ you, are you prepared to work overtime on Saturday?
 Are you prepared to be stationed at one of our branch office in other towns?
 What do you expect from this company in the future?
 What is your next plan if you are not accepted?
 Do you always try to improve your knowledge, especially in handling your job?
 In making a decision, do you always act objectively?
 When you work for a company, what is more important for you higher salary or better
 Do you often ask for your parents’ advice before making a decision?
 How much do you ask for your commencing salary?
 Do you think that the amount reasonable?

- health of applicants
 Have you got any serious diseases?
 Are you a heavy smoker?
 How many packs of cigarette that you smoke everyday?
 What do you do when you feel so tired?

- applicants’ chance to propose questions:

 You haven’t mentioned the working hours yet. May I know the working hours here?
 Does the company have a certain policy about employee’s promotion?
 How is the company’s policy about the employee’s promotion?
 Does the company review the salary periodically or based on performance?
 Is the salary increase based on work performance or the length of service?
 Does the company provide training programs for its employees?
 What about annual leave? How many days does each employee get it?
 If a new employee stationed at a branch office, is there any possibilities for him to be
stationed at the head office?
 May I know more specifically the duties and the responsibilities of a new employee here?
 How long is the probationary period for a new employee?
 In most private companies, all employees are insured by the company. What about this
company? Do they get the same thing?
 How long can I know the result of this interview?

The interview for position as an public accountant career in a Public Accountant Firm.

After taking written test of the company, Chintya gets a reply for having interview in the
company. Here, the samples of questions given by thye interviewer and how Chintya tries to
answer the questions.

Mr. James : Yes, come in, please

Chintya : Good morning, Sir. My name is Chintya Yahya and I am
coming for an interview
Mr. James : Ah thank you for coming. Please, sit down
Chintya : Thank you
Mr. James : How should I call you? Chintya or Ms. Yahya?
Chintya : Just call me Chintya, Sir
Mr. James : Well, Chintya, before we start, I would like to introduce
myself. I am Samuel James, the Personal Manager here.
Chintya : Glad to see you, Mr. James
Mr. James : And I am sorry because we can’t speak Indonesian yet. So I
have to ask you in English
Chintya : Yes, I understand, Sir. I hope I can answer your questions well
Mr. James : Have you been waiting long?
Chintya : No, Sir. I arrived here about half an hour ago and then I met
your secretary. She asked me to wait for a few minutes
because according to the reply to my applications, the
interview would be done at ten
Mr. James : Did you get any difficulty in finding our office address?
Chintya : No, I didn’t
Mr. James : Do you live near here?
Chintya : No, I don’t. my house is far enough from here. It’s about an
hour by public transport
Mr. James : Did you come here by car?
Chintya : No, I didn’t , sir. I took a taxi because I didn’t want to be late
Mr. James : Ok, now can you tell me about yourself?
Chintya : I was born on July 23rd 1995 in Bukittinggi, a small town in
West Sumatra. I have one brother and one little sister. I spent
my childhood until I graduated from high school in that town
in 2018. Having passed from junior high school, I continued
to a senior high school in Padang. And I was still in Padang
till I got my degree in Accounting
Mr. James : What do your brother and sister do?
Chintya : My elder brother works for a bank in Jakarta, and my little
sister is studying at university
Mr. James : May I know what your parents do?
Chintya : Both my father and mother are teachers
Mr. James : Do you live with your parents here?
Chintya : No, I don’t. I am here with my sister. My parents are still in
Mr. James : What university did you graduate from?
Chintya : I graduated from Polytechnic Negeri Padang
Mr. James : And you majored in accounting?
Chintya : Yes, I did. I took accounting because it is interesting for me. I
enjoy working with numbers, and this field deals with
analyzing financial data, identifying patterns and trends, and
solving complex problems related to financial management.
Mr. James : I never imagine that you can speak such good English. How
did you study English?
Chintya : I studied English when I was in high school and in my
university. Also, I took some English course in my spare time
during in my university.
Mr. James : It’s very interesting, thank you. You said that you majored in
accounting. Why are you interested in that field?
Chintya : Because it is an interesting subject for me, and I believe that
this country still needs good public accounting to build up our
Mr. James : Have you got any work experience, especially in field of
Chintya : Yes, I did. I used to work for public accounting firm as a
junior accountant for two years in 2000
(Not formally, Sir. I mean I didn’t work as the employee of
the company. I took an apprenticing in a public accounting
firm where for about three months I assisted the senior
accountant in assembling vehicle parts. And the manager felt
satisfied with my work)
Mr. James : I think you had good job in that company, but why did you
quit your job?
Chintya : I decided to quit my jobs because I wanted more challenges
and I didn’t get them in my previous company
Mr. James : How come?
Chintya : It was a small company and the works I did were mostly to
asses and evaluate its financial operations, internal controls,
and risk management procedures. I want more challenges like
the public accountant do, like auditing, doing tax preparation,
and consulting to clients.
Mr. James : Do you think you can get them here?
Chintya : Yes, sir. I believe this firm is very qualified. I hear a lot about
the works conducted by this firm. All of them are quite good.
Mr. James : Ok. Did you use to apply for a job in this company before?
Chintya : No, I didn’t. This is the first time for me to apply for job here
Mr. James : Why are you interested to work for our company?
Chintya : As I said before, this is a well-established public accounting
firm I have known for a long time. I want to develop may
career, my knowledge and my experience, especially in
accounting, and I believe this is a chance for me. And my last
reason is because the job you offered corresponds with my
educational background.
Mr. James : The position we offer needs full responsibility. Are you sure
you can do it?
Chintya : Yes, I am sure I can
Mr. James : There are many applicants want to get this job. Why should
we appoint you?
Chintya : I believe that I have right qualifications for this job, Sir. And I
am sure I can give you the best of myself to improve this firm
Mr. James : Do you think you enjoy working with us?
Chintya : Yes, I am a hundred percent sure I will enjoy working for this
Mr. James : Sometimes, our company requires its workers to work
overtime, even on Saturday. Are you prepared to work
overtime on Saturday?
Chintya : Yes, I don’t mind as long as for the good of the company
Mr. James : May I know what your hobby is?
Chintya : I like reading and swimming
Mr. James : May I know why you do like those activities?
Chintya : By reading I can increase my knowledge and know more what
happens every day. By swimming twice a week, I can keep
my health.
Mr. James : If we decide to offer you the job, when can you start work?
Chintya : I can start as soon as you want me to
Mr. James : This is the last question, but it is very important. How much
do you expect for your commencing salary?
Chintya : It’s very hard for me to answer, sir. But as a new staff with a
little experience I believe you have had a certain standard for
Mr. James : Now, is there something you would like to ask about the job?
Chintya : How long is the probationary period for a new employee?

Mr. James : All new employees will get a three – month’s probationary
period. But if he / she has a good performance, the
probationary period can be shorter
Chintya : When can I know the result of this interview?

Mr. James : Don’t worry. We will let you know shortly whether you are
accepted or not. At the latest, by the end of next week you will
have got our information. Do you have a phone number?
Chintya : Yes, my phone number is 8643210
Mr. James : Do you still have any other questions?
Chintya : No, I don’t, sir. I think it’s enough
Mr. James : Well, thank you very much for your coming. I hope you will a
little bit patient to wait till next week.
Chintya : By all means, Sir. Good bye
Mr. James : Good bye

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