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CD.1.23 Self-test 1 (units: 1-7): short vowels ST.1.1. Exercise 1 Match words in spelling (column A) with their transcriptions (column B). A B 1 America a. lob 2. blood b 'mmit 3. breath c. 'plego 4. cushion d. blad 5. lettuce e. penz 6. lob f ‘ridom 7. marry g. ‘pudin 8. minute (n.) h. 'sadon 9. pens i wotf 10. pleasure j. bred 11. porridge k. wan 12. pudding 1 tan 13. rhythm m. ‘wumon 14. said n, o'mertko 15. southern o. ‘meri 16. surprise p. 'kuf(o)n 17. tongue r.— 'porid3 18. watch s. ‘letis 19. woman t. so'praiz 20. won u. sed ST.1.1. Answers 1 Ln |2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ST.1.2. Exercise 2— CD.1.24 Which word is the odd one out when it comes to a vowel sound? Circle it. . biisy, ready, prétty, mth, middle . dead, Thames, gem, said, chapter . many, fancy, parrot, balcony, alphabet . stuff, sponge, love, flood, wood . coffee, hérror, waffle, golf, pant . should, wolves, bull, book, blood father, Africa, forsake, pleasure, neck aAusUNe _ ST.1.3. Exercise 3 — CD.1.25 Find 15 mistakes in the transcription of a poem. The number in the bracket refers to a number of erroneous symbols. 9 pazlin kwestfon (er em praet) A Puzzling Question (A.M. Pratt) graznma: sez | @9u at dount nou wat (2) Grandma says (though I don’t know why) Sot aim Oi apl av her ar (1) That I am the apple of her eye; braede korls mie dons (4) Brother calls me a dunce; Aunt Fan ‘Always says I’m her little man: Father says I’m a reg"lar boy, And mother calls me her pride’n’ joy. a:lwerz serz aim ho Iitl men (2) fade sez aim a regju:lo bot (3) an maze koilz mi ho prart on tfor (3) ST.1.4. Exercise 4 - CD.1.26 Write the symbols for the marked vowels in the line below, e.g.: T. 2. 3. 4 3. 6 7 8. Add | Anna | back | clack | flse | gips pulse | _puish z ST.1.5. Exercise 5 — CD.1.27 Transcribe the following words. 1. | aback 6._| clever 2. | blackjack 7._| convex 3. | blood 8._| cutler 4. | butcher 9.__[ dead 3. | city 10. [engine ST.1.6. Exercise 6 — CD.1.28 Transcribe the following sentences: I think it’s a bit thick. Eid’s getting very deat. ‘That's bad grammar, Sam. Her tone was matter-of-fact. VAS (S| Tt wouldn’t look good, would it? . There’s a bus coming. Hurry up! 2 Colin’s dog Spot got lost in the fog. ST.1.7. Exercise 7 — CD.1.29 Read the following sentences, pay particular attention to the pronunciation of the distinguished vowel sound in each line: 1. /1/ - Seeing Timothy’s timidity she suddenly smiled quizzically. 2. /A/ - Stuck in a muddy dugout, we heard the thiid of a heavy gun. 3. /o/ - After the summer vacation, I sent her a bread and butter letter. 4. /e/ - Sadly, the technicians ran into a snag with that fantastic gadget. 5. /e/ - If Ben never settles for second best, he may end up in a dead end. 6. /p/ - Jobless Connie is a white-collar worker, so she wants an office-job. 7. /u/ - Hidden in the bushes over the brook, Lewis took good aim at the bull. ST.1.8. Exercise 8 — CD.1.30 Read the following sentences and then write them in spelling: 1. mar, 'stamok_1z 'gramblin | 'mam 2. 'bs:dz_av_o_'feda_'flnk ta'gedo 3. 'witf_av di:z 'wimin did 'trm ‘si: 4. 'samjualz ‘haed_1z,'ebdomon 'skend 5 6. 7 . atluk_'ap t_robin ‘hud av 'fs:wud . 8a,'weda_waz 'teribl_pn ‘wenzder .'bonbpnz_on ‘Ilipops a_fo.'tfildran | 'not fo, "todloz ST.1.9. Exercise 9 - CD.1.31 Read the poem from transcription. 80_'woz,a_jan ‘lerdi from ‘glosto huG)z ‘peoronts '@o:t dat derd 'Ipst_o from do. 'frid3 kem ond_at.‘la:st fi_woz 'faund 69 'trabl woz 'hau_to_di'frost_o ST.1.10, Exercise 10 In the space below transcribe the words, from units 1-7, which you found challenging. 32

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